Where is rice grown in Asia? All about rice, the pearl of the fields

Asia is naturally considered the birthplace of rice, and to be more precise, the North of Thailand and Vietnam. However, from its inception to the present day, the culture of its cultivation has undergone many changes, as a result of which more and more new varieties have appeared - in South Asia, rice needed abundant water and hot weather, and in Japan and Korea, only those varieties that they easily endured quite severe night colds and did not pay attention to a small amount of moisture. And if Japanese and Korean cuisine is based on unpretentious "round" rice that sticks together when cooked, then in India they still prefer a fragrant and elongated variety called "basmati".

In Northern and Central Europe, rice did not take root right away - the climate did not allow growing it. The fashion for this cereal came here only after the south of Europe almost completely died out from the plague epidemic. Since there was no one to sow wheat after that, huge fields were planted with the very “round” rice, which did not require special attention and was distinguished by high calorie content. A little later, the fashion for "white pearls" came to Northern and Central Europe - for several decades, rice has become one of the most popular export products. And in Russia, rice appeared relatively recently - only a few hundred years ago they began to grow it in Astrakhan, Rostov, Stavropol and the Krasnodar Territory.

It should be noted that the taste and aromatic qualities of rice are influenced by several factors - water quality, soil and climate characteristics. However, first of all, rice differs in the way it is processed. For example, brown rice is minimally processed to retain the fiber and most of the grain's nutrients. White rice is obtained in the process of grinding - all outer shells are removed from it, and the grains acquire a snow-white color. Another type of rice (it is called steamed) is steamed several times so that the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is preserved in its grain.

Nowadays white rice is the most consumed in the world. Firstly, it cooks quickly - only 10-15 minutes. Secondly, dishes with his participation have an aesthetic appearance, excellent taste, excellent appearance. However, it also has disadvantages - white rice contains much less vitamin B1 (thiamine), nicotinic acid, magnesium, zinc, iron than brown rice.

White rice is most often divided by grain length. So, rice with a long and thin grain "indica" is grown in Asia, Australia and North and South America and Australia. This is the most versatile rice that does not stick together when cooked and is used as the basis for most of the dishes of Oriental and European cuisine. Medium-grain rice, grown in Spain, Italy, the United States, and Australia, has shorter, broader grains that contain more starch. Its main feature is the ability to absorb the tastes and aromas of other ingredients of the dish. medium grain rice perfect way suitable for preparing paella and risotto, as well as meat and vegetable soups. Round grain rice with the highest amount of starch grows in Italy, Russia, China and Japan. It is almost opaque and contains the largest amount of starch. Such rice is used in the process of creating desserts, casseroles, cereals and Japanese sushi and rolls. Nowadays, experts in healthy nutrition have excluded it from the list of dietary products. Therefore, we recommend you...

Benefits of brown rice appreciated by proponents healthy eating- the fact is that in the process of processing it retains a nutritious bran shell, which gives it a light brown color. Such rice is stored for a short time due to the fact that an oil-containing shell remains in its grains, rich in B vitamins, minerals, fiber and folic acid, as well as phosphorus, zinc, copper and iodine.

This variety of rice is distinguished by a slight yellowness - the fact is that when steamed, it retains up to 80% of the nutrients from the bran shell, which pass into the grain that has become more durable. Such rice is cooked longer (from 25 to 30 minutes), and in the process of cooking it gives yellowness to the water, and it becomes snow-white and does not stick together even after reheating. That is why steamed rice is often used to make traditional pilaf.

The rice elite includes varieties of "basmati", "jasmine", "arborio" and the so-called wild rice.

Basmati rice is grown in northern India and in the areas closest to it in Pakistan. Connoisseurs say that the long-grain white rice acquires its aromatic and taste qualities due to the very special soil, unique climate and air of these regions. By the way, the name "basmati" is translated from Hindi as "fragrant" - it is very easily recognizable by its excellent smell and memorable taste. It is best paired.

