Delicious pancakes on whey are lush. Lush pancakes on whey

Whey fritters are usually prepared if it remains after making homemade cottage cheese. It can also be bought at the store on purpose, since such pancakes turn out to be tall, airy, and certainly if high-grade flour is used. They can be eaten with tea, and with cold milk, and on the day of baking, and even the next day.

Lush fritters on whey with egg

For a glass of whey, you will also need to prepare:

One and a half glasses of flour;
large egg;
60 g of granulated sugar;
3 g of soda;
2 g salt;
oil for frying.

How to make fluffy whey pancakes:

1. Foam sugar and salt with the egg. Pour a little flour and mix well, gradually add the rest of the volume. It should be a semi-dry mixture.
2. Pour soda into warm whey, which should immediately foam strongly. Therefore, the container with hissing liquid must be held directly above the dough so that the spilled part goes into action, and does not end up somewhere on the table.
3. Gradually pour the whey liquid into the flour composition and knead a homogeneous dough. Remove it for about a quarter of an hour before lifting and increasing the mass.
4. At this time, heat the oil in a pan.
5. Form pancakes with a spoon and cook them until golden brown on both sides. Usually this takes a minute.
Serve hot pastries with jam or fresh berries for tea.

Important. Fritters, although tasty, but not the most healthy dish. They can be rid of excess oil if you put a paper napkin on a plate.

Yeast baking


A glass of flour and whey;
1 tsp dry yeast;
3 art. l. Sahara;
salt on the tip of a knife;
sunflower oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Pour the serum at room temperature into a deep container. Pour the yeast with sugar into the same place and stir the composition until the bulk components dissolve.
2. Pour out half of the flour, stir and set aside for half an hour.
3. When the dough slightly increases and becomes covered with holes and bubbles, pour the remaining flour and salt into it. Make an even mixture and beat in the egg. Pour in a little oil and stir thoroughly.
4. Spread the pancakes over the hot oil pan with a tablespoon, shaping them neatly. Cook until the products are covered with holes. After that, you can turn them over and fry until cooked through for about a minute.
It is best served with sour cream or condensed milk.

Advice. Flour should always be sifted. So it will be saturated with oxygen and make pancakes even more magnificent. The whey is not heated too much so that the eggs do not curdle in it.

No added eggs


One and a half glasses of flour;
a glass of whey;
2 spoons of vanilla sugar;
a spoonful of regular sugar;
a pinch of soda;
2 g of soda;

Whey fritters without eggs:

1. Heat the whey strongly. It should become very hot, but not boiling. Add sugar and salt and stir until dissolved.
2. Add flour little by little and stir all the time - then there will be no lumps. Throw soda into the dough and bring to an even distribution of ingredients.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan to the maximum. Pour the dough into it with a large spoon and cook over moderate heat until browned on one side and on the other.
Serve pancakes hot with honey or syrup.

Whey fritters with apples


0.5 l of serum;
3 cups flour;
a spoonful of sugar.
1 egg and an apple;
1 tsp salt and soda.

How to cook pancakes with apples:

1. Warm up the whey a little and pour sugar and salt in the process of heating. After removing from the stove, immediately beat the egg into the warm liquid and foam the composition.
2. Pass the apple through a fine grater and add to the mixture. Mix well.
3. Slowly add flour, stirring all the time. Ready dough remove for a quarter of an hour.
4. After that, pour a pinch of soda into it and stir again until bubbles appear.
5. Heat the oil to the maximum, lay out the pancakes and cover with a lid. Fry for about three minutes on each side over low heat.
Place a slice before serving butter on top of each serving of fritters.

Cooking with cottage cheese


¾ cup whey;
2 eggs;
0.2 kg of cottage cheese;
10 st. l. flour;
3 art. l. with a slide of granulated sugar;
1 st. l. citrus peel;
a pinch of salt;
1 tsp soda;
vegetable oil.

Delicious pancakes with cottage cheese:

1. Combine eggs with salt and sugar, foam with a mixer. In a separate container, mix cottage cheese and whey.
2. Mix the contents of both plates and make an even mixture.
3. Rub the citrus peel into flour and pour it into the liquid composition.
4. Knead the dough of medium density and remove under the lid for half an hour.

After that, the composition should no longer be mixed if you want the pancakes to turn out high.

5. Heat the oil and cook pastries under the lid over low heat. Each side will take at least two minutes.
Fritters should be served, of course, immediately upon readiness, offering eaters bowls with jam or sour cream. And even better - with both!

How to cook with kefir


A glass of kefir and whey;
3 art. flour;
1 tsp soda;
a sachet of vanillin;
3 s. l. Sahara;
vegetable oil.

Delicious whey fritters without soda


0.5 l low-fat whey;
3.5 cups of premium flour;
2 eggs;
3 spoons of sugar;
packaging of vanilla sugar;
a pinch of salt;
vegetable oil.

