Activities in the field of spiritual culture. Spiritual culture and spiritual life of man


1. The concept of spiritual culture. Criteria of spirituality

2. Law and science in the system of spiritual culture

3. Religion in the system of spiritual culture




Culture -- the area of ​​human spiritual activity, objectified in material actions, signs and symbols; its essence is revealed in opposition to nature (as a set of natural conditions for human existence) and civilization (the level of material development of a particular society).

The primary sphere of human spiritual activity is mythology , which included knowledge from various fields, manifestations of the artistic development of the world, moral regulations, religious and worldview ideas.

In the theological tradition, the connection between culture and cult is actualized, religion acts as the basis of culture. Science considers religion as one of the elements of culture, a specific spiritual activity aimed at supernatural objects. In different eras, religion covered different areas of culture.

Religion plays a cultural role it will set the spectrum of universal cultural concepts, determine the meaning of life, the highest values ​​and norms of human existence, and shape the structure of the spiritual community. Religion contributes to the assertion of personality, the formation of personal consciousness; When it goes beyond the bounds of narrow-earth existence, Religion also transmits culture, transfers it from one generation to another.

1. The concept of spiritual culture. Criteria of spirituality

The concept of spiritual culture:

It contains all areas of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.),

Shows the socio-political processes taking place in society (we are talking about power management structures, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.).

The ancient Greeks formed the classical triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: truth - goodness - beauty. Accordingly, three most important value absolutes of human spirituality were identified:

· theorism, with a focus on truth and the creation of a special essential being, opposite to the ordinary phenomena of life;

· this, subordinating to the moral content of life all other human aspirations;

Aestheticism, reaching the maximum fullness of life based on emotional and sensory experience.

The aspects of spiritual culture outlined above have found their embodiment in various fields of human activity: in science, philosophy, politics, art, law, etc. They largely determine the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development society. Spiritual culture involves activities aimed at the spiritual development of man and society, and also represents the results of this activity.

Spiritual culture is a set of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

Spiritual culture arises from the need for comprehension and figurative-sensual development of reality. In real life, it is realized in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

All these forms of human life are interconnected and influence each other. In morality, the idea of ​​good and evil, honor, conscience, justice, etc. is fixed. These ideas, norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Art includes aesthetic values ​​(beautiful, sublime, ugly) and the ways in which they are created and consumed.

Religion serves the needs of the spirit, a person turns his gaze to God. Science demonstrates the progress of the knowing mind of man. Philosophy satisfies the needs of the human spirit for unity on a rational (reasonable) basis.

Spiritual culture permeates all spheres social life. A person learns it through language, upbringing, communication. Estimates, values, ways of perceiving nature, time, ideals are laid in the consciousness of a person by tradition and education in the process of life.

The concept of "spiritual culture" has a complex and confusing history. At the beginning of the 19th century, spiritual culture was considered as a church-religious concept. At the beginning of the 20th century, the understanding of spiritual culture became much broader, including not only religion, but also morality, politics, and art.

IN Soviet period the concept of "spiritual culture" was interpreted by the authors superficially. Material production generates material culture - it is primary, and spiritual production generates spiritual culture (ideas, feelings, theories) - it is secondary. The origins of creativity, ideas were in production, labor activity.

In the 21st century "spiritual culture" is understood in different ways:

as something sacred (religious);

as something positive that does not require explanation;

as mystical-esoteric.

At present, as before, the concept of "spiritual culture" is not clearly defined and developed.

The relevance of the problem of the formation of the spirituality of the individual in the current situation is due to a number of reasons. Let's name the most significant of them. Today, many ailments of social life: crime, immorality, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction and others - are explained primarily by the state of lack of spirituality in modern society, a condition that causes serious concern and progresses from year to year. The search for ways to overcome these social vices puts the problem of spirituality at the center of humanitarian knowledge. Its relevance is also due to economic reasons: with the implementation of social, economic, political reforms in society, the conditions and nature of human labor, its motivation are rapidly changing; and this economic situation that is taking shape before our eyes makes new demands on the improvement of the personality, on its development, on such personal qualities as morality, responsibility, sense of duty, which ultimately are indicators of a person's spiritual maturity.

