What happened March 31, 1992 The beginning of economic reform

The reforms began with the liberalization of prices in January 1992, which led to the filling of the domestic market with food and industrial goods. However, over the year, prices have increased tenfold. The majority of the population received meager salaries and pensions, and cash savings depreciated. The systems of free medicine, education and science left without state funding were destroyed. Russia is facing unemployment. All this led to mass impoverishment of the population.


In the post-perestroika transition period (1992-1993), following the political formation of the new government in 1991, the economic and constitutional foundations of the new state structure Russia. At the same time, the new leadership of the country saw the main task in consolidating political changes in Russian society. The Russian economy, its constitutional structure had to come into line with the new political system country, which meant a transition to a market economy, its demonopolization and privatization, the creation of a class of private entrepreneurs and owners, and the strengthening of the power of the president.

At the 5th congress people's deputies Russian Federation(October 1991) B. Yeltsin came up with a program of radical economic reforms, providing for the liberalization of prices and wages, freedom of trade and privatization. Considering the current difficult economic situation, the deputies generally approved the program and even gave the president additional powers to carry it out. On November 6-8, 1991, a government was formed headed by B. Yeltsin and two vice-premiers: G. Burbulis (responsible for political issues) and E. Gaidar (minister of economy and finance, who oversaw economic reform). The government also had an institute of advisers, where the leading role belonged to the American liberal economist D. Sachs.

On January 2, 1992, the first step towards a market economy was taken - prices and trade were liberalized. As conceived by Deputy Prime Minister Ye. Gaidar, this was supposed to return to money the role of a spontaneous regulator of prices and production, and lead to the destruction of the monopoly of intermediaries in the trading network. However, the underestimation of the monopolization of production, as well as the self-removal of the government from control over the formation of prices, led to their uncontrolled surge. In January 1992, prices increased by 1000-1200%, and by the end of the year they had increased by at least 26 times. At the same time, the increase in wages in 1992 occurred only 12 times. The reform did not provide for the indexation of savings deposits of the population, which led to their simultaneous depreciation. The government's hopes for large-scale foreign exchange assistance from the West did not come true either. Under these conditions, the government of Yeltsin-Gaidar was unable to fulfill the promised social guarantees during the implementation of reforms. The policy of "shock therapy", not supported by Western loans and investments, nevertheless continued, and the main goal was to stabilize the financial system, create a deficit-free budget by ending subsidies to unprofitable enterprises and industries, and reducing social payments to the population. The stabilization of Russia's finances was supposed to cause, according to Gaidar, the growth of foreign and domestic investment in the Russian economy.

I.S. Ratkovsky, M.V. Khodyakov. History of Soviet Russia


The Russian leadership approached the issue of price liberalization in a peculiar situation, the most important features of which were as follows:

— denial by a significant part of the population of the idea of ​​introducing free prices,

- distrust of any measures for social protection and maintenance of living standards,

- anticipation of hunger

- the growth of discontent.

A poll conducted in November 1991 showed that more than half of Russians do not support the transition to free market prices, only a quarter approves of this measure. Only 9% of citizens participating in the survey expect the situation to improve. Character traits consumer behavior of the population - rush demand, flight from money ...

The situation with the supply of food to cities in 1991 resembles the tragic realities of 1917. From Novgorod it was reported: "Funds of flour for the second half of the year were allocated 6,500 tons less than the actual consumption of last year. All this forced the introduction of a universally rationed (card) supply of bread to the population, at the rate of 400 grams per capita." Yu. Luzhkov reported in November 1991: "The Moscow government brings to your attention that the supply of food products to the population continues to be critical ... Due to the lack of resources in the amount of 40 thousand tons and the termination of the shipment of animal butter from Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Moldova, it is traded periodically, there are no remains of animal butter. Under the union contract, 20 thousand tons of animal butter were purchased from imports. It is necessary to send the entire purchased volume to Moscow ... In January 1992, Moscow may be left without food." Information from the Chita region: "260 g of flour per person has been allocated. This is below the wartime norm, the situation with the provision of bread is critical."

