I tried to explain to a foreigner that blackcurrants are red when they are still green…. Is it red? no, black

On June 6, Alexander Sergeevich was born, who became the "culprit" of the fact that this is also the day of poetry, and the day of our native language. But, although we speak Russian, we know it very poorly, and we speak it - it doesn’t matter. It is not for nothing that many, having heard the speech of Russians of the first wave of emigration, are surprised as if they hear absolutely and not Russian at all. At least not the one they speak in Russia now.

And many are wondering and discussions are underway on the topic, is it necessary to protect the Russian language and will it withstand the pressure of foreign words and slang that rolled over Russia after perestroika? Evgeny Vodolazkin claims that no, he will not stand it and the language needs protection.

And this morning I hear the arguments of another doctor of sciences, also a well-known philologist, who claims that this should not be feared at all, because language is a very stable system in which there are its own laws and it develops strictly according to them.

And he gives an interesting example. All cultured people shudder and twitch when they say "z about nit, not ringing and t” and claims that the future belongs to the first stress. Since in the Russian language there has long been a tendency that all words ending in “it (b)” change the stress, which moves from the last syllable to the first.

No one says anymore, she continues, “kat and t in the eye", but "to a tit the stroller" or say "on Yu cheat light", not "turn on and t", w e mit, not rub and I trust a professional - if he says so, then it is so, but I will still be annoyed by the accent “star about nit." But if we recall the same A.S. Pushkin, then in "Eugene Onegin" we read:

Like ruddy lips without a smile,
No grammatical error
I do not like Russian speech.

Or about Tatyana

She didn't know Russian very well.
Didn't read our magazines
And expressed with difficulty
In your own language,
So, writing in French...

By the way, Pushkin himself spoke and knew French better than Russian as a child. Therefore, in the Lyceum he had the nickname "Frenchman". And Alexander Sergeevich spoke for b about more freedom for the Russian literary language. So in a letter to Pogodin about the drama "Marfa Posadnitsa" he writes:

One problem: style and language. You are wrong to no end. And you act with your tongue as John did with the New City. There are plenty of grammatical errors, truncations and abbreviations contrary to the spirit of it. But do you know? and this