The Thai variety "jasmine" has a delicate milky aroma, and its long and narrow grains, although they stick together a little after cooking, still retain their shape and snow-white color. It is recommended to cook it under the lid.

Italian rice "arborio" got its name in one of the cities of the province of Vercelli in the north-west of the country. After cooking, it becomes creamy in appearance and absorbs the taste of other ingredients of the dish. In addition, arborio is a very tender variety, so it is very easy to digest. It is most often used in risotto.

Finally, wild rice is a plant of the perennial grass genus, which is closest to the planted rice. It is collected in the North American Great Lakes region, where it was once a favorite food of the local Indians. The main feature and advantage of wild rice is its content of a huge amount of vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. Black or dark brown grains of wild rice are hard and therefore boiled for at least an hour, after soaking in water.



What you need:

  • rice - 1/2 cup
  • broth - 1 cup
  • butter - 3-4 tbsp.
  • cheese - 100g
  • saffron, salt - to taste

What to do:

1. Pour thoroughly washed arborio rice with a small amount of chicken, meat or fish broth.

2. Boil it, stirring constantly and gradually pouring in the remaining broth (optional - about 100 grams of dry white wine).

3. After the rice is boiled, season it with salt, saffron and butter. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top. Serve at the table as a hot appetizer.


What you need:

  • squid - 200 g
  • white fish fillet - 200 g
  • peeled shrimp - 200 g
  • mussels - 12 pcs.
  • chicken - 200 g
  • Bell pepper green and red - 100 g
  • canned tomatoes in their own juice - 80 g
  • green canned peas - 50 g
  • canned sweet pepper - 50 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • Iberica rice - 500 g
  • olive oil - 100 g
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • chicken broth or water - 1 l

What to do:

1. Peel the squid from the skin and remove the chitinous plate. Cut half of the squid into large rings. Cut half of the fish fillet into long slices, the remaining squid and fish into small pieces. Sweet pepper cut into cubes, canned - strips. Mince the garlic. Cut the chicken into small pieces, rub with salt.

2. Put the chicken pieces into the heated oil, quickly, for 2-3 minutes, fry it over high heat until a crust forms, add sweet pepper, mix and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Put in minced garlic.

3. Add finely chopped fish and squid. Fry everything together, stirring, 3-5 minutes. Put the peeled tomatoes together with the juice, bay leaf and, lowering the heat, cook, stirring, until two-thirds of the liquid has evaporated.

4. Then put in the rice and carcasses, stirring constantly until the liquid is absorbed.

5. Pour broth or water into paella, salt, mix and sprinkle with lemon juice, smooth the surface, bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Then turn the heat down to medium, put the mussels, shrimp, squid rings, fish slices and peas on the rice. Cook the paella until the liquid is completely absorbed.

6. When the paella is ready, increase the heat to the maximum for 30-90 seconds - as a result, a fried crust of rice forms on the bottom of the pan. Remove the paella from the heat and cover the dish with a towel for 3-5 minutes to absorb excess moisture.

Bon appetit!

From early childhood, people eat a product such as rice. But if, for example, we know almost everything about potatoes, then how does rice grow, what varieties are there and in what countries is it cultivated?


More than 20 types of rice are offered for sale: various varieties and degrees of processing. There are very cheap and quite expensive, but low price does not mean poor quality. Rice also varies in color from very white to black, brown rice and red - this depends on the cleaning of the shell of the grains. The darker the color, the closer the product is to natural and the more useful substances are stored in it.

Also, grains are distinguished by shape: round, medium and long grain. Wild rice is very interesting - swamp grass, up to 3 m high, related to ordinary white. It is quite expensive, because it is difficult to assemble and process. And such a "savage" grows in the north of America and in East Asia.

aquatic plant

Why does rice grow in water? Plants are grown in fields that are completely filled with water and do not allow it to flow out until the cereals are fully ripe. Why do they need so much water all the time? It turns out that in this way rice growers fight weeds, which greatly reduce the yield. And for rice itself, such an amount of water is not at all a burden - it is moisture-loving.

