Choosing a smart home - looking for a suitable system option. Comparison of brands of smart home systems

Nowadays, systems smart House» are very popular among different consumers. They equip not only private apartments, country houses, but also offices and even industrial premises. A large number of them on the market can easily confuse a buyer who has not previously encountered these devices. To do right choice « smart home» and choose a system that will allow you to flawlessly perform all essential functions, it is necessary to carefully study all its main parameters.

System Components

One of the important properties of a "smart home" is its versatility. With the right system can be controlled simultaneously:

  • lighting;
  • temperature regime;
  • opening and closing curtains and gates;
  • ventilation equipment,
  • video surveillance;
  • household appliances;
  • intercoms and other devices.

The configuration of the "smart home" is also very diverse. One system can offer the buyer only climate control and active acoustics, the other provides automation for all engineering systems.


Currently, the system manufacturer offers two main methods:

  • wired connection;
  • wireless connection.

In the first option, it is necessary to lay a cable in the walls, and then connect all available devices to them. Such systems cost much less, are reliable and long term services, in addition, they have a higher speed.

For wireless devices you don’t need to run a cable, but they are much more expensive and often have to replace power supplies.

System Management

For a modern “smart home”, the manufacturer has developed a wide variety of control options. For most buyers, they are well known, so when choosing, preference is given to their personal wishes.

And the choice for using the system is as follows:

  • Personal Computer;
  • mobile phone;
  • tablet;
  • radio key fob;
  • control panel (stationary, portable).

In work, each of them is quite convenient in its own way, it remains to focus on your taste and objective circumstances in order to choose the most successful option.

Choice by cost

Of course, the price of equipment for most buyers is the main factor that influences the choice. At the same time, we must not forget that the miser has to pay twice, which means that it is extremely unreasonable to take into account only the low price. The market currently offers a wide range of systems that can be buy for a hundred dollars, so for thousands.

As a rule, the largest number of fakes is among cheap products, in addition, they have limited capabilities.

In addition, buying an expensive system for a small apartment is absolutely pointless. Therefore, when choosing, one should adhere to what is called the golden mean. Not too expensive or cheap equipment will have an optimal set of functions and high reliability.

And the last thing, probably, is that you need to trust only well-known manufacturers. For example, Crestron, Sonance, Clarus, Artison and some other systems have long been in demand and are reliable and high-quality equipment.

Which is better, which is worse

There are two ways to make your home the best smart home. The first is to create a project yourself, install, combine and adjust the sensors to work in an integrated mode. The second is to offer a team of professionals to install a system based on ready-made solutions.

Which system do you prefer? Below are well-known brands of manufacturers, both the lowest in cost and very expensive with pluses and minuses each.


From the presented list has the lowest price. It has a number of advantages. The system includes a control unit and various sensors that are connected via a Wi-Fi network. It is able to manage temperature control, musical equipment, microclimate. One of the distinguishing features is the availability of control for various parameters using a smartphone application. Other advantages are the ease of adding new components to the network, as well as the functionality of the system, it is convenient and understandable.

Among the shortcomings can be called - this is a small number of devices that work simultaneously. As well as the lack of many important functions, for example, video control.

smart bus

This Canadian development is popular in many countries at various sites. Distinctive feature- high-tech equipment and a fairly low cost. Among the advantages it should be noted excellent design. Panels and sensors are trimmed with metal glass. There is no need to have a main processor as distributed intelligence is used. The system can be quickly installed and configured. Among the preset modes: night, work, vacation and guests. Since it has been used in the CIS not so long ago, quite a few companies perform installation and service work. This is probably the only big downside.


This system is on a completely new level. Of course, it can be installed in a typical living space, but in order to demonstrate all its capabilities, it needs elite objects. It has a flexible system, which makes it possible to choose a configuration that completely suits the consumer.

The advantages are tremendous performance and wide integration - the system is able to combine different home control systems. Extensive interface including devices such as keypad, remote, touchpad. The ability to control external objects surrounding the house (security system, opening and closing gates, light around the perimeter).

Among the shortcomings is the high cost, but it fully justifies itself with a wide range of system capabilities. The downside is the complexity of maintenance. If even one of the systems breaks down, a specialist will be required to fix the problem.


