Mushroom camelina is edible and false. Mushrooms mushrooms - photo and description, how to distinguish false mushrooms from real ones

Mushrooms are mushrooms that are often equated in taste and useful qualities with mushrooms. They are used to prepare a variety of dishes in many European countries. The most popular among these forest mushrooms are spruce, real and red camelina.

Experienced mushroom pickers can always determine where mushrooms are in the forest. They can mainly be found in well-lit areas near young coniferous trees. Usually mushrooms grow every year in the same place.

These forest mushrooms develop on sandy soil in moss or grass in whole families. Very often they grow in forest clearings or open clearings. The largest mushrooms grow at the foot of the pines on the north side.

To recognize the mushroom in the forest, just look at the mushroom cap. Thanks to its pronounced reddish-red color, these mushrooms got their name. On the surface of a smooth cap, stripes are clearly visible that diverge from the center to the edges.

In the forest you can find mushrooms of different shades. The color varies from light orange tones to a rich copper color. The surface of an old mushroom sometimes turns green. The hat itself has a flat shape with the edges wrapped to the bottom. In the middle of it there is a small depression, which increases with the age of the fungus and becomes like a funnel.

To the touch, the surface of the camelina is moist and slightly sticky. The size of the mushroom cap can reach eighteen centimeters in diameter. The pulp of the fungus is also colored orange and it gives off an expressive resinous aroma. Since the camelina is a milky mushroom, when you press the cap, an orange liquid comes out of it. This juice turns green when exposed to air.

The stem of the mushroom is the same color as the top. Its optimal length is ten centimeters, and its thickness is two centimeters. The cylindrical stem sometimes has small indentations that are usually darker than it.

Varieties of mushrooms

The most common are three types of mushrooms - red, real and spruce .. They differ slightly in appearance and grow in different forest areas. The main features of each type are:

Spruce camelina

Lactarius deterrimus - spruce camelina

Among the varieties of mushrooms, this mushroom has a relatively small size. The height of its legs usually reaches only seven centimeters, and the diameter of the cap is not more than nine centimeters. Such mushrooms appear among the spruces in August and grow until early October. The spruce camelina is distinguished by its color. There are greenish tints on the light orange hat, which is why it is sometimes called green ginger.

Ginger red

A mushroom of bright pink or rich orange color with a strong, slightly expanded leg at the top, which can stretch up to nine centimeters in height. Red mushrooms grow in the forests among deciduous trees. Mushroom pickers begin to collect them already in the middle of summer and finish in the middle of the first month of autumn. On the leg of this type of camelina often there are small mealy raids or small recesses.

It is easy to see such an adult mushroom in the forest thanks to its wide hat up to fifteen centimeters in diameter and a high stem - ten centimeters. The surface of the real camelina can be various shades of orange and red. A shiny hat with rims characteristic of saffron milk caps, and sometimes with a touch of white. These mushrooms grow in moss among pines from June to the end of September.

False camelina

Also, false saffron milk caps are unfit for fresh consumption of amber milkers. The color of the cap of such a mushroom is reddish-red. The juice from the pulp flows amber. In the air, such a watery milk dries up. This false camelina smells like chicory. Sometimes it is dried and used as a condiment.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers sometimes confuse mushrooms with a pink wave. It qualifies as a conditionally edible mushroom that has no beneficial properties. nutritional values. It is easily distinguished by a colorless liquid that stands out when pressed and a pubescent hat.

These mushrooms contain many valuable vitamins. The main component of camelina is water, which contains about ninety percent. All other elements are useful substances for the human body:

  • vitamins - A and B1;
  • cellulose;
  • ash;
  • minerals - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and sodium;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids.

Mushrooms are a nutritious, easily digestible product. Their dietary value is seventeen kilocalories per hundred grams of mushrooms. In terms of protein content, they are equated to meat.

In ordinary and red camelina there are substances that I use to obtain lactarioviolin, an antibiotic that stops the growth of tubercle bacillus. All the constituent substances of the fungus, especially vitamins, have a good effect on the health of hair and skin. In addition, mushrooms are highly valued because of the carotene, which is in their composition in considerable quantities. The younger the mushroom, the greater its saturation with useful components.

Mushrooms are very useful, but, like any product, they have a few caveats to their use. It is not recommended to add mushrooms to the diet for people with diseases;

  • chronic constipation;
  • cholecystitis;
  • low acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatitis.

You can not eat mushrooms after removal of the gallbladder and with individual intolerance to this product. Do not eat salted mushrooms for overweight people, as such a product has high level calories. Best for diet food low-calorie fresh mushrooms are suitable.

Such raw mushrooms are not suitable for consumption, but some mushroom pickers like to eat fresh mushrooms, feeling all the subtleties of the mushroom taste. Ryzhiki do not have bitterness and are suitable for cooking any dishes.

These mushrooms should not be cooked for a long time. It is enough to pour boiling water, wait until they start up the juice and boil for fifteen minutes. After that, they can simply be eaten with a little salt or used in various culinary recipes.

These mushrooms go well with potatoes, sour cream and vegetables. They fill any food with their aroma. Often mushrooms are stewed with meat. Many people love mushrooms with apples. They are also used as a filling for dumplings or pies. The mushrooms give the soup a unique special aroma and taste.

These mushrooms are popular in many countries. They are appreciated in Italy, Poland and France. Often spicy mushroom sauce is prepared from mushrooms, the taste of which complements many dishes. Many people like salted or pickled mushrooms, which will always decorate the table in winter.

Pickled mushrooms are a very tasty snack, which is usually prepared for the winter. Before preparing mushrooms under the marinade, you must first prepare for pouring:

  • sort mushrooms and clean from debris;
  • wash well in running cool water;
  • cut the legs from below by no more than three centimeters;
  • sterilize glass jars.

For two kilograms of mushrooms you will need:

  • fifteen grams of salt;
  • three hundred milliliters of water;
  • three grams of citric acid.

To prepare the marinade, pour salt and citric acid into boiling water. Put prepared mushrooms in boiling marinade and cook for twenty-five minutes. Remove the mushrooms and fill the jars with them.

Then pour the liquid in which they were cooked. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids and set to cool upside down on a flat surface. This snack is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It retains many substances with which fresh mushrooms are enriched.

Salt mushrooms usually in wooden barrels. First prepare. To do this, pour boiling water into it and wrap it with warm material. After half an hour, the water is drained. To pickle mushrooms you need:

  • mushrooms cleaned of debris are placed in a barrel in layers, which consist of mushrooms, horseradish leaves, dill sprigs, oak leaves, cherries and cloves of garlic;
  • on top, mushrooms are covered with a gauze bag with salt in the middle;
  • salt is pressed down with a circle carved from wood, and a heavy load is placed.

Gradually, the wooden circle lowers, and the mushrooms are covered with juice. Salted mushrooms for two months. Properly salted mushrooms have excellent taste. In one hundred grams of such a product, there are a little more than twenty-two kilocalories.

Many people think that to freeze mushrooms, it is enough to collect them, wash them and put them in a bag in the freezer. In order for the product to be usable after freezing, all the rules for storing mushrooms at low temperatures should be observed.

Initially, mushrooms are sorted out and cleaned of forest debris. Then only whole mushrooms, without wormy parts and other lesions, are set aside for freezing. Young strong mushrooms are best suited for this.

Mushrooms should not be washed, as they will become saturated with moisture and become unsuitable for storage in freezer. To remove dirt, you need to wipe the camelina with a slightly damp cloth, and then dry it with a towel.

Only such properly prepared mushrooms can be laid out in plastic bags and put in the freezer. The mushrooms are stored in this form at a temperature of eighteen degrees below zero for six months. During this time, it is advisable to use them. With maximum frosts with minus temperatures below twenty-five degrees, the product can be kept for up to a year.

