What is the name of the pea. medicinal plants

It would seem that any gardener knows everything about this plant, but meanwhile it has been present in the fields and gardens for so long that it turned out quite a lot of interesting things, from growing to using it as a food and not only a plant.

Let's start with the fact that its products are very rich in energy and proteins (from 16 to 40%). Peas have been present since the Neolithic period. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, it, along with cereals, was a basic product in Europe and the Mediterranean, which, together with beans, balanced the diet of the poor in terms of the amount of protein consumed, supplementing the carbohydrates of cereals, that is, in terms of nutritional value, it was approximately the same tandem as beans and corn among the peoples South America. Today, peas are grown in the regions temperate climate on all five continents, especially Eurasia and North America.

Currently, grain peas are an important part of the diet only in Tibet and parts of the African continent, while in the west it is mainly a fodder crop. But since the 17th century, peas have been in demand as a vegetable plant, green peas have become a respected product in all developed countries, especially after the possibility of canning and quick freezing appeared.

Pea is an annual herbaceous climbing plant with a rather short growing season, combined with cold resistance. Therefore, he manages to please gardeners even in very northern latitudes. The root system under favorable conditions reaches a depth of 1 m, but most of the highly branched roots are located in the surface layer. On the roots of the second and third order, nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the same species are clearly visible ( Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar. Viciae), as in sweet pea, which actually belongs to a different genus (Lathyrus).

The stems are slightly branched, reach a length of 50 cm to 2-3 m. Inside the stem is hollow and rises, due to the fact that the leaves cling to the support with the help of antennae. Flowers begin to appear in the axils of the leaves. In the most early maturing varieties, this occurs in the region of the 4th node, and in varieties with a long growing season, it also occurs at the 25th node.

The leaves are alternate, consist of four pairs of oval leaflets and end with a simple or branched tendril. In some cultivars, almost all the leaves have turned into antennae ("Afila"), and vice versa, in some varieties, antennae are absent, and in their place there are leaves.

At the base of the leaves there are large rounded stipules hugging the stem. Often they are much larger than the leaves and reach 10 cm in length. Some varieties have elongated stipules, French they are called "rabbit ears". Many fodder varieties have stipules with anthocyanin spots at the base.

Flowers - typical of legumes, papilionaceous, solitary or collected in an inflorescence with 2-3 pairs of flowers and are located in the axils of the leaves. The calyx is green, formed by five soldered sepals. The corolla has five petals. It is usually completely white, sometimes pink, purplish, or purple. Stamens ten, one of them free and nine soldered. The gynoecium is formed by a single carpel. Some morphologists interpret such a carpel as the evolution of a leaf folded along the central vein and with fused edges to which the ovules are attached.

Pollination occurs when the flowers are closed, i.e. autogamous, cross-pollination is only 1%. This makes it easier to keep clean lines and varieties. Mostly cross-pollination occurs due to some insects (mainly hymenoptera and bees) able to push the petals apart and get inside the flower.

The fruit is a bivalve pod, 4-15 cm long, containing 2-10 smooth or angular round seeds, 5-8 mm in diameter.

Like all legumes, seeds lack endosperm, and nutrients contained in both hemispherical cotyledons, which occupy almost the entire volume of the seeds. They may be pale green before maturity, or whitish, yellow, or even black. Some green seeds turn yellow over time. They may be smooth or wrinkled.

Their size varies greatly depending on the variety. Weight of 1000 dry seeds - 150 -350 g.

Seeds remain viable for three to five years. They do not have dormancy and can therefore germinate immediately after maturation. Peas have an underground type of germination, that is, the cotyledons remain underground.

The cotyledons contain storage substances, on average 50% starch and up to 25% proteins (in pea proteagineux). Starch consists of amylose and amylopectin in varying proportions: smooth seeds have more amylopectin, while wrinkled seeds have more amylose. In addition, the latter contain more sugar. The protein part consists exclusively of three soluble protein fractions: albumins, vicilins and convicilins, legumin. Contains part of albumins, small amounts of proteins with enzymatic activity: lipoxygenases, lectins, protease inhibitors.

The pea genome includes seven pairs of chromosomes (2n=14). The size is estimated at 4,500 Mpb, of which 90% are created from repeat sequences such as retrotransposons.


