Magnolia Susan planting and care. Blooming magnolia tree planting and care in the open field of the Moscow region, photo species

Often, gardeners call magnolia the most aristocratic tree, and this is not in vain. Seeing a magnolia with its beautiful leaves, large and fragrant flowers, you are unlikely to confuse it with another plant. Currently, there are more than 100 varieties of magnolia trees and shrubs.

Magnolias are bushes and trees from 2 meters high. The foliage is elliptical or obovate in shape. Large bisexual flowers reach a diameter of 20-25 cm, usually placed one at a time at the very edge of the shoot. The color can be anything - white, pink, cream, purple, yellow, purple - it all depends on the variety you choose. From the flowers comes a pleasant delicate aroma.

It is customary to divide magnolias into two types: evergreen and deciduous.

evergreens grow in warmer areas where the temperature difference in winter is less significant.

In the middle lane, open ground, grown as a rule deciduous varieties of magnolia .

Mostly early flowering varieties: Kobus (lat. Kobus), Magnolia Lebner (lat. Magnolia loebneri) - hybrid m agnolia Z starry (lat. Magnolia stellata) and Kobus., Sulange magnolia (lat. Soulangiana) they begin to wake up at the end of March (when the air temperature begins to stay at +10 degrees). Then the first buds appear (mid-April). When temperature regime exceeds 15-25 degrees, magnolias will begin to bloom abundantly, which will amaze you with its beauty and aroma.

In mid-May, the following flowers begin to bloom varieties: Watson (lat. Watson), Wilson (lat. Wilson), Siebold (lat. Sieboldii) and Ash (lat. Ashei). The flowers of these varieties of magnolia bloom one at a time, which significantly prolongs the flowering process, unlike blooming in early spring.

The duration of flowering cannot be determined exactly, because each species has its own biological characteristics, age. Changing factors include climatic conditions and care.

Magnolia varieties for the Moscow region

Many varieties are quite hardy, so they can be grown without much difficulty in the Moscow region following our recommendations.

The most persistent varieties - Kobus (lat. Kobus), Lebner (lat. Loebneri kache).

Relatively persistent varieties - Wilson (lat. Wilson), Siebold (lat. Sieboldii) and Ash (lat. Ashei).

Even in severe frost, only some buds freeze slightly in these varieties, which does not harm the entire tree as a whole. The longer the magnolia is in middle lane Russia, the higher its winter hardiness, a couple of years after planting the magnolia, shelter for the winter is no longer required.

Do not worry if in the first years after planting the plant blooms for only 7-12 days, while the flowers are very rare - this is the norm for a plant that is still adapting to the climatic zone of the Moscow region. It will take another couple of years, and your magnolia will please the eye with its flowering for 30 days!

Choice of time and place of landing

Disembarkation time

If you bought magnolia in a container or pot, you can repot it from mid-March to the end of September. The method of planting a plant from a pot (container) is most preferable, because. it is planted with a small amount of soil to which it is accustomed. In this case, the adaptation of the plant is much faster.

Place to land

Before planting a plant, you need to study the microclimate of the garden or area where you are going to plant magnolia. Lighting plays a huge role in the successful cultivation of magnolias. As you know, these plants are quite thermophilic, but young plants cannot stand the scorching sun at noon: the result of "overheating" can be light yellow leaves.

If you plant a magnolia in a less sunny place, then the level of green pigment increases. That is why, the plant should be planted in the shade of another tree. In the image above, a magnolia tree was planted in the floor of the shade of pines, a good solution, the pines will not only give the floor a shadow, but also slightly acidify the soil with their fallen needles.

As far as air pollution is concerned, the varieties Kobus (lat. Kobus) and Magnolia Soulange (lat. Soulangiana) do an excellent job with a large percentage of emissions from enterprises and car exhaust.

General landing rules

Magnolia should be planted in light and slightly moist soil.

The composition of the soil should include sod land, peat and compost in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, respectively.

In order not to spoil the root system, you should dig a hole three times the size of the roots. Do not compact the ground from above, so as not to harm the roots.

The soil under the seedling must be covered with coniferous bark - this technique will help maintain the water balance in the soil.

To prevent the roots from drying out when planting, be sure to buy seedlings in special containers.

Care and preparation for winter

Magnolia is a very rare plant in central Russia and many will tell you that it is impossible to grow it, and if it does, it will cause a lot of trouble. - Do not believe!

If you have chosen the right places for planting a plant and planted it in the “right” soil, then the first flowers will appear on it very quickly.

Magnolia should not be transplanted from one place to another.

