What height will the lakhta be. What will please the Lakhta Center for lovers of heights and grandiose views? Need more offices

What have you been able to do during this time? Are there any delays from the schedule? What is happening at the construction site now?

Now the engineering preparation of the construction site is being carried out. Access roads are being created. There are already construction camps, we are bringing engineering networks for the future complex.

Our first and main object- the tower itself. For its construction, construction and installation work is carried out mainly of two types - the construction of the so-called wall in the ground, that is, the protective fence of the pit for the future foundation of the tower, and the foundation of the foundation itself in the form of a pile field. The foundation will be very powerful, so we use unusual piles. The diameter of each is 2 m, and they sink into the ground by 72-82 m (this is comparable to the height of a 35-storey building). In total, there will be 260 bored piles under the base of the tower. Moreover, these piles are not hammered - first, wells are drilled for them, photographic fixation and measurements are carried out, and then steel frames are immersed in the wells, which are poured with concrete. Since the project is being implemented on the coastline, almost in the water, we are most concerned about the reliable protection of structures from water penetration. It is quite difficult, but so far there have been no critical situations. There is no significant delay from the schedule, but we would like some work to be carried out faster.

The next stage is the installation of a pit spacer system, that is, additional transverse wall fastenings, in order to make it possible to start making the foundation itself. The depth of the pit will be 21 m. We hope that work on it will be completed by October next year.

- How will the entire Lakhta Center complex be built and put into operation? Queues?

No, we will build all objects at the same time. Since the construction of the tower itself is a longer process and it is necessary to provide access for heavy large-sized equipment, we will start building the adjacent buildings a little later. The readiness of all the buildings of the complex will be with a gap of about six months, and we will put them all into operation at the same time. We believe that no one will be able to work normally in the offices that will be located in the tower if there is construction going on around.

How is it planned to solve the problem of providing the complex with engineering infrastructure? And at whose expense will it be built?

All engineering infrastructure is designed and built at our expense. The cost of these facilities will amount to about 1.5 billion rubles. Currently, work is underway on the main sewer collector and the organization of the power supply system.

After the construction is completed, we will transfer the entire engineering infrastructure - a collector, an electrical substation - to the balance of the city, and the capacities for our needs will be used by about a quarter. The rest - to provide resources for the adjacent territories of the Primorsky district.

- Is it planned to block traffic during the construction of the complex?

Our facility is located next to a government highway. It cannot be covered. So far, the delivery of materials is carried out at night and does not disturb the local population. But by the spring of next year, when we are working on the foundation of the tower, the situation with the volume of delivered goods will change, as we will begin the construction of the above-ground part of the tower and a multifunctional building. We will need to bring oversized and long products. But in this case, there is no reason for concern. First, we rely on the sea way of delivery. And secondly, we are currently working with the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure on the issue of additional U-turns on Primorskoye Highway. And if the city meets us in this, they may appear before the end of next year. One U-turn is planned under the viaduct behind the tram ring on Savushkina Street, and the second - between Primorskoye Highway and Primorskaya Street.

- Are there any skyscrapers in Europe similar or similar to your project? What is unique about the building?

- "Lakhta Center" will be the tallest building in Europe, and at such a geographical latitude - in the world. In England, for example, skyscrapers with a height of 260-270 m are being built, in our country - 465 m.

In our northern climatic conditions, during the construction and operation of skyscrapers, we are faced with sudden temperature changes during the day, high humidity. For example, in St. Petersburg there is such an object as a TV tower, its height is 326 m. This means that we will also inevitably encounter all the features that exist now during its operation, and therefore we must “lay” their solution into the project itself. So, on cloudy days, the TV tower is half covered with clouds. The same thing will happen to us. At the same time, the TV tower has a completely different type of structure. The icing of the upper part and the spire of our tower, ensuring the climatic parameters inside the building during average daily temperature fluctuations, cleaning the facades - these are just some of the problems to be solved.

- By the way, what will be the glazing in the tower? City defenders have repeatedly accused the project of being visible against the background of historical buildings, especially if the glass is mirrored.