Plants are grown on flat fields and on mountain terraces. By the way, in the mountains such plantings look very beautiful - a photo of rice fields in a mountainous area. In countries where there is a lot of rainfall, grain is not grown in floodplains.

Not everyone likes what rice looks like when it grows. First, of course, the fields of the beautiful Green colour, and during the ripening period of a dark brown hue. The rest of the time, in marshy places, bunches of plants of different heights stick out of the water. In some countries, rice is planted by seedlings, in others by seeds.

Rice countries

In which countries are these plants mainly cultivated?

  • A lot of plantings are in China - almost 140 million tons are harvested every year from the fields of this country.
  • It is followed by India, Indonesia, Vietnam.
  • Rice is grown in the fields, Australia.

  • Where is the plant distributed in Russia? In our country, it grows in areas where the summer is long and hot: in Krasnodar, Chechnya, Astrakhan and Primorsky Territories. The Krasnodar region is the largest supplier of rice throughout Russia.
  • In Uzbekistan, an unusual red-brown variety "Devzira" is grown, which increases in size by seven times when cooked. Interestingly, the longer the grains are stored, the tastier they become. Naturally, the price of such rice is much higher than usual. And how long the variety should mature depends on the crop. If a lot is grown, then it is possible to store 2-3 years, watering periodically with water.

  • Rice is the main dish in Iran. It is boiled for eating at any time and even used as a medicine.
  • Round-grain rice is grown in Ukraine and not only in the southern regions of Odessa and Kherson regions. In recent years, under the planting of this plant, they are trying to develop the northern regions of the country.

land for landing

In what soil does rice grow best? These are chernozems and muddy soil rich in organic matter. In flooded fields, the yield increases several times due to a favorable ecosystem. Plants in such areas do not require top dressing, all natural and useful substances are stored for a long time. To do this, after harvesting, rice growers burn the remains of rice stalks and mix with the ground.


But how are rice plants harvested? On large plantations with a special caterpillar combine to make it easier to drive through swampy fields. The machine collects and threshes (that is, it does the same work as combine harvesters harvesting wheat, rye and other grains).

Small areas for personal use are cleaned in a different and rather original way. For example, the Chinese gather with the whole family and cut the stems, collecting them in sheaves. And then the whole crop is simply laid on the roads, where cars drive and people walk. The wheels of cars seem to knock out the grains and clean them of dirt. Then everything is collected and taken away for storage. Before cooking, of course, the rice is washed.

For residents of many countries, rice is the second bread. How many dishes consist of rice grains: porridge, pilaf, pies and much more. This plant is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and beneficial vitamins.


We showed rice cultivation in pictures in this article. By the way, those who want to plant it on their suburban area, can easily do this. The main desire!

Rice is a staple food in many countries of the world, successfully competing with wheat and corn. This cereal is the basis of nutrition for residents in Asian countries, where rice replaces bread, potatoes, cereals. They also love rice in Europe, the USA, Canada, Latin America, where cereals are imported in large quantities. In some EU countries, in particular, in Bulgaria, they have learned to produce rice on their own in order not to spend money on its purchase.

During the year, each person in the world eats, on average, almost 58 kilograms of rice. This indicator concerns mainly the Asian countries Myanmar, Vietnam, China, and Japan. The average European eats only two or three kilograms of rice.

The top 10 rice producing countries have remained unchanged for more than a decade. The top three are formed by China, India and Indonesia, although Vietnam, Bangladesh Myanmar constantly challenge them. It was the last state in the 1960-1970s. was the world leader in rice production. Interestingly, the productivity of this cereal crop is not the highest in those countries that are included in the TOP. Most grain per hectare is obtained in Australia (102 centners), Egypt (95 centners), the USA (86 centners) and Turkey (81 centners).

The largest consumers of rice are Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, and China.

