All lightsabers from star wars. DIY Jedi lightsaber

Real laser swords from Star Wars. The laser sword is a weapon of warriors from the Star Wars saga. As Obi Wan said in the very first movie, "A weapon is more elegant than any blaster."

The name of the laser sword does not quite correctly reveal the essence of this amazing design. It would be more correct to call it a "plasma sword". Each Jedi has always made his own laser sword, which served him faithfully throughout his life as a Jedi.

As a rule, it took a Jedi about a month to “forge” and a laser sword. The creation of a laser sword consisted of two main parts: the mechanical assembly of the metal parts of the sword with the help of hands and tools. The second part, undoubtedly the most important and very time-consuming, is meditation in the process of increasing the concentration of power in the crystals. And yet, when the situation required it, it could take only two days to “forge” a laser sword.

Electronic sword, electric sword

The Jedi were taught to use the Force as a link between war and the sword. Due to this connection, the weapon became a part of the fighter and a continuation of his essence. While wielding an electric sword, this harmony served as a source of super-fast, inhuman reaction and dexterity.

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Created as much for elegant combat as for ceremony, the lightsaber was a special weapon, the very image of which was inextricably linked with the world of the Jedi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "It's a Jedi weapon. Not as crude and messy as a blaster, but an elegant weapon from a more civilized age."

It was a blade of pure energy (or rather plasma) emitted from the hilt, most often crafted by the owner of the weapon himself based on his own needs, requirements and style. Due to the unique balance of the sword - the concentration of all its weight in the handle - it was extremely difficult to handle it without special training. In the hands of masters of the Force, such as the Jedi or their dark brethren, the lightsaber inspired great respect and even fear. Being able to wield a lightsaber meant having incredible skill and focus, masterful agility, and generally attuned to the Force.

Over the millennia of use, the lightsaber has become an iconic attribute of the Jedi and their desire to maintain peace and bring justice to the entire galaxy. This perception persisted despite many early conflicts with the Dark Jedi, who also wielded this weapon, often referred to as the lightsaber. In particular, this is what Anakin Skywalker called the lightsaber when he first saw it with Qui-Gon Jinn.

Tionna Solusar: "As stated in the holocrons, the earliest swords were crude devices that used experimental "frozen blaster" technology to create a focused beam of energy of a certain length."

The rakata's power sword was the forerunner of the modern lightsaber. In this device, the energy of the dark side of the Force, passing through a crystal grown in the laboratory, was transformed into a luminous energy blade. The technology of power swords was the basis for the creation of lightsabers. Perhaps the very first functional lightsaber was the First Blade, crafted on Tython by an unknown weapon maker. Even then, the ancient Jedi Order, whose members used ordinary forged swords, “froze” the blade of the future lightsaber, having learned to combine the advanced technologies of other planets with their forging ritual. With the transformation into the Jedi Order after the Wars of Force, the Jedi Knights continued to use edged weapons remained a tradition for millennia.Lightsabers were not established for widespread use due to their general inefficiency and many shortcomings.

By 15,500 BBY, their research had come to fruition. The Jedi developed a method for producing a focused beam of energy, which led to the creation of the first lightsabers. They were still unstable and inefficient: they used up a huge amount of energy, so they only worked for a short period of time. As a result of these shortcomings, the first lightsabers were little more than cult objects. They were rarely worn, much less used.

Early references

Tionna Solusar: "...these archaic lightsabers were portable, so their use required flexible cable, which is connected on one side to the handle of the lightsaber, and on the other - to the power supply on the Jedi's belt.

The extreme weapon instability experienced by the Jedi in early designs faded over time. Also, bulky and rarely used weapons gave way to elegant and much more commonly used proto-swords. However, while these archaic lightsabers were far more resilient than their predecessors, they still suffered from power consumption issues, requiring the same power pack on their belt. A powerful cable fettered the owner in movements and did not allow using the Sword Throw. However, despite the shortcomings, the high stability of the blade provided a clear advantage in the fight against heavily armored enemies.

Screen developments and designs

Komok-Da: "While swords are excellent weapons, there is still nothing more satisfying than the feeling of warm blood spattering when someone is slashed with a real sword."

It was the Dark Lords of the Sith Empire who perfected lightsabers by placing the power pack and power cell in the hilt. A superconductor was introduced into the design, which transformed the cyclically returning energy from the negatively charged emitter back into the internal battery. With this modification, the battery only drained energy when the energy loop was broken, such as when something was cut with a lightsaber. Thus, the problem of nutrition was solved. Using the Tedrin holocron, the Sith also created the blueprint for the first light staff. Karness Muur was also among the owners of modern lightsabers. The Dark Jedi initially wielded an archaic lightsaber, but later switched to a modern, curved-hilted lightsaber.

Adoption of lightsabers by the Jedi

During Naga Sadow's invasion of the Republic in 5000 BBY and the subsequent outbreak of the Great Hyperspace War, the technological advances of the Sith Empire reached the Jedi. However, while the Sith army used lightsabers, the Jedi continued to fight with protoswords as they did not have time to fully learn the new technology. With the defeat of the Sith, modern lightsabers were fully adopted by the Jedi Order. In 4800 BBY, lightsabers became an integral part of any Jedi.

During great war The Sith, the renegade Jedi who flocked to Exar Kun, continued to use their Jedi lightsabers, defying the traditions adopted by the Sith Empire. Other innovations have entered the ranks of the new Sith. So, Exar Kun created a staff of light for himself using circuits from a Sith holocron. By the time Exar Kun's rebellion ultimately failed, the idea of ​​the lightsaber was adopted by the Jedi. This kind of lightsaber found wide application in the early years civil war Jedi.

Mechanism and specifications

Luke Skywalker: "Ideally, it would take a Jedi many months to create the perfect weapon that he would keep and use for the rest of his days. The lightsaber you once crafted will be your constant companion, your tool, and your ready defense."

The ritual of creating one's own lightsaber was an integral part of the Jedi's training, its completion, and included testing not only for technical skills, but also for harmony with the Force. During the days of the Old Republic, the ice caverns of Ilum were used as a ceremonial site where Padawans came to create their first lightsaber. Here, and in places like this one, such as the caves near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, the Jedi chose the focus crystals that suited them best through meditation and connection to the Force, and then completed the assembly of the sword.

By tradition, the creation of a lightsaber took about a month. It involved assembling parts with both hands and the Force, as well as meditation to saturate the crystals. The assembly itself also required constant connection and harmony with the Force, since in order to achieve the best result, excluding accidental breakdowns and failures during future use, the utmost precision of movements and the closest fitting of parts were necessary. Nevertheless, in case of extreme need, the creation of the sword could be greatly accelerated. Corran Horn's first two-phase lightsaber, created during his time undercover as an Invid pirate ("Rebels"), was made using this technique.


At the base of the sword hilt was a metal cylinder, usually 25-30 centimeters long; however, the design and dimensions of the handle varied greatly depending on the preferences and physiological characteristics of each creator. The sheath of the hilt contained complex components that created the blade and gave it a unique shape. A high-power energy flow, passing through a system of positively charged focusing lenses and activators, formed an energy flow that was drawn out from the base by about a meter, and then, forming a peripheral arc, returned to a negatively charged annular recess encircling the emitter; at the same time, a complex configuration of energy fields and an arcuate plasma cord was formed, which took the form of a blade.

The superconductor completed the energy loop by feeding the converted energy back to the internal battery, where the cycle began anew. With the addition of one to three focusing crystals with different properties, the length of the blade and the amount of energy output could be changed using control mechanisms built into the hilt. The two crystals created a branching pulse of cyclic ignition, which, combined with hermetically sealed insulation, allowed the sword to be used underwater.

All lightsabers contained some basic components:

Button/activation panel;
Emitter Matrix;
Lens system;
power unit;
Energy source;
Charging connector;
One to three focusing crystals.

Many lightsabers, such as the one wielded by Zane Kerrick in 3964 BBY, had a pressure sensor in the hilt that deactivated the blade when released. It is worth noting that Darth Maul's double-bladed sword was not equipped with such a mechanism. Other swords were made either without a pressure sensor or alternatively with a locking mechanism that caused the blade to remain activated if the sword was thrown or dropped.

Traditionally, the crystal was the last component to be added. He was the very essence of the weapon and gave it both color and power. A lot of effort and time went into choosing this most important component of a lightsaber.

Much knowledge of lightsaber design was lost during the Jedi extermination, but Luke Skywalker discovered the records and materials needed to build his first lightsaber in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine.

Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber cut

Cutting ability

Exar Kun: "Incredible! I thought a lightsaber could cut through anything. There is only a scratch on the wall. The only thing that can resist a lightsaber is... Mandalorian iron!"

The lightsaber blade radiated neither heat nor energy until it came into contact with anything. The strength of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything, although the speed of the blade's movement through the material was highly dependent on its density. Flesh cutting, for example, was completely unimpeded, while breaking through an explosion-proof door could take quite a long time. It is important to note that lightsaber wounds never bled, even when a limb was severed. The energy blade, inflicting a wound, immediately cauterized it, as a result of which there was practically no bleeding even with severe wounds.

Qui-Gon Jinn breaks through a blast door

Types of lightsabers

It should be noted separately:

Curved hilt lightsaber

Standard design during the heyday of the second form of lightsaber swordplay. The curved hilt allowed for more precise movements and more freedom in lightsaber-versus-lightsaber combat.

Guards shoto

A tonfu sword with a handle perpendicular to the axis of the sword was used by bodyguard Xinya of the Black Sun during her fight with Darth Maul. The Shoto of the Guard was also used by Maris Brood, apprentice of Jedi Master Shaak Ti.

Blade types

Dual phase lightsaber. This rare type of sword used a specific combination of focusing crystals to form a blade that could become twice the length of a normal sword. This lightsaber was worn by Gantoris, Corran Horn and Darth Vader.

Large lightsaber or lightsaber. Special focusing crystals and power systems allowed this rare type of lightsaber to generate a blade up to 3 meters in length. These large swords were only used by creatures of enormous stature. Gork, a mutated Gamorrean Dark Jedi, used such a weapon.

Short lightsaber. Shorter than conventional swords, the blade was handy in combat for smaller Jedi such as Jedi Master Yoda, Yaddle, and Tsui Choi. In addition, the short lightsaber was sometimes used in the Niman (Jar'Kai) style of swordsmanship used by, for example, the ancient Jedi Master Kavar.

Training lightsabers. Used by younglings to practice the art of swordsmanship with a lightsaber. Although not life-threatening, contact with their blade could leave a bruise or even a slight burn.

Light saber. A rare type of lightsaber. Created a powerful, slightly curved blade of black and gold color. Used by some notable Mandalorians as a means of personal protection. Saber wounds could not be healed even by the Force.

lightsaber colors

Oli Starstone: “…Jedi generally don't use scarlet blades. And largely because this color is associated with sieves.

The color of a lightsaber blade was determined by the focusing crystal used to create it. Jedi mined crystals various types and shades in natural deposits, while the sieves used artificially produced synthetic crystals that emit shades of red.

Until the last Battle of Ruusan, the ancient Jedi wielded swords of all colors and shades, the most common colors being orange, yellow, blue, indigo, green, purple, silver, and gold. Some Jedi of the time, such as the Silvar, even used red-toned blades, despite the fact that the Order generally avoided colors that might associate them with the Sith.

During the Jedi Civil War era, the color of a Jedi's blade usually symbolized his path and the obligations he assumed while in the Order. The green blade was the mark of the Jedi Consulars - scientists, diplomats and orators. Blue colour The sword was associated with the Jedi Protectors - the physically strong and determined defenders of the galaxy. The third color, yellow, was reserved for Jedi Guardians - Jedi whose skills were balanced between physical strength and learning the ways of the Force. Regarding the power of the swords, these crystals were exactly the same - the color was the only difference.

Lightsaber fight

The lightsaber is a highly versatile weapon, possessing a unique lightness and the ability to cut in any direction. It can be easily wielded with one hand, but the Jedi have always been trained to wield the sword both with both hands and with each hand separately, in order to be ready for any situation. On the early years the history of this weapon, when the Sith were numerous, the art of dueling with lightsabers flourished. In more recent periods, the Jedi rarely encountered an enemy who possessed a weapon capable of repelling a lightsaber strike. Self-defense against blasters and other energy weapons was taught to them at early stage learning. While a skilled Jedi could use his sword to deflect a blaster shot back at an opponent, non-energy projectiles (bullets, for example) were simply completely split by the blade.

