The form of payment receipts for housing has changed. How to fill out a utility bill

Registration N 37413

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.53 of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1038 "On the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 47, art. 6117; 2014, N 12, art. 1296, No. 40, item 5426), I order:

1. Approve:

An approximate form of a payment document for making a payment for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and providing utilities in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Order;

2. To recognize as not applicable the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2011 N 454 "On approval of an approximate form of a payment document for paying for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and the provision of public services and guidelines for filling it out" (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russia November 16, 2011, registration N 22321, Russian newspaper, 2011, N 273).

3. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation A.V. Lapwing.

Minister M. Men

Appendix No. 2

Guidelines for filling out an exemplary form of a payment document for paying for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and the provision of public services

I. General provisions

1. These Guidelines for filling out an exemplary form of a payment document for making a payment for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) are developed in order to explain the procedure for filling out an exemplary form of a payment document intended for making and (or) calculating a fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the payment document), in accordance with the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 (Meeting Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, item 3168; 2012, N 23, item 3008; N 36, item 4908; 2013, N 16, item 1972; N 21, item 2648; N 31, item 4216; N 39, item 4979; 2014, N 8, item 811; N 9, item 919; N 14, item 1627; N 40, item 5428; N 47, item 6550; N 52, item 773; 2015, N 9, item 1316) (hereinafter - Rules for the provision of public services).

2. In order to automate the acceptance of payments from citizens, it is recommended to supplement the payment document with special codes-identifiers of the payer and payee.

3. It is recommended to use the payment document to inform the consumer about the accrued payment for utilities - resource supply organizations, with the exception of fees for utilities consumed during the use common property in apartment building, as well as for the maintenance and repair of residential premises - the service provider, in the cases established by part 7 of Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 14; 2011, No. 23, Art. 3263, N 50, item 7359; 2012, N 53, item 7596; 2014, N 30, item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38). A payment document can also be used to pay consumers for other services and work performed for them in accordance with an agreement concluded between a consumer and a utility service provider and (or) an apartment building management agreement.

4. It is recommended to use a payment document to communicate to consumers notification and reference information, the indication of which is provided for by the Rules for the provision of utility services. For the purpose of additional explanations, the service (work) provider is recommended to make changes to the payment document drawn up by him by entering additional information while maintaining the set of mandatory indicators.

5. For payment by the consumer of services in amounts that do not correspond to those indicated in the payment document for the billing period, including for making payments against future billing periods and partial payment, it is recommended to issue the consumer with an unfilled payment document that does not contain a calculation of the amount of the fee for each type of service , the amount to be paid, an indication of the billing period. At the same time, the consumer is not recommended to make arbitrary amounts for services at his discretion in the payment document.

II. Completing section 1 "Information about the payer and service provider"

6. Section 1 "Information about the payer and service provider" indicates the mandatory information, in accordance with paragraph 69 of the Rules for the provision of public services:

a) postal address of residential (non-residential) premises, information about the owner (owners) of the premises (indicating the name legal entity or last name, first name and patronymic individual), and for residential premises of state and municipal housing funds - information about the tenant of the residential premises (indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the tenant);

b) the name of the performer (indicating the name of the legal entity or last name, first name and patronymic individual entrepreneur), his bank account number and bank details, address (location), contact phone numbers, fax numbers and (if available) e-mail addresses, the address of the contractor's website on the Internet;

c) paid month.

If the contractor involves a third-party organization in the calculation of payments to be made by consumers, then in section 1 "Information about the payer and the service provider" it is recommended to additionally indicate the name of such an organization, its address, telephone, fax, e-mail address, website address on the Internet, operating mode.

7. In addition to this information, it is recommended to indicate in the title part of the payment document the information necessary for calculating the amount of the fee:

a) on the total area of ​​non-residential premises, residential premises, the owner of which (or the tenant - in the premises of the state, municipal housing stock) is the consumer of services;

b) on the number of citizens permanently residing in the premises.

To calculate the amount of payment in a communal apartment, it is recommended to indicate the area of ​​​​the room (room) in the title part of the payment document as the sum of the area of ​​​​the room, the owner (tenant) of which is the consumer, and the share of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bother premises in the communal apartment that is used to service more than one rooms.

The payment document may contain Additional information on the area occupied by the consumer in a communal apartment, as well as information on the total area of ​​​​the house and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, as well as other information in accordance with subparagraph "l" of paragraph 69 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

III. Completing section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee(s)"

8. Section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee (payees)" shall indicate the name, bank account number and bank details of the organization providing services and each of the organizations providing other services, if the payment document contains information on the calculation of payments to several service providers, as well as the amounts presented to the consumer by the contractor (performers) for payment for the billing period.

If there is an agreement adopted by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, members of an association of homeowners, housing, housing construction or other specialized consumer cooperative(hereinafter referred to as a partnership or cooperative) decisions on making payments for all or some utilities (with the exception of general house needs) to resource supply organizations, it is recommended to supplement this section of the payment document with information about resource supply organizations and, accordingly, about the amounts of payment due to these recipients of payments.

The data of this section are necessary when making a payment (payments) by the consumer directly to the resource supply organization that sells the utility resource to the contractor, or through the payment agents or bank payment agents indicated by such resource supply organization in the event that the decision to switch to this method of payment and the date of transition adopted by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a partnership or cooperative.

9. The column "Amount payable for the settlement period" of section 2 "Information for making a payment to the payee (beneficiaries)" is filled in based on the calculation of the amounts indicated in columns 11, 12 and 13 of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" or column 6 of section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable, taking into account the payment by installments". The amount in column 6 of section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the payment by installments" is taken into account for payment by the consumer in the column "Amount payable for the billing period" of section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee (beneficiaries)" after the consumer agrees to the installment plan.

10. The total amount of debt (paid on account of future settlement periods) for previous settlement periods is reflected in section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee (beneficiaries)" in accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 65 and subparagraphs "h" and "l" of paragraph 69 Rules for the provision of public services.

When filling out section 2 "Information for making a payment to the payee (beneficiaries)", it is recommended to indicate the amounts of debt (paid against future billing periods) calculated for the period from the 26th day of the month preceding the billing month to the 25th day of the billing month inclusive.

The payment document may be supplemented with information about the debt for each type of utility services, which is recorded in accordance with paragraph 118 of the Rules for the provision of utility services.

Penalties (fines, penalties) accrued to the consumer for late payment for the services rendered are recommended to be made in a separate payment document sent to the consumer in accordance with paragraphs 71 and 159 of the Rules for the provision of utility services.

IV. Completion of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities"

11. Section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" provides a detailed calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities.

12. Column 1 lists the types of services for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the types of public services, taking into account the peculiarities of the provision of public services in cases where there is no centralized heating, hot water supply, and also taking into account the purposes of providing public services.

The line "Total payable for utilities" in column 1 is intended to reflect the total amount of payment for utilities for the billing period, data on it are filled in columns 8-13.

In case of establishment and application in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation social norm consumption of electrical energy (power) in column 1 includes additional lines that make up the payment for the utility service for electricity supply within and in excess of the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (power), as well as a line reflecting the total volume of such utility services payable by the consumer.

In the event that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, two-component tariffs for hot water column 1 includes additional lines reflecting the component for cold water intended for heating in order to provide public services for hot water supply, and the component for thermal energy used for heating cold water in order to provide public services for hot water supply.

If there is no centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply in an apartment building or residential building, column 1 for the relevant types of services indicates the communal resources used for the production and provision of such services (cold water, Electric Energy, natural gas, household gas in cylinders, solid fuel in the presence of stove heating).

The type of service "Gas supply" also indicates the supply of gas in cylinders in accordance with paragraph 78 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

When consumers use natural gas for household needs with the allocation of various standard volumes of gas consumption in the areas of its use: for heating needs, for heating cold water for hot water supply and (or) cooking, the line "Gas supply" in column 1 indicates components of the payment for gas according to the purposes of its consumption.

If consumers are provided with heat supply services through the sale of solid fuels, then the corresponding line in column 1 is added as a line for the corresponding type of payment.

If utilities are provided to consumers for the purpose of using land plots and outbuildings located on them (for lighting, preparing feed for livestock, heating, heating water, irrigation, etc.), column 1 shall include additional lines corresponding to the types of payment by type of service in depending on the directions (goals) of the use of communal resources.

The last line in column 1 is intended to reflect the total amount of the fee for the billing period as a whole for all types of services, data on it is filled out only in columns 8-11.

