Guinea pigs dreamed of what they dream about. Why does a woman dream of a guinea pig, what is this signal? Complete dream book of the New Era

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In night dreams, a guinea pig is a symbol of constant problems, so after such a dream you should be as careful as possible, and in everything. To understand exactly what is the dream of a guinea pig, it is important to take into account appearance and actions in a dream, as well as other subtleties and nuances of a dream.

Seeing a guinea pig in a dream

In reality, guinea pigs are very sweet and harmless pets that get along well in captivity and feel comfortable in a cage surrounded by people.

But in night dreams, this animal often symbolizes troubles and failures. What exactly is the guinea pig dreaming of - you will find out if you refer to the versions of the world's dream books.

What is it for

To a sleeper, such a night dream portends a lot of interesting and pleasant things, but on condition that the rodent itself was friendly to the person and did not show aggression.

7 out of 10 dreams - to positive changes

The color of the fur of the animal is also of considerable importance for the interpretation of sleep - the lighter it is, the more joy and fun will come into the life of the sleeping person.


For a woman who really wants to get pregnant, a guinea pig can portend this long-awaited event and subsequent successful birth.

If a woman is actively looking for a life partner, night vision promises her a happy meeting with her future spouse. Such a dream says that a person who meets on the way will be a worthy choice for her, he will be able to support, provide comprehensive assistance and support.

If a dream involving a guinea pig is seen by a married lady who has this stage life, there is a crisis in family relationships, such a sign will serve as a signal that a new stage of relations with a satellite begins, where love and understanding will again settle next to the couple.

Watch the video. Why does a person dream?


Why a girl dreams of a guinea pig is not at all difficult to interpret - soon a spoiled sissy will appear on her way, who will lead an idle life and do nothing.


For a woman carrying a baby under her heart, a dream involving a guinea pig promises an early birth, which will be successful for her and the baby.


Often this fluffy animal is dreamed of by the representatives of the stronger sex, who completely surrender to the laborious work process, the end result of which is sometimes not immediately visible.

But if you go to the end in your endeavors, your goal will be achieved.

dream interpretation

Freud's dream book

Guinea pigs in a dream may indicate an increased sexual activity of a man and a woman's fertility.

So, white-colored animals personify lust, passion, temptation and genuine admiration.

If a man sees a couple of rodents in a dream, it is worth stopping and making his choice in favor of only one sexual partner.

Sex for you now is not just an excuse to relax and let off steam, relax, but the readiness to conceive and give birth to an unborn child - it is the role of the parent that becomes a priority.

If in a dream you see a guinea pig nibbling on an apple, pear, or other fruit, this indicates a desire to diversify your own sex life.

The vision suggests that the sleeper is not used to restraining himself, and if he sees a suitable goal, he will definitely achieve it.

A rodent in a cage is the personification of marriage bonds, which in recent days are very burdensome for the existence of a sleeping person.

In this case, a person does not feel any desire to make love, however, decency and high moral standards do not allow to have an affair on the side.

The sooner an end is put in such a relationship, the sooner the sleeper will become free and happy.

Miller's dream book

If you see guinea pigs in your own office in a dream, in real life you are bringing close to you not at all those people who will become your comrades-in-arms and friends. Such people will become your competitors in the future, destroying your business.

If you are not able to enlist the support of a more influential person, such rivals will simply force you out. You need to learn how to take a hit and not think about retreating.

For a woman, guinea pigs say that soon she will have gatherings with friends and family.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

This dream book suggests that the rodent is dreaming of a pleasant meeting for the sleeping person. He will spend time in the circle of close people and will enjoy communication with relatives, charging with positive emotions.

Dreamed of a guinea pig

This domestic rodent symbolizes some perseverance and determination of those who try their hand at starting their own business.

Caution is inherent in such people - they know perfectly well what they want and how to achieve what they want in real life.


You see in a dream a light and spotless, fluffy guinea pig - in reality, this predicts well-being in the family and receiving good news.


A red-colored guinea pig in night dreams personifies a faithful and devoted friend.

black and white

A black and white rodent in a dream indicates that anything can be expected from your friends.


If a multi-colored guinea pig is dreaming, this means that unexpected and very pleasant events await ahead.