Having become acquainted with the main parameters that a modern smart home system should have, as well as some well-known manufacturers of both relatively cheap and expensive systems with extensive control over a large number of room parameters, you can decide which one is best for you.

“High technologies are the most faithful assistants modern man who will never betray him."
Walter Brown

Modern systems market home automation offers a variety of types of Smart Homes. The search result for the query: "Smart Home systems overview" is guaranteed to be a huge number of links to sites that describe in detail the most high-tech types of systems of our time. In this article you will not find exhaustive reviews of each of their types. Writing such reviews is absolutely meaningless, at least because any Smart Home system is, first of all, a modular system, which implies the possibility of installing any subsystems and technologies, depending on the needs and characteristics of the user's request.

In most cases, the installation of a Smart Home system is preceded by a stage of careful planning, drawing up a list of necessary subsystems and developing a project within which the most effective and rational decisions every task. However, there are a number of types of systems, divided by certain factors. It is about them that will be discussed in this article, where we will consider only the basic options. It should be understood that any of which is formed by many different factors, implies the possibility of integrating completely different subsystems that are constantly updated and improved. That is why in this review we will consider only the main options and types of technologies for home automation.

Overview of the main types of Smart Home systems

All modern Smart Home systems can be divided according to the main feature into the following types:

  1. Wired.
  2. Decentralized.
  3. Wireless.
  4. Centralized.

The above list is also supplemented by systems using a closed or open protocol. In order to get an exhaustive answer to the question: “what are the Smart Home systems?” it is necessary, first of all, to describe a wired automation system, the essence of which is to combine all control devices through one information bus. This device usually consists of special cables necessary for transmitting signals to executive devices located in the main switchboard. The main advantages of this type of system are:

  1. High response speed.
  2. Unique design of each control element.
  3. Reliability and practicality.
  4. Large selection of subsystems with the possibility of integration.
  5. Long service life.
  6. Safety.

Types of Smart Home systems: wireless and centralized

Another fairly common type of system is the wireless version of technology. This type of system is distinguished by the use of a radio channel, through which the signal passes from the control devices to the actuators. This feature guarantees significant savings in installation time and eliminates the need for a huge amount of wiring. An additional advantage of using this type of technology is the ability to create unique lighting scenarios, as well as reprogramming the keys. The main advantages of these types of systems include:

  1. Low cost.
  2. No wires or additional devices.
  3. Ability to develop a system without a project.

The last type of system, the description of which we conclude this review, is a centralized automation system. This option differs from others by programming the operation of all components through a single centralized control element. The main advantage of these systems is the ability to create a unique and complex scenario and use a huge amount of equipment to achieve the maximum level of system usability. We hope that in this article you have found the answer to the question: “what are Smart Home systems?”, thanks to which you will be able to make an exceptionally right choice of technology.

Modern intelligent home management systems, which make life more comfortable and safer, are increasingly entering our homes. A house equipped with such technology is called “smart”. No less smart are modern gadgets, the functionality of which is developing at a cosmic speed. Moreover, their manufacturers claim that these devices almost replace the Smart Home system, and it will soon become unnecessary. Is it really? How do gadgets interact with the Smart Home, and what technologies is it based on? We'll talk about this.

Consider the features of each of the technologies.

Benefits of Wired Technology

To date, this technology is the most reliable and fastest. It has almost unlimited possibilities for system expansion and has good network security. In addition, wired technology does not depend on the operation of autonomous power sources, as it does not use them. It also allows you to see the statuses of all devices, because all devices in the system interact with each other online, and this connection does not depend on either the power source or the distance between them. For example, if you have activated some command, for example, turned on the central chandelier in the living room, then on the touch panel we will immediately see that the chandelier in the living room is turned on. This is called the command status display. Such statuses are displayed on the iPad, iPhone, other touch panels and local switches, because it is very important to know what is happening in the house right now. This is one of the main advantages of "Smart Home": if you know if the lights are turned off everywhere, if the windows are closed, then there is no need to make rounds around the house to check its condition.

Disadvantages of Wired Technology

The main disadvantages are the need to lay a low-current cable network, an increase in the number of cables in the system. But for large and complex objects, there is simply no alternative. Installation of a wireless technology system at these facilities takes even more time, or is impossible at all. And the shortcomings of the wired technology are leveled by its advantages: the flexibility of reconfiguration, the growth of functionality and the absence of the need for its further maintenance, as well as its colossal reliability.

