The use of talc in industry. Is talc a mineral or a rock? Baby powder talc

Mineral talc Mg 3 2, or 3MgO. SiO 2 . H 2 O, is magnesium hydrosilicate. In the form of small impurities, talc contains A1 2 O 3, Fe 2 O 3, CaO, NiO, MnO, etc.

Pure talc snow white. Impurities paint it in various colors: light green, gray-green, dark green, sometimes yellow and pink. When ground, talc is white or grayish-white in color.

With an increase in the fineness of grinding, its whiteness increases. Thin plates of talc are translucent. The luster of talc is greasy, pearlescent.

The hardness of talc ranges from 1 to 1.5, the specific gravity is 2.7–2.8 g/cm 3 .

Talc is chemically inert, very slightly soluble in acids and alkalis; poor conductor of heat and electricity.

When heated in the range of 380–499 ° C, it releases a part bound water without changing their physical properties. The rest of the bound water is released when heated to 800–900°C. This transforms talc into clino-enstatite, a very hard substance with good electrical insulating properties and a high melting point, making it a valuable mineral for the production of ceramic electrical components. The melting point of talc is 1530 °C.

As mentioned above, talc is characterized by fat content, softness, fire resistance, chemical resistance, electrical insulation, in addition, in ground form, talc is characterized by a fairly high dispersion, i.e. the ability to be well wetted by a liquid and be suspended in it in the form of tiny particles. Thanks to such valuable properties, ground talc is widely used by many industries: paper (10%), paint and varnish, ceramics, roofing (6-7%), rubber, agricultural (65%), foundry, perfumery, pharmaceuticals.

In the paper industry, talc is used as a wood pulp filler, which gives the paper density and the ability to better accept printing inks.

For colored paper and low grades, talc of low quality and low whiteness can be used. For paper of higher grades, talc should have high whiteness and fine grinding.

The paint and varnish industry uses talc as a filler. To maintain the tone of the paint, talc must have a sufficiently high whiteness and degree of grinding. The addition of talcum powder to the paint makes it resistant to fire and weathering.

The ceramic industry uses talc in the manufacture of a wide range of ceramic products - from wall and floor tiles to thin radio components.

Electrical insulating ceramics and especially radio engineering require the use of high-quality talc, which has a minimum iron content, for its production, since iron reduces its electrical insulating properties.

The roofing industry uses talc in toleruberoid production. The added talc makes roofing felt and roofing material resistant to fire and weathering agents.

In the rubber industry, talc is used as a filler. Talc powder is also used for sprinkling rolls and rubber products in order to prevent them from sticking together.

The perfume industry uses talc for the manufacture of tooth powder, powder and cosmetic ointments, and the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of medicinal ointments, tablets.

In colloidal production, talc, due to its fat content, is used to make pastes and ointments that find various applications in everyday life (from lubricants for rubbing parts of metal mechanisms to various pastes and ointments in leather production, veterinary medicine and other areas).

A significant amount of talc is used in the agricultural industry in the manufacture of means for the destruction of pests of agricultural crops, since the poison that destroys them adheres well to the particles of talc.

Ground talc is also used in other industries (pencil, foundry, jute, food, etc.).

The name of such a substance as talc is familiar to everyone. Basically, we associate it with baby powder, cosmetics or medicine. But the scope of talc is much wider: from a filler in the paper and paint industries to its use in the production of dietary supplements and medicines. Few people know that the same talc is an E553 stabilizer, often used in the confectionery industry to give a glossy sheen to dragees and caramel. In addition, as a food additive, talc prevents caking of bulk products. But is talc so harmless that its use is widespread, and what is the benefit of the mineral, MedAboutMe figured out.

By nature, talc is a hydrous (hydrated) magnesium silicate. Usually its chemical formula is as follows - Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. But what does this set of letters and numbers mean? The composition of talc may vary, for example, instead of silicon, it may contain aluminum / titanium, and magnesium, in some variations, is replaced by iron / manganese. A substance can have different impurities, determined by the location of its extraction sites.