13. On the line "Maintenance and repair of residential premises" the name of the corresponding board is indicated.

In accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 14; 2011, No. 23, Art. 3263, No. 50, Art. 7359; 2012, No. 53, Art. 7596; 2014 , N 30, item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38) for owners of premises in an apartment building, a fee is established for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which includes payment for services and work on the management of an apartment building, maintenance and current repairs of common property in an apartment building, the service provider in column 1 indicates the relevant types of services. In this regard, in column 1 it is recommended to indicate other services provided for by the apartment building management agreement.

If the owners of the premises in an apartment building did not ensure the installation of a common house meter for used water, heat, electric energy before July 1, 2012, a collective gas meter before January 1, 2015, did not make a decision to include the costs of installing common house meters for utility bills resources in payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, and such an installation was carried out by a resource supplying organization during the period specified in the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, No. 48, Art. 5711; 2010, No. 19, Art. 2291, No. 31, Art. 4160, Art. 4206; 2011, No. 29, Art. 4288, Art. 429; No. 30, article 4590, No. 49, article 7061, No. 50, article 7344, article 7359, No. 51, article 7447; 2012, No. 26, article 3446, article 3989, No. 53, article 7595, 2013, N 14, item 1652, N 23, item 2871, N 27, item 3477, N 52, art. 6961, art. 6964, art. 6966, art. 6982; 2014, N 40, art. 5322, no. 45, art. 6149, Art. 6154; 2015, N 1, art. 19), then in column 1 it is recommended to include in an additional line (additional lines) the type of services for the installation of a common house meter for utility resources, the recipient of payment for which and interest for the installment plan of such a service is the relevant resource supplying organization.

On the line "Maintenance and repair of residential premises", columns 3, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 13, which contain indicators characterizing utilities, are not filled.

14. Column 2 shall indicate the units of measurement by type of service used in calculating the amount of the fee, and when establishing, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, two-component tariffs for hot water and (or) in the absence of centralized heating, hot water supply - the units of measurement of communal resources used to provide related public services.

15. Column 3 indicates the volume of utilities for their consumption directly in a residential or non-residential premises, as well as for the purpose of using land plot and outbuildings located on them (hereinafter - for individual consumption), which is determined for each type of utility services in one of the ways depending on the equipment of the apartment building, residential building, outbuildings and premises with metering devices and in accordance with other conditions established by the Rules for the provision utilities.

The method used for determining the volume of communal services is indicated by the appropriate code (from among those given in the note to the table of this section), which is indicated in column 3 for each type of utility service or type of communal resource named in column 1 (including according to the purpose of their use).

In the absence of centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply in an apartment building, column 3 indicates the total amount of communal resources named in column 1 used for heating and hot water supply.

16. Column 4 indicates the volume of utilities for general house needs, attributable to the corresponding premises in an apartment building.

If there is no centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply in the apartment building, column 4 in the lines "heating" and "hot water supply" is not filled in.

The method used for determining the volume of utilities is indicated by the appropriate code (from among those given in the note to the table of this section), which is indicated in column 4 for each type of utility services (named in column 1), for which column 4 is calculated.

If, when calculating the amount of payment for utility services for general house needs, a negative difference is formed in the volume of utility services in accordance with the procedure for determining it, established by the Rules for the provision of utility services, the corresponding amount of reduction in such volumes is shown in column 4 with a minus sign in the line of the corresponding type of utility services.

17. Column 5 indicates tariffs for all types of communal resources per unit of volume and the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises per 1 sq. m of total area.

In the case of establishing and applying in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation a social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (capacity), column 5 lists the applicable tariffs (within and in excess of such a social norm) by introducing additional lines for each such service corresponding to the applicable tariffs.

If two-component tariffs for hot water are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, column 5 shall indicate the component tariff for cold water intended for heating in order to provide public services for hot water supply and the component tariff for thermal energy used to heat cold water in order to provide utility services for hot water supply, by introducing additional lines corresponding to the indicated components.

In the event of the establishment and application in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of tariffs (prices) other than single-part tariffs (prices) (two-part tariffs (prices), tariffs (prices) differentiated by time of day or other criteria reflecting the degree of use of communal resources) , column 5 lists all applicable tariffs by introducing additional lines for each such service corresponding to the applicable tariffs.

18. Columns 6-7 indicate the amount of payment for utilities for individual consumption and general house needs. The amount of payment for communal services for individual consumption is calculated based on the volume of communal services indicated in column 3 for each type of communal services (each type of communal resources) and tariffs (costs) for communal services (resources) indicated in column 5.

The amount of payment for utility services for general house needs for each type of utility service is calculated based on the amount indicated in column 4 and the tariffs for utility resources indicated in column 5.

If, in column 4 of this section, the volume of public services for one or several types of public services is shown with a minus sign, then the amount of payment in column 6 for the corresponding type of public services is calculated based on the volume of public services determined in column 3, taking into account the negative difference in volumes utilities shown in column 4.

19. Column 8 shall indicate the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, calculated on the basis of the total area of ​​the premises specified in Section 1 "Information on the payer and service provider", and the amount of the fee indicated in column 5. The corresponding fee for non-residential premises is calculated similarly . For each type of utility services, column 8 indicates the total amount of payment for utilities, for individual consumption and general house needs as the sum of the indicators of columns 6 and 7.

20. Column 9 reflects the total amount of fee recalculations for each type of service, for all the reasons that are detailed in Section 4 "Reference Information" of the payment document. The amount of recalculations to reduce the fee is reflected with the "-" sign, for additional charges - with the "+" sign.

21. Column 10 reflects the amount of discounts to the amount of payment for each type of service in connection with the provision of benefits to consumers, subsidies for paying for services (with the exception of subsidies and compensations or other measures of social support for citizens in cash).

22. Column 11 reflects the accrued fee for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling, indicated in column 8, taking into account the indicators of columns 9 and 10, as well as the accrued fee for each type of utility services indicated in column 8, minus the amount of discounts indicated in column 10, and taking into account the amount of recalculations (for additional charges and for reduction) in column 9.

23. Columns 12 and 13 indicate the amounts calculated for payment for each type of utility services in column 11 and attributable to the payment of utility services in terms of payment for individual consumption (column 12) and for general house needs (column 13).

V. Completing Section 4 "Reference Information"

24. Section 4 "Reference information" provides background information used in calculating the amount of payment for utilities.

25. Column 1 indicates the norms for the consumption of utilities in residential premises in force in the billing period (kW / h, Gcal, cubic meters), approved by the authorities state power constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of public services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 22, art. 2338; 2012, N 15, art. 1783; 2013, N 16, article 1972; 2014, N 14, article 1627; N 52, article 7773; 2015, N 9, article 1316) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for establishing utility consumption standards) for calculating the amount of payment for utilities.

26. Column 2 indicates the standards for the consumption of utilities for general house needs in the billing period (kW / h, Gcal, cubic meters), approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Rules for establishing standards for the consumption of utilities.

27. Column 3 shall indicate the individual (apartment) utility meter readings provided by utilities consumers in the current month.

28. Column 4 indicates the readings of utility meters (general house) provided by the utility service provider or the resource supply organization with a direct control method.

29. Column 5 indicates the total volume of utilities in residential and non-residential premises used to calculate the volume of utilities for general house consumption in an apartment building.

30. Column 6 indicates the total volume of utilities for general house needs, which is determined by the service provider in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services, including taking into account the equipment of the apartment building with metering devices.

When filling out column 5 in the absence of centralized heating and (or) hot water supply, it is recommended to take into account paragraph 54 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

31. If in section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" consumers are billed for the installation of a common house meter for utility resources in the manner and in the cases specified in paragraph 13 of these methodological recommendations, then an additional column 7 is introduced into the table of section 4 "Reference information" to indicate the total amount of expenses of the resource supplying organization for the installation of a common house meter in an apartment building in accordance with paragraph 38 of the Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13 2006 N 491 (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii 2006, N 34, art. 3680; 2011, N 22, art. 3168, 2013, N 21, art. 2648, 2014, N 14, art. 1627).

32. Section 4 "Reference Information" indicates approved by the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation) on the basis of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, No. 1, Art. 14 ; 2011, N23, item 3263, N50, item 7359; 2012, N 53, item 7596; 2014, N30 item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38) marginal (maximum) change index the amount of payments made by citizens for public services in the municipality.