Soil loosening


if the summer turned out to be very dry, do not forget about watering the bush. It should be watered once every 2-3 days (about 2 buckets of soft water with a low level of lime in the composition). Do not overdo it - if a swamp has formed around the tree, you should stop watering until the soil is completely dry.

top dressing

during the period of leaf growth, magnolia is fertilized with a mineral complex, but not earlier than two years after planting, this will allow the leaves to grow much faster and fight the weather.

The composition of the fertilizer per 10 liters of water: 15 gr urea (urea) + 20 gr ammonium nitrate+1 kg of mullein. Fertilizer consumption for one medium-sized tree is 30 liters.

You can use ready-made fertilizers, such as Agrecool or "Kemira - Universal"(applied according to the instructions).

The last top dressing is done at the beginning of the second half of summer (July 15), because very soon the plant goes into calm mode and begins to prepare for winter.


the plant does not need to cut off excess branches. Dried branches should be removed at the end of flowering.

If the plant has branches that cross inside the crown, it is best to remove them immediately to improve the decorative effect and accelerate the growth of neighboring branches.

Preparing for winter

within 2-3 years after planting, be sure to cover the roots of the plant with straw, coniferous branches or sawdust with peat. In the first 2-3 years, the trunk should be wrapped with agro-cloth up to the first or second tier of skeletal branches, as in the image below.

It will also not be superfluous to cover the tree from the cold winter winds with the same agricultural fabric, wrapping its plant around and securing it with thread, wire or an ordinary stapler, this method shown in the bottom photo.


these plants are not afraid of insects and other pests, so there are no “special secrets” for protecting trees.

For residents of the Moscow region and nearby regions, magnolia is a very rare plant. And all because, due to unreliable rumors, we consider her very thermophilic and vulnerable.

In fact, magnolia is one of the most beautiful plants with excellent endurance, including temperature extremes in central Russia.

Now, having learned about the main features of planting and care and having read our guide to action, you can safely experiment in growing magnolia in the Moscow region.

Useful information

Buy magnolia in the Moscow region you can in nurseries:,

Garden tool, magnolia planting equipment

Shovel Fiskars series Solid;
- Gardena gloves for working with soil;
- secateurs Samurai KS,
- garden watering can OBI.

Surely, many people at least once had to stop in the spring in front of someone's yard or garden, involuntarily admiring an unusual picture - luxurious pink, white or purple flowers on a beautiful and delicate tree without leaves. This is a magnolia blossom. At first glance, it may seem that only experienced gardeners can grow such a miracle by investing a lot of money and putting in a lot of effort. Let's try to figure out if this is so by talking about how to grow a magnolia.

Magnolia (Magnolia)- deciduous or evergreen decorative tree and a shrub from 2 to 30 m high with beautiful large flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, which are located one at a time at the ends of the branches.

This is a very ancient plant. There is an opinion that it is the progenitor of modern flowering plants. This tree is popular in China, where there are many beliefs about it.

Did you know? Magnolia is valued not only for its beauty. Its leaves, flowers and fruits contain essential oils, which help with high blood pressure, rheumatism and digestive problems. They are also used in perfumery.

The tree came to Europe in the 17th century and it was here that it got its name - Magnolia - in honor of the director of one of the botanical gardens in France, Pierre Magnol. Since then, breeders have bred a huge range of species and varieties of magnolia. Today, about 80 species are cultivated, different in shape and size of the crown, color and shape of flowers.

Magnolia: choosing a landing site

Before you take care of growing magnolia in your garden and caring for it, you need to choose the right type, variety and place for planting. Since the main problem of the magnolia tree is poor frost tolerance, when choosing a plant species, you need to pay attention to how cold the winters in your area are, and which species is suitable for your climatic conditions. The most frost-resistant are Kobus and Lebner magnolias. Magnolia Sulange, Wilson, Ash tolerate the harsh winters relatively well.

When choosing a place for planting, it must be borne in mind that this plant does not tolerate drafts, so the site should, if possible, be covered from the wind from the north and east, for example, by taller trees.

Important! Do not plant magnolia under fruit trees, since falling fruits can damage the flowers and break the branches of the plant.

It is necessary to take care of sufficient illumination of the place so that the tree is not located in deep shade. Also, direct sunlight should not penetrate the plant. Exceptions may be for magnolias Lebner, Kobus and stellate, which can grow in open areas. Kobus is also resistant to exhaust gases and industrial emissions, which allows it to be planted near busy highways and in industrial areas.

Today, magnolia is often used in landscape gardening, so many recommendations have been written on how to grow a flower tree with your own hands, the main of which we share with you.