The Jedi were trained to use the Force as a link between a fighter and his weapons. Through this connection to the Force, the blade became an extension of their nature; he moved instinctively, as if he were part of their body. The harmony of the Jedi with the Force was the reason for the almost superhuman agility and reaction that manifested itself in wielding a lightsaber.

Since the invention of the lightsaber, the Jedi have developed a variety of styles, or forms of lightsaber combat, to suit the unique characteristics of the lightsaber and its connection to its owner.

Since the only way to disarm a Jedi and leave him alive was to cut a blade or cut off a limb, the most common injury was that of the hand or forearm. It was common to see Jedi or Sith with cybernetic limbs.

Darth Maul's red twin sword reveals his cunning nature, but in that case, what could Mace Windu's purple "blade" mean? When Samuel L. Jackson's character first ignited his weapon, the moment took many fans by surprise. Since then, many theories have been born in the fan community about why Luke Skywalker's sword is green and not blue. An employee of the Lucasfilm creative team, Pablo Hidalgo, in an interview with Vanity Fair in honor of the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, expressed a very unexpected version:

“The original idea was to make the lightsaber blue. In those days, everyone knew that in the Star Wars universe, lightsabers are either blue or red. As much as we like to mythologize things, some things like this one have simple, pragmatic explanations related to the intricacies of filmmaking.”

Turning to the history of the creation of the Star Wars universe, one cannot fail to mention the creator of the visual part of the original trilogy - artist Ralph McQuarrie. In McQuarrie's early concept art, all lightsabers (even Darth Vader's) were pale blue. The color division into blue and red was the idea of ​​George Lucas, who made the lightsaber the main weapon of the Jedi.

The reasoning behind the showiness of Luke's sword is quite understandable, and this trick really worked - the green lightsaber has become the norm in the franchise. However, many may be frustrated by the lack of a mythological basis in the choice of color. Here it is worth remembering the first appearance on the screen of Mace Windu's purple lightsaber. Everyone was in shock.

And here is how the actor himself commented on this moment: “We had this big arena, the battle scene with all these Jedi and all that. And I thought, "It would be cool to find myself in this big scene." And then I said to George, "Do you think I can get a purple lightsaber?"

When George Lucas reminded Jackson that the lightsabers were traditionally green or red in the prequels, the actor struck him down with quite unexpected logic: “Yes, but I want purple. I'm like the second coolest Jedi in the universe, after Yoda."

And boom! This is how Mace Windu got his purple lightsaber.


AT In the cult franchise, Obi-Wan Kenobi described the sword as an elegant weapon from a more civilized age, which in fact has good reason. The fact is that the Jedi's main means of justice is in many ways an extension of his master, because the young Padawans put together all the components of the lightsaber with their own hands, which is why the color of the weapon differs depending on the character and abilities of the student.

Many users of the Light side of the Force wielded exclusively blue or green swords, however, Magister Mace Windu did not fit into these categories, as he balanced on the Light and Dark sides, so his weapons had a purple tint. All the Dark Side imitators used swords with the color red. In any case, all Force-sensitive creatures could individually adjust their weapons to suit themselves, for example, Yoda shortened the blade, and some simply changed the type of handle. In our list today, we only consider canon lightsabers, that is, those that have appeared in the cinema. We deliberately left outside the top those weapons that were described in novels, comics or video games, as they were not always fully described or sometimes were too controversial. That is why in our list we have highlighted only the innovative and unique lightsabers that were destined to change the attitude towards users of the Force in the stellar MCU once and for all.

One of the apprentices of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious wielded two lightsabers. We don't know what his weapons were like when Dooku was a member of the Jedi Order, but when he fell to the dark side of the Force, he put together a new weapon for battle. Count Dooku played a key role in the rise of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and started the famous Clone Wars. The character appeared in the second and third episodes of the saga, and the film legend actor Christopher Lee embodied the image on the screen. In the universe, Dooku proved to everyone that he is a skilled owner of a formidable weapon, he even made it to our rating called "The 10 Best Lightsaber Duelists in the Star Wars Cinematic Universe." A student of Darth Sidious fought masters like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi and emerged victorious from many battles.

Dooku's lightsaber is made in the best traditions of the Sith, the blade had a red tint, and the handle was slightly curved. Such a simple design enhanced the combat abilities of the head of the separatists, improving his technique and dexterity. The blade was a perfect fit for Dooku's fighting style, so the Sith was a master of his weapon, almost constantly winning duels.

The vast majority of Jedi possessed either blue or green tint lightsaber, but the master of the Order owned a weapon with purple. The fact is that this shade reflects his balance between the Dark and Light side of the Force, as well as his highest authority in Jedi society. Windu was an excellent duelist, he had skills in all forms of combat and even came up with his own fighting style, which specialized in attack. Actor Samuel L. Jackson, who played the role of Mace Windu in the franchise, personally persuaded director George Lucas to show such a distinctive lightsaber color.

Even before signing the contract, Jackson learned that his hero would definitely die and not get much screen time, so he wanted to stand out from the rest of the Jedi. Lucas, after listening to the actor's proposal, agreed with him, as the director knew that this was not contrary to Star Wars canon. Few people know, but on the handle of Mace Windu's weapon is engraved the inscription "bad motherfucker" - a phrase that became iconic thanks to the movie Pulp Fiction, where Samuel L. Jackson played one of the main roles.

The new villainous character, who first appeared in an episode called "The Force Awakens", caused a lot of heated debate, some were unhappy with his childish face, his hysteria or imitation of Darth Vader, but since the teaser, millions of fans have appreciated his strangely shaped personal weaponry. The lightsaber was created from an ancient Sith design that was used thousands of years ago during the massacre on Malachor. Despite the fact that the technology was several thousand years old, inside Kylo Ren's sword contained modern components designed to improve the quality of the weapon. Inside was a cracked kyber-crystal, barely holding back the immense power of the light cannon. In order to fix this shortcoming, additional side vents were required in order to release excess heat and protect the wearer. The kyber crystal of the Sith gave the blade of the weapon an unstable, unsteady appearance of a red hue.

The whole uniqueness of this weapon was in its side holes, they allowed the supporter of the dark side of the Force to use additional tactics in defense or in attack. Kylo Ren's lightsaber also allowed its owner not to worry about accidental blows to the wrist during battles.

The Sith's twin-bladed weapon was the first lightsaber of its kind to be seen on screen in the episode titled "The Phantom Menace". Darth Maul possessed a truly revolutionary type of weapon, since before him all swords were blades of the same type, devoid of any individuality. Since then, fans have been constantly in anticipation, expecting something new and amazing from the creators of new films.

The lightsaber itself was a long hilt with separate controls for each blade. Thus, Darth Maul could use one or two weapons in battle, which gave him a greater advantage over the enemy. Even if the entire Sith lightsaber is cut into two pieces, it will still be in working and functioning condition. It was the weapons of Darth Maul that showed the whole world that the swords of Force-sensitive creatures can be of the most diverse forms, which fans and fans of the franchise only liked.

Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber

For a long time, the MCU has been the Skywalker saga, and no item embodies this idea better than Anakin's weapon. After Obi-Wan Kenobi's apprentice fell to the dark side of the Force, he fought his mentor on the volcanic planet Mustafar. During the battle, Skywalker lost to the teacher, who later took away the former student's lightsaber. After some time, he passed it on to Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, when he began his training in the art of the Jedi. During the battle with Darth Vader in Cloud City, the young man lost his hand, and with it his father's lightsaber. It would seem that the weapon was lost once and for all, but several decades later it was found in the castle of the famous pirate Maz Kanata. A Force-sensitive girl named Rey from the planet Jakku sensed the lightsaber's call, but after having visions, she refused to accept the weapon. In the final minutes of The Force Awakens, a girl gave Luke Skywalker his father's weapon.

In the second half of the seventies, the first film from the Star Wars epic came out and gave the whole world an amazing fantasy universe. It was inhabited by completely unusual creatures, evil rulers who dreamed of ruling the whole world, and, of course, courageous Jedi knights with outlandish weapons called a lightsaber.

The Jedi Order and their primary weapons

The Jedi are powerful warriors from Star Wars who, thanks to their high moral qualities, awaken superhuman abilities (the so-called "Force") in themselves and act as guardians of peace throughout the universe.

By themselves, the knights of this order did not strive for power, although thanks to their abilities (incredible dexterity and other combat skills, the ability to see the future, reading other people's thoughts, telekinesis, hypnosis, the ability to heal the sick) could easily achieve it. Sometimes they supported certain rulers, as long as their policies were consistent with the principles of the order.

All true Jedi live according to five principles: to preserve the peace of the universe, to respect life in any form of its manifestation, to serve others, to use their abilities to help the weak or only for protection, and to constantly develop themselves both physically and spiritually.

Despite the incredible strength and agility of the Jedi, they also had to use weapons. And although blasters already existed in their times, their main weapon was the sword.


This weapon is an essential attribute of every member of the Jedi order, as well as their offshoot - the Sith. The homeland of this weapon is the distant planet Ossus. Most likely, the very idea of ​​​​making such a sword appeared because this planet was the richest deposit of Adegan crystals, capable of focusing the energy supplied to them, converting it into a beam of light.

However, the first models of such swords required a large amount of energy. Therefore, the owner of the sword had to additionally carry a power source for his weapon, which was extremely impractical, because the lightsaber was a melee weapon.

Soon the Jedi became interested in the sword and began to work on improving its model. In particular, they began to use a diatium battery as a battery, which was extremely small in size and allowed the sword to be freely dispensed with. Unfortunately, such a battery was not cheap, which made it the weapon of wealthy beings.

Over the next centuries, there were no special changes in the design of the lightsaber.

Lightsaber device

Each lightsaber must contain the following elements:

  • crystals, to focus energy;
  • lenses that allow you to direct energy;
  • energy source (most often a diatium battery);
  • fuse and power unit;
  • emitter matrix;
  • connector for recharging;
  • button to turn on;
  • handle.

When inactive, the sword is usually small in size, consisting mainly of a hilt. Most often it is made on the basis of a metal cylinder twenty-five to thirty centimeters long. However, each Jedi has an individual sword hilt size, which is associated with the physical characteristics of its owner and his preferences. Also, the handle of this weapon consists of other elements that allow you to create a smashing blade from energy.

A true Jedi had to create his own weapon, and this was not a quick process that required concentration and the ability to properly control his Force, thanks to which all the details of the device became a single mechanism capable of faithfully serving its creator and owner for many years. It is worth noting that the creation of a sword on their own was a serious bid for a knighthood for any Jedi.

In addition to the difference in the length of the handle, panels or on the weapon, and other differing elements of the sword, each Jedi shone with a distinctive color. So Luke Skywalker's sword is green, Darth Vader's is red, Obi-Wan's is blue. But Princess Leia's sword was blue.

Luke Skywalker and his features

As a true Jedi, Luke Skywalker decided to create his own weapons with his own hands, using the Force. When the drawings of Kenobi fell into his hands, he decided to use them in his work. However, he changed some elements according to his own discretion and possibilities.

Since it was extremely difficult to get crystals at that time (their import was prohibited so that the Jedi order could not be reborn and create new weapons for themselves), the hero had to create a synthetic crystal himself. As a result, instead of the traditional three crystals, Luke Skywalker's sword had only one.

Although Luke himself tried to honor the memory of his deceased mentor with the design of his sword, it later turned out that his device was very similar in design to his father's lightsaber.

During his long and eventful life, Skywalker made several more lightsabers. One of them was identical to the first creation and was given to the preservation of R2-D2. The other was called "shoto" and had a shorter blade. In addition, for his own sister, he created a lightsaber with a scarlet flame, although before that she used a sword with a blue glow. Despite all this, the very first sword of Luke Skywalker was for him the most expensive and beloved.

Why is Luke Skywalker's sword color green?

In the original trilogy, the color of the lightsaber directly depended on the side of the Force on which the Jedi was. Red swords were worn by those who went over to the dark side, in particular Daoth Vader and the Sith. The inhabitants of the light side, the swords glowed in blue and green hues. George Lucas himself gave a similar explanation. That is why Luke Skywalker's sword is green.

However, with the growing popularity of the Star Wars universe, dozens of books, games, and comics have appeared. In addition, with the advent of new films, the authors and fans began to look at the color of the sword in different ways and now there is a huge confusion.

There are probably few people who have not heard about this fantastic saga. Perhaps not everyone likes them, but everyone knows about the series of films under the general name "Star Wars".

The sword of Luke Skywalker, like the lightsabers of other characters, has become one of the brightest distinguishing features this universe. Many stores have thrived selling replica weapons for decades, proving that Star Wars and everything related to it will not go out of style for a long time to come.