What can be done from plywood is easy and simple. Making furniture from plywood with your own hands Plywood house craft

IN modern interior natural materials that fit perfectly into the trendy eco-style are becoming more widespread. Until recently, wood was the undisputed leader among them, but today plywood, which has become a favorite material for designers, is actively pushing it. It is easier to work with it, giving any desired shape, and some simplicity can be compensated by originality. You can learn how to choose a material from the article, and in this collection there are several interesting ideas for those who like to make something useful.

Versatile Storage

As a basis - a sheet of plywood, in the example it is rectangular, but the shape can be anything. If you do for a nursery, you should pick up something themed. You can change not only the shape of the base, but also the number and location of shelves and hooks.

Through holes are drilled in the base, into which wooden pins are inserted, shelves are laid on them, and they are also used as hooks. The following elements were used in the original version:

  • Plywood sheet 110x65 cm, 2 cm thick.
  • Round wooden pins, 16 cm long.
  • Board 1.5 m long, 14 cm wide.

Mounting holes in the sheet are arranged symmetrically, the indent from any edge is 10 cm, between the holes is 15 cm, it turns out 7 rows of 4 fasteners. The diameter of the holes depends on the thickness of the selected shaft minus a millimeter, so that the pin enters more tightly and does not start to “walk” with fluctuations in humidity. The holes are drilled according to the pencil marking, the edges are processed with sandpaper, the edges of the pins after cutting are also cleaned with sandpaper. Fasteners are inserted into the holes by 2 cm so as not to protrude beyond the base. The board is cut into three parts - 2 x 55 cm long and the remaining segment 40 cm, the edges are polished.

Depending on the intended content, the shelves can be fixed to the base and fasteners with wood glue, but then they will be static. And you can simply install and change the location of the shelves and hooks as desired.

Paper stand/holder

From plywood waste, you can assemble an original holder for various receipts, papers and a couple of pencils or pens so that they are always at hand. The decorativeness of this organizer is provided by the curved shape of the elements, and for its manufacture you will need a simple set of tools and a certain sequence of actions.


Since the organizer does not require special strength, thin trimmings (4 mm) of any kind of plywood, rectangular in shape, will do. The dimensions of the blanks are arbitrary, let's say a small variation in size, the author of the craft has rectangles with a side within 20 cm. The number of blanks is also not critical, in the presented version there are 16 of them. To remove roughness and develop a pattern, the workpieces are cleaned on both sides with a grinder (P 120).


In order to quickly and easily bend plywood, it must be steamed out, and the best option is “ water bath". If there is no special device, a pot of boiling water is suitable, in which a colander is placed, workpieces are placed on the edge and covered with a lid. On average, plywood begins to bend well after 4 minutes of steaming, if it does not give in, the time is increased. Since the sheets will be hot, do not take them with your hands. The blanks are removed from the double boiler one by one so that they do not have time to cool before processing.

They bend the blanks with their hands, taking dry rags from both ends, gently squeezing until an arc is obtained. The radius, like the size, may not match exactly, more or less the same blanks, curved more than the others, are needed on the edges, for the middle part, a very slight bend is enough. When the arc is formed, the workpiece must be held in one position for several minutes so that it cools down a little and fixes in a new shape, after formation, all elements must cool completely.


When assembling, the most bent pieces are left for the edges, more even blanks are placed in the middle until a stack is formed.

To drill holes for fasteners, the stack is clamped in clamps and two holes are drilled along the edges.

Two metal threaded studs, lock nuts and washers are used as fasteners. Nuts are screwed onto the studs, washers are put on, the first sheet is strung, two washers and the next sheet are strung on top, the last sheet is fixed with a washer and a nut. To evenly clamp the stack, the washers are twisted from both sides at once (wrenches or adjustable wrenches).

If necessary, the remaining rods are cut off. In a fixed stack, drill lower holes for writing accessories.

To increase the decorativeness of the organizer, before assembling, the blanks can be coated with a colorless or tinted varnish.