Large rodents dream of the ingratitude of loved ones - you will help them, but you won’t even hear a kind word in response. If you have spent a large amount of money on a friend, you should not expect that it will be returned to you.

80% of dreams are warnings

A large guinea pig also indicates that in life you can be exposed and even betrayed.


Seeing small and cute rodents in a dream - this promises you a lot of competitors. In this case, minor troubles will be replaced by big problems, and the enemies will nullify all your efforts and undertakings.

Enemies will act coldly and prudently, and with your wrong actions you will only aggravate the situation, giving your opponents the pleasure of your own defeat.

In such a situation, the sleeper should definitely retire and rest, gain strength and believe in himself - do not be too trusting, disinterested, and also hope for someone's help.

Why does a guinea pig dream in a dream

There is nothing wrong with such a dream, as a rule. The main thing is that the sleeper himself correctly analyze the current situation.

If a person solves the task, adopting logic and ingenuity, the problem can be easily eliminated.

If you manage to understand the current circumstances, this will make you happy, allow you to find peace and tranquility.


If you see in a night dream how a guinea pig gnaws something, this indicates a lack of diversity in sex. At the same time, the sleeper himself is not used to restraining himself, and if he sees an attractive object, he will definitely seek it.

The most important and interesting on the topic: "Guinea pig to see in a dream" with a full description.

If a person sees a rodent in a dream, he will probably want to know what this could mean. And the symbol is really unusual. Why is a guinea pig dreaming, for example? This is worth talking about.

Universal Interpretation

To begin with, I would like to note that the guinea pig is an animal that is not very popular, unlike cats, for example. She needs special care. If the rodent is not properly monitored, then problems may arise. And hardly anyone will be happy about it. Therefore, if a guinea pig came to a dream, it is worth considering.

On the one hand, these animals are a source of valuable meat. In Asian countries, they are even grown for food. On the other hand, a symbol of vanity. So, for example, if a dreamer stroked a rodent, fed him, played with him, this is a good sign. The project that the person is currently working on will be successfully completed in the near future. And the dreamer will be rewarded for the work.

If a person is haunted by some problems, then he should calm down. A friendly rodent usually dreams that all his troubles will disappear by themselves. And in the near future. But that's not all the guinea pig dreams of. If she was light in color and without spots, then a person will be successful in her personal life.

According to Miller

This dream book can tell a lot of interesting things. The guinea pig usually comes in visions to those people who are completely and completely passionate about their work. They, as a rule, go to the end and by all means achieve goals and results. If such a rodent suddenly dreamed, and in real life the dreamer is just busy with something very important, you should know: he is moving in the right direction. You just need to continue to act in the same spirit.

If a person is a businessman and he dreamed about how he holds a pig in his hands, stroking it, then his business will soon go uphill. He expects a considerable profit. And, perhaps, because of this, many will begin to envy him. It's worth being prepared for this.

And why dream of a guinea pig that quickly runs away from a person? Not good. This means one thing - the dreamer expects disagreements and quarrels. Perhaps someone close to him is spreading rumors behind his back.

Modern book of interpretations

What if a person saw in a dream how he buys this rodent? Usually such a vision promises good luck and the onset of a white streak. In the life of a dreamer, there comes a period in which he can take on any business and be sure that everything will work out as well as possible.

And why does a girl dream of a guinea pig? There is an answer to this question too. If she has not yet married, then soon she will meet such a young man with whom she would like to spend the rest of her life. True, the relationship will be difficult at first. However, in the end, the girl will understand - this person is really the best. And, probably, she will be able to “improve” the character of her chosen one.

Other interpretations

They also say that guinea pigs usually dream of people without charisma. Those who fail to interest others. And, if this is true, you should start working on yourself. The dreamer needs this - for his own good.

Did a person see a rodent frolicking? So, in reality, troubles await him that will arise due to the actions of a friend. But Hasse's dream book, on the contrary, prophesies happy moments spent surrounded by loved ones. By the way, the same book of interpretations assures: if a person played with a rodent, then in real life some joyful events await him. The main thing is that the pig does not unexpectedly bite the dreamer. Because it usually dreams of betrayal by those people whom the person trusted the most. If he also put her in a cage after that, then soon his secretive enemy will show his true face.

By the way, walking a guinea pig on a leash means that a person will be able to influence someone close to him. In a good way. His advice is finally being heeded.