One of the softest minerals, it is oily to the touch and, depending on the variety, can be white to greenish in color. In various fields of human activity, talc is used mainly in the form of a powder, characterized by:

  • excellent adsorbing properties, allowing it to eliminate moisture and odors;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • a sufficiently long shelf life, subject to appropriate conditions;
  • the possibility of independent use, if we are talking about medical talc.

In paper production, the powder is used to coat high-quality paper that absorbs ink well. In the sewing business, compressed talc replaces the chalk used to mark fabrics. In the manufacture of ceramics, the mineral allows you to improve its heat and sound insulation parameters. Talc is used to prevent caking and sticking of plastic and rubber products stored in warehouses and factories. In the food industry, the mineral acts not only as an emulsifier. Talc is also used in glazing polished rice to give the grains a crisp white hue.

But, despite the similar prevalence of the use of talc, most often we encounter it in the medical and cosmetic fields.

Talc is widely used in the production of dietary supplements and medicines such as calcium gluconate. It is an excellent source of trace elements essential for health - magnesium and silicon. The permissible concentration of the mineral in the composition should not exceed 30%. Experts do not recommend taking such drugs for:

  • elevated temperature;
  • diseases of some organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

In the medical field, talc is also used as an external agent. For example, everyone knows that medical gloves are coated with a layer of talc to make them easy to put on. Also familiar to everyone is baby powder, which removes excess moisture well and protects the skin from friction and irritation. The composition of such a tool also contains starch and zinc oxide. The special powder is characterized by excellent moisture-absorbing and antiseptic properties.

In addition to powdered, liquid talc is no less in demand today. Such a tool is more convenient to use, since it is easy to apply and prevents mineral particles from entering the child's respiratory tract.

Pharmaceutical talc undergoes appropriate processing. To begin with, the mineral composition is cleaned of impurities, and then processed with a dilute solution of hypochlorous acid. Next, the powder is washed and dried, and then sterilized. For neutralization from microorganisms, talc is calcined at a temperature of 160 ° C. Ethylene calcination technology or gamma irradiation treatment may also be used.

Due to its properties, talc is one of the most demanded substances in the production of various cosmetic products, in particular:

  • various powders;
  • face and body powders;
  • eye shadow;
  • foundation creams;
  • dry antiperspirants;
  • skin masks, etc.

Talc-based powder has a special texture, it is easily applied to the skin and distributed over it, eliminates excess fat, and is characterized by a deodorizing effect.

Talc is often referred to as soapstone. When interacting with water, the mineral becomes slippery and due to this property it is actively used in the production of soaps, shower gels and shaving foams. Also, talc can act as a thickening agent in toothpaste.

As part of dry antiperspirants, the powdered substance reduces hyperhidrosis, protects against unpleasant odors, diaper rash and calluses, and provides a feeling of cleanliness and coolness.

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What is the harm of talc to health?

Disputes regarding the harm of talc have been going on for a long time. It has been proven that frequent exposure of the respiratory tract to this substance leads to the development of talcosis. This disease affects mainly people working in industries or often in contact with talc in other conditions. At the beginning of its development, talcosis is manifested by shortness of breath, and after - a dry cough. The longer the contact of the respiratory tract with talc, the more of its particles accumulate in the body, which leads to the development of chronic bronchitis and increases the risk of tuberculosis.

According to scientists, another danger of talc is an increased risk of cancer. Experts say that the frequent application of powders on the skin of the external genital organs in women at times increases the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer. Researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston determined that just 1 week of using talcum powder for intimate hygiene increased the likelihood of developing uterine cancer by as much as 24%. And with the regular use of cosmetic and medical powders, the risk of ovarian cancer increases by 41%. The powdered substance, as it is applied, partially penetrates into the cavity of the internal genital organs and can accumulate for years, causing frequent inflammatory processes and, as a result, malignant degeneration of tissues.

Talc- a mineral with the formula Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2. Synonyms: agalite (fine-fibered), steatite, wen (dense, massive). It is a greasy to the touch friable powder of white (occasionally green) color. The quality of talc is determined by its whiteness. For industrial purposes, ground talc, microtalc, etc. are used. It is worth noting that talc is a mineral that is almost insoluble in water and acids. The necessary conditions for the formation of talc are a temperature of about 400 ° C, a sufficient amount of water (after the transformation of minerals from rocks rich in iron and magnesium).

See also:


The mineral talc has a crystalline (most often rhombic) structure. In nature, it is found in the form of leafy granular layers. It is a secondary mineral that is formed as a result of the fact that magnesium silicates that do not contain aluminum (Al) change their chemical composition.

The crystal lattice of talc is formed by a layer of magnesium oxide framed by two layers of non-polar tetraers of quartz and oxygen. The outer surface of the flakes does not contain any hydroxyl groups or active ions, which leads to high chemical resistance and hydrophobicity of talc. Three-layer talc crystals, having a very strong internal bond, are very weakly bonded to each other.


Talc is a recognized benchmark for softness natural materials. Color from light apple green to white and silvery white, sometimes yellowish. The luster is greasy, on the cleavage planes it is mother-of-pearl. Cleavage is very perfect. Translucent at the edges, transparent in thin leaves. Cleavage is very perfect according to (001). Hardness 1 (minimum) on the Mohs scale. Bold to the touch. Turns white under the blowpipe, breaks up into small sheets; melts with difficulty, forming white enamel at the edges.


Depending on the structure and mineral additives, some types of talc have their own names. So, minnesoaite is talc in which magnesium is isomorphically replaced by iron. It has a brownish color. Willemseite - magnesium in the mineral formula is isomorphically replaced by nickel (the color of the stone is green, blue).

Very dense, massive talc is called steatite or wen. Not so common is talc, which consists of long, entangled, parallel-fibrous, asbestos-like crystals. It is called agalite.

There are also very beautiful varieties of talc aggregate - dense, white and translucent, which tolerate stone-cutting and polishing well. They are called noble talc.

In deposits, talc is found together with chlorite, clinochlore, serpentinite, tremolite, and other minerals of the pyroxene and amphibole groups. can form aggregates when mixed with chlorite (talcochlorite).


Talc is formed as a result of the interaction of dolomites and water from hot springs. Talc stones of various impurity composition are a consequence of the reactions of silicic decomposition of magnesian rocks.

Talc deposits are ubiquitous. However, only in Brazil there are large (up to 5 cm) crystals of talc covered with a quartz crust. The United States remains the champion in industrial production of talc for many years. Canada, France, Russia, countries Far East famous for the development of high quality talc.

In Russia, the Shabrovskoye talc-magnesite and Miass talcite deposits in the Middle Urals are being developed; the Onotskoye deposit of steatite (solid) talc (Eastern Sayan); the West Baikal talcon-bearing province was identified. Large deposits are known abroad in Canada (Maidock), the USA (Gavernour), France (Luzenac), etc.


This mineral has long and firmly entered into various areas human activity and life. Since the end of the nineteenth century, it has been used as a powder, which is used to cover rubber, rubber, plastic technical products so that they do not stick together when in contact. In the sex industry, it is used to store all kinds of toys by surface treatment with talc-based powders. In a notorious "magical practice," talc was used to make potions that some believed could restore youth and beauty; these were various creams and ointments that acted on the skin as cosmetics, but nothing more.

Since about the same time, finely ground talc has been used as baby powder. This mineral can decompose in the human stomach and be a source of magnesium and calcium (calcium gluconate is used in preparations, dietary supplements dietary supplements).

Talc is used as an additive and filler in food products. The European Food Standards Organizations refer to it as food additive E553b.

Talc is a filler for tablets, paper pulp, varnishes and paints, ceramics, cosmetic products, insulators. This mineral is even added to motor oils as an additive, which increases the life of engines.

An important area of ​​application is ceramics (especially radio-insulating).

Talc (English Talc) - Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2


Strunz (8th edition) 8/H.09-40
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 9.EC.05
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 14.4.9

What is talc? It is known to most people as a white powder that is widely used in cosmetics. The mineral has the ability to absorb moisture and oils well and have an astringent effect on human skin. It is an inert ingredient, i.e. does not enter into chemical reactions upon contact with the body or on the skin. People started using it positive properties since the time of ancient Egypt.

Talc has the ability to absorb moisture and oils well and have an astringent effect on human skin.

Talc is a mineral widely distributed in nature and of great industrial importance. Also known as the softest mineral. What is talc and what is its chemical composition? It contains silicon, magnesium, oxygen and hydrogen. The talc formula is expressed by writing Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2.