All sorts of crafts made of plywood and wood, made by craftsmen, are highly valued all over the world, causing universal admiration. Undoubtedly, carving is creativity and art, but you will certainly be able to master it by making an effort and constantly honing your skills. This is an optimal wood and plywood hobby that does not require you to have too much free time and equipment that is not very expensive. Of course, we mean plywood carving with jigsaws!

openwork carving

It is rapidly gaining its popularity: who doesn’t want to make an excellent decoration item for themselves, decorating their home, furniture, creating an artistic entourage! Cut products of different thicknesses are optimally integrated into many existing decor styles, and we get, for example, ornamented photocard frames, words, individual letters, curly shelves carved with a jigsaw on plywood. In addition, such creativity is an action that is available to everyone who is interested in the process, even a beginner. You just need to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"how it works." And you can start creating!

It is quite easy to work with a manual jigsaw

Video to get started:

This material is chosen from wood for the following reasons:

  • moisture resistant;
  • temperature fluctuations do not have a negative impact;
  • fairly low cost;
  • ease of learning to cut with a jigsaw;
  • low weight products.

It is also necessary for crafts to choose plywood of the 1st and 2nd grades. The rest are not suitable for creativity: there are cracks with knots and chips on the surfaces (unless they can be used for internal substrates). Birch plywood (3-10 mm thick) is most suitable for cutting.

At the present time, this material is divided into a fairly large number of subspecies - each for specific purposes.

  • Experts and craftsmen advise using a sheet produced using a urea-formaldehyde composition. Such material is marked "FC". This kind of plywood can be bought “clean” or coated, for example, with varnish. It is most convenient to transfer a drawing for sawing with a jigsaw onto raw plywood sheets.
  • Plywood labeled "FOF" is intended for the production of furniture, and is more often produced in excess of 12 millimeters in thickness.
  • The FB brand was originally developed as a boat material, and therefore its cost is high (but if it is possible to use it, then it is suitable for sawing with a jigsaw).
  • But "FSF" masters do not recommend purchasing. Having an attractive appearance purely outwardly, it has toxicity, since it is made with the participation of a composition of phenolic resins.

Produced grades of working material

Types of plywood carving

It is subdivided into:

  • openwork,
  • Patterned, on a painted plywood sheet,
  • sawing,
  • combined method.

What additional materials and tools will be needed

  • Stencils and drawings with drawings for work. You can invent them yourself or copy them on the web.
  • Carbon paper to translate patterns and lines according to the drawing;
  • Glass paper and sandpaper, a set of files - for grinding parts;
  • Carpentry (as an option, casein) composition for gluing parts;
  • Transparent varnish - for coating;
  • To make holes inside the material for threading the blade - a drill and also an awl.
  • Before starting work on sawing with a jigsaw, carefully sand the material with glass paper, and only then translate the patterns according to the drawing.
  • Transfer the elongated forms of drawings with narrow elements onto plywood so that they are located along the fibers of the “face” of the material.

Artistic sawing with a jigsaw: drawing, stencil and work

Get to know the devices

A jigsaw is a toolkit that is designed to work on different contours. The device includes a blade equipped with teeth, small enough to cut the working material, practically without forming burrs and chips.


The "founder" of the genus, of course, is a manual jigsaw. Everything ingenious is simple: a metal U-shaped arc, and a working blade is stretched between the ends, which is fixed with clamps. They hold the files during operation, with the help of them its tension is also regulated. The handle for convenient operation is located on one side of the frame. The clamps of the tool can be rotated, thus creating a different plane for the implementation of work, providing opportunities for carving plywood with a jigsaw of increased complexity.

  • When working with a hand-held device, maximum care must be taken: the design is quite fragile, and with intense pressure, the blade sometimes breaks and needs to be replaced. Each novice master should stock up on additional working files.
  • When working with a jigsaw, it is convenient to use an auxiliary board: it protects the table and solves problems with the convenient location of the plywood blank.

Electric jigsaws

This device works with electricity. It is a case where the mechanism is located, the control knob is also located there. The sawing element is located in the lower part of the device in front. The blade is protected, and this allows you to cut along the contour very smoothly, without deviation. Professional equipment models have many attachments that greatly facilitate the work process, for example, by leveling the edge of the material. Jigsaw blades can also have teeth that differ in shape and size. They should be selected in accordance with the material for sawing, so as not to damage the plywood sheets during operation.

  • Household electric jigsaws for non-industrial purposes, as a rule, of low power (from 350 to 500 W). For beginners, this is the most common option when you are just learning to cut crafts and figures from plywood (usually of small thickness). It is quite safe to work with such a device, especially when it is equipped with protection.
  • The professional jigsaw is intended for industrial purposes, has a power of more than 700 W, high speed and cutting accuracy. It can cut sheets over 10 cm thick, aluminum, thin steel.

