The universal rule for the selection of dishes for wine. What to drink semi-sweet white wine with? Recommendations With what they drink white semi-sweet

Only certain snacks and dishes are suitable for any alcoholic drink. If white semi-sweet wine is ordered in a restaurant, the sommelier always helps with its selection. He knows well what they use with white semi-sweet wine of one sort or another. If the drink is intended for home consumption, then what to serve as snacks can be found in culinary guides or by trial and error.

What to eat

White semi-sweet wine belongs to the category of table grape wines, the alcohol content of which ranges from 9 to 14%. The drink is made from overripe grapes. The manufacturing technology involves an artificial stop of fermentation after the required concentration of sugar is reached in the drink. This method of production makes this type of wine sensitive to storage conditions, so if they are violated, the drink can ferment.

White semi-sweet wines are usually drunk from wide glasses. They are served at a temperature of 6 to 8 °C. It is believed that they are best suited to dishes with fish and poultry. But you can drink the drink both during meals and before it. In the latter case, the wine allows not only to evaluate your taste bouquet, but also helps to increase your appetite.

Important! If you drink wine slowly, enjoying every sip, you can significantly increase the pleasure of eating.

Be attentive to the varieties of white semi-sweet wines that are served at the table. Some of them may not match the dishes you ordered! Wine is a drink that has its own flavor bouquet. It differs in different varieties. Therefore, it is best to choose dishes individually for drinks. The main requirement for food is a moderate taste that does not interrupt the wine bouquet.

  • Chardonnay;
  • Riesling;
  • Sauvignon;
  • Muscat.

What dishes are eaten with drinks is determined based on their taste characteristics. In Chardonnay, you can feel notes of vanilla, honey or citrus. Riesling is somewhat sourer, and you can smell apple, melon or peach in it.

The flavor bouquet of Sauvignon contains gooseberries, tropical fruits or currants. Muscat is characterized by notes of nutmeg, raisins, honey, acacia and rose petals.

To fully experience all these nuances, it is recommended to serve white semi-sweet wines with:

  • fish dishes;
  • seafood;
  • caviar;
  • wheat bread;
  • white poultry meat;
  • fruit.

According to experienced sommeliers, the richer the wine taste, the simpler the dishes should be consumed with the drink. It is also important to observe the measure in the use of semi-sweet white wine, as its excessive amount can interfere with full taste sensations.

About bad combinations

White semi-sweet wine is served with lunch or dinner. This means that you will have to choose the right food for this drink in order to get real pleasure from eating. Of course, the choice of dishes for a drink is a matter of taste, but the prevailing experience suggests that some foods do not go well with semi-sweet white wine.

So, it is hardly worth drinking it with a barbecue or even a steak - they will simply kill the flavor bouquet of the drink. The same applies to snacks that contain a large amount of vinegar or pickles.

From the list of products for dishes consumed with wine, it is worth excluding pork, veal or lamb in any form. It is too heavy a meal for such an exquisite drink. In addition to the mentioned meat dishes, it is worth limiting the vegetable menu of the table.

For example, tomatoes do not go well with white semi-sweet of any variety. Of the greens, too, not everything is combined with a drink. For example, sorrel or spinach will be superfluous. And, of course, you should not make dishes with nuts, as their oily composition can drown out the taste of the drink.

An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole! I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alkotoxins, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

It is worth paying attention to any dishes with a sour taste. It is he who, at times, prevents you from enjoying a wine bouquet, in which sour shades are already included by default. This is especially true for Riesling, which tastes slightly sourer than other wines. It is also necessary to avoid spicy dishes that instantly block the entire palette of sensations from an exquisite drink.

Thus, any harsh flavors, as well as too high a temperature of the dish, will disturb the harmony of the combination with white semi-sweet wine.

Experienced chefs know well what goes best with sophisticated drinks. So, when choosing fish dishes, they advise to stew or bake the fish, adding sour cream or cheese sauce to it.

The food prepared in this way will be very appetizing and at the same time retain the mild taste necessary for pairing with wine. Instead of fish, you can use other seafood, such as squid or mussels. The recipe should also not include harsh tasting ingredients.

Convenient to use with a glass of wine are tartlets made from lightly salted fish or caviar. Taking a drink in one hand and a tartlet in the other, you can, for example, easily go out onto the terrace and enjoy the view of the sea.