VI. Completing section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)"

33. Section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" includes information on recalculations of fees for each type of service in the billing period. This section is indicated in the payment document if consumers are recalculated the amount of fees for one or more types of services.

34. For each type of service, the grounds and amounts of recalculation (additional charge or reduction) are indicated.

In accordance with subparagraph "g" of paragraph 69 of the Rules for the provision of public services, section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" includes information on recalculations of utility bills, including in connection with:

a) the use of residential premises by temporarily resident consumers;

b) the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration;

c) temporary absence of the consumer in the occupied residential premises, not equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) metering devices;

d) payment by the contractor to the consumer of forfeits (fines, penalties) established by federal laws and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services;

e) other grounds established in the Rules for the provision of public services.

35. Section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" is recommended to include the following information:

a) if an apartment building is equipped with a collective (common house) heat energy meter and at the same time residential premises in an apartment building, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is more than 50 percent of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, are equipped with distributors, then in accordance with paragraph 53 of the Rules for the Provision utility services calculated in accordance with paragraphs 42 and 43 of the Rules for the provision of public services, the amount of payment for the utility service for heating provided to the consumer in a residential or non-residential premises equipped with distributors, subject to adjustment once a year by the contractor in accordance with formula 6 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules provision of public services;

b) the amounts accrued to the consumer and (or) paid by him, revealed during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer on the indications of individual, general (apartment), room meters and (or) verification of their condition by the contractor, carried out by the contractor, are adjusted when calculating the fees for future billing periods , in accordance with paragraph 61 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

c) on amounts overpaid by the consumer against future billing periods.

36. In section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reduction -)" in cases of provision of services and performance of works of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, on the basis of paragraph 6 of the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the event of the provision of services and the performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2006, N 34, item 3680; 2011, N 22, item 3168; 2013, N 21, item 2648;

37. If recalculations for one of the services were made for several reasons, in section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" it is recommended to indicate all the grounds for recalculating the amount of the fee for this service, indicating the recalculation amount separately for each of them.

VII. Completion of section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable, taking into account the payment by installments"

38. In cases where, in the billing period, the amount of payment accrued to the consumer for any communal service specified in column 11 of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" exceeds the amount of payment for the specified utility service accrued for the same billing period last year, then in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of utility services by the contractor of the relevant services, section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the installment payment" indicates information on providing the consumer with the opportunity to pay for the utility service with considering payment by installments.

39. During the initial provision of installments in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of public services, section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the installment plan" indicates: "Dear consumer, you are entitled to receive installments for utilities for a period of 12 months at ___% rate (The% amount is ________ rubles). The amount payable, taking into account the installment plan, is _______ rubles. To receive the installment plan, you need to contact: _______________ from __.__ to __.__ hours. "

40. Section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the payment by installments" provides information on determining the amount of the fee for the billing period, taking into account the installment payment provided to the consumer for those types of services for which such an installment plan is provided in the manner and under the conditions established by paragraphs 72 and 75 Rules for the provision of public services. If the consumer is not provided with an installment payment, this section is not indicated in the payment document.

41. Column 1 shall indicate the types of communal services for which installment payment is provided in this billing period and (or) payment is subject to payment, taking into account the installment payment in this billing period.

If the installment payment for utilities is provided to the consumer (in accordance with the agreement concluded with him) in terms of a separate fee for utilities for individual consumption and fees for utilities for general house needs, then the relevant components of the payment are recommended to be indicated in section 6 line by line for the corresponding type of utility services, for which an installment payment is provided (for example: in column 1, after the line "heating", two additional lines are included below: "including: for individual consumption and for general house needs").

42. Column 2 shall indicate the amount of the payment at the rate of one twelfth of the amount of the payment for utilities specified in columns 11, 12 and 13 of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities", in the case established by paragraph 72 Rules for the provision of public services, or from another calculation established by agreement with the consumer.

43. Column 3 indicates the amount of payment at the rate of one twelfth of the amount of payment for utilities determined for previous billing periods, starting from which the consumer is provided with an installment payment in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of utility services, or from another calculation established by agreement with the consumer.

44. Column 4 reflects the amount of accrued interest for installment payments for each type of service to the consumer in this billing period on the basis of paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

45. Column 5 shall indicate interest for installment payment.

46. ​​Column 6 indicates the fee for each type of service with an installment payment provided in this billing period in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

In cases where the consumer used the installment plan in expired billing periods, column 6 indicates the total amount payable for the billing period with the provision of installments, which includes the installment payment for the billing period, previous billing periods and interest for the provision of installments.

VIII. Completion of section 7 "Calculation of the contribution for major repairs"

47. Section 7 "Calculation of the amount of the contribution for capital repairs" presents the calculation of the amount of the contribution for the capital repairs of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

48. Column 1 indicates the service for which the contribution is made: major repairs.

49. Column 2 shall indicate the unit of measurement by type of service used in calculating the amount of the contribution.

50. Column 3 shall indicate the amount of the contribution for capital repairs established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation per 1 sq. km. m of total area.

51. Column 4 shall indicate the contribution for capital repairs, calculated on the basis of the total area of ​​the premises indicated in Section 1 "Information on the payer and service provider", and the amount of the contribution indicated in column 4.

52. Column 5 reflects the amount of recalculations of the amount of the contribution. The amount of recalculations to reduce the contribution is reflected with the sign "-", for additional charges - with the sign "+".

53. Column 6 reflects the amount of discounts to the amount of the contribution in connection with the provision of benefits, subsidies to consumers (with the exception of subsidies and compensations or other measures of social support for citizens in cash).

54. Column 7 reflects the accrued contribution for the overhaul indicated in column 4, minus the amount of discounts indicated in column 6, and taking into account the amount of recalculations (for additional charges and for reduction) in column 5.

IX. Completion of section 8 "Information for making a contribution for major repairs"

55. Section 8 "Information for making a contribution for major repairs" shall indicate the name of the owner of the special account, the number of the special account and bank details, as well as the amount presented to the consumer by the owner of the special account for payment for the billing period. The section is filled out if the owner of the special account is the person specified in part 2 of article 175 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, N 1, art. 14; 2011, N 23, art. 3263, N 50, art. 7359; 2012, N 53, item 7596; 2014, N 30 item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38). If the capital repair fund is formed on the account of a regional operator, the name of the regional operator, its account number and bank details are indicated.

56. The amount payable for the billing period is determined by the final accrued contribution for the overhaul specified in column 7 of section 7 "Calculation of the contribution for the overhaul".

57. When determining the amount of debt (advance) for previous periods, for the purpose of drawing up a payment document, the period from the 26th day of the month preceding the settlement month to the 25th day of the settlement month inclusive is adopted.

X. Completing the Notice Section

58. The "Notification" section is included in the payment document sent by the utility service provider to all consumers.

The information listed in subparagraph "h" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services is communicated by the service provider to consumers at least once a quarter by including information in the "Notification" section of the payment document.

59. In accordance with subparagraph "h" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services, the service provider includes in the "Notification" section information on:

a) the timing and procedure for the consumer to take readings of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and transfer information about the readings to the contractor or a person authorized by him;

b) application in case of failure by the consumer to provide information on the readings of information metering devices specified in paragraph 59 of the Rules for the provision of public services;

c) the consequences of the non-admission by the consumer of the contractor or a person authorized by him on the agreed date and time to the residential or non-residential premises occupied by the consumer to check the condition of the metering device and the reliability of information previously provided by the consumer about the readings of metering devices;

d) the consequences of unauthorized intervention in the operation of a meter located in a residential or non-residential premises of the consumer, which caused distortion of the meter readings or damage to it, and unauthorized connection of the consumer's equipment to in-house engineering systems or to centralized networks of engineering and technical support.