The outer facades of the building will be transparent. And they will not affect the perception of historical perspectives. Moreover, the city has changed a long time ago - it no longer corresponds to the views of even fifteen years ago.

The internal facades will be with a light mirror coating, but they will not “glare”. In addition, double-glazed windows in the building will be made of the so-called curved glass - it will not have a straight, but a curved surface. The area of ​​each double-glazed window will be 11 square meters. m.

- How do you plan to wash windows at such a height?

We are currently considering several methods. According to the project, the facades have almost no parallel structures. The vertical axes either narrow or expand. One of the options under consideration is the use of "cradles" or cabins on rails, on external load-bearing columns. The cradles will be equipped with a special mechanism below the floor level, which will allow changing the width of the transport wheels.

- What other modern technologies will be used during construction and further operation?

The tower has a special air conditioning system. Throughout the building, we want to create a uniform comfortable temperature regime and humidity, organize the flow of air through the external structures. Intelligent climate control systems will redistribute excess heat from the sunny side of the building to the shadow side, so that the temperature and air composition are the same in all rooms and absolutely comfortable for the people in them.

- Is it already known how many floors there will be in Lakhta Center?

Our building will have eighty-six floors, plus a spire. Its design is currently being developed. In order to have reliable information about external loads, aerodynamic tests are carried out on our order in laboratories in Canada, that is, at a similar geographical latitude. A reduced model of the building was made, the conditions under which the tower itself and its structures - facade, spire, etc. will be operated are simulated. In addition to condensate, we also remember about wind loads. More organizations are involved in the experiments, and we have the most serious scientific support for the project.

- And what will happen on the last, eighty-sixth floor?

Observation deck and revolving restaurant. We want to install high-speed elevators, with the help of which it will be possible to go up or down in no more than a minute. Given the load during peak hours, we are considering the possibility of acquiring double-deck elevators.

- What are your requirements for the general contractor of the construction, which you must choose before the end of the year?

Yes, we really would like to decide on a general contractor, ideally by December 29th. But we will not have time to sign the contract before the end of the year. We believe that foreign organizations that have implemented at least three large projects with a height of objects above 250 m can cope with such work more quickly. Therefore, we have a very narrow circle for selection, and experience and knowledge will be the most important criterion.

- How many workers will there be at the construction site and where do you plan to place them?

Now we employ Russian and Western European qualified personnel. The work we carry out requires special technical knowledge. Moreover, almost all of them are performed on sophisticated high-precision equipment. Today, the total number of workers at the site is 250 people. As for the subsequent stages of construction, it will be necessary to attract additional personnel. But we have already decided that the accommodation and transportation of workers will be centralized, that is, no one will allow them to live on the construction site and scatter around the neighborhood.

Text: Svetlana Kovalenko

They say that skyscrapers are to blame for the global economic crises. The 462-meter Lakhta Center under construction in St. Petersburg was also accused of destroying rare bugs, marsh wax, migratory geese and a possible tsunami in the Gulf of Finland. Even neotectonic risks from the construction of a skyscraper were discussed.

Some fairy tales and legends have sunk into oblivion. But as the Lakhta Center was being built, technological myths and legends appeared. The builders of Lakhta Center together with Fontanka are ready to talk about them.

1. Skyscrapers cannot be built on St. Petersburg soils.

Yes, it is believed that St. Petersburg soils are very difficult, even capricious. However, modern engineering science and geotechnics are able to build buildings of any height and in any place, on any soil, even on sand or in the sea.

Research of the main institute of the country for underground surveys NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanov proved that only the upper 20 meters are weak, and then there is a layer of Vendian clays of the Proterozoic age. Vendian clays are similar in characteristics to rocks.

Architecture "copies" a lot from nature. The underground foundation of the building is a kind of root system. The colossal piles of the skyscraper, like roots, go down to a depth of 82 meters, and the total length of all the piles that hold the skyscraper is more than twenty kilometers.

Above the piles is a monumental “box-shaped” foundation 17 meters high, including two monolithic reinforced concrete slabs with a total thickness of 5.6 meters (three times the height of a person). Sustainability guaranteed!