How to make pancakes without baking soda:

1. Stir and dissolve salt and vanilla sugar in warm whey.
2. Beat the yolks for a couple of minutes with a mixer and send to the liquid mixture. Then gradually add flour, stirring constantly.
3. Lather the whites with sugar and carefully, slowly, pour into the dough. Mix carefully with a spoon.
4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and put the pancakes into it with a tablespoon. Cook over moderate heat for about a minute and a half on both sides.
Serve hot with condensed milk or jam.
Cooking pancakes does not take much time, and products for recipes can always be found at home. Therefore, it is difficult to find an easier way to please your home with fresh pastries. And no matter what, because it's so delicious!

Delicious, lush and unforgettable pancakes will be able to win the heart of everyone who tries them, especially if they are made with whey. The recipe for this dish is very simple, and even a novice hostess can handle it.

What pancakes can be delicious and the most unreal? Naturally, those that are made strictly according to the recipe, as well as those that have a filling.

In fact, it is easy to make a lot of pancakes, even if they are made with a filling.

What can she be? It all depends on personal taste and preference.

Can be used:

  1. Ham;
  2. Jam;
  3. Fresh berries;
  4. Fruit;
  5. Candied fruit;
  6. Chocolate;
  7. Raisin;
  8. Potato;
  9. Greenery;
  10. boiled egg;
  11. tofu;
  12. Meat.

As for the sauce, depending on the filling, you should choose sweet or salty or spicy.

How to make fluffy whey pancakes

Do not confuse pancakes and pancakes.

The second one is different:

  1. pomp;
  2. small size;
  3. Speed ​​of preparation.

Pancakes at all times were simple, satisfying and delicious dish. They can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even just for a snack. They can be made with yeast, however, yeast is made if the base is water. To add splendor to pancakes, it is best to use kefir, yogurt or whey. The peculiarity of these liquids is that they have an acidic environment in which, when soda is added, the reaction immediately begins. In other words, carbon dioxide begins to be released, due to which the very necessary splendor appears.

  1. The dough should be thick so that it does not spread.
  2. If cooking will be carried out in an oven on parchment or in a slow cooker, a Teflon pan, then it is advisable to make pancakes thin.
  3. Be sure to add soda, otherwise all the splendor will go away.

It is necessary to add citric acid at the end of the preparation of the dough, but after this component, the flour is no longer poured, otherwise, the reaction will go completely different, and the flour will turn into lumps.


  1. Whey, you can use milk or cottage cheese - 0.5 l.
  2. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  4. Flour - 3.5 tbsp.
  5. Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.
  6. Soda.
  7. Powdered sugar.

Making pancakes on whey: a recipe step by step

It is worth noting that this recipe for pancakes is prepared without eggs.


  1. Whey should be chosen necessarily not acidic or, in other words, not old. The whey does not have too much acidity, and therefore, before putting soda into it, it is first quenched with vinegar.
  2. Before use, the serum is heated to a skin-friendly temperature. It is impossible for the composition to boil. Sugar and salt are added.
  3. Flour must be of the highest grade and sifted through sieves. If the flour is wheat, then you can add rye.
  4. Everything is mixed with a whisk. It is the whisk that helps saturate the dough with oxygen, which will make the pancakes airy.
  5. Adding vanilla sugar or just vanilla adds flavor to the dish. The consistency of the dough should be similar to sour cream with a fat content of 15%. Next, soda slaked with vinegar is added. This will make the dough a little thinner.
  6. The contents of the container must be infused. The flour will swell, the dough will be saturated with oxygen, and the pancakes will be fluffy and tender when frying.
  7. Before frying, you need to pour oil into the pan, heat it to the maximum, and reduce the heat to the middle. Nearby you need to put a bowl of cold, preferably ice water to dip the spoon before each set of dough.
  8. The spoon is wetted, the dough is scooped up, laid out in oil. The dough should be homogeneous. Spread the cakes at one point, without forming them around the edges, they themselves will become oval. Cooking is carried out on both sides, until a golden crust is formed. As a rule, a couple of minutes are enough for each side to fry. Do not be afraid that the pancakes will not be baked inside, as the dough is thin, albeit lush. Pancakes will rise immediately after laying out in a frying pan.
  9. After frying, pancakes are laid out on a paper towel to remove excess fat. It is enough to get wet or leave for a couple of minutes.

It is desirable to serve pancakes hot and with tea, coffee or hot chocolate and similar drinks.

Whey fritters (video)

It is worth noting that whey can be used to make pancakes, both sweet and salty, depending on personal preferences. In addition, it is permissible to add various kinds of fillings, if desired. As for adding sauce, again, it depends on whether they are salty or sweet. Sour cream, garlic or mayonnaise sauce is suitable for the first. For sweets, the choice of additives is simply unlimited - it can be jam, jam, syrup, condensed milk, jam, yogurt and similar products.