When to plant magnolia in the garden

The tree can be planted both in spring and autumn. Although experienced magnolia owners still recommend the latter option. This is due to the fact that before the autumn planting, the plant is at rest, and it is easier for him to endure the winter. And during the spring planting, the tree begins active growth, gives a large increase and often meets winter already with shoots, which by this time have not yet had time to become covered with wood and die off.

How to plant a magnolia

Magnolia is not very whimsical, but when planting and caring for it, you must follow some simple rules, which, first of all, relate to the composition of the soil, watering and feeding.

Soil composition

Magnolia seedlings are best purchased in well-established specialized stores. Usually there they are sold in containers. Such plants tolerate both spring and autumn planting, because they land with a clod of earth, to which they have already adapted. Gardeners with experience for planting recommend purchasing plants 1 m tall with a couple of flowers that have already blossomed. This way you will know for sure that your local climate is suitable for this type of magnolia.

The soil for planting should be light, well-drained and moderately moist. Neutral or slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter, is perfect.

Important! Magnolias are contraindicated in calcareous and saline soil.

If the soil in your area is limed, then peat can be added to it, which will increase the acidity.

Optimal soil composition:

  • deciduous or sod land - 1;
  • peat - 2;
  • sand - 0.5.

Magnolia Planting Scheme

A pit for planting should be prepared in advance, 3-5 times the size of the tree's root system. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pit - 15 cm high. Then a layer of sand (10 cm), a layer of manure (15 cm), again a layer of sand (15 cm) and the prepared soil mixture are laid. After that, the seedling is placed in a hole and covered with earth, while making sure that the root neck is not buried. The maximum recommended depth is 2.5 cm. The earth should be lightly tamped and watered abundantly. The near-trunk area can be covered with coniferous bark, which will allow you to maintain the desired level of moisture.

Magnolia does not tolerate transplants, so it must be immediately planted in a permanent place. If you plan to plant several trees, then the distance between them should be at least 4-5 m.

Features of caring for magnolia

After proper fit Magnolia her well-being will depend on her care. There are no fundamental differences from caring for ordinary fruit trees in this case.

Watering the plant

You need to water only young plants, and in the dry season and adults. For the well-being of the tree, it needs watering once a week in the amount of 2-3 buckets of water. If the summer is too dry or magnolia grows in sandy soil, then the regularity and abundance of watering can be increased.

soil care

The roots of magnolias are superficial, so the earth in the root area must be loosened to a depth of 20 cm, and this should be done with caution, preferably without using either a shovel or a rake. Weeds are best pulled out by hand. After the tree reaches 3 years, the trunk circle can be mulched with organic materials (coniferous bark, peat, sawdust, manure). This will insulate the soil and serve as an additional source nutrients. After this procedure, the earth can no longer be loosened.

When and how to fertilize magnolia

It is necessary to feed and fertilize a tree no earlier than 2 years after planting it. In early spring, you can feed your beauty with a mixture of 1 kg of mullein, 15 g of urea, 25 g of ammonium nitrate. In early autumn, fertilizing with nitroammophos (20 g / 10 l of water) is useful. Irrigation rate - 40 liters per tree.

You can use the fertilizer "Kemira-Universal" (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water), as well as special fertilizers "For magnolia".

Important! If at the end of July the leaves on the magnolia began to dry, this means that there was an overdose of fertilizers. In this case, the plant is prescribed weekly abundant watering.

plant pruning

Since magnolias do not tolerate pruning, this procedure is necessary only for decorative purposes in the first years after planting to give the desired shape to the crown. It is contraindicated to get involved in this process, as this can provoke less active flowering. In the future, only sanitary pruning is recommended once a year, in which dry, bent, damaged branches are removed. If the crown is thickened, then it thins out. In order for the sections to heal quickly, they must be covered with garden pitch.

Magnolia: how to save a plant in winter

Mature trees tolerate temperatures down to -25-30°C in winter. Therefore, the question of how to preserve a mature magnolia in winter is no longer in front of its owner. But you need to worry about young plants. In the first 3 years, their lower part of the trunk and the root system (or even the entire tree) must be insulated with special agrofabric (lutrasil), burlap, straw or spruce branches. With age, the frost resistance of magnolias increases.

In subsequent years, the ground in the trunk circle in the fall should be mulched with sawdust, pine bark, and peat.

Magnolia Propagation Methods

Magnolias reproduce in three ways:

  • seeds,
  • layering and cuttings,
  • vaccinations.