60. In the "Notification" section, information is indicated on one of the methods provided for by the Rules for the provision of utility services for taking and transferring the readings of individual, common (apartment) metering devices to the service provider:

a) the consumer takes readings of individual, common (apartment) or room metering devices and transfers the received readings to the service provider or another person authorized by him (indicate the name of the authorized person in the payment document). For these purposes, in accordance with subparagraph "g" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services, a telephone, the Internet and other methods may be used, including the possibility of remote transmission of information about meter readings.

b) readings of individual and common (apartment), room metering devices are taken by the service provider, a person authorized by him (indicate the name of the authorized person in the payment document) or another organization (indicate the name of the organization in the payment document) in cases and terms that are determined by the agreement containing regulations on the provision of public services, and (or) by the decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as in other cases established by the Rules for the provision of public services;

61. In accordance with subparagraph "h" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services in the "Notice" section, it is recommended to disclose to consumers information on the cases of calculating fees for utilities specified in paragraphs 59, 60 and 62 of the Rules for the provision of public services:

a) if consumers do not provide information about the readings of metering devices in deadlines or if the performer is not allowed to the metering device to check the status of the metering device and the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about his testimony, the amount of the fee is determined based on the calculated average monthly volume of consumption of the utility resource by the consumer, determined according to the readings of an individual or general (apartment) metering device, and after the expiration of three billing periods - according to the standards for the consumption of utilities;

b) in case of unauthorized interference in the operation of the metering device, which caused distortion of its readings or damage to the metering device, and unauthorized connection of the consumer's equipment to in-house engineering systems or centralized networks of engineering and technical support, the service provider shall charge additional fees for the relevant utility services based on the volume of the utility resource, calculated in accordance with paragraph 62 of the Rules for the provision of public services by the throughput of the pipe (for water supply, sanitation services) or taking into account the capacity of the connected equipment (for other types of public services).

XI. Filling in the section "Contact details of the body of state housing supervision of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation"

62. The section "Contact details of the body of state housing supervision of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" is included in the payment document sent by the utility service provider to all consumers.

The section includes information on the telephone number of the body of state housing supervision of the subject of the Russian Federation, intended for receiving messages from consumers and on the hours of reception of specialists from the body of state housing supervision of the subject of the Russian Federation.


dated December 29, 2014 No. 924/pr
(registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2015 No. 37413)


Entered into force: from 09.06.2015

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.53 of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1038 "On the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 47, item 6117; 2014, N 12, item 1296, N 40, item 5426), I order:

1. Approve:

An approximate form of a payment document for paying for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and the provision of public services in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Order;

2. To recognize as not applicable the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2011 N 454 "On approval of an approximate form of a payment document for paying for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and the provision of public services and guidelines for filling it out" (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russia November 16, 2011, registration N 22321, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2011, N 273).

3. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation A.V. Lapwing.

Minister M. Men

Appendix No. 1

Sample form of payment document
to pay for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the provision of utilities

1. These Guidelines for filling out an exemplary form of a payment document for making a payment for the maintenance and repair of a dwelling and the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) are developed in order to explain the procedure for filling out an exemplary form of a payment document intended for making and (or) calculating a fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the payment document), in accordance with ; 2013, N 16, item 1972; N 21, item 2648; N 31, item 4216; N 39, item 4979; 2014, N 8, item 811; N 9, item 919; N 14, 1627; N 40, art. 5428; N 47, art. 6550; N 52, art. 773; 2015, N 9, art. 1316) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the provision of public services).

2. In order to automate the acceptance of payments from citizens, it is recommended to supplement the payment document with special codes-identifiers of the payer and payee.

3. The payment document is recommended to be used to inform the consumer about the accrued utility fee - to resource supply organizations, with the exception of fees for utilities consumed when using common property in an apartment building, as well as for the maintenance and repair of residential premises - to the service provider, in cases established by part 7 of Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 14; 2011, No. 23, Art. 3263, No. 50, Art. 7359; 2012, No. 53, Art. 7596; 2014 , N 30, item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38). A payment document can also be used to pay consumers for other services and work performed for them in accordance with an agreement concluded between a consumer and a utility service provider and (or) an apartment building management agreement.

4. It is recommended to use a payment document to communicate to consumers notification and reference information, the indication of which is provided for by the Rules for the provision of utility services. For the purpose of additional explanations, the service (work) provider is recommended to make changes to the payment document drawn up by him by entering additional information while maintaining the set of mandatory indicators.

5. For payment by the consumer of services in amounts that do not correspond to those indicated in the payment document for the billing period, including for making payments against future billing periods and partial payment, it is recommended to issue the consumer with an unfilled payment document that does not contain a calculation of the amount of the fee for each type of service , the amount to be paid, an indication of the billing period. At the same time, the consumer is not recommended to make arbitrary amounts for services at his discretion in the payment document.

II. Completing section 1 "Information about the payer and service provider"

6. Section 1 "Information about the payer and service provider" indicates the mandatory information, in accordance with paragraph 69 of the Rules for the provision of public services:

a) the postal address of the residential (non-residential) premises, information about the owner (owners) of the premises (indicating the name of the legal entity or the last name, first name and patronymic of an individual), and for residential premises of state and municipal housing funds - information about the tenant of the residential premises (with indication of the last name, first name and patronymic of the employer);

b) the name of the performer (indicating the name of the legal entity or the surname, name and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur), his bank account number and bank details, address (location), contact phone numbers, fax numbers and (if available) e-mail addresses, address the contractor's website on the Internet;

c) paid month.

If the contractor involves a third-party organization in the calculation of payments to be made by consumers, then in section 1 "Information about the payer and the service provider" it is recommended to additionally indicate the name of such an organization, its address, telephone, fax, e-mail address, website address on the Internet, operating mode.

7. In addition to this information, it is recommended to indicate in the title part of the payment document the information necessary for calculating the amount of the fee:

a) on the total area of ​​non-residential premises, residential premises, the owner of which (or the tenant - in the premises of the state, municipal housing stock) is the consumer of services;

b) on the number of citizens permanently residing in the premises.

To calculate the amount of payment in a communal apartment, it is recommended to indicate the area of ​​​​the room (room) in the title part of the payment document as the sum of the area of ​​​​the room, the owner (tenant) of which is the consumer, and the share of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bother premises in the communal apartment that is used to service more than one rooms.

The payment document may contain additional information about the area occupied by the consumer in the communal apartment, as well as information about the total area of ​​the house and the total area of ​​​​residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, as well as other information in accordance with subparagraph "l" of paragraph 69 of the Rules for the provision of public services .

III. Completing section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee(s)"

8. Section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee (payees)" shall indicate the name, bank account number and bank details of the organization providing services and each of the organizations providing other services, if the payment document contains information on the calculation of payments to several service providers, as well as the amounts presented to the consumer by the contractor (performers) for payment for the billing period.

If there is a decision adopted by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a homeowners association, housing, housing construction or other specialized consumer cooperative (hereinafter referred to as a partnership or cooperative) to pay for all or some utilities (with the exception of general house needs) resource-supplying organizations, it is recommended to supplement this section of the payment document with information about resource-supplying organizations and, accordingly, about the amounts of fees due to these payees.

The data of this section are necessary when making a payment (payments) by the consumer directly to the resource supply organization that sells the utility resource to the contractor, or through the payment agents or bank payment agents indicated by such resource supply organization in the event that the decision to switch to this method of payment and the date of transition adopted by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a partnership or cooperative.

9. The column "Amount payable for the settlement period" of section 2 "Information for making a payment to the payee (beneficiaries)" is filled in based on the calculation of the amounts indicated in columns 11, 12 and 13 of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" or column 6 of section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable, taking into account the payment by installments". The amount in column 6 of section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the payment by installments" is taken into account for payment by the consumer in the column "Amount payable for the billing period" of section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee (beneficiaries)" after the consumer agrees to the installment plan.

10. The total amount of debt (paid on account of future settlement periods) for previous settlement periods is reflected in section 2 "Information for making a fee to the payee (beneficiaries)" in accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 65 and subparagraphs "h" and "l" of paragraph 69 Rules for the provision of public services.

When filling out section 2 "Information for making a payment to the payee (beneficiaries)", it is recommended to indicate the amounts of debt (paid against future billing periods) calculated for the period from the 26th day of the month preceding the billing month to the 25th day of the billing month inclusive.

The payment document may be supplemented with information about the debt for each type of utility services, which is recorded in accordance with paragraph 118 of the Rules for the provision of utility services.

Penalties (fines, penalties) accrued to the consumer for late payment for the services rendered are recommended to be made in a separate payment document sent to the consumer in accordance with paragraphs 71 and 159 of the Rules for the provision of utility services.

IV. Completion of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities"

11. Section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" provides a detailed calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities.

12. Column 1 lists the types of services for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the types of public services, taking into account the peculiarities of the provision of public services in cases where there is no centralized heating, hot water supply, and also taking into account the purposes of providing public services.

The line "Total payable for utilities" in column 1 is intended to reflect the total amount of payment for utilities for the billing period, data on it are filled in columns 8-13.