Experts say that rice production will increase this year, reaching 500 million tons. This means that the number of people working on plantations will also constantly increase.

Rice production in the country is falling, and is now about 8 million tons per year. This figure has decreased by almost 2.5 million compared to 2009-2011. This is due to the fact that rice production is under state regulation of cultivation, caused by the formation of huge stocks of cereals in the country. As a result, grain prices have risen. Sometimes the rice crop in Japan can be harvested twice a year if conditions are favorable. Japanese rice is different from other varieties because it has White color, small size, oval shape and large grain volume.

9. Brazil

This country breaks the traditional stereotypes that Asia has monopolized rice cultivation. The production of this grain crop is constantly growing, and today it is 12.6 million tons. Brazilians eat rice as a main side dish for lunch or dinner. The stores sell packages of cereals that have different volumes. The size of packs can vary from 1-2 to 10-15 kilograms.

8. Philippines

Another state where rice cultivation is growing from year to year. An increase in production volumes is achieved due to the expansion of sown areas, hiring more agricultural workers. In recent years, rice production in the Philippines has fluctuated between 16.2-18 million tons in year. The main harvest is collected in mid-December, according to the results of which the amount of grain harvested is 10-11 million tons. During other months, several million more rice is produced. It all depends on weather conditions and grain ripening time.

7. Thailand

Rice production in this country is constantly growing, increasing, on average, by 0.5-0.6 million tons every year. In 2015-2017 yields were equal to 18.5-19.1 million tons. In this regard, the pace of import and export of rice from Thailand to other countries of the world is constantly increasing. Analysts, assessing the agricultural sector, predict that rice production will increase to 26-27 million tons. So far, such volumes are targets for Thai farmers, as Thai rice reserves are declining and need to be replenished.

6. Myanmar

The government of the country is striving to constantly increase the rice area. This will help Myanmar to emerge from the crisis caused by the consequences of the military dictatorship. At the beginning of the 21st century situation with rice production began to change in better side when in 2002 a crop of 21.9 million tons was obtained. Now production has already reached 37 million tons. It was possible to improve not only the quantity of the crop, but also its quality, which contributes to an increase in exports.

UN experts say that in 10-15 years Myanmar will become the leader in rice cultivation, pushing China and India to the rear positions. The advantage of the country is the presence of low production costs, abundant irrigation of fields, the interest of the population in improving the quality of the crop.

Rice from Myanmar is already seriously competing with Pakistani, Indian, Vietnamese cereals, as it costs $20 less per ton of rice.

5. Vietnam

In 2015, the country collected 45.2 million tons of rice, which was a record for Vietnam. In 2016, production decreased slightly, amounting to 44.5 million tons. The harvest of 2017 may be 700 thousand tons less, which is caused by severe drought, irrigation of fields with sea water, salinity of soils. The highest cereal harvest is in spring and winter, and another in summer. Rice harvested in the winter-spring period is exported to other countries.

4. Bangladesh

More than 60% of the total population of the country work on rice plantations of the country, which makes it possible to receive a constant injection of money into the country's budget (20%). According to the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangladesh annually produces more than 47 million tons of rice. This allows the government to provide the inhabitants of the country with a constant food product, the consumption of which is constantly increasing.

3. Indonesia

In 2016, it was collected from the fields 79.14 million tons of rice, which is 4 million more than in 2015 (75.4 million tons). Such high results were achieved by Indonesian workers due to excellent weather, climate and regular irrigation. Indonesia has been self-sufficient in rice for several decades, although the area under cultivation has been declining. Many lands were given over for housing construction. This led the government to increase the area of ​​rice fields again and buy several million tons of rice per year from other Asian countries. This is how internal reserves and grain reserves are maintained.

2. India

Rice in this part of Asia is harvested several times a year. And so it has been for several thousand years, which is associated with the special regime of the rivers that irrigate the fields. Each plantation is fenced off from the other by earthen ramparts. Rice plantations are visible everywhere in India, so the main direction Agriculture is rice production. The total annual yield is almost 108 million tons products.