Sowing peas ( Pisum sativum) belongs to the genus Pisum belonging to the family Fabasee(or Viciae) and related to the genera of the rank ( Lathyrus L.) and lentils ( lens Mill.), vetch (Vicia L.) and Vavilovia Fed. Genus Pisum previously included more than 10 species, but now it includes only two: Pisum sativum L. and Pisum fulvum sm. The rest were transferred to the rank of subspecies or varieties Pisum sativum with which they easily cross-pollinate.

View Pisum sativum represents a very large genetic diversity, which manifests itself in numerous changes in the morphological characters of flowers, leaves, stems, fruits and seeds, which motivated the various classifications of forms, intraspécifiques. The main subspecies and varieties are as follows:

  • Pisum sativum L. subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. & Graebn. is a wild form of the modern pea, originally from the eastern Mediterranean basin: the Caucasus, Iran and up to Turkmenistan, it includes the variety Pisum sativum L. subsp. elatius(Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. & Graebn. var. pumilio Meikle (syn. Pisum sativum subsp. syriacum Berger): a subspecies of greater xeromorphism, represented in the vegetation of dry lawns and oak forests of the Near and East, Cyprus and Turkey to Transcaucasia, Iraq and North and West Iran.
  • Pisum sativum subsp. transcaucasicum Govorov: found in the North Caucasus and in the Central part of Transcaucasia.
  • Pisum sativum L. subsp. abyssinicum(B. Braun) Govorov: found in the highlands of Ethiopia and Yemen. It has a single pair of leaves, purple-red flowers, shiny black seeds.
  • Peas "Roveja" - Italian traditional variety Pisumsativum subsp . sativum var . arvense L.
  • Pisum sativum subsp. asiaticum Govorov: this form is common from the Middle East and Egypt to Mongolia and northwest China, to Tibet, is found in northern India. Use both seeds and the whole plant for livestock feed.
  • Pisum sativum L. subsp. sativum: this is the most common subspecies at the present time, which resulted from the domestication of the form Pisum sativum subsp. elatius. There are three main varieties and numerous varieties.
  • Pisum sativum L. subsp. sativum var. arvense(L). Poir. - peas, protéagineux, feed peas or cereals;
  • Pisum sativum L. subsp. sativum var. sativum- green peas, garden peas.

This is a purely botanical classification of subspecies. But there is also a classification of varieties depending on the direction of their use.

  • (Pisum sativum L. convar. sativum), has a smooth surface and during processing it is usually peeled and only cotyledons remain. They are high in starch and relatively low in free sugars.
  • (Pisum sativum L. convar. medullare Alef. emend. C.O.Lehm) are wrinkled when ripe, resembling a brain. But they are brought to such a state only in seed production, and as food product they go unripe. At the same time, unlike the previous variety, they contain quite a lot of sugar, which determines their sweet taste. It is they who get into jars and frozen mixtures.
  • And finally sugar peas (Pisum sativum L. convar. axiphium Alef emend. C. O. Lehm). The sashes do not have a parchment layer and the fruits can be used as a whole. The seeds are relatively small and very strongly wrinkled due to their high water content.

Growing conditions

Requirements for conditions: Peas - a plant of a cool and relatively humid temperate climate. It is less sensitive to cold than beans and can germinate from +5°C. Young plants (before flowering) can withstand frost, but flowers may be damaged from -3.5°C, while vegetative organs starting from -6°C. The optimum average growth temperature is between +15 and +19°C. At temperatures above +27°C, growth slows down and normal pollination stops. The optimum rainfall for growing peas is between 800 and 1,000 mm per year. Peas are a typical long day plant. That is, it blooms quickly when the length of the day is maximum.

botanical name- peas (pisum), a genus of annual grasses of the legume family, subfamily of moths, a common vegetable, grain and fodder crop.

Origin- Western Asia, North Africa.

Lighting- light-loving.

The soil- neutral loamy, seasoned with humus for the previous crop.

Watering- hygrophilous.

predecessors- pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes.

Landing- seeds.

Classification and description of peas

The currently accepted classification of the plant takes into account the difference in the structure of the stem, the type of branching, the number of pairs of leaves, as well as the weight of the fruits and the distribution area, and divides the genus into 2 types of peas, red-yellow and sowing.