In the case of establishing and applying in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (power), column 1 includes additional lines that make up the payment for the utility service for electricity supply within and in excess of the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (power), as well as a line reflecting the total volume of such utility services payable by the consumer.

In the event that two-component tariffs for hot water are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, column 1 shall include additional lines reflecting the component for cold water intended for heating in order to provide public services for hot water supply, and the component for thermal energy used to heat cold water in order to provide public services for hot water supply.

If there is no centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply in an apartment building or residential building, in column 1, for the relevant types of services, the communal resources used for the production and provision of such services (cold water, electric energy, natural gas, household gas in cylinders, solid fuel in the presence of stove heating).

The type of service "Gas supply" also indicates the supply of gas in cylinders in accordance with paragraph 78 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

When consumers use natural gas for household needs with the allocation of various standard volumes of gas consumption in the areas of its use: for heating needs, for heating cold water for hot water supply and (or) cooking, the line "Gas supply" in column 1 indicates components of the payment for gas according to the purposes of its consumption.

If consumers are provided with heat supply services through the sale of solid fuels, then the corresponding line in column 1 is added as a line for the corresponding type of payment.

If utilities are provided to consumers for the purpose of using land plots and outbuildings located on them (for lighting, preparing feed for livestock, heating, heating water, irrigation, etc.), column 1 shall include additional lines corresponding to the types of payment by type of service in depending on the directions (goals) of the use of communal resources.

The last line in column 1 is intended to reflect the total amount of the fee for the billing period as a whole for all types of services, data on it is filled out only in columns 8-11.

13. On the line "Maintenance and repair of residential premises" the name of the corresponding board is indicated.

In accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 14; 2011, No. 23, Art. 3263, No. 50, Art. 7359; 2012, No. 53, Art. 7596; 2014 , N 30, item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38) for owners of premises in an apartment building, a fee is established for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which includes payment for services and work on the management of an apartment building, maintenance and current repairs of common property in an apartment building, the service provider in column 1 indicates the relevant types of services. In this regard, in column 1 it is recommended to indicate other services provided for by the apartment building management agreement.

If the owners of the premises in an apartment building did not ensure the installation of a common house meter for used water, heat, electric energy before July 1, 2012, a collective gas meter before January 1, 2015, did not make a decision to include the costs of installing common house meters for utility bills resources in payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, and such an installation was carried out by a resource supplying organization during the period specified in the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, No. 48, Art. 5711; 2010, No. 19, Art. 2291, No. 31, Art. 4160, Art. 4206; 2011, No. 29, Art. 4288, Art. 429; No. 30, article 4590, No. 49, article 7061, No. 50, article 7344, article 7359, No. 51, article 7447; 2012, No. 26, article 3446, article 3989, No. 53, article 7595, 2013, N 14, item 1652, N 23, item 2871, N 27, item 3477, N 52, art. 6961, art. 6964, art. 6966, art. 6982; 2014, N 40, art. 5322, no. 45, art. 6149, Art. 6154; 2015, N 1, art. 19), then in column 1 it is recommended to include in an additional line (additional lines) the type of services for the installation of a common house meter for utility resources, the recipient of payment for which and interest for the installment plan of such a service is the relevant resource supplying organization.

On the line "Maintenance and repair of residential premises", columns 3, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 13, which contain indicators characterizing utilities, are not filled.

14. Column 2 shall indicate the units of measurement by type of service used in calculating the amount of the fee, and when establishing, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, two-component tariffs for hot water and (or) in the absence of centralized heating, hot water supply - the units of measurement of communal resources used to provide related public services.

15. Column 3 indicates the volume of utilities for their consumption directly in residential or non-residential premises, as well as for the purpose of using the land plot and outbuildings located on them (hereinafter - for individual consumption), which is determined for each type of utility services in one of the ways depending on the equipment of an apartment building, residential building, outbuildings and premises with metering devices and in accordance with other conditions established by the Rules for the provision of public services.

The method used for determining the volume of communal services is indicated by the appropriate code (from among those given in the note to the table of this section), which is indicated in column 3 for each type of utility service or type of communal resource named in column 1 (including according to the purpose of their use).

In the absence of centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply in an apartment building, column 3 indicates the total amount of communal resources named in column 1 used for heating and hot water supply.

16. Column 4 indicates the volume of utilities for general house needs, attributable to the corresponding premises in an apartment building.

If there is no centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply in the apartment building, column 4 in the lines "heating" and "hot water supply" is not filled in.

The method used for determining the volume of utilities is indicated by the appropriate code (from among those given in the note to the table of this section), which is indicated in column 4 for each type of utility services (named in column 1), for which column 4 is calculated.

If, when calculating the amount of payment for utility services for general house needs, a negative difference is formed in the volume of utility services in accordance with the procedure for determining it, established by the Rules for the provision of utility services, the corresponding amount of reduction in such volumes is shown in column 4 with a minus sign in the line of the corresponding type of utility services.

17. Column 5 indicates tariffs for all types of communal resources per unit of volume and the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises per 1 sq. m of total area.

In the case of establishing and applying in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation a social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (capacity), column 5 lists the applicable tariffs (within and in excess of such a social norm) by introducing additional lines for each such service corresponding to the applicable tariffs.

If two-component tariffs for hot water are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, column 5 shall indicate the component tariff for cold water intended for heating in order to provide public services for hot water supply and the component tariff for thermal energy used to heat cold water in order to provide utility services for hot water supply, by introducing additional lines corresponding to the indicated components.

In the event of the establishment and application in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of tariffs (prices) other than single-part tariffs (prices) (two-part tariffs (prices), tariffs (prices) differentiated by time of day or other criteria reflecting the degree of use of communal resources) , column 5 lists all applicable tariffs by introducing additional lines for each such service corresponding to the applicable tariffs.

18. Columns 6-7 indicate the amount of payment for utilities for individual consumption and general house needs. The amount of payment for communal services for individual consumption is calculated based on the volume of communal services indicated in column 3 for each type of communal services (each type of communal resources) and tariffs (costs) for communal services (resources) indicated in column 5.

The amount of payment for utility services for general house needs for each type of utility service is calculated based on the amount indicated in column 4 and the tariffs for utility resources indicated in column 5.

If, in column 4 of this section, the volume of public services for one or several types of public services is shown with a minus sign, then the amount of payment in column 6 for the corresponding type of public services is calculated based on the volume of public services determined in column 3, taking into account the negative difference in volumes utilities shown in column 4.

19. Column 8 shall indicate the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, calculated on the basis of the total area of ​​the premises specified in Section 1 "Information on the payer and service provider", and the amount of the fee indicated in column 5. The corresponding fee for non-residential premises is calculated similarly . For each type of utility services, column 8 indicates the total amount of payment for utilities, for individual consumption and general house needs as the sum of the indicators of columns 6 and 7.

20. Column 9 reflects the total amount of fee recalculations for each type of service, for all the reasons that are detailed in Section 4 "Reference Information" of the payment document. The amount of recalculations to reduce the fee is reflected with the "-" sign, for additional charges - with the "+" sign.

21. Column 10 reflects the amount of discounts to the amount of payment for each type of service in connection with the provision of benefits to consumers, subsidies for paying for services (with the exception of subsidies and compensations or other measures of social support for citizens in cash).

22. Column 11 reflects the accrued fee for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling, indicated in column 8, taking into account the indicators of columns 9 and 10, as well as the accrued fee for each type of utility services indicated in column 8, minus the amount of discounts indicated in column 10, and taking into account the amount of recalculations (for additional charges and for reduction) in column 9.

23. Columns 12 and 13 indicate the amounts calculated for payment for each type of utility services in column 11 and attributable to the payment of utility services in terms of payment for individual consumption (column 12) and for general house needs (column 13).

V. Completing Section 4 "Reference Information"

24. Section 4 "Reference information" provides background information used in calculating the amount of payment for utilities.

25. Column 1 indicates the standards for the consumption of utilities in residential premises in force in the billing period (kW / h, Gcal, cubic meters), approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utilities, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, No. 22, Art. 2338; 2012, No. 15, Art. 1783; 2013, No. 16, Art. 1972; 2014, No. 14, Art. 1627; N 52, article 7773; 2015, N 9, article 1316) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for establishing utility consumption standards) to calculate the amount of payment for utilities.

26. Column 2 indicates the standards for the consumption of utilities for general house needs in the billing period (kW / h, Gcal, cubic meters), approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Rules for establishing standards for the consumption of utilities.