Good afternoon dear friends! In one of the previous issues, I talked about how to make cottage cheese from milk at home. The recipe is very simple and cheap, but after it there is a lot of whey left. This is a very valuable product that contains more than 200 vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. You can simply drink it or use it to prepare dietary dishes - for example, make whey pancakes.

Whey is a product that is formed after the curdling of milk. It is 93.7% water, but the rest includes all the best!

It is useful in that it improves the functioning of the digestive tract, preventing the formation of excess fat. It also contains useful trace elements.

Whey is not only milk, but also kefir, it is formed during the preparation of cottage cheese and cheese. They have the same calorie content - about 20 kcal per 100 g, and the difference lies in the fat content.

Pancakes prepared with the addition of this amazing product are light, fluffy and very tasty. The dough can be made with yeast or with or without soda, sugar, add fresh and dry fruits, berries, etc. It turns out an excellent dish for a hearty breakfast, which is prepared very quickly. My men just love it 🙂

Classic recipe for whey fritters with egg and dry yeast

This is my favorite recipe. Lush, porous and hearty pancakes that can be served with honey, jam or condensed milk. They remain soft for a long time, so they are suitable as an afternoon snack or snack.

You will need:

  • 400 ml of serum;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 12 g dry yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

How to do:

1. Pour dry yeast and sugar into whey.

2. Beat in eggs, add salt and mix well until smooth.

3. Sift the flour, add to the liquid and mix thick dough without lumps.

4. Cover the container with cling film or a clean towel and leave for 15-30 minutes.

During this time, the dough should increase in volume, become bubbly and airy. And there is no need to mix the mass anymore.

5. Fry the delicacy in a heated pan with vegetable oil, forming them with a spoon.

Incredibly fluffy yeast pancakes will be a great breakfast for the whole family. I advise you to immediately prepare a large portion, they disappear from the plate very quickly.

How to cook fluffy pancakes with holes without eggs and without yeast?

A great option for cases when the kitchen is a “rolling ball”, and a delicious and hearty breakfast is a must. The secret to the splendor of the dish lies in the soda. Reacting with whey, it makes the treat tender and porous.

Prepare the products:

  • 250 ml of whey from cottage cheese;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 50-60 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of soda.

How to bake:

1. Heat the liquid in the microwave to room temperature. Add salt, sugar and vanilla, mix lightly.

2. Sift the flour and gradually pour it into the liquid, knead a thick dough that will slowly drain from the spoon. Add baking soda and stir again.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat well and bake pancakes over medium heat.

It is convenient to apply the dough with a spoon dipped in water, leaving a small distance.

You can even use acid whey that has stood in the refrigerator for several days. The delicacy will turn out even more magnificent and tender.

Best Oven Baked Whey Apple Pancakes Recipe

Such sweets can be fried not only in a dry frying pan or vegetable oil, but also baked in the oven. They are more like cakes, especially if you add apples. Be sure to try this recipe - the children will be delighted with it.

List of ingredients:

  • 250 g whey;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 apples.

Cooking with photo:

1. Wash the apples, peel and remove the seed box, cut into small cubes.

Instead of apples, you can take a pear, peaches or banana slices.

2. Beat eggs lightly with sugar and salt, add whey and baking powder, mix again.

Simple and delicious whey and oatmeal pancakes

Diet breakfast for those who want to lose weight without harmful or high-calorie additives. Such pp-pancakes are hearty, but very light. And for taste, you can add apples or other fruits that. To make the dish as healthy as possible, it is better to take natural cereals, rather than processed instant cereals.

What do you need:

  • 100 ml of serum;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 60 g oatmeal;
  • 3 proteins;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat lightly with salt. Pour the oatmeal into a separate bowl and mix it with the proteins.

2. Add cottage cheese, a tablespoon of olive oil, whey and baking powder to the mass, mix well.

Be sure to cook pancakes according to the recipes from today's selection. Both adults and children will like them and will be a great variety for the family menu. Share your favorite dishes with friends on social networks and see you soon!

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To be honest, I used to have a specific attitude towards such a product as whey. I just didn’t even know what to cook from it until I accidentally found a recipe for these pancakes. My opinion has changed dramatically! These are so tasty and lush pancakes that it is simply impossible to break away. Prepare and serve fluffy pancakes on whey with jam, syrup, milk, coffee, juice - whatever you like, it will be equally tasty.

Prepare the items on the list. It is better that they are at room temperature.

Warm the whey slightly, add salt and sugar, stir with a whisk to dissolve them.

Add the sifted flour and soda, vanillin if desired, mix the dough. Soda can be added a little more than half a teaspoon. It is not necessary to extinguish the soda with vinegar, the whey will do a great job with this.

Add the egg last, beat the dough well again with a whisk and let it stand for a few minutes before baking the pancakes.

When bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, you can start baking pancakes.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, pour in a full tablespoon with a slide of dough and bake pancakes on both sides until cooked.