Frozen mushrooms can be used to prepare various dishes. They are boiled or fried in a pan. Also from such mushrooms it turns out very tasty soup, which is easy to prepare according to the recipe:

  • defrost half a kilogram of mushrooms and fry on butter;
  • put the fried mushrooms in a pot of boiling water and leave to cook for half an hour;
  • then add diced peeled potatoes - five pieces;
  • then put onions and carrots in the mushroom broth, after grating and frying in oil;
  • salt and pepper the soup to taste;
  • cook until done.

This mushroom soup is served on the table with sour cream and herbs.

Very tasty mushrooms with sour cream. This combination of products gives the dish an exquisite taste. To cook fried mushrooms with sour cream sauce you need:

  • wash and clean the mushrooms from contamination;
  • boil over low heat for at least fifteen minutes;
  • drain the water through a colander;
  • cool and cut into small pieces;
  • put mushrooms and prepared fried onions in a pan with butter
  • cover with a lid and simmer for twenty minutes over low heat;
  • pour sour cream on top and fry for ten minutes.

The following ingredients are used to prepare this dish:

  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • ten pieces of large mushrooms;
  • a glass of high-fat sour cream;
  • one bulb;
  • salt to taste.

Top still hot mushrooms can be sprinkled with grated cheese. These fried mushrooms are very tasty and nutritious.

To prepare this soup, you need to prepare:

  • three hundred grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms;
  • one hundred grams of fat sour cream;
  • four large potatoes;
  • one processed cheese;
  • a medium-sized bulb;
  • one small carrot;
  • a spoonful of butter;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper.

Soup-puree from forest mushrooms is being prepared according to a step-by-step recipe:

  • wash the boiled mushrooms and cut into four parts;
  • fry them in butter until a light crust forms;
  • pour two liters of water into a saucepan and boil;
  • add mushrooms to the water;
  • chop onions and carrots and sauté in oil;
  • boil potatoes separately;
  • mash all cooked vegetables until puree is formed;
  • add the resulting mass of onions, potatoes and carrots to the water with mushrooms;
  • bring the mixture to a boil and add grated cheese to it;
  • dilute the flour in half a glass of mushroom broth and pour into the soup, stirring constantly;

Ryzhiky is the Slavic name for several types of valuable edible mushrooms belonging to the genus Milky ( Lactarius), the Russula family, the Russulovy order, the Agaricomycetes class, the Basidiomycetes department. The name of the mushroom "ginger" was also borrowed by some non-Slavic peoples, for example, Hungarians and Germans.

There is a version that the mushroom was called ginger not because of the color of its cap and legs, since they can be not only orange, but red milky juice, which stands out at the break of the pulp. The origin of the word "red" in dictionaries is explained simply. On the basis of the Proto-Slavic stem ryd “ore, rust”, the word rydiъ “something redder” arose. Subsequently, among the Eastern Slavs, this word turned into "red".

Ginger (mushroom): photo and description. What do redheads look like?

Mushrooms are cap mushrooms, they have a well-formed fruiting body, consisting of a cap and a central leg, which are tightly connected to each other. Their separation does not occur without tissue rupture.

Hat in young saffron milk caps, at first it looks like a cap, it is hemispherical, often flattened from above, velvety, later convex with thin edges slightly turned towards the stem or convex-prostrate. As it develops, it changes to funnel-shaped with a straight thin edge, sometimes with a small tubercle in the center. Its diameter is from 1-3 cm to 20 cm.

The color of the cap and the entire fruiting body of the camelina has a protective color. The brightest mushrooms are those that hide in the grass under the fir trees. Depending on the place of growth, the hat can be yellowish-buff, gray-olive, dark orange, blue, sometimes fading to whitish (in pine and spruce forms) with darker green or red-brown concentric circular zones (rings). The surface of the cap is smooth, glabrous or velvety (felt), glossy or dry, after rain it is sticky and slimy.

Leg camelina 4-6 cm long, 1-2.5 cm in diameter. Initially filled, then cellular, almost hollow, brittle. It is the same color as the cap or slightly lighter, lighter above under the plates, tapering towards the base or regular, cylindrical.

Its surface may be hairy and covered with dark green spots and small pits, darker than the rest of the skin of the leg. When compressed, the leg turns green.

pulp camelina dense, light, often changes color in the air, becomes green or red. In the leg it is whitish, on the cut it first turns red, then it can turn green. The pulp of camelina contains groups of rounded bubble-shaped cells, a spherocyte, which is why it is usually brittle. It also contains conductive ("vascular") hyphae with milky juice, which can be abundant or insignificant, watery or thick. Its color is orange, unchanged or slowly changing in air. In the oak ginger it is white. Mushroom juice is not caustic, but tart and often sweet.

Ryzhiki absorb forest aromas, and therefore become fragrant, give off a fruity, resinous or moss smell.

Hymenophore saffron milk caps are lamellar. The plates are frequent, thin, bifurcated, slightly descending to the stem.

At first yellowish, later orange, turning green when pressed, and then becoming dark olive. They do not separate from the hat.

spore powder yellow, yellowish-cream or light ocher.

Taste of mushrooms may be mild, sweetish, bitter, astringent, astringent, or sour.

Where do redheads grow?

The range of mushrooms captures North America, Eurasia, they were brought to Australia, Peru and New Zealand. Most of these mushrooms grow in the temperate latitudes of Eurasia and North America. In Russia, mushrooms are represented by all famous species. Mushrooms form mycorrhiza with conifers, so they are found next to pines, spruces or firs. Only the oak camelina, which is often called a mushroom, lives in symbiosis with broad-leaved tree species.

Although they grow in mixed and coniferous forests, they cannot stand shade. Most often they are found on clearings, forest edges, on the borders of forests or among young trees that have not yet closed and do not form heavily shaded places. Mushrooms do not like very dry or excessively moist soil. They grow on sandy loam soil in groups, sometimes forming "witch circles".

When do mushrooms grow?

These tender mushrooms practically cannot stand the cold. The optimum temperature for their growth is in the range from 15 to 27 °. Redheads appear en masse from July to September. At this time, they must be collected, but they grow in "waves", with a break. You can meet them later, up to November and even after slight frosts. But at this time they are already few in number.

Types of mushrooms, names and photos

Modern systematics classifies these mushrooms as sections Dapetes or Deliciosi subgenus Piperites. The species differ in the color of the skin and pulp, the size of the fruiting body, the change in color of the milky juice when oxidized in air, the relationship to the woody plants under which they grow, and the size of the spores. Below is a description of mushrooms.

  • Ginger, he is real camelina (ordinary, pine, pine forest), or milky delicacy ( Lactarius deliciosus, syn. Lactarius pinicola )

Often there are other names of the species, while the following specific epithets are added to the word "saffron milk cap": autumn, noble, delicacy.

A valuable edible mushroom, successfully defending the first place in terms of taste in a dispute with ceps. It has a fleshy, sunken, rufous or orange-yellow cap with distinct blue-green circles and dents. With age, it straightens out and becomes funnel-shaped. The diameter of the cap is 3-17 cm. If you press on its surface, then the place of the dent will turn greenish. The plates are yellow-orange or ocher, forked, turn green when injured. Spores are light ocher. The stem of the camelina does not differ in color from the cap, its height is 3-7 cm, diameter is 1-2 cm, at first it is filled with pulp, later it is empty. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, with fistulas, that is, depressions on the surface. Turns green when pressed. The flesh is brittle, but dense, yellowish or white, immediately under the skin of the cap and stem it is orange, at the break it first turns red, then turns green. Ordinary camelina has a pleasant resinous smell and taste. The pulp secretes a rich bright orange, not caustic, but slightly pungent milky juice, which in the air becomes grayish-green after a few hours.

