Five elements of Feng Shui. Basic principles

Every year there are more and more admirers of Chinese philosophy. The art of Feng Shui attracts people with harmony and well-being, because if you restore balance in your home and workplace, it will become much easier to live and work.

In total, there are five elements that are the basis of Feng Shui - these are Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. They move in a circle, replacing each other like the seasons.

Each element has its own characteristics and is a certain aspect of the eternal energy Qi.

Basic element properties

Each element has its own shape, color, direction, taste, body organ that it affects, and season. The strongest element is Fire, as it embodies the power of energy. It is characterized by a red-orange color with bright and saturated shades. The energy of Fire is created by angular forms, it can be rhombuses, pyramids, triangles. They spread energy very quickly in different directions. This element deals with transformation and expansion, symbolizes light.

The earth element symbolizes support and earthiness, it has brown, yellow hues, all muted tones that help slow down energy. Rectangular and square shapes allow this element to fully manifest itself. For example, if it is necessary to increase the energy of the Earth in a house, then the windows should be placed in a horizontal (grounded) direction.

The element of Water symbolizes renewal and liberation, it is characterized by black and dark blue colors pointing to personal wisdom. Since Water flows, it can take any form. Its movement is possible in the form of a ripple or a cascade, that is, the movement of energy flows down and to the sides. Water influences the spirituality of a person, personifies contemplation and meditation. This energy makes people creative, flexible, peaceful, but its excess sometimes leads to indecision, emotionality, vulnerability.

The Wood element symbolizes personal growth, the birth of a new life. The cycle of 5 elements of Feng Shui begins with the Tree. Since the energy of the element moves vertically, it takes the form of a column, a cylinder. The color of the Tree is green, it symbolizes abundance, activity and growth. A person endowed with this energy does everything slowly, unhurriedly, carefully, but at the same time always reaches the goal. He is very strong, relies heavily on intuition.

The metal element is responsible for mental capacity. His colors are gray, white, silver, because they affect the intellect. The shape of Metal is a circle, its energy moves in a circle, goes out. This element often unites groups of people into communities, collectives. Metal increases the mental activity of a person, stimulates thought processes.

Yin and Yang of all elements

Absolutely all elements have both Yang and Yin characteristics. If we talk about the Tree, then the example of Yang will be healthy, young, green plants, while the shrunken flowers, wood, etc. will act as Yin. A soft and malleable metal, such as silver, is Yin, but a hard and complex metal (steel) is Yang. In Water, Yin is represented by wavy curtains, paintings with ponds, and Yang is represented by fountains, aquariums. Very often, Fire is associated with Yang energy, but this is not entirely true, because the soft lighting of a candle, incense are more related to Yin.

The flow of Qi energy symbolizes transformation and expansion, it passes through all five elements, thereby creating Yin and Yang. As a result of establishing a balance, Qi flows freely into environment, bringing peace, tranquility, rest from worries and troubles to people in this house or place. The art of Feng Shui involves the use of the elements to bring balance and the free flow of Qi. To achieve harmony and well-being, it is not enough just to collect and place all the elements in the house, you need to carefully study their cyclicity so as not to accidentally harm yourself. In nature, there are destructive and constructive cycles, their competent interaction creates a balance.

The main cycles, their impact on people

go in a circle one after another in this order: Tree-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water. To enhance the impact of any element, you must place it near a friendly element. Wood gets along well with Fire and Water, Fire with Wood and Earth, Water with Wood and Metal, Earth with Metal and Fire, and Metal, respectively, with Water and Earth.

At the same time, Feng Shui can have a destructive or depressing effect. If there is an overabundance of some element, then its influence can be reduced with the help of a warring element. Fire can be extinguished with Water, Wood can be cut down with Metal, Earth can be depleted by Wood, Water can be absorbed by Earth, and Metal can be frightened by Fire. That is why you cannot immediately use all five elements, they will create chaos, will oppress each other, and will not bring any benefits.

Feng Shui is of great benefit, because if there is an excess of some kind of energy, then it can be pacified with the help of another. There is a shortage of a certain element, which means that it can be replenished with another element. All five elements are responsible for a specific organ of the body, so they are actively used in Chinese medicine. Fire is associated with the heart, Water with the kidneys, Metal with the lungs, Earth with the spleen, Wood with the liver. From this we can conclude that the kidneys are sensitive to cold, the heart to heat, the lungs to dryness, the spleen to moisture, and the liver to wind.

Finding balance, peace of mind

When all five elements of Feng Shui are correctly involved, peace and tranquility will reign around. Chinese philosophy presupposes the pursuit of balance. Feng Shui is able to increase the personal Qi energy of each person. To do this, you just need to surround yourself with things that enhance or suppress certain elements. For example, if a person is too impulsive, starts up with a half turn, then he has an overabundance of Fire. Water will help to calm down, improve the state of the nervous system, for this you can build a fountain in the yard or put an aquarium in your office.

According to Feng Shui, you cannot surround yourself with just one element. There is a lot of Earth around - a person will not be able to take risks, fully enjoy life, an excess of Fire - there is a risk of constantly quarreling with people around him. Feng Shui teaches you to seek balance, maintain order. Chaos prevents the free flow of Qi, so all things must have their place, you can not scatter them anywhere. It is also undesirable to use five elements at the same time, so that the effect of confusion is created.

But it must be remembered that Feng Shui first of all indicates the need to put mental harmony in order, and then pay attention to the physical aspect. You can furnish the apartment as much as you like with various figurines, bamboo sticks, but they will not help you find balance, because there is no peace of mind.

According to Feng Shui, a person must completely free his mind from worries, because they block the energy flow of Qi. You need to do good, be friendly, try not to get nervous over trifles, and then the positive energy of Qi will heal not only the body, but also the soul.

5 feng shui elements(Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) constantly interact with each other. In a certain sequence, they generate and destroy each other. Thanks to the movement of these five primary elements, the interaction of the energies of Yin and Yang is carried out.

These 5 Feng Shui elements are the energy phases through which Qi energy passes. The tree is a symbol of a swift start; Fire - the peak, the pinnacle of development; Earth - stability; Metal - decline; Water represents potential. They form creative and destructive cycles.

Generation cycle 5 feng shui elements looks like this: Fire gives birth to Earth, Earth creates Metal, thanks to Metal, Water appears, Wood feeds on Water, and Wood kindles Fire, thus closing the cycle.

Cycle of destruction: Wood destroys the Earth with its roots, Earth absorbs Water, Fire is extinguished by Water, Metal is melted by Fire, which, in turn, cuts Wood.

In varying amounts, these fundamental components of feng shui create everything that exists in the universe and influence everything that happens in it. Considering their features, it is possible to influence the energy of space, creating a favorable environment for a person. The task of feng shui specialists is match these 5 elements so that they form a stable balance.

In order to understand the essence of each of these 5 elements of Feng Shui, you should analyze the properties and characteristics of each of them.


It is with him that the cycle of five elements begins in Feng Shui, it is a symbol of the birth of a new life, just as nature comes to life with the advent of spring. The birth of a tree can be called a unique process. From a small seed, thin, tender sprouts appear that strive for light, breaking through asphalt and stones, and over time become mighty plants with a lush crown and powerful roots. Therefore, this plant in Feng Shui symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and everything that slowly but surely, overcoming all obstacles, strives for its goal, without fail reaching it.

A person endowed with such energy is very strong, and his strength is flexible, sensitive to the prompts of the inner voice.

The tree is best symbolized in feng shui living plants. For example, with the help of bamboo sticks, you can attract good luck and positive energy into your life. To activate such energy in the room, any green objects are used.


Of all the 5 elements of feng shui, it has the highest concentration of yang. This element has always inspired people with fear and respect. His energy is superiority, power, assertiveness, dominance.

Animals, birds and children are considered carriers - active, ubiquitous and restless creatures. Excess, according to Feng Shui, negatively affects a person, turning him into a self-confident selfish person. Moreover, it can even lead to nervous exhaustion, because such people constantly strive to redo a lot of things, they are always in a hurry somewhere, do not have time and sometimes lose control over the situation.

Quantity adjustable candle or red light. If there is a shortage, the situation is corrected by arranging red evening lighting or table lamp with a red shade. It lives in pyramids, fireplaces, images of sunrise and sunset, as well as in interior items made of feathers, wool, and leather.


The next of the 5 elements of feng shui is the basis of human life, its habitat. We live on the earth, our descendants lived on it, and our ancestors will live on it.

An overabundance leads to the fact that a person becomes a victim of his own stubbornness, a narrow-minded, limited creature. And then well-being can leave his life.

With the help of the Earth in Feng Shui, you can make the relationship between man and the environment more harmonious. The more it is in our life, the more stable and confident our position will be. To this end, you can decorate the yard with large granite boulders or beautiful clay statues. You can also increase the influence with the help of hermetic terracotta tanks filled with earth. The habitat is globes and landscapes, stones and stone, porcelain, ceramic, crystal products.


metal objects surround modern man in huge numbers. As a result, unfortunately, in many ways they lost their value in his eyes. And in vain, because the importance of this element can be compared with the importance of fire in the life of primitive man.

The energy of the next of the 5 elements of Feng Shui - contributes to the stimulation of thought processes, making a person mentally more active.

Increasing the amount of this energy in your home is quite easy - you just need to get metal objects: clocks, candlesticks, photo frames or any metal figurines. However, it is important to remember that the more symbolic things are, the less favorable energy they will attract into your life. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it.


The last of the 5 feng shui elements. In the view of the Chinese, she is also endowed magic power. It was in it that life once originated. When there were no mirrors, only in it you could see your own reflection. There is always some mystery in the water, a riddle. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that it personifies spirituality, contemplation, meditation.

Penetrating into a person's dwelling, Water makes him more creative, flexible, sensual. At the same time, excesses make a person very emotional, indecisive, vulnerable.

Attract glass fresh water containers, a bowl with glass or other transparent materials pebbles, some black item.

In nature, all 5 elements are balanced, but the development of mankind, its separation from its roots, led to the fact that people no longer properly equip their homes. Therefore, in our apartments, in the vast majority of cases, this balance is disturbed. And, nevertheless, in any house all the elements must be present. If at least one of the rooms does not have one of them, this will cause an imbalance, which will become an obstacle on the way of a person to harmony with the world and himself.

The Orthodox Church is categorically against feng shui!

Feng Shui Elements are five types of energy (also known as wu-xing) - wood, fire, earth, metal and water. The system of five elements explains how the different types of Wu Xing interact with each other and how they move within nature. The tree is similar to plants that grow from the ground and go up and to the side. Fire is like a hot flame that also moves upwards. The earth is a stabilizer that develops and settles in four directions. Metal weakens when water interacts with it.

Most popular feng shui books explain these types of energy as simple physical forms. However, these categories are beyond the tangible. This theory is also used to describe changes in seasons, colors, numbers, and more.

Below are diagrams that summarize some of the associations with each of the five elements:

The interaction between the five elements in Feng Shui is one of the key principles creating a balanced environment. Since the principles of feng shui explain existence in harmony with nature, it is necessary to be able to imitate how these five elements interact with each other.

feng shui circles

There are three circles that exist between these five principles: creation, destruction, control.

Circle of Creation

This diagram shows the Circle of Creation between the five elements.

In this cycle, the five principles form each other:

  • WATER creates WOOD (plants cannot survive without water);
  • WOOD creates FIRE (wood and coal kindle a flame);
  • FIRE creates EARTH (the ash that remains after a fire eventually turns into soil);
  • EARTH creates METAL (when the earth shrinks for a long time, it turns into stone, which forms metal);
  • METAL creates WATER (cold material causes water to condense).

When there is a lack of a certain element or it is absent at all, we can turn to an accompanying or enhancing element to strengthen it. For example, with a lack of fire, you can use this element in greater quantities, although this is dangerous. There is a better way - to add the element of wood. As it feeds the fire, the strength of the missing element will increase.

Sometimes a certain element can be in excess. In order to weaken it, you need to look at the Circle of Control or Destruction.

Circle of Destruction

In the Circle of Destruction, five principles destroy each other:

  • WATER extinguishes FIRE;
  • FIRE melts METAL;
  • METAL cuts WOOD;
  • WOOD drains the EARTH (it takes useful material from soil)
  • EARTH pollutes WATER.

We use the cycle of destruction to control the amount of energy of a certain element.

Circle of Control

Some Feng Shui practitioners also refer to another phenomenon called the Circle of Control. It is sometimes referred to as the Dissolution, Weakening, or Recovery Cycle. It is similar to the Circle of Creation, except that its cycle is reversed.

In the Circle of Control:

  • A TREE absorbs WATER through its roots, which allows it to grow;
  • WATER corrodes METAL, turning it into rust;
  • METAL makes EARTH weak by using its energy to form itself;
  • EARTH reduces FIRE;
  • FIRE burns WOOD to ashes.

Practitioners use the Circle of Weakening to reduce the power of a dominant element without completely destroying it, unlike the Circle of Destruction.

five elements

So, it's time to figure out what the five elements are in Feng Shui, the embodiment and influence of their energy in various objects and symbols.


Water is one of the main elements of Feng Shui.

If you need this element to correct the imbalance in the house, then you need to use real water, not its image. Clean circulating water is much more efficient than standing water. That is why it is recommended to use fountains and aquariums in every Feng Shui school. This good way the location of water in a place where there is usually none.

Blue or black in large quantities can replace the energy of water at a vibrational level. So if you paint the walls in a room, for example, blue, then it will create the energy of this element.


This is the element of Feng Shui, which is somewhat misunderstood. Wood furniture, for example, is mostly passive, so it won't cause any harm even if it's all over the apartment, including the floors.

If you want to use wood as a balancing element, then a living plant is fine. A picture or carpet in green tones will not only decorate the room, but also become a source of wood energy.


This is a controversial element, and its location can bring either a lot of benefits or harm.

Most people from Western countries who have not thoroughly studied the art of Feng Shui do not know how to use this element correctly. In Chinese culture, red symbolizes happiness, wealth and success.

Outside of any cultural or psychological associations, the vibrations of the fire generate more heat. Painting doors red to make up for the lack of this element is a common myth in Feng Shui - such actions will not bring any benefit.

Colors of fire that are used in the wrong places can cause accidents, divorces, and other unwanted occurrences. This element can be represented by a large object of red, burgundy, hot pink or cranberry color.


This feng shui element is found in any object that is made using earth or stone. Things made of clay, ceramics, brick, marble, concrete also radiate the vibrations of the elements. Another element of the Earth is crystals of rose quartz and amethyst. This beginning symbolizes yellow, orange and brown. Artificial crystals do not have healing powers, although their use is very popular in some modern feng shui schools.


Things made of copper, brass, bronze, tin, steel, silver and gold carry the energy of the metal. White or gray color can improve the atmosphere where this element is not enough, but it is still better to use real metal. Furniture and décor in a room will often have details in this material that will have the appropriate energy.

Metal filing cabinets in the workplace can also be used to restore metal strength. Simply put, there is no need to buy special Chinese attributes. Even a set of metal golf clubs in the right place can have the same positive impact as special copper coins and mandarin duck figurines.

I like people who have a raw piece of copper or brass and are not shy about using it, thus getting the energy of the metal. 11-13 kilograms of this element is enough to improve the vibration of a 3 m 2 room. Rooms with a larger area, respectively, require more metal.

People who study Eastern astrology and feng shui perceive five elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth at first as unimportant components of Chinese non-traditional sciences. People consider information about how these elements interact to be additional, and therefore it is not clear to them why teachers are feeding it to them. They do not realize that the main thing in these non-traditional sciences is to learn to understand the combinations and interaction of energies - the five elements of the universe.

Only by understanding how the energies combine can one learn to easily interpret the pillars of fate, quickly eliminate problems that arise in life, and recover from serious diseases. This publication discusses the metal and its properties. If you want to study Feng Shui, you should understand that the five elements are the basis that helps you navigate the wilds of Eastern science.

Metal qualities

Like each of the five feng shui elements, metal has its own qualities. The geometric forms of metallic energy are the circle and the oval. The latter refers more to the liquefied metal element, this is formed due to the effect of water and fire on the metal. And it has the shape of a regular circle. It can be used to neutralize the negative combinations of feng shui flying stars or to heal the body and cleanse the energy.

A huge palette of shades, which is available in the manifested world and its invisible part, represents the five elements of feng shui. Each color refers to an element. Shades of metal are:
- white;
- grey;
- silver;
- golden;
- bronze;
- copper;
- all shades of the listed colors.

How does the metal element interact with others?

If you look at the circle of generation of the five elements of feng shui, you can not help but notice that the metal is born from the earth. The same energy process is observed in the physical world - huge reserves of metal ores appear and are stored in the bowels of the planet Earth. Studying the five elements, you should carefully remember the principles of their interaction, because this is the key to the secrets of the physical and energy worlds.

In addition to the fact that the circle of five elements of Feng Shui can be generative, it can also be debilitating. In this case, the five elements of feng shui interact according to the principle of weakening one element due to the influence of another. So, according to Feng Shui, metal takes power from the earth. After all, its resources are spent on the creation of a metal element and on maintaining its usefulness.

The theory of the five elements also suggests a cycle of destruction. This is when all five elements destroy one another. In this case, metal shreds wood. As, for example, an ax cuts down a tree trunk. If you look at the circle of interaction in which the five elements of feng shui destroy each other, you can see that metallic energy turns into water due to the impact of fiery. In other words, fire destroys metal.

The effect of metal on living organisms

Five elements that are the basis of Feng Shui and Eastern astrology: metal, water, wood, fire and earth, appear not only in the form of energies, but also as parts of the physical world. In fact, everything is made up of them, their combinations and the mechanisms they create. Therefore, by purposefully influencing oneself and one's environment, one of the five elements, taking into account the rules of feng shui, it turns out to achieve favorable changes in energy, in everyday life and in fate.

If you look at the five elements of feng shui, it is difficult to conclude which of them could be called dominant. Metal is one of the most important energies for any living being. After all, the protective layer of the body is ethereal, it consists of a metallic element. Physically, this layer is manifested as the immune system. Therefore, strengthening according to the rules of Feng Shui, it turns out to strengthen the immune system and get rid of many diseases.

All five elements can help get rid of health problems. Metal, for example, allows you to eliminate diseases:
1. Fire: cancer, inflammation, tumors, hemorrhoids and blood diseases.
2. Earths: sclerosis, problems with the stomach, bones, tendons and skin.
3. Trees: convulsions, epilepsy, viral and bacterial diseases.

If we recall the five elements of feng shui, we cannot fail to notice that this list does not include diseases of the water and metal elements. The reason for this is that diseases caused by the energies that feed and support them cannot be cured.

Each of the five elements of Feng Shui can be the main one in any alcoholic drink or drug. Addictions caused by addiction to the energies of wood, fire and earth are easily removed by metal. For example, alcoholism is the body's addiction to the energies of earth and fire. They give alcoholics a sense of joy and inner balance. Narcotic substances for the most part contribute to the strengthening of the energy of fire in the energy of the body, and therefore cause euphoria in drug addicts. In principle, all five elements are able to enhance different types people feel happy, but the fire makes it more obvious than the rest.

According to Feng Shui theory, smoking and the habit of drinking strong coffee intensify the fire in the energy of the body, and therefore smokers and coffee lovers have a feeling of satisfaction after receiving the required dose. If you take daily metal tablets, such as zinc without vitamin C, then you can easily get rid of alcoholism, drug addiction, the desire to smoke a cigarette or drink another cup of coffee. After all, this does not cause the effect of euphoria from the use of something harmful to health.

Where to find metal?

According to feng shui theory, the five elements are contained in literally everything that can be seen, heard and felt. The metal is found in the following foods and supplements: zinc, food gold and silver, cocoa, rice, black pepper, radish. Full list presented in the article.

Metal manifests itself physically and in the form of crystals. These can be stone crystalline structures or consisting of frozen water. Therefore, cooling with ice and taking crystals in powder form inside helps to eliminate inflammation and even the most terrible tumors. The five elements of Feng Shui allow you to completely get rid of diseases. The main thing is to know which ones need to be applied and for how long it should be done.

Frost, cold and coolness are all manifestations of the metal element. Therefore, people and animals suffering from inflammation and tumors should spend more time in the cold. It's easy to do when it's winter outside early spring or late autumn. Well, in the summer you need to create coolness in the room with the help of an air conditioner in order to balance the five elements of feng shui in the energy of the body and thereby cure a serious illness.

The sectors of the metal element are the west and partially the northwest and southwest. Looking at the geomantic compass, you can see that the metal is arriving:
- from the southwest-3 (232.6° - 247.5°)
- from the west-1 (247.6° - 262.5°);
- from the west-2 (262.6° - 277.5°);
- from the west-3 (277.6° - 292.5°);
- from the northwest-2 (307.6° - 322.5°).

In these compass directions it is worth walking in the evenings if diseases of wood, fire and earth overcome. Or put your bed in one of the listed metal sectors, headboard.

The metal is also contained in the energy of any living organism. But how strongly this element is manifested depends on the date of birth, place of residence and environment of a particular living being. To allow this energy to manifest itself more energetically, you should sleep more often and immerse yourself in meditation. Inaction when turning off mental processes is necessary in the open air, for example, in a room with an open window, it helps the energy to cool down, and therefore strengthen the most useful energy for living, which is included in the circle called the Five Elements of Feng Shui.

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The use of feng shui techniques that improve health by harmonizing the energy of the body does not imply an urgent refusal from the services of doctors and medicines prescribed by a doctor.

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In this chapter, I review The theory of the five elements, which you need to know to change the living space. In accordance with the Chinese doctrine of energy, all things in the universe are associated with various elements. Basic elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. With the help of this theory, one can find an explanation for all natural cycles and, accordingly, learn how to achieve harmony between them. If we consider the theory from an energy point of view, it turns out that each of us contains a certain amount of each of these five elements, in addition, everything that surrounds us consists of them.

Each of the five elements in the Bagua Octagon has a designated place. If in the house all five elements are located correctly, then the energy circulates freely, helping to achieve harmony and well-being. But each of the elements can also be located in a place where it begins to conflict with others. Such a negative arrangement of the elements can cause irritation, cause low incomes, and even affect health.

Each of the five elements is an energy formation with unique characteristics and sensations and can act in various proportions in the natural world. These relationships include colors, seasons, and geometric shapes. The five elements are also related to the psychological and interpersonal aspects of human life.

Tree energy: development

Tree qi is the energy of the spread and development of the new, hardness combined with flexibility. This element corresponds green color, the energy is associated with the liver and also with the spring. It corresponds to a rectangle (located vertically) or a column. Skyscrapers are a common example of tree-like buildings. In the Octagon, the tree element is located in the "Family" zone. It is used to activate the energy of development, creative development and vitality. The element is associated with new beginnings, the use of its means is like the arrival of spring - the season when people feel young, energetic and purposeful.

Fire energy: distribution

Qi of fire is a hot energy, the energy of burning, constantly striving upwards, bright and quick-tempered. Of all the five energies, this is the most valuable and active energy, therefore it is equivalent to the maximum manifestation of energy activity. The element is associated with summer, orange and red, and also with the heart. It corresponds to a triangle or a pyramid. In the Octagon, this element is located in the Fame zone. If you want to achieve greater recognition and fame, then you should use the means of the fire element.

Earth energy: stability

Earth Qi is the energy of stabilization, balance and self-confidence. During changes, the earth helps to strengthen the spirit, find a foothold and makes you like a rock. This element is associated with the harvest season, the color yellow, and also with the stomach. It corresponds to a square, a rectangle (located horizontally) and a cube. Usually in the Octagon, the earth element is located in the center, in the "Health" zone. If you want to live more calmly, become more focused, feel connected to someone and remain unshakable, you should activate the energy of the earth element.

Metal Energy: Compression

Metal Qi is a cold, shrinking and dense energy associated with communication, creativity, symbols, signs and noise. It corresponds to white, gold and silver. The metal element symbolizes the lungs as well as autumn. Its geometric correspondences are circle, sphere and dome. In the Octagon, this element is located in the "Children" zone. It is used to improve the communication process if you want to allow your children to do something or make new plans come true.

Water energy: serenity

Water Qi is the energy of maximum concentration and calmness, the energy of all things moving downward and striving for peace. The element water is associated with winter, with black and dark blue, and also with kidneys. It has no definite geometric correspondences, and its forms have an elusive, indefinite and undulating, smoothly curving surface, moving and hardly describable. In the Octagon, the water element is located in the "Career" zone. It is used to achieve peace and clarity of consciousness, as well as to increase the number of people who come into your life and improve your financial situation.

Placement of the Five Elements in a Feng Shui Environment

In the Bagua Feng Shui Octagon, the five elements are arranged as follows:
Fire: in the center, behind ("Fame" zone). Earth: in the center ("Health" zone). Metal: in the center, on the right ("Children" zone). Water: in the center, in front ("Career" zone). Tree: in the center, on the left ("Family" zone).

cycles of the five elements of feng shui

The elements are interconnected in continuous cycles: generative and destructive.
During the generation cycle, the five elements participate in the process of generating each other, during the destructive process they absorb each other, but nothing is actually destroyed. During the process, energy is transformed from one state to another. For example, if you melt ice, it turns into water. It may seem that the ice is destroyed, but in fact the matter has changed form: the ice has passed into the water. If you continue to heat up, the water will turn into steam - another changed form - and again, no real destruction will occur.

The cycles of creation and destruction can be used as feng shui remedies. Despite its name, destructive is not a negative cycle. In fact, nothing is destroyed, there is a transformation of energy from one state to another.

The Cycle of Generation of the Five Elements

In the cycle of generation, with a constant chain of energy modifications, all elements are generated, created or pass into each other.

The generation cycle is superficially similar to the destruction cycle, except that each element changes from its original form to another.
The following example is a vivid illustration of the spawn cycle:

  • wood in the process of burning feeds the fire;
  • the ashes born of fire return to the earth and nourish it;
  • earth gives birth to metal;
  • hot metal becomes liquid like water;
  • water nourishes the tree.
And this cycle goes on forever

Cycle of destruction of the five elements

In the cycle of destruction, all elements symbolically destroy each other:

  • an ax cuts wood (metal element);
  • metal burns in the fire of the forge;
  • water extinguishes fire;
  • the earth absorbs and evaporates water;
  • tree roots penetrate the ground (wood element).

Table 5.1 shows the physical correspondence, color and shape of each of the five elements.
Table 5.1. Physical correspondences, colors and shapes of the five elements

Generating and Destroying Elements

In the next section, you'll learn that to activate an element, you must place it in its natural location. With the help of Feng Shui, you can create an element derived from a new element, by activating which you can solve certain problems. I called such an element a parent element. To activate the zone, you use the element you created earlier, called the evolving element. In table. 5.2 presents the generative and developing elements, their relationship with each of the five elements.

The use of the five elements in feng shui

The doctrine of the five elements explains the interaction of the forces of nature, positively or negatively affecting people. If all the elements are in balance, life flows peacefully and harmoniously, but if there are contradictions between them, you may experience disharmony and often encounter problems that arise.

The following principle is basic for establishing a balance between the five elements: they must all be in their natural conditions, and, more importantly, not be where they can conflict with their antagonists.

In the process of working with the five elements, consider each of the following relationships: the physical correspondence of the element; color corresponding to this element; the form corresponding to this element. (Table 5.1 lists the correspondences for each of the five elements.)

Application of the Five Elements, Method I: Placement in Their Natural Places

When using this technique, you should place the selected element in its natural place. If there is not enough fire energy, i.e. you need to quickly increase your popularity, you should add this element to the "Fame" zone of the house, bedroom or yard.
To do this, you can put a candle in the "Fame" zone, use red color, place a triangle or a pyramid.

Applying the Five Elements, Method II: Moving or Eliminating the Negative Influence of One of the Elements

If one of the following situations is familiar to you, you should change it immediately! An element that is placed in the natural location of its antagonist can cause a problem. Misplacement of elements should be dealt with, especially if they are located in areas that you would like to change:

  • the wood element, located in the natural location of the earth element, can cause poor health;
  • the fire element, located in the natural location of the metal element, can negatively affect the communication process;
  • the element of earth, located in the natural location of the element of water, can harm a career;
  • the metal element located at the location of the wood element can destroy family relationships;
  • the element of water, located at the location of the element of fire, can harm fame (reputation).

For example, if a fountain (water element) is located in a house in the zone of the fire element (the "Fame" zone), the contradiction that arises between them will negatively affect the reputation. To solve this problem, you need to remove the fountain.

If it is not possible to remove the destructive element, there are two options for solving this problem: eliminate Negative influence destructive element with the help of its antagonist. For example, if in the house (the "Children" zone) there is a fireplace (element fire) in the metal zone, and your child has problems at school, to eliminate the negative influence of fire, add the water element to the "Children" zone. To do this, you can try to install a fountain in the metal zone, this will reduce the negative impact of the fireplace and improve your child's energy. It is not necessary to use water at all, it can be replaced with a black or wavy object. And even better, if you combine both of these qualities; activate the attacked element in its natural location so that it can deal with its antagonist. If we continue to consider the example with a fireplace in the natural zone of the metal element, then to solve the issue, you need to add more metal to this zone. You can use a metal object, an object white color or some kind of spherical object. (Or you can combine all three of these components, i.e. use a white metal sphere.)

Application of the Five Elements, Method III: Using the Generative and Developing Elements to Strengthen the Power

The addition of a generative or developmental element (or both) in the natural zone of any of the five elements is another means of solving problems that arise. If you, for example, want to increase (have a baby!) or unite a family, use a tree to achieve such results. The water element generates the wood element, and fire the developing wood element. Therefore, to enhance the tree in its natural area, you can install a fountain or place some kind of red object.

Application of the Five Elements Method IV: Simultaneous Use of the Five Elements

All elements can be used for balance, harmony and strength in any place requiring positive energy regulation. This method is usually used for bedrooms, living rooms or offices. If all the elements are located in their places, then an atmosphere of unity, peace and harmony is established in the room. Elements can be placed one at a time in a room or in the Octagon area, or they can be grouped in one place, for example, in the form of a picture in which the colors of each of them will be present. It is also possible to place an object that has the physical characteristics of all five elements, i.e. object of the required shape, color and material.

With the simultaneous use of all five elements, there are no destructive interactions between them, they are in harmony with each other. On an energetic level, this situation is absolutely perfect and ideal.