Red-yellow pea (Pisum fulvum Sibth) distributed in Asia Minor, is a low-growing plant with a thin stem, small (3-4 cm) beans and round small seeds with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 cm. It occurs only in the wild.

Peas (Pisum sativum L) - a very polymorphic species, in turn, is divided into 6 subspecies, each of which has many varieties and different economic importance. High peas (P. elatus) and Syrian peas (Pisum syriacum) are weedy field plants, Abyssinian peas (Pisum abissinicum), Transcaucasian peas (Pisum transcaucasicum) and Asian peas (Pisum asiaticum) are primitive cultivated crops. The most common subspecies, the field pea (Pisum ssp. Sativum), is grown everywhere as a fodder, vegetable, and green manure crop.

Sometimes another subspecies is distinguished - field peas (Pisum arvense), another name is pelyushka, used as a fodder plant.

Common pea is an annual herbaceous plant with a creeping, sometimes branching stem from 15 to 250 cm tall. Parapinnate leaves have 1-3 pairs, often with tendrils at the ends. Taproot, up to 1 m long, with characteristic nodules of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Flowers, 1-3, sometimes 3-7 on peduncles, located in leaf axils. The color of the flowers is white, red, purple-violet. The fruit is a bean (pod) of a straight or curved shape, flat or cylindrical. Seeds, also called peas, are round, smooth or wrinkled, with a colorless, sometimes colored skin.

Pea is a plant that has ancient history. According to some reports, it was eaten primitive people 10 thousand years ago. The first mentions and descriptions of peas are found in the 7th century BC. in northern Africa and southwestern Asia, which are considered its homeland.

5 centuries after that, the plant was brought to Russia, and already in the 11-12 centuries it was mentioned among grain crops along with rye, oats, and wheat. Sweet varieties, now known as green peas, were developed in the 16th century and quickly gained popularity in Europe and then in Russia. The plant was grown in private courtyards and vegetable gardens, its mass cultivation in the fields began in the 18th century.

Variety groups and common varieties of peas

Sowing peas, the photo of which is given below, is grown everywhere as a vegetable and grain crop. Its numerous varieties according to the structure of the bean are divided into two variety groups:

shelling peas, with a hard parchment layer of bean flaps, seeds are used for food, which in their mature form contain a lot of starch. Dry grains are well boiled, used for making soups, and at the stage of technical ripeness - for freezing and canning.

sugar peas with flaps without a parchment layer, sweet, tender, whole unripe pods are used for food. Mature seeds have a shriveled appearance due to the high moisture content of raw grains. Sugar varieties are demanding on cultivation conditions, more affected by diseases and pests.

Within both groups there are varieties with smooth round and wrinkled grains. The latter are called cerebral, have an angular square shape. They contain a lot of sucrose (up to 9%), little starch, and do not boil soft during heat treatment. Brain sweet peas are used in the canning industry, they produce the highest quality canned and frozen green peas.

According to their purpose, varieties of sowing peas are divided into table peas used to prepare various dishes, canned, immature grains of which are harvested in the form of green peas, and universal - they use both green peas and ripened seeds. In terms of ripening, early ones ripen 45-60 days after germination, medium ones, the growing season of which is 60-80 days, and late ones, ripening more than 80 days later, are distinguished.

Peeling grades:

Avola, mid-early (56-57 days), friendly ripening, recommended for canning, freezing, fresh use.

Adagum, mid-season (50-55 days). Sweet peas, with brain seeds, do not require supports, are used fresh and for the production of canned food.

Alpha, early variety (46-53 days), undersized, for canning purposes.

Vega, mid-early variety, medium height, cerebral, universal purpose.

Viola, mid-season (57-62 days), undersized, with brain seeds, canning.

Sunrise, mid-late, brain, canning purposes.

Premium, early-ripening, friendly ripening, used both fresh and for canning.

Early Gribovsky, one of the most precocious, undersized, high-yielding, universal purpose.

Troika, late variety (80-90 days), cerebral, medium height, universal.

Hava pearl, mid-season (54-70 days), suitable for fresh consumption and processing.