2. In Russia they don't know how to build skyscrapers, even the columns in Lakhta Center are crooked.

"Lakhta Center" belongs to the category of spiral skyscrapers and has a complex twisting shape. The columns that create this shape really have curves and slopes. When the facade closes them, the effect of "twisting" will manifest itself even more clearly. The strict verticality of the building as a whole is provided by the central core. The accuracy of its construction is strictly monitored by surveyors, including with the help of space technology. The maximum allowable deviation of the entire structure of the skyscraper from the vertical along the entire height is no more than 6 millimeters. Not every low-rise building can boast of such accuracy in construction.

3. Glass facades are vulnerable to the elements - visitors to the complex will face the risk of glass falling on their heads.

The glass facades of Lakhta Center are designed and manufactured specifically for a unique building, taking into account extreme winds, rains, frosts and storms.

Before launching production, double-glazed windows were tested for strength and tightness under the pressure of water, fire and air currents. And with honor passed the test. They cannot be broken into fragments, since there is a film in the multilayer structure. So in two years it will be possible to safely walk around the Lakhta Center squares and admire the reflection of the city and the St. Petersburg sky in the facades with a total area of ​​more than 130,000 square meters.

4. "Lakhta Center" will burn down until firefighters get to the upper floors.

Lakhta Center will use an innovative water mist fire extinguishing system (TRW), and all materials used in construction will be non-combustible or with reliable fire protection. Nevertheless, there are thousands of control sensors in the building, evacuation is thoroughly thought out: when an alarm is triggered, air is pumped onto the stairs in the core of the building, which eliminates their smoke. It is enough for people in the building to take a few steps to the nearest stairs - and they are already safe. The core of the building, where the stairs run, is made of reinforced concrete, which is known to be non-flammable.

5. Such a tall building can be blown away by the wind or destroyed by an earthquake.

Can not. The project takes into account both hurricane winds, and earthquakes (which are extremely rare and imperceptible in our region), and even catastrophes. The Lakhta Center has the most modern design for the stability of the skyscraper. "Inviolability" is provided by a reinforced concrete core with a wall thickness of almost a meter, outriggers (special floors for horizontal load distribution) and external columns. This design will save the tower from more extreme cases, such as an aircraft strike. The design of the building eliminates the so-called "progressive collapse". With the removal of a third of the load-bearing elements, the building will remain stable.

6. To go up or down, you need to wait for an elevator for hours.

Park of vertical transport "Lakhta Center" - 100 elevators. Of these, there are 38 in the skyscraper. The waiting time for passenger elevators is no more than 40 seconds. The speed of movement of elevators is up to 8 meters per second. This is the level of world standards for skyscrapers.

7. It takes several years to wash the entire facade.

Of course, one person with a rag would spend several years cleaning the facades of such a complex. But skyscrapers don't wash like that. To do this, Lakhta Center has a whole team of washers and a unique system of angular and straight lifting mechanisms that can “ride” along the rails installed in the ribs of the tower, which repeat the “twisted” shape of a skyscraper. The time for polishing is traditionally spring and autumn.

8. On the upper floors of the tower and on the observation deck, visitors will suffer from seasickness - they will be motion sick.

Yes, skyscrapers sway. For example, the 828-meter Burj Khalifa "walks" 1.2 m to the sides, the 374-meter tower in the Federation complex in Moscow City - 0.7 m, and the Ostankino TV tower - generally 2.25 m. " Lakhta Center" at strong wind can deviate at the top up to 46 cm from the vertical. And at the level of the observation platform, the deviations are only 27 cm, you can hardly feel it.

9. Birds will crash into the skyscraper.

There are times when birds crash into buildings. Birds are disoriented by bright light and smooth mirror surfaces of skyscrapers - trees are perfectly reflected in them.

In our St. Petersburg skyscraper there is no main bird danger - mirrored facades. And the very architecture of the building - edge-ribs, edging of double-glazed windows - makes it noticeable to birds. The illumination of the Lakhta Center is dim, and when the birds migrate, a certain color scheme and intensity of the “frightening” illumination will be used.

10. Lakhta Center will be littered with garbage, otherwise it will have to be taken out around the clock or one of the underground floors will be given for garbage storage.

