How to glue wallpaper on plywood. How to paste wallpaper on plywood: process technology

How to glue wallpaper on plywood to get beautiful, even walls? This result can be obtained by choosing desired view wallpaper and properly prepare the surface. It should be said that plywood is not very suitable option for pre-finishing the walls that will be pasted over. If the repair is done "from scratch", this fact must be taken into account and another option should be chosen for leveling the walls. However, it happens that you need to refresh the old finish, and then the tips in this article will help you make cosmetic repairs and decorate the walls with wallpaper over plywood.

What types of plywood are used for wall cladding?

The sequence of preparing plywood for subsequent pasting depends on its type. So the first thing to do is to figure out which type is fixed on the walls.

There are several types of plywood for construction work:

  • longitudinal and transverse - depending on the direction of the layers;
  • moisture resistant and increased moisture resistance;
  • increased fire protection;
  • polished (on one or both sides) or not polished;
  • unfinished and laminated.

Since wall decor with wallpaper fabrics involves working with water-based glue, the moisture-resistant properties of plywood play the biggest role.

The marking of this material will help to understand this:

  • FBA and FC - low moisture resistance;
  • FSF and FSF TV - moisture resistant species;
  • FB and BS - a high degree of water resistance.

What wallpaper to choose for pasting plywood?

To make the result of the repair pleasing to the eye, you need to choose and paste wallpaper on plywood of a suitable type. Ordinary paper ones will not work here. They will show all the imperfections of the walls, including bumps, wormholes on plywood veneer. In addition, the joints of the sheets will be visible, and when they are deformed and gaps appear between them, the paper sheets will simply tear.

Duplex - "double" paper wallpaper with a relief surface - will be a better solution. by the very the best option will become vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven base with a pronounced relief. The non-woven base is many times stronger than paper and tends to stretch slightly when the base is slightly deformed, for example, when a house shrinks. Due to the density of such models, it will be possible to hide the joints.

You can also use a more status wall decor: foam-based textiles, velor or jute wallpaper. But silk ones have some disadvantages of paper models. They will also show the imperfections of the walls and will not hide the joints of the wood boards. Liquid wallpaper is an ambiguous material for finishing over plywood. But if one of the moisture-resistant species was used and appropriate preparation is carried out, then this option has the right to exist. Liquid wallpaper will not tear, hide minor flaws, and if necessary, they can be easily repaired.

Wall preparation

The stages of processing plywood for pasting depend on its surface, but there are stages that are mandatory for all types.

  1. The joints of the sheets are polished. This can be done by hand, but with a grinder it will be both faster and easier.
  2. Joints and other problem areas are puttied (carnation caps, etc.). For this, a special acrylic putty for wooden surfaces is suitable.
  3. The entire surface of the plywood is primed. The composition is selected based on the type of plywood and wallpaper. For moisture resistant plywood any penetrating primer for wood is suitable for roll wallpaper.

If plywood has poor moisture resistance or it is planned to apply liquid wallpaper, you need to choose a composition with water-repellent properties. One of these compositions is the Vlagopregrad primer.

If the walls are finished with unpolished plywood, it will have to be puttied and sanded completely. Another feature is processing for paper wallpaper. Here it is necessary to strengthen the joints (reinforce) with a sickle. Although it will shine through the paper coating, it will protect it from tearing.

Serpyanka - self-adhesive material, fiberglass mesh with a layer of glue. It is glued to a cleaned and primed surface. It is best to do this during the application of putty, since in this case the putty composition will also act as an adhesive. The tape is leveled at the joint and pressed well, sinking it into the putty layer.

It is imperative to carefully process the heads of nails or screws and any metal elements - pipes, protruding parts of the reinforcement. If they are not covered with a protective layer of paint, varnish or drying oil, then they can succumb to corrosion, and rust will show through any wallpaper.

What will be needed for work?

After finishing preparatory work and complete drying of the soil and putty, you can glue wallpaper on plywood. To do this, stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • wallpaper glue and a container for its dilution;
  • conical roller for joints;
  • a knife with a retractable blade;
  • level for vertical marking of the first strip;
  • a roller with a pile for applying glue and a cuvette;
  • foam roller for pressing wallpaper;
  • rags to remove excess glue.