Sugar varieties:

Zhegalova 112, mid-season (60-80 days), with brain seeds, ripening together. Both spatulas and green seeds are used for canning.

Inexhaustible 195, mid-season (45-60 days), with timely harvesting of the blades, the second wave of the crop grows.

Oregon, medium early (55-65 days), high, up to 120 cm, requires support.

Sugar, early ripe, undersized, use shoulder blades for food.

Sugar 2, mid-season (55-60 days), resistant to lodging. Both blades and ripe seeds are used for food, both of which have excellent taste qualities.

Useful properties of peas

Beneficial features peas, like all legumes, are due to the high content of vegetable protein in it, in dry seeds up to 20%, which is absorbed by the human body by almost 70% and includes essential amino acids: tryptophone, cystine, lysine, methionine, etc., necessary for the formation of animal proteins.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of peas as a crop, in terms of energy value, are unparalleled among vegetables. The calorie content of dry seeds per 100 g of the product is about 300 kcal, almost 2 times more than that of potatoes. It is thanks to the combination of high protein content and calorie content that the plant has received the name "meat for the poor."

The beneficial properties of peas are not limited to this. It also contains sugars, enzymes, vitamins C, A, PP, group B, salts of iron, potassium and calcium, phosphorus, a large amount of fiber. The blades of sugar varieties contain active anti-sclerotic substances choline and inositol. Especially rich in vitamins and microelements are unripe, green grains used in food called "green peas". Unlike dry seeds, this product has a significantly lower calorie content, only about 80 kcal, and can be used in dietary nutrition.

Regular use of the plant, including sugar varieties of shoulder blades and green peas, normalizes metabolism, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, incl. heart attacks and strokes, slows down the aging process.

Peas are a frequent visitor to garden plots, primarily because of their climbing stem structure and beautiful white or pink flowers. How decorative element hedges, he is an indispensable assistant. But, of course, gardeners love peas not only and not so much for this. The seeds of this legume plant are very popular - round, small peas that are hidden in green pods. We will talk about what peas are, whether they are vegetables or fruits, about their beneficial properties and methods of application in this article.

There is a lot of controversy as to which species peas belong to. Is it a fruit, vegetable or berry? There is no single answer, since in different areas it is classified according to different criteria.

At its core, the plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous legumes. This is an annual climbing plant with feathery leaves, the shoots of which end in tendrils. Pea flowers are shaped like a corolla; a three-rib column with a groove at the bottom is marked on it. Pea seeds are flattened, bivalve, deep green in color, hidden in pods.

From a culinary point of view, all legumes belong to the vegetable class. From a botanical point of view, peas are definitely a fruit.

The argument on this issue is that all flowering plants whose fruits contain seeds are classified as "fruit". The use of the word "vegetable" is applicable in culinary areas, where the division is based on the taste of the culture.

plant biology

Like any leguminous plant, peas are divided into varieties and species. Two large groups, shelling and sugar, contain a large number of varieties and varieties of peas.

Peeling is characterized by a kind of parchment layer along inside beans. They are used for conservation. Sugar, on the contrary, without any bridges, they are consumed in the early stages of ripening, when the peas are very tender and juicy.

In general, peas have bisexual flowers, which are self-pollinating.

The winding part actively grows with abundant watering and high temperatures.

Chemical composition

It doesn’t matter at all whether the fruit is green peas or a vegetable (and even more so a berry). It contains a rich set of nutrients. So for 100 g of peas there are 5.4 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 14.5 g of carbohydrates and 81 kcal.

Peas are rich in various vitamins. They contain retinol (vitamin A), thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folacin (vitamin B9), ascorbic acid (vitamin FROM). In addition to this extensive list of vitamins, a fruit (or vegetable, as you prefer) contains calcium, magnesium, a large amount of phosphorus and potassium.

The rich chemical composition makes the plant very useful for the human body.


Probably, there are no such areas in cooking where green peas could not be used. Although most often made from it, porridges, soups, are used as an ingredient for stews or salads. Any kind of heat treatment reveals the taste of this plant, making it sweeter.

Kitchens different countries actively use peas. For example, in India it is added to curried potatoes or mixed with cheese. Dried and salted peas are used instead of snacks in Japan, China, and Malaysia.

The scope of the plant is really wide, because in addition to a rich set of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, peas have a pleasant taste.