Wireless Technology Communication Protocols

In a wireless "Smart Home", as a rule, two main communication protocols are used: Z-Wave and ZigBee.

Z-Wave is the most popular protocol today. More than 150 manufacturers that are members of the Z-Wave Alliance consortium work with it. All devices using Z-Wave are fully compatible with each other in operation. This protocol operates at low frequencies, which saves energy and does not interfere with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

The ZigBee protocol is promoted by another manufacturer alliance of the same name. In terms of demand, it is less popular. This standard does not ensure the compatibility of equipment manufactured by different alliance manufacturers.

Benefits of Wireless Technology

Undoubtedly, this system is easier to install and cheaper on the budget, but only if we are talking about the DIY (Do It Yourself - “do it yourself”) market, where it is used for small spaces. Other benefits of wireless technology include rapid network deployment, ease of setup, and portability.

Disadvantages of Wireless Technology

The functionality of wireless technology has a number of limitations. As mentioned above, it, as a rule, allows you to automate the control of only lighting, heating and curtains. At the same time, the remote control of the control device does not provide feedback from the sensors of the devices, leaving the user in the dark whether the command was executed or not. This is simply because the developers do not provide such an opportunity, so as not to depend on fast-discharging power supplies. The second disadvantage of this technology is the limited lifetime of the control panel power sources (batteries or piezo elements). If the batteries run out, all the settings of the smart home system flies, and it has to be configured in a new way. The disadvantage of technology is also the influence external environment on the quality of communication (weather, time of day, interference), dependence of speed on the load of the radio network, limited RF resource, incompatibility of equipment from different manufacturers, poor network security, dependence on regulatory authorities, and (in relation to large areas) a long system setup process and its high cost.

Wired and Wireless Use Cases

If you are just building or renovating your home or office with an area of ​​150 sq. m and want to turn it into a "smart home", it is more expedient to use wired technology. It will be cheaper and easier. At the same time, you will not have any restrictions when creating a system, and you will be able to minimize future costs for its maintenance. Trust the professionals and everything will be ok.

Bes wired system it is installed where it is difficult to mount a wired network due to repairs already made. For example, in small apartments with a small set of equipment requiring control or where it is necessary to mount only individual elements of the "smart home", and also where it is planned to use the installed equipment temporarily. Often this technology is used in the DIY market. But in this case, get ready for the fact that the mounted system will have to be constantly serviced.

Wireless network as an addition to wired

Wireless technologies do not have to be used separately from wired ones. They can be used in tandem. It is worth noting here that when designing a Smart Home system for large important objects, the main emphasis is always placed on wired technology. Designers do the same when designing rockets or cars. Why? It's just that a wired network is more reliable than a wireless one. Wireless only serves as an addition. In the same car, there is a wired, so-called CAN bus, to which various sensors are connected, but a key fob is also used to control the central lock and alarm. The same is true in Smart Home. Wireless technology can be perfectly combined with a wired network already installed in the home, if, for example, for installation additional elements"Smart home" is difficult to ditch the walls and lay wires. A wired network can also be supplemented with a remote access system using a mobile phone or tablet. These controls replace the many disparate controls that are used in the standard home. The menu of such touch panels has a clear graphical interface, and in case of an emergency situation, the user will be notified about this by an appropriate signal on the panel.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the Smart Home system is best built on the basis of wired technology and supplemented for convenience with wireless control panels. It is reliable, multifunctional and safe.

If you are thinking about automating your home or office, want to make it smart, comfortable and safe, contact ANS Engineering. The specialists of our company have vast experience and are ready to carry out a project of any complexity.

The comfort that a smart home can provide is very difficult to compare with something else. This is an opportunity to automate any video data and security surveillance system, light, heating, as well as media capabilities. In addition, you can connect any household appliances to choose from, all this is included in the possibilities of a smart home.

Integrated control system - automation of all engineering solutions in a modern building, ensuring comfort and safety, using high technology. This is not just a connection of all the necessary nodes and systems, but also the ability to control them from a single panel, such as a computer or tablet screen, and when leaving, even from a cell phone.