A glue roller with a telescopic handle will be a good helper both when pasting walls and decorating the ceiling. It will help save both time and energy.

Step by step instructions for gluing

Before gluing, you need to dilute the glue, taking into account the time of its swelling. Manufacturers indicate it in the instructions, as well as the ratio of dry mix and water to be added. When the glue is ready, you can proceed to pasting.

  • Spread some plastic sheeting or old newspapers on the floor.
  • Measure the height from floor to ceiling.
  • Cut the fabric to the desired length. It is convenient to do this by pressing the wallpaper with a wide metal spatula.
  • Make a vertical mark on the wall for the first strip using a level.
  • Lubricate the plywood with glue, capturing the width of the space a little further than the markup (15-20 cm more than the width of the canvas). For convenience, the glue is poured portionwise into a cuvette (tray). It is convenient to collect the solution there: the roller is evenly impregnated, and the excess glue is easily removed by rolling on a flat surface.
  • If the wallpaper is paper, then the glue is additionally applied to the canvas itself from the wrong side.
  • The upper part of the canvas is applied to the wall and leveled with a foam roller in several movements. All movements are performed from the center to the sides.
  • After that, smoothing is performed - air bubbles are expelled. During this operation, care must be taken not to grab with a spatula and not to smear excess glue squeezed out from under the wallpaper on the front side. If they appear, they should be removed immediately with a dry cloth.
  • The second strip is glued end-to-end to the first. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the pattern must completely match.
  • After the second strip is glued to the plywood, the joints are pressed down with a conical roller.
  • All subsequent canvases are glued in the same way.

Do not forget to apply glue with a brush in the corners and along the joint strip. This operation is not laborious and does not take much time, but it prevents the wallpaper from “slipping”.

How long does wallpaper dry?

Wallpaper pasted on top of plywood dries faster than wallpaper on top of plywood. concrete wall. Leave for 1-3 days to dry, depending on the type. At this time, the heating devices in the room should not be turned on if they were turned off before. A temperature difference, like a draft, will lead to peeling of the canvases. It also cannot be installed stretch ceiling because it uses a heat gun.

During this period, it is better to refrain from the installation of furniture. Firstly, wet canvases are easily scratched, and secondly, furniture pushed up to the wall will block the air circulation. Following these simple recommendations will allow the wallpaper to dry naturally. As a result, they will hold securely for a long time.

This cheat sheet is for everyone who is looking for how to hang wallpaper on plywood! She will not only give practical recommendations and step-by-step instructions, but also explain the features of each action, reveal the nature of the materials, explain how to reason when solving problems that suddenly arise. Let's start with the theoretical foundations.

Wallpapering on plywood - what is the future basis?

First, let's discuss plywood as a material in general terms, why is it used for wall decoration, and what types of it can we expect? They resort to such a measure in cases where it is necessary to hide existing or future alleged wall defects, if repairs are planned to be done infrequently. Cracks and crumbling plaster are perfectly hidden behind plywood, and outwardly an almost perfectly flat surface is obtained, convenient for subsequent finishing. In some cases, the walls are no longer processed at all, thanks to an already attractive appearance.

Plywood is made from veneer, so the outer side always has the texture of the wood used, for safety it is covered with transparent varnishes or laminated. The sheets are quite strong, light, flexible, easy to handle even for one person, and cut well. Often they are used not as a finish for existing walls, but as independent interior partitions, which indicates their reliability, as well as good sound and heat insulation properties. Moreover, any use of plywood will be more economical than other alternatives for solving a particular problem.

There are several types of plywood (in the field of repair): construction, laminated and FK / FSF. The first is suitable for solving functional tasks at a construction site, for example, wall cladding, after which it is hidden under other types of finishes, because appearance its not attractive, but the practical parameters on high level. Surface lamination not only improves wear resistance and protection against moisture, but also makes it possible to use the material as decorative trim. FC sheets are moisture resistant, and for FSF this indicator is considered the maximum possible for this material, so it is often used even for exterior decoration of houses.

The raw materials for the production of plywood also differ: softwood, hardwood, as well as a combination of these types of wood. Resins, which the coniferous part of the fauna is famous for, prevent the development of fungi, save the material from decay, such a finish will last longer, since there are few destructive factors for it. Hardwood plywood is hard, it is just an option for independent partitions. Most often this role is played by birch wood. Combined materials harmoniously combine the qualities of both varieties, while having an attractive price.

How to avoid surface imperfections?

Wallpapering on plywood will not be the easiest solution, despite the availability of materials at a price. Let's analyze the most common surprise that can await us. The most dangerous enemies in our event will be the joints between the sheets. If you are still planning to make plywood walls, then try to ensure minimal height differences at the joints. To do this, select a high-quality batch of material from a good manufacturer and align the walls as much as possible before sheathing, it should turn out not necessarily beautiful, but necessarily even, then the sheets will lie well.

If, nevertheless, you already got the walls where the problem described is present, then we will try to solve it. Purchase a sickle at the hardware store. This is a special fiberglass construction tape, usually used to close cracks to prevent further expansion in the future. But in our case, it will perfectly close the joint and make it possible to apply putty to even out the differences, then it should be sanded, achieving an almost perfect surface.

After all, wallpapers, especially paper ones, will emphasize each seam if it has some kind of flaw, and especially height differences.

What kind of wallpaper to paste over plywood?

We talked about the features of preliminary work, now we will find out what to do with wallpaper materials, because the choice is so great. Paper wallpapers are losing ground even here, because they are the most willing to give out any defect in the substrate, in our case, plywood. Moreover, even if a miracle happened, and you managed to equalize the joints literally to zero, then over time, deformation of the sheets can occur, and the most offensive of all, if the edges are bent or swelled, they will break the whole disguise and crawl out. In this case, if the paper wallpaper does not tear, then the defect will be given out even more noticeably than it should. Of the materials familiar to us today, vinyl products cope with this task a little better, and non-woven fabric even more densely and more reliably smooths out imperfections.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of wallpapers.

Of the more expensive and exotic ways not to depend on present and future defects, bamboo and reed wallpapers can be called, you can resort to buying. Recently, more and more appear on sale, since the technology of their application can well be mastered at home. They can be called an ideal companion for plywood, since any damage to them can be repaired even after a long time, by applying a new portion of wallpaper or by moistening and rubbing the coating that already exists on the wall. But it should be understood that plywood in this case must be moisture resistant, because liquid wallpaper is bred with ordinary water.

How to glue wallpaper on plywood - step by step instructions

It's time to go directly to the gluing process, which differs from that accepted for each type of wallpaper only by a discount on the vagaries of the substrate material, that is, plywood.

How to glue wallpaper on plywood - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Surface preparation

If the plywood sheets are located towards you with a rough side, then they should be primed, then putty, and then sanded. In the case of non-moisture resistant plywood, before priming, it is necessary to paint the surface with alkyd enamel, in no case with water. If the smooth side is looking at you, then you should wipe them with a slightly damp cloth so that only the dust collects, but does not leave water. Then walk with a vacuum cleaner to remove all, even fine dust from all small gaps and seams. If the room is humid, then surely enough water has been absorbed into the wood, wallpaper should not be glued to such a base, so ensure that the air in the room is dry and wait for the plywood to dry.

Step 2: Seam and Nail Protection

We have already mentioned the seams, you will need sickle and putty, many people cope with this problem without new technologies, sealing defective places with several layers of paper, ranging from wide strips to narrow ones, almost the width of the gap. Someone uses gauze for this, some craftsmen use a special primer and putty, then cover the finished surface with paint. As for the nails with which the plywood was nailed, their hats should also be treated so that they do not rust under the influence of moisture from the glue in the future, and rust does not appear on the surface of the wallpaper. They are painted with varnish or drying oil, having previously sunk at least 1 mm into plywood, because if this is not done, they will be protected, but will protrude, creating another defect.

Step 3: Wallpapering

This stage is individual for each case, and the strategy depends on the type of wallpaper you have chosen. The main thing: choose the right glue, prepare it according to the instructions, follow the procedure for coating the wallpaper and plywood, the exposure time before gluing, if such a gap needs to be made. After gluing, ensure that there are no drafts for the required time, usually a day.

Frame wall cladding is increasingly used in modern construction, pushing aside other types of finishes. Plywood sheets are used as sheathing for the frame - their price is quite affordable, and specifications are at a fairly high level. After the walls are completely sheathed, lovers of traditional design methods quite reasonably wonder if it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood?