1. China

China ranks first not only in rice production ( 142-144.5 million tons/year), but also the number of varieties. Almost 10,000 varieties of rice are known in the Middle Kingdom, differing from each other in such parameters as color, size, density, and cultivation technology.

Plantations for planting rice are treated in a special way. The earth is first plowed with bulls, and then rice sprouts are thrown into the ground, abundantly flooded with water. They are obtained in special greenhouses-hotbeds. Before planting, the sprouts are selected to find the best quality. Irrigation of plantations is carried out using water channels.

On August 9-12, in Antonovka, Skadovsky district, Kherson region, an International seminar on modern technologies for growing rice and global aspects of food and environmental security was held. Organized by the Rice Institute National Academy Agricultural Sciences and Netafim is a world-famous leader and manufacturer of intelligent systems and technologies for drip and micro-irrigation. attended the seminar and carefully followed everything that happened.


The place for holding the international seminar was not chosen by chance - they have been doing research work in the field of rice cultivation here for more than 50 years - we are talking about the Institute of Rice of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and also, nearby, in Kakhovka, there is a Ukrainian representative office of Netafim.

Cooperation between Netafim Ukraine and the Rice Institute in 2015 reached a qualitative level new level, and for the first time in Ukraine, full-scale experimental plots for growing rice were laid. This year, these are already 3 plots with a total area of ​​79 hectares on drip irrigation in the Kherson and Dnepropetrovsk regions.

For many nations, it is almost the second bread. By the time of cultivation and valuable qualities, it is rightfully considered the most popular cereal in the whole world. There are many varieties of this culture and ways to cultivate it. This article will provide information on which countries are most rice grown, and about its useful properties Oh.


Several thousand years have passed since man began to grow rice. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations, proving the fact that people have been eating this cereal since the dawn of human history. Pottery with traces of rice was found, and ancient manuscripts of the Chinese and Indians, in which he was deified. It was used as ritual offerings to ancestors and pagan gods.

There are many interesting and adventurous stories associated with rice cultivation. The culture owes its origin to ancient Asia. Now this territory is occupied by such countries as Vietnam and Thailand. Over time, the cereal spread to other continents: it easily adapted to the local climatic conditions of other countries and became very popular in many cultures of the world. In particular, it has found its application in the preparation national dishes. Given these facts, we can safely say that rice is an integral part of the traditional culture of many peoples. A similar attitude towards cereals is observed in Japan, India, China and Indonesia.


A tropical plant is distinguished by special biological characteristics associated with an unusual environment for its growth. No cereal forms such vegetative organs, which has fig. The description of the culture conveys the uniqueness of its structure, which allows it to grow right on the water.

The roots are fibrous, superficial, most of which sink to a depth of 30 cm. The root system is endowed with an air-bearing tissue called aerenchyma. It is found in leaves and stems. Such a system is necessary for the plant to maintain the required oxygen concentration. Being in water, the plant cannot “breathe”, and thanks to the aerenchyma, which absorbs oxygen from the stems and leaves, the root system is enriched with it. In addition, the soil on the rice plantation becomes highly permeable and changes the direction of metabolic processes. The root consists of many processes (up to 300), with a small number of fine hairs. The lower stem nodes sometimes form additional roots involved in the nutrition of cereals.

The stem is a complete thin straw. Depending on the variety, its length varies from 0.5 to 2 m. As it narrows from the base to the edge, the length of the internodes increases. Their thickness is about 7 mm. In the process of culture growth, the number of internodes increases to 15-20 intervals.

The leaves are narrow plates of a linear-lanceolate type with a sheath. They come in green, purple and reddish colors. The venation is ribbed, length - 30 cm, width - 2.

One-flowered spikelets are collected in inflorescences, like a panicle. Two wide, ribbed scales make up a flower (sometimes with an awn) of brown, yellow or red.