In nature, magnolias reproduce by seeds dispersed by birds. You can also try to sow a tree from seeds. This should be done in the fall, immediately after picking the berries. Or postpone until spring, but keep the seeds in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

Pre-seeds must be filled with water for 3 days, and then cleaned from a dense oily shell (for example, by rubbing through a sieve). After cleaning, they should be washed in a mild soapy solution and rinsed in clean water several times. Sow in boxes 3 cm deep in universal soil. Remove the containers to the cellar until spring. In early March, they need to be moved to the windowsill before germination. Seedlings can be planted in a year. So you will have a magnolia grown by your own hands, by the time of the birth of which you will already know well how to care for it.

Magnolia Susan

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(Magnolia Susan) is a hybrid of flowering plants from the genus Magnolia (Magnolia) of the Magnoliaceae family (Magnoliaceae). The hybrid was obtained from Magnolia liliiflora "Nigra" × Magnolia stellata "Rosea" in 1955-1956. At the US National Arboretum in Washington DC, botanist William F. Kosar and Dr. Francis de Vos. The variety went on sale in 1968. Included in the group ‘The Little Girl series’: ‘Ann’, ‘Betty’, ‘Jane’, ‘Judy’, ‘Pinkie’, ‘Randy’, ‘Ricki’. Plants in this series bloom 2-4 weeks later than (M. stellata) and (M. x soulangiana), which reduces the risk of flower damage from late spring frosts. The hybrid was awarded the Royal Horticultural Society (AGM) Award in 1993.

It is a deciduous vertically growing shrub or small tree 2.5-4 (6) m in height and width. Grows slowly. The crown is pyramidal when young, becoming rounded and dense later. The roots are fleshy, sensitive, located deep and on the surface. The bark is grey, smooth. Lives up to 50 years.

Leaves obovate or elliptical, 6-10 (15) cm long and 3-5 cm wide, dark green. Leaves turn yellowish-bronze in autumn.

The flowers are goblet or shaped, fragrant, growing vertically. Petals 6 in number, reach 9.5-12 cm in length and 3.5-4.5 cm in width, part of the petals is bent inward, purple at the base on the outside, the tips are lighter, violet-red to gray-purple. It blooms during the blooming of the leaves, for a long time, from the end of April to June.

The fruits are cone-shaped combined leaflets. Fruits in September.

Frost resistance zone: 6a (-25°C).

Location: the best place for landing is a sunny place, covered from the north and east winds. Relatively shade-tolerant. Moisture-loving, easily tolerates waterlogging. Demanding on air humidity. Needs watering during dry periods. It is recommended to mulch the trunk circle with peat, peat compost or wood chips 8-12 cm thick.

The soil: prefers acidic or neutral soil.

Landing: soil mixture - leaf humus, peat, sand in a ratio of 3:2:2. At the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to put drainage from crushed stone or coarse sand 15-20 cm thick. Transplantation should be carried out with caution, since thick and fleshy roots can be damaged very easily. It is recommended to buy plants with a closed root system and plant them in an open area in the spring.

Care: young plants for the winter require shelter with spruce branches or non-woven material, the stems are wrapped with burlap.

Reproduction: propagated by seeds, grafting and cuttings. Seeds after collection must be immediately sown in the ground or stratified in a cool room in the sand. Before sowing, it is recommended to grind the seeds with sand to remove the fleshy shell and rinse in water. Sowing is carried out in March-April in pick boxes, which are placed in a room with a temperature of + 15 + 18 ° C. After the appearance of 3 leaves, the seedlings dive into the beds. When propagated by seed, it blooms for the first time at 15 years.

Pests: Common spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), Transparent mite (Hemitarsonemus latus), field slug (Deroceras agrestis and Limax maximus), flail snail nemoralis (Cepaea nemoralis), grape snail (Helix pomatia), greenhouse striped aphid (Aulacorthum circumflexum or Neomyzus circumflexum) , Peach aphid (Myzus persicae), Rose thrips (Thrips fuscipennis, Haliday), Garden cutworm (Mamestra oleracea), Ivy scale insect (Aspidiotus hederae), Seaside mealybug (Pseudococcus maritimus), Eastern May beetle (Melolontha hippocastani), Western May beetle (M. melolontha).

Diseases: Bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae), Plant rot (Pythium ultimum, Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia solani), powdery mildew(Erysiphe magnifica), Shoot death (Botrytis cinerea, Botryospheria sp.), Scab (Elsinoe magnoliae), Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea), Black fungus, (Cladosporium sp.)

Application: It is used in single landings on the lawn, as well as in group plantings to create alleys, in urban gardening. It can also be used to create tall informal hedges.