True spirituality is "the trinity of truth, goodness and beauty" Fedotova V.G. Practical and spiritual exploration of reality. - M:, 1992. - S. 97 and the main criteria for such spirituality are:

· intentionality, that is, "direction outward, to something or someone, to a business or a person, to an idea or to a person" Frankl V. A person in search of meaning. - M:, 1990. - P. 100

Man needs a goal that elevates him above individual existence; this is how he overcomes the isolation and limitations of his existence, and this ability to set ideal goals for himself is an indicator of a spiritually developed personality;

· reflection on the basic life values ​​that make up the meaning of the existence of the individual and act as guidelines in a situation of existential choice. It is the ability to reflect, from the point of view of Teilhard de Chardin, that is main reason superiority of man over animals. In a spiritual person, this ability acquires the character of a manifestation of a "taste for reflection", for cognition of the specifics of individual existence. One of the conditions for the formation of the ability to reflect is seclusion, exile, voluntary or forced loneliness. "Exiles and imprisonments, which are always so terrible and fatal for a person, are no longer so terrible and deadly for the spirit. He loves voluntary seclusion, the loneliness of cells and the escape from worldly fuss, but he equally successfully uses the forced loneliness of an exile, a prisoner ... Without a choice oneself, turning inward, into one's loneliness, the conversation of a person with the spirit does not begin" Fedotova V.G. Practical and spiritual exploration of reality. - M:, 1992. - S. 110. All the greatest representatives of the Spirit - Jesus, Socrates - were exiles. And this exile is a punishment that befalls one who has entered the world of the Spirit, a tragic punishment for the courage to be different from "like everyone else";

freedom, understood as self-determination, that is, the ability to act in accordance with one's goals and values, and not under oppression external circumstances as "acquisition of inner strength, resistance to the power of the world and the power of society over man" Berdyaev N.A. Existential dialectics of the divine and the human // Berdyaev N.A. About the appointment of a person. - M:, 1993. - P.325, "existential disconnection, freedom, detachment of him - or his center of existence - from coercion, from pressure, from dependence on the organic Scheler M. The position of man in space / / Scheler M. Selected works. - M.:, 1994. - P. 153;

Creativity, understood not only as an activity that generates something new that did not exist before, but also as self-creation - creativity aimed at finding oneself, at realizing one's meaning in life;

· a developed conscience that harmonizes the "eternal, universal moral law with the specific situation of a particular individual" Frankl V. A person in search of meaning. - M:, 1990. - S.97-98, for the consciousness is open to the existent; conscience - that which should exist; this is what a person is responsible for realizing his meaning of life;

The responsibility of the individual for the realization of his meaning of life and the realization of values, as well as for everything that happens in the world.

These are the main criteria for the spirituality of a person in the understanding of Russian and foreign philosophers: N.A. Berdyaev, V. Frankl, E. Fromm, T. de Chardin, M. Scheler and others.

2. Law and science in the system of spiritual culture

Science and law are part of culture, so any scientific picture reflects the mutual influence of all elements of culture in a particular era. In the system of human culture, which consists of material, social and spiritual culture, science is included in the system of human spiritual culture. The following are definitions of the culture system and its elements.

Culture is a system of means of human activity, thanks to which the activity of an individual, groups, humanity and their interactions with nature and among themselves is programmed, implemented and stimulated.

Material culture is a system of material and energy means of being of a person and society. This includes such elements as tools, active and passive equipment, Physical Culture, welfare of the people.

Social culture is a system of rules for the behavior of people in various types communication and specialized areas of social activity. The system includes such elements as etiquette and varieties of normative activity (legal, religious, economic, and others).