Pine camelina grows in Russia, Foreign Europe, East Asia, North America in elevated places and clearings of pine, less often mixed forests. Together with woody plants, the species was introduced to Chile, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. In the Northern Hemisphere, it occurs from July to the end of November. When harvesting, mushrooms are cut with a full stem and placed with their hats down so as not to damage.

This species is similar to blood-red and green-red saffron milk caps. It can be distinguished by the clear concentric rings of the cap and the milky juice that turns green in the air.

This is the tastiest rib. It is fried, salted, marinated and even eaten raw. The mushroom does not require pre-soaking.

  • Spruce camelina (green), or spruce (Lactarius deterrimus , syn. Lactarius deliciosus var. deterrimus, Lactarius deliciosus var. picei)

According to one classification, it is considered a subspecies of the real camelina, according to another - a separate species. The hat is orange, with greenish or brown spots, fleshy, but thinner than that of the common camelina, smaller in size (3-8 cm) and brittle, without pubescence along the edges. In the sun, it fades slightly and becomes whitish. The skin of the cap is often orange, but may change to pale pink with faint concentric rings and spots. The surface of the cap is smooth, slippery in wet weather. When damaged and aging, it turns green. In comparison with the real camelina, its leg is shorter: 3-6 cm in length, 1.5-3 cm in diameter, slightly curved. The color is the same as the hat, first filled, then almost hollow inside. The milky juice is orange-red, less often almost red, turning green when exposed to air. The plates are usually lighter than the rest of the fruiting body. The pulp is looser than that of the common camelina, orange, at the break it first turns red, then turns green, has a pleasant fruity smell. Spore powder is light orange.

Spruce mushrooms grow in spruce forests with an abundance of grass, in the forest floor among the needles, from August to October. This species is found more often than the present, sometimes it forms whole thickets. In Europe, it is he who is considered a truly real ginger.

Spruce camelina can be confused with a pink wave (lat. Lactarius torminosus). It differs from the real camelina in its smaller size and place of growth. In Russia, it is considered a delicious edible mushroom, used fresh, pickled and salted. In blanks, it changes color, becomes green. When collecting spruce mushrooms, 2/3 of the legs should be cut off.

  • Ginger red, blood red ( Lactarius sangu i fluus )

A rare edible mushroom with an orange-red or blood-red cap and the same color juice that darkens but does not turn green when exposed to air. The cap is 5 to 15 cm in diameter, smooth, with weakly pronounced greenish concentric rings or without them. In wet weather, it is a little sticky. The leg is 3-6 cm high and 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, tapering towards the bottom. It is the same color as the hat, in mature mushrooms it is hollow. The plane of the leg is covered with powdery coating and red indentations. The flesh of the camelina is dense, under the skin of the leg and under the plates - blood-red, in other places yellowish or white with reddish spots. With a pleasant smell and pungent taste, it turns green on the cut. The plates of the hymenophore are light ocher, acquire a wine tint with age, descend deeply on the stem. Anastomoses (combinations) are formed between the plates. When pressed, they first turn brown, then greenish. Spore powder white.

Red mushrooms grow in pine and mixed forests, in mountainous areas in summer and autumn. They form mycorrhiza with pine and Siberian cedar. They are found in the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Italy, France, Russia.

  • Ginger red pine, semi-red, or green-red ( Lactarius semisanguifluus)

An edible mushroom with an orange-red or orange cap and green concentric zones. The juice is orange, reddening in the air. The cap diameter is from 3 to 10 cm. It is medium fleshy, convex or flat-spread, slightly concave in the center. With age, it becomes funnel-shaped. In young mushrooms, the edge is bent to the stem, in mature ones it is open and thin. When compressed, the cap first turns red, then greenish. The plates do not differ in color from the cap, in places of damage they gradually turn green. Spore powder is light ocher. Stem from 3 to 8 cm long and 0.8-2.5 cm thick, more often cylindrical, less often slightly narrowed towards the base, orange-pink with green spots, in "ripe" mushrooms with a narrow cavity inside. The flesh is yellowish, white in the central part, greenish under the skin of the cap, in young mushrooms it is dense, in old ones it is loose.

Red pine camelina forms mycorrhiza with pine. It is found in Italy, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, France, Russia. Mushroom picking season is from July to October.

  • Japanese ginger, fir ( Lactarius jap o nicus )

Edible mushroom. The cap is 6-8 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is straight with an edge turned down, in mature mushrooms it is funnel-shaped with a slight depression, with pronounced concentric zones. Its color is light brown or light ocher. The plates are brighter than the top of the cap, pinkish-orange, with red tints. The leg is bright, red-orange with a white line on top, 4.5-7.5 cm long, 1.2-2 cm in diameter. The flesh is light, rarely turns green on the cut, often remains red-orange or blood-red, which and was originally. The taste of the pulp is fresh.

Japanese mushrooms grow in Russia in the south of Primorsky Krai and in Japan, in mixed forests under black fir (lat. Abies-holophylla). They are collected in September-October.

Taken from the site:

  • salmon ginger, or alpine ( Lactarius salmonicolor)

Edible mushroom. It has the largest and brightest hat among all saffron milk caps. Its diameter is from 6 to 20 cm, the color is catchy and rich, carrot-orange at the edges, yellow-orange in the center with alternating concentric zones of salmon pink and bright orange. The plates are pink, sometimes with an orange tint. The stem is 3-5 cm long and 1-3 cm in diameter, pinkish-orange, with darker notches. The pulp of the mushroom is white in the middle, carrot closer to the skin. The milky juice is plentiful, also orange. Both juice and pulp do not change color when cut.

Edible salmon mushrooms form mycorrhiza only with fir, so they can only be found where these conifers are. They grow from August to October.

  • oak ginger, or oak mushroom ( Lactarius ins u lsus )

conditionally edible mushroom. It grows in deciduous forests, forms mycorrhiza with oak, hazel and beech. Distributed in Finland, France, Great Britain, Spain, as well as in the European part of Russia. The harvest time for oak saffron milk caps is from July to September.

The cap of the oak camelina is initially flat-round, often irregular in shape, later funnel-shaped, red or orange-brick, with darker rings. Its diameter is 5-12 cm. The plates are yellowish, descending to the stem. Spore powder is ocher or yellowish-cream. The leg is the same color as the cap, or lighter, with dark grooves, thickening downwards, 3-7 cm high, 1.5-3 cm in diameter. The flesh is creamy or white, turning pink on the cut. The milky juice is liquid, caustic, white, and stands out in a small amount. Usually oak mushrooms are soaked to remove bitter juice, and then salted.

Taken from the site:

Taken from the site:

  • Ryzhik dark, dim or reddish brown ( Lactarius queticolor)

Hat with a diameter of 5 to 12 cm, bluish-orange with a gray tint or darker with bluish tones. In places of damage, it turns green. The rings on the hat are weakly expressed, sometimes they are completely invisible, often only large spots of different shades remain from them. The flesh in the center of the mushroom is white, orange closer to the surface, slightly spicy in taste. The milky juice of camelina is red-orange, turning green when it flows out. The plates are frequent, slightly descending to the stem, pinkish-orange with a creamy tint or orange, turning green when injured. Leg 3-5 cm high, 1.5-3 cm in diameter, dense, cylindrical or tapering towards the foot, in mature mushrooms it is hollow, gray-orange or lilac-red.

The fungus grows in symbiosis with pine and is found in mixed and coniferous forests where this tree grows. The season for collecting dark camelina is August-October. This is a very rare mushroom in the north of the European part of Russia, it belongs to the edible species.

  • wine redhead, or wine red ( Lactarius vinosus, syn. Lactarius sanguifluus var. violaceus)

According to one data is independent view, according to others - a kind of red camelina. The hat is 4-12 cm in diameter, its skin is non-sticky, wine-red, shiny and smooth, with pronounced annular zones. The plates are not wide, orange in young mushrooms, lilac-pink in mature ones, wine-colored in old ones. The pulp is white, brittle, dense, wine-red or red-lilac closer to the skin, on the cut it changes color to red-brown or red. Milky juice wine-red, when oxidized becomes purple-brown. Leg 4-6 cm high, 1.5-3 cm in diameter, narrowed towards the base, orange-pink or purple with wine-red fistulas. The surface of the cap and stem turns blue in places of compression.