Magnolia, a tree or tall shrub native to North America and South-East Asia, in the gardens of our country magnolia is valued as ornamental plant with white, yellow and pink flowers. The cultivation of magnolia in central Russia is limited due to the harsh climate, but in fact, the opinion about the high risk of magnolia freezing is somewhat exaggerated. The gardener, following the basic principles of care and investing a little of his attention, will receive from the magnolia the expected gratitude for many years.


Magnolia includes more than 120 species of trees and shrubs, some of them are deciduous, others are evergreen. Unfortunately, not all magnolias are suitable for our climate, but with confidence we can choose three frost-resistant types - star magnolia, Cobus magnolia and Sulange magnolia.

Star magnolia blooms in March - April, takes the form of a branched tree up to 3 m high, fragrant flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, on average, each flower has 12 - 18 petals, color from white to pink. This species blooms in 2-3 years, has sufficient frost resistance, but the magnolia flower is delicate, with spring frosts the petals are damaged.

Magnolia Kobus is the most frost-resistant species, which makes it in demand. The tree reaches 10 m in height, as it grows, it acquires a conical or spherical shape. Varieties of this type of magnolia bloom before the leaves bloom - at the end of April. The most frost-resistant variety of this species is considered "Borealis" originally from northern Japan.

Magnolia Sulange is one of the most beautiful magnolias and is presented in a large number of varieties. Among the magnolias of this species there are both shrubs and trees, shrubs reach 4 m in height, trees up to 10 m. Sulange magnolias are distinguished by large flowers with a diameter of up to 15 cm, they bloom very luxuriantly, completely covering the tree with flowers in late April or early May. Sulange does not tolerate cold winters as well as Kobus magnolia, freezing of the plant is manifested by rare flowering. We note the most popular varieties of Sulange magnolia:

  • Alba Superba - blooms white
  • Alexandrina - takes the form of a shrub several meters high, blooms with pink flowers
  • Speciosa - very beautiful light pink flowers, almost white

Other species to grow in our gardens are Magnolia Liliaceae and Magnolia Susan Hybrid. Magnolia Liliaceae is a shrub up to 3 m in height with purple flowers. The species has an average resistance to frost.

Magnolia Susan 4 m in height in last place in terms of frost resistance, does not tolerate cold winds.
The species richness of magnolias is very diverse, but the health and flowering of these exceptional trees depend on proper growing conditions.

magnolia planting

The deadline for planting deciduous magnolias is August, it is better to plant seedlings in May, when there are no frosts, and there is time for rooting until autumn. A place for planting magnolias is chosen open to sunlight, protected from the wind.

The soil should be permeable and slightly acidic (pH 5 - 6), fertilized with humus. Magnolia does not like strong competition, so let's exclude shrubs and trees growing nearby, snowdrops, anemones, violets, field daisies and crocuses are acceptable, but the reproduction of the listed flowers should be limited.

We consider landing among the lawn with caution, the sun is available on the magnolia lawn and good food for the roots, but there is a significant drawback - the wind, this problem can be easily solved by surrounding the lawn with a fence or tall plants.

Be careful when planting magnolia seedlings, the hole should be the size of the roots, the seedling is not cut off, and moreover, branches accidentally broken during planting delay the rooting of the plant.
After planting, the soil around the plant is covered with pine bark or peat with a layer of 30 cm to protect the roots from freezing. The root system of magnolias is very fragile, remember that further transplantation may lead to the death of the plant.

magnolia care

As already mentioned, the magnolia is not pruned, not during planting, not after. Pruning magnolia will not improve flowering, but on the contrary, will only worsen the condition of the tree. Magnolia blooms for about a month, pruning of dry branches damaged by frost after flowering is recommended. Magnolia does not tolerate drought; from May to August, the tree is regularly watered.

Some varieties of magnolias do not bloom until three years, fertilization will help bring the flowering period closer to 2 years, but if your seedling is grown from seed, the first flowering will not occur earlier than after 10 years. For magnolias, fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are used, they are applied in March before flowering and in June. Autumn application of phosphorus and potassium will prepare magnolia for winter.

For the first three years, magnolia is sensitive to severe frosts, while a small seedling is covered with spruce branches. Magnolia from May to September is attacked by spider mites, the leaves brighten, dry out and fall off. Also, aphids will attack the plant, the whole plant should be treated against the pest. Magnolia are prone to fungal diseases, the best prevention is proper watering - only the soil is moistened, and the leaves and branches must remain dry, fungicides are used when infected.

Blooming magnolia, this is the result proper care in the first few years after planting, make no mistakes during this time.