Video "The benefits of green peas"

This release of the popular TV show “Live is great!” dedicated to sugar green peas. Watch this and you will find out how green peas are useful, what vitamins they contain, how to cook them tasty and properly, and how to save them so that their beneficial properties do not disappear.

Husband. the well-known podiferous, leguminous plant and its fruit or seed, Pisum. We have better known breeds: simple or gray peas, fat peas, sugar peas. Peas are not reaped or mowed, but hooked. Perit, feather peas, stick with brushwood. Peas yes... Dictionary Dalia

- (Pisum), a genus of annual and perennial plants of the family. legumes. 6 7 species, in Europe, Zap. Asia and North. Africa; in the USSR 2 species, in the Caucasus, in Europe. parts. G. field (P. arvense) field weed plant, common in the west. areas of Europe. parts; ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

A genus of annual and perennial herbs of the legume family. 6 7 species, in Eurasia and Africa. Cultivated mainly food peas (cereals, flour, green peas and shoulder blades) and fodder (green mass, hay, grain, straw) plant, as well as ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

PEA, pea (y), pl. no, husband. 1. Garden and field leguminous plant. 2. collected The grains of this plant, upotr. into food. ❖ Like against a wall or into a wall or a wall or from a wall peas (colloquial fam.) without any result, without achieving anything. Nothing to him... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Bounce off like a city wall .. under Tsar Pea (and Queen Carrot ) .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. chickpeas, peas, vegetables, pelyushka Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

Thrash on the back. Narodn. Shuttle. Apply to someone frequent blows, reminiscent of threshing. BMS 1998, 131. Count peas. Novg. Iron. To be very decrepit, old. NOSE 11, 14. He slurps peas with an awl, and then shakes them off. Narodn. Unapproved About a miserly person. ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

PEAS- an annual herbaceous plant that has a taproot system and a weak decumbent stem from 20 to 250 cm long (the stem does not decumbate in stem varieties) Leaves with 1 3 pairs of leaflets and long branched tendrils, which ... ... Encyclopedia of seeds. vegetable crops

peas- sowing: 1 flowering plant; 2 flower; 3 root. peas (Pisum), genus one and perennial herbaceous plants legume family, grain legume. 67 species in Europe, West Asia and North Africa; in… … Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

PEA, a (y), husband. 1. Plant family. legumes, as well as its round seeds, grains. The city crumbled into seventy roads (pogov.). How about the wall (against the wall) Mr. n. what n. (useless, words, persuasions, suggestions do not reach; colloquial neod.). In the city or in ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (Pisum) a genus of plants from the legume family. Annual herbs with weak climbing stems; their leaves are pinnate and end with a branched mustache, with the help of which they cling to other plants, stamens, etc .; stipules are unusually large. ... ...

Very rich in proteins (20-26%). Pea straw and chaff G. is very nutritious for livestock (it contains 6.5% of crude protein 34.0% of nitrogen-free extractives) and accounts for about 66% by weight of the total yield. G.… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


  • Peas. Tutorial
  • Peas. Textbook, Victor Andreevich Savelyev. AT study guide the biology of peas and the technology of its cultivation are described. New devices for quality assessment have been developed seed, sowing peas and caring for crops. Suggested…

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Peas is a herbaceous annual plant, a member of the legume family. Very graceful and beautiful, thin leaves, tendrils and characteristic legume flowers. Blooms mostly white, sometimes pink. Some varieties bloom purple and fuchsia.


This plant can be considered one of the first crops mastered by man. How cultivated plant known much earlier than wheat, corn, and even more so potatoes.
There are two theories about the origin of this plant: according to the first, they began to breed it in ancient India and from there the pea spread further.
According to the second ( more common) - the birthplace of the plant should be considered Ancient Greece, already in the fourth century BC, it was grown and eaten here. And from here it was brought to China, India. Of the Europeans, the Dutch were the first to grow the plant. Dishes from it were eaten with pleasure by representatives of all segments of the population, and in Asia it was considered a symbol of wealth and fertility.

Species and varieties

The most common is the sowing pea. Its grains are rounded and slightly flattened on both sides. It is this culture that has been known since ancient times, many varieties have been created.