27. Column 3 shall indicate the individual (apartment) utility meter readings provided by utilities consumers in the current month.

28. Column 4 indicates the readings of utility meters (general house) provided by the utility service provider or the resource supply organization with a direct control method.

29. Column 5 indicates the total volume of utilities in residential and non-residential premises used to calculate the volume of utilities for general house consumption in an apartment building.

30. Column 6 indicates the total volume of utilities for general house needs, which is determined by the service provider in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services, including taking into account the equipment of the apartment building with metering devices.

When filling out column 5 in the absence of centralized heating and (or) hot water supply, it is recommended to take into account paragraph 54 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

31. If in section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" consumers are billed for the installation of a common house meter for utility resources in the manner and in the cases specified in paragraph 13 of these Guidelines, then in the table of section 4 " Reference information "an additional column 7 is introduced to indicate the total amount of expenses of the resource supplying organization for the installation of a common house meter in an apartment building in accordance with paragraph 38 of the Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 (Meeting legislation of the Russian Federation 2006, N 34, article 3680; 2011, N 22, article 3168, 2013, N 21, article 2648, 2014, N 14, article 1627).

32. Section 4 "Reference Information" indicates approved by the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation) on the basis of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, No. 1, Art. 14 ; 2011, N23, item 3263, N50, item 7359; 2012, N 53, item 7596; 2014, N30 item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38) marginal (maximum) change index the amount of payments made by citizens for public services in the municipality.

VI. Completing section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)"

33. Section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" includes information on recalculations of fees for each type of service in the billing period. This section is indicated in the payment document if consumers are recalculated the amount of fees for one or more types of services.

34. For each type of service, the grounds and amounts of recalculation (additional charge or reduction) are indicated.

In accordance with subparagraph "g" of paragraph 69 of the Rules for the provision of public services, section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" includes information on recalculations of utility bills, including in connection with:

a) the use of residential premises by temporarily resident consumers;

b) the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration;

c) temporary absence of the consumer in the occupied residential premises, not equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) metering devices;

d) payment by the contractor to the consumer of forfeits (fines, penalties) established by federal laws and an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services;

e) other grounds established in the Rules for the provision of public services.

35. Section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" is recommended to include the following information:

a) if an apartment building is equipped with a collective (common house) heat energy meter and at the same time residential premises in an apartment building, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is more than 50 percent of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, are equipped with distributors, then in accordance with paragraph 53 of the Rules for the Provision utility services calculated in accordance with paragraphs 42 and 43 of the Rules for the provision of public services, the amount of payment for the utility service for heating provided to the consumer in a residential or non-residential premises equipped with distributors, subject to adjustment once a year by the contractor in accordance with formula 6 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules provision of public services;

b) the amounts accrued to the consumer and (or) paid by him, revealed during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer on the indications of individual, general (apartment), room meters and (or) verification of their condition by the contractor, carried out by the contractor, are adjusted when calculating the fees for future billing periods , in accordance with paragraph 61 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

c) on amounts overpaid by the consumer against future billing periods.

36. In section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reduction -)" in cases of provision of services and performance of works of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, on the basis of paragraph 6 of the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the event of the provision of services and the performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2006, N 34, item 3680; 2011, N 22, item 3168; 2013, N 21, item 2648;

37. If recalculations for one of the services were made for several reasons, in section 5 "Information on recalculations (additional charges +, reductions -)" it is recommended to indicate all the grounds for recalculating the amount of the fee for this service, indicating the recalculation amount separately for each of them.

VII. Completion of section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable, taking into account the payment by installments"

38. In cases where, in the billing period, the amount of payment accrued to the consumer for any communal service specified in column 11 of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities" exceeds the amount of payment for the specified utility service accrued for the same billing period last year, then in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of utility services by the contractor of the relevant services, section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the installment payment" indicates information on providing the consumer with the opportunity to pay for the utility service with considering payment by installments.

39. During the initial provision of installments in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of public services, section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the installment plan" indicates: "Dear consumer, you are entitled to receive installments for utilities for a period of 12 months at ___% rate (The% amount is ________ rubles). The amount payable, taking into account the installment plan, is _______ rubles. To receive the installment plan, you need to contact: _______________ from __.__ to __.__ hours. "

40. Section 6 "Calculation of the amount payable taking into account the payment by installments" provides information on determining the amount of the fee for the billing period, taking into account the installment payment provided to the consumer for those types of services for which such an installment plan is provided in the manner and under the conditions established by paragraphs 72 and 75 Rules for the provision of public services. If the consumer is not provided with an installment payment, this section is not indicated in the payment document.

41. Column 1 shall indicate the types of communal services for which installment payment is provided in this billing period and (or) payment is subject to payment, taking into account the installment payment in this billing period.

If the installment payment for utilities is provided to the consumer (in accordance with the agreement concluded with him) in terms of a separate fee for utilities for individual consumption and fees for utilities for general house needs, then the relevant components of the payment are recommended to be indicated in section 6 line by line for the corresponding type of utility services, for which an installment payment is provided (for example: in column 1, after the line "heating", two additional lines are included below: "including: for individual consumption and for general house needs").

42. Column 2 shall indicate the amount of the payment at the rate of one twelfth of the amount of the payment for utilities specified in columns 11, 12 and 13 of section 3 "Calculation of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities", in the case established by paragraph 72 Rules for the provision of public services, or from another calculation established by agreement with the consumer.

43. Column 3 indicates the amount of payment at the rate of one twelfth of the amount of payment for utilities determined for previous billing periods, starting from which the consumer is provided with an installment payment in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of utility services, or from another calculation established by agreement with the consumer.

44. Column 4 reflects the amount of accrued interest for installment payments for each type of service to the consumer in this billing period on the basis of paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

45. Column 5 shall indicate interest for installment payment.

46. ​​Column 6 indicates the fee for each type of service with an installment payment provided in this billing period in accordance with paragraph 72 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

In cases where the consumer used the installment plan in expired billing periods, column 6 indicates the total amount payable for the billing period with the provision of installments, which includes the installment payment for the billing period, previous billing periods and interest for the provision of installments.

VIII. Completion of section 7 "Calculation of the contribution for major repairs"

47. Section 7 "Calculation of the amount of the contribution for capital repairs" presents the calculation of the amount of the contribution for the capital repairs of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

48. Column 1 indicates the service for which the contribution is made: major repairs.

49. Column 2 shall indicate the unit of measurement by type of service used in calculating the amount of the contribution.

50. Column 3 shall indicate the amount of the contribution for capital repairs established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation per 1 sq. km. m of total area.

51. Column 4 shall indicate the contribution for capital repairs, calculated on the basis of the total area of ​​the premises indicated in Section 1 "Information on the payer and service provider", and the amount of the contribution indicated in column 4.

52. Column 5 reflects the amount of recalculations of the amount of the contribution. The amount of recalculations to reduce the contribution is reflected with the sign "-", for additional charges - with the sign "+".

53. Column 6 reflects the amount of discounts to the amount of the contribution in connection with the provision of benefits, subsidies to consumers (with the exception of subsidies and compensations or other measures of social support for citizens in cash).

54. Column 7 reflects the accrued contribution for the overhaul indicated in column 4, minus the amount of discounts indicated in column 6, and taking into account the amount of recalculations (for additional charges and for reduction) in column 5.

IX. Completion of section 8 "Information for making a contribution for major repairs"

55. Section 8 "Information for making a contribution for major repairs" shall indicate the name of the owner of the special account, the number of the special account and bank details, as well as the amount presented to the consumer by the owner of the special account for payment for the billing period. The section is filled out if the owner of the special account is the person specified in part 2 of article 175 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, N 1, art. 14; 2011, N 23, art. 3263, N 50, art. 7359; 2012, N 53, item 7596; 2014, N 30 item 4218, item 4264; 2015, N 1, item 38). If the capital repair fund is formed on the account of a regional operator, the name of the regional operator, its account number and bank details are indicated.

56. The amount payable for the billing period is determined by the final accrued contribution for the overhaul specified in column 7 of section 7 "Calculation of the contribution for the overhaul".

57. When determining the amount of debt (advance) for previous periods, for the purpose of drawing up a payment document, the period from the 26th day of the month preceding the settlement month to the 25th day of the settlement month inclusive is adopted.

X. Completing the Notice Section

58. The "Notification" section is included in the payment document sent by the utility service provider to all consumers.