Plywood, like any other material, has its own unique properties which are not always suitable for certain circumstances. In the case of wallpapering, plywood sheets are not an ideal surface for this purpose, given the design of the skin and the wood origin.

However, the right approach allows you to solve almost any problem, no matter how difficult it may seem at first glance.

In this article, you will be given step-by-step instruction how to stick wallpaper on plywood with your own hands. With its help, you can carry out actions without the participation of professionals, thereby saving a tangible amount of money - according to statistics, the price of the services of specialists is at least 40% of the total cost of the material.

Wallpapering on plywood

Wallpapering on plywood is not the easiest solution, despite the availability and relatively low cost of raw materials. The presence of certain difficulties in this case is inevitable, and all sorts of “surprises” that may await you should be foreseen in advance.

Base Leveling

It is advisable to prepare plywood for subsequent wallpapering at the stage of formation of the skin itself. When assembling the frame, it is necessary to show maximum accuracy and accuracy, fitting the sheets to each other.

The worst enemy of wallpaper is the difference in height between joints. Since they do not level the surface, even a small difference in planes in height will stand out strongly.

If the frame is already sheathed and there are already differences in the joints in height, then you will have to solve the existing problem on the spot.

To do this, you will need a sickle mesh, putty, paper.

  • First of all, the joints are cleaned of dust, chips and other foreign elements - the sickle has a self-adhesive base and contamination may prevent the tape from fixing. The reinforcing tape is glued so that it evenly overlaps the joint between the sheets;

  • The difference in height is evened out with a special wood filler, which will make the gap between the sheets smoother. After the mixture dries, it is necessary to polish the puttied area to the most ideal surface - the wallpaper does not have a large thickness and each flaw will be noticeably visible;

This procedure is carried out in order to make the surface suitable for further gluing.
The end result will not be perfect - the drops will remain, but will become smoother and will not damage the wallpaper substrate.

Wallpaper selection

Worst of all, paper wallpapers are not suitable for this purpose - this is the thinnest wallpaper product and, accordingly, it will most likely reveal all the existing flaws, especially at the joints. Even if you bring all the sheets to the ideal level, then over time, after the inevitable shifts of the base under the influence of temperature or humidity, the wallpaper may simply tear.

From rolled products, glass wall papers fit best on plywood - their strong structure allows you to hide the flaws of the substrate and withstand deformation loads. Interlining and vinyl counterparts will also be quite appropriate.

The ideal option would be liquid wallpaper on plywood, which is applied as a mixture - it completely fills all the bumps and creates a flat surface at the exit.


  • Before sticking the wallpaper, you should prepare the surface - walk on it with a slightly damp sponge, and then vacuum. The sponge should not be too wet - it should collect dust, but not leave wet marks;

  • It contains antifungal additives applied to the surface and reduces the wood's sensitivity to moisture. After the primer has completely dried, it is advisable to sand the plywood to remove burrs and small wood pile;

Before processing plywood before wallpapering, pay attention to the level of humidity in the room - if it is too high, then it is impossible to glue the wallpaper in such conditions, as the wood has absorbed moisture and swelled.
Lower the humidity level and allow the finish to dry completely.

  • Wide seams should be sealed with a sickle and puttied. After the putty has dried, the seams must be sanded and polished;

  • Metal fasteners - self-tapping screws, nails, etc. must be immersed in plywood to a depth of at least 1 - 2 mm so that they do not stand out against the wallpaper. It is enough to simply twist the screws to “drown” the hat, and the nails will have to be knocked out with the help of an extension.
  • Mounting caps must be varnished to prevent rust.. The cavities from the hats are puttied and polished, after which the surface is once again treated with a primer. (See also the article.)

After carrying out the above procedures, the surface will be completely ready for the standard wallpapering procedure. The only obligatory condition is that it is necessary to ensure that the joints on the wallpaper do not coincide with the joints between the sheets.


If you correctly carry out all the preparatory procedures before sticking wallpaper on plywood, then you will not have any difficulties or difficulties with further work. More detailed information on this topic you can get by watching the video in this article.