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A sweet and harmless creature, which in reality can disturb only with a loud chirp, in a dream becomes the embodiment of failure. What problems will the guinea pig bring to the dreamer, what is the dream of a small domestic animal? There are many nuances here, the interpretation of which is available to the creators of dream books.

see a pet

According to Miller's dream book, if a person saw a guinea pig in a dream, he lacks charisma. He does not know how to interest people, and as a result, it is easy for competitors to squeeze him in the market. Sadly, friends often neglect his interests for their own good.

A big dream book warns against passivity, which ill-wishers will hasten to take advantage of. If you dreamed of a cheerful pet, a small but offensive nuisance lies in wait due to the actions of a well-known person. The interpretation of sleep in Hasse's dream book prophesies happy moments spent with family.


Possible different variants developments that completely change the interpretation of sleep. I dreamed of stroking her - to receive a decent wage for work. Why dream of playing with her: this is a symbol of future joyful events, an invitation to a celebration is not excluded.

Feeding this animal in a dream is regarded as helplessness in front of competitors, you are ready to give way without a fight, resign yourself to the consequences of defeat. The interpreters also prophesy to the one who fed the rodent that those who need his help will soon appear. In selfless support, a person will not count on any gratitude, but the recognition of others will be pleasant.

Why dream of buying a new pet? This is an event that will be followed in reality by success in work that will bring pleasure and sufficient income. Giving a guinea pig to friends or strangers - to the emergence of new friends or useful acquaintances.

If you dreamed that you had bitten a person, this indicates his loneliness, lack of friends. According to a different interpretation of the dream, in reality, friends will let him down if she bites unexpectedly.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that killing a guinea pig is a favorable sign - dream books often give an interpretation of sleep “from the contrary”. Enemies will not be able to harm you, no matter what they do. I dreamed of putting her in a cage - soon you would have to recognize your enemy.


A guinea pig is an animal that feels great at home, in a cage. They take her on a leash only for a walk, for her own safety. Why is she dreaming? Ivanov's dream book claims that this is a useful reminder: the desire for comfort deprives one of freedom.

I dreamed about walking her on a leash - you will be able to influence loved ones. Why dream that you didn’t close her in a cage and she ran away? Dream Interpretations warn against carelessness: someone in the service is trying to harm you. If a non-working person saw this, it's time to show restraint in order to adequately survive empty gossip and slander.


Light, spotless, fluffy fur portends well-being in family affairs. White symbolizes good news.

A black with white spots guinea pig is a sure sign that you can expect anything from friends. Red - personifies a devoted friend. Multi-colored, with black, red and white spots - means that unexpected, but pleasant events are ahead.

Modern Dream Interpretation

If you saw a guinea pig in a dream, this promises you small obstacles from a loved one. Light, spotless, fluffy fur portends well-being in family affairs. White symbolizes good news. A black with white spots guinea pig is a sure sign that you can expect anything from friends. Red - personifies a devoted friend. Multi-colored, with black, red and white spots - means that unexpected, but pleasant events are ahead.

Loff's dream book

A guinea pig may mean that your opponents will soon defeat you due to your weaknesses. Also, it may indicate your low self-esteem and the fact that it is difficult for you to find contact with people, and because of this you cannot achieve what you want. To feed a guinea pig is to provide financial assistance to a person you do not know and receive nothing in return.

Miller's dream book

To see a guinea pig - such a dream means that you cannot maintain interest in your own person in other people. Enemies will try to take advantage of this to damage your business interests. Buy an animal - to the emergence of new ones bad habits. Give, sell your guinea pig to someone - make new friends who will ennoble your life.

Family Dream Interpretation

A guinea pig in a dream is a symbol of problems. After such a dream, it will not be superfluous to be especially careful in absolutely everything. If she dreamed that she had bitten a person, this indicates his loneliness, lack of friends. I dreamed of putting her in a cage - soon you would have to recognize your enemy.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Nature

Horoscope for today

Miller's dream book

what is the dream of a guinea pig

Seeing a guinea pig in a dream symbolizes the attempts of your opponents to interfere with your plans, as well as your inability to withstand difficulties.