The information listed in subparagraph "h" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services is communicated by the service provider to consumers at least once a quarter by including information in the "Notification" section of the payment document.

59. In accordance with subparagraph "h" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services, the service provider includes in the "Notification" section information on:

a) the timing and procedure for the consumer to take readings of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and transfer information about the readings to the contractor or a person authorized by him;

b) application in case of failure by the consumer to provide information on the readings of information metering devices specified in paragraph 59 of the Rules for the provision of public services;

c) the consequences of the non-admission by the consumer of the contractor or a person authorized by him on the agreed date and time to the residential or non-residential premises occupied by the consumer to check the condition of the metering device and the reliability of information previously provided by the consumer about the readings of metering devices;

d) the consequences of unauthorized intervention in the operation of a meter located in a residential or non-residential premises of the consumer, which caused distortion of the meter readings or damage to it, and unauthorized connection of the consumer's equipment to in-house engineering systems or to centralized networks of engineering and technical support.

60. In the "Notification" section, information is indicated on one of the methods provided for by the Rules for the provision of utility services for taking and transferring the readings of individual, common (apartment) metering devices to the service provider:

a) the consumer takes readings of individual, common (apartment) or room metering devices and transfers the received readings to the service provider or another person authorized by him (indicate the name of the authorized person in the payment document). For these purposes, in accordance with subparagraph "g" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services, a telephone, the Internet and other methods may be used, including the possibility of remote transmission of information about meter readings.

b) readings of individual and common (apartment), room metering devices are taken by the service provider, a person authorized by him (indicate the name of the authorized person in the payment document) or another organization (indicate the name of the organization in the payment document) in cases and terms that are determined by the agreement containing regulations on the provision of public services, and (or) by the decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as in other cases established by the Rules for the provision of public services;

61. In accordance with subparagraph "h" of paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of public services in the "Notice" section, it is recommended to disclose to consumers information on the cases of calculating fees for utilities specified in paragraphs 59, 60 and 62 of the Rules for the provision of public services:

a) if consumers fail to provide information about the readings of metering devices within the established time limits or if the contractor is not allowed to the metering device to check the status of the metering device and the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about its readings, the amount of the fee is determined based on the calculated average monthly volume of consumption of the communal resource by the consumer , determined according to the readings of an individual or general (apartment) meter, and after three billing periods - according to the standards for the consumption of utilities;

b) in case of unauthorized interference in the operation of the metering device, which caused distortion of its readings or damage to the metering device, and unauthorized connection of the consumer's equipment to in-house engineering systems or centralized networks of engineering and technical support, the service provider shall charge additional fees for the relevant utility services based on the volume of the utility resource, calculated in accordance with paragraph 62 of the Rules for the provision of public services by the throughput of the pipe (for water supply, sanitation services) or taking into account the capacity of the connected equipment (for other types of public services).

XI. Filling in the section "Contact details of the body of state housing supervision of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation"

62. The section "Contact details of the body of state housing supervision of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" is included in the payment document sent by the utility service provider to all consumers.

The section includes information on the telephone number of the body of state housing supervision of the subject of the Russian Federation, intended for receiving messages from consumers and on the hours of reception of specialists from the body of state housing supervision of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The old version of the Sample Form of a Payment Document - see.

Modern man accustomed to convenience, so we already take for granted the heat in our house, water, electricity and gas. These services are provided by various housing and utility companies.

For convenience, the bills for their work are summarized in one document - a utility bill. It has some features, and some changes have recently been introduced to the points about payment. About everything in order.

What should a utility bill look like?

The contents of the bills are always the same, sometimes they differ depending on the type of property: in a private house and in an apartment building, different services are usually provided. So in some receipts there is a bill for the intercom, for cleaning the entrance, and the owners of private housing do not pay for these items, they are not in their receipts. At the onset of the summer season, the line "Irrigation" is added, which is relevant only for private houses.

So, the information that is included in the payment and settlement document for payment of housing and communal services:

  • payer's personal account number;
  • billing period;
  • full name of the payer;
  • address of the place of residence - the object for which payment is made;
  • data on the type of property ownership (private or rented);
  • the total area of ​​​​housing and the number of registered people;
  • information about the company providing the listed services: name, bank details, contact details;
  • payable (units of measurement, cost, existence of debt);
  • volume of services for the billing period;
  • the total amount of the entire resource allocated to the entire apartment building;
  • the volume of a specific utility service for a certain period (heating, hot water);
  • data on meters (tariff, previous and current readings, amount payable, total);
  • recalculation of services and restrictions on it;
  • information on the availability of benefits and subsidies;
  • agreement on deferred or installment payment.

Up-to-date samples and receipts

Using a utility bill is very convenient, because its main principle is the transparency of payments and charges. Everyone understands what and how much he pays.

The form may vary in its form, it all depends on the specific management company, but the main part of the points is unchanged. The top line always shows the year and month for which the subscriber pays for services.

There can be two options here:

  • the subscriber pays for the current month;
  • the subscriber pays the previous month.

This agreement is established directly by the management company. Another thing is the resources offered by the counter. Here, payment occurs upon consumption: what data is displayed on the meter at a particular moment, so much will be paid.

In the absence of meters, the principle of payment by fixed rates established by the utilities. The amount of the payment depends on the number of persons registered in the apartment or house.

The agreement must include personal information about the owner of the property and the size of the living space. It is important to know that each square meter housing is a separate unit that determines the final bill presented for consumed communal resources. Incorrect data at the request of the owner can be corrected, and they will be recalculated.

In most forms, the number of persons living in the premises is indicated in a separate line. This information is important for homeowners where they have not been installed. The number of residents determines the cost of the service provided. The amount can be recalculated if there is a long absence of a household member. True, to confirm this fact, an official document certifying this fact will be required.

How to fill out an invoice

There are several mandatory rules for filling out the utility bill form:

  1. If the billing period is not indicated in the receipt, the subscriber writes in his own hand the month (two digits) and the year (four digits) in the appropriate field. Corrections, strikethroughs and blots in this column are not allowed.
  2. In the field opposite the name of each service, the payer notes the amount of the payment, the indicators of the meters, counts and enters the resulting number. The last item is the total for all items in the corresponding line.
  3. The column "Paid" indicates the total values ​​of payments, which categorically cannot be corrected. It is necessary to clearly indicate rubles and kopecks with all punctuation marks.
  4. At the top or bottom of the form, depending on its form, the subscriber indicates the date of payment (day, month, year) and puts a personal signature.
  5. An incorrectly executed payment document will not be accepted by a bank or another point for receiving utility payments.

How long to keep a receipt

Conscientious payers know that the paid form must be kept, but not everyone clearly knows the terms and reasons.

Now quite often there are conflict situations between utility providers and their consumers, so often the only solution here is a written proof of innocence. The fact of payment for the service is confirmed by a document of the established form on admission Money.

The legislation has established an approximate form of a payment document for paying for LCD services, however, specific periods for storing the form have not been established. Here the concept of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the limitation period applies, which is established in the amount of 3 years. It is better, of course, to store the paper for as long as possible. Lawyers explain this recommendation by the modern realities of the housing and communal sector.

What you should know about changes in the procedure for paying utility bills in 2019?

The management companies are charged with the task of paying for the existing cost overruns for utilities. This situation will help accelerate the process of introducing energy-saving technologies, as well as methods to combat theft.

In 2019, the coefficient for apartments without metering devices is 1.5. The fine, as before, does not apply only to owners of houses where it is not possible to install such metering devices. This mainly concerns dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

How to fill out utility bills: video

The video below is detailed example filling out the receipt for gas, in addition, all the calculations necessary for the correct completion of the calculations are explained.

All utilities, without exception, are currently provided on a paid basis. The basis for making a payment is a special payment document. How to fill out a utility bill?

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Payment for utilities is made on the basis of receipts sent out by service providers. Since different services can be provided by different companies, the consumer receives several receipts.

And it is very difficult not to get confused with their timely payment. That is why a single receipt for paying utility bills has recently been approved. How is this document completed?

What you need to know

In 2019, the Ministry of Construction approved a new form of a single payment. It includes payment for water supply, electricity, gas supply, home repairs and other services.

The law establishes that payment documents for utility services are provided no later than the first day of the month, unless otherwise specified.

The payer can also receive information on the amount of payment by e-mail or using information terminals using the available details of the payment.