Competition can be made with ordinary wheat bread toasts. You will be surprised, but they really turn out to be very tasty, especially in combination with Chardonnay or Sauvignon. In addition to toast, you can try crackers or even a biscuit in moderation.

Poultry meat deserves special attention. Delicate in texture, it fits well with menus that pair best with Muscat and Riesling. We are talking about deliciously cooked chicken breast or, for example, duck liver with an unusual sauce. As an appetizer for a drink, they can compete with any fish dish. Game options would be quite appropriate. It will allow you to preserve the bouquet of the drink and at the same time make the pleasure of drinking it brighter.

From light meals suitable option there will be fruits that pair well with Muscat and Chardonnay. There are almost no restrictions on the use of fruits with white semi-sweet. The main thing is to cook them correctly by cutting them into slices and putting them on a plate so that they have time to let the juice out.

Preference should be given to fruits in which there is less sour taste. This will allow, for example, Riesling wines to better express their flavor bouquet. In addition to fruits, cream cheese or hard varieties can be served with the drink, the taste of which will not be too spicy.

The best manufacturers and brands

Experts agree that Chardonnay made in France or Australia has the most sophisticated flavor. Riesling drinks are well made in New Zealand. The best Sauvignon wines are produced in South Africa and Germany. Muscat has the widest geography. With the greatest success, it is produced in Italy, France, Moldova, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory.

Speaking about the geography of other varieties, it is worth noting that on the table of connoisseurs of good wine today you can find both Crimean Sauvignon and Alazani Valley from Georgia.

It is curious that if the drink seems too sweet, it is allowed to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3. This will not harm the flavor bouquet if you follow the sequence of actions: first pour wine into a glass, and only then add the right amount of water.

Important! Drinking wine can harm patients with coronary heart disease, pancreatitis, gout, diabetes, and pregnant women.

Video: a useful recipe

The recipe for one of the dishes for the perfect snack is presented in the video.


At right choice varieties of white semi-sweet wine, as well as serving conditions and suitable cuisine, a healthy person will not only enjoy drinking a drink, but also improve his well-being. Drink promotes normal operation digestive and cardiovascular systems, and also reduces the risk of respiratory diseases. The main thing is to use wine in moderation, and then it will be possible to truly appreciate all the merits of the gifts of talented winemakers.

White wine is a special category of alcoholic beverages made from light grape varieties. True connoisseurs of quality wine know that white wines require special treatment, and not every appetizer and dish will allow you to appreciate their delicate taste and aroma.

1 How to drink wine

White wine is one of those drinks that require a culture of drinking. It should not be taken in large sips. You need to enjoy every drop, opening notes. The wine glass should be tulip-shaped or in the form of an open bell, with a thin stem, made of transparent glass.

Drink white wines chilled to 6-12 °C. They are served in a small glass filled with about one third of the volume, in a large one - one fourth. This golden rule was not invented by snobs at all! It is this proportion that enriches the drink with oxygen, allowing it to open up completely.

It is better to start tasting by inhaling the aroma, slowly turning the glass in your hand, enjoying the picture of the drink flowing down the transparent walls. The longer the so-called "wine legs" are held, the better quality guilt. Under the influence of the temperature of the hands and as the glass warms up, its contents will reveal more and more notes and aftertaste. In general, you can talk about high-quality alcohol for a very long time.

2 Simple appetizers for wine

Sometimes it is very difficult to decide which of the snacks for your favorite white wine will be optimal. Of course, it all depends on the preferences of the person. But do not neglect the generally accepted recommendations.

Best for white wine simple products that do not change the taste of alcohol: cheeses, fruits or white bread.

Dry white goes well with light meat and fish dishes. Squids, oysters, mussels, octopuses and shrimps will set off the pleasant and refined taste of the drink. You can snack on fortified wines with pineapples, peaches, oranges, tangerines, pears and other sweet fruits. It also makes a great flavor combination with chocolate, various types of cookies, sweet desserts, chocolates and ice cream. Sometimes this wine is drunk with tea.

Of course, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to mix wines of different varieties. And even more so with other types of alcohol. This is simply blasphemous and, except for a headache in the morning, no memories will remain.