What can be included in a single chain

  • Lighting and ventilation control.
  • Control and management of audio, video and TV.
  • Monitoring and control of fire alarms and video surveillance systems.
  • Monitoring and control of sensors, actuators and elimination of an emergency.

A house filled with electronics is not only prestigious, but also allows you to significantly save on electricity and home heating costs. He can monitor various devices and systems, and it all depends on what will be included in the control object.

Cozy comfort of smart technologies

Most people do not even realize how many daily tasks can be shifted to automated systems. For example, when leaving, you can set a program to water flowers, control the heating of your home, the amount of snow on the roof or in other places. Rooms can be air-conditioned during hot periods or heated during cold periods. Climate control, customized for a specific client, allows not only to live in familiar conditions, but also to maintain them even in your absence, if there are exotic plants or animals in the house.


  • This smart home system can control the object that the user wishes to specify. Fill the pool with water, turn on the sauna before arrival, boil the kettle before waking up, turn on the toaster - all this is easy with the help of a smart home.
  • At the same time, all equipment and its serviceability are controlled. If the equipment is faulty, it simply will not turn on, and the system will send a “sos” signal to the owner in the form of a call or SMS.
  • Optimal lighting, temperature, other comfortable conditions, all this will be selected according to the wishes of the client.
  • Energy savings with this connection can be up to 40%.

Previously, such a system required special wiring, which was a problem for owners of houses and apartments, because not everyone wanted to do repairs again, but they needed to lay an anti-jamming radio cable. Now all such difficulties are in the past.

The unique Hi-Fi system helps to control any device without chasing the walls. Conventional switches equipped with radio transmitters can replace the entire complex wiring system.

Where wireless smart home technology can be used

  • AT ordinary apartment with electrical wiring of the classic version and already made repairs.
  • In small houses or apartments, where the signal reaches the transmitter without any problems.
  • In automation with simple tasks, for example: control of climate control, security system, leakage protection, as well as light and electrical loads in general.

A smart home can do all this, so it makes sense to adopt unique technologies and try the wireless capabilities of a smart home. Of course, a wired system will be more reliable, but if you don’t want to radically change something and start a global renovation, then the possibilities of a smart home can be offered for every home.

A bit of reality and fantasy

A smart home can do a lot. He will quite cope with the fact that you need to turn on the light if the door opens, imitate the presence of the owners in the house if they are not. In addition, in sunny weather, it can open windows, and in rainy weather, not only close it back, but also lower the blinds. The control system will turn on the ventilation and create an influx of fresh air if the parameters of the external environment have changed. Also, a smart home can regulate the heating of underfloor heating in winter and heating systems. In such a house, you won’t have to overpay for extra light and heat energy, everything will be optimized, and as a result, save the owner’s resources. This is especially convenient if the house is not located in the city, and gas or other heat sources are needed for its heating.

If necessary, the owner can write different home control scenarios and change them an unlimited number of times. You can control the smart home system even if the owner is hundreds and thousands of kilometers away - with the help of automation and the Internet, any whims of the owner are feasible.

Various features of a smart home can be offered in a complex or connected gradually at the request of the owner. Since the equipment that lends itself to commands is already on sale, it is possible to equip an apartment or other dwelling with smart devices that will do their job at a given time.

Home and perimeter security

Particularly well help the possibility of automation in case of unauthorized entry into a dwelling or on the territory of the site. Controllers will immediately let you know that there is a stranger in the house. The program can notify the owner, take a picture of the intruder, call the police, block the doors, or execute the commands that are included in it. Video surveillance is required to detect intruders.

The same picture occurs with a gas or water leak, a fire or another problem. Sensors can block water pipes to avoid flooding. They will automatically call the necessary service, inform the owner about the problem. When smoke occurs, fire extinguishing sensors are triggered, after which electricity is blocked. In the event of an incident, the number that is set in the security system is dialed automatically, and if it is busy, then the next one is dialed.

Opportunities to create comfort

  • If there are children in the house, an audio or video message can be recorded for them from their parents.
  • When staff arrives, orders will be given to clean or maintain the house.
  • When guests gather, the air conditioner, music, appliance or lighting in the kitchen can automatically turn on.

