Copyright © State Art Museum of the Altai Territory. Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, colonel of the guard, native of the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region

Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, colonel of the guard, native of the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region


S. K. Nesterov was born on December 18, 1906 in the village of Talitsky Chamlyk, now Dobrinsky District, Lipetsk Region, into a peasant family. He graduated from the 4th grade of the parochial school. In 1927, he left for the capital of Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, to build a dam, and worked as a concrete worker.

In 1928 he was drafted into the Red Army, with which he connected his life forever. Served in cavalry units. After graduating from the courses of junior commanders, he became a squadron commander, and then a foreman of a squadron.

In the early 1930s, S.K. Nesterov joined the tank and mechanized troops. In 1935 he graduated from the Leningrad armored courses, became a tank commander, and after a while was appointed commander of a tank platoon.

During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, S.K. Nesterov was the chief of staff of a tank battalion. In 1941 he graduated in absentia from the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Troops.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

Since October 1941 Nesterov on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. At first he was chief of staff of a tank battalion, and then a regiment. In June 1942, Nesterov was appointed commander of the 130th Tank Brigade of the 24th Tank Corps. Nesterov's tankers took part in the battles near Stary Oskol, in holding a bridgehead on the western bank of the Don near Korotoyak.

Defense of Stalingrad 1942-1943

November 19, 1942 began the historic battle to defeat the Germans on the Volga. The skill and experience of brigade commander Nesterov were especially evident in one of the most daring operations of the Great Patriotic War from the point of view of military leadership. It was deployed after the encirclement of German troops near Stalingrad. In order to push the outer front of this encirclement further away, the Supreme High Command decided to deliver two descending blows on the western bank of the Don.

Six days of offensive behind enemy lines became a new combat page in the history of the armored forces of the Red Army. This was written not only by our, but also by the foreign press. Tankers of the 24th Tank Corps under the command of General V. M. Badanov cut off a number of important communications of the enemy, inflicted serious damage to his reserves. The actions of the brigades were so swift and unexpected that the Germans mistook them for partisan raids. I was only surprised how the partisans got such a huge number of tanks? The raid of our tankers was truly heroic - the Nazis had to remove tank formations from the sector closest to Stalingrad and throw them in to eliminate the deep breakthrough of our tankers.

At the Tatsinskaya station, which the 130th brigade under the command of Nesterov took in a night battle, the enemy airfield was also captured, hundreds of aircraft, tanks, guns, thousands of soldiers and officers were destroyed. The Germans prepared the planes for takeoff, the engines were started. But I had to surrender - the runway was occupied by Soviet tanks. For military merit during the Srednedonsk operation on December 26, 1942, the 24th tank corps, which included Nesterov's brigade, was transformed into the 2nd guards tank corps and was awarded the honorary title "Tatsinsky". The 130th Tank Brigade became the 26th Guards.

Stepan Kuzmich Ostapenko(1909-1943) - head of intelligence of the 131st Guards Artillery Regiment, Guards Senior Lieutenant. Hero Soviet Union.


He was born on March 28, 1909 in the village of Dmitrievka (now the Balakovo district of the Saratov region). Russian. He graduated from the Tersinsky Agricultural College in 1931 and the Higher Agricultural School in 1936. In the period from 1931 to 1934 he worked as a livestock technician at the Pogranichny state farm, on the eve of the Great Patriotic War he was the editor of a regional newspaper. He was drafted into the Red Army in 1940. Re-enlisted in 1941. Participated in Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940s. From July 1942 to October 1943 he fought on the Voronezh, Steppe and 2nd Ukrainian fronts. He took part in the battles near Voronezh, in the Battle of Kursk and the liberation of Ukraine. The command was presented for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He did not manage to receive the high awards of the Motherland, he died in battle. For a long time, the fate of the Hero remained unknown. He was buried in a mass grave in the village of Lozovatka, Krivoy Rog district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1944, for the courage and courage shown in crossing the Dnieper, capturing and holding a bridgehead on the western bank of the river, Guards Senior Lieutenant Ostapenko Stepan Kuzmich was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the medal "For Courage".