Spiritual culture is a system of knowledge, states of the emotional-volitional sphere of the psyche and thinking of individuals, as well as direct forms of their expressions and signs. The universal sign is language. The system of spiritual culture includes such elements as morality, law, religion, worldview, ideology, art, science.

Science is a system of human consciousness and activity aimed at achieving objectively true knowledge and systematization of information available to man and society. Science can be divided into several main types of sciences: humanitarian, anthropological, technical, social science and natural science.

The humanities are systems of knowledge, the subject of which are the values ​​of society. These include: social ideals, goals, norms and rules of thinking, communication, behavior, based on a certain understanding of the usefulness for an individual, group or humanity of any objective actions.

Anthropological sciences are a set of sciences about man, the unity and difference of his natural and social properties. They include such sciences as physical anthropology, philosophical anthropology, pedagogy, cultural anthropology, medicine (300 specialties), criminology, etc.

Technical sciences are a system of knowledge and activities for the practical use of the laws of nature in the interests of man in technology. They study the laws and specifics of the creation and operation of complex technical devices used by individuals and mankind in various spheres of life.

Social science is a system of sciences about society as a part of being, constantly recreated in the activities of people. It studies the specifics of macro- and microunions of a community of people (sociology, demography, ethnography, history, etc.).

An analysis of the above definitions shows how complex and diverse the links between the elements of culture are both horizontally and vertically. We also know the definition of culture as a special, vital phenomenon of society - its subsystem. Culture is a system of norms, values, principles, beliefs and aspirations of members of society - this is the normative system of society. Its features define character traits natural-scientific picture of the world in a particular era.
The integrity of the Christian worldview in the context of the diversity of cultural ties is due to its absolute guidelines.

The basis of the Christian worldview is the knowledge of the rational arrangement of the surrounding world by the Creator and its cognizability within the framework that is necessary to ensure the full physical, emotional and spiritual life of a person who is a special creation of God. The Christian worldview is associated with the idea of ​​the need for knowledge, its possibilities and the value of knowledge, since by studying the creation, we come to know the Creator.

The basis of the study of the surrounding world by scientists with any worldview is the principle of a systematic approach. Parkhomenko I.T., Radugin A.A. Culturology in questions and answers. - M .:, 2001. - P. 124

3. Religion in the system of spiritual culture

The role of religion in the history of mankind, in general, is very significant, cannot be unambiguously assessed. There are two vectors of the influence of religion on community development: religion as a stabilizing factor and religion as a factor of change.

The analysis of the role of religion in the cultural system should be carried out taking into account the following factors:

· the influence of religion can be exercised only in an indirect form (through the activities of religious individuals, groups, communities);

· The nature and degree of impact are different for a particular religion, for a particular historical era.

The status of religion at various stages of the development of society:

Religious consciousness "is dominant, there is a fusion of religious and ethnic communities. Religious institutions are endowed with secular power;

Religious consciousness exists along with the secular, there is a separation and differentiation of other spheres and institutions public life;

Religious consciousness is relegated to the background; the ethnic community no longer coincides with the religious one; the separation of secular and spiritual authorities is carried out and consolidated. Rogalevich N. Religious studies. - Minsk:, 2005. - P.27

The culture of Belarus was not monolithic; it contained various ideological tendencies due to the level of social and spiritual development of society, the difference in the needs of different social strata in various forms of cultural activity. For a long period, religious culture dominated in Belarus - a set of forms, manifestations, elements of spiritual activity (art, literature, architecture, journalism, law, morality, philosophy, etc.) religious outlook and performing the task of religious preaching. Sacred culture is specifically religious - sacred books, dogma, sacraments, rituals, as well as objects, buildings that are part of the sphere of religious worship. This is the core, the core of religious culture.