Wood paneling adds to the comfort of the room and is especially well suited for a study. However, there's not much you can do with wood paneling to transform the look of a room, and after a while you'll get tired of the monotonous look of the walls. Wood paneling can be wallpapered, so start looking for wallpaper and glue of your choice.


    Buy wallpaper that fits well. Your local supplier who sells wallpaper will help you make right choice. These wallpapers are thicker and usually have a textured surface to help hide imperfections in the panel underneath. To do this, you need a special glue.

    Clean the panel. Remove cobwebs and dust with a damp but not wet sponge. Do not use wax or oil based cleaners or polishes. If wooden surface not smooth, get rid of the roughness.

    Prepare the panel. Carefully remove the trim strips that you can reattach after wallpapering. But this is not necessary if you are using quality paper.

    Wood panel primer. A special primer comes with the wallpaper.

    Start at the outer corner. Make sure the corner is right. Use a normal plumb line. Measure the height of the walls. Cut the first strip of paper a little longer than you need. Then you bend it.

    Apply glue to the back of the paper. Saturate the paper with glue, but not too much. You can use a specially purchased tray or other container. For some types of wallpaper, you can use a spray gun or a damp sponge. Place the wallpaper pieces with the glued side against the wall and glue them vertically from top to bottom. Smooth the wallpaper on the wall with a dry brush or towel. Leave no wrinkles. With the same movements, remove air bubbles to the edges of the paper. Cut and paste the wallpaper as described above. Continue until you reach the first strip of paper. If it is not possible to join the wallpaper perfectly evenly, then it is better to lay them on top of each other a little than to leave a gap between them.

  1. We combine the pattern. Before cutting off the second piece of paper, make sure the pattern matches. Otherwise, you should cut off a few extra centimeters so that the pattern matches. When finished, replace the trim strips and release the sealed holes.

    • Open all openings, switches and sockets that have been covered with wallpaper. You can do this with plastic coated scissors.
    • hang liner perpendicular the first piece of paper, and work from the ceiling down to the floor. This technique will help eliminate the possibility of overlapping paper on top of each other in the seam area.
    • There are technically no wall coverings that are designed specifically for wood paneling. However, there is a thing called "liner" that will help in this situation. It is a thick felt product that is packaged in rolls like most wall coverings. It is, in most cases, white or cream in color. Note that the more imperfections on the panel, the thicker the liner should be. It often needs to be ordered in advance, as most cladding vendors won't keep a liner in stock - especially a super-dense panel liner. After using the liner, you can successfully glue any wall covering.
    • The liners are not pre-glued, so you will need regular or extra strong adhesive. I recommend using a paint roller to apply the adhesive to the liner. When unrolling a few centimeters of the liner, you will notice its natural ability to roll on its own. From that moment on, it doesn’t matter where to apply the glue - “front” or “back”, but simply lubricate the side in which it twists. The liner does not require "waiting", so you can glue it on the wall immediately after applying the adhesive. And pre-glued liners are better suited to hide minor wall imperfections.
    • After gluing the liner, allow it to dry for 24 hours. Then prime the liner with a high quality primer such as "Shieldz Primer". Don't skip this step as the liner will absorb the adhesive and the primer will ensure a good bond between the liner and the wallcovering. Let the primer dry for 24 hours. Then glue the wallpaper as you normally would.


    • If possible, turn off the electricity in the house.
    • When you open switches or sockets, make sure that the scissors do not touch the wires, as there is a danger of electric shock. Make sure children are away from outlets.

    What will you need

    • Primer
    • paint roller
    • Scissors
    • sharp knife
    • Dry brush or towel
    • A good cup of coffee to keep you hydrated while you work
    • Screwdriver to remove switches and sockets
    • Crowbar to remove skirting boards
    • A small hammer to set the baseboard in place
    • An excellent work surface for cutting and preparing wallpaper will be obtained from an inexpensive door that can be purchased at economic centers. Even if you don't have much time, a good work surface will help you get the job done faster. They are usually about 80 cm wide and 215 cm high. These doors are very light. You can use the goats for comfort, just put a soft cover over them to avoid scratches.
    • It is difficult to cut an even piece of coating without using auxiliary tools. Therefore, I use a 120 cm long metal ruler. This helps a lot to cut the coating evenly.
    • Disposable blades are great for slicing. They are very sharp and inexpensive. Although there are special holders, you can simply hold the blade in your hand. Buy a 100 pack and use one per roll. Never saw the coating. This is a sure sign that the blade is dull. Why ruin a whole sheet of coating while saving 50 cents per blade? This is one of the biggest beginner mistakes not to use a sharp blade.
    • 30 cm wallpaper smoothing brush - usually with 1.5 cm long bristles.
    • 15cm Folding Knife - Use this to trim wallcovering near floors, ceilings, or trim for a clean cut.

