Divine energy of abundance. Sun Light - Energy Abundance

Greetings. I publish channelings on the questions of people who contact me, because in the answers to other people's questions it is possible to find answers for yourself. If you have questions for channeling, please come to VK group

Hello dear Spirit! Glad to feel your energies again, feeling our unity with you!

And I am glad to greet you, dear consciousness. Thank you for the opportunity that you again provided for me, so that I could convey words of love and support to a particle of my consciousness.

Hello my good. Thank you for your question, because in your question you turn your attention to me, and thereby allow me to hug you, filling the joy of our fleeting reunion with you. Although it can be called fleeting in the conditions of your linear time, while I stretch such moments into infinity, enjoying our unity, my beloved, dear part of consciousness.

I know the question that worries you so much, and today we will try to sort it out for you to the fullest extent, so that you do not have any misunderstanding in this area. And before I start answering, I ask you to ask a question.

I really want to earn from 100,000 per month regularly and stably. But I don't get out. Why? I kind of work with coaches and started to work actively. And I want to increase my income, but it does not work. What am I doing wrong? How to achieve this amount easily and simply?

My dear child, I want to tell you about money, and this is information that you already know. But I still want to tell you about what it is, because you do not apply the knowledge that you have in practice. This is due to the traits of your personality, which resides in the element of fire, which ignites in different situations why you are influenced by your feelings and emotions. In order to control your power, fire must always be balanced by other elements - water, earth, air, which will give you ease in life, self-confidence and a state of relaxation. Fire provokes your thoughts, which captivate you, which is why you create so few opportunities for yourself in order to give your attention to concentration and a sense of oneness with me. Telling you about what money is, I am focusing your attention on this energy, and this is what you lack today.

If the elements are in balance within us, this is expressed in the smooth flow of our vital energy.

Money is energy, like everything in your life is energy. And if you look at the world with an energy eye, you will see different shades of the same thing. Energy is always looking for balance, and where there is not enough of it, it comes, and where there is an excess, it looks for opportunities to outflow. Cash flow is the flow of balanced energy. This stream goes in two directions - from you, and to you. If the flow stagnates in any place, then it stops in both directions. That is why it is so important not only to receive, but also to give. If money comes to you, which you refuse because of your moral convictions, then the energy of receipt begins to stagnate, stopping the entire flow as a whole. If you do not give in to your inner gaze, do not share where the soul asks for it, you stop the flow coming from you, and again stop the entire flow. It is important for me to convey to you the following thought: money is just energy, and it must be allowed to move. If you start saving, suppressing the desire to spend, the energy stops. If you start to mindlessly spend on what you do not need, this is already an extreme, the energy is unbalanced, because the outflow is more than necessary. If funds come to you from sources that you condemn, you do not accept the flow, and the energy also stops - you literally show the universe that now you are not ready to accept, you do not need it.

Beyond that, whatever you have is also the energy of abundance. If you allow yourself to flow in a certain range, then the energy of abundance, expressed in your possessions, acts as a saturation of energy in a given range. And if your possessions consist of things that you do not need, you also stop the flow of abundance, because your energy is spent on these things as well, and they are part of the abundance range you allow.

That is why it is so important to get rid of everything unnecessary - in this way you make room for something new, you really need. Sometimes the flow of abundance stops only because you are overwhelmed and hold on to the unnecessary, because there is literally nowhere for the new to come. However, this story is not about you, my dear particle - you are confidently balancing the flows in your life, and I want to tell you something new that you do not think about.

We surround ourselves with things we don't use. But we are sorry to get rid of them. And there is literally nowhere for the new to come - we are overcrowded.

Each of you comes to the physically manifested world to create something new. The whole world is plasticine, and each of you can express yourself by molding something unique, something new. And the universe always allocates the necessary energy to the requests of creation. Therefore, money should be perceived only as a means to an end, but not as an end. If you concentrate on money as a goal, then this is not what will move your energy, and therefore the universe does not allocate energy for you, and you are forced to extract it from other sources - for example, exchanging the resources of your body, your soul, for good. For example, by making deals with your own darkness, you can literally exchange part of your life for those benefits that are more important to you in the medium term. And this can be observed everywhere today - people who concentrate on money are ready to work for days, losing their health, in order to earn money for what they do not need in their deepest essence. So many of you live your lives in a work-sleep-work-sleep pattern to buy cars they don't use, real estate around the world they won't live in, for alcohol and other addictions that only sap the life force. .