The difference between 1917 and 1991 was in the spirit of the times. In 1917 the world was dominated by the notion that increased state influence over economic life was a good thing. The basis of such beliefs were the social problems generated by the beginning of modern economic growth, industrialization. At the beginning of the 20th century, everyone believed in the beneficialness of direct state regulation: experts, high-ranking officials, and politicians. Without taking this into account, it is difficult to understand why the tsarist government, the Provisional Government, the Bolshevik government, with varying degrees of efficiency and cruelty, pursued a food policy based on the forced seizure of grain from the peasants at prices that did not correspond to market conditions.

Against this intellectual background, V. Lenin's idea of ​​going to the village for bread with machine guns did not seem something exotic. He only brought to its logical conclusion what the qualified specialists of that time in the food business were thinking about.

In the autumn of 1991, when Russia was faced with similar problems of food supply to cities, with the threat of famine, the intellectual atmosphere in the world was different. The belief in the beneficence of state regulation of the economy has ceased to be a symbol of faith. In Russia, the belief that government agencies can effectively deal with the problems facing the country in times of crisis has been undermined by 70 years of state omnipotence. The idea that, faced with a shortage of grain, one could get it by sending armed detachments to regions rich in grain, the government did not seriously discuss. Big cities needed bread. It is impossible to confiscate it. There is no currency to buy it abroad. There is only one thing left: to obtain food by paying a price that will be acceptable to its producers. Actually, this is the essence of price liberalization, a path similar to that taken by V. Lenin in 1921, when he faced the threat of losing power.

As then, the liberalization of prices in 1991 alone did not guarantee a solution to the problem of supplying cities with food. The key question was: will the village sell grain to the city for unreliable, depreciating rubles? It was on this that it depended whether the catastrophic scenario of the events of the Russian Revolution in the early 20th century would repeat itself.

In the autumn of 1991, the Russian authorities decided not to send food detachments to the countryside, but to form a free food market, without guarantees that the money supply could be kept under control, inflation would not reach a level at which grain producers would refuse to sell bread to the city.

In October 1991, we suggested that price liberalization could be postponed until mid-1992, by which time levers of control over money circulation in Russia could be in place. A few days after starting work in the government, having familiarized himself with the picture of the food supply of large Russian cities, he was forced to admit that postponing liberalization until July 1992 was impossible. In this case, by the summer of 1992, we will be approximately where the Bolsheviks were in the summer of 1918. There remained the only possible line in economic policy that would give chances for averting a catastrophe—price liberalization, reduction of state-controlled spending, and the speedy separation of the Russian monetary system from the monetary systems of other post-Soviet states. It was about the development of events in a nuclear power, the stability of which largely depended on what would happen with the food supply of cities. The decision was one of the most risky in world history.

The materials of the first meeting of the Russian government, formed in November 1991, clearly show that in those days no one knew how to solve an insoluble problem. Hence the hesitations about when and how to liberalize prices, how to combine this with ensuring control over money circulation. It was only clear that the country was in an extreme situation ...

Having abandoned the idea of ​​sending food detachments to the countryside, the government could take only one decision: to introduce market prices for food. As the experience of 1917-1921 showed, if free trade is not interfered with, then even with the disorganization of money circulation there are chances that the supply of cities will be satisfactory. Whether it will turn out in practice - no one could know, but there was no other way out. The hope that the market would work was the motive behind the price liberalization decision on January 2, 1992.

Almost everyone understood that this decision would be unpopular. This was confirmed by a survey conducted by VCIOM in January-February 1992. But this decision saved the country. It should be noted that the allied leadership, faced with economic crisis, having an army, the KGB, heading a multi-million dollar party, did not dare to liberalize prices. It chose to close its eyes and hope that the situation would resolve itself.

E.T. Gaidar. Troubles and institutions


Since January 2, prices for the vast majority of goods (with the exception of bread, milk, alcohol, as well as utilities, transport and energy) were released, while regulated ones were raised. A 28 percent value added tax has been introduced.

In addition to price liberalization, import restrictions were temporarily lifted and a zero import tariff was set. It was free imports at the beginning of 1992 that played the role of a catalyst in the development of private market trade.

On January 29, 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the Decree "On Free Trade". In accordance with this decree, enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, and citizens were granted the right to carry out trade, intermediary and procurement activities without special permits. The exception was the trade in weapons, explosives, poisonous and radioactive substances, drugs, medicines, etc. All this led to the gradual saturation of the consumer market and the growth of retail stocks.

At the same time, such negative phenomena as a crisis of mutual non-payments of enterprises, a shortage of cash, which caused acute social tension, a decrease in tax revenues to the budget, and inflation, manifested themselves in the country's economy.

In his speeches on the eve of liberalization, Gaidar spoke of an upcoming initial price increase of 200-300%. In fact, in January 1992, their growth compared to the previous month was 352%.

In April 1992, at the VI Congress of People's Deputies of Russia economic policy The government has been heavily criticized. On April 11, the Congress adopted a Resolution “On the progress of economic reform in the Russian Federation”, in which: it noted a number of problems in the economy: a decline in production, the destruction of economic ties, a decrease in the living standards of the population, an increase in social tension, a lack of cash; invited the President of Russia to make significant adjustments to the tactics and methods of implementing the economic reform, taking into account the comments and suggestions.

On April 13, Gaidar announced the resignation of the government, arguing that the resolution adopted at the Congress on the progress of reforms actually means that the deputies do not agree with the economic course pursued by the government, and the additional budget expenditures envisaged by it will not allow this course to be implemented without catastrophic consequences for the economy.

In this situation, a compromise was found: the congress adopted a Declaration on Support for Economic Reforms, in which the norms of the adopted Decree on the course of economic reform were softened.

After the VI Congress, the "Medium-term economic concept of the government" began to be developed, which provided for a decrease in the share of regulated prices and volumes of government purchases, the deployment of mass privatization, bringing energy prices to the global level only within 2 years.

In fact, under pressure from deputies and directors of state-owned enterprises, financial policy has become less stringent. In combination with the seasonality of certain economic processes that is significant for Russia, the unsettled financial relations with the CIS countries, which led to the simultaneous operation of many ruble emission centers, and the fact that the Central Bank of Russia was not controlled by the government, this led to the end of the period of relative financial stability and the development of a new inflationary round at the end of summer - early autumn 1992.

In the fall, the government was again criticized with demands to restore price regulation and increase direct state intervention in the processes taking place in the national economy.

In December 1992, Yegor Gaidar was not approved for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers by the VII Congress of People's Deputies. After the approval of the head of government, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Gaidar was dismissed.

The activity of Yegor Gaidar is estimated ambiguously. On the one hand, his price reform in January 1992, which effectively meant the abandonment of state regulation of prices for most goods, including essential goods, made it possible to almost instantly fill store shelves that had been completely empty in previous years. However, while maintaining the income of the population unchanged, this led to a catastrophic drop in living standards.

The reformers managed to reduce the state budget deficit and put the Soviet planned economy on the rails of the free market, but side effect their actions became hyperinflation and economic crisis.

Experts still argue about what caused the collapse of the Russian economy in the early 1990s, the reforms of Gaidar and his supporters, or the decades of ineffective Soviet rule that preceded them.

The Chinese have long noticed that periods alternate, intricately intertwining characteristics. They compiled their knowledge into a treatise known as the Chinese Zodiac. To understand its nuances, let's look at an example. Here, 1992 - what animal? How is it characterized and, most importantly, different from others? How does it affect people born during this period.

1992 - the year of whom according to the horoscope?

Let's start with the fact that the Chinese horoscope forms a combination of twelve animals with four elements. But that's not all. Further, any sign obtained from this plexus is painted with a certain color, giving the period additional features. So, if we consider the year 1992, what animal, elements and colors it is, we will get the answer: Monkey, water, black. There are only three signs. But these are the key symbols, starting from which all other characteristics for 1992 are created. Eastern horoscope allows you to describe those who were born during this period, what it will bring to other people, how to spend it, and so on. Let's look at the gifts and pitfalls of the year.

Characteristics of personalities

The monkey gives its own features to those whose dates of birth include 1992. Whatever animal you take, there are universally recognized characteristics of it. So, the monkey in our imagination is associated with cunning, energy, some

To a certain extent, people who were born during this period adopt such qualities. Only they are amplified by the element of water, as the Chinese horoscope speaks. 1992 gave the world purposeful individuals (this is not from a monkey), restrained and very talented. They are friendly, have every opportunity to become the soul of the company. They treat professional activities responsibly, perform their duties quickly, skillfully, observing deadlines and norms. Appreciate knowledge. They study all their lives, sparing no time and energy. The horoscope claims that there are no other people who are so able to achieve goals, like those who gave life to 1992. What animal horoscope can compete with such extraordinary characteristics? But not everything is so wonderful. These people have negative traits(as everybody).

What should these individuals be afraid of?

It is clear that 1992, no matter what kind of monkey it may be, will throw some not the most pleasant "gifts" into the character of its "offspring". The most difficult thing to overcome is the rejection of criticism. This is where the negative simian traits come into play. A person believes that he is an authority for himself. There is no other opinion for him. Therefore, he can only treat favorably those who support him. Criticism is perceived as a personal insult. As it is, he knows better what to do! Therefore, the answer to the question: "1992 - the year of which animal?" can be supplemented with such a characteristic: smart, but irreconcilable.

By the way, they have the right to do so. Since the responsibility for their decisions on other people's shoulders do not shift.

About compatibility

It is impossible to consider and not touch on the issue of his interaction with others. When you ask yourself the question of what kind of monkeys 1992 is, compatibility comes to one of the first places. The fact is that it is complex and multifaceted. Abstractly, it can be represented as a metallic black river, powerfully flowing along its course. How to interact with such a person? What can be done to prevent this directed flow of meaningful energy from being crushed by its inexorable force? The Chinese believe that these people should be considered as promising relationships with the Horse and the Rat. Alliances with the Tiger, Ox or Dog can become very problematic. And another question about 1992, which animal (compatibility is meant) does he not tolerate? Who won't get along with at all? It turns out that there are none. The Black Monkey, fortified by the element of water, makes a person flexible enough. He more or less gets along with everyone, although intimacy can only be deep with the above

About the profession

It is believed that there is no such specialty or area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity where success would not await these Monkeys. The fact is that the mind in them is combined with dexterity and cunning. They can be great advertisers. Especially in this Internet age. If perseverance is brought up in the character of this person, then all other natural data will be enough for him to build a career in diplomacy. He is smart, while his intellect is flexible, striving for constant self-improvement (from nature). These Monkeys have innate artistic abilities that they do not realize until old age. It is perfectly normal for them to play different roles. Children born during this period should be aimed at a career where they will have to constantly move, learn new things, otherwise they will “waste”.

About communication

Highly important point how a person knows how to build a conversation and generally contacts with others. Those whose year of birth fell on Monkeys are masters of communication. And it's not even that they perfectly convey their thoughts and perfectly listen to the interlocutor. They still have a perfect memory, which helps them in establishing contacts. They always know how to remind themselves of themselves with a congratulatory card or a thought expressed on the topic. They are hindered by arrogance, which must be overcome. The fact is that the Monkey can at one moment, under the influence of his mood, destroy everything that he has been working on for a long time and painstakingly. You can't glue what's broken with regret. You will have to start your work over again. And you just had to hold your tongue so as not to offend a significant person.

How will their life turn out

In childhood and adolescence, these people are real lucky ones. They succeed. They get as much affection and attention as necessary for harmonious development. Difficulties overtake these Monkeys in the middle of the road. At this time, chaos is possible associated with the device of personal life or career. And it's not about them. It is simply necessary to solve certain tasks related to spiritual growth. At this time, these people need help. They themselves will not guess to ask for support. Their old age will be quiet and calm. The Chinese horoscope warns that they may die in a foreign land, far from loving hearts.

What kind of parents are they?

For children, people who were born under the sign of the Water Monkey are slightly indifferent. This applies to both men and women. No, they will not throw their offspring to grandmothers, but they will not shake over them, touched by every step. It is best for them to perform parental functions based on friendship. Then you can build strong partnerships with children, do not lose their affection and love. Monkeys are generous but selfish. They need to recognize and accept this trait of their character. But, despite some aloofness, their offspring are very proud of their parents, often becoming their right hand in the family business.

Special features

Naturally, the Monkey gives his wards a zest, without which they could not get what raises many of them to the peak of fame (to one degree or another). This feature is magnificent, subtle. Their jokes are so refined and charming that a lot of people fall under. Sometimes this humor becomes wicked, turning into causticity. But friends forgive, and Monkeys are not inclined to pay attention to everyone else. Moreover, mental creativity, expressed in humor, helps their professional activities.

Often, with a virtuoso pun, they can earn more than years of painstaking work. Women born under the sign of the Water Monkey are endowed with the charm of harmonious maturity. They immediately pay attention, trying to "look into the soul." There is a certain magnetism in these seemingly modest girls.

If a person born in 1992 appeared in the circle of your acquaintances, then take a closer look at this still young person. Most likely, it will seem to you that this is a quiet and hard worker, who is destined to spend his whole life in the shadow of someone else's glory. It's not like that at all. It's just that these people are not inclined to open up to everyone they meet. The time has not yet come when their main goal will begin to take on visible features. Rest assured, they are already working on it. If you manage to get into their trustees, you can eventually receive dividends that are not inferior in size to those paid by large corporations. It is worth enduring their obsession and sometimes annoying causticity. The heyday of these personalities will be in 2020, that is, it will coincide with the time of Russia's prosperity!

So, having dealt with 1992, we can draw the following conclusion. This is a period ruled by the Black Monkey, which is under the influence of water. This sign is complex and multifaceted. People who were lucky enough to fall under his influence will live a bright and eventful life.

A quarter of a century, however. Anniversary. 1992 turned out to be one of the most lethal and hopeless in post-Soviet period and the first full year of the so-called New Russia. That cost only inflation, which reached 2600% on the basis of results. However, already in the first post-New Year days, having woken up from the short holidays, dear Russians were staring at the new price tags in stores. Citizens received the first shock injections of shock therapy, however, they were not going to fall backwards.

One of the most epic moments in this whole story was the decree of President Boris Yeltsin "On freedom of trade", which entered into force on January 29 and allowed individuals to trade "in any places convenient for them, with the exception of the carriageway of streets, metro stations and territories, adjacent to the buildings of state authorities and administration. In fact, everywhere. A huge number of people, tired of delays in rapidly depreciating wages, rushed to the streets with anything in their hands.

The vast majority of shopping crowds instantly formed in the very center of Moscow, especially at Detsky Mir, near the Maly Theater (I still remember this surrealistic picture), the Central Department Store, and also at any metro station. Less than a year later, numerous stalls were built there, where you could buy anything, from a bottle of vodka and a gas pistol to slacks (such as trousers) and Cossacks. Yes, yes, in one of them at the beginning of 1993 I bought burgundy Cossacks with almost the last money. Chic! However, I'm getting ahead of myself. The main contingent is pensioners, women of Balzac age from the budgetary (and there was no other special) sphere and daring rumpled-looking peasants.

Let me tell you a little about mine personal experience in "trade". At the end of the second year of the institute, having realized that it’s normal, and most importantly, it’s not possible to live happily and productively on one scholarship, at the same time, to create something more or less significant, such as a shuttle or owning your own point in the Puddle, like the then Chichvarkin, I will not succeed by definition (I have other talents, yes), I carefully decided to start small. No, well, why - everyone ran and I ran. Slowly.

At the moments of the awakening of entrepreneurial initiative, I took a huge old tourist backpack from the mezzanine (secretly from my parents, of course), went with it to the nearest Baikal store, where I stocked up with 0.33 l bottles of Fanta and Pepsi (plastic " land mines "appeared later), which for some reason cost surprisingly cheap there. Feeling a commercial vein in myself, praying to the god Mercury and hoisting a heavy load on my fragile student shoulders, I drove from Shchelkovskaya somewhere to Paveletskaya so that my friends and acquaintances would suddenly not see (it’s a shame all the same) and laid out the “goods” right on the parapet near underground.

And you know, at the very least, but bought. Once I even came home with an empty backpack, however, also because a couple of bottles broke on the way. I still remember how one peasant, having bought a bottle of Fanta from me and immediately drank it on the spot, ranted for a long time that it was such a “sunny” drink, unlike the brutally oily Pepsi. Of course, no cops cared about me, because it seemed like no permits were required for all this crap. Complete, so to speak, freedom of enterprise. The dream of Medvedev, who once foolishly threatened "not to nightmare small business."

Then I figured that I should switch to singed vodka (in terms of selling, of course) and sell it at night somewhere near three stations, but God, as they say, saved me. Moreover, a more “intellectual” kind of part-time job turned up - selling books near the metro. It seemed then much more solid, because you were offered two sliding tourist tables, a similar chair and some kind of awning. Thus, a whole “book collapse” was obtained, its own “point”.