Talc is a mineral widely distributed in nature and of great industrial importance.

Talc is a translucent mineral that is green, white, grey, brown or colorless. Sometimes there are other shades of stone, such as red or burgundy. It has a sheet structure, like mica. The sheets are held together only by van der Waltz bonds and easily slide relative to each other. Thanks to this, talc is the softest mineral. Feels greasy and soapy to the touch., which allows it to be used as a high-temperature lubricant (melting point is about 160ºС). When heated, it becomes more solid, has a weak electrical conductivity.

Most of the talc is produced in China, the USA and Japan. In Russia, the deposits are located in the Urals and Siberia. The quality of the mineral depends on the degree of whiteness of the crystals. During the mining process, efforts are made to avoid contamination by other rocks that may negative impact on the color of the product. Impurities are removed using the froth flotation method or by mechanical treatment. Mills produce crushing to the size required by customers.

Gallery: talc stone (34 photos)

Steatite is a type of talc

Talc is a constituent of many rocks. Steatite is a massive variety of metamorphic origin. Another name is soapstone. It has been mined for thousands of years. They made dishes from it that were not afraid of fire and slowly gave off heat. The rock consists mainly of talc with various amounts of other minerals (chlorite, magnesite). The color of steatite is gray, bluish, green, brown or variegated. Since its main component is talc, it has properties similar to it. This makes steatite a valuable material for many applications. Physical properties include:

  • softness and ability to be easily cut;
  • high density and lack of porosity;
  • heat resistance and high thermal conductivity;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • resistance to alkalis and acids.

Mineral and chemical compositions are not permanent, which is why physical properties can vary in different minerals and even within the same rock. It depends on the starting material, temperature conditions and pressure.

Where is talc mined (video)

The level of metamorphism often determines the granularity of the steatite and its hardness.

The special properties of the rock allow steatite to be widely used in many areas:

  • production of countertops and sinks;
  • creation of decorative carvings;
  • construction of stoves and fireplaces;
  • making dishes;
  • use as building and finishing material;
  • molds for metal casting;
  • production of marker pencils.

Due to its properties, steatite stone is used for medical purposes as a natural heating pad, as it can store heat for a long time.

How is talc applied?

Everyone knows what talc is, but few people know about its widespread use. It finds application in medicine, pharmaceutical, textile and paint industries, as well as in the cosmetics industry. Application of talc:

  1. Coating of medical and technical products made of rubber and plastic to prevent sticking during storage. Use in everyday life to eliminate friction of contacting surfaces (in the chamber of a bicycle tire, in rubber gloves, shoes).
  2. Application in the production of plastics and ceramic products. It usually acts as a filler, while increasing the rigidity of products, increasing their heat resistance and reducing shrinkage.
  3. Talc is a powder that is used on the skin of children from the first day of birth. In addition to this mineral, it also contains zinc oxide and starch, which enhance beneficial features funds.
  4. Talc powder is used as a filler in paints. It facilitates their application to the surface and at the same time serves as a bleach for light colors.
  5. Used as an additive in the manufacture of paper, it makes it smoother, brighter and whiter. In addition, talc improves the ability of newsprint to absorb ink.
  6. The properties of talc to adsorb moisture and oil allow it to be used as a powder base in the manufacture of many cosmetic products. It provides the necessary texture and facilitates application to the skin.
  7. In medicine, talc is used as a filler in tablets. It prevents them from sticking. Included in dietary supplements as a source of magnesium and silicon.
  8. Talc in the food industry is an additive. It is used as a coating for candies and chewing gums, thereby eliminating their sticking to the wrapper. It is also used for polishing grains of white rice.

How to wear stones (video)

This mineral is an indispensable and safe component in the production of many products and preparations.

Attention, only TODAY!

Let's start with the fact that talc is a kind of free-flowing agent that resembles powder. Why do you need talc for the body? It absorbs excess moisture, prevents prickly heat, irritation, removes an unpleasant odor. It also has deodorizing properties.

It is very important to use it in the summer. When you are more in a warm room, when it is hot outside, talcum powder is exactly what you need. Baby powder, which must be used from the first day of a baby's life, is also a kind of talcum powder.