Dear mind of mine, look at how you framed the question. Your goal is a certain amount of energy. I am aware of the projects that you manifest in the form of ideas, but these ideas are shared with the flow of abundance. If you focus on your ideas and not on earning a certain amount, then you will let the universe build everything on its own. the best way. Let it be important for you to realize your idea, which will bring you abundance, and not on abundance, which will allow you to realize your ideas. The very concept of abundance kills creativity in you, at least dulls it. Because you can often hear that the artist must be hungry. Your reality is filled with various entertainments, for which you often forget to become creators.

The Universe is always ready to give us everything that we need. If we let the universe do it.

My dear girl, yet your intention is the main thing. I know that from the above you will be able to draw the necessary conclusions for yourself in order to walk in the flow of abundance in a balanced way. But still, if there is a request for a certain experience, then you will always get what you want. And if you have an intention about a certain amount that is important for you to achieve, then this can also be a worthy goal, which will be expressed through the creation of this situation. But in order to get what you want, your intention must be clear, while your intention is formulated very vaguely, and its frequency range is too wide, which makes it difficult for me to build the necessary experience for you. Your intention is the most important instruction for higher powers, so that they can correct your experience within the given limits. You live on a planet of free choice, and therefore it is your intention that is the instrument of permission from you to help us and build experience in a certain way.

So, to create intention, create for yourself a symbol that you can endow with the necessary power. For example, it can be a ruble symbol. Now circle this symbol with two wavy lines - these are the vibrations that this symbol will emit. Now you need to set the frequency of these selections - write down your goals next to the symbol. For example, a certain amount of earnings. While in another column, write down for yourself those emotions and feelings that the realization of your goal will give you. What will you experience if you get what you want? State of freedom? Ease? Gratitude? Joy? Having specified your request, fill the symbol that you created with purpose and emotions. By filling it with this, you fill it with power. And now you can plunge into meditation, and as soon as you are sufficiently relaxed, start broadcasting this symbol into the space around you, experiencing the emotions and feelings of this symbol in such a way as if what you wished for has already happened. So you will broadcast the vibration of the desired into the space surrounding you, which will be reflected to you by a quantum field containing the potential for any accomplishment. This is how you create your future. Repeat this daily, and leave the rest to me - let me arrange everything in such a way that from the quantum field of what is possible for you everything will be realized in the form in which you need it.

By closing our eyes, we are immersed in a quantum field of possibilities, in which there is everything that we want to attract for ourselves.

My dear child, I ask you only to think about whether a certain income is so important to you? In moments when you trust me, you can watch how you always have enough of everything. And therefore, my best advice will be for you - to trust me fully, and thereby allow you to build everything for you in at its best. And if you form an intention, then to achieve the goal, which is based on the creation of something new. And may this act of creation already give you all the benefits that you would like to receive. May these blessings be a reward from the universe, which sees what you focus on. Believe me, my dear, this is the most worthy goal that you can create in the conditions of your dimension.

Thank you dear Spirit!

And I thank you, dear little man, for the opportunities that you provide. In my blessing, I turn off to you.

The big Book raising money Pravdina Natalia Borisovna

Wealth Secret #1 Money is universal energy. They can be controlled!

Wealth Secret #1

Money is the universal energy. They can be controlled!

You need to learn to tell your money where to go instead of asking where it goes.

Robert Babson

What is money? Banknotes and coins? The exchange equivalent of labor? I don't know about you, but for me moneyit is one of the forms of abundance, infinite universal energy. When you begin to perceive money as a form of energy, and a very strong one, you are taking a serious step towards permanent abundance. This means that there is as much money in your life as you are ready to accept the energies of abundance! And it also means that money for me is not a goal, but just one of the ways to achieve well-being, happiness, prosperity, joy ...