3 What soup and sauce goes well with white wine?

Onion soup is a great appetizer. Its most common ingredients (onions, sugar, thyme, olive oil, broth) only emphasize the excellent taste of an exquisite amber drink. Such a dish is prepared for about half an hour, it is set hot in portioned forms.

Cheese fondue with vegetables is also served with white wines. To prepare it, the cheese is mixed with flour, transferred to a saucepan with a thick bottom and poured with wine. For spice, you can add a pinch of nutmeg. After 10-15 minutes, the cheese will completely melt and you can enjoy the great taste.

Pasta from Dor Blue and Mascarpone cheeses, cooked in a blender and laid out on lightly salted crackers, is a great and quick addition to a glass of good wine. Partridge or chicken breast in a mild marinade with fresh vegetables and lettuce, turkey with grilled peppers, black or red caviar - this is what emphasizes the taste of an alcoholic drink.

4 What kind of seafood eat wine

You can also eat white wine with Atlantic salmon cooked with dill and a vegetable side dish. The fish is soaked for two hours in a sauce of wine, water, black pepper and salt. Cooked in the oven or steamed, seasoned with fresh dill. Grilled marinated shrimp complement the maritime theme. They are served seasoned with white pepper and basil sprigs.

Hot appetizer of squid in sauce is a very harmonious addition to white wine. Boiled squids are cut into small strips. Peeled tomatoes, olive oil, leeks, olives are cooked in a saucepan until creamy. Clams are laid out in the sauce and boiled for a few more minutes. This dish is served with a sprig of parsley.

Crabs on skewers are another gift from the sea, which can be used as a snack on delicate and light white wine. To do this, you need a can of crabs and very thinly sliced Bell pepper. We string the ingredients on a skewer, season with white pepper. You can add some mayonnaise sauce. Simple and amazing tasty dish ready! By the way, do not forget about oysters, which are great with various wines.

5 What can ruin the taste of white wine?

Good, aromatic wines go well not only with delicious food. They will complement the joy of communicating with close friends, reviving the most pleasant and tender memories, giving rise to the anticipation of new meetings. In order not to spoil the impression of quality drinks, it is worth remembering the products, the use of which only depresses the taste of alcohol. After all, many varieties of wine can be drunk in pure form and don't snack.

Salads and other dishes with a pronounced taste of vinegar are categorically not combined with white wines. They will only drown out their delicate and delicate taste. Nuts are another taboo! The oily base and bright taste completely switch the attention of the receptors of the tongue, preventing them from reacting to other products.

Tobacco smoke is another enemy of wine taste and aroma. Therefore, it is better not to smoke during the tasting in order to fully enjoy the bouquet of alcohol. Strong spices, sour citrus fruits, fatty sea fish, mint and curry complete the list. worst enemies white wine. The same rules apply to

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In ancient times, wine was considered a delicacy of the gods, there were strict rules for drinking, which turned into real rituals. Today, many people who drink wine do not know how to drink it properly and with what.

A well-chosen snack can bring out the best qualities of a drink.

It is difficult to imagine a feast without a favorite drink for ladies - wine, it is it that immerses us in fragrant flower fields, vineyards and saturates an ordinary day with sunshine.

Well-chosen glasses

Glasses for this drink are better to choose without decorations. The conciseness of the vessel is able to convey the beauty of the contents.

Important! Saturated wines are poured into large glasses, and light wines are poured into smaller glasses.

This is due to the fact that white wine should not be heated before drinking, while red wine, on the contrary, loves the warmth of the hands, the effect of temperature increases the flow of oxygen, which improves the aroma. Also, the stronger the drink, the smaller the glass size is chosen.


Red wine is poured no more than 2/3 of a glass, the serving temperature is room temperature, heating is acceptable to reveal the aroma and taste.

White wine, according to the rule, takes 3/4 of a glass, the temperature of such a drink is 7 degrees.

Dessert, madeira and sherry- Served at room temperature.

Rules for drinking all wines:

  1. First you need to enjoy the color of the drink by holding the glass to the light.
  2. Next, inhale the aroma of the drink, it should have pronounced grape notes.
  3. Sip quite a bit, wetting only the end of the tongue.
  4. Take a small sip, letting oxygen into your mouth (opening it slightly).
  5. The food matched to the drink should not leave an aftertaste and interrupt its taste.
  6. It's best not to serve multiple white or red varieties in one meal.
  7. The right combination of complex and simple taste. So the taste of a simple wine is complemented by a complex dish and vice versa.