  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: Brief biographical dictionary/ Previous ed. Collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Military Publishing, 1988. - T. 2 / Lyubov - Yashchuk /. - 863 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-203-00536-2.
  • Rumyantsev N. M. People of the legendary feat. - Saratov, 1968.


Dvoinos Stepan Kuzmich

Born in 1923. In 1956 he graduated from the Riga Academy of Arts. He studied at the portrait department with Professor Ya.Kh. Tilberg. Since 1956 - a teacher at the Irkutsk Art College. Since 1971 he has been working at the Novoaltaisk Art School. Teaches drawing, painting, composition. Participant of zonal, regional, regional and personal exhibitions.

The artist Dvoinos Stepan Kuzmich continues the best traditions of the Russian realistic school of painting, the first sign of which is a democratic orientation.

Throughout his career, Dvoinos is characterized by a great interest in ordinary people - workers, rural workers. The heroes of his canvases are milkmaids, machine operators, builders, students.

Democracy is also manifested in the artist's attitude towards the portrayed, their attentive depiction. In the portraits made by S.K. Double-nosed, one feels the desire to reveal the inner world of a person, to reveal the nature of the model.

The artist solves complex painting problems. Here is one of many: a man in the open air. Plein air painting is generally characteristic of S.K. Double nose. In restrained tones - the sonority of color, correctly selected colors. In working on a portrait, landscape, painting, the artist comes from the studio, from nature. Boldly introduces group images into the study.

All this is also characteristic of the Russian realistic school of painting.

On the high level S. Dvoinos has a mastery of painting technique. And a large amount of sketches and sketches, carefully preserved since his student years, speaks not only of an incredible ability and constant desire to observe, but also of diligence.

The solution of purely pictorial problems gives the artist great pleasure. S.K. The Double is a good draftsman.

Works from to different materials: oil, pencil, watercolor, charcoal, pastel, sanguine, sauce.

Dvoinos S.K. In 1949 he graduated from the Alma-Ata Art School, then studied at the Kaunas Institute of Monumental and Decorative Art, where the famous stained-glass artist A. Shtoskus and professor of painting Shileiko were teachers.

In 1951, the Kaunas Institute was merged with the Vilnius Institute, and S. Dvoinos, continuing to study in the third year of the stained glass department, studied painting with the artist P.I. Merzlyakov, student of P.D. Korina.

Soon Dvoinos S.K. was admitted to the third year State Academy Arts of the Latvian SSR, where his teacher in the class of portraiture was Professor Ya.Kh. Tilberg, a famous portrait painter who studied with I.E. Repin. From classes, Tilberg developed a passion for portraiture. S.K. The Double appreciates his lessons in great skill.

After graduating from the academy, the painter Stepan Kuzmich Dvoinos arrived in Irkutsk in 1956 and worked as a teacher at an art school. Actively participates in art exhibitions. In 1959 S.K. Dvoinos becomes a resident of the young city of Shelekhov, where at that time the construction of an aluminum plant began. This fact of the biography played a positive role in the creative fate of the artist. He works from here a lot and enthusiastically, picked up by a single impulse of enthusiasm of young builders. It often happens at facilities under construction, in workshops, eagerly absorbs what is happening. Works appeared: “Dali of Irkutsk”, “Shelekhov is being built”, “Construction of an aluminum plant”, “First aluminum”. Creates characteristic portraits: “Electrolysis worker Azat”, “Worker”, “Buryatochka”, etc.

The artist strives to constantly be in the midst of people and events. Organizes an art studio in the club of builders, holds talks about art, arranges exhibitions in schools and clubs.

In 1968, Dvoinos S.K. comes to Barnaul. The artist's interest in the people of the village in the first place, as he himself notes, served this decision. In addition, he was drawn to his homeland (Stepan Kuzmich Dvoinos was born in 1923 in the village of Romanovo, Romanovsky district Altai Territory). Here the painter works mainly on portraits: “Pig Farmer”, “Pig Farm L. Fadeev”, “Portrait of G. Lemeshko, an Advanced Machine Operator”, “Club Accordion Player”, “Village Girl”, “Grandfather Yakov”.

Dvoinos S.K. - Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Participant of regional, regional and zonal exhibitions.

In 1973, the exhibition of S.K. Double nose. His works are on display at the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum, the Altai Museum of Fine and Applied Arts.