This attitude towards money - as energy - has a very beneficial effect on the financial situation! For example, it removes many of the stereotypes and limiting beliefs that prevent people from accepting money in their lives. About the papers, you can say that they are dirty. Can you say the same about energy? Jingling with coins, one can recall the famous line: “People die for metal.” And when you work with energy, it won't even occur to you!

And most importantly: when you treat money as energy, it becomes energy in your life: free, inexhaustible, flexible and mobile. And then you will understand from your own experience the groundlessness of many negative patterns surrounding the topic of money.

Here, for example, is such a widespread stereotype: “At forty, there is no money - and there won’t be!” This false negative attitude still lives in the minds of many, many people. Indeed, if you treat money like paper and coins - if a person did not manage to accumulate enough "cellulose" and "metal" in the most active working years, then after forty he is even more unlikely to succeed ... If you knew how many people this setting prevents success! You and I will learn how to change the vector of your consciousness, which will certainly lead to a different result - a positive one!

And if you look at this installation from the point of view "moneyenergy"? Is it possible to accumulate energy, store it for future use? And after all, most people learn to work with energies precisely at the most active mature age - on average from forty to sixty years.

By the way, this is also confirmed by statistics based on a thorough study of the activities of thousands of people: all the best is created at the age of about thirty-five to fifty-five years. Including states!

Suffice it to cite millionaire Henry Ford as an example, who founded his company only at the age of 40. Or Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, whose portrait adorns a five-dollar bill: until the age of 40, he was a loser in almost any business he took on.

Knowing that money is energy, you take the first step not only to wealth, but also to success, happiness, health ...

After all, now your goal is not banknotes and coins, but energy! And a person who knows how to work with energy is able to control himself, his body, his life, even the world around!

It is only necessary to observe the laws in force in the world of energy.

What will it change in your life? You will become a real money magnet that attracts the energy of abundance and wealth!

Awakening money energy

The energy of money gives a person many life opportunities - power, fame, authority, control of other people, enjoyment. And the more money a person has, the more opportunities he has.

However, in some hands wealth becomes a creative force, in others it is destructive. Although, in fact, the energy of money is neutral. Only thanks to a person does it acquire a positive or negative charge. Someone begins to put their capital into a "stocking", saving every penny. At the same time, even if a million accumulates in the account, he will remain with the psychology of the poor and will limit himself in everything. Someone throws his capital to the right and left, because subconsciously he also cannot accept money. And someone starts to put himself above others, because he has an extra hundred bucks in his pocket. For him, money becomes an end in itself, and he spares no one on the path to wealth. True, in the end, such a person himself becomes a victim of his greed. And there are many examples of this.

Of course, praying for the Golden Calf is not worth it, but money should not be underestimated either. Otherwise, the energy law of their movement is violated. How, then, to pass the test of money and learn how to use their energy for your own good?

To manage money, you need to remember that they are just a means to achieve prosperity.

So that finances do not slip through your fingers, and your monetary energy grows by leaps and bounds, focus on wealth. Remember: "Money loves an account." And it is not just words. When you recalculate your income, you exchange energy with them. You transfer your love and careful attitude to money, and from them you receive a charge for attracting new income.

Do you want to be rich? Tune in to the energy of abundance and beauty. It is useful to visit the palaces where monarchs and aristocrats lived, to meditate on works of art and gold jewelry in jewelry stores. This is how we feed on the energy of wealth. The energy of wealth begins to fill your aura, which will attract even more luck and abundance.