In turn, varieties of sowing peas are divided into three main categories:

  • brain,
  • Shelling,
  • Sugar.
brain varieties so called because when fully mature they shrink and look a bit like a brain. Such grains include enough high level sugar, so they can be confused in taste with sugar varieties. These varieties are never used for cooking, but are very good for making canned food.

sugar varieties- since there is a lot of moisture in ripe grains, they shrink very much when dried. They are mostly used at the stage of immature grains. It is eaten along with the pods.

Peeling grades- these varieties are used for cooking and making cereals. The seeds of these varieties are covered with a tough husk, which is peeled off during industrial processing.

field peas- This is a less common variety that is grown in some European countries. Grains differ in the presence of angularities.

Calorie content and composition

Chemical composition 100 gr. dry peas
calories300 - 320 kcal
Water14 g
Proteins23 g
Lipids1.2 g
Carbohydrates53.3 g
Incl. simple sugars4.2 g
Starch46.5 g
Cellulose5.7 g
Ash elements2.8 g
Vitamins: A0.01 mg
IN 10.8 mg
IN 20.2 mg
AT 32.2 mg
AT 60.3 mg
AT 916 mg
E9.1 mg
H19 mcg
RR2.2 mg
Choline200 mg
Iron9.4 mg
Potassium873 mg
Calcium115 mg
Silicon83 mg
Magnesium107 mg
Sodium69 mg
Sulfur190 mg
Phosphorus329 mg
Chlorine137 mg
Aluminum1180 mcg
Bor670 mcg
Vanadium150 mcg
Iodine5.1 mcg
Cobalt13.3 mcg
Manganese1750 mcg
Copper750 mcg
Molybdenum84.2 mcg
Nickel246.6 mcg
Tin16.2 mcg
Selenium13.1 mcg
Titanium181 mcg
Fluorine30 mcg
Strontium80 mcg
Chromium9 mcg
Zinc3180 mcg
Zirconium11.2 mcg

Grains also contain high levels of antioxidants and ATP, a component involved in energy metabolism.

Protein in the product

In terms of protein content, this plant catches up with beef and is second only to soybeans among plants. And they are also very similar in terms of protein composition. There are four essential amino acids in the protein of grains: methionine, lysine, cysteine, tryptophan.

In fairness, it should be said that there is not too much methionine in pea protein, so it cannot completely replace animal proteins. However, by skilfully combining various high-protein plant foods, it is possible to achieve an almost equivalent replacement for meat and animal products. This does not apply to the nutrition of children, since for their body the protein of animal products is more easily digestible and valuable.

Protein content in legumes:

  • Soy flour - 36 - 46 gr. in 100 gr. raw materials,
  • Peanuts - 26.9 gr.,
  • Peas, lentils - 24.0 gr.,
  • Beans - 21.4 gr.,
  • Walnuts - 15 gr.


Since ancient times, people have used peas not only in cooking, but also in healing.

Medicinal use:

  • obesity prevention,
  • anemia warning,
  • Normalizes liver function,
  • Normalizes heart function and cleanses blood vessels,
  • Improves kidney function, diuretic,
  • Regulates bowel function, cleanses it of fecal stones and accumulations,
  • Regulates blood cholesterol levels
  • Prevents the development of malignant processes,
  • Activates the work of the brain,
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Increases sexual power
  • Clears the skin.

Recipes for health

In ancient times, peas were used to treat anemia, goiter, vascular disease, heart disease, and obesity. The use of this plant in food improves the condition of the prostate, removes excess fluid from the body.

1. Leaves and shoots help get rid of from kidney stones and sand . Cut, 2 tbsp. raw materials brew 300 ml of boiling water, let stand for half an hour. Pass through a sieve, consume 2 tbsp. before the meal.

3. For the treatment of inflammatory skin processes: boil the grains, grind them into gruel and apply to the sore spot for a long time. The same slurry helps whiten the skin with freckles or age spots.

4. To improve sexual strength: pour raw grains for 2 hours with water at room temperature, drain the water, flavor it with a little honey. Eat grains and drink liquid.

5. To treat toothache: boil grains in olive oil, rinse your mouth. This oil helps to improve the condition of the hair.

6. To remove stones from the bladder and kidneys make a decoction of black pea seeds and use it three times a day for 100 ml. This remedy is prohibited for pregnant women.