Important! If presented different types drink, first they drink white, after - red. Young ones are also drunk earlier, and aged - later. First served dry, then sweet.

To prevent mixing of flavors and aromas, different varieties must be poured into clean glasses. In no case should wine be consumed in one gulp, it is drunk slowly and held for 2-3 seconds in the mouth in order to feel the opening bouquet.

Watch a video where a professional sommelier explains how to drink wine the right way:


Red wine is a light alcoholic beverage made from red grapes. In total there are about 4500 species. It is not only pleasant but also useful product, experts have identified a positive effect on blood quality and heart muscle.


Semi-sweet wines are universal, they are most often used not only for quick snacks, but also for full meals and a long feast.

Suitable snacks:

  1. An ideal complement to semi-sweet red wine would be seafood, especially crayfish, oysters, lobsters, crabs. The taste will improve not only in the drink, but also in the sea delicacies themselves.
  2. Also a good addition is vegetable salads containing peas and cauliflower.
  3. It will be especially great to use with high-quality chocolate (both dark and milk), with varieties of mild cheese, as well as ice cream. And to saturate the taste of the drink, a well-soaked chocolate cake is additionally served.
  4. Semi-sweet red is complemented by bananas, juicy ripe pears and ripe strawberries.
  5. When choosing a hot dish, give preference to those that contain dietary meat - rabbit, partridge or chicken.
  6. Dishes of Spanish, Italian cuisine will ideally complement this type of drink.


Not everyone loves this type of drink. The inherent astringency and acidity are the main reasons for its unpopularity.

However, by choosing the right snack, it can be interesting to beat it:

  • Main snack - meat to absorb excess acid. It is best to give preference to ham, smoked sausages, smoked lard, bacon, chicken roll.
  • An interesting addition will be sweet fruits: nectarines, mangoes, peaches; and berries: plum, strawberry. Some argue that the fruit game is both spectacular and controversial. Not everyone will like the combination.
  • When choosing cheese, opt for mature and sweet. You can cook a snack of olives and cheese on skewers.
  • Dry wine is complemented by pizza and spaghetti, as well as tartlets.

Reference! A spicy and spicy dish will set off the wine aftertaste and aroma best of all.

The video tells which snacks are suitable for red wine:


Almost all dishes are suitable for this type of wine.

The best are:

  1. Cheese, for semi-dry cheese, it is especially interesting to add mold to the cheese, which will reveal many notes of the bouquet.
  2. Salad with seaweed and mayonnaise.
  3. Fatty sea fish.
  4. Meat snacks will complement the drink and make it taste richer.
  5. Berry and fruit salads are a great option to increase the sweetness of wine.


There are two opinions: some believe that sweet wine does not require additions and is independent, others argue that it is better to eat such an alcoholic drink with food rich in proteins and rich in fat.

Taking the second point of view, Consider the options for snacks:

  • Red fish perfectly complement the drink, especially tuna and salmon.
  • A wonderful addition is dishes with mushrooms and cauliflower.
  • A variety of desserts go well: cookies, ice cream.
  • If you choose fruits, stop at those that have sourness - kiwi, orange.
  • Suitable for sweet red wine various options meat, ranging from cold cuts to steaks.


Dessert wines - wines containing from 12% to 17% alcohol in the composition are fortified. Very fragrant and sweet, so they are often called liquor.

Drink them from Madeira glasses. The most popular species is Cahors.


  • Served with fruits or sweets: cakes and sweets, puddings.
  • The main addition is fresh crispy bread.


White wine is a mild-tasting alcoholic beverage made from white grapes. Has yellowish, greenish, cream shades.

The drink has bacteriological benefits, fighting viruses and bacteria during the cold season.


  • The ideal addition is fish dishes: baked, fried, stewed
  • When choosing meat, it is better to give preference to white chicken meat, veal, game.
  • Delicate pate will complement the wine taste, as well as seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid.
  • Among the hot dishes the best option- julienne.
  • Suitable young mild cheese.

Important! Snacks for a semi-sweet drink should not have a strong flavor. Otherwise, it will kill the taste of the wine.