And further. Take care of your own energy. To do this, you can contact a specialist or independently study energy practices.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Step 2 Money is energy. Learn to manage it! What is money? Banknotes and coins? The exchange equivalent of labor? Mystics of all times and peoples believe that money is one of the forms of abundance, infinite universal energy. When you begin to perceive money as a form

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The most important secret of wealth. Money can be managed! You need to learn to tell your money where to go instead of asking where it goes. Robert Babson What is money? Banknotes and coins? I don’t know about you, but for me money is one of the forms of abundance, endless

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Practice "Golden Energy of Wealth" With the help of this practice, you will learn how to use the energy of rich things and, based on it, attract prosperity and abundance into your life.1. Choose some beautiful object that attracts the eye - it should be an attribute

If people do not believe in the possibilities of the Universe, then it will not reveal to them the secrets of abundance and wealth. But it is there, in the energy of space, that the sources of prosperity and enrichment are hidden. And they are available to everyone!

The very word "wealth" - especially in its content, has the same root as the word God. Only the one who knows the Divine truths and the natural laws of the Universe and the universe is rich. You can look for a thousand reasons and renounce predetermined events in life, but cosmic energy is always at the forefront. Unfortunately, no one taught us to work with subtle energies that permeate literally everything. But it is in the power of every person to lift the veil of secrecy and forever change their prejudiced attitude towards money.

The secret of abundance or the energy of money

When it comes to energy, we mean higher power owing to which certain changes occur on the Earth. Naturally, money is one of the variations of higher energy, which has found its embodiment in banknotes, coins and other valuables.

Energy information flows inherently are not something negative or positive. Energy is always neutral, negative or positive color is given to it by our thoughts and feelings. In other words, it is we who launch the mechanism of energy activation into life as soon as we begin direct interaction with it.

3. Energy is obedient, and the Universe is abundant. Do not hesitate to dream of material success, of your soon enrichment. This is how you will attract the energy of prosperity and well-being into your life. The universe is abundant and the aspirations of each person tend to come true. Another question is whether you know how to make wishes correctly? It is a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve and gain is the key to a successful and happy life. Think about money without shame or a twinge of conscience, forcing out bad omens and negative programs imposed on us by social stereotypes. Stay away from those who think that being rich is a vice.

4. You need to become a magnet for money. The more you focus on the energy of abundance, the stronger your message to the Universe. In other words, you can not stop and stop there. In order to attract money, you need to draw their attention to yourself. What prayers, rituals, money affirmations and spiritual practices are great for. It is necessary to learn to feel the subtle energy of well-being, attracting its reciprocal interest.

5. Forget about the state of the debtor. In order to become rich and successful, there are many practices and techniques. Unfortunately, most of them do not work, because people do not seek to get out of the state of the debtor. Money must always be in active circulation. Some must pass from hand to hand, each time working with different energy sources. Otherwise, cash flows will simply lose their positive properties. Therefore, the last and basic law of well-being says: "give money in joy". Which means you should always say goodbye to money joyfully. Paying bills, repaying a debt or giving in return, paying for purchases or utilities you cannot be sorry that material resources have left you. Only the money transferred in joy will come back, which will launch the principle of attracting monetary energy.

To be rich or poor is up to you. The universe is full of secrets, one of which you have already revealed. Only by following in the footsteps of well-being and the main laws of the universe can you attract money to yourself. We wish you material well-being and success. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The Energy of Abundance is the Divine Energy, whose “children” are:

  • Health. This is wealth, isn't it? Health is a manifestation of a self-sufficient and perfect personality. Health is a set of Energies capable of creating Good. If there is no health, it means that your forces are blocked, because you violate the laws of the Harmony of Existence (or violated in past lives, if you have had diseases since birth);
  • The abundance of nature (fruits, etc.), everything that grows and reappears. The Energy of Abundance manifests itself in infinity, if its laws and the order of its incarnation are honored. The Energy of Abundance is always multiplied and gives the Good to everyone – this is the Good of Service. For example, an apple tree gives fruits and at the same time it has the potential of the Revival - seeds. Everything that does not multiply itself is created for the short-term satisfaction of the ego;
  • Profession, Purpose. This is the way you manifest the Energy of Prosperity for yourself, all Humanity and the Planet.
  • Money and analogues of money. We will talk about the Energy of Money a little later in one of Our subsequent messages;
  • world of things. These are materialized fantasies that were created by the Energy of Imagination, design and creative Embodiment. The world of things is how you see your World, how you feel and realize it;
  • Dwelling. Your home, dwellings e is the Mirror of Your Love for yourself. As far as you accept and love yourself, your home reflects this State. Order and prosperity in the house, beauty, grace, comfort, care, energy - this is your External, Protective Body!
  • Relationships with other people- Friends and Relatives - this is also an aspect of the Energy of Abundance. Psychological and material assistance, support, exchange of Energies, Experience, Knowledge - all this makes up the Wealth of a Person. The more Friends and Relatives, the more qualities of the Spirit a Man develops in himself, the more manifested He is, the more voluminous and diverse His inner World.