7. For the treatment of constipation: three times a day, use 2 tsp. pea flour on an empty stomach.

8. For the treatment of dermatitis: prepare an infusion of tops and leaves of pods, make compresses with infusion. 3-4 days is enough to get the result.

9. To improve brain function: root tea. It is very tasty and useful. You can drink as much as you want.

10. For pain in the knees and feet kneeling on peas is very effective. With pain in the feet, it is easier to stand on beans. This procedure improves blood circulation in the muscles of the foot and knee, relieves swelling and pain.

beauty recipes

1. Mask for dry skin: grind dry peas ( green is better) in powder, 1 tbsp. powder, 1 tsp sour cream, 1 tsp raw egg yolk. Keep on face for up to 30 minutes.

2. Mask for oily skin: 1 tbsp pea flour, 1 tsp squirrel chicken egg beat, 1 tsp kefir. These masks smooth wrinkles. You need to do them daily for 10 days in a row.

3. Rejuvenating mask: 2 tbsp pea flour, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. milk. Keep 20 minutes. Cleanse your face with cold tea.

4. Can be used as a cleanser for oily skin . To do this, the flour is diluted with water to the density of sour cream and gently, in a circular motion, applied to the skin of the forehead, cheeks and chin. Hold for 10 minutes and rinse.

5. To strengthen hair: 2 tbsp pea flour, 2 tbsp. henna, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. burdock or other vegetable oil, a little boiling water and keep warm until bubbles appear. Treat the hair moistened with water and leave for half an hour.

6. Chinese remedy to strengthen hair: pour pea flour with water with slightly warmed water overnight. In the morning, treat the hair and wash off after half an hour with warm water. Great for removing oil from hair.

7. As a scrub: take 300 gr. pea flour and 300 ml of milk, mix, add a couple of drops of rosemary oil and treat the body ( especially with dry skin). Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Dish recipes

1. German soup with croutons. Required: peas 150 gr., meat broth 50 ml, one carrot, one onion and one parsley root, 100 gr. pork, 30 gr. bacon, 50 gr. bread, a little butter, salt. Boil the peas and chop with a blender, cook white sauce from flour and meat broth, add to boiled peas, put on fire, add sautéed carrots and parsley, onions, cracklings. Before serving, add to each bowl fried on butter little croutons.

2. Peas in tomato sauce. Required: peas, tomatoes, onions, garlic, salt, black pepper, dill. Boil the peas, separately make a tomato sauce. Scald them, remove the skin, chop, boil, put butter, chopped onions, a little broth from peas, boil until the tomatoes are fully cooked. Add garlic and pepper to the sauce. You can use a little flour to thicken. Add the sauce to the peas and mix, boil. Garnish with dill before serving.

3. Salad of peas and beans. You need: one can of green peas and beans, four cloves of garlic, a little olive oil, salt, pepper, mint. Combine legumes, season with garlic, oil, herbs. Eat with a slice of white bread, generously greased tomato sauce or olive oil.

4. Pies with peas. Needed for dough: 200 ml of kefir, 1 egg, a little soda, 2 tbsp. sugar, a little salt, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 - 3 cups of flour. The dough should be tough enough to be rolled out. Make a sausage from the dough, cut into slices and roll each into a circle. The pies are fried in oil. For the filling: boiled peas, sautéed onions, salt, pepper to taste. Allow the filling to cool before forming the pies.

5. Pea cutlets. Required: 400 gr. dry peas, 100 gr. semolina, 3 tbsp. flour, two onions, pepper, salt to taste, breadcrumbs. Boil the peas, drain the broth and cook semolina on it ( need 250 ml of broth). Mix peas and semolina, add flour, spices, fried onions. Form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Fry, then put in the oven for 15 minutes. Consume warm.

For kids

Since the digestion of peas is associated with some difficulties, the children's body should be introduced to it gradually. And this legume can be introduced into the diet as a full-fledged dish only from a year and a half.
Babies who are not gaining weight well will benefit from the inclusion of mashed potatoes or pea soup, as they are quite nutritious and very satisfying.
The grain of this legume contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and vitamins of the group AT necessary for the normal growth and development of the child's body.
Since the grains of this crop contain a large amount of indigestible plant fibers, peas are classified as "heavy" products. Therefore, it can be given to babies only in the form of a homogeneous puree or soup.

