Why it is impossible to fight for Jewish power or what to do if you receive a summons. Why You Can't Fight for Jewish Power Mussels in Coconut Milk

A very interesting book "Why you can not fight for Jewish power or what to do if you received a summons." A practical guide on how to avoid mobilization and save the Slavic race. The ultimate density of facts, illustrated material. A CALL FOR ALL Rus' PATRIOTS TO DISTRIBUTE THIS BOOK. Send to emails, friends on social networks. Find sponsors and make circulations. You may save someone's life by your efforts to distribute this book.
The book is written in the most interesting way. Any chapter, any paragraph contains non-trivial information. Even reading 10 pages from anywhere can shake the mind of the average person. Recommend the book to your friends. A person who has read such a book becomes at least an erudite and an interesting conversationalist. And most importantly, it acquires the ability to INDEPENDENTLY evaluate any course of modern events. An indispensable guide for those who do not want to be deceived and manipulated.

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The 250th Volunteer Division, formed in the very first days of the attack on the USSR, consisted of four infantry regiments and one artillery regiment. Members of the Spanish Falange wore shirts of blue color, and in Spanish there is no distinction between blue and cyan, which is why the division got its name.

The division had a diverse composition: it included regular army soldiers, veterans of the Spanish Civil War, Falange policemen. Formally, Francoist Spain observed armed neutrality in the Great Patriotic War and was not an ally of Nazi Germany in the war with the USSR. One of the ideological reasons for the formation of the volunteer division was the statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Sunyer, that Soviet Union at one time was guilty of fomenting the Spanish Civil War. Therefore, the Spanish volunteers did not swear allegiance to Hitler, but swore to fight communism.

Some of the Spaniards really wanted to take revenge on the Bolsheviks for the death of loved ones in civil war, many were seduced by the relatively high salary. There were also those who later planned to go over to the side of the Red Army.


Not criminals, not veterans

Will Russian fighters of the DPR and LPR be prosecuted under the article "Mercenary"

Will Russian fighters of the DPR and LPR be prosecuted under the article "Mercenary"

The Russian media, including those close to the Kremlin, have been talking for many months about the struggle of the DPR and LPR militias for the independence of the Donbass republics. No one hides the fact that Russian citizens are also fighting there. In many materials (though not by the Kremlin media anymore) one can find references to paying for the services of Russians who sided with the separatists. At the same time, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is an article "Mercenary", which prohibits fighting for money in favor of other states. the site tried to find out if the Russians face persecution under this article.

The first criminal case in Russian practice under the article “Mercenary” 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was opened just in 2014. However, it concerned the events not in Ukraine, but in Syria.

Two leaders of the St. Petersburg organization "Slavic Corps" Vadim Gusev and Evgeny Sidorov were accused of it. According to investigators, in 2013 they recruited about 250 men in Russia and deceived them into fighting in Syria. All remained alive, but the promised money never received. Both defendants in the case have already pleaded guilty, made a deal with the investigation, so now they have the right to count on a lighter sentence.

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “a mercenary is a person who acts in order to receive material reward and is not a citizen of a state participating in an armed conflict or hostilities, who does not permanently reside on its territory, and who is not a person sent to perform official duties.” Recruitment, training, financing of mercenaries and their use in armed actions are punishable by a term of 4 to 8 years, and the very participation of a mercenary in an armed conflict - by a term of imprisonment of 3 to 7 years.

This article has not previously been applied. It is extremely difficult to prove the very fact of the material interest of a Russian going to help one of the parties to the conflict, and a volunteer who does not receive payment does not fall under this article.

“While this article in the Criminal Code was more dead than alive, the significant practice of its application is unknown,” lawyer Vadim Klyuvgant told Znak.com. “However, things can change at any moment. For example, for many years the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation had a “dead” article “Illegal business”, but then campaigns began, during which this article began to be applied right and left. I do not yet see political prerequisites for the application of the article in question, but the political situation is constantly changing, and nothing can be ruled out. The main element in this article is that a person receives payment for his participation in hostilities or the presence of intent to receive payment, but this must be proved to be extremely difficult, ”says Klyuvgant.

The Russians themselves, who went to the Donbass as militias, told the website that they did not experience any problems upon their return, no one was prosecuting them for being mercenaries.

“I had problems crossing the Russian border only at the beginning of May, but then, when we began to travel back and forth, on the contrary, the favorable regime began. Things have gotten tougher lately. I can’t answer the question of what will happen when we return, but I met with people from law enforcement agencies, they are friendly towards us. If the “party of draining Novorossia” wins among the elites, we expect anything, up to repressions,” Russian volunteer Alexander Zhuchkovsky shared his vision of the situation, fighting on the side of the Donetsk militia and organizing the delivery of aid to the rebels from the Russians.

Dmitry Zakharov, the moderator of one of the groups in which those who want to go as volunteers to the Donbass are noted, told the site that some returned volunteers in some regions "had problems on the ground", but the main troubles await the Russians who fought on the side of the ATO, that is, in armies of Ukraine.

“Those who go to Novorossiya can’t have problems with the law – they don’t go to fight and get paid for it, but to help Donetsk grandmothers weed dill in the beds and take them across the road, like Timurovites,” says Zakharov. - Weeding dill and translating grandmothers is tiring, so people take vacations and come back to rest. There were rough edges in some regions. The police were worried, but our police are conscious and realized that everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about. But those geeks who go to the Ukrainian punitive battalions and kill, terrorize the local population - these, upon returning to the Russian Federation, will have long conversations with the authorities and quite real trips to various colonies, ”Zakharov said.

On September 3, Novaya Gazeta published an anonymous interview with one of the Russian volunteers, according to which the fighters still receive money for their activities - in the region of 60 thousand rubles a month, as well as compensation for injuries and death.

The case of Donbass is not unprecedented in Russian history. So, for example, Russian volunteers similarly went to fight in Transnistria and Serbia during the Balkan conflict. They did not encounter any obstacles either when leaving Russia or when they returned to it. Moreover, the same ex-Minister of Defense of the DPR Igor Strelkov (Girkin), for example, went as a volunteer to Transnistria, but then got a job in the FSB (Strelkov-Girkin says that he worked there, this is also confirmed by people from his entourage) and passed all checks.

“I myself went as a volunteer to Pridnestrovie, there were no questions upon my return, then I served in the police ... If we talk about current volunteers, I can say that they are met with understanding and friendliness, there are no questions with the authorities. Moreover, we don’t even know of cases when a former volunteer, having returned from Donbass, would have violated the law at all - such is their morale, ”Andrei Rodkin, official representative of the DPR in Moscow, told the website.

Alexander Averin, spokesman for the unregistered Other Russia party, noted that their volunteers had no problems upon returning from Donbass. “Our comrades went to Serbia, and then there were no problems when they returned,” he says.

It becomes obvious that, according to some informal agreement, Russian volunteers are not in danger of problems if they take the “right” side. However, with all the glorification of the militia in the information field, they will not be able to receive the status of combat veterans, just as their families will not be able to receive compensation from the state in the event of the death of a breadwinner.

Frants Klintsevich, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, United Russia, chairman of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans, told the website that it is “unrealistic” to recognize militiamen as combat veterans.

“I think it will be extremely problematic: the legal department of the State Duma apparatus and the presidential administration will not miss such a norm. Deputies approached me for such an opportunity, but we realized that it was difficult. Then we decided to create our own fund to support the families of the wounded and killed of our volunteers in the Donbass in order to alleviate the situation and provide support. After all, people go there not for money, but for the call of conscience, the vast majority are motivated by the fact that relatives or close people live in those parts. That's why the militias have success..

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“Ukrainian goyim are an even more savage folk than a herd of Russian shleppers, brought to complete blindness by the idea of ​​“independence,” which turned them into a biomass capable of slaughtering even their own mother in the name of the independence of the Ukrainian state. We took only a linguistic difference and put pressure on history, where we exposed the Russians as the main enemies of the prosperity of the "square", after 20 years of propaganda, we got the ideal fighters against the Russians in the form of their Slavic brothers. ... now any representative of Ukraine who killed a Russian goy will be called a hero ... "

"Our plans for the Slavs"

1. Our special tactics of fighting red-browns (and all Slavs are red-browns), due to its isolation, is Secret Knowledge.

We will direct the main edge of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who have become related to the Jews by the same interests. True, we will later, after using them for our own purposes, remove these “related ones” from our society.

The Slavs, and among them the Russians, are the most recalcitrant people in the world. He is rebellious due to the nature of his mental and mental abilities laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered.

A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed must be eliminated, and at first - a sharp reduction in its numbers.

2. Our methods of struggle will by no means be military, but ideological and economic with the use of law enforcement agencies equipped with the most modern types of weapons to physically suppress the rebels with even greater cruelty than was done in October 1993 during the execution of the Supreme Soviet of Russia.

First of all, we will dismember all the Slavic peoples (there are 300 million of them, half of them are Russians) into small, weakened countries with broken ties. Here we will use our old method: DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

We will try to pit these countries against each other. Draw them into internecine wars in order to destroy each other.

We will do all this under the pretext of different sovereignties, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to self-determine on the basis of national values ​​and traditions.

In this war of fools, the Slavic cattle will weaken themselves and strengthen us, the main conductors of unrest, supposedly standing aside and not only not participating in the bloody events, but also not interfering in them.

Moreover, we will completely protect ourselves. In the consciousness of the profane Slavs (uninitiated), we will lay such stereotypes of thinking in which the most terrible word will be "anti-Semite". The word "Jew" will be pronounced in a whisper. "..."

3. The stupid Slavic ethnos does not understand that the worst fascists are those who never, anywhere, speak about it out loud, but organize everything supposedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the very word "fascist" abusive.

This label will be feared by everyone we put it on. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, makes it strong.

The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works the way it used to, we will replace it with "universal values", which is one and the same.

We will not allow a single nationalism to rise, and we will destroy those nationalist movements that seek to bring the people out of our dictatorship with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia.

But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism - Zionism, to be more precise: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is super-fascism.

It is not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but due to our victorious march on the entire planet in 1992, it canceled this decision.

We have made this international body the weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."

4. We will deprive the large population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events and the progress of the country. And, ultimately, the whole course of history.

To do this, we will lower their educational level - in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutions, and we will study in the other half. We will let in more Armenians, Chechens, Gypsies and the like.

We will strive to ensure that there are as few representatives of indigenous peoples as possible in the governments of the Slavic countries, who will be replaced by our Jewish elite.

In means mass media- on radio, television, the press, in art, literature, theatre, cinema, we will gradually supplant national cadres, replacing them with our own or, in extreme cases, cosmopolitan ones.

Humanization of education will be carried out, as a result of which the objects that structure the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and destroyed:

a) Language and literature,

6) Physics and mathematics.

There is nothing to say about history. We will give the cattle our own view of history, where we will show that the entire human evolution has moved towards the recognition of the God-chosen nation of the Jews as rulers over the whole world.

Instead of national values, we will give you the patriotism of the balalaika and drunken tears. And here our goal is to replace the red-brown elite with ours.

We will not allow the development of science in these countries. And the core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people.

We will not allow any high technology, which will lead to the complete decline of industry, which we will narrow down to the production of essential necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract raw materials for us.

There are many engineers, skilled workers and teachers among the townspeople. We will create such conditions for them to survive (without a job, high rent, payment for public utilities, passage), that they themselves will flee, as Russians from the CIS countries are now fleeing, to the remote villages of the north, where it will seem to them to live easier, which in fact will also be a hoax.

Decompose the youth - and you will defeat the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your society of young people, corrupting them with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, we will reduce childbearing.

Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly big job - burn millions, shoot them, bury them, and the like. He left bloody footprints.

We act more cunningly: we will not have traces. To reduce childbearing by at least half is to destroy 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical costs. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Not born. There are no guilty ones.

We will create better living conditions for criminals than for working cattle, we will release criminals from prisons so that there will be more murders, robberies, and instability. The amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers, in short, to everyone except those convicted under the article for "inciting ethnic hatred", which now replaces the law on anti-Semitism.

Let's sow fear among the people. Fear for a life that would cost nothing, fear for workplace, which can be taken away every minute, fear for the future of yours ... We will rule with fear.

7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are power. They are strength. Whoever has money has weapons. Ultramodern. He has a mercenary army.

Money owns the media, fooling billions of human cattle. They bribe the people we need. The unruly are removed. Resistant fans are bombed - Iraqis, Serbs, in the future - Russians.

Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one knocks us out in this matter. You don't have your own money. The authorities too. You don't have them and never will! We won't!

We hate you beyond measure! This hatred gives you the strength to smile sweetly in your face, instill confidence in you and lead you, showing "care" for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear.

You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, until you twitch, until then you will be beaten more than expected. Be obedient - you will be left with 65 - 70 million units, otherwise - 40-45.

What will we do

2. “...” (About the lands of the Donetsk region; in particular, the territory of the battle between the troops of Prince Oleg and the Khazars - the vicinity of modern Slavyansk - ed.). If we recall history, then we must admit that these lands are the ancestral lands of ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured Kievan Rus in the tenth century.

The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, just as we created Israel 50 years ago, ousting the Palestinians.

Part of the Israelis will move here, and we will drive the Slavic cattle far to the north, outside of Moscow. There will be a small northern territory - a reservation with a compact population, a reservation, similar to the Indians in America.

Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, known as "moshiach" - a false "messiah".

These are the words of the Rabbi of the Sanhedrin (Spiritual Administration of the Jews in Russia) Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn [the leader of the "Chabad mafia", as they are called even by the rabbis of Israel, behind which is the Baruch banking empire with a fortune of 500 TRILLION dollars].