Video: simple jigsaw:


Sometimes this device is used for carving. It is a type of special hand tool, with the help of which at home you can perform different type wood and plywood work. However, to work with it requires a certain skill; on the other hand, craftsmen who deftly manage this equipment can create the most real highly artistic masterpieces of folk art.

Cooking a stencil

Drawings for creative work are different sizes depending on the scale of the manufactured products. For example, for schemes of a shelf or a piece of furniture, for a voluminous toy, you should take a sheet of drawing paper in A1 format, a roll of wallpaper left after repair may also be suitable, and for small figures (such as souvenirs) we take office paper (A4 or A3 format).

We draw the contours of the future object on the surface of the paper with a marker or pencil, adhering to the indicated dimensions. Templates are presented in the public domain in a wide range, choose the one that suits you (for beginners, as a rule, not too complicated). Or you can come up with your own options for cutting with a jigsaw and then transfer it to a paper base.

Then we carry out the transfer of images to the surface of the working material (plywood, boards). To do this, we cut out a figure from paper, apply it to plywood and carefully trace it around the contour with a pencil. The lines must be precise and even. If necessary, correct by erasing with an eraser.

The contours are applied "from the rear" of the material, so that there are no visible remnants of the drawing on the finished form. The internal areas can also be shaded so as not to cut off an extra piece, thereby denoting an inviolable fragment.

Drawing examples


How to carve plywood

Working with the device will not be difficult if you properly prepare for the creative process.

  • The place to work should have good lighting;
  • The working plane must be protected from damage. You can, for example, lay a plywood sheet or cover it with a film;
  • All the right tools as well as spare blades should be prepared in advance. And you can start.

The first step should begin with drawing the inner outline of the drawing or drawing. To do this, make slots into which the blades of the device will be inserted. Usually, when cutting large contours, there is no problem, but in small remnants, working with a jigsaw from the inside can cause chips, burrs, or cuts. You should act very carefully.

Work with a jigsaw

How to cut with a hand jigsaw

  1. Fix a piece of plywood with one hand, with the other hand, hold the cutting attachment by the handle.
  2. Start moving along the applied contours, wielding the jigsaw up / down. This should be done around the perimeter of the picture.

Work with a manual jigsaw

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in this work. And you will acquire a real creative hobby by learning how to manage these devices.

How to cut plywood with a jigsaw

Cutting plywood with an electric or manual jigsaw is undoubtedly a creative process. And you will be able to create various decorative items with your own hands: from fairy-tale characters from cartoons for children to decorations for furniture and home.

Photo gallery of examples of work

All photos from the article

Plywood is not only unique construction material but also an excellent basis for making various crafts. Moreover, for this you will need a minimum of tools - manual or electric jigsaw, the plywood sheet itself, and the result is more dependent on human imagination.

Scope and advantages of plywood sheets

There are many uses for this material, general case We can distinguish such ways of using plywood as:

  • floor sheathing, and plywood can be used both for leveling and for floor insulation;
  • wall sheathing - unlike drywall, plywood sheets are much stronger, although they weigh more, and are susceptible to moisture;
  • formwork device when concreting foundations or making concrete blocks;
  • solid base device for soft roofing material, for example, under bituminous tiles;

  • making various crafts, ranging from simple figurines to complex mechanisms in which even moving parts are made of plywood. In general, in the question of what can be made from plywood with a manual jigsaw, the only limiter is the imagination and perseverance of a person, so the scope for creativity is simply limitless;
  • full-fledged furniture can also be made from plywood, and its strength is in no way inferior to ordinary wood.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • even thin material has outstanding strength due to the layered structure of the material. consists of several layers of veneer, and when gluing the fibers of each layer are at an angle to the previous one, so that such a sheet works just fine for bending;

  • due to the use of adhesive mixtures when gluing veneer layers, plywood is not afraid of moisture;

Note! For use inside the house, sheets with the FC marking should be selected, which means that when gluing, urea glue was used that does not contain phenolic compounds that are dangerous to human health.

  • you can buy a large sheet of plywood for about 500-700 rubles, it will be enough for several dozen complex crafts. So the price can also be considered an advantage of this material.