Yes, a person litters, but it is clean where they clean it. "Lakhta Center" has a vacuum selective (separate) waste disposal, which allows to reduce the amount of garbage removed by about 20 times, and at the same time pneumatic waste transportation systems, or, as they are also called, vacuum waste disposal system, collect waste using air flow through underground pipeline, like a vacuum cleaner. Then they are crushed, pressed and exported. Smell, dirt, noise, rats and related infections are excluded.

The Lakhta Center skyscraper rose 35 floors (147 meters) and set a new record among all buildings in St. Petersburg.
There is one building above - the TV tower, but this does not count. In addition, in 2017 the building will be 2 times higher, and by 2018 the height of the skyscraper will be 462 meters. It will be taller than the Federation Tower in the Moscow City business center in the capital and will become the tallest building in Europe.

Until now, the city record belonged to the leader tower, which is luminous in the Moscow district, which, by the way, is the tallest building in the world in the northern latitudes. Of the historical buildings, the Peter and Paul Cathedral is in the lead with its 122 and a half meters, conceived as the main dominant of the city. But technology is stronger.

Recall that the construction of the Gazprom headquarters was accompanied by battles between city defenders and the authorities, because initially its construction was planned not in Lakhta on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, but in Malaya Okhta on the right bank of the Neva. The authorities believed that this would become a new symbol of the Northern capital, and the residents were against the tower almost in the center. Now people and authorities have agreed. It is planned that the “mega-construction” will attract financial tycoons from all over the world to us. It has already entered the Guinness Book of Records for the largest foundation in the world. It was flooded non-stop for 49 hours. Lakhta Center today
Lakhta Center according to plan in 2018
The foundation-record holder of the Lakhta Center
Construction plan
Internal view of the "Lakhta Center" according to the plan
The tallest building in the northern latitudes in the world is the Leader Tower on Sq. Constitution
The architectural dominant of the Northern capital until 1962 (the TV tower was built that year)

Now let's see how they build IGLOO GAZPROM

The beginning of the whole story was laid by the project of the Okhta Center complex, or Gazprom City. The complex with a 396-meter skyscraper was planned to be tied to the Neva again - it was supposed to rise on the cape, which is formed by the Neva and the river Okhta, which flows into it. On the opposite side of the Neva is the famous Smolny Institute, which was once the headquarters of the Bolsheviks, and now serves as the residence of the governor of St. Petersburg. The project then made a lot of noise, mostly unenthusiastic. The glass needle of the skyscraper was radically out of harmony with the architectural style of the St. Petersburg center, while creating a new high-rise dominant, arguing with the spiers of the Admiralty and the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Such intervention in the historical low-rise urban landscape seemed blasphemous to many.

In the end, the Okhta Center became the Lakhta Center: the construction of the Gazprom skyscraper, now 462 meters high, was transferred to the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland. There is no urban development nearby, and the historical center is as much as 9 km away, so the “needle” will no longer invade the recognizable outlines of old St. Petersburg. The complex of a high-rise building, an auxiliary building and a vast recreational area is planned to be completed in 2018, and then…

Is there any practical sense in the construction of such tall buildings where there seems to be no shortage of land? Of course, in Lakhta there is no crowding of American downtowns, but architecture is not always designed to fulfill a utilitarian function. Sometimes its task is to create symbols, objects of attraction. Historically, temples, which were supposed to rise above the surrounding buildings, became such centers of attraction. There was no other meaning than symbolic. When elevators appeared, and cities began to grow rapidly, high-rise buildings became leaders and dominants. Like the Statue of Liberty in New York Bay, the Lakhta Center will greet cruise ships and ferries going to St. Petersburg, it will become a new symbol of the city, and this is precisely its main aesthetic task. So say the authors of the project.