Wallpaper today is the most common finishing material. They are great for any space. Manufacturers offer variety of options canvases, you can choose not only the ornament, but also the thickness of the coating, resistance to moisture, ultraviolet. It is important to immediately decide on what basis they will be. For example, how to glue wallpaper on plywood?

Wallpaper today occupy a leading position among finishing materials for walls.

The problem is that the plywood can show through the wallpaper. Its surface is too smooth, so not every type of coating can be used for plywood walls. If you strictly observe all the features of gluing, then the work will be done efficiently and quickly.

Mistakes at work: how to avoid them?

How to glue wallpaper on plywood with high quality? Let's start with the list of errors:

  1. Cloths go on the surface crookedly. The reason is that the marking of the wall was not done correctly. Work will have to start over.
  2. Air bubbles appear. The reason is that the glue is applied incorrectly, the wallpaper is poorly ironed. You can gently pierce the canvas, and then squeeze out the air. This is done before the glue dries.
  3. The wallpaper started peeling off. The reason is poor-quality glue or incorrectly selected glue, a violation of the gluing technology. If there are many such places, then it is best to re-paste the wallpaper in the room. If only one or two peeled off corners are observed, then it is necessary to carefully coat them with glue and press them firmly against the wall.
  4. The wall is too wet during gluing. The reason is non-compliance with technology, the wall was not dried before work. It is necessary to stop the finishing process, wait until the plywood dries completely.
  5. Wrinkles appear on the surface. Reasons - the smoothing of the canvas during gluing was poorly performed. The strip of wallpaper will have to be removed, and then glued again.

There are other problems, their causes are a violation of the technology of gluing and wall preparation. Therefore, it is important to follow all the tips and recommendations exactly, to carefully consider the preparation.

To correctly solve the question of how to stick wallpaper on plywood, you need to prepare:

  • wallpaper of the selected type;
  • wallpaper special glue;
  • putty;
  • metal spatula;
  • container for mixing glue;
  • construction mixer;
  • roller for applying glue;
  • sharp knife;
  • building level;
  • a ruler and a simple pencil;
  • rags;
  • sandpaper.

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plywood gluing process

To stick wallpaper on plywood, you must strictly follow the technology. It is not difficult, but there are some features that you need to remember. Before starting work, the surface of the plywood wall should be inspected. Often required to use grinder to remove all roughness and other defects that may prevent gluing a thin wallpaper web. After that, the tree is primed, 1-2 layers are enough, each of which must dry.

Further, the plywood is covered with putty, it will remove the difference between the plate and the joints, the places of fasteners. This must be done, since after gluing all the joints will be visible, the surface will become ugly. It is impossible to start gluing wallpaper without this.

If the wall is made of non-moisture resistant plywood, then the plywood must be painted with alkyd enamel before wallpapering.

It is necessary to immediately determine which plywood was used for wall cladding. If it was ordinary, that is, unstable to moisture, then it is necessary to cover the surface of the plates with special alkyd enamel. This will create a protective moisture-resistant film.

For walls, special facing plywood can also be used, which has a smooth front surface. From such plywood, it is necessary to carefully remove all dust with a damp cloth. Attention should be paid to the joints, since it is in them that the greatest amount of dust and debris is collected. After the plywood base is processed, it should be left to dry. It is recommended to ventilate the room. You can not glue wallpaper on plywood if its base is wet. All joints between the plates and the places of fastening to the wall are processed.

Therefore, experts advise, in addition to putty, to use strips of thin paper for seams. It is necessary, after filling the seams, to lay thin strips of paper on fresh putty, and then apply another layer of the composition. After drying, the surface is treated again, again left to dry. After such preparation, it is necessary to clean the wall so that it becomes smooth and even.