Under the secular culture, as a rule, they mean a non-church, secular (secular) culture, often a non-religious state of mind, devaluation of sacred concepts, a culture freed from religious influence. These definitions can be accepted in principle, bearing in mind that secular culture can be divided into at least three directions: a culture that is indifferent to religion, claiming autonomous non-religious development; a free-thinking culture aimed at criticizing religion and its institutions; products of secular culture containing religious and mystical moods and ideas. Religious culturologists ambiguously resolve the issue of the relationship between secular culture and religious culture, most often considering it in terms of the relationship between religion and culture: some identify religion and culture, giving religious meaning to the products of cultural creativity; others consider religion and culture to be different planes of being (sacred and profane); still others perceive religion as a “leaven” of culture, which must internally transform a person.

In fact, there are many transitional forms between autonomous secular culture and sacred, ecclesiastical culture, which are sometimes difficult to identify with religious or secular culture. The use of religious plots in cultural creativity does not always indicate the religious nature of the latter: a non-religious culture can preserve traditional religious terms and images for a long time, filling them with secular content. That is, secular comprehension of the world can be carried out in the old sign system, while being indifferent or critical in relation to religion (for example, Biblical, Koranic and ancient mythological images were used by A.S. Pushkin as a means of artistic expression). It should also be borne in mind that some representatives of the clergy used objective, scientific methods of research when analyzing certain problems (including those of a religious nature).

In Belarus, as in other countries, already in antiquity, the presence of two spheres of culture is revealed - religious and secular. Proto-Slavic tribes, along with a complex system of polytheistic beliefs, possessed rational knowledge about nature, skills in construction, crafts, in the manufacture of tools, metal jewelry, military art, etc., which was recorded in the developing language. The introduction of Christianity in its Orthodox form in Rus' was associated with the destruction of pre-Christian - "pagan" culture, both religious and secular. Separate elements of the "pagan" religion were assimilated by Christianity. As part of Orthodox culture Over the centuries, magnificent temple buildings have been created, one of the treasures of the world fine arts - icon painting, original hagiographic literature, educational institutions that provide religious education and upbringing. The best builders, architects, artisans, artists, connoisseurs of church literature were involved. The activities of the creators of religious culture were limited by church canons, which, however, were not always observed by them. The dogmatization of language, concepts and images, associated with the characteristics of monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), somewhat hindered the creation of new forms of culture that more deeply and comprehensively reflect the world.

Elements of secular and religious culture were contained in folk art. Popular religiosity was reflected in spiritual verses, legends (for example, in the spiritual verses “About Christ is merciful”, “St. Nicholas”, “About Mary of Egypt”), oral beliefs, proverbs (for example, “To live is to serve God”, “ To refuse God - to stick to Satan", "Mind - in humility"). There was also a rich non-religious folklore that contained social and anti-clerical motifs (for example, in proverbs such as “Praise the rye in a haystack, and the master in the coffin”, “We are given masters on the mountain”, “The world is wicked, and the monastery is full of piety”). Folk worldly culture was also embodied in buffoonery, in historical songs, in epic epics, where peasant labor was poeticized, ideas about folk ethics were reflected, military prowess and service to the Motherland were brought up. Parkhomenko I.T., Radugin A.A. Culturology in questions and answers. - M .:, 2001. - P. 127


· Spiritual culture is a set of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

· Spiritual culture arises from the need for comprehension and figurative-sensory development of reality. In real life, it is realized in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

· True spirituality is "the trinity of truth, goodness and beauty."

· Science and law are part of culture, so any scientific picture reflects the mutual influence of all elements of culture in a particular era. In the system of human culture, which consists of material, social and spiritual culture, science is included in the system of human spiritual culture. The following are definitions of the culture system and its elements.

· Science is a system of people's consciousness and activity aimed at achieving objectively true knowledge and systematization of information available to a person and society. Science can be divided into several main types of sciences: humanitarian, anthropological, technical, social science and natural science.

· The role of religion in the history of mankind, in general, is very significant, cannot be assessed unambiguously. There are two vectors of the influence of religion on social development: religion as a stabilizing factor and religion as a factor of change.

· Under the secular culture, as a rule, they mean non-church, secular (secular) culture, often - a non-religious state of mind, the devaluation of sacred concepts, a culture freed from religious influence.