Jigsaw rules

When making any craft, cutting plywood with a jigsaw (manual or electric) is indispensable.

In this case, there are several rules that should be followed in any case:

  • the plywood sheet itself is quite flexible, so if you try to cut it without a rigid backing, it will bend and stick to the pattern line will be difficult. The stand can be made from an ordinary thick board with a hole in the center for a jigsaw file; it is attached to the desktop with an ordinary clamp;

Note! It is important to correctly install the file in the jigsaw before starting work. The direction of the teeth should be as shown in the figure.

  • when cutting plywood with a jigsaw, the tool itself is held perpendicular to the sheet, you do not need to press hard on it;
  • when working, it is not the jigsaw that should be rotated, but the plywood sheet itself;
  • it is unlikely that with curly sawing it will be possible to do without sharp turns and sharp corners. In order to get a sharp turn or sharp angle, the instruction requires moving the jigsaw up and down in one place, gradually turning the plywood sheet so that a small hole is formed in it, in which the file will turn freely. After that, you can cut the desired angle;
  • it may also be necessary to cut out blind holes, which cannot be approached from the edge. In this case, you can simply drill a hole in it, insert a file into it, and only then fix it on the frame of the jigsaw. After that, you can cut a hole of any shape.

Plywood products with a jigsaw do not have to be made using hand tool, the same quality can be obtained with the use of power tools.

Examples of do-it-yourself plywood products

It is physically impossible to consider all options for plywood crafts within the framework of one article. But it is still worth dwelling on a few interesting options.

The simplest plywood crafts

For a test, you can try to make a couple of simple crafts, consisting of only one element. There are many options, for example, you can try to cut out the outline of an animal from plywood and then paint it in the desired colors.

This level of complexity is suitable even for children, the work will be performed in the following sequence:

  • first, the desired picture is simply printed on plain paper (or drawn by hand);
  • then you need to transfer the outline of the image to plywood. You can do this with carbon paper or simply cut out the image and stick it on a wooden base;

  • then we just carefully cut along the contour, even a child of preschool age can make such products from plywood with a jigsaw;
  • after sawing, it remains only to process the figure with emery and paint it. In order for the figurine to look bright, it is advisable to use a wood primer and only then paint.

You can complicate the task a little and try to make a figurine consisting of several elements, for example, a Christmas tree or a snowman. A plywood herringbone with a jigsaw will consist of 2 parts connected in a thorn-groove type.

For manufacturing, it will only be necessary to circle 2 contours of the future Christmas tree on plywood and provide grooves in both elements. In one part, the cutout is made from above, and in the second - from below, the size of the cutout is up to the middle of the height of the future Christmas tree.

After sawing, you will need to sand the surface of the plywood and walk along the edge to remove burrs and smooth out sharp edges. The dimensions of the grooves in the lower and upper parts must exactly match each other.

Note! Many do-it-yourself drawings of plywood products with a jigsaw can be found on the Internet, for example, on our portal. This is much more convenient than drawing on your own.

After mastering figured cutting, you can move on to crafts consisting of several parts. As an example, we can give a snowman figurine, consisting of a torso, head, two legs and arms, all these elements will be connected to each other with an ordinary thick thread.

The basic principle remains the same - we draw up a drawing, cut out individual parts from a plywood sheet, and then proceed to combine them. In addition to working with a jigsaw, you will have to drill thin holes in plywood in order to thread a thread through them.

A plywood snowman is assembled into one piece with a jigsaw; you can put a small bright scarf around your neck. As is the case with other crafts great importance has the color of the figurine, the coloring should leave the impression that the snowman has just been brought into the room from the frost.

There are many options for relatively small and simple crafts, and drawings of plywood work with a manual jigsaw can always be made independently or simply found on the Internet.

We complicate the task

If you have a jigsaw, you can try to take on a larger task. It is relatively easy to make an elegant frame for a picture from plywood, and the picture itself can be made entirely of plywood.

A plywood picture is easy to get by combining light plywood and a dark background. You just need to cut out the desired outline in a light-colored sheet and then fix it in a frame over a dark background. Due to this, the desired effect is achieved, outwardly such paintings look no worse than ordinary ones, even more unusual, because traditional painting is more common.

As for the technology, to make a picture, you only need a template with the location of the cutouts. You can make it yourself, for this it is enough to make the image you like black and white, add contrast and manually outline the position of the cutouts. The number of layers of plywood of different shades is limited solely by the skill of the author.