In fact, whatever the owner wants to program, he can do it himself if he has sensors connected and the entire control system is debugged. Naturally, it is better to entrust the installation of such software and other sensors to specialists, because they can guarantee that all functions of the smart home system are working properly.

Control methods

The owner of a smart home can choose several control methods:

  • Touch control monitor.
  • Internet.
  • Button monitor or remote.
  • Smartphone.

When there are few control systems, a remote control or a push-button monitor will also cope, you can even bring control to a video intercom. With a large number of different connections, it is better to prefer a touch monitor or even the Internet. Now technologies allow you to control any actions of a smart home even at a distance, so this service is very popular. You can check the weather, find out the number of people in the house and other details.

Automation of a house or apartment is not only prestigious, but also convenient. This control unit can be entrusted with a lot of small things that are forgotten. For example, to control the level of humidity in the winter garden, feed the fish, water the flowers, ventilate the room. And of course, the most important thing is to ensure security, which is difficult to guarantee if you do not install the necessary equipment. Illumination of paths in the garden when moving, turning on the light at the entrance to the house, the ability to control the illumination on the site or in the house in order to save money.

Price offers

On average, the cost of the system up to 50 thousand rubles may include such services as:

  • GSM channel - actuation of security and fire alarms, power outage.
  • SMS - heating, lighting, ventilation.
  • Socket control with remote control.

From 50 to 250 thousand rubles, the list is significantly expanded:

  • Manage the power supply and turn it off if necessary when the owner leaves.
  • Intercom and video surveillance.
  • Potential accident warning.

From 250 to 600 thousand rubles implies the following offers:

  • Security and fire alarms with perimeter capture.
  • Video surveillance via the Internet.
  • Automated lighting control.
  • Entrance gate automation.
  • Alarm messages about leakage of water, gas, etc.

From 600 to 1 million 200 thousand rubles:

  • Management of all systems by a single control system
  • Possibility of control from touch panels and PDA.
  • Individual control unit for heating, ventilation, underfloor heating, etc. in each room.
  • Air quality and humidity control (manual or automatic).
  • Control of sockets and lighting (manual or automatic).
  • Sewerage and water supply management.

From 1 million 200 thousand rubles:

  • Control of freezing of the external cable and its heating.
  • Heating of drains, if necessary, to avoid icicles and ice.
  • Multiroom.
  • Full automation of all systems in the house.
  • Internet control and management.

These price ranges are provided as a guideline for a rough understanding of the situation. Also, this or that service can be found in a more inexpensive price segment - it all depends on the features, complexity and number of necessary devices in the system.

Calculation and terms of reference

It is better to plan the design of a smart home in advance in order not only to take into account all the needs of the customer, but also to fulfill them in the highest quality possible. The terms of reference for the calculation of the company are often offered free of charge, so you can find out how much this or that installation of control systems will cost quickly and without any special costs. Experts will explain what exactly can be done and controlled, as well as what capabilities it has this system smart home.

Of course, the possibilities of a smart home are almost limitless, because there is a new, more advanced technology that is ready to help the owners in order to provide them with any convenience.

If you decide that it's time to get a Smart Home system, you will definitely face the question of what criteria to focus on when choosing. First of all, you should decide what tasks your system will face.

Easy way: self-installation of individual components

Let's say you decide to install several motion sensors, as well as automate lighting in one room. You can go two ways. The first is the simplest: buy sensors that you can handle installing yourself and install them. However, such a decision can hardly be called logical: home automation systems have long reached the new level, and it is hardly worth ignoring the achievements of the technical thought of the XXI century. Therefore, it is worth setting yourself a more global task, because thanks to the Smart Home you can not only bring something new into your life, but make your home safer, more comfortable and convenient.

Smart home: KNX technologies

Let's say you decide to use KNX technologies developed specifically for smart home systems. This means that you can choose the functionality you need, which will be quickly implemented within your apartment or private house. You will not only get the opportunity to monitor the inviolability of housing with the help of motion sensors: the system is capable of solving much more global tasks.

Our company offers a full range of Smart Home equipment, which will be controlled by special distribution systems. The system will not depend on a single device, making it more secure and reliable. We work with equipment that is created specifically for the Smart Home: after installing the system, you can improve and supplement it as you wish.

We offer the best turnkey solution: A smart home only offered by KNX , will give you an unsurpassed level of comfort!