Even those who are not strong in geography probably remember: a city built in the delta relies on loose, water-soaked soils. Everyone remembers a branch of the St. Petersburg metro that was torn apart by a quicksand for almost a decade. Unlike textbook Manhattan, which is essentially a bare rock, in the St. Petersburg region, a granite shield lies below 200 m, and it is unrealistic to lean a building on it. How to build a skyscraper here? It turns out that from the point of view of geotechnics - the science of soils - there are no monstrous difficulties in this case. In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where two twin super-skyscrapers were being built, the situation was even worse: the buildings stand on 120-meter piles. Of course, it is too difficult to lean on the rocky ground in Lakhta - this would require piles of an unprecedented length in world practice, so one has to use those that hold the building due to friction. The upper layers of the soil are very loose, but already below 30 m, quite hard Vendian clays begin, and the piles are held securely in them.

The traditional construction of the foundation of a skyscraper is an array of piles, on which a powerful slab rests. In principle, something similar has been done in Lakhta, but the foundation of the St. Petersburg skyscraper will have its own characteristics. It is a box-shaped structure buried in the ground to a depth of 17 m. Thus, the building will be, as it were, “drowned” in the ground, which will serve to more evenly distribute the weight of the structure and help to avoid heavy settlement of the skyscraper in the future.

The outer boundary of the foundation is a wall in the ground (in terms of a regular pentagon, or pentagon). It is not a supporting element, but protects the power part of the foundation from soil pressure, and most importantly - from seepage ground water. A pit is dug inside the wall in the ground, and so that the wall does not collapse, it is gradually strengthened with four reinforced concrete structures located one above the other - the so-called spacer disks. When the pit is ready, the heads of the pre-installed piles are exposed. There are 264 piles, and the length of the most powerful of them is 82 m. At the bottom of the pit, a concrete slab resting on the heads is poured, and reinforcement is already mounted on it for the main supporting structure - the lower foundation slab. The designers did not have a shortage of space, and therefore they were able to support the building on a significant foundation in order to ensure maximum stability.

Photo 2.

Photo 3.

The tragedy of the WTC towers in New York, and especially the terrible picture of their collapse, is so clearly engraved in the memory of each of us that the question “what will happen if ???” arises quite naturally, as soon as it comes to a new high-rise structure. It should be remembered here that the main customer of the complex is Gazprom, and we can say that this building is of strategic importance for our economy.

That is why the task was set to ensure the highest safety standards. In principle, the skyscraper will be built according to a well-known scheme: a cylindrical reinforced concrete core, floors, columns along the outer contour. The WTC towers had approximately the same design. These were strong buildings, designed to be hit by a Boeing 747, but the destruction of some power structures of the outer contour led to the progressive destruction of others, a domino effect was obtained, and as a result, the skyscrapers collapsed. The high-rise building of the Lakhta Center is designed in such a way that it can rest on one core. You can blow up all ten columns along the outer contour, but even then the skyscraper will stand. This is a real fortress, which, according to the calculations of the architects, must survive for many decades.

The stability of the structure is served by a special scheme for redistributing the load of the outer contour of the building to the core. Every 16 floors, ten powerful consoles depart from the reinforced concrete core - a kind of hanging foundations, on which the building section will additionally rely. There are four such outrigger levels in the skyscraper.

As a result, Lakhta Center will have a safety margin unique among buildings of this kind, significantly exceeding established international standards.

The reluctance to save on safety does not mean that the idea of ​​increasing the efficiency of the structure and reducing operating costs is completely alien to the authors of the project. On the contrary, given that it is building a building “for itself”, it is very important for Gazprom to maintain its commitment to modern energy saving technologies, especially in the unkind St. Petersburg climate. For example, the building will receive a double facade, that is, between two glazing strings there will be an insulating layer of air. In the heating system, such highly economical devices as infrared emitters will be used. In addition, the heat accumulated in the building from working computers and other office equipment will be removed and then used in the heating system. The air conditioning system has its own characteristics - it is based not on the usual scheme for removing heat from the room to the outside, but on cold accumulators located underground, which can produce up to 1000 tons of ice per night, and then in daytime give it cold to the rooms. Presence sensors will also become widespread everywhere, which, when no one is in the room, will turn off the lighting devices.