Thin plywood will do and for making a frame for a picture or photograph, moreover, plywood frames with a jigsaw can also be solid, that is, sawn from one piece of plywood. The simplest plywood frame is a closed plywood contour (rectangular, square or oval) with figured cutting along the outer perimeter.

DIY crafts have always been an exquisite decoration of a house or garden plot. You can make them without outside help. The success of any creative undertaking depends on how serious the preliminary preparation was. Preliminary work plan - simple and affordable schemes that can be downloaded ready-made with an attached photo of the product or created by yourself.

Properly drawn up drawings of light plywood crafts can turn the laborious processes of creating items for decorating everyday life into easy and feasible in a matter of hours.

Sawing with a jigsaw from plywood: the specifics of the process

A useful leisure option that is available at any time with a minimum of tools and materials. In order to make a craft you need:

  • pre-drawn drawing;
  • jigsaw - a tool for cutting material;
  • a sheet of plywood of any size (depending on the desired dimensions of the finished product);
  • mounting bolts, self-tapping screws, screws, glue (if needed).

Crafts can be for children, in the form of decorations for home and garden, kitchen, landscaping. It is better to work collectively, involving the child as assistants. For him, it will be informative and interesting, crafts in this case become a matter of pride and are placed in a conspicuous place.

A manual jigsaw is a metal frame, curved in the shape of the letter "P". The nail files used in this tool are made of steel, they are very thin and fragile. Therefore, if you plan to make several crafts from plywood in an evening, the number of removable elements should be taken with a margin. Professionals prefer to use a jigsaw - this increases the speed of material processing.

How to make a simple craft drawing

To do this, stock up on a large-format sheet of paper. It doesn't matter if it's thin or cardboard. The drawing is needed in order to attach it to plywood and cut the material along the lines. Schemes can be of two types:

  • simple,
  • complex.

The first type is a regular drawing applied with a pencil or marker on paper. Complex drawing- a scaled image with symbols and marking of dotted lines (the future bend of the craft) and the specified length of the ribs.

Light plywood crafts take a minimum of time and effort, they are accessible even to children. Carbon paper (special paper with a layer of paint applied to one side) will be a good helper in the implementation of the project. It lies directly on plywood, and a drawing is superimposed on top. It is enough to draw once with pressure along the main lines and a clear pattern will appear on the material, according to which you can cut with a jigsaw. In the photo you can see a diagram of an impromptu sun for a summer residence.

Toy car - an exclusive craft for children

If you want to make a plywood craft project in the form of a car using a jigsaw, you can take an example of a finished drawing as a basis. Artistic talents are welcome, in this case light projects are created by yourself. The main thing is to follow the rules and proportions. To make a car craft from plywood, you need to cut it separately:

  • 2 wings
  • 4 wheels
  • bottom,
  • hood,
  • trunk,
  • top.

When creating projects-schemes of plywood crafts that others will make, you need to number each part on paper, attaching a description in which order they will be connected in series. If the drawings and future products go "size to size", follow the correspondence of the sizes, carefully rechecking all calculations. The photo shows an example of a car made of plywood - such a craft will definitely work out with the correct organization of the creative process.

Easy crafts for giving: a thoughtful approach

Dacha is a place of rest, which the owners tend to decorate with exclusive handicrafts. If the plans include a makeshift garden, you can create drawings of a well and a stork attached to it. Such country plywood crafts can be made to the site anywhere, and due to the minimum weight of the material, the structure can be easily transported out of town.

These are simple products. It is enough to cut out 4 equal-sized sheets from plywood, providing places for fasteners. An artificial stork should match as much as possible appearance birds. It must be drawn on paper and transferred with a carbon paper to a plywood sheet. The finished bird is painted with paints on both sides. These are options for easy crafts for giving, where you do not need to make the product voluminous and use glue or bent elements. You can place such an exquisite decoration in the garden among the abundance of flowers and vegetation.

The presented crafts for giving from plywood in the photo will become an incentive for creativity for a novice gardener, you can borrow ideas or modify them to suit your aesthetic preferences.

Making drawings of products for summer cottages or urban life is not only the lot of professionals, but also an unknown world for novice craftsmen. The process itself does not require significant financial costs and brings a lot of pleasure.