Religious culturologists ambiguously resolve the issue of the relationship between secular culture and religious culture, most often considering it in terms of the relationship between religion and culture: some identify religion and culture, giving religious meaning to the products of cultural creativity; others consider religion and culture to be different planes of being (sacred and profane); still others perceive religion as a “leaven” of culture, which must internally transform a person.


1. Berdyaev N.A. Existential dialectics of the divine and the human // Berdyaev N.A. About the appointment of a person. - M: Republic, 1993. - 458s.

2. Rogalevich N. Religious studies. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2005. - 207 p.

3. Parkhomenko I.T., Radugin A.A. Culturology in questions and answers. - M .: Center, 2001. - 368 p.

4. Fedotova V.G. Practical and spiritual exploration of reality. - M: Nauka, 1992. - 384 p.

5. Frankl V. Man in search of meaning. - M: Progress, 1990. - 486s.

6. Scheler M. The position of man in space// Scheler M. Selected works. - M.: Gnosis, 1994. - 394 p.

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The word "culture" means the upbringing, development and education of people. It is considered the result of the life of society. Culture is an integral system object, consisting of separate important parts. It is divided into spiritual and material.

Spiritual culture of personality

Part of the general cultural system, which takes into account spiritual activity and its results, is called spiritual culture. It implies a combination of literary, scientific, moral and other directions. The spiritual culture of a person is the content of the inner world. According to its development, one can understand the worldview, views and values ​​of the individual and society.

Spiritual culture includes a huge number of elements that form the basic concepts.

  1. General moral principles, scientific justification, richness of language and other elements. It is impossible to influence her.
  2. It is formed thanks to the upbringing of parents and the knowledge gained through self-education and training in different educational institutions. With its help, a person's personality is cultivated, which has its own views on various aspects of life.

Signs of spiritual culture

To better understand how spiritual culture differs from other areas, some features should be taken into account.

  1. Compared to the technical and social realm, the spiritual is disinterested and non-utilitarian. Its task is to develop a person and give him happiness, and not to receive benefits.
  2. Spiritual culture is an opportunity to freely express your own.
  3. Spirituality is associated with non-material spheres and exists according to individual laws, therefore its influence on reality cannot be denied.
  4. The spiritual culture of a person is sensitive to any internal and external changes in the individual and society. For example, during reforms or other global changes, everyone forgets about cultural development.

Types of spiritual culture

The first types of spiritual development of a person are religious beliefs, traditions and customs, norms of behavior that have been formed over many years. A spiritual cult includes the results of a person's intellectual or spiritual activity. If we focus on the social component, we can distinguish mass and elite culture. There is a classification based on the fact that culture is perceived as a form of social consciousness, so it exists:

  • political;
  • moral;
  • aesthetic;
  • religious;
  • philosophical and other cultures.

Spheres of spiritual culture

There are a large number of forms through which spiritual culture is expressed and can be attributed to the main options.

  1. Myth- historically the very first form of culture. Man used myths to connect people, nature and society.
  2. Religion as a form of spiritual culture implies the separation of people from nature and purification from passions and elemental forces.
  3. Moral– self-assessment and self-regulation of a person in the sphere of freedom. These include shame, honor and conscience.
  4. Art- expresses the creative reproduction of reality in artistic images. It creates a kind of "second reality" through which a person expresses life experiences.
  5. Philosophy- a special type of worldview. Finding out what the sphere of spiritual culture includes, one should not lose sight of the philosophy that expresses the relationship of man with the world and his values.
  6. The science- is used to reproduce the world using existing patterns. Closely associated with philosophy.

The relationship of material and spiritual culture

As for material culture, it is an object-thing world, which was created by man using his own labor, mind and technology. It may seem to many that material and spiritual culture are two concepts between which there is an abyss, but this is not so.