Talc for the body is indispensable. If you apply talc on the body immediately after a shower, you will feel freshness and a pleasant aroma for a very long time, tight clothes will stop rubbing you, the smell of sweat will simply disappear. The skin will become incredibly smooth, pleasant to the touch.

In fact, talc is a component of many products that we use every day in everyday life. For example, these are: deodorants, tooth powder, toothpaste, many face masks also have talc. As for the eyeshadows, they contain 80% of such a component as talc.

Before using talc in cosmetics, it must be processed to exclude microbiological elements.

It must be said that talc in cosmetology is used not only to combat sweat, how. Many ladies use it for other purposes as well.

Rules for applying talc to the skin

The procedure is quite simple, but it is worth following a few very important rules.

  • First, after a shower, be sure to dry the skin of the body well to eliminate moisture.
  • Second, apply talc to the skin with light movements, preferably with a thick brush, for example, as for blush, powder.
  • The third important rule, before applying talc to the skin for the first time, test it on a small area of ​​your skin in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, since an allergic reaction to one of the components is possible.

If you do everything right, your skin will become soft, tender, with a pleasant aroma.

Hair talc is great for owners of oily hair who need to go somewhere urgently. Many have heard of dry shampoos, but they are quite expensive and quickly used up.

We take the usual cosmetic talc for the body and apply it to the hair, after dividing it into parts 5-6, after 15 minutes, comb the talc out of the hair well and the effect of clean hair will last all day, since the talc will absorb excess fat from the hair during this time .

For ladies with a white complexion, talc is perfect instead of powder, since it is white, it will help hide imperfections on the face, such as redness, black dots, and at the same time it will not be noticeable to others. Scented talc for the body, will only be heard on very close contact.

Another unusual way talc in everyday life: if you are expecting guests, you can quickly pour a small amount of only flavored talc on the carpet, bed, curtains, rub it in well so that it is not visible from the outside. In this way, the smell in the room will be very pleasant for a long time and it will not cause any harm to your carpet.

To answer this question, it is worth starting with what is talcum powder for the body? This is a powder, the consistency is similar to powder, which is widely used in cosmetology and not only.

What is talc made from? This is a natural substance. Contains talc: silicon dioxide, water, magnesium oxide and admixture of aluminum oxide.

There is an opinion that if you inhale talc very often, it is very harmful to health. But this opinion is more about the enterprises where it is made and if you use it at home, then this amount will not harm your body.

When buying talc, remember that it is better to purchase it from trusted manufacturers in order to protect yourself from various bad components in the composition.

There is also an opinion that if talc is used very often in the perineum, it can cause a malignant tumor, inflammation, etc.

Many people face such a problem as sweating. And in fact, this is a very big problem and there is little that can help solve it. Flavored talc is a way out of this unpleasant situation. One has only to pour a little talc on the palm of your hand, and then apply it to problem areas (armpits, feet, face).

Believe me, the smell of talc will of course disappear in just a few hours, but there will be no sweat and no unpleasant odor, which is most important.

A great way out and the fight against harmful deodorants, and besides, you won’t apply ordinary deodorant to your face, legs, feet, etc. Powder-talc for the body, a modern fight against sweating, because the 21st century is already in the yard, it's time for modernity, cosmetology and not only has become very advanced.

The main advantage of cosmetic talc for the skin is getting rid of excess moisture, unpleasant odors, elimination of irritations on any part of the skin, diaper rash, etc.

In cosmetology, it has been used for a long time and there is a high probability that modern ladies will soon completely forget about deodorants, because you can talk about their disadvantages forever.

It's time to talk about the most popular brands in order to protect yourself from low-quality talcs with various impurities.

Flavored talc from Oriflame: to be preferred, the company has been stable on the market for many years. Products are tested before they are released for sale.

"Farmasi": also has very good reviews, the stability of the company for many years and the quality control of all cosmetics.

"Makeup": a lot of choice of cosmetic talc, there is an online store, which is very convenient for right choice, description, price, reviews.

"L Erbolario" Italy. Natural Italian cosmetics, promoted brand since 1978. Based on medicinal, natural, natural ingredients. The quality is guaranteed.