Fruits - film weevil, white on a break. The structure differs in vitreous, farinaceous and semi-vitreous.

Sowing rice has over 100 varieties in shape, color, and the presence of awns. There are two main subspecies: small and ordinary. The latter is divided into two varieties: Indian and Japanese.

Indian is distinguished by a long, narrow caryopsis and the absence of awns in flower films. The Japanese grains are round, wide and thick.

The main culture of Asia

Why did rice become the main crop of Asia? In the tropical zone, with a predominant monsoon climate, excessive waterlogging of the soil is considered normal. Due to the fact that most of the territories are covered with water for a long time, it does not appear possible cultivation other agricultural crops. The main accumulation of rice plantations falls on the Asian mainland. When there were no mechanized methods of cultivating cereal crops, rice was grown only in areas with natural moisture. Thanks to technological progress, there are now rice plantations in many states, and they are irrigated artificially.

Economic importance of rice

In which country is rice the food crop? As mentioned above, these are the states of the Asian mainland. This includes several countries that are engaged in the production of grain, the annual harvest of which is 445.6 million tons - more than 90% of the gross world harvest. After processing rice greens, about 80% of the product goes on sale. Especially a lot of grain is supplied to the world market by China and India.

It cannot be said that rice is common as a food product only in Asian countries. For a third of the world's population, it is one of the main products. This corresponds to the meaning of its name, which, translated from ancient Indian, has a very meaningful definition - "the basis of human nutrition." The product enters the world market from many countries. Rice is the main food crop in Thailand, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, Korea, North Korea, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Grain crops are also cultivated in America. 9.2 million hectares are allocated for plantations in this territory, of which 7.4 million hectares are in the southern part. The main producers here are such countries as Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, USA, Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The lowest rice yield in Africa, just over 9 million tons per year. To a greater extent, it is produced in Nigeria, Côte d, Ivoire, Sierra Lyon, Guinea, Tanzania, Zaire and Madagascar.

The nutritional value

Rice is a nutritious product that provides the human body with the necessary substances. Statistics show that in the regions where it grows, more than 100 kg per person per year. Residents of these countries receive a significant portion of their calories from cereals. Unlike other grains, it is very rich in starch (88%). The composition contains carbohydrates, fats, fiber, ash, vitamins and protein. The latter contains a large number of amino acids: meteonine, lysine, valine. Thanks to this, the product is easily absorbed by the body.

Rice grains neutralize free radicals in the human body. In the presence of a large number of these harmful elements, a person is at risk of developing cancer, as they affect cellular genes. Most often, reactive oxygen particles contribute to premature aging.

Regular consumption of rice groats has a positive effect on the nervous system and protects the intestines from irritation. It is included in the gluten-free diet, where it is one of the main components. Rice is a dietary product rich in microelements and a worthy substitute for bread. Therefore, it is used in cases where a person needs to adhere to a diet for any reason.

Rational use

After grain processing, there is always waste. Scrap and chaff are used for the production of beer, alcohol and starch. Rice bran contains a lot of useful substances, fats and protein. Among them are phosphorus-containing elements - lecithin and phytin, thanks to which the waste serves as a nutritious feed for livestock. The above-ground part of the plants is also used for animals, and paper is made from straw.

Peeled rice is supplied to the world market and, accordingly, it costs more in Krupa and is in demand among the population. Glazed rice is found in European and American markets. It is a refined and nutrient-rich grain. Since during the technological processing, along with the husk, the layer of useful substances is also peeled off, the manufacturers considered it expedient to carry out the enrichment process, with the restoration of the missing elements.

Rice is varietal. The shape of the grain is round or oblong, wide or narrow. The structure of the endosperm can be vitreous, farinaceous and semi-vitreous. Vitreous is more rational for technological processing. In the process of separating the grain from the shells, the yield of whole cereals is greater, since it is less crushed.

Basically, cereals are used to prepare a variety of dishes and desserts. Flour is obtained from it, which is used for the production of baby food and confectionery.