  1. Any material object was created after a person invented and thought it over, and an idea is a product of spiritual work.
  2. On the other hand, in order for a product of spiritual creativity to become significant and have the ability to influence the activities and lives of people, it must materialize, for example, become an action or be described in a book.
  3. Material and spiritual culture are two interrelated and complementary concepts that are indivisible.

Ways to develop spiritual culture

To understand how a person can develop spiritually, it is worth paying attention to the spheres of influence of this system. Spiritual culture and spiritual life is based on social and personal development in the moral, economic, political, religious and other areas. Obtaining new knowledge in the field of science, art and education gives a person a chance to develop, reaching new cultural heights.

  1. The desire to improve by constantly working on yourself. Elimination of shortcomings and development of positive aspects.
  2. It is necessary to expand your horizons and develop.
  3. Obtaining information, such as from watching a movie or reading a book, for reflection, analysis, and conclusions.

Scientists often characterize the spiritual world of a person as an inseparable unity of mind, feelings, and will. The world of personality is individual and unique

The spiritual world of each can be correctly understood only taking into account the characteristics of the community to which the individual belongs, only in close connection with the spiritual life of society.

The spiritual life of a person, society is constantly changing and developing

§ 15 Activities in the field of spiritual

What is the value of the book: in its content or in the quality of paper, cover, font, etc.? eats from eating


The concept of "culture", spiritual culture, activities, human needs

Let us recall the difference between spiritual activity and material activity: the first is associated with a change in the consciousness of people, the second with the transformation of objects of nature and society. The cognitive activity discussed above is an important manifestation of spiritual activity, its result is knowledge.

However, spiritual activity is not limited to cognitive activity. Considering spiritual activity as a whole, we can conditionally distinguish two types of it: spiritual-theoretical and spiritual-practical.

The first type is the production (creation) of spiritual values ​​(spiritual goods). The product of spiritual production is thoughts, ideas, theories, norms, ideals, images that can take the form of scientific, philosophical, religious and artistic works (for example, thoughts about evolution organic world outlined in the book. Ch. Darwin "The Origin of Species by natural selection", ideas and images of such a work. Lesya Ukrainian as". Forest song", images reflected in paintings and frescoes. Vrubel, or music. Lysenko, legislative acts.

The second type is the preservation, reproduction, distribution, distribution, as well as the development (consumption) of the created spiritual values, i.e. activities that result in changes in people's consciousness

creation of spiritual values

In order to understand the features of spiritual production, let's compare it with the material one. In short, material production is the creation of things, and spiritual production is the creation of ideas. Created speeches are a product of labor. What about ideas? mouth.

Is it possible to consider that material and spiritual production differ in that the former is based on physical labor, and the latter on mental labor? dyne in material production, first passes through his consciousness. There is no labor without awareness of its ends and means. As they say, everything needs to be done with the head. And spiritual production, along with mental labor, requires time and considerable physical effort. Let us recall the work of a sculptor or a conductor, a ballerina or an experimental scientist.

We also note that spiritual production, as can be seen from what has been said, is connected with material production. Firstly, paper, paints, instruments, musical instruments and much more are a necessary condition for spiritual production. Secondly, some products of spiritual production are an element of material production: these are technical ideas and scientific theories that become a productive force.

Spiritual production is carried out, as a rule, by special groups of people whose spiritual activity is professional. These are people who have the appropriate education, who own the skill. Of course, the knowledge to mastered. Falling techniques of this type of activity is not enough. After all, the product of spiritual production is distinguished by novelty, uniqueness, and therefore, it is the result of creative activity.

But spiritual production, along with professional activity, also includes activities that are constantly carried out by the people; its result can be a folk epic, ethnoscience, rituals that have an independent value ( folk tales and legends, recipes for herbal treatment, folk wedding ceremonies, etc.). Many people, not being professionals, enthusiastically join the creative spiritual activity through participation in amateur art activities. Some of them in their work rise to the level of professionals. Often, images or knowledge created, for example, by the work of folk musicians or healers, become again the works of professional masters and scientific works of specialists.