Loff's dream book

guinea pig dream interpretation

A guinea pig may mean that your opponents will soon defeat you due to your weaknesses. Also, it may indicate your low self-esteem and the fact that it is difficult for you to find contact with people, and because of this you cannot achieve what you want. To feed a guinea pig means to provide financial assistance to a person you do not know and receive nothing in return.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

guinea pig dream interpretation

Mumps may indicate to you that you are too accustomed to comfortable and cozy conditions, it may be worth getting out of your “comfort zone” and changing your life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

guinea pig in a dream what is it for

Guinea pig promises you joyful and auspicious moments.

Modern dream book

dream book guinea pig

If you saw a guinea pig in a dream, this promises you small obstacles from a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

dreamed of a guinea pig

Mumps can warn you of your spinelessness and carelessness. This can get you into trouble at work.

Find out from the online dream book what the Guinea pig is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Miller's dream book

What does Guinea pig dream about in a dream?

Guinea pig - A dream about a guinea pig means that your enemies will try to push your business interests, and your inability to maintain other people's interest in yourself will help them in this.

Big encyclopedia of dreams by O.Adaskina

What is the dream of Guinea pig in a dream book

Guinea pig - Like a real one, a guinea pig in a dream does not bode well for you. Perhaps your detractors will intensify their efforts to harm you. Your good name will not suffer if you make an effort in advance to create a worthy reputation.

The truthful interpreter of dreams Lyudmila Moroz

If you see Guinea pig

Happy moments are ahead of you.

Modern dream book


Guinea pig - If you dreamed of a guinea pig, this means that your business is in danger of failure due to the fact that you are not able to arouse other people's interest in your person and convince them that you are right.

Big modern dream book

Guinea pig - why does the dreamer dream?

Guinea pig - You see a guinea pig in a dream - your competitors will do everything to minimize your profits, and you will make this work easier for them with your poorly thought-out actions; you will please your enemies; another interpretation of sleep: you do not know how to attract attention to yourself, you do not know how to make others interested in you, and therefore you miss opportunity after opportunity. It’s like you are feeding a guinea pig - you will support someone in a difficult situation, and ingratitude will be your answer; helping to a stranger, you will spend money, and he, knowing about it, will thank you in words; you are a selfless person; you do not want to profit from other people's troubles and misfortunes.

The guinea pig is a sweet animal that quickly adapted to life in captivity. She easily gets used to a person and can even make sounds similar to purring. This animal shows its location to the owner. However, in a dream, a guinea pig is not so harmless and is often a symbol of troubles and failures.

What is the dream of a guinea pig: the opinion of experts

Interpreters do not have a common opinion about the appearance of a guinea pig in a dream. Each of them interprets this image in their own way:

  1. Modern. The goal will not be reached. The reason will be close person which will prevent this in every possible way.
  2. Loff. The dreamer's weaknesses will play a cruel joke on him and allow ill-wishers to win.
  3. Miller. The symbol indicates the dreamer's lack of communication skills. Competitors will try to take advantage of this and harm the business he started.
  4. Family. To problems and troubles.
  5. Esoteric. The spinelessness and carelessness of the dreamer will lead to the collapse of the work he started.
  6. Hasse. For a pleasant pastime with close friends.
  7. Universal. The image speaks of the desire of ill-wishers to put a "pig" on the dreamer.
  8. Freud. It symbolizes the increased sexuality of a man and the fertility of a woman.
  9. Newest. The dreamer's friend will give him a lot of trouble and trouble.
  10. Dream Interpretation 2012. Attachment to comfort deprives the dreamer of freedom and does not allow him to achieve his goal.
Most often, a guinea pig predicts unpleasant events.

Interpretation of the image, taking into account the dreamer's gender

For a girl, the image of a guinea pig prophesies an acquaintance with an infantile young man who is so satisfied with his idle lifestyle that he does not even think about any changes. Relations with him will become a real test of strength for the dreamer. However, do not get upset and give up. If she can show character and withstand all the tests, then in the future this particular man will become her best husband.

For married woman having difficulty in family life, guinea pig is a positive symbol. Relations with her husband will soon improve, quarrels and scandals will remain in the past.

For a woman carrying a child under her heart, the image of a rodent prophesies premature birth. However, do not worry, everything will pass quickly and without excesses.

A dreaming animal warns a man about the betrayal of people whom he considered friends for a long time. For a businessman, the image of a guinea pig is a sign that you need to be more careful when recruiting. There is a high probability that one of the subordinates will cause big problems.

