Magnolia star susan. Magnolia

Magnolias for the middle lane

It seems that such a luxury as blooming magnolia , could only be born in the Garden of Eden. Magnolia flowers impress the imagination and attract the attention of everyone, even the most indifferent to beauty.

The tree, completely strewn with flowers of the color of clouds or pink marshmallow, exuding a stunning aroma with a long honey plume, does not leave anyone indifferent: a rare plant can boast of such delicate and fragrant flowers.

Magnolias amaze with a variety of shapes and colors of flowers:

They are admired, but they are in no hurry to start. Or, having settled in the garden, they are surrounded by care, and then they are disappointed, without waiting for flowering. And all because mainly heat-loving varieties are imported to our market.

But not all magnolias are true southerners. Magnolia grows beautifully without shelter and blooms in such a not very southern city as Moscow (just come to the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University). And for many gardeners, magnolia is already growing and blooming for more than a year. True, we are not talking about large-flowered magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), but about hybrids of lily-colored and star-shaped magnolia, which bloom no less spectacularly, but are more undersized and frost-resistant.

Magnolias grow well in botanical gardens Primorye, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Moscow. Other collectors who settled in middle lane, they show off in the gardens. So which ones are better to plant and how to care for them?

Applicants for northerners

Most magnolia species are evergreens. In our climate they are doomed. The choice will have to be made from deciduous. Let's make a reservation right away that even the most winter-hardy in a harsh winter can die flower buds. Abundant flowering occurs only after mild winters. As a rule, varietal magnolias bloom a little longer. natural species, but in any case, this show lasts a couple of weeks, rarely a little more.

Magnolia lovers note that the same species or variety grows and blooms somewhere without problems, and in the neighborhood, in identical conditions, is naughty for unknown reasons. So to draw conclusions, this or that magnolia is suitable for a particular site, it will be possible only empirically.

Magnolia kobus (Magnolia kobus)

Blooms in Moscow from the end of May. Frost hardy, the hardest of all East Asian species, tolerates frosts down to -34°C! mature plant winters without shelter, although at a young age it is afraid of frost. In seedlings, flowering occurs after 7 years, but sometimes you have to wait all 30 years. Vegetatively propagated plants begin to bloom after 10 years. Flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm of a marvelous milky-white shade appear before the foliage is completely dissolved.

The central shoot of the seedling often freezes, therefore, for branching from the ground itself, this magnolia is often considered a bush. With age, winter hardiness increases.
Varieties: Rogov (Rogow), Donna (Donna).

Star magnolia (Magnolia stellata)

Bushes up to 3 m tall, covered with snow-white flower stars before the leaves open.

Very popular in Europe. In terms of winter hardiness, it is slightly inferior to magnolia kobus, but there is experience of successful cultivation in the conditions of the Moscow region. value and at the same time weakness of this species - early May flowering. It will fall in full bloom under the return frosts, and the beauty is gone. But if you are lucky with the weather, it will become the prima of the spring garden! Delicate and bright, Rosea has a truly Japanese beauty.

Varieties: Waterlily, Royal Star, Rosea.

Hybrid of magnolia star and lily flowers Susan (Susan)- one of the most elegant magnolias for the middle band.

This is one of the hybrids of lily-colored magnolia and stellate magnolia. And, perhaps, the most beautiful and popular. Susan's flowers are lily-shaped, large, dark crimson at the base, lighter at the ends.

The scent is not strong, but very pleasant. Magnolia Susan blooms for a long time and plentifully. Prefers sunny, sheltered locations and slightly acidic, fertile and permeable soils. Magnolia seedlings need shelter for the winter only in the first few years. Magnolia Susan is a valuable variety for small gardens.

Magnolia Loebner (Magnolia x loebneri)

This group are hybrids between kobus and stellate. The color of the flowers is from white to pink, the number of petals is from 11 to 52, the diameter of the flower is from 7 to 20 cm.

In terms of winter hardiness, it is not inferior to magnolia kobus.
Varieties: Leonard Messel, Merrill.

Gorgeously blooming Sulange magnolia (Magnolia soulangeana), or tulip - not for us, although it is often found on sale.