An important feature of spiritual production is that its products are created not only to satisfy the existing need in society for certain spiritual goods, but also for the self-realization of a thinker, artist, etc. They satisfy the author’s inner need to identify, express himself , convey your mood, realize your abilities. For a scientist, musician, artist, poet, the value of a work lies not only in the value of its results, but also in the very process of creating a work. Here is what the English naturalist wrote. C. Darwin (1809-1882): "My main pleasure and only occupation during my life was scientific work and the excitement it causes, which allows me to forget or completely eliminates my constant bad state of health.

This feature of spiritual production is also connected with the fact that between the moment of creation of a spiritual product and the time of revealing its significance for other people, there is often a period of time. Some technical inventions di and works of art were understood and appreciated only after the death of their creators, and sometimes - through the centuries.

So, spiritual production is the activity of people to create spiritual values. Many of them - scientific discoveries, inventions - contribute to the development of the production of material goods. Others, such as social norms. RMI, help streamline the life of society. All spiritual values ​​are able to satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, to influence his consciousness. This influence, the result of which is the growth of the spiritual culture of people, is ensured by activities for the preservation, reproduction, dissemination of spiritual values ​​in society, i.e. spiritual and practical activity.

The product of spiritual production can also be delusions, utopias, erroneous judgments, which often become widespread. However, humanity retains those ideas and images that embody wisdom, knowledge, to its id.

Lecture 4

Topic 2. Sphere of spiritual culture

The sphere of spiritual culture and its features

spiritual culture- a set of spiritual values ​​and creative activities for their production, development and application: science, education, religion, morality, philosophy, law, art.

The word cultura comes from the Latin verb colo, which means "to cultivate", "to cultivate the soil". Initially, the word culture denoted the process of humanization of nature as a habitat. However, gradually, like many other words of the language, it changed its meaning. modern language the concept of culture is used mainly in two meanings - "broad" and "narrow". In a narrow sense When speaking about culture, they usually mean those areas of creative activity that are associated with art. In wide In the same sense, it is customary to call the culture of a society a set of forms and results of human activity that are entrenched in social practice and transmitted from generation to generation with the help of certain sign systems (linguistic and non-linguistic), as well as through learning and imitation.

Traditionally culture is divided into material and spiritual. Under material culture is understood as technology, production experience, as well as those material values ​​that in their totality constitute an artificial human environment. spiritual culture usually includes science, art, religion, morality, politics and law. Spiritual culture is a system of knowledge and worldview ideas inherent in a specific cultural and historical unity or humanity as a whole.

There are the following subspecies of spiritual culture:

  1. Works of monumental art that have a material form that the artist gave to natural or artificial materials (sculpture, architectural objects);
  2. Theatrical art (theatrical images);
  3. A work of fine art (painting, graphics);
  4. Musical art (musical images);
  5. Various forms of social consciousness (ideological theories, philosophical, aesthetic, moral and other knowledge, scientific concepts and hypotheses, etc.);
  6. Socio-psychological phenomena (public opinion, ideals, values, social habits and customs, etc.).

The division of culture into material and spiritual is very conditional, since the line between them is sometimes very difficult, because they simply do not exist in a “pure” form: spiritual culture can also be embodied in material media (books, paintings, tools, etc.). Understanding the whole relativity of the difference between material and spiritual culture, most researchers nevertheless believe that it still exists.

Spiritual culture has some important features that distinguish it from other areas of culture:

  • spiritual culture is selfless. Its essence is not benefit, not benefit, but "joy of the spirit" - beauty, knowledge, wisdom. Spiritual culture is needed by people by itself, and not for the sake of solving some utilitarian tasks external to it.
  • in spiritual culture, in comparison with other areas of culture, a person receives the greatest freedom of creativity. The boundless space for creativity represents art;
  • creative activity in spiritual culture is a special spiritual world created by the power of human thought. This world is incomparably richer real world.
  • spiritual culture sensitively reacts to external influence in the field of culture: it is able to feel changes in people's lives and respond to them with changes in itself, it is in constant voltage and movement, is the most vulnerable area of ​​culture: people in difficult life circumstances are weighed down by it. That is why spiritual culture suffers the most during social cataclysms: revolutions and reforms in society lead to the decline of the spiritual culture of the people. Spiritual culture needs the care of society, its preservation and development requires efforts from society. If people stop being interested in her, she loses internal tension and movement.