The Energy of Abundance consists of two aspects that are polar to each other. For example, the Energy of Love consists of Yin and Yang (Feminine-Masculine). The Energy of Abundance consists of passivity (the Image of the Desired) and activity (the materialization of the Desired).

The Energy of Abundance is a multi-dimensional Energy of a Neutral Character. In the hands of a Man, depending on His Choice, She can be:

  • passive when this Energy is not loved, denied, considered sinful, impure, dirty (an analogy with sex and attitude towards it). This is one of the extremes - ignoring the Energy of Abundance. Then She simply will not be in the biofield of this Person. It cannot function without Love, Pure Love and Co-creation with a Human…
  • active- this is the other extreme of the relationship of Man to the Goddess of Abundance ... This means the following - She is worshiped as an Idol, Man becomes a fanatic of money and things ... And connects to the Egregor of Materiality, feeding the astral with his energy.

Truth, Beloved Friends, is in the middle… In the Balance of Passivity – Spiritual Thought and Activity – Material manifestation.

You can balance this Energy (active and passive) in yourself, not devoting ALL time, attention and thoughts to It, but also Loving This Energy with all your Heart. And then the Energy of Abundance becomes a Friend and Helper, an Infinite and diverse Source of Wealth.

After the balance of the active-passive and Intention, the Energy of Abundance enters the Human biofield, attracting the “children” he needs into His Life. This Energy, like a Genie from a fairy tale, will fulfill everything that a Person intends with Love and Awareness together with the Higher Self. The main thing is to Accept This Energy: the percentage of the Energy received into oneself, accepted with Love, will attract the Materialization of Abundance into real Life.

The Energy of Abundance works closely with the Energy of Concentration, another attribute of the Green Ray. It is very important. Concentration on Love in the Heart, Intention and Knowledge that everything will happen in all appropriateness, attracts Energy into the Human, increasing the percentage of the biofield Glow with the Green Radiance of Abundance. God - atstvo (spirituality, State) attracts Wealth (the materialization of Love).

4 universal steps to attract the energy of abundance into your biofield:

  1. Accept this Energy with Love as a Gift, inhale this Emerald Green Energy into yourself;
  2. Watch Her in yourself;
  3. Realize Intention (Your Intention) and concentrate on it;
  4. Action at a synchronistic moment.

In order to attract the Energy of Abundance, you need to set a Goal - why do you need this Energy? For personal enrichment? Then the Energy will not see you in these low egoistic vibrations, or money will come into your life, but there will be problems in other areas of Being (in health, in relationships with loved ones, etc.). Because the Energy of Abundance needs Freedom, and not its confinement in the egoic dungeon of desires.

So, in the era New Era The energy of abundance attracts:

  • Love for Life, acceptance of Existence and awareness of the value of one's Incarnation;
  • The energy of abundance is magnetically attracted to people who lead Healthy Look Life, because the multiplication of Health, Beauty and Longevity is one of the Faces of this Energy. Follow Health - a manifestation of Your Wealth!
  • Love for Nature, the Planet, Humanity;
  • Energy of Faith;
  • Revealing the Energy of Creativity. Desire to Serve for the Good. Application of all your abilities in Life;
  • The balance of Masculinity-Femininity in yourself. Acceptance of all Men and Women. Harmony of the Energy of Love, Opening of the Heart for all Existing;
  • Constant expansion of the Worldview;
  • Positive attitude, State of Happiness and Joy;
  • Constantly enjoying everything that you do for the Good;
  • Mantras, affirmations, intentions. Voicing out loud your desires, with the addition of "if it is appropriate for me";
  • Clear karma related to the Energy of Abundance. Pay off your debts, stop judging your debtors, build relationships with them. Help loved ones financially, if you have such an opportunity: give from prosperity, and not the last! Become a participant in a charity event (if this is not within your power now, then participate in events related to the environment - cleaning water, forests, etc.);
  • Clear the Mental Body of beliefs that “money is dirty, evil”, etc. or “money can do everything, happiness is in money”, etc. Do not humiliate or elevate the Energy of Abundance. This is a neutral but Intelligent Energy that cooperates with your desires and value system;
  • Cleanse the Emotional Body from envy towards wealthy people, from negativity, aggression directed towards those who have achieved success. Sincerely rejoice for your neighbor, who managed to successfully cooperate with the Energy of Abundance;
  • Learn to Thank the Energy of Abundance daily. It manifests itself in everyone and every day. And it is reflected in many ways: in the smile of a passer-by, in the received synchronistic Knowledge, Inspiration for something New, on a trip with Friends, in communication with Nature, etc. The energy of Abundance is magnetically attracted to grateful positive people.

When I started this blog, I dreamed of writing only about the fulfillment of desires. Do you agree with how much magic is present in every moment of our lives? So why not talk and write about it?

Therefore, today I will tell you how I fulfill my desires. We will talk about the Consciousness of Abundance, wealth, and how this is directly related to spiritual development. Rich people are always silent about their secrets to achieving incredible wealth, because they consider such knowledge to be something that a small group of people should know about.

Find more answers in my new book Granting Wishes: 5 Proven Practices. Get your book after subscription.

For some reason, especially “spiritually advanced” people believe that earning a lot of money is bad and in general spiritual man must be poor and "naked like a falcon". A terrible delusion is not spiritually developed, but spiritually poor people. Unfortunately, all this is the action of subconscious programs of destruction.

When a person understands himself and strives for harmonious development, he automatically begins to fulfill his destiny. He wants to help himself and others. He strives not for money, or, more simply, "paper", but for the energy of Abundance.

What is the Energy of Abundance?

It manifests itself in the material world in: things, relationships, money, love, health, luck, etc., that is, in everything that a person sincerely desires. This energy is and always will be. It cannot run out and there is enough for everyone.

Take a look around or just evaluate your life and say: “In what aspects do you manifest the wonderful energy of wealth?”. Someone will now say that in health, and someone - in money and decent bank accounts, perhaps - in full-fledged relationships with friends and loved ones. But there are few people among you who live in 100% abundance. It's sad, but not fatal.

People live their whole lives in such an insufficient state of happiness, half-wealth, and believe that, in principle, everything turned out “not badly”. Do you also want to be dissatisfied? I doubt.

How to know true happiness, when everything is not just enough, but in abundance? I will help you, because this is my main task now.

Let's start with what...

The state of abundance: how to gain a foothold in it?

Nothing exists apart from each other. Therefore, in order to receive the energy of abundance, it is necessary to cultivate the corresponding consciousness in oneself.

You will replace the consciousness of a poor person with the consciousness of a rich man in every sense of the word.

3 tasks for you:

  1. Feel this omnipotent energy within you. You can compare her to the magic genie. His thinking is set up according to the principle: "I wanted - I imagined - I believed - I got it."
  2. Remember what you have already achieved (in every area of ​​life) and what you got just like that. Here are a few examples of the second subparagraph: the ability to live, breathe, learn about the world, parents, body, health, etc. Then work on your own.
  3. Write down and present in concrete images everything that you want to receive. Think about it in the Now moment, as if you just got what you wanted. Don't be shy about your desires. Let the process of Creation be like in childhood. Remove fears.

There are many ways to share with others!

Thus, you prove to yourself and the Universe that you are not afraid to part with some of your money, which means that you have no fears that one day you will be broke.

Try to attract the Energy of Abundance from today and enjoy the results.