If the payment order is not provided in a timely manner, then consumers are not exempted from making payment if the services were provided.

What does a utility bill look like?

The new utility bill has become more informative. Residents can familiarize themselves with the consumption standards for each individual service and control the process of charging the payment by the management company.

Some of the innovations of the single receipt will be useful for socially vulnerable segments of the population. In particular, a new column has appeared in the payment system, which allows you to pay for services in installments.

A single utility bill contains data on the consumer's current debt or about.

When determining the amount of debt, the period from the twenty-sixth day of the month before the settlement date to the twenty-fifth day of the settlement month is taken into account. Moreover, debt data is displayed separately for each service.

In total, the form of the new document contains seven sections:

  • data on the payer and service provider;
  • information for making payment by the consumer;
  • calculation of the amount of payment for services;
  • reference Information;
  • data on recalculations;
  • calculation of the amount of payment, taking into account the installment plan;
  • notification.

This list of sections must be present in a single payment. Otherwise, the receipt may be invalidated. Moreover, the data must be drawn up in accordance with established standards.

How to get it

Where can I get a single receipt form? You can get it:

  • by regular mail;
  • to an email address and then print;
  • form on your own.

Typically, service providers send out receipts to consumers. However, situations are possible when, for some reason, the payment does not reach the recipient. However, the law is very strict in this regard.

The absence of a receipt is not a weighty argument for late payment for services. Regardless of whether the consumer has received a utility bill, he must pay on time. Otherwise, a late payment penalty may apply.

It is also worth considering that more and more often utilities are paid via the Internet - through Internet banking or special sites. In this case, the payment document is formed by the payer independently.

It is necessary to take into account legal requirements and indicate all mandatory details. The easiest way is to download the blank form of a single receipt and fill it out based on the available data.

How to fill out new forms

When filling out a new form of a single receipt, you yourself need to know what data is indicated in the document:

  • payer's personal account number;
  • indication of the billing period;
  • FULL NAME. payer;
  • the address of the object for which the payment is made;
  • data on real estate(rented/private);
  • information about the supplier (name, details, contacts);
  • list of paid utility services (units of measurement, fee amount, debt);
  • volume of service provision in the billing period;
  • the total amount of the resource provided to the apartment building;
  • the volume of a certain utility service in a certain period;
  • meter data (applied tariff, current and previous readings, amount payable, debt, total);
  • recalculation of services;
  • availability of subsidies or;
  • installment or deferred payment agreement.

Document transcript

A single utility bill uses quite a lot of different terms and abbreviations that are not entirely clear to the average consumer.

To understand the payment, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main ones:

PU number Assumes an indication of the number of the meter installed in the room
sq. O/F This is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, total and residential. The living area includes only the sum of the areas of living rooms. The total area of ​​all available premises is considered to be total
registered / living It indicates how many people are officially registered and how many actually live
USZN Department of social protection of the population. This body can be contacted for questions regarding the registration of benefits.
total house area It implies the area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building as a whole
MOS Places common use
ODN General house needs
Contents F/F Maintenance of the housing stock
ITU, IPU Individual metering point or metering device
KTU, ODPU Collective metering point or common house metering device of an apartment building

As for other terms, they are understandable without deciphering - gas supply, heating, electricity supply, sanitation, etc.

To pay utility bills

It is very convenient to pay utility bills with a single receipt. The main principle of the new payment system is the transparency of accruals and payments. The consumer understands what and how much he pays.

Payment of housing and communal services may differ slightly, but its main points are unchanged. So the top line always indicates the year and month, the previous month or the current one can be paid.

Video: training 1C 8.2 payment order for goods received

If there are meters, the payment is calculated based on the readings in a specific period of time. If there are no meters, then the fee is charged based on fixed tariffs.

This takes into account the number of persons registered in the premises. It is important to know that the fee according to the standards is charged according to the number of residents.

If one of those registered in the home is absent for a long time and this fact can be documented, then you can contact the supplier to recalculate the payment.

You can pay for utility services using standard offline methods, as well as via the Internet. Knowing the necessary details, you can independently generate a receipt in the Sberbank Online system or using any other suitable system.

It is noteworthy that today paying for utilities via the Internet means not only generating a receipt. You can make a payment by electronic money or by transferring funds from a bank card.

Completed Sample

When filling out the document, it is worth considering several important details:

The habitual conveniences of today's man are home heating, water, gas and electricity. These resources are provided to citizens by various organizations and enterprises of a communal form of activity.

Payment for consumption is charged through a special document at the place of consumption of energy resources. Previously, a separate payment was issued for each utility service, which led to confusion and loss of time from staying in long lines.

With the advent of a single form receipt, the task of depositing money has become simpler. What is this form and what are its features, the reader will learn in this article.

Purpose of the document

There are no requirements approved by legislative acts for the form and content of a utility bill. They are taken from different normative documents.

For example, the Housing Code indicates the peculiarity of filling out the payment, and No. 354 prescribes how to correctly indicate the details.

In 2011 The Ministry of Regional Development adopted Order No. 454, where the payment order has a recommendation form. Today, the Ministry of Construction has developed a different type of receipt with the ability to enter more information in a single format.

The document for settlements is a payment for housing and communal services. It must indicate consumer's address.

Also there included:

  • (number of kilowatts);
  • gas consumption;
  • the amount of heat used to heat the home;
  • use of water (for hot and cold supply separately);
  • water drainage;
  • payment for ongoing and major repairs in common areas.

Utility bill contains amounts for cleaning the territory adjacent to the house and public stairs, garbage collection, as well as maintenance of utility engineering networks.

Get a form receipts can be done in several ways:

  • in post offices;
  • on a special website (download to a computer and print);
  • type in a text editor yourself.

Usually he gives out blank forms of payment documents to residents. It happens when they do not reach the addressees. But, the law does not consider such a fact a serious argument not to pay.

The difference between the new forms

The new type of receipt differs from the old versions in the transparency of the information contained in it. The payer, making the payment of funds to the cashier, sees what the payment is calculated for. Each management utility company has developed its own form. But the main sections have the same shape.

Marked at the top due date for payment.

There exists two features:

  • 1st - the consumer pays for the previous period;
  • 2nd - the subscriber pays for current services.

The issue of when to pay for services is decided by the housing management company. The contribution of money for the accepted energy resources is paid according to the meters and always for the current period of time. It is allowed to recalculate the readings if the fact of inaccuracies in their removal is established.

Most formats contain separate lines where the number of residents is entered. This is important for owners of residential premises that are not equipped with metering units. The number of people in one dwelling is the main component in the formula for determining the total consumption and charging. The owner has the right to make a recalculation for a long period of absence of a family member. Evidence will be required to prove this fact.

Compared to the old receipt the new payment form contains 7 sections:

  1. information about the client and the company providing services;
  2. the amount of money to pay;
  3. payment calculations;
  4. reference information;
  5. information about recalculations;
  6. calculation of the fee, which includes the installment plan;
  7. notice to the client.

The listed sections exist in the new format. Also, filling should be done according to the accepted standard.

Transcript and description of content

In the general form of a receipt for housing and communal services, there are many abbreviated terms. They are incomprehensible to an inexperienced subscriber.

Abbreviations are deciphered thus:

Other designations are clear without translation. They talk about power supply, water supply, heat supply and gas supply.

Filling order

In practice, there are rules for entering information into a receipt.

They must be followed in this order:

The general receipt indicates the payment for the use of common house property. The total payment is calculated: for space heating general purpose; for lighting the adjacent territory to the house, landings, heating units, and so on; for keeping common property clean and in good technical condition.

Advanced software technologies allow subscribers to fill out a payment document and make a payment. There are several services on the Internet where subscribers can make financial transactions for utilities. All of them work according to the same algorithm. After a simple registration and creation personal account the payer fills out a receipt online and, after approval, makes a money transfer. The form of filling out the document is no different from the standard one. All sections are filled in and the calculation is made according to the specified rules.

Storage period

Each subscriber knows that the payment document must be kept for a long period of time.

You need to keep the old payment to bypass the potential conflict situation and documented proof of their correctness. Only the presence of a receipt can confirm payment for the disputed period of use of housing and communal services.

Regulatory documents define the approximate format of such a payment, but do not set a storage period. In this case, you need to refer to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the limitation period. He is equal 3 years. After the specified time, receipts can be thrown away due to the loss of relevance and the possibility of further use.

For the rules for filling out a payment document for payment for consumed utilities, see the following video: