Characteristics and meaning of the name Cyril. Characteristics and meaning of the name Kirill Photo gallery: famous namesakes of Cyril

The owners of the name Cyril are special people with an unusual fate. This name gives a person a controversial character and a tendency to frequent mood swings. Cyril is good-natured, inquisitive, always ready to help. However, along with this, the guy is vain and selfish. However, in most cases, the character of a man depends on the season and month in which he was born.

The history of the appearance of the name Cyril

The name Kirill, which many consider to be a native Russian name, is actually not. It came to us from Byzantium along with the adoption of Christianity. Cyril is a kind of name that obliges its owner to a lot, because in translation from Greek its meaning will be “powerful”, “lord”, “lord”.

However, this interpretation is not the only one. Translated from Latin name Cyril means "sun". Therefore, it is believed that the owner of this name should have a happy, "sunny" fate.

During the formation of Christianity, the name Cyril was given only to people close to God: clergy and patriarchs.

Name Forms

Full name - Cyril.

Short form: Kirya, Cyrus.

Diminutive form: Kiryusha, Kirik, Kiryunya, Kirillushka, Kiryunchik.

Related names: Cyril, Kirel, Cyril.

The name Cyril is in Orthodox calendar, therefore, it is not changed at baptism.

Cyril is persistent and smart,
Fortune visits him.
In the service we respect him, -
He amazes everyone with his work.
Steadily moving forward.
In the work of the hands without stopping.
Lives in love for parents
Understanding them like sons.
Let all the obstacles on the way
Cyril easily overcomes;
Maintain optimism in life
Let never forget!


Photo gallery: name forms

Kirya - the most popular short form of the name Kirill Kirill - the full form of the name
Kiryusha is a diminutive form of the name Kirill.

Table: name in other languages

Patronymics formed on behalf of Kirill: Kirillovna, Kirillovich (colloquial Kirilych).

Name transliteration: KIRILL.

With the name Cyril, patronymics sound most harmoniously:

  • Alexandrovich;
  • Vadimovich;
  • Konstantinovich;
  • Nikolaevich;
  • Semyonovich.

Options for nicknames associated with this name for a channel on Youtube, Instagram and other social networks:

  • KIRIK;
  • CIRYA.

name day

Cyril is guarded by several heavenly protectors. One of the most revered is the Monk Kirill Belozersky, who was the founder of the monastery of the same name (Kirillo-Belozersky). In his youth, the saint himself decided to devote his life to serving God and took tonsure. He lived at the Simonov Monastery, first in the rank of abbot, and then as a simple monk. At the age of 60, after the miraculous appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Cyril left his native monastery and created a new monastery on the shores of the White Lake, where he later wrote more than 2,000 books with his disciples.

The Lord rewarded Saint Cyril with the gift of clairvoyance and healing. Many cases are known when the monk performed miracles. For example, during a famine, Cyril distributed bread to all those in need and he did not run out, although earlier the reserves were barely enough to feed the brethren. Cyril held his last divine service on the Day of the Holy Trinity. At the age of 90, the clergyman departed into another world.

Saint Cyril of Belozersky - one of the patrons of Cyril

Saints with the name Cyril are venerated 29 times a year, but the most significant dates are: January 31, May 11 and August 15. These days you can celebrate the name day of Cyril and congratulate him on the day of the Angel.

The influence of the name Cyril on a person's character

According to Pierre Rouget's definition, Kirill is a controversial personality with a very strong character. They are objective, not amenable to other people's influence. Endowed with an analytical mind and excellent memory. At first glance, Kirill does not seem to be a very brave person who cannot even protect himself. However, this opinion is erroneous. Cyril's main weapon is his sharp tongue. It is better not to engage in a verbal skirmish with a man, as he is capable of sharp attacks that hurt his opponent.

Boris Khigir gives his description of a man named Cyril. In his opinion, the guy is selfish, because of which he often loses friends. He likes to attract attention to himself and always be in the foreground. He is not arrogant, he will never humiliate the interlocutor, even if he sees that he is behaving unworthily. The main drawback of Cyril is excessive touchiness and unwillingness to perceive reality as it is. A man is completely helpless in everyday life, he does not adapt well to a new environment, and if he harbors a grudge against someone, he will remember her for years.

Kirill is very helpless in everyday life, he cannot even do basic things: wash the dishes or sweep the floor

Positive traits:

  • cheerfulness;
  • sociability;
  • analytic mind;
  • strong will;
  • purposefulness.

Negative qualities:

  • selfishness;
  • unwillingness to compromise;
  • excessive resentment.

You are named Cyril
And that means ruler.
Strive with all your might
To shining peaks
Your family is proud of you
You love to show off
Full of ambition
You can't live without applause.
In conversation, you are like a fish in the sea,
In any dispute, you win.
And everyone shouts: - Again Kirill
Conquered everyone, conquered everyone!


Kirill's childhood

In childhood, Kiryushka shows maximum curiosity. The boy wants to know about everything in the world, so he asks his parents dozens of questions a minute. Adults should be patient and try to explain to the baby all the questions that interest him in an accessible way. Because if Cyril does not find out the answer from his parents, he will begin to explore the world on his own, and then it is unlikely that he will be able to do without broken knees and a nose. However, if adults can withstand this difficult period, then in the future there will be no problems with the boy. Kiryusha easily learns the rules of good behavior and does not upset either parents or teachers.

The boy's relationships with peers are complex. Cyril always tries to take a leading position, and not everyone likes it. Kiryusha is a little boastful, he likes to show off his erudition and skills, which some perceive as arrogance, so they move away from him even more.

The boy studies in an average way: there are not enough stars from the sky, but he doesn’t reach the tail of the team either. Kirya pays more attention humanities Math bores him.

Kirill is a very inquisitive child who wants to instantly receive answers to all his questions.

Cyril - the lord of the nursery,
Where is the big chest of drawers
In that chest of drawers is wealth:
Cars, boat.
And on the dresser -
Hares, bears and elephants,
Soldiers and Indians
Unknown country.
And all of them can
Cyril to command
He carefully folds
Toys, go to bed.
Wake up very mature
Well, then, then,
Own it will become large
Factory, ship!

Grosheva I.


AT adolescence Cyril becomes more stubborn and irritable. He especially does not like it when someone turns to him with requests and imposes his problems. Ambition, vanity and the desire to rule lead to the fact that Kirya will easily step over the feelings of loved ones just because of not coming into contact with negativity.

However, pride is not always a bad trait. It is this, in tandem with determination, that will allow Cyril to find his place in life. The guy considers himself "chosen", and it is precisely such that fortune loves. In addition, Kirill is very sociable and prudent. He knows how to find an approach to any person and turn the situation in his favor.

In adolescence, Cyril has a complex character


An adult man named Cyril has such character traits as: perseverance, hard work, perseverance. In society, as a rule, he keeps himself apart, but in every possible way he tries to switch the attention of others to himself. The desire to always and in everything be the first is preserved in the character of Cyril throughout his life. This helps him systematically approach the set peaks and be sure to reach them.

Talents and hobbies

Cyril is such a passionate person that it is impossible to describe the range of his interests. He enjoys spending time fishing various types sports, loves extreme sports, travel. However, his main hobbies are reading, music and art. In addition, the young man himself draws well from early childhood and has an exceptional ear for music.

Reading is one of Cyril's hobbies, to which he is ready to devote a lot of his time.

Career and business

Thanks to his ability to analyze the situation, his inherent responsibility and stubbornness, Kirill can prove himself in the most various fields activities. He will make a good lawyer, engineer, judge, doctor. In creative professions, thanks to innate talents, a man will be no less in demand.

Purposefulness and perseverance will help Kirill in creating his own business. However, it can only be successful if the man is his rightful owner, since Cyril will not be able to share power with anyone.


Most weakness Cyril's are the digestive organs. To avoid problems, he should monitor his diet and not abuse alcohol. Enthusiasm computer games and reading can negatively affect the eyesight of little Kirill. Parents should take this fact into account and limit the time spent by their son in these activities.

Personal life

Cyril is an attractive guy, so he is popular with women. However, a man will not bind his fate with just anyone. He is a perfectionist, it is important for him that his companion is not just beautiful, but stunning. Such that everyone around her turned around. Of no small importance is the inner world of the lady, so that the well-read and erudite Kirill has something to talk about with her. He will not be interested in a pacifier.

Cyril learns the charms of intimate life early enough, and over time becomes an unsurpassed lover, able to please a woman. The young man hates the monotony in bed, so he needs a relaxed and experienced partner who can satisfy his fantasies.

Kirya is a wonderful family man. However, it cannot be otherwise, because he tries to make everything perfect in his life. A man treats his wife well, helps around the house, takes care of children. However, his relationship with his mother-in-law is often strained. In order not to spoil the picture of the “ideal family”, Kirill does not openly show his hostility, he prefers to wage a cold war with a relative.

Table: compatibility with other names

Name% compatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Tatiana98% When it comes to personal life, Tatyana and Kirill approach the choice of a partner very responsibly. Perhaps that is why they manage to create an ideal union, where everything is built on respect for each other. Despite the fact that each of them has a strong character, the young do not abuse selfishness, but rather concentrate on the partner's feelings. This attitude gives a welcome idyll and allows them to walk together throughout their lives.
Irina60% For this union, duration is more characteristic than strength in relationships. Irina and Cyril will constantly converge, then diverge. They can be great friends, but life together lovers are not ready. A woman is used to dominating, but Kirill, who also loves power, will not give up the reins of power in other hands and will never obey. Opposite views on life will also add a drop of tar to the barrel of honey.
Olga87% Initially, it may seem that Olga and Kirill are people with completely different temperaments. He is a hot-tempered, slightly selfish man who is prone to leadership and does not tolerate objections. She is a sensitive, tender and vulnerable person who can faint from the slightest rudeness. However, in fact, Olga and Kirill can create a strong couple, but the main principle in their relationship will be mutual exchange. The man takes care of the family and decides everything global problems freeing your lady of the heart from an extra headache. She also arranges family comfort, does not skimp on affection and care for her spouse. Thanks to this arrangement of responsibilities, between the young there is that harmony that many couples only dream of.
Elena42% Attentive, attractive and courteous, Kirill easily wins Elena's heart. However, the idyll lasts only at first. Later, the girl will also show "teeth" and try to take power over the young man. Frequent quarrels that arise between lovers lead to the fact that the marriage breaks up sooner or later.
Anastasia34% Nastya and Kirill can rarely be happy together. Young people are ambitious, stubborn, cannot compromise. The explosive nature of lovers leads to frequent conflicts, and often to separation.
Julia80% This union has every chance of success. Young people have many common interests, both are calm, unpretentious in everyday life, they know how to create a life-holiday for themselves. In addition, they are perfect for each other sexually, which is also important for each of them.
Natalia23% Natalya and Kirill are not well suited for living together and doing household chores. A woman from the first meeting dreams of a wedding and stability. He is not ready for a serious relationship, loves the attention of the fair sex and often starts romances with several ladies at once. However, if Natalya succeeds in somehow bringing Cyril to the registry office, then nothing good will come of it, since his attitude towards the weaker sex will not change at all, he will always look to the left.
Kristina96% Christina and Cyril complement each other, so the relationship between them is almost perfect. He is ready to give her all the values ​​​​of the world and take on the solution of major problems. She gives him affection and tenderness. In addition, it should be noted that such a distinction does not occur deliberately, according to the principle of "give-on-give." Here, all these processes take place spontaneously, which completely suits both lovers.
Maria71% These two could be a good couple. Despite their isolation, both of them strive to know each other. She seeks stability and peace, and finds these qualities in her lover. With her help, he can assert himself, which is important for Cyril.

The most significant events will take place in the life of Cyril at the age of:

  • 18 years;
  • 25 years;
  • 38 years;
  • 46 years old;
  • 63 years old.

Table: name astrology

Cyril has patience;
Always planning things
Then he executes them clearly
Putting in the most effort.
Ready to fight for justice
Enter immediately -
He calculates the truth
In everything from life to receive.


Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name Cyril

The name of a person consists not just of a set of letters, each letter has its own meaning and leaves an imprint on the character of its owner:

  • The letter K - the desire for power, endurance, insight, vitality. Such people are constantly trying to move forward and achieve more and more new goals.
  • The letter I - sophistication, romance, sentimentality. Behind the hardness of character of these people often lies a tender and vulnerable soul.
  • The letter P - perseverance, patience, the desire to always get to the point. Also, this letter in the name indicates self-confidence and independence.
  • Letter I - repetition.
  • The letter L - the main quality of these people - inconstancy and changeability. They have a lot of talents, for them the main thing is to find their purpose in life.
  • Letter L - repetition.

The influence of the season on a person's character

Cyril, born in the spring, is not a very sociable person, so one should not expect violent manifestations of emotions from him. However, despite this, the man is good-natured and sympathetic, for which he is loved and respected by others. Relations with women are calm, without excessive romance. "Spring" Cyril does not like noisy companies, he will prefer a quiet family evening to friendly parties.

"Summer" Cyril is ambitious, attractive in appearance, knows how to behave with the female sex, pedantic. He does not like casual intimate relationships, even in his personal life everything is calculated to the smallest detail. It is fun and easy to communicate with him, thanks to which the guy is welcome in any company. Most of all, he is fond of philosophy and psychology, thanks to which he knows how to properly build his relationships with others.

"Autumn" Cyril has an analytical mindset, is well versed in technology, strives to be the first in all areas of life, loves power. It is difficult to converge with women, since not every lady can endure his complex nature.

“Winter” Cyril is a hardworking, sensitive and attentive person. He can be called a darling of fate, because a man does not even have to make any efforts to implement his plans, everything happens by itself. He also has good luck with women. He finds his half quickly and lives a long and happy life with her.

Video: the character and fate of the owner of the name Cyril

Table: name horoscope

AriesThis is a consistent, thorough and impulsive person who never commits rash acts. Marries, as a rule, late, because he is looking for an ideal companion.
TaurusA sensitive and timid person who prefers to hide from problems rather than solve them. An imperious woman with a strong character is most suitable for him as a wife, who will become a “gray cardinal” for him and will be able to guide him on the right path.
TwinsThis person cannot be confused with anyone else, his character is so unique and contradictory. It can be both passionate and emotional, and gentle and quiet. Mood young man changes 100 times a day, which creates a lot of problems for him when communicating with others. His wife will be a woman who can tolerate Cyril's antics and not argue with him.
CrayfishKirill-Rak is a real darling. He is courteous, kind, always ready to help. In women, he appreciates constancy and tenderness. A man will not tolerate a rude, selfish person next to him. Moreover, he will not even pay attention to such a woman.
a lionIndependent, emotional, likes to present unexpected surprises. Next to him he wants to see a serious lady, for whom there is nothing more important than family values.
VirgoCyril-Virgo is a rather controversial person. On the one hand, he does not accept loneliness, on the other hand, he tries to avoid communication, as he is afraid of betrayal and disappointment. Personal life is difficult, as the pedantry and prudence of a man repel the fair sex from him.
ScalesCyril-Libra is a creative person, therefore it is not surprising that in the character of this person there are such features as: capriciousness, inconstancy, vulnerability. His beloved must not only meet the tastes of a man, but also be able to please him, which is very difficult. Therefore, he has a constant companion already at a fairly mature age, before that he changes passions like gloves.
ScorpionIndependent and authoritarian nature. This person never considers other people's opinions. He is obstinate, straightforward, persistent, thanks to which he achieves all his goals. He takes a submissive and calm woman as his wife, who can completely dissolve in him and fulfill all the requirements of her husband.
SagittariusHe is eloquent, gallant, knows how to look after beautifully, which allows him to have great success among women. He has the gift of persuasion, hardworking, thanks to which he easily rises up career ladder. Marries, as a rule, not once, because fidelity is not his forte.
CapricornThis is a closed and secretive person, living in his own world and not allowing even the closest people to intrude into it. He is a bit old-fashioned, so you should not expect any unusual, enchanting acts from him. Its maximum is a bouquet of flowers and sweets. He is looking for a woman for marriage for a long time and thoroughly, because he is afraid of deceit and betrayal.
AquariusA strong, independent and freedom-loving guy. He is capable of sincere feelings, but often for a long time he cannot part with his usual freedom and exchange bachelor life for family happiness. However, if he decides to marry, he will be a faithful and reliable spouse.
FishThis is a prudent and practical person who knows how to combine a sound mind and intuition, which he often listens to. To many, he seems like a naive merry fellow, but in fact, Kirill is far from being a simpleton. This man does nothing just like that, he even makes friends only with the “necessary” people. Marriage is also often concluded by calculation.

Photo gallery: famous namesakes of Kirill

Kirill Andreev - Russian singer, soloist of the Ivanushki International group Kirill Safonov - Russian actor, vocalist and musician Kirill Tolmatsky - Russian rap artist and musician, better known under the pseudonym Decl Kirill Pokrovsky - keyboardist of the Aria and Master groups Kirill - Sidelnikov - Russian professional athlete, multiple champion of Russia

A man named Cyril will have a long and difficult life, full of trials and tests for strength of mind and strength of character. However, this purposeful and persistent person will be able to bypass sharp corners and will definitely climb to the highest peak, because it is not for nothing that the ancient Greeks have his name sounds like “powerful”, “master”.

Poems about love
flow through the cracks in the souls.
Let them often tell me that they are useless ...
After all, in order to understand them
You don't need eyes or ears.
They listen with their hearts.
It does not want to be iron.

In the dark I'm looking for the Muse, but only the memory of the crumbs
In pitchless moonlessness, a hand can grope.
A mean legacy of an era that has sunk into oblivion,
Alluring, teasing, caressing out of the blue…

Vain searches! Where to find inspiration?
I've looked under the bed a thousand times.
And how, it is not clear, their ...

You don't even need poetry.
There is cuteness in them, prettiness and pretense.
Men's eyes would be tender.
His soul would not become a crust of callousness.

And he keeps looking away.
On those who are younger, more naive.
That unreasonably cheerful, then angry,
Either sunny or gloomy, like a ruin.

Your birthday. Celebration in the house.
But the mood will not raise the mirror.
Yes, and wine is so tart.
Is it possible that children are copies of him ...

Poetry is not my destiny,
But I can't understand my feelings otherwise.
From your bitter words turned a little grayer,
A lump in my chest and my heart is crying.

You give yourself to him in a fleeting passion,
But you won't get affectionately "I love you" in return,
For pleasure, he will ask for monetary bribes,
And I loved without self-interest, but I no longer exist.

Probably so inscribed by fate,
What will you be my aching wound.
Unmerciful and cruel you are with me
And fill your soul with bitterness.
Now let's see...

Verse number two, child of the night and great countries,
Where the great Welles-An beats in the heart,
Where on a moonlit night you can not overcome
Sweet love attraction
Verse number two pours,
Tears, runs from the chest.
Where the princess of great countries played with her foot,
The young admirer of fishing desired her very much,
Contemplating the formation of fingers, heel,
Nails and leg movements.
Catch Fan Fetish
Followed the feeling in my chest.
The stars are shining in the sky, the flames of the fire are measured in the night,
The sand rustles underfoot, the chest sways and...

Poems die on peaks.
To a crunch under-d-child up ...

You don't need to giggle.
After all, this is death.
Not laughter.

Over there - from targeted anger ...
From a well-aimed stone - here ...
quatrains wheeze at the end
and spit blood from heaven.

And they follow the red powder ...
And narrowly whiten in the darkness...
Running into a drunken axe.
Not reaching you. And to me.

Such is their will and share -
to make a nest in fires...

First go blind with pain.
And then see -
from love.

Away from the timpani and...

Poetry must be studied
And not all rhymes to read.
In the addition of lines, all the lightness of the word
And carefree life!
And I, like a true snake,
I want everyone to start thinking
Not over the stanza, but over that
That in the world of words we have no problems
We quote Socrates wisely,
And about Shakespeare without boredom
We can talk for hours!
But why can't we
In the Moment of Life?!
Apply everything that we love to express
And the expositions are read,
Which are respected for centuries,
We do not embody in a weekday?!
It's hard to be in...

Nice guy, just class,
He is smart and kind to the heart,
Knows a lot about his work
This is our native Cyril!

Today we wish
Long life to him, love,
For good health
Plans to create their own.

What's the reason, friends? - Ouch!
This is our dear friend
An important holiday celebrates
A full house welcomes guests.

We wish Cyril
Big villa in Bali.
To from him later
Gazprom passed to the children.

In general, it is necessary that Kirill
He saved up a lot of money.
Also, we have a question:
Are you ready to become a husband?

We will give you advice.
There is no happiness without family!
Hurry, my friend, hurry.
Get some sons.

Cyril has a birthday
Accept congratulations!
Do not drink the cup of health
Love in a glass does not dry out
Find a bag of gold
And put good luck in the house!

On your bright day, very bright,
I want to wish good
Leader by nature
You always want to be first.

And good luck to you Cyril,
Let things work out
In the Canary Islands I give you
To make your dream come true!

Happy holiday to you, Cyril!
Be lucky, have fun.
I wish you were
Always strong and healthy
To accumulate money
House to be your full bowl,
To love his wife
To make her more beautiful than all
To happiness never
In your house did not end
So that you are always the first
So that everything always works out.

To colorful moments on the way..
And fulfillment of the planned heights ..
R spread your wings, fly up,
And excluding that someone will beat ..
L out of money and open doors ..
L loving and devoted friends..

Happy holidays, Cyril!
I wish honestly
So that every day passes
Truly wonderful!

So that success goes in friends,
And good loved
You would fly in the clouds
Everything was great!

It's time for joy
Congratulations to Cyril today,
Luck, courage, kindness
And we wish you prosperity!

Let troubles fly
All aside, like a free wind,
A hundred barriers will collapse to success,
And you will be happy with your life!

I send my congratulations
I'm for you, Cyril,
I wish that my fate
You were the master.

To overbearing notes
The name sounded
Cyril - ruler
You to be praised.

I want you to be proud
Carry a name in life
Good luck so that you can
Be proud of yours.

To be lucky in everything
And everything worked out
happy fate
For you to get.

Congratulations are flying
They want the best for you!
We wish you, Cyril,
The whole world to love you!

Joy to life warmed
Faith in a miracle consoled
So that love does not leave
And hope inspired!