How citizens participate in political life. Forms of participation of the population in the political life of society

Society Workbook Grade 9 Kotova Liskova


A citizen can take part in political life by taking part in elections, referendums and working in legislative bodies.

2) Basic principles of suffrage in a democratic society.

Universal suffrage- a right that belongs to all citizens who have reached the age of 18.
Equal suffrage- the right when the voter has only one vote.
Direct elections- the right to elect the President, deputies of the State Duma.
Secret ballot- when other voters do not know for whom the voter voted.

3) Differences between elections to government bodies and a referendum:

An election is when a candidate or list of candidates for a certain position is selected by vote. A referendum is a form of passing laws or deciding the most important issues public life by popular vote.

4) Read the data of social surveys and answer the questions.

1) What elections do citizens think affect their lives?
Elections to local governments, because people are worried about problems in their city. These are the everyday problems they face in Everyday life. All these problems are solvable, but it is only necessary to make efforts on the part of self-government.

What elections, according to citizens, affect the life of the country?
Presidential elections, because the president is the head of state, who has more powers than other positions, such as deputies.

What is the difference between citizens' assessment of the impact of elections on their lives and on the life of the country?
Presidential elections affect political system state, and elections to local governments significantly affect the life of the city in which citizens live.

Is it possible to conclude that a significant part of citizens do not see the impact of elections on their lives and the life of the country?
Yes, I agree. If you add up the answers of citizens (I find it difficult to answer, none of them affect), then the vast majority comes out.

2) Guess what explains the opinion of the interviewed citizens.
Politicians during election campaigns promise changes in better side for citizens, but no action.

5) Answer the questions.

1 - It gives people freedom of choice. The people make their own decisions, that is, they influence the formation of the state (participate).

2-3 - underline contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the abolition or ... of such rights and freedoms.
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate ... from other circumstances.

4 - This norm means that the equality of citizens, where every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to participate in a referendum.

5 - According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state does not have the right to influence citizens and force them. Every citizen has the right to decide for himself whether to participate or not, and for which item to vote.

6) What question would you like to address to the state authorities?

I would ask a question about repairing bad roads and raising wages teachers and medical workers.

An example of such a call:
I, Full name I permanently reside at: ADDRESS, contact the city administration CITY with a request to repair the asphalt pavement along the street WE WRITE THE STREET. I ask you, dear Administration, to take action. Respectfully, NAME

The participation of a citizen in political life is considered an indispensable element of modern society. With its help, people become active subjects of political life, influence important social problems, and determine the conditions of their own existence.

Features of participation

The participation of citizens in the political life of the country is a kind of political activity. It consists in the influence of citizens on the adoption of various important decisions in the state.

Character traits

It is necessary to make some clarifications to this term. The participation of a citizen in political life implies the influence of ordinary citizens on the life of society. This term does not take into account officials vested with state power, performing direct managerial functions.

The participation of citizens in the political life of the state is not connected with the professional activities of people who are part of the power, executive, representative, power structures. Officials and professional politicians act as ordinary residents of the country only during the voting procedure.

Participation options

The opportunity for citizens to participate in political life is voluntary, not mandatory for all residents.

All activities that relate to "participation for money" do not apply to an active life position. Participation of a citizen in political life should not be associated with campaigning for some candidate, party.


This is the reluctance of citizens to take an active part in political life, which is explained by the lack of interest in this side of society. Currently, this quality is demonstrated by citizens during the voting.

Forms of participation

Let us consider the main forms of citizens' participation in political life. Among them, mass demonstrations are of particular interest. These include pickets, demonstrations, rallies, strikes.

In addition, the participation of citizens in the political life of society is manifested in voting in referendums and elections. Citizens can express their own position, opinion on the activities of various political parties, using the means mass media. Ordinary citizens can submit an opinion on the adoption of certain laws, the level of their implementation in the form of appeals, letters to executive authorities.

The participation of a citizen in political life is also manifested in the form of control of deputies, constant contact with local authorities. People have the opportunity to exercise control over the activities of municipal and state bodies.

Common variant

What are the opportunities for citizens to participate in political life? Participation in various elections can be considered as the most common form of such activity. In those countries where there is a developed democracy, the number of citizens who take part in national election campaigns reaches 90 percent. The average figure is 50-80 percent.