The first giving puree should not exceed a teaspoon. Then you can increase the amount gradually, observing the reaction of the child's body. The most preferred combinations are vegetables. It turns out tasty with meat, but it’s hard, so it’s better to wait a little with such dishes.
Babies from two years old can be introduced into the diet of green peas in their raw form. But only for those children who are already good at chewing such products, since grains can choke.


Peas should not be eaten with the following diseases:
  • Jade in an acute form,
  • Inflammation of the intestinal wall in an acute form,
  • Acute gastritis
  • Chronic circulatory failure.

How to cook?

1. The easiest method: when cooking, add a little baking soda, when boiling, remove the foam and cook until tender.
2. Soak for several hours overnight, for example.), boil, drain the water with foam, pour new water, let it boil over high heat, reduce it after 5 minutes and cook for about another half hour.
3. Do not salt until the end of cooking!
4. It is better to cook in a cauldron or other dishes with thick walls.
5. To speed up the process, you need to add cold water from time to time.
6. Cook in a pressure cooker - everything is ready in 25 minutes.


Peas prefer light and non-acid soils, well fertilized. It grows poorly on damp, acidic, saline soils, as well as with closely spaced groundwater soils.
In early spring, you should dig up and loosen the soil, if the soil is fertile, you can not fertilize it. Otherwise, you can make nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, as well as compost or humus.
Trace elements can be poured directly into rows when planting seeds.
The soil for planting should warm up. The seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm. The gap between the seeds is 2 cm, the seeds are planted in two lines, the distance between the rows is 50 cm.
During a drought, it is necessary to water crops and plants that have already sprouted. Early maturing varieties can be harvested as early as three months after planting the seeds.


1. Green pea will not lose its qualities and will remain for a long time if freshly harvested grains are covered with salt in the proportion: half a glass of salt per kilogram of grains. When the grains release the juice, it should be removed, the grains should be poured into an enamel bowl and put on water bath for 60 minutes. Next, the grains should be cooled, corked in a glass container and stored in a cold place. To give the peas its original taste, it should be boiled with sugar.

2. Freezing - an excellent method that allows you to save all the nutritional properties, however, while the appearance of the grains is somewhat deteriorating.

3. Canning: 1 tbsp is taken for brine. salt and 1 liter of water. Boil the grains in brine for no longer than 3 minutes, pour into jars and fill to the top with brine. Sterilize jars for 45 minutes, pour 70% vinegar essence ( per liter of volume - 1 tsp.), roll up and cool. It turns out very tasty and the brine does not become cloudy.

Turkish chickpeas (Uzbek)

This is an independent plant of the legume family. It is called peas because chickpea seeds are round and slightly reminiscent of dried yellow peas in color. The plant is more cultivated in African and Asian countries, as it prefers a warm climate, but in a temperate one it gives small yields. It has been grown in the East for more than seven thousand years. Chickpeas take longer to cook than other legumes. Boiled grains are used to make pasta - hummus, and cakes are baked from flour.

Peas mung bean

Member of the legume family appearance more like beans. Other names are golden beans, Asian peas, radiant beans. Comes from the countries of Southwest Asia. Widely used and grown in India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Vietnam. In India it is called dhalom.
Mature grains are ground into flour or boiled, unripe beans and pods are used as food. They are also used in sprouted form. Heat treatment is very long, if you fill it with water 3 hours before cooking, its period is reduced.

mouse variety

Mouse peas are also called Vika and is widely used in cattle feeding. Vika increases milk yield, and also promotes rapid weight gain. The straw of this plant is very nutritious, although it is difficult to digest. Therefore, it is used only in small quantities in mixtures with other feeds.
The grain of this plant is bitter, so it is added to livestock feed in small quantities for fattening.

marine grade

Other name - Japanese rank. Belongs to the legume family, grows on rocky and sandy sea ​​shores northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Is perennial plant reaching a height of 0.3 meters. blooms beautiful purple flowers. The beans are quite large, can be up to five centimeters long.
It is cultivated in places of natural distribution and used for food.