Types of grain

As a food crop, rice undergoes various technological processing, on which it depends. the nutritional value, taste and color. Grain of the same variety, processed in different ways, is divided into three main types.

  • Brown. Rice that has undergone minimal processing to preserve its beneficial qualities is called brown rice. In Asia, it serves as the main food for the elderly and children. Meanwhile, in America and Europe, it is a valuable product for supporters of a healthy diet. After processing, it also remains a storehouse of valuable elements and vitamins for the body, since it retains the bran shell. It is she who has a large dose of nutrients. The only downside is the short shelf life.
  • Sanded. Grinding is the standard type of processing. This is white rice, long known and coming to the market in large quantities. It goes through several stages of grinding, after which its grains become even, smooth, snow-white and have a translucent endosperm. Due to the content of a large number of tiny air bubbles, occasionally grains can remain dull. Availability nutrient white grain gives way to steamed and brown. Its advantages include excellent taste and aesthetic appearance.
  • Steamed. Steamed grain, often found on supermarket shelves, is also very popular. Steam technology preserves minerals and vitamins inside the grain. Rice that has not undergone the collapse process is immersed in water and steamed under high pressure. Then it goes through a series of technological stages without loss of useful properties. This is due to the fact that under the influence of steam, the valuable substances contained in the surface layer penetrate deep into the grains. It takes longer to cook steamed cereals, as they are stronger and firmer.

In some African countries, several types of wild-growing rice are also eaten, in particular, short-tongued and dotted.


Rice is a grain crop requiring special conditions cultivation. The main factors for its development are heat and the presence of a water layer. An important condition for it is the optimal amount of sunlight. It has a direct impact on the productivity of a tropical plant. There is one caveat - when the air temperature is too high, intensive vegetative growth occurs, which negatively affects the overall development and reduces grain yield.

Rice is best cultivated on clayey, silty soils, since water is well retained in them. In the natural environment on sandy soil, the yield of rice is very low. However, if such soil is enriched with fertilizers, the yield of grain will increase significantly.

In mountainous areas, special terraces are created with fences to retain water. On flat surfaces, the soil is leveled for uniform irrigation and good drainage. As in mountainous areas, areas are divided by ramparts. A system of canals is being prepared in advance, with the help of which the strait of plantations is carried out. Throughout the entire period of development of the culture, the fields are kept flooded, periodically changing the water level, depending on the growth of plants.

In Asia, before planting in a torrential field, the grains are germinated in ridges, and then transplanted into the water by 4-5 sprouts in a nesting way. In Western countries, rice is sown with grains by hand, and in developed countries, grains are sown by mechanized method.

Types of rice farming

Rice growing is divided into 3 types: firth, upland and torrential. Since the tropical plant has become an agricultural crop, rice is mostly cultivated in torrential fields. The remaining methods are considered obsolete and are used for growing cereals on a small scale:

  • pouring method. This is the type of cultivation that was described above. The torrential checks are kept constantly flooded, and after harvesting the water is drained. Up to 90% of grain grown by this method enters the world market.
  • Firth plantations. This is the oldest method that I use in Southeast Asian countries. Rice is cultivated during floods and sown in river bays. Such rice cultivation is inefficient.
  • Dry type. It is practiced in areas with natural high soil moisture. On upland plantations, rice is planted only by sowing seeds. The advantage of such rice cultivation is that the plants are not exposed to diseases and the grain has the highest palatability. This type of rice cultivation is also distinguished by its ease of cultivation. In Japan, after the development of irrigation, dry fields were transformed into torrential fields. Difficulties in growing can arise due to the sensitivity of plants to drought, the need to remove weeds and depletion of the soil.


Obviously, rice is the main food crop in many countries. Despite the limitations in the way it is grown, it is eaten everywhere. There is hardly a corner on earth where rice dishes would be unknown. This valuable product is being shipped all over the world, and now it is available to everyone.