In Altai, S.K. Dvoinos devoted himself to teaching. Since the founding of the Novoaltaisk Art School in 1971 until recently, he worked as a teacher of painting, drawing and composition, and was one of the leading teachers of the school. Dvoinos gives his great experience as an artist-painter to his students. Among his students are artists who graduated from higher art educational establishments and working in different parts of our country.

For many years the artist has been occupied with the Pushkin theme. It's been a hobby since childhood. He collected a library of books about Pushkin (300 volumes).

He is currently working on the painting “I love the sounds of the balalaika…”

The composition is built in a typical Pskov landscape against the backdrop of the walls and the cathedral of the Svyatogorsky Monastery. The artist strives in this work to feel the unique flavor of Pushkin's time, to create the image of a poet and images contemporary to Pushkin. He is looking for the details of the time, the types of peasants, thereby trying to penetrate the essence of the people's soul.

At the same time, he met the director of the Pushkin Reserve, Semyon Stepanovich Geichenko.

The sketches and sketches made at that time served as material for the painting “I love the sounds of the balalaika…”

This exhibition shows in a retrospective of the artist's creative path of 40 years.


1956 - Exhibition of works by artists of Siberia and Far East. Irkutsk.

1957 - The second regional exhibition of works by young and amateur artists of the Irkutsk region, dedicated to the World Youth Festival. Irkutsk.

1959 - Regional art exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Soviet power in Siberia. Irkutsk.

1961 - Exhibition "Irkutsk in the work of artists" (to the 300th anniversary of Irkutsk). Irkutsk.

Regional art exhibition dedicated to the XXII Congress of the CPSU. Irkutsk.

1963 - Exhibition of works by artists of the Irkutsk region for the opening of the House of Artists. Irkutsk.

1964 - Personal exhibition. Irkutsk. Exhibition of works by artists of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk.

1966 - Exhibition of works by artists of Siberia and the Far East. Tyumen.

1967 - The second zonal exhibition "Siberia sociolist". Omsk.

1968 - The sixteenth regional art exhibition. Barnaul.

1969 - Irkutsk artists for 50 years of Soviet power. Irkutsk.

1970 - Exhibition of works by artists of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk. Seventeenth regional art exhibition. Barnaul.

1971 - Autumn exhibition of Altai artists. Barnaul. Retrospective exhibition of works by artists of Altai "Altai Land". Barnaul.

1972 - Exhibition of works by artists of Novoaltaisk. Novoaltaisk.

1973 - Personal exhibition. Barnaul.

1975 - The fourth zonal art exhibition "Socialist Siberia". Tomsk.

1978 - XXIII regional art exhibition. Barnaul. Fifth zonal art exhibition "Socialist Siberia". Barnaul.

1979 - Exhibition of works by teachers of art schools of the RSFSR. Moscow.

1981 - XXIV regional art exhibition. Barnaul.

1982 - Exhibition of drawings, watercolors and studies. Barnaul.

1983 - Exhibition of works by artists-teachers of the Novoaltai Art School. Barnaul. Republican exhibition "Fields of Altai". Moscow, Barnaul.

1988 - Regional art exhibition "Transformed Altai". Barnaul.

1990 - XXX regional exhibition "50 years of the Altai organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR". Barnaul.

In the year the family moved to the Samara province, to the village of Dmitrievka near Balakovo (now it is the territory of the Saratov region).

He is an officer, a reconnaissance artilleryman. His task is to correct the fire of our artillery on the positions of the Nazis from the front line of defense. It required good knowledge, composure and courage.

Stepan Kuzmich Ostapenko fought in the ranks of the 127th rifle division. It was formed on the Saratov land, in the city of Atkarsk and in other settlements. The official day of formation is May 1 of the year.

On the night of May 30-31, parts of the division were alerted and transferred to the Don, where stubborn defensive battles were going on.

At the end of September, the division reached the Dnieper, the width of which reached 700 - 800 meters. It was necessary to force the Dnieper immediately.

The path of the expedition of students of the MOU "Secondary School No. 46" to the battlefields Ostapenko S.K.

The feat of the hero Ostapenko

Senior Lieutenant Ostapenko accomplished an immortal feat while crossing the Dnieper. On the night of September 30, he crossed over to the enemy coast with an advanced unit. On a narrow strip of bridgehead under enemy fire, he transmitted by radio the coordinates of enemy firing points. The Nazis, suffering heavy losses, went on attack after attack in order to throw the daredevils into the Dnieper. On October 4, the tanks and infantry of the Germans came close to the observation post of the scouts, and then Ostapenko called fire on himself. The bridgehead was held. For this feat, on February 22, the head of intelligence of the 131st Guards Artillery Regiment Ostapenko Stepan Kuzmich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Before us are photographs of the places where the battles took place. These are the heights that the advanced units of the 62nd Guards Division were supposed to master.

Bloody battles took place on this rugged terrain, in which S.K. Ostapenko participated, correcting the fire of artillery located on the other, on the left bank of the Dnieper.

In the background, near the Dnieper, we see the ruins of a house where there was a medical battalion for the wounded soldiers of the Red Army.

Hero memory. Places of military glory.

Stepan Kuzmich did not live to see Victory Day. In October of the year, near Krivoy Rog, the 62nd division found itself surrounded, from which not everyone managed to escape. Ostapenko did not return either, and his fate is unknown - he “disappeared without a trace,” as stated in the Book of Memory, published in Saratov.

But the name of the hero of the Soviet Union S.K. Ostapenko was not erased from the memory of our countrymen. In 1977, his name was given to the pioneer squad of secondary school No. 46 in the city of Saratov.

In our school No. 46, under the guidance of its first director, Maria Pavlovna Chernenko, work was carried out to study the life of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Stepan Kuzmich Ostapenko. The students, under the guidance of labor teacher Igor Petrovich Guzev, traveled to the battlefields of the 62nd Guards Division and met with war veterans. Ostapenko's brother-soldiers, with local residents who were eyewitnesses of the fighting, collected a collection of remnants of weapons and ammunition from the warring parties.

In the photo: Igor Petrovich Guzev and a student of our school Damir Gainutdinov, together with a war veteran, are clarifying the route of the campaign.

The students of our school are listening to the story of a local resident about the battles for crossing the Dnieper at the battlefield.

And these are our students on a trip to the places of the last battle of S.K. Ostapenko.

Ukraine. Burial place of soldiers of the 62nd Guards Division.


  • Ostapenko14.jpg

    Galina Sukhova, a journalist and author of an essay about Ostapenko, was of great help to the school in search work. The sister of the hero Lyubov Kuzminichna, a veteran of pedagogical work, also responded. In her letter to the students of the 46th school, she wrote about her dead brother: “Very inquisitive, accurate, honest, truthful, he will always help anyone out of trouble<…>and you can endlessly write beautiful things about him<…>».

    A large article was published in the regional newspaper about search work and the Museum of Military Glory at school No. 46.

    For the students of our school, the composer Stanislav Gorshkov, based on the verses of the veteran Saratov journalist Ivan Moskvichev, wrote “The Song of the Hero of the Soviet Union Kuzmich Ostapenko”.

    Hero song

    Hero of the Soviet Union Dedicated to Stepan Kuzmich Ostapenko

    No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten -

    These words are in your heart and mine.

    The hero's fate is open before us,

    Let's sing this song in memory of him.

    He loved the endless steppes and the Volga

    With the horns of ships, a string of rafts.

    From boyhood I walked a straight road

    He was always ready for work and trips.

    And I thought that in life he was responsible for everything,

    That he needs people, his native side.

    Leaving my home and my job at the paper

    He became a fearless scout in the war.

    Desperate onslaught of the enemy reflecting,

    Ostapenko called fire on himself,

    So that our fighters keep the height,

    Immortal hero. He will come with us

    And tomorrow, and in the year 2000.

    Let in our deeds, and in deeds, and in a song

    His restless youth lives on.

    (1944-10-20 ) (37 years)

    Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov(1906-1944) - Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, guard colonel, native of the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region.


    Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov was born on December 5 (18) in the village of Talitsky Chamlyk (now Dobrinsky District, Lipetsk Region) into a peasant family. He graduated from the 4th grade of the parochial school. In 1927, he left for the capital of Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, to build a dam, and worked as a concrete worker.

    Six days of offensive behind enemy lines became a new combat page in the history of the armored forces of the Red Army. This was written not only by our, but also by the foreign press. Tankers of the 24th Tank Corps under the command of General V. M. Badanov cut off a number of important communications of the enemy, inflicted serious damage to his reserves. The actions of the brigades were so swift and unexpected that the Germans mistook them for partisan raids. The raid of the Soviet tankers was truly heroic - the Nazis had to remove tank formations from the sector closest to Stalingrad and throw them in to eliminate the deep breakthrough of our tankers.

    At the Tatsinskaya station, which the 130th brigade under the command of Nesterov took in a night battle, the enemy airfield was also captured, hundreds of aircraft, tanks, guns, thousands of soldiers and officers were destroyed. The Germans prepared the planes for takeoff, the engines were started. But I had to surrender - the runway was occupied by Soviet tanks. For military merit during the Srednedonsk operation on December 26, 1942, the 24th tank corps, which included Nesterov's brigade, was transformed into the 2nd guards tank corps and was awarded the honorary title "Tatsinsky". The 130th Tank Brigade became the 26th Guards.

    The Kursk salient and the liberation of Smolensk and Yelnya. 1943

    After victory Soviet troops on the Volga, the 26th Guards Tank Brigade takes part in the Battle of Oryol-Kursk - in the famous battle of Prokhorovka, Lieutenant Colonel Nesterov personally led the tankers into the attack, being in the thick of the battle. The brigade smashes the Germans in the Belgorod direction. In August 1943, as part of the corps, she was transferred to the Western Front. Here tankers under the command of brigade commander Nesterov liberate Smolensk, Yelnya. For the excellent execution of the order of the command to defeat the enemy in Yelnya, the brigade receives the honorary name "Elninskaya".

    Liberation of Belarus and Lithuania. 1944

    In April 1944, the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Corps became part of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Parts of Nesterov's brigade on the morning of July 3, 1944 were among the first to break into Minsk. For the liberation of Minsk and successful battles in Belarus, the 26th Guards Tank Brigade was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In the future, the Nesterovites contributed to the encirclement of a large enemy grouping and participated in its liquidation.

    After the liberation of Belarus, the soldiers of the 26th Guards Brigade smash the enemy in Lithuania. Nesterov's tankers especially distinguished themselves during the liberation of Vilnius and the crossing of the Neman, for which the brigade was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree.

    Fighting in East Prussia. 1944

    When the tankers came close to the border with East Prussia, Guards Colonel Nesterov parted with his brigade, with which he walked along the front roads from the Don to Lithuania. He, as one of the experienced and talented commanders, was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Tank Corps.

    The deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Red Banner Tatsinsky Tank Corps (3rd Belorussian Front), Guard Colonel Stepan Nesterov, in October 1944, led the crossing of the Pissa River by formations and units in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Kassuben, located 14 kilometers south of the city of Shtallupönen, now the city of Nesterov, Kaliningrad region, and ensured their further successful actions.

    On the morning of October 16, the Gumbinnen Offensive began. To pursue the retreating enemy along the current Kaliningrad-Nesterov highway, units of the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Red Banner Tank Corps were brought into battle. Tankers attacked scattered enemy units, moving deeper and deeper into East Prussia. They acted resolutely on the left flank, where the offensive of the 26th Tank and 4th Motorized Rifle Brigades was coordinated by Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov.

    One of the heavy obstacles in the path of the Soviet troops was the river Pissa. When our tanks came close to the river, the enemy met them with strong artillery fire. Guards Colonel Nesterov, having chosen the most vulnerable place in the enemy defense, ordered tank landings to force Pissa. The enemy least of all expected a strike from the swampy section of the river. At the town of Kassuben, the river was forced to cross.

    Developing the offensive, tankers, supported by a motorized rifle brigade, went to the city of Shtallupönen. In the midst of the battle on October 20, 1944, Guards Colonel Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov died west of the town of Kassuben (now the village of Ilyinskoye, Nesterovsky District, Kaliningrad Region). However, the operation, begun under the able leadership of S.K. Nesterov, was completed with honor. The city of Shtallupönen was taken by his subordinates, and the German division