Wine camelina grows from July to October in the forests of the northern temperate zone in ecosystems with pine. This is an edible mushroom.

  • Finnish ginger, turning blue ( Lactarius fennoscandicus)

Hat 3-8 cm in diameter, sticky, with well-defined zones. The coloration of the inner and outer concentric zones differs only in tone. In the center it is darker, rich brown or cinnamon with an olive tint, becoming dimmer at the edges. The plates are narrow and frequent, from peach to yellowish-orange, turn green when injured. The pulp of the mushroom is white in the center, orange at the edges, turns blue or becomes blue-green at the break and cut. The milky juice of the Finnish camelina is orange, when oxidized it changes to greenish-gray. Leg 4-11 cm high, 1-2.5 cm in diameter, regular cylindrical or slightly thickened at the base.

Blue camelina is an edible mushroom that grows in symbiosis with spruce, preferring the edges of spruce and mixed forests of Karelia, the environs of Arkhangelsk and the Vologda region.

False redheads. Photo and description of twins

Young edible mushrooms cannot be poisoned. IN Ancient Rus' they were eaten raw. Today, before use, they are advised to at least scald with boiling water. But you can eat them only if you are sure that these are mushrooms.

The following are mushrooms with which inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse mushrooms.

How to distinguish saffron mushrooms from rosemary mushrooms

Mushroom mushrooms are often confused with a conditionally edible mushroom that requires more thorough heat treatment (soaking and boiling), a pink wave (lat. Lactarius torminosus), which also belongs to the lactic genus. Sometimes it is called a false saffron. At the same time, the difference between a wave and a camelina may not be noticeable with a cursory superficial examination.

  • The volnushka has a pinkish fruiting body, while the saffron milk cap is most often ocher.
  • The cap of the volnushka is strongly pubescent, the cap of the camelina is smooth or slightly felted.
  • Another difference: the milky juice of the volnushka is white, which does not change color in the air, in the camelina it is usually orange, oxidized when interacting with air.
  • Volnushka grows under small-leaved trees: aspens and birches, camelina - under conifers.
  • The surface of the body of the wave does not change color when damaged and squeezed; in the camelina, the wounds turn green.
  • The leg of the wave is thinner and without dents.

What is the difference between redheads and chanterelles

Mushrooms and chanterelles can only be confused by inexperienced mushroom pickers. Below are their similarities and differences.

  • Both mushrooms and chanterelles contain a lot of carotene, because of this they are painted in bright colors.
  • The shape of the cap of a mature common chanterelle is deep funnel-shaped with a wavy edge. In the camelina, it is straight, with a slight indentation in the center.
  • There are almost always rings on the cap of the camelina.
  • The cap of the chanterelle passes into the stem smoothly and imperceptibly; there is no clear separation between these parts of the mushroom. In camelina, although the cap is attached to the stem tightly, their separation is clearly visible.

Do not confuse chanterelles and mushrooms with false chanterelles, namely: with inedible orange talker and poisonous olive omphalot. What these mushrooms look like and how to distinguish them, read the article about chanterelles.

Differences between red camelina and amber lactic (gray-pink)

It is often written that these two types of mushrooms are difficult to distinguish. And yet the difference between them can be traced by the signs below.

  • First of all, it is necessary to compare the pulp of these species. In red camelina, the flesh under the skin of the leg and under the plates is blood-red, in other places it is yellowish or white with reddish spots, turning green on the cut. The milky flesh is light yellow, does not change color in the air, with an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.
  • Differences in the color of the milky juice are also clearly visible. In the camelina it is blood red, in the milky it is watery white and unchanged.
  • Camelina cap up to 15 cm in diameter, red or orange, often with greenish concentric zones. The milky cap has a diameter of 6-12 cm, its skin is pinkish-brown, sometimes with a gray tint and a silky sheen.
  • The camelina has a stem 3-6 cm high and 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, it tapers downwards. The milky one is up to 9 cm high and 1.5-2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, covered with whitish fibers below.
  • You can also distinguish the camelina by the plates of the hymenophore. In the milky gray-pink, they are whitish at first, then fawn or with a pink tint. In camelina, they are light ocher, becoming wine-red with age.

Differences between orange lactic and real camelina

The following is a comparison of mushrooms and distinctive features everyone.

  • First of all, these mushrooms are different from each other. appearance hats. Cap saffron milk cap with a diameter of 3-17 cm, orange-yellow or red, with obvious blue-green circles and dents. The lactiferous cap is orange, 3-8 cm in diameter, often with beige circular zones.
  • Camelina leg 5-7 cm high, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, of the same color with a hat with depressions on the surface. The lactic plant has a stalk 3-6 cm high, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, slightly lighter than the cap, without depressions.
  • The flesh of the camelina is yellowish or white, on the cut it first turns red, then turns green. The milky pulp is unchanged, with a characteristic orange aroma.
  • The milky juice of camelina is bright orange, when oxidized it becomes grayish-green. In the milky, it is white and unchanged in the air.

The benefits and harms of saffron mushrooms for humans

Useful (healing) properties

Mushrooms are very healthy and tasty mushrooms. The human body absorbs them more easily than other types of mushrooms. The mushrooms contain:

  • Vitamins: C, group B (riboflavin, thiamine, niacin), beta-carotenes, which are processed by bacteria in the human intestine into vitamin A (retinol). By the way, the orange color of the mushrooms is just due to the high content of beta-carotenes.
  • Minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, calcium.
  • The antibiotic substance lactarioviolin, the overwhelming development of most bacteria, including tuberculosis bacillus. This antibiotic was isolated from red camelina.

In the old days, camelina mushrooms were used to prevent and treat respiratory diseases, and were also used as an antiseptic for wounds.

Harm and contraindications

Any mushrooms, and even mushrooms, are heavy food for the digestive system. In large quantities, they are not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, people who have undergone surgery on the digestive organs. They can not be eaten with:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • low stomach acid.

If mushrooms are harvested young, processed and cooked correctly, then they cannot be poisoned. But do not forget that any mushrooms cannot be collected within the city, near highways, factories and garbage dumps, as they absorb heavy metals from the soil, which, when eaten, accumulate in the human body and impair health.

Calorie content and chemical composition of mushrooms

Calorie content of mushrooms per 100 g:

  • Fresh mushrooms - 17 kcal;
  • Pickled and salted mushrooms - 17-17.5 kcal;
  • Boiled mushrooms - 22.4 kcal;
  • Fried mushrooms - 94 kcal.

100 g of fresh mushrooms contains:

  • 88.9 g of water;
  • 1.9 g protein;
  • 0.8 g fat;
  • 0.5 g of carbohydrates;
  • 2.2 g fiber.

Minerals and vitamins per 100 g of mushrooms:

  • 0.7 mg ash;
  • 6 mg sodium;
  • 310 mg potassium;
  • 6 mg calcium;
  • 8 mg magnesium;
  • 41 mg phosphorus;
  • 2.7 mg iron;
  • 0.07 mg of vitamin B1;
  • 0.2 mg vitamin B2;
  • 6 mg vitamin C.

How long can mushrooms be stored?

Raw mushrooms do not keep warm for more than 3-4 hours, after this time the mushrooms begin to deteriorate. Especially quickly the process of destruction occurs in the sun. It is for this reason that they are not sold fresh in the market and in stores. In the refrigerator, mushrooms cleaned of needles, moss and leaves can be stored packed in cling film or in a closed enamelled, wooden or plastic container for no more than a day. Blanched mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

How to clean and process mushrooms?