But will the building be habitable from the lowest floors to the highest point? High-rise buildings built for purely commercial purposes are often inhabited from top to bottom, and there are no "frills". However, if we are talking about a symbol, whether it is the Moscow State University building on Sparrow Hills in Moscow or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, a significant part of their height is an uninhabited spire, designed to give the building an aesthetic completeness. Despite the fact that the height of the Lakhta Center skyscraper will be 462 m, all inhabited floors will be below 400 m. Everything above is an architectural element that will help the building serve as a city landmark and decorate the sea gates of St. Petersburg.

The skyscraper in Lakhta will receive a helical shape, that is, its facades will be distinguished by a rather complex and asymmetric surface. Of particular interest is the use of cold-formed glass, which makes it possible to make the glazing absolutely smooth. Together with a double facade, this will give unusual optical effects - for example, the reflection of clouds, as if rising diagonally along the wall of the building.

Photo 4.

The construction of a business and public center in Lakhta is not only an attempt to turn St. Petersburg to the sea with a “human face”, but also a desire to follow the centrifugal trend in modern urban planning. New business parks are being created far from dense urban development, they have large territories, and there are no problems with parking. The flow of cars to the Lakhta Center will always be in antiphase with the flow that moves to the city center in the morning and rushes to the outskirts and suburbs in the evening. This will partially unload the historical center of St. Petersburg, and business activity in the Lakhta Center, on the contrary, it is activated. Of course, the accessibility of the Lakhta Center will be ensured not only for motorists, but also for those who use public transport: the complex will be connected to the city center by a metro line.

However, the purpose of Lakhta Center goes far beyond the task of providing the city with additional office space. In the skyscraper and in the auxiliary building, the project provides not only business premises, but a large Center for entertaining science for children, conference rooms, exhibition spaces, sports and medical complexes, cafes, restaurants, shops and even an ultra-modern planetarium. The vast adjacent territory will accommodate squares, parks, walking paths and an amphitheater overlooking the Gulf of Finland.

It can be said that the history of the Lakhta Center is connected not only with urban planning and architecture. After all, it so happened that the clash of interests of a large national corporation and the aspirations of civil society The northern capital over the Okhta Center did not lead to the triumph of one side at the expense of the other, but to a new quality and a new stage in the development of St. Petersburg.

Photo 5.

The construction of a high-rise building in the delta of a full-flowing river is a difficult task, but not impossible. The upper layers of the soil have quicksand properties, however, at a depth of 30 m, the so-called Vendian clays occur, which are comparable in hardness to natural stone. In this regard, it became possible to replace the slotted foundations with bored piles, which will hold the building not due to support on the rock, but due to the force of friction. Piles, the most powerful of which reach a length of 82 m, are not driven, but installed. Such piles are called bored: first, a well is drilled, then a casing pipe is lowered into it (so that the walls of the well do not crumble), reinforcement is installed inside the pipe, and then concrete is poured.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

Photo 26.

Photo 27.

Photo 28.

Photo 29.

Photo 30.

Photo 31.

One of the tallest buildings in Russia and Europe - the modern skyscraper Lakhta Center - is located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Its construction began in 2012, the building was put into operation in 2018, and the opening of the Lakhta Center is scheduled for early 2020. In addition to the Gazprom headquarters, there will be offices, scientific and business centers, an amphitheater, a sports club and other infrastructure. The main highlight of the tower will be an observation deck with a panorama of St. Petersburg and the Gulf of Finland. The cost of the Lakhta Center is estimated at $2.5 billion.

Observation deck Lakhta Center

The most anticipated object of the complex is the observation deck, which will be located at a height of 360 meters, on the top floor. It will be a panoramic platform with a 360° viewing angle and telescopes for a detailed view. High-speed elevators will operate to lift visitors. It is planned that the Lakhta Center observation deck will become one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city.

Christmas tree

Despite the fact that the official opening of the skyscraper has not yet taken place, Lakhta Center is already taking part in the cultural life of the Northern capital. In honor of the New Year's Eve, on December 31, festive lights were lit on the facade of the building, turning the tower into the world's tallest green Christmas tree.

Video of New Year's greetings:

Webcam Lakhta Center

At the moment, a webcam is installed at the level of the observation deck, which broadcasts the panorama of St. Petersburg and the Gulf of Finland in real time. You can see the popular sights of the city - the park named after the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the stadium "Gazprom Arena", Yacht Bridge, Yelagin Island and other objects.

Floor plan and architecture

In connection with the wide media coverage of the construction of this facility, many are interested in the question “how many floors are there in the Lakhta Center and what will be there?”. According to the project, the tower has 87 floors, and the total area of ​​​​the premises is 400 thousand square meters. meters, of which 130 thousand square meters were allocated for offices. meters. It is planned to launch almost 40 elevators to move between floors. In addition to the main building, the complex includes two more buildings, which are located on the sides of the tower. Their height varies from 22 to 85 meters.

Project Lakhta Center

In addition to the observation deck and Gazprom's headquarters, the complex will house the following facilities:

  • Panoramic restaurant Lakhta Center. The halls will be located on the 75th and 76th floors (about 320 meters high). It will be a nice alternative lookout. Based on the results of the selection of applicants for the creation of a restaurant, at the beginning of 2019, the management company announced the winner. They were well-known Russian footballers, the Berezutsky brothers, who proposed the concept of a Russian cuisine restaurant based on Russian-made products and unique recipes from all over the country.
  • Multifunctional hall - transformer and congress center. The unique feature of this hall is that, if necessary, it can be divided into two rooms. This is the first such facility in St. Petersburg. The arrangement of seats and the configuration of the stage can be changed according to the format of the event. It is planned that concerts, performances, fashion shows and other events will be held in the transforming hall.
  • Scientific and educational center. The main task of the scientific center will be to popularize science among the population. The center will be open to a wide audience, educational events will be held here - lectures, exhibitions. The exposition area reaches 7000 square meters. meters.
  • Medical Center. The medical and diagnostic complex Lakhta Center is designed to provide services to residents of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Equipped with the most modern equipment, the medical center will provide dental, therapeutic, surgical and other services.
  • Sports complex. In the Lakhta Center, it is planned to create a large sports center with an area of ​​4600 sq. meters. Here will be located GYM's, halls for group classes, swimming pools, relaxation and health centers.
  • Atrium, trading floors, expositions. Exhibition halls for art objects and works of art, multimedia room, as well as cafes, canteens and shops.
  • Offices. The management company offers offices for rent ranging from 650 to 2100 sq. meters. Detailed information at the administration, contacts can be found on the official website of the Lakhta Center.

At the foot of the tower, on the territory overlooking the bay, it is planned to erect amphitheater. Designed for 2,000 seats, the facility will be the first facility of this type in St. Petersburg. The amphitheater is oriented to the sea, according to the architects' intention, water or a coastal strip can act as a stage.

architectural solution

Since the building of the Lakhta Center has an extreme height, during the development of the project and construction great attention focused on the stability and safety of the structure. The main tower has a central core made of reinforced concrete, inside which the most important communications and security zones are located. The foundation of the skyscraper stands on 2080 piles, and the floors and columns are made of metal and concrete.

The architectural concept of Lakhta Center was developed by RMJM in 2011. As conceived by the authors, the outlines of the skyscraper fit perfectly into the landscape of St. Petersburg and form a harmonious combination with the spiers and domes of the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

The glazing of the Lakhta Center is made without joints, which makes the building lighter - the smooth walls of the facade reflect water and clouds.

How to get to Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg

Metro near Lakhta Center

The nearest metro station "Begovaya" is within walking distance from the skyscraper. The walk will take about 20 minutes, but while the tower is not working, you can admire it from the territory of the park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Route from metro to Lakhta Center:

The authorities plan to build a new metro station "Lakhta". The project is included in the metro development plan until 2025.

Ground transport

Near the Lakhta Center there is a public transport stop - "15th km Lakhta". Buses No. 101, 101a, 110, 211, 216 and minibuses No. 206, 210, 232, 305, 305a, 400, 405, 417, 425 run here.

In addition, for trips around St. Petersburg, you can use applications from taxi services Uber, Gett, Yandex. Taxi, Maxim, Taxovichkof, etc.

Lakhta Center presentation: video tour

Night illumination of Lakhta Center: panorama-google