Best Snacks:

  1. Seafood: red and black caviar, crayfish, lobsters, oysters, mussels, octopuses.
  2. Steamed dishes - fish, poultry, liver. Such a light addition will not interrupt the aroma and taste.
  3. Sweet fruits are suitable - peaches, pears, as well as ice cream without additives.


  • An incredible combination will be with rolls and sushi.
  • Set off the taste of wine - baked goose and duck, as well as foie gras.
  • Cream puffs are an interesting addition.
  • Sausages will emphasize the best notes of the drink.


  1. Suitable for desserts: pastries, cakes.
  2. Pairs well with crackers and mild cheeses.

Attention! Sweet wine should be served very cold.

In the video, a professional sommelier explains how to combine different types of wines for maximum pleasure:


This type of drink has a pronounced berry and fruit aroma, notes of almonds and linden - this is the taste of summer. As a rule, rosé wine is easier to drink and refreshing in the summer heat.

Perfect as an aperitif, at a business meeting or a date.

Reference! Serving temperature 11 degrees. The glass is half filled. The optimal exposure time is 2, 3 years.

Successful combinations:

  • A wonderful combination of rosé wine with white and red meats (for example, white chicken meat baked in orange sauce).
  • Good addition - tender pâtés and cream cheese.
  • For desserts, it is best to choose something light, such as whipped cream and meringue.


It is also champagne, the main attribute of the New Year, weddings and graduations.

The range of snacks is very diverse:

  1. As an aperitif, it pairs well with savory biscuits.
  2. Salted red caviar, sandwiches and tartlets with red caviar.
  3. Cheese, young is best
  4. Ice cream (chocolate and without fillers).
  5. Strawberries and cream, berry desserts.

Important! Despite popular belief, sparkling wines do not go well with chocolate, nor do they go well with red meat. The combination of lemon juice and champagne is also unacceptable.


Pomegranate wine is less common among those presented. It is produced in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran. The drink is inherent in density, unlike other types.

It is easy to drink, leaving a light nutty aftertaste. It is better to drink chilled, warm wine will remind compote.

Reference! The use of pomegranate wines is good for the body, because. it is an antioxidant and slows down aging.

Pairs best with:

  • Fruits (pears, nectarines, peaches, apples)
  • Desserts (biscuit, sweets)

A well-chosen appetizer will reveal the flavors of the wine, make it rich.

Having become acquainted with the considered tricks and tips, everyone will be able to maximize the taste, color and aroma of the drink of the gods.

Perception of taste and aromatic properties The noblest drink from in many respects depends on how appropriate and successful it is combined with a selected snack. True connoisseurs of its taste are well aware of what they drink wine with and what sort of it is best to choose for cooked dishes. Most tasters recommend following this rule when choosing a drink - table snacks should not interfere with the perception of the bouquet of aromas and taste of an alcoholic beverage. Therefore, you need to choose a simpler wine for gourmet dishes, and the most unpretentious snack is selected for expensive wine.

As for what kind of dishes are more suitable for this noble drink, opinions differ greatly. It is difficult to say which snack is the best. It all depends on the preferences of the host and his guests, on the traditions of the country where this drink was produced and, of course, on. There are not so many of them, and therefore it is easy to remember - these are cheeses, fruits and white bread. Any other snack will interact with the alcoholic drink and affect its taste. Among the products there are even those that should not be consumed with wine at all. These include salads high in vinegar (which dulls the taste buds), nuts (which are astringent to the tongue), citrus fruits, and fatty fish. Heavy companions of wines are considered to be chocolate products, cinnamon and vanilla.

What to drink red wine with

Best of all, meat dishes are in harmony with this alcoholic drink: poultry, veal, boiled pork, game. It also goes well with it. If you can take sausage, lard or ham. If the drink is sour, sweet fruits are served with it. The reverse combination is also possible. This combination allows you to create a certain contrast to emphasize the taste of wine. All this applies to dry varieties. Semi-sweet goes well with vegetables, especially cauliflower and peas. A good option is to serve it with seafood: crabs, oysters or crayfish. What do they drink wine with, if it is fortified? This drink stimulates the appetite and is in perfect harmony with spicy dishes (pilaf or barbecue), soups, and also goes well with fatty meat (lamb, pork, duck).