Before cooking, mushrooms are cleaned of debris and washed, preferably under running water. On the question of whether it is necessary to soak mushrooms, there is no consensus. In the central European part of Russia and in the north of the country, they are soaked for up to 3 days. In the Volga region they are not soaked at all. In addition, since oak camelina is bitter, it is soaked to remove bitter juice, and then salted. Other types are not bitter, so they are cooked without pre-soaking.

In addition, mushrooms are often damaged by insect larvae. The larvae themselves are safe for human health, but the products of their metabolism can cause poisoning and botulism in canned food. Therefore, the places "marked" by the larvae must be carefully removed.

How to cook mushrooms? Cooking methods

You can eat mushrooms in any form - they are universal mushrooms, but the first category of quality was given to salted mushrooms. It can be eaten a day after salting.

Ryzhik is prepared in all possible ways:

  • boiled or blanched;

Pure mushrooms are thrown into salted boiling water. Boil for 15-20 minutes.

  • fry;

Peeled and washed mushrooms can be fried fresh, or you can pre-boil in salted water for 15 minutes. Squeezed out of water, they are placed in a dry frying pan and heated to remove the released moisture. After that, oil is added and cooked for another 10-15 minutes. Put the onion and fry the mushrooms until golden brown. All these operations must be carried out on high heat, otherwise stewed mushrooms will turn out.

  • put out,
  • and eaten raw, simply salting the plates of mushrooms and holding for 1-2 hours.

In addition, mushrooms are fermented, pickled, salted, frozen, dried, added to mushroom caviar, an extract (essence) is prepared from them. But all this is mostly just for taste and to prevent hunger. In order for the beneficial substances of mushrooms to be assimilated, one must forget all the known rules for their preparation, especially preparations for the winter. To "extract" the benefits of mushrooms, you need:

  • grind them, and even better pass through a meat grinder;
  • finely chopped mushrooms are best steamed, not so healthy to cook and harmful to the figure and health fry.

Salted mushrooms. How to salt mushrooms?

Mushrooms are usually salted in dry, cold and hot ways.

Dry way only mushrooms are salted. This type of preparation is preferable for them. Pre-mushrooms are cleaned of dirt, wiped with a clean, preferably linen cloth and laid in layers in a container with plates up. It is impossible to salt mushrooms in galvanized, copper, tin and polyethylene dishes, since the interaction of brine with such materials produces toxic compounds. Sprinkle each layer with coarse salt. Spices are not put in mushrooms, so as not to interrupt their own aroma and taste. After half of the mushrooms are laid, they are kept for 5 hours. When they settle, add the other half to them. Cover with a cloth on top and put a wooden circle, which is pressed down with oppression. They are kept at room temperature for two or three days to start the fermentation process. After they are placed in the cellars and kept at 5 ° C. Salted mushrooms can be eaten in a day, but they acquire a richer taste after 10-15 days. After this period, they are transferred to clean containers.

cold way pickling mushrooms differs from dry only in that mushrooms are washed several times before being placed in a container.

For hot way pickling mushrooms are first scalded 2 times with boiling water, then cooled cold water and discuss. To make the mushrooms spicy, they can be shifted with ground black pepper, currant and laurel leaves. But it will be the taste of seasonings, not mushrooms.

Marinated mushrooms. How to pickle mushrooms?

You can pickle fresh and salted mushrooms.

  • Fresh mushrooms are sorted by size, large ones are cut into pieces, small ones are preserved whole. Washed mushrooms are boiled in the filling for 15 minutes. They are laid out in sterile jars and poured with brine, covered with lids and sterilized.
  • Salted mushrooms are laid out in a colander, the brine is drained from them, then washed hot water. Put the mushrooms in jars and pour the marinade. After that, the jars are sterilized.

How to freeze mushrooms?

Before freezing, mushrooms should be washed in running water and dried. You can store raw, fried and blanched mushrooms.

  • Prepared raw mushrooms are laid out on a wooden board so that they do not touch each other, and placed in the freezer. After a day, they are transferred to a storage dish and closed again in the freezer. Frozen mushrooms in this way can be stored for 6 months.
  • Blanched and fried mushrooms, after the liquid drains from them, are immediately laid out in portioned bags or containers and frozen. Such mushrooms are stored for up to a year.

Can mushrooms be dried?

Previously, it was believed that it was impossible to dry mushrooms. Now, under the pressure of facts, opinion has changed.

All edible mushrooms can be dried, except for lamellar and tubular species containing bitterness, which is not removed during the drying process. Although the latter does not apply to some mushrooms, the bitterness of which adds flavor to dishes.

Edible mushrooms are not bitter. Dry young, healthy, strong mushrooms. When dried, they retain their forest aroma and beneficial features. In powder form, they become a flavoring for soups and sauces, and in the Scandinavian countries, the powder is added to coffee.

Before drying, they are cleaned and wiped with a dry nylon cloth. Whole mushrooms are dried, but the mushrooms should be approximately the same size. Dried mushrooms should bend well, break, but not crumble. Store dried mushrooms for 1 year in linen or paper bags, in glass jars with tight-fitting lids, in a dry place, away from strong-smelling objects and make sure that they are not saturated with moisture. Before use, dry mushrooms are simply washed or soaked in water or milk.

How to grow mushrooms?

Mycorrhizal fungi are not grown on an industrial scale due to unprofitability. But you can try to grow a bed of mushrooms for the family. To do this, you need something that grows near your house. conifer tree which prefers this type of mushrooms. An additional delivery of soil with forest litter from the forest will not be superfluous. The conditions of illumination and soil moisture should be as close as possible to those in which these mushrooms grow. The caps of mature saffron milk caps are crushed, dried and scattered on the ground. Sprinkle with soil on top, tamp a little and water with water at room temperature.

When mushrooms come, you can bring part of the mycelium from the forest. To do this, they dig a cube of soil (with an edge of 20 cm) in the place where the camelina was found. After delivery, it is immediately planted under spruce, fir or pine.

  • Not only a mushroom is called a ginger: a ginger ( Camelina listen)) is also a genus of plants in the cruciferous family. And there is also a village in the Leningrad region of Russia called Ryzhiki.
  • The methanol extract of fresh camelina is used as an antibacterial and antifungal agent.
  • IN Russian Empire mushrooms were exported and brought a significant part of export earnings. In the Kargopol district, 300 tons of salted mushrooms were harvested every year. During the mushroom season, several dozen buyers settled there. Russian salted mushrooms were divided into two varieties. The first included the Kargopol "krasnyaki" (upland), the second - the Tver bruises (spruce trees). Small mushrooms were sent to France in special bottles, which were valued in Paris more than champagne.
  • The urine of a person who has eaten mushrooms turns orange due to the beta-carotene present in the mushrooms.

All types of saffron mushrooms grow in coniferous forests - spruce and pine. It can often be found in illuminated areas, edges, clearings, in a young forest, in clearings, elevated places, and roadsides of forest roads. Where saffron mushrooms grow, there is almost always sandy soil. Settle in groups, can form a "witch's circle". In our country, it is common in the central and northern regions. Ginger can be found in the center of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, Far East, in Siberia. The ginger begins to bear fruit in June, and ends in October.

On this page you will learn what mushrooms look like, when to collect them and how to grow them yourself.

Ginger in the photo
Pictured is a hat wild mushroom camelina

Ryzhik is easily identified. It got its name from the orange color of the cap, plates and legs. The same color and flesh. At the break, the appearance of orange milky juice is characteristic, which begins to turn green in the air. The plates on the back of the cap also turn green in pressed places and tears. The cap of a young mushroom is convex, and then funnel-shaped, reaches a diameter of 10 - 12 cm, the leg is rather short 1-2 cm, hollow inside. The color of the cap is characterized by concentric zoning, alternation of light and dark colored, sometimes with an admixture of greenish stripes. It is unlikely that any other fungus has such an abundance of characteristic features that allow you to accurately identify this fungus.