In addition, it was no longer a spontaneous trade at your own peril and risk, the goods were supplied by the "employer". I had to arrive at the appointed time, unload the books from crumpled cardboard boxes and arrange them on the tables. It was called "decomposing" (mda). Well, trade as much as you can. By the way, no one cared that book products looked shabby due to numerous moves back and forth - they bought more like that! For there were no "Biblio-Globes" or other glossy "Houses of the Book" in their modern sense.

My daily rate of return was usually comparatively small, but provided a substantial addition to the stipend's salary. How many - today I do not remember. There was a second experience in 1996, so then about 50,000 rubles a day came out (do not be alarmed, this is only 50 by now). True, there were also “superprofits”. I will not hide - I did not always lay out the price tags for books and often voiced the cost “from the bulldozer”. The difference is in your pocket. Horror-horror, yes. Shame and shame. And who is easy?

The atmosphere near the metro was lively and laid-back. What is your Odessa market. I remember that at about five o'clock in the evening (just when people were starting to stomp from work) a truck drove up and right in the center of the metro area, bypassing any sanitary and epidemiological standards, a huge structure was lined up from beer boxes filled with the then fashionable Tverskoy. A line immediately formed, sweating in the July haze, the men uncorked precious vessels, sat in the shade on the marble parapets and, slowly, drank an hour or two. What can I say - booze!

Well, I soon tied up with that “trading business”, there were still more interesting ways to replenish my wallet. Although, I remember, once in the winter of 1994 I was sitting in a tent with video cassettes on Arbat Square. However, this is a completely different story. And 1992, despite all its absurdity, disorder, numerous difficulties and problems, no longer seemed so terrible.

And what was that time of “free enterprise” like for you? How did you work?

1992 who? 1992 is the year of which animal? Year of the Black Water Monkey. The depth of water is a symbol of firmness, severity, it gives rise to awe and reverence. Dormant water is a haven for fish and marine animals, and even for water spirits. The irrationality of the Monkey is enhanced by Water, thereby protecting it from the menacingness of the world. The look of the Black Water Monkey Water is unclear, as if shrouded in haze.

It is worth remembering that the Monkey conceals Yin and Yang at the same time, resurrecting this water. The monkey replenishes this element with power, liveliness and intensity, helping Water to create. Instead of swamps, they need to strive for transparent springs.

Often, people born in 1992 have a graceful physique, delicate limbs, fragile but densely growing hair, spherical eyes and thin skin.
The Black Water Monkey is the most receptive and withdrawn. She does not tell anyone about her plans, keeping them secret, and tries to avoid questions. But despite the external secrecy, inside she is peaceful and complacent. Few of those who manage to win her trust will discover in her a kind and friendly person.

Those born in 1992 are endowed with good intuition - this gives them the opportunity to get used to any circumstances. These people are inherent in hardness and sensitivity. Unlike other Monkeys, Black Monkeys are more collected and organized, which helps them achieve what they have planned, instead of doing many different things little by little.

Water Monkeys have patience, thoughtfulness, the ability to pacify arrogance, listening to others. Sometimes critical remarks hurt them, but they are not alien to the understanding of others. Finding a common language with someone will not be difficult for them.

Those born in 1992 prefer moderation in everything, which is especially important if they hold a responsible position. In work, they are calm and quiet. On the other hand, this behavior means that the Monkey is experimenting and playing. Water Monkeys benefit from the capabilities of other people for themselves, while treating them lightly.

Those born in 1992 are travelers. Monkeys for the most part are rather humanists, and mysticism is alien to them. They are good in friendship and faithful in marriage. A partner with the Water Monkey feels protected and serene.

But incontinence, self-will, pettiness and fastidiousness often create obstacles in their lives, thereby destroying friendship and love.

Black Water Monkeys are comfortable in cool weather, and winter is their favorite. They should especially take care of the kidneys and bladder.

Black Monkeys prefer salted foods, although they prefer fish and legumes.

Monkeys should not swim in stagnant water for a long time - this can disrupt emotional stability.

The color of ultramarine will help them attract fortune and happiness.

Born in 1992, a person acquires the ability to persuade. It will not be difficult for him to insist on his position, which will also help him if he decides to choose a legal profession.