What are the opportunities for citizens to participate in political life? Given the variety of forms, it is customary to classify them on various grounds. Legal participation is possible, which is permitted by legislative acts. Terrorism is illegal political activity it is prohibited by law.

Depending on the number of participants, collective and individual political activities are distinguished.

According to the nature of the actions, they note: permanent action characteristic of activists, as well as occasional participation of citizens in political life (elections, referendums).

Ordinary citizens can demonstrate their attitude to the actions of political parties, state structures at the local or regional level.

Direction of action

Forms of participation differ in the direction of action. For example, citizens want to realize private interests when holding a rally, or a strike is aimed at resolving a serious situation that has developed in the city. The option of citizens' participation in political life also depends on the resources and efforts that participants will have to make in order to cope with the task they have set. For example, when demonstrating a protest regarding the reduction of employees in an enterprise, citizens must be prepared to overcome pressure from the company's management.

Motivation for political participation

What opportunities for citizen participation in political life exist at the present time? Why do people aspire to such activities? What is the main purpose of political participation? G. Perry, who has been studying this problem for several years, noted that there are three main explanations for the phenomenon of political participation.

The most common form of participation is the instrumental model. The main motive is the possibility of implementing group or individual interests. People try this way to get away state power decisions, actions that will be beneficial for them.

The communal model of participation in political life involves the use of the desire of people to make positive changes in the life of society as a source and main motive. Citizens do not think about their own interests, they are driven by the desire to help other people eliminate some problems.

The educational model involves paying attention not to the sources of participation, but to the results of activities. The political activity of citizens is an important element of socialization. For some people, political participation turns into an important part of life, it is an opportunity to realize their abilities and creative potential.

The main motives for participation are rational-instrumental principles. The actions of citizens are aimed at the creation, adoption, and implementation of government decisions, the search for worthy representatives in government institutions.

Citizen groups

The scope of permissible participation is limited by the political rights of citizens. According to this indicator, the population is divided into two groups. One of them is the political elite. The basis of the activity of such people is politics. These include representatives of parties, state authorities. In the second group are ordinary people.

Their political activity is a voluntary activity, a desire to influence public authorities.

Some scholars take the position that participation is seen as a political action of both groups. There are also those who single out as political participation only the actions of ordinary citizens.

Not all people become professional public and political figures, so let's talk about the actions of ordinary citizens. There are two ways to participate in the political life of the country. The first option involves direct participation, the second - indirect (representative) action.

Examples of direct participation include attending rallies, participating in picketing, voting in elections, letters and appeals to state bodies, and activities in political parties.

Indirect participation is carried out by choosing representatives from parties, groups. It is to them that ordinary citizens transfer authority so that they make decisions. For example, a delegate will be able to become an active member of a parliamentary commission, negotiate with government agencies, and establish informal relations with government officials.

Such types of political participation correspond to certain political roles: party members, voter, petitioner. Regardless of the chosen role, active participation is expected, bringing a certain result.

Autonomous participation involves voluntary and free actions of citizens associated with the manifestation of a certain political position regarding the pursuit of personal or group interests.

Mobilized participation is a compulsory option; it presupposes the obligatory participation of citizens in demonstrations and elections. This option existed during the Soviet Union.

Citizens who refused to support the political line pursued in the country were punished with a "ruble", career growth. Mobilized participation prevails in authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes. In a democratic state, the autonomous participation of citizens in the political life of society is assumed.

The American political scientist S. Verba emphasized that only for a democratic society can we talk about an effective mechanism for the political participation of ordinary citizens in the life of society. This is manifested in the transfer by people who are not professional politicians of information about their own preferences, interests, needs to government officials.

For example, citizens who are outraged by the injustice that exists in society make up petitions, appear on television, and prepare letters of protest to government agencies. In specific situations, it is possible to organize rallies, strikes aimed at solving the existing problem.

Such behavior of the population brings positive results. The authorities are forced to listen to the position of ordinary citizens, to correct the decision.


Every citizen has the right to participate in the political life of his country. To use it, two main factors are needed: the consciousness of the individual, the culture of democracy. The basis for the creation of the main political processes is the direct participation of people in the political life of their state.

Political participation of citizens is influenced by the situation in society. Depending on the level of development of the state, it is possible to involve various segments of the population in such activities.

Social differentiation leads to the emergence of certain socio-political forces, for example, parties, organizations.