According to Freud, a person who in a dream watches how a guinea pig eats is actually dissatisfied with his sex life.

A guinea pig with cubs indicates the dreamer's fatigue

Guinea pig dream details

To get a more accurate interpretation of the image seen, it is recommended to remember the plot to the smallest detail.

Number of guinea pigs

A guinea pig grazing alone among green grass indicates a void in the dreamer's soul. He feels abandoned and unwanted. If a couple of animals dreamed, then the upcoming acquaintance will develop into a stormy romance.

A flock of guinea pigs predicts monotony in life and household chores. Of course, such a pastime is unlikely to please the dreamer. However, do not become discouraged, it is better to learn how to look for bright moments in boring weekdays. Moreover, this period will be very short.

A guinea pig with offspring is a symbol of fatigue. Apparently, the sleeper has taken on too much and now needs a good rest. Otherwise, there is a risk of earning a serious chronic disease.

If you dreamed of a female who was just about to bring offspring, then in reality the sleeping person faces a difficult choice. And from decision not only his life will depend, but also the fate of his loved ones.

Pair of guinea pigs pointing to a whirlwind romance

Color and size

In reality, the size of a guinea pig depends on the breed. However, the length of the body of an animal raised in captivity is rarely less than 24 cm and more than 35 cm. A rodent dreaming in a dream may not correspond to these parameters at all and look miniature or terrifyingly huge. This nuance should also be taken into account when interpreting the plot:

  • small animals are a sign that minor troubles will suddenly turn into major problems that the sleeper alone will not be able to cope with. It is noteworthy that he will be assisted by people whom he considered competitors;
  • a large rodent is a symbol of ingratitude of loved ones. Also, this dream may indicate the failure to return a large debt;
  • a giant animal indicates the betrayal of a person whom the sleeper trusted as himself.

Guinea pig color:

  • white - to the good news;
  • redhead - to trouble in the financial sector. Modern dream book interprets the vision in a completely different way and considers this image the personification of a kind and devoted friend;
  • black with light spots - you will have to face the treachery of friends. Especially one should not trust new acquaintances;
  • multicolor - to pleasant surprises, fun;
  • light and fluffy - to well-being in family life.

Long-haired guinea pig - to a happy family life

A guinea pig bite in a dream is a warning Higher powers. The enemy is nearby, but you do not notice him. Be vigilant, any mistake can be fatal.

Actions in a dream

The actions performed in a dream by the main characters will help more accurately:

  • to feed - to show generosity, to provide free assistance to a stranger;
  • ironing - to receive a decent fee for a job well done;
  • tame a wild guinea pig - the dreamer's financial situation will change for the better;
  • play - the life of the sleeper will be filled with bright events. He definitely will not be bored;
  • close in a cage - despite the dreamer's reluctance, he still has to meet his malicious enemy face to face;
  • to accept as a gift - to take on other people's duties;
  • give - to the emergence of new, reliable friends;
  • walk on a leash - be able to prove your competence and significance;
  • catch up - the dreamer's slowness will negatively affect his professionalism, he will miss a large order. Also, this dream may indicate a chance given by fate. However, the dreamer either does not notice it, or, due to his infantilism, simply does not use it;
  • buy at a pet store - successfully complete a business that has long been hanging like a dead weight;
  • kill - get rid of all problems and troubles.

A guinea pig is not a very good sign, portending problems and indicating the dreamer's shortcomings. However, if you listen to the advice of experienced interpreters and start acting, then very soon all the troubles will disappear and life will sparkle with bright colors again.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of a guinea pig- it means that your enemies will try to oust your business interests, and your inability to maintain other people's interest in yourself will help them in this.

Big dream book

If you dreamed of a guinea pig- this means that your malicious ill-wishers will try to press your business interests with all their dishonest forces. In their foul play, they will be helped by your inability to arouse the interest of other people and your senseless passivity.

General dream book

Sleeping guinea pig- warns that your inability to interest others will turn into failures for you in business relationship and you should think about your behavior.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Guinea pig- experience happy moments.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Guinea pig- a reminder that a strong attachment to comfort deprives freedom.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Guinea pig- unexpected, but a small nuisance on the part of a well-known person.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.