The cap of the wild mushroom camelina in diameter is from 4 to 17 cm, in the middle there is a funnel-shaped depression, from which concentric circles extend. The most "red" mushrooms - with a grayish-orange hat - grow in pine forests. In spruce forests, mushrooms are more modestly colored, their hats are bluish-greenish with yellow-orange circles. Mushroom pickers noticed that in rainy summers there are more spruce saffron mushrooms, and in dry summers - pine ones.

Camelina usually grows in the second half of the year. The most abundant in the second half of September - the first half of October. Single finds occur throughout November. I had to meet him after the first frost on the soil. Regarding when to pick saffron mushrooms, there is a saying: “Summer saffron milk cap is not good for serious business, only in hot weather, but autumn is good for everyone and good in all kinds.”

Camelina usually grows in groups (families). Each family consists of specimens of different ages, most of which are hidden under moss or in dense grass, and the oldest ones can be seen from a height of human growth. Therefore, if you have already sat down to put the noticed mushroom in the basket, take a closer look, push the grass apart, throw the fallen leaves aside, and you will definitely find several more solar disks, one smaller than the other.

By mushrooms, you can determine the cardinal points. Most of these mushrooms grow on the north side of the trees.

Ryzhiks can only be confused with volnushki, but in volnushki the flesh is white or pale pink, and the whole mushroom is much lighter than camelina. Although it is with mushrooms that the waves are most often found.

These photos show what mushroom mushrooms look like:

On the photo is an edible mushroom "Pine Ginger"

Mushroom Delicious in the photo

On the photo is an edible mushroom "Spruce Ginger"

Use of saffron mushrooms

Since ancient times, mushrooms were loved to cook in Rus'. They were served fried or stewed. Salted mushrooms were especially revered. The favorite dish of Peter I was salted mushrooms with sour cream. It is possible to use young mushrooms in their raw form, only after salting. In terms of calories, salted mushrooms are superior to pickled porcini mushrooms, eggs, and even meat.

In the old days in the Urals, mushrooms were salted right in the forest. Barrels were brought in, in which camelinas sprinkled with coarse salt were placed. Each mushroom was pre-wiped with a linen towel.

Settlers brought mushrooms even to Australia. There are so many of them that the hillsides turn red from the abundance of mushrooms. This mushroom is early age exposed to insect larvae.

The main use of mushrooms is frying, salting and pickling. Very young mushrooms can be eaten raw, without heat treatment. Before salting, the ginger must not be soaked, otherwise it will turn green. In terms of calories, salted mushrooms are superior to beef.

Edible saffron mushrooms, like their companions in young pine forests, almost never grow alone, but always in flocks, ribbons. And the secret is that on the plate then there will be mushrooms of an incredibly small size. Of course, you will never see such a mushroom separately in the grass. But when you cut off the string, along with the big ones, the little ones also fall under the knife. Where there are a lot of mushrooms, in the Nizhny Novgorod or Vyatka forests, they like to pickle mushrooms in bottles. The whole point is that only those mushrooms that are able to crawl into the narrow neck of the bottle get into the salting. In general, mushrooms in northern places, for example, in the Vologda region, are most often salted in birch bark dishes, in large and small tues.

The following describes how to grow mushrooms yourself.

How to grow saffron mushrooms (with video)

These mushrooms can only be grown in natural conditions. For them, you need to choose a place that, according to its conditions, does not differ from the place of natural growth of mushrooms. Light, humidity, soil condition, species and age of trees should be taken into account. Under mushrooms, it is better to choose shaded, but not dark places with free air movement. The soil should be moist and slightly acidic, contain a lot of rotting leaves, needles. But at the same time in the spring it should not be flooded with water. It is possible to plant pine or spruce trees specially for these purposes.

It is permissible to eat mushrooms in fried, salted, pickled form. When salted, they are not soaked, not boiled, but simply washed and rubbed. In ancient times, they were salted in special oak dishes without any spices, so as not to interrupt the natural smell and taste of mushrooms.

Mushrooms can be sown in the same way as porcini mushrooms, in several ways. Collect caps of old overripe mushrooms in the forest and chop them into pieces. Dry a little on a thin cloth (gauze is suitable for this purpose), periodically turning it over to the other side. In the selected area, lift the top layer of soil and lay pieces of cap under it. Seal well and pour warm water. Or spread the pieces of the hat on loose soil and also pour water.

Or soak old hats in rainwater with sugar. The next day, mix well and pour under the selected trees.

You can transplant the found mycelium. Why should it be carefully, without damage, dug out in the forest in the form of layers measuring 30 x 30 cm and a thickness of 25 cm and brought home. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that the earth does not shake, otherwise the mycelium will be damaged. The layers of earth, without waiting for them to dry out, must be immediately planted under the same trees under which they were dug. To do this, dig holes of the required size in advance and carefully transfer layers of earth into them. Then water with rain water. It is better to transplant mycelium in the morning or in the evening.

You can also lay out the old hats on the selected area and cover with moss. In dry weather, they should be watered. After 2 weeks, the moss will rise and you can see greenish-purple filaments of mycelium under it.

Growing mushrooms consists in watering in dry weather. Watering should be either rain or well water. The first mushrooms will appear only the next year after the planting of the mycelium. When harvesting, mushrooms must be carefully cut with a knife, otherwise the mycelium may be damaged.

The next section of the article presents photos and descriptions of mushrooms of different types of mushrooms.

Watch the video "Cultivation of saffron mushrooms", which shows all the details of care:

Types of saffron mushrooms: pine, real (delicacy) and spruce

Ginger pine in the photo
orange-red hat

Ginger pine grows in young sparse pine forests, in pine and larch plantings. Occurs frequently in favorable years plentifully, from June to November, until the frost. It grows singly, but more often in groups in sunny, bright places.

The cap is orange-red, reaching 12–17 cm in diameter, with concentric, darker orange stripes, in young mushrooms it is rounded-convex, in grown-up mushrooms it is wide-funnel-shaped, fades with age, its edges are first tucked inward, then straight. The pulp is dense, fleshy, orange, brittle, insipid in taste, turns green at the break. The milky juice is plentiful, orange-yellow, not caustic, with a resinous odor, turns green in the air.

The plates adherent to the stem are yellow-orange, turn green when pressed. The leg is short, cylindrical, of the same color as the cap, and also turns green when damaged. The flesh inside the stem is white.

Edible, first category. One of the most delicious mushrooms, used for pickling, canning, pickling, it can also be boiled and fried. In salting, mushrooms retain their color. It is best to salt them in a cold way without soaking and washing. Both caps and legs are eaten.

Ginger "Real" in the photo
The pulp is dense, well cut with a knife.

Ginger is real, or delicacy- edible mushroom. The cap is fleshy 4-12 cm, smooth, convex, later flattened or slightly depressed, orange, brick-red with well-defined concentric zones. The plates are slightly descending along the stem, orange-red, turning green from pressure. Leg 3-7 cm long, 1-3 cm thick, dense, hollow, the color of the cap. The milky juice is orange, plentiful, with a pleasant taste.

Delicious camelina grows in mixed and coniferous forests, but grows abundantly in early autumn in pine groves and in the self-sowing zone of pines in fields and on roadsides. Forms mycorrhiza with pine.

Occurs from August to October.

According to the description, this type of saffron mushroom is not similar to any of the poisonous mushrooms.

Real ginger is edible even raw. One of the best edible mushrooms for pickling, marinating and for preparing any other mushroom dishes.

Ginger "Spruce" in the photo
(Lactarius deterrimus Groger) pictured

spruce ginger (Lactarius deterrimus Groger) is an edible mushroom. The cap is fleshy 3-8 cm, smooth, convex, later flattened or slightly depressed, orange, meat-colored, sometimes with green spots, well-defined concentric zones. The plates are slightly descending along the stem, orange-red, turn yellow from pressure. Leg 3-7 cm long, 1-3 cm thick, dense, hollow, the color of the cap. The milky juice is orange, plentiful, with a pleasant taste, but causes a scratchy sensation in the throat. The flesh is brittle, friable, bright orange at the break, then turning green, with carrot-red milky juice, which turns wine-red, then greenish. The pulp is dense, well cut with a knife.

Grows in mixed and coniferous forests, but abundantly bears fruit in early autumn in pine groves and in the self-seeding zone of pines in the fields. Spruce camelina forms mycorrhiza with spruce. In Russia, it was he who was transplanted into manor estates in the century before last. Occurs from August to September.

Under favorable conditions (not hot, humid summer) it can bear fruit 5-6 days after picking mushrooms several times in a row. Has no poisonous twins.

Cooking. Fried is good, and salty has an unusual taste. When salted, they do not require boiling, neither dill, nor garlic, nor other seasonings are put in them. Only mushrooms and salt. It turns out an excellent delicacy.

Among all the mushrooms that grow in our forests, pine camelina is one of the most delicious. This mushroom has been known for many years. Its orange color was the reason for this interesting name. Moreover, this mushroom was almost never called by other "nicknames".

Mistresses make a lot of pine mushrooms delicious dishes. There are many variations on this theme. To collect this correctly, you need to know its main signs and areas of its growth. On a walk in the forest, this knowledge will not interfere with any person.


Mushrooms, the description of which can often be found in various sources, are characterized orange hats. This is their calling card. If the saffron milk cap is young, its cap will be flat or slightly depressed. The older he gets, the more his upper part becomes like a funnel.

Hat diameter - 3-12 centimeters. Its surface is smooth. There are quite a few shades of pine ginger. These include orange (light or dark), rich copper and even green-bluish tones. Concentric circles, spots and stripes are visible.

The plates under the hat are also orange in color. Ginger pine has a resinous smell. Its top is fleshy. The juice is orange in color but may turn green when exposed to air. The leg can also be orange. It has notches and stripes.

mushroom species

In total, two forms of mushrooms are distinguished. There are other varieties, but they are rarer. Pine, or upland, camelina is the most common type of this mushroom. The hat reaches 5-10 centimeters in diameter. Mushrooms prefer sandy loamy soil. Their color (even in cross section) is bright orange. Copper-red hues may also predominate. The incision does not lose this color for a long time.

The second type of mushrooms presented are spruce mushrooms. They are slightly smaller than their pine counterparts (the hat reaches a size of 5-8 cm), but their appearance is also quite bright. True, blue or greenish shades may predominate in their color. This is especially true for the center of the hat.

The cut is also bright orange. But in the color of the legs and hats, more muted shades can be distinguished. Due to the small size of these mushrooms, they can be pickled even in a bottle with a narrow neck. Many housewives use this technique.

Rare varieties

Among the representatives of this group of mushrooms, there are also rarer mushrooms. Their description will be interesting to study mushroom pickers. Red saffron caps are slightly larger in diameter - 6-12 cm. It can have a color from orange-pink to dirty salmon. The hat has well-defined concentric circles. The incision in the air acquires a wine-red hue. The pulp of the mushroom can be described as fragile, with a yellowish-white color. The fungus does not have a pronounced odor.

Another rather rare species is the milky red saffron milk cap. Its hat can reach from 3 to 10 cm. Its color is orange, but not bright. Zoning is expressed along the edges. The juice of the mushroom is characterized by an orange color. But from being in the air it becomes red or burgundy. The leg is broken. It is hollow in the middle. The smell of the camelina of this group is also neutral. Its flesh is fragile, has an orange color.

Inedible doppelgänger

The varieties considered are edible mushrooms. They are eaten, subjected to various processing technologies. But they can be confused with another mushroom. This is an amber milky. The characteristic coloration makes this almost impossible for experienced mushroom pickers, but those who do not often go to the forest should take note of this information.

Ryzhik do not have poisonous twins. Therefore, it is quite possible to collect them even for inexperienced mushroom pickers. Amber milky has a reddish or yellowish-red color. Its difference can be easily established by cutting the mushroom. The juice will be watery. It dries quickly in the air. Juice tastes either sweetish or bitter.

The difference is also in the smell. It looks like chicory or even a bouillon cube. Fresh milky amber is not eaten. But in dry form, it can be used as a seasoning.

Where and when does the saffron grow

It is also necessary to know where and when pine mushrooms grow. They prefer shallow forest. From the name of the fungus it is clear that they prefer pine or spruce groves. They grow in groups. They can be large or small.

Redheads appear in the middle of summer. Sometimes they can be found in the forest even in mid-June. But this is rather an exception. A large crop is harvested in August-September. In October, mushrooms can be found, but much less frequently.

This mushroom is not afraid of frost. In summer, saffron milk caps can be described as more watery. In autumn, when it starts to get colder, they become stronger. Mushroom pickers believe that it is during the cold period that mushrooms are the most delicious.

How to collect mushrooms?

Look for noble pine camelina should be in well-lit groves, along long ditches. Mushrooms are very well camouflaged, so finding them is not so easy. Bright coloring should not be misleading. Sometimes it is possible to determine that there are mushrooms here only by the crunch that is heard under the foot. They start growing under the moss. Therefore, at first only a small tubercle is visible. Many mushroom pickers simply step on them without seeing a bright hat.

If you take a good look and find the coveted saffron milk cap, you need to pick it correctly. Can't be cut. This will damage the mycelium, and new individuals will not appear here. It will be right to just carefully pick the saffron milk cap. You can even unscrew it, and then sprinkle the place with needles or moss. Drying has a bad effect on the mycelium.

How to cook

Pine camelina is a delicacy mushroom. Its taste qualities have been appreciated for a long time. This mushroom can be pickled, fried, salted or stewed. Mushrooms retain their bright color even after processing.

In terms of their taste, they surpass even mushrooms. According to the description, they are somewhat reminiscent of russula. They can be eaten even after just a few hours of salting, being right in the forest.

If the hostess plans to fry mushrooms, only a few minutes are given to heat treatment. This presented variety is significantly different from other mushrooms.

It is believed that the smaller the mushroom cap, the higher its selling price. Ryzhik is even exported to neighboring countries, to Europe. Some types of drugs are obtained from them.

Having become acquainted with such a mushroom as pine camelina, everyone can follow it into the forest. The day off will leave a lot of positive impressions. Harvest can be prepared different ways. This is a very tasty and healthy mushroom.

Ginger, due to its taste and appetizing appearance, is deservedly considered one of the best mushrooms of the russula family. Several species can be found in the forests and, having noticed any of them, you need to hurry up to collect delicious orange mushrooms, as they quickly become wormy and grow old, crumbling into dust.

The sonorous name went to these mushrooms not only for the bright color of the skin, but also for their inherent carrot-orange color of the milky juice.

The main types of mushrooms

It grows in pine forests and mixed forests, comes across more often than others, compares favorably with the reddish-red color of the fruiting bodies and the strong, stocky appearance of mushrooms. The orange-yellow cap is round, 5–18 cm in diameter, with dark concentric zones, convex at first, with time the edges rise, forming a wide funnel. To the touch, the hat is slippery, in rainy weather it is sticky. The plates are frequent, narrow, yellowish. The height of the hollow leg is up to 9 cm.

At the break of the pulp, an orange milky sweetish juice appears with a sharp taste and smell of resin, which quickly turns green in the air. When removed, the mushroom acquires a slightly greenish tint, especially where it is touched.

The pulp is dense and in a salted form, these mushrooms look very attractive.

Spruce camelina (spruce) (Lactarius deterrimus)

Spruce mushrooms form mycorrhiza with spruce roots and grow only near these trees. The color of the cap is light orange, with darker rings and spots, over time it acquires a dark green, coniferous hue. Under the sun, the skin tends to fade and becomes whitish. The stem is thin, 3–7 cm high, brittle, the cap is fragile, especially at the edges, which is why spruce trees often crumple and break in baskets.

Milky reddish juice stands out in large quantities, it tastes good, turns green in the air. In salting, spruce trees are very tasty and fragrant, but acquire a dark, greenish-brown hue.

The species is common in pine and spruce forests, characterized by a dense cap of reddish-pink or orange color, up to 10 cm in diameter, with folded edges and a recess in the center, without a sticky coating. The flesh is light, with a pinkish tint and burgundy spots. The milky juice is saturated red, darkens with time, acquiring a red-brown color.

The leg is strong, up to 6 cm high, tapers at the base, covered with a characteristic mealy coating and crimson small pits over the entire surface. The color of the legs varies - from yellow-orange to purple. The species is edible, suitable for salting and cooking a variety of mushroom dishes.

This beautiful bright mushroom is found near pines. The hat is fleshy, up to 9 cm in diameter, flat, with a slightly depressed center and folded edges. The skin is light orange, pink at the edges, with time a greenish tone appears at the center. The plates are frequent, narrow, orange in color with a characteristic pink sheen, in an aging fungus they become reddish.

Milky juice is orange at first, then reddens and turns green. The taste is pleasant, soft. Hollow leg up to 7 cm high, narrow, fragile. The flesh is brittle, orange, turning greenish when broken.

Places of distribution and time of collection

Camelinas of all kinds prefer coniferous forests, but can also grow in mixed plantings under pines or spruces. Favorite places are edges, forest clearings, clearing places, young spruce and pine forests. Most often, these mushrooms are found in the northern regions, forests of the Urals and Siberia.

It can be difficult to find mushrooms - they hide in groups under fallen soft needles, in dry weather they are almost absent, and after drizzling summer and autumn rains they suddenly appear en masse, raising their shelters from needles and grass, highlighting orange warm color to match the color of pine bark.

The harvest begins in July, the main harvest falls in August and lasts until September. Experienced mushroom pickers notice the orange mushrooms and after every rain again and again collect fragrant forest crops.

False mushrooms (twins)

Mushrooms are valuable edible mushrooms of the Milky genus, at the break they release abundant orange-red milky juice. The advantage of this characteristic feature is that they cannot be confused with inedible and dangerous species.

However, due to inexperience, other, not so tasty and fragrant mushrooms of this genus, classified as conditionally edible, can be mistaken for a noble camelina.

Characterized by white milky juice, which does not darken in the air. This mushroom grows in deciduous forests at the roots of birches and is more common in the northern regions. In addition to the white color of the milky juice, the pink wave is distinguished by a pale pink hat with turned down fringed edges and whitish flesh on the break.

Eating, with insufficient digestion or salting for less than 45 days, can cause disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Another conditionally edible mushroom of the same genus, growing in coniferous forests, more often on light sandstones. It is distinguished by a grayish-brown dry cap and milky white juice that does not darken in the air. The flesh is white, brittle, if you rub it between your fingers, you can smell a faint smell of coconut.

This species is used as food after soaking and prolonged salting.

A small mushroom with a cap diameter up to 6 cm, which is characterized by a beige or ocher color and tucked edges. The pulp is light, the milky juice is white, does not change color, the smell is strong, coconut.

It is used as a spicy additive to other dishes and in salted form.

Beneficial features

The orange flesh of camelinas is so brightly colored due to the presence of carotene or provitamin A, which acts as a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of plaque formation, and supports the barrier function of the mucous membranes.

In addition, fungal tissues contain B vitamins(thiamine and riboflavin), ascorbic acid and a whole group of minerals necessary for the body - iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

In mushrooms, this natural piggy bank of useful substances, a natural potent antibiotic was discovered. lactrioviolin, which inhibits many harmful bacteria, including tubercle bacillus. It is the presence of this antibacterial compound that determines the harmlessness of the fungus, which can be eaten during mushroom hunting right in its raw form, with a little salt or lightly roasted at the stake.

In the old days, red mushrooms were harvested very simply - wiped with a canvas cloth, they were loaded into cedar barrels, fumigated with juniper branches, and salted directly in the forest, immediately after collection.

The satiety and nutritional value is due to the presence of easily digestible amino acids and as a source of protein, these mushrooms are comparable to the best varieties meat. In terms of calories and energy content, they surpass beef, poultry, and even chicken eggs. Therefore, orange mushrooms are a welcome product on the table of vegetarians or during fasting.


Nutrition is an important feature of mushrooms that should be taken into account for people suffering from obesity and kidney or liver disease. In this case, mushroom dishes are used with caution.

Other contraindications are inflammation of the pancreas or gallbladder, insufficient secretion of bile, as well as gastritis of any type, in particular, with low acidity of gastric juice.

Recipes for cooking mushrooms

Knowledgeable mushroom pickers believe that real mushrooms should be eaten salted without spices, then they acquire an incomparable forest taste, give off needles, and a slight bitterness of pine resin. Therefore, mushrooms are salted immediately after harvesting, wiping with a clean cloth, tightly packed in a container and generously sprinkled with salt. Such a pickle is eaten after 10-14 days.

The need for rapid forest harvesting of mushrooms is justified not only by their excellent taste, like other mushrooms, it is a perishable product that should be processed as soon as possible.

Salted mushrooms with spices

At home, you can cook delicious spicy mushrooms, which are obtained with cold pickling. To do this, for 1 kg of mushrooms, take 40 g of salt, a little bay leaf and blackcurrant leaves, allspice and black ground pepper to taste.

Mushrooms are poured over with boiling water twice, before being poured onto a sieve, after which they are poured over with cold water, and left to dry a little.

Salt and spices are placed at the bottom of the container, mixing them and scattering them in a thin layer. Then the mushrooms are laid out, topped with hats, in rows up to 7 cm thick, each layer is salted and peppered. All remaining spices are laid on top. The workpiece is covered with a piece of cotton fabric, a wooden circle, pressed down with oppression and taken out to the basement. It is convenient to use a glass bottle of water as oppression.

After a few days, a brine appears and, if it is not there, the severity of oppression is increased. Excess brine is drained if necessary. Such spicy mushrooms can be eaten in a month, and the snack is stored in the refrigerator.

Marinated baked mushrooms

This delicious original appetizer will serve as a great decoration. holiday table. And in terms of juiciness and forest aroma, it cannot be compared with any purchased delicacies.

To prepare the marinade take:

  • 1 liter of vinegar strength 3.5%;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 5–7 bay leaves;
  • some cloves.

All components are mixed and brought to a boil.

Peeled mushrooms washed under running water are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in hot oven for 10-12 minutes. Then they take it out of the oven, cool it a little, put it in jars while still warm and pour it with hot marinade.

After that, the jars are corked with plastic lids and, as soon as they have cooled, they are put in the refrigerator. For long-term storage, canned food is covered with metal lids, sterilized for 30–40 minutes, and then corked.

Redheads in sour cream

The classic mushroom dish turns out to be especially tasty when using mushrooms. To prepare, follow these steps:

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown.
  2. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed, large ones are cut into halves, lightly sprinkled with flour and fried.
  3. Mushrooms are combined with onions, sour cream is added and heated to a boil.

The dish is salted, ground pepper, finely chopped dill and other spices are added to taste.

Video about saffron mushrooms

Ryzhik cannot compete in taste and popularity with the recognized kings of the world of mushrooms - porcini and milk mushrooms. But still, these are fragrant, satisfying, extremely useful gifts of nature, which deserve the closest attention of mushroom pickers and must definitely take their place in home cooking, among jars of winter pickles.