Does an ordinary citizen have the opportunity to influence the political process? What is the purpose of developing a culture of democracy in modern society? Political activity is constantly undergoing modernization, it is considered a dynamic system.

It includes social groups, people, the ruling elite. At the same time, each structure pursues its own selfish interests, has a certain level of culture and education.

It is in the interaction of subjects contemporary politics there is a conquest, containment, the use of state power, the modernization of political processes in society.

Political life, changeable and dynamic, involves various subjects of politics: people, social groups, ruling elites, etc. When they interact with each other, the subjects of politics on the issues of conquest, retention and use of state power give rise to various political processes in society.

Political process- this is a chain of political events and states that change as a result of the interaction of specific political subjects (one political leader of the government is replaced by others). Political scientists classify political processes in different ways. By scale: domestic political and foreign policy processes. Internal political processes can develop at the national, regional, local levels (for example, the electoral process). And according to their importance for society, they are divided into basic and private.

The basic political process characterizes the action of all political power as a mechanism for the formation and implementation of political power. It determines the content of private processes: economic-political, political-legal, cultural-political, etc.

Both basic and private processes are characterized by:

A) representation of interests to power structures

B) decision making

C) implementation of decisions

The political process is aimed at solving a political problem. For example, the state of the education system in the country as a whole. These issues are on the political agenda. Their decision becomes object - the goal of the political process which leads to certain results. However, a political one can take place only if there is subjects - participants in the process. These include initiators and performers.

Initiators of political processes Citizens, interest groups, political parties and movements, trade unions, etc. act in a democratic society. The solution of political problems belongs performers- primarily government institutions and empowered officials, as well as specially appointed people from non-governmental bodies.

The executors of the political process choose means, methods and resources for its implementation. Resources can be knowledge, science, technical and financial means, public opinion, etc.

Outcome of the political process largely depends on the combination of internal and external factors. Internal factors include, for example, the competence and ability of the authorities to correctly assess the situation, choose adequate means and methods, and achieve decisions taken in strict accordance with the rules of law. Different interests intersect in problem solving within the framework of political processes social groups sometimes causing intractable contradictions and conflicts.

Political processes, in terms of publicity of decision-making, are also divided into open and hidden (shadow).

In an open political process, the interests of groups and citizens are revealed in the programs of parties, in voting in elections, and so on. In the hidden - the political process is characterized by closeness and lack of control of government decisions. They are accepted by officials and authorities under the influence of unrecognized structures.

Political participation- these are the actions of a citizen in order to influence the adoption and implementation of state decisions, the choice of representatives in government institutions. This concept characterizes the involvement of members of a given society in the political process.

The scope of possible participation is determined by political rights and freedoms. In a democratic society, these include: the right to elect and be elected to public authorities, the right to participate in public affairs directly and through a representative, etc. But the exercise of these political rights may be limited, for example, the right to assemble for rallies or demonstrations by indicating that they must be held unarmed, peacefully, after prior notice to the authorities. And it is forbidden, for example, the organization of parties, the program

which is a violent change of the constitutional order. Such prohibitions are introduced on the basis of the security of the individual, society, state.

Political participation is indirect(serial) and immediate(direct).

Direct participation is carried out through elected representatives. Direct participation is the impact of a citizen on power without intermediaries. It appears in the following forms:

The reaction of citizens to impulses emanating from the political system

Periodic participation in actions related to the election of representatives, with the transfer of decision-making powers to them

Participation of citizens in the activities of political parties, socio-political organizations and movements

Influence on political processes through appeals and letters, meetings with political figures

Direct actions of citizens

Activities of political leaders

Forms of political activity can be group, mass and individual. The most developed and important form of political participation is democratic elections. This is a necessary minimum of political activity guaranteed by constitutions. Within the framework of the institution of elections, each citizen performs his individual action, voting for any party, candidate or political leader. Thus, it directly affects the composition of representatives, and hence the political course. Elections are accompanied by referendums - voting on legislative or other issues.

Political participation can be permanent (participation in a party), periodic (participation in elections), one-time (appeal to authorities).

But, some residents still try to shy away from participating in politics. This position, in practice, is called absenteeism.

Political participation is sometimes frustrating, this is because rational whether this political action or irrational. Rational - actions are conscious and planned, with an understanding of the means and goals, and irrational - actions that motivate mainly the emotional state of people (irritation, indifference, etc.).

Political culture implies: versatile political knowledge, orientation in life to the rules of a democratic society, mastery of these rules.

political knowledge is a person's knowledge of politics, political system, about various political ideologies, about its institutions and procedures, with the help of which the participation of citizens in the political process is ensured. Knowledge can be presented as worldly or as scientific. Scientific knowledge is the result of the study of political science, and worldly knowledge can be represented, for example, by the vision of a democratic regime as limitless, it is possible to do whatever you want.

Political values- this is a person's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideals and values ​​​​of a reasonable or desired social order. They are formed under the influence of knowledge about politics, personal and emotional attitude to political phenomena. The weakness of the political positions of citizens is one of the reasons that make it difficult to achieve harmony in society.

Methods of practical political action are patterns and rules of political behavior that determine how one can and how one should act. Many scientists call them models of political participation of a citizen, because. any form of citizen participation involves analysis and assessment from the standpoint of certain requirements of election programs and personal qualities for power. Political consciousness predetermines political behavior. Democratic political culture manifests itself in reality, but in political behavior.

Thus, the democratic type of political culture has a pronounced humanistic orientation; it embodies the best examples of the political experience of many countries of the world.

The life of its citizens largely depends on the policy pursued by the state, so they are interested in participating in it, expressing their opinion. The right to participate in political life is a sign of a developed society that makes sure that all its members can freely pursue their interests. Let's figure out what it includes and how it manifests itself.

Forms of participation of citizens in political life

Constitution Russian Federation enshrines the right of all citizens of our country to participate in political life. They can do this both independently and through their representatives. Let's consider these situations.

  • elections and referenda

These are forms of participation, when each person can directly take part in public affairs, contribute to the solution of issues that are important for the whole country.

All adult capable citizens (that is, from the age of 18) can participate in elections and referendums. No discrimination is allowed for:

  • race;
  • nationality;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • position in society;
  • education.

Suffrage is not only universal, but also equal and secret, that is, one voter can cast only one vote, and do it secretly from other people.

  • public service

People holding positions in central and local governments can directly exercise power, thereby influencing the life and functioning of society.

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  • appeals

Citizens wishing to draw the attention of the authorities to the problems that concern them can personally or collectively apply to the authorities with statements that they are obliged to consider within a certain time frame.

  • political parties

Freedom of speech allows citizens to create parties, develop their own programs for solving certain issues and, in general, the structure of society. If such parties find the support of society, that is, those groups of the population (for example, pensioners, students, etc.), then they can stand as candidates for elections.

  • rallies

Freedom of assembly and rallies allows people to organize mass demonstrations that express the protest of society or a call for something. But there are also limitations here. For example, extremist speeches that are extremely apoliticized (against the authorities) and that may violate public order are prohibited.

What have we learned?

The participation of citizens in political life is necessary so that each person can express their opinion, draw the attention of the state to the most pressing problems, and influence the process of making state decisions. It can be implemented in different forms. For example, citizens can participate in elections, referendums, rallies, apply to the authorities. They can also influence the government through their representatives, that is, political parties.

Most likely, everyone has already understood that the world is sliding into a zone of “global turbulence”. This is the time when the future of countries and humanity as a whole is not determined, and therefore depends on the position of each individual person. How can people express their opinion? Here it should be remembered that this is done through the participation of a citizen in only not everyone in our country and in other states has the necessary minimum information on this issue. We are not particularly interested in such abstract topics when everything is stable. And as the crisis looms on the horizon, we are lost in conjecture, trying to figure out exactly how we can influence it. Should we rely only on the rulers? Or is it possible to get involved in the common work to overcome it? Let's take a look at our rights and responsibilities.

What will be discussed?

It is proposed to consider the expression "participation of a citizen in political life", defining its semantic load. It has two interrelated concepts. They cannot exist separately and cover the described process comprehensively. Specifically, we single out two terms: “citizen” and “politics”. The first describes a person who has certain rights. The second is the process of their implementation in the sphere of state administration. It turns out that we are exploring a system that allows each person to influence events in his country according to his own convictions. Say it's impossible? However, one should first study the laws, then only draw conclusions.

Your vote is decisive

We will try to understand where the legal leverage is laid down, allowing each person to influence the overall situation. Let's start with the fact that the participation of a citizen in political life is a rather "bureaucratic" process. It is laid out on the shelves in the constitution of any. In addition, there are also a number of laws and other acts detailing this process. Yes, you yourself, most likely, have already taken part in it, but you did not qualify it as the participation of a citizen in political life. If you have already reached the age of majority, then you went to vote (or had the opportunity to do so). You were given information about the various parties wishing to gain power, explained, invited to ask questions, and so on. Maybe you did not pay any attention to these events, but a citizen participates in the political life of his state in this form (but not only). Through the system of elections, his right to take part in the government of the country is realized.

Let's move on to practice

The participation of citizens in politics is not limited to plebiscites. After all, voting is already the result of a rather long process. It is preceded by a political struggle. Namely, those parties that wish to direct the development of the country and society are trying to attract as many citizens as possible to their side. To do this, they explain their views and goals. They try to involve as many citizens as possible in this work so that they exercise their right to freedom of opinion. At this time, any person can choose the power that most fully reflects his own position. Of course, some people think that it is better to stand up for your beliefs alone. However, in a democratic society, a more rational mechanism has been devised, based on a long-standing principle: "Together we are strong!" That is why political parties are formed. They are the spokesman for the aspirations and hopes of certain groups and strata of the population.

About political parties

Now we come to the other side of the citizen's participation in government. Anyone can become a member of a political force that matches their beliefs. And when he is twenty-one years old, to be elected to one or another And this is a completely different level of participation in political life. Work in a self-government body allows you to directly influence decision-making. After all, laws are made in them. Here it is worth saying that a deputy of any level does not vote "according to his own understanding." He is the voice of his constituents. This means that when voting, he is obliged to proceed from the interests of the latter. This is the second level, so to speak, of citizens to participate in the first - participation in the choice of a political force, the second - it acts in its interests.

Is everything so simple?

Actually not really. The fact is that the process of governing the country is quite complicated. You can, of course, “hack with a sword” and declare the most popular ideas among the people. And when it comes to putting them into practice, deputies and parties invariably run into obstacles and barriers. On the one hand, they have an opposition, a political force that expresses the interests of other groups of the population, sometimes of a confrontational nature. It is necessary to negotiate with them, to find a consensus. But there is also legislation, that is, the accepted “rules of the game”. You can't jump over them. For example, many are dissatisfied with high tariffs for utilities. To reduce them, it is necessary to change many laws, the first of which will be the budget for the current year. And besides it, there are other acts of a federal and local character. The work is difficult and long.

Whether to go to the deputies?

Of course, a person with an active civic position wants to more closely influence the life of society. Many aspire to be elected to one body or another. Does everyone have this responsibility? The person on whom the well-being of the country and the entire population depends must have a large stock of knowledge. He also needs experience, the ability to analyze facts, to perceive information deeply and voluminously. Of course, a large number of specialists work on any legislative act. Ultimately, the one who voted is responsible for its implementation. Therefore, it is necessary that these people be comprehensively educated, wise, far-sighted. So it turns out that a citizen participates in politics when he carefully looks at who he is going to vote for.

Participation in peaceful assemblies

Dealt with officialdom. But the political life does not end there. After all, besides elections, there are other forms of expression by the people of their opinion. Thus, the Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This means that people can express their opinion through rallies, demonstrations or other actions held in public places. The exercise of this right is governed by its own laws that describe the methodology for organizing such events. That is, they cannot be spontaneous. Would you like to commemorate? You are welcome to the local government with a statement indicating the goals, organizers and the approximate number of participants. This is no discrimination. Local authorities are responsible for the lives of citizens. She is obliged to ensure the safety of order during the action. Although there are exceptions. One person can hold a picket without approval.

About responsibility

This is the most important on the one hand and the least popular on the other hand.

Our people love to look for someone to blame. However, a citizen in politics has not only rights, but also duties. He is required to exercise his rights thoughtfully and carefully. And then we vote for the one whom they "prompt", and then we grab our heads from what is happening in the country. And more often than not, we skip elections or rallies. Everyone has his own affairs, more important from his point of view, there are. We remember that we are also citizens, and not just people, when we need something from the authorities. And also - when prices rise or another "trouble" develops before our eyes. But after all, you had the right to influence the formation of this very power! Did they use it? Now ask yourself why the “wrong” people run the country.