Types of spiritual activity: SPIRITUAL- THEORETICAL- Production (creation) of spiritual values ​​(spiritual goods) activity, the result of which is a change in people's consciousness.


Spiritual production is carried out, as a rule, by special groups of people whose spiritual activity is professional. These are people who have the appropriate education, who own the skill. Of course, knowledge, mastery of the techniques of this type of activity is not enough. After all, the product of spiritual production is distinguished by novelty, uniqueness, and therefore, it is the result of creative activity.

An important feature of spiritual production is that its products are created not only to satisfy the existing need in society for certain spiritual benefits, but also for the self-realization of a thinker, artist, etc. They satisfy the author’s inner need to express himself, convey his mood to realize their abilities. For a scientist, musician, artist, poet, the value of labor lies not only in the value of its results, but also in the very process of creating a work. Here is what the English naturalist C. Darwin () wrote: “My main pleasure and only occupation throughout my life was scientific work, and the excitement caused by it allows me to temporarily forget or completely eliminates my constant poor health.” Charles Darwin

Spiritual production is the activity of people to create spiritual values. Scientific discoveries, inventions - contribute to the development of the production of material goods. Scientific discoveries, inventions - contribute to the development of the production of material goods. social norms help streamline the life of society Social norms help streamline the life of society The product of spiritual production can be delusions, utopias, false judgments, which are often widespread. However, humanity keeps those ideas and images that embody wisdom, knowledge, and experience. The product of spiritual production can also be delusions, utopias, false judgments, which are often widespread. However, humanity keeps those ideas and images that embody wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

Development of spiritual values ​​Consciousness, preservation and dissemination of spiritual values ​​are aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of people. Consciousness, preservation and dissemination of spiritual values ​​are aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of people. Spiritual consumption is the process of satisfying spiritual needs. The most important spiritual need of a person is in knowledge. Philosophers of different epochs spoke about it. The ancient Greek scientist Aristotle "All people by nature strive for knowledge." And the French thinker of the 16th century M. Montaigne argued: "There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge."

Another important spiritual need is aesthetic. A. P. Chekhov’s statement on this subject is widely known: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts ...” The desire to master the world according to the laws of beauty, to see harmony in nature, in people, to feel deeply music, painting, poetry, to improve human relations - all these are the facets of a single aesthetic need

Another spiritual human need is communication. Another spiritual human need is communication. Love for a person, friendship, fellowship are truly human needs. Moral and psychological support, attention to each other, sympathy, empathy, exchange of ideas, joint creativity - these are some of the manifestations of the need for communication. Love for a person, friendship, fellowship are truly human needs. Moral and psychological support, attention to each other, sympathy, empathy, exchange of ideas, joint creativity - these are some of the manifestations of the need for communication.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that spiritual consumption is a special type of activity and, therefore, it has its own focus, requires certain efforts, the use of appropriate means. In many cases, spiritual consumption is greatly influenced by fashion. Some books, theatrical performances, poems and songs can become fashionable. The most common means of initiation to spiritual values

Summarize. The spiritual activity of people is diverse, each has a wide choice of its forms and types. Such activity can become his profession: he will be a scientist or a writer, an actor or an artist, a teacher or a librarian, a tour guide or a journalist. He can join amateur spiritual creativity by participating in a folk theater, a literary association, the creation of a folk museum, and amateur art competitions. And most importantly, everyone communicates with books, music, theater and cinema. And on what values ​​a person prefers, what he himself largely depends on.