White wine. With what to drink such a drink?

This variety goes best with fish dishes. And there is one caveat here: dry wine should be served with light low-fat food and seafood, while fortified wine is ideal for sweets (sweets, chocolate, dessert, ice cream) and fruits (pears, peaches, oranges, tangerines, pineapples).

Wine temperature and glasses

Now that we know what wine is drunk with, let's talk about how it should be served. The correct temperature for red varieties ranges from 16 - 18 ° C, for white - 10 - 12 ° C. If this is champagne, then it can be cooled more strongly - up to 8-10 ° C. It is this temperature that will help to harmoniously determine all the advantages of this noble drink. As for glasses, ideally they should be cut egg-shaped or tulip-shaped, medium in height and with a thin stem. However, there is an exception for champagne. It is served in tall glasses with a hollow stem, the shape of the glasses resembles a cone.

White wine is a delicate and multifaceted product. Only in combination with certain dishes, it reveals its true taste. To the question about what they drink white wine with, tasters answer that the simpler the dish, the fuller the bouquet is felt. Admirers of the vine argue: - Food should not clog the taste and aroma of wine. It should contain a minimum amount of spices.

What do they drink white wine with?

The basic rule for pairing wine and snacks: drinks with a bright bouquet go with insipid food, drinks with a weak and neutral aroma go with food with a rich aroma.
If the wine has been aged for several years, it is better to refuse snacks altogether. The only exception is white or grain bread.

What foods should not be consumed with white wine

There are foods that should not be consumed with white wine at all. These are nuts, as they have astringent properties, and vinegar, which dulls the taste buds. Therefore, canned and pickled snacks, as well as salads seasoned with table vinegar, are not suitable for white varieties.

Salted and too fatty fish (eg sole, halibut) also do not harmonize with these drinks. It gives an unpleasant metallic tint. Fresh tomatoes, sorrel, spinach, artichokes and asparagus can be distinguished from vegetables and herbs. Tomatoes contain acid, which interrupts the bouquet, the rest of the products contain cynarin, which gives the drink a sweetish or metallic taste.
To better understand what to drink white wine with, let's find out the features of its bouquet.

Popular varieties

White wine is made from grapes without skins. It has a light shade, since the juice of most varieties is colorless. The taste is soft, the aroma is bright and diverse. The bouquet depends on the grape variety and growing conditions. Consider the most popular types.

  1. Chardonnay. These are dry and semi-dry wines made from Chardonnay grapes. If the berries are grown in a cool region, the bouquet is dominated by notes of apple peel and citrus. After aging, the product acquires a nutty and oatmeal flavor. If the grape grows in a warm area, Chardonnay made from it has the aroma of exotic fruits.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc. This is a semi-sweet drink made from the grape variety of the same name. The main shades are red currant, gooseberry, dried green grass, orange and lemon. After holding in oak barrels Sauvignon Blanc is enriched with aromas of honey and ripe pear, acquires a tart sour taste.
  3. Riesling. Produced from grapes of the same variety. The product, made from berries grown in cool climates, is filled with aromas of green apples, flowers and lemon. Riesling from warm countries is sweeter, with honey and orange notes.

What dishes go well with white wine

Tasters recommend drinking white dry and semi-dry wine with meat appetizers, poultry, game, fish, liver and meat pates, and various cheeses that are neutral in spiciness. Herring and pickled seafood are not suitable for this drink. A glass of Riesling is offered with stewed pike perch or other low-fat fish, and more sour drinks are served with oily fish. The bird is stewed in sweet and sour sauce, stuffed green peas, apples or cereals.

Semi-sweet varieties of white wine are drunk with seafood and river fish. Also, these drinks are in perfect harmony with grilled sausages, veal and poultry. When semi-sweet, semi-dry or dry wine is served for dessert, it is drunk with crackers, cakes, chocolates, fruit and ice cream. Coffee and tea are a welcome addition. Apples, oranges and pears are pre-peeled and cut into slices. Dry and semi-dry varieties are cooled to 12 ° C before serving, semi-sweet - to 8 ° C.

The benefits of the drink

White wine stimulates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, improves appetite, and normalizes the production of gastric juice. Food consumed with dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet varieties is well and quickly absorbed.