Some people manage to bring it to flowering, but this is already luck in a big way! And here are several promising varieties whose winter hardiness is being tested in the middle lane: Ann, Pinky, Randy, Jane, Elizabeth, Yellow River, Yellow Bird, Sansation, Sunspaer, Hot Flush, Gold Star, Butterfly, Daphne.

Some interesting facts:
Magnolia - ancient flowering plant, which appeared before bees, and the plant adapted to pollination with the help of beetles.

Japanese archaeologists on the island of Hokkaido discovered a petrified flower that bloomed 18 million years ago. Under a microscope, even the seeds of this plant, similar to one of the varieties of modern magnolia, are clearly visible. Biologists who have examined the rare find claim that this is the first known fossil flower from the Mesozoic era.

When the first magnolia was brought to Europe from America at the end of the 17th or the beginning of the 18th century, “magnolia fever” began, similar to “tulip fever” in Holland. Gardeners began to steal flowering trees from each other and ship them to Holland in exchange for tulip bulbs.

Magnolia pointed (Magnolia acuminata), or cucumber tree, feels great in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where it blooms and even bears fruit! Her flowers are large, very showy, but ... green. For an amateur, as they say ...))

American magnolias have white or cream flowers. In Asia, magnolias grow, the flowers of which are pink or red, and they bloom when there are no leaves on the trees. One of the Asian magnolias grows on Kunashir, one of the islands of the Kuril chain. Its leaves are green above and bluish-white below, similar to letter paper, and were previously used instead of postcards.

Oversaturated with the aroma of an adult evergreen magnolia tree, the air can cause dizziness and even fainting.

From the leaves, flowers and young branches of magnolias, valuable essential oil. And in hot weather, the trees evaporate it in such quantity that it is worth bringing a lit match, as a violet flame flares up.

According to gardeners whose magnolia grows prettier from year to year, it is necessary to take into account 5 factors for the successful cultivation of a southern beauty. Her requirements are almost the same as those of our winter-hardy evergreen rhododendrons.

1. Magnolia needs a secluded and bright place that is protected from the dominant and especially northern winds, but at the same time quite bright and devoid of scorching summer rays at noon. Such protection can be provided by trees planted on the eastern and northern sides. Magnolia will also be cozy between buildings or on a southeast hill. European gardeners, experienced in growing magnolias, try to cover it from the sun on the east side in order to weaken the impact of spring frosts. And in the afternoon, let the magnolia bask in the sun, but not close to the south wall, where it will suffer from dry air.

2. Suitable soil. Magnolias will never overcome the obstacle in the form of saline, waterlogged or too dry soils. It tastes saturated with organic matter, moist enough, but without stagnant soil processes. Different types magnolias require different levels of soil acidity, which must be taken into account when planting. The soil can be neutral, slightly acidic or acidic; magnolia does not tolerate lime.

3. Special landing pit. A big tree needs a big hole. It is dug with a diameter of at least 1 m, sufficient drainage is laid, a substrate is poured, consisting of peat, sand, leaf and sod land in a ratio of 4:1:1:1. The plant is planted to the level of the root collar, after which the trunk circle is mulched.

4. Shelter for the winter. Warming is required not only on the ground part, but also underground. So, the lower part is covered with various organic mulching materials, and the upper part is completely wrapped with lutrasil, burlap or non-woven materials. For successful wintering and protection against rodents in the first years, magnolia trunks are covered with spruce branches, burlap, wrapped with non-woven material with a density of 60 g / m2. Grown bushes or trees also need to be protected from the northern winds. And before winter, put supports under the splayed branches in advance.

5. Proper care. Frequent watering, regular mulching and sanitary pruning of shoots. It is not necessary to fertilize, with good preparation of the planting pit, but to increase growth rates from the third year, they still do not interfere organic fertilizers in the spring-summer period, introduced into the region of the near-trunk circle. Magnolia does not like dampness in the root zone and at the same time loves watering. It is better not to disturb the roots. Replace digging with mulching. Wood chips, pine bark, mowed grass will do. Let the mulch lie in the near-trunk circle all the time, protecting the roots from drying out in the summer, and from frost in the winter.


Varieties and types of magnolias in garden hypermarkets are often confused. More often regrading is observed in Polish planting material.

In a word, the southern beauty that will bloom in your garden will decorate it and fill it with new colors and smells. And believe me, this miracle will pay back all your efforts and cares about it!

Magnolia is an amazing plant that has survived even the era of dinosaurs. But even now, the culture continues to please the eye with its magnificent colors. Susan magnolia is popular all over the world for its incredibly beautiful blooms.

Magnolia Susan is a tree whose height reaches from 2.5 to 6.5 m. The shape of the tree is pyramidal, as it grows, it acquires rounded outlines. The foliage is a rich green hue, the leaves are large, thick and glossy.

Inflorescences grow upwards, blooming flowers are large, goblet-shaped. The diameter of the flower reaches about 15 cm. The inflorescence has six petals of a light pink hue. Blooming inflorescences are very fragrant. The flowering period begins in April and ends in June. The life expectancy of a tree is about 50 years. The variety was obtained by crossing lily-colored magnolia and stellate magnolia.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the Magnolia Suzanne variety include:

  • large and beautiful flowers;
  • tree lifespan;
  • fragrance of flowers;
  • unpretentiousness in cultivation and care.

The disadvantages include the fact that you can grow magnolia only in the south. The tree belongs to heat-loving crops and does not survive the frosty winters that occur in most regions.

Growing a plant

Growing magnolia is a pleasure. If you provide the plant with favorable growth conditions, then you can enjoy beautiful and fragrant flowers for a long time.

What should be the soil?

Magnolia does not like calcareous soil, so you will have to add peat to the soil if the site has such a substrate. Also, the tree is not recommended to be planted on a sandy type of soil. Sandy loamy fertile soil or black soil is suitable for planting.

What should you pay attention to when landing?

It is recommended to plant a plant on protected from strong winds plots. It is best to plant a seedling in a sunny area, which will regularly receive a shadow during the day. Before planting, it is undesirable to waterlog the soil. It is not recommended to plant a seedling in the spring. You can take a chance, but sudden spring frosts can kill the plant.

The most favorable period for planting is October. At this time, the magnolia begins a hibernation period, and the seedling tolerates planting more easily. The winter hardiness of the variety is low, therefore, after planting, before the onset of cold weather, the seedling should be covered.

Landing technology

Planting Magnolia Susana:

  • dig up the soil and mix it with wood ash;
  • dig a hole to a depth of 70 cm;
  • put the seedling in the hole and bury;
  • compact the soil near the trunk.

At the end of planting, water the seedling abundantly with warm water. During planting, it is undesirable to deepen the root collar. It should be at least 2 cm above ground level. After watering, the seedling is mulched with peat.

Further care of the culture

Plant care is not difficult. The main thing is not to forget about watering the tree and applying mineral fertilizers and organics. It is also important to think about sheltering the tree before the onset of winter.

Proper watering

A feature of magnolia watering is that within 3 years after planting a seedling, it must be watered so that the soil is always wet and does not dry out. But at the same time, waterlogging of the soil should also not be allowed.

When the tree grows up, you can water it several times a month. The larger the tree, the more water it needs. For irrigation, take water heated in the sun.

Before watering, you can loosen the soil, but this must be done carefully. The root system of a tree grows in such a way that all the roots are closer to the soil surface. In order not to damage the roots, the soil is loosened with a pitchfork.

What to fertilize and feed

In the first two years after planting a seedling, fertilizers are not required for it (provided that enough top dressing was applied to the soil during planting). In the third year of growth, the substrate on which the tree grows is depleted, and fertilization is inevitable.

Suitable ready-made mineral complexes for flower shrubs. You can also make your own food. For its preparation, urea and saltpeter are diluted in water (in a ratio of 20:15 g). The resulting solution is poured over the soil next to the plant.

plant pruning

As a rule, formative pruning of magnolia bushes is not required. In autumn, after the tree has faded, flower stalks and dry branches are cut off. Places of cuts are smeared with garden pitch so that the plant does not get sick. For trimming, a sharpened sector is used so that there are no creases at the cut points.


Magnolia belongs to heat-loving plants, and frosty winters are detrimental to a tree. Before the onset of cold weather, the lower part of the trunk is wrapped with a warm cloth. And the soil near the trunk is covered with spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

The most common insects on magnolia are aphids, spider mites, and worms. You can get rid of these insects on the plant by spraying with acaricides.

Another problem that has to be faced is rodents. If traces of mice appear on the bark, they are treated with a solution of "Fundazol". And when the soil freezes, it is mulched. So the mice will not be able to get to the roots and trunk.

Sometimes yellow spots may appear on the foliage - chlorosis. This problem arises due to the high lime content in the soil. To solve this problem, you need to add peat, soil from a coniferous forest to the soil, or water the earth with a special preparation that increases acidity.

Breeding methods

There are several ways to propagate Magnolia Susan:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.

If the plant is propagated by seed, then the material is planted immediately after harvest. Magnolia planting material is very poorly stored. The seed coat is very hard, so before planting, the side walls are cut off with sandpaper or simply pierced with a needle.

The surface of the planting material is covered with a thin oily layer, therefore, before planting, it is carefully washed off with warm water and soap. Then rinse in clean water.

Prepared seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 3 cm. Magnolia boxes are removed to the basement. In March, they are taken out and placed on the windowsill, on the sunny side. For a year at home, the seedlings will grow by about 50 cm. Only after that, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

When grown by cuttings, cuttings are cut at the end of June, when the tree fades. They are cut so that 3 full-fledged leaves remain on top. The lower part of the cutting is placed in a solution that activates growth. After that, the branches are planted in a mixture of peat and soil.

Cover the boxes with cuttings and put in a warm place. The temperature at which roots appear on them is from +19 to + 21 degrees. After about 9 weeks, roots should appear. And in October, the cuttings are planted in the ground.

Another method of reproduction is layering. The lower branches in the spring are bent to the soil and buried. The thread needs to be secured with something. By autumn, layering will give roots. After a few years, they can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted.

Potential Growing Problems

Problems in Growing Magnolia Suzanne:

  • Low acidity of the soil. Culture prefers to grow on the ground with high level acidity.
  • With an excess of nutrients in the soil, the foliage becomes covered with yellow spots and dries. You can solve this problem by watering the plant abundantly once a week.
  • It is not recommended to apply nitrogen in large quantities to the soil. This will increase the risk of freezing roots in winter.
  • The soil must not be allowed to dry out. This can lead to the appearance of spider mites on the tree.

Growing magnolia is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations for care, and then the tree will delight with its fragrant flowers for many years, because magnolia has been growing for almost half a century.

Application in landscape design

Susan's hybrid magnolia variety is very popular in landscape design, especially often the variety is used to decorate embankments in seaside resorts. The tree looks great in an urban environment. When the magnolia enters its flowering period, it is impossible to look away from the tree.

Magnolia "Suzan"

In 1955-1956, several varieties of beautiful magnolia were grown in the USA by crossing lily magnolia (m.liliflora) and star magnolia (m.stellata). The result is medium to tall plants that bloom later than regular spring magnolias and therefore avoid the frequent late spring frosts that destroy buds and flowers. All these hybrids received girlish names as names and differ in the shape and color of the flowers.

Magnolia 'Susan' flowers are lily-shaped or slender tulip-shaped, deep pink to red on the outside and light on the inside, and rarely open at the end of flowering, such as the Betty variety. This is the most colorful spring magnolia. Blooms at the ends of last year's shoots, very abundant, even if the plant is still young.

Even after flowering, the magnolia remains very attractive due to its dense foliage, which retains a rich color in summer. green color. We do not recommend pruning, but if there is a need to form a young plant, then pruning should be done in the spring, immediately after flowering.

Deciduous magnolias require moist, moderately acidic or neutral soil and planting in full sun or partial shade. They have shallow roots that collect nutrients mainly from the top layer of the soil, so you need to pay attention when planting on the powder over the roots of magnolia quality peat, possibly with the addition of soluble long-acting fertilizers. Magnolia should not be planted too deep - this can kill the plant. For landing, choose a place where you will not dig or dig anything within a radius of 2 meters from the magnolia - this beauty is quite selfish and does not like to be disturbed by her roots, which she spreads widely around her. The plant is completely cold hardy. Due to the large flowers and leaves, we advise you to plant it in a place protected from the wind and mulch the roots so that it does not lose moisture at any time of the year.

Frost-resistant from -27 to -29 ° C.

Culture can be evergreen or deciduous. In total there are 120 varieties of culture. Many varieties of magnolias bred by modern breeders are perfect for cultivation in the middle lane. Evergreen magnolias are intended for southern regions with a humid warm climate. Deciduous trees are frost-resistant magnolias that can endure low temperature environment.

Types of magnolias grown in cold regions: large-leaved magnolia, Cobus magnolia, star magnolia, Lebner magnolia, three-petal magnolia, virgin magnolia.

Conditionally winter-hardy species that prefer warm weather, without severe frosts: Sulange magnolia, lily-colored, Ash magnolia.

Exotic cultures of southern latitudes: large-flowered magnolia, evergreen "Gallisoninsis grandiflora", "Gallisoninsis Nana".

Sweet bay

Sweet bay- This is a deciduous or semi-evergreen tall bush, reaching a height of 20 m. The trunk of representatives of the species is straight, the branches are bare, the buds are covered with tiny villi. Magnolia virginiana has oval, semi-evergreen leaves, with a pointed apex and a wide base, up to 12 cm long. From above, the leaf plate is dark olive, smooth, polished. From below, the leaves are smoky-turquoise, tender, velvety, pubescent along the midrib. Petioles are small, no more than 2 cm long, smooth, not pubescent.

The flowering period of representatives of the variety begins in April; blooms until July, not abundantly, but steadily. Flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, milky white, fragrant, petals about 9 - 12 pieces.

Many fans of culture believe that magnolia virginiana flowers have an inimitable, intoxicating aroma.

The fruits of the plant are dark purple in color, up to 5 cm long, shaped like an ellipse or cone. The seeds are covered with a dense purple shell.


Magnolia Susan

Magnolia Susan is a popular hybrid of lilac magnolia and star magnolia. It is a dense shrub up to 4 m high, at first resembling a cone, and the older it acquires a rounded shape. The leaves are large, dark olive. The flowers are voluminous, up to 1 cm in diameter, dark scarlet at the base, lighter at the ends. Representatives of the variety do not smell strongly, but pleasantly. The flowering period is long and violent.

The plant prefers sunny places, without strong winds, and slightly acidic, fertile soils. In winter, specimens of the variety need shelter only in the first couple of years after planting.

Magnolia Susan is a variety that seems to be specially created for small, cozy gardens.


magnolia macrophylla

magnolia macrophylla- This is a deciduous tree up to 23 m high, with a dense, elongated, rounded crown, shaped like a pyramid. The trunk is straight, with a diameter of up to 50 cm; the bark is thin, smooth, smoky. In adult representatives, the bark acquires the ability to crack into tiny flat plates. Young shoots are covered with thin fluff. Representatives of the variety have large, thin leaves, up to 100 cm long, with wavy edges and a blunt apex, heart-shaped at the base. Above the leaf plate is glossy, malachite, below the leaves are grayish, covered with delicate short hairs.

Large-leaved magnolia has flowers of an unusual color in the upper tier of the crown: three blueberry spots on the inner petals. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, fragrant: at first they are snow-white, and closer to the end of flowering, they acquire a shade of ivory. The buds of the plant appear after the leaves bloom, in April - May. The fruit ripening closer to August is an oval lilac multi-leaf, up to 8 cm long.


Magnolia Loebner

Magnolia Loebner "Leonard"- This is a deciduous tree up to 9 m high, a hardy hybrid of magnolias Kobus and Star-shaped, with a rounded crown and a wonderful aroma. The leaves are oval in shape, their arrangement is regular. The flowering time of the culture begins in mid-spring. Volumetric buds of the plant, up to 14 cm in diameter, resemble stars in shape, white or mother-of-pearl. The outer petals of the flower are distinguished by blue-scarlet or pink-purple stripes, inside the petals are white.

Representatives of the species prefer acidic, fertile, moist and drained soils. Place for the plant is chosen in the open sun or in light shade. A favorable time for planting deciduous magnolia is early spring.


Magnolia hybrid Betty

Magnolia hybrid Betty is a deciduous shrub up to 4 m high, with a rounded crown. The leaves are oblong, up to 10 cm long. The flowering stage begins in mid-spring, before the leaves bloom. The flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter, scarlet on the outside and white-pearl inside, the petals are narrow, slightly twisted. The culture blooms profusely until early July.

For rapid formation and growth, the culture must be planted in an open sunny place, protected from the winds.


Umbrella tree

Umbrella tree- This is a deciduous tree up to 12 m high, with a crown similar to an impressive umbrella. The bark of the trees is light smoky, smooth. The shoots are dense, crimson-lead or brown-olive, with pronounced leaf scars, the buds are brown-green. The leaves are large, oblong, with a pointed apex. From above, the leaf plate is light olive, even, the leaves below are greenish-gray, with convex veins, covered with short hairs.

Three-petal magnolia has large flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, creamy in color, shaped like oblong goblets. Thanks to this structure of the flowers, the beetles that pollinate them freely penetrate the buds. The fruits of the culture are multi-leaflets of an oblong shape, wine-colored, containing resinous, flat seeds. The flowering period begins after the leaves bloom.


magnolia willifolia

magnolia willifolia- This is an elegant deciduous tree or large shrub up to 10 m high, with a conical crown having several tiers. The bark of the trunk of magnolia willow is smooth, smoky shade. Young shoots of representatives of the species are lead-olive, tender and silky. Mature shoots are smoky-brown, greenish. The leaves are long and narrow, pointed, oval in shape. The leaf plate is light olive above, gray below, covered with tiny hairs along the veins.

Magnolia flowers are creamy in color, with a strong anise smell, shaped like bells. The flowering stage begins before the leaves bloom, in the first half or mid-April. Re-blooming is possible in August or September. The fruit is a modular leaflet, shaped like a slightly curved cylinder.

Interestingly, in the process of growth, on the illuminated side, the fruits get a pinkish tint. If you grind the vegetative parts of the plant, the air will be filled with an anise fragrance.


magnolia lilyflower

Magnolia Lilyflower Nigra or an orchid tree is a shrub or tree up to 6 m high, with rather branchy, voluminous foliage. The bark of the tree trunk is even, light smoky in color. Young shoots of the culture are initially olive in color, adult specimens have crimson-brown branches. The leaves of the plant are large, oval-shaped, narrowed at the base, dark olive above, light green below.

Flower buds are covered with lemon-silver hairs. The flowers are narrow, shaped like cups, scarlet on the outside, milky inside, with a delicate, barely perceptible aroma. The flowering time begins in late spring, along with the appearance of leaves. Re-flowering is possible between July and September.

The fruit is a multi-leafed cylindrical shape, crimson colors with black seeds, ripens in late October - November.


magnolia brooklyn

magnolia brooklyn is a fast-growing deciduous tree up to 6 meters high. The crown is small, pyramidal. The light chestnut or smoky bark of the plant is covered with grooves. The branches of specimens of the species are purple-brown-gray. The leaves are dark olive in color, elongated, satin, with solid, slightly wavy edges.

The flowers of the representatives of the species are of a wide variety of shades, ranging from lemon and yellow-green to lilac-blue. The first buds appear in late spring - early summer. The fruits are pink-scarlet leaflets, shaped like a pine cone. Fruits in September. For planting, plants choose a sunny place, sheltered from piercing winds, with acidic or neutral soil.

Magnolia Elizabeth

Botanists' favorite cultivar of the Brooklyn magnolia: Magnolia cultivar Elizabeth. Yellow Magnolia or Magnolia Elizabeth is a medium-sized evergreen or deciduous, depending on the local climate, a tree about 8 meters high, with foliage resembling a pyramid. The leaves are oval, leathery, glossy, olive in color. The flowers of the plant are straw-colored, goblet-shaped, odorous. Magnolia flower buds open in late spring and early summer.

Representatives of the variety grow actively in areas lit by the sun or in partial shade. Even in an almost mild climate, the weather is unpredictable, and cold winters cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the frosty season by collecting material for shelter in a convenient corner of the garden. Spruce branches, reed or straw mats, mature compost can be used for protection.


Camellia Genie

Genie is a hybrid of Sulange magnolias and Lilyflowered Nigra. Deciduous compact shrub up to 3 meters high, with an exquisite columnar crown shape. Elastic young olive-colored shoots acquire a chestnut hue over time. The leaves are tobacco green, oval.

Volumetric, goblet-shaped flowers of dark wine color, shaped like tulips or lotus flowers. Abundant flowering representatives of the hybrid lasts all spring. Blooms again in late summer.


Magnolia Kobus

Magnolia Kobus is a deciduous tree or shrub up to 25 meters high. The fleshy roots of the plant are located in different ways: close to the surface of the soil and deep in the thickness of the earth. Young trees have a narrow, pyramidal crown, adult representatives have delicate leafless shoots and a rounded crown. The bark of the plant stem is dark grey. The leaves are oval, with a wedge-shaped apex, dark malachite above, light below. The flowers are white and creamy, with a sweet aroma. Culture pleases with the appearance of buds in early spring, until the leaves bloom.

The tree grows quite quickly, prefers fresh, porous and moist soil. Tropical beauty is perfect for slightly acidified and humus-rich soil.

Seedlings of the sultry lady will start flowering after 7 years, but sometimes flora lovers have to wait 30 years for the first buds to appear. Vegetatively propagated representatives of the culture delight with wonderful flowers 10 years after planting. If the growing conditions are unfavorable, the culture may not bloom at all.

Kobus is the most resistant of all East Asian species, the culture withstands short-term frosts down to -34 degrees. As for pruning trees, it is carried out for sanitary purposes, as needed.

This type of magnolia has a popular northern shape, with a cone-shaped crown and mother-of-pearl flowers that are larger than the main species. The northern magnolia is more frost hardy than the typical magnolia.


magnolia grandiflora

Magnolia grandiflora- an evergreen tree up to 30 meters high. Magnolia grandiflora has a wide crown, shaped like a pyramid. The bark is smoky or chestnut. The flowers of the magnolia tree are solitary, growing on the tops of the shoots, voluminous, white-creamy, with an intense intoxicating smell. The flowering time lasts from May to September. Tropical culture bears fruit in October-November. The charming enchantress remains viable with a short drop in temperature to -15 degrees.

magnolia nude

magnolia nude

magnolia nude It is a deciduous tree or tall shrub. It blooms with large milky-cream flowers with a pleasant rich aroma. The flowering stage of the plant begins before the leaves bloom. When growing representatives of the species from seeds, the first buds will appear no earlier than after 4 years, and in some cases, magnolia will delight with flowers only after 10 years. Breeders have bred several hybrid forms of representatives of the culture, differing in appearance and flowering periods.


Magnolia Sulange

Magnolia Sulange is a hybrid of naked magnolia and lilac magnolia. Magnolia Sulange is a deciduous tree or shrub up to 8 meters high. The leaves are large, light olive. The dazzling culture delights its fans with lush flowering in mid-spring. The fruits of the plant appear closer to autumn.

Magnolia of this species is able to withstand frosts down to -22 degrees. If provided for the development of culture sunny places protected from cold winds, it will abundantly and quite early reward its fans with luxurious buds. The plant is able to withstand the influence of adverse climatic conditions and actively develops on various soils, preferring fertile, porous soil.

Representatives of the species constantly need sunlight, so they feel bad even in partial shade.

As for late frosts, they can harm the flowers, but the plant is able to recover rapidly.

Widely known exotic forms and varieties:

  • f. Lennei - flowers are fragrant, scarlet, with a mother-of-pearl hue on the outside, milky inside;
  • f. rubra - bright, crimson-pink flowers;
  • f. Alexandrina - mother-of-pearl flowers, dark scarlet outside;
  • f. Niemetzii is a plant with a cone-shaped crown and a variety of flower colors, mostly white and strawberry.


magnolia siebold

Magnolia Siebold is an elegant deciduous tree or shrub up to 10 meters high. The leaves are large and wide. The flowers are milky, fragrant, on a thin pedicel, covered with fluff. The plant gives buds in June, sometimes there is a repeated single flowering at the end of summer. The tropical goddess bears fruit in late September or October. Magnolia fruits are multi-leaf oblong, crimson hue. The culture is frost-resistant.


magnolia star

Already in March, white and pale crimson flowers make magnolia, barely reaching 3 meters, perhaps one of the most beautiful, early blooming garden shrubs. Star magnolia has the ability to drop leaves for the winter and has a fairly voluminous crown. The leaves are large, fleshy, glossy, oval.

The main difference between the representatives of star magnolia: lush flowering earlier than other species. Flowers, similar in shape to a star, consist of 15-40 petals, have a delicate, intoxicating aroma.

The buds open before the leaves appear, in mid-spring. The flowering period lasts about 20 days. Scarlet knobby fruit of the plant appearance looks like a cucumber. The place for planting the crop should be open to sunlight and protected from the winds.

Popular varieties of star magnolia:

  • Royal Star. Shrub up to 3 meters high, covered with fragile, snow-white flowers in spring. This variety is considered to be more adapted to harsh weather conditions than the wild form. The shrub is able to endure a drop in temperature to -30 degrees;
  • Rosea. Shrub up to 2 meters high, the crown of which is shaped like a ball. Mother-of-pearl flowers are large, fragrant. The winter hardiness of the variety is the same as that of the wild-growing ancestor;
  • Doctor Massey. The height of the crown of the plant reaches 2.5 meters. Representatives of the variety surprise with long and violent flowering. Magnolias of this variety are distinguished by strawberry-colored buds, which become snow-white after blooming. Culture tolerates frost well;
  • Jane Platt. Very beautiful variety, with mother-of-pearl flowers and a large number of petals. The variety has good winter hardiness.

magnolia officinalis

magnolia officinalis

Deciduous tree up to 20 meters high. The bark of the trunk is smoky in color, young shoots are covered with thin, tiny, delicate villi, later the shoots become satiny, straw-smoky or lemon. The kidneys are olive-colored, covered with a reddish fluff, the generative ones are greenish-lead. The leaves, located at the ends of the branches, are in the form of an umbrella, oval in shape, with a wedge-shaped apex. The leaf plate, olive above and smoky green below, is covered with hairs, which later remain only along its veins.

This species gives buds in April, after the appearance of leaves. The flowers, similar to narrow cups, are white, fragrant, shaped like water lilies. The fruit of the plant is an oval-shaped multi-leaf, with a rounded top, crimson in color. Winter hardy plant.

The tropical angel is used not only as a decoration and landscaping of various settlements, but is also grown for medicinal purposes. The results of various scientific tests indicate a sufficient content in the bark, leaves and buds of representatives of the culture of a large number of aromatic ingredients and alkaloids.

Magnolia - landing and care

Magnolia- an unusual tree for our region. It is grown for its beautiful large flowers. Where should it be planted and how to care for it to bloom?
Magnolia seedlings are most commonly purchased from garden centers. It is recommended to buy seedlings at least 1 meter high, with two flower buds. Younger seedlings may not tolerate our frosts. Magnolia bloom lasts about a month, the flowers are large, with a pleasant smell. In September and October, fruits 5-8 cm long with more bright color on the sunlit side.

The most popular types of magnolia

Magnolia Kobus. The largest among magnolias - reaches about 3.5 m. The crown is pyramidal, branched. The flowers are wide open, white, up to 10 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely in late April-May, before the leaves bloom. Frost-resistant.

magnolia star- height up to 2-3 m, rounded crown. One of the earliest. It blooms profusely in late April, before the leaves bloom. Flowers 7-10 cm in diameter, snow-white, fragrant. Sometimes damaged by spring frosts. Frost-resistant. Often there are varieties: Rosea, Royal

Magnolia Loebner- height about 2 m. Blooms in May before the leaves bloom. The flowers are pink, white inside, wide open. Does not frost over, blooms well.

magnolia siebold- height up to 1.5 m. It grows slowly. Blooms at the end of May. The flowers are 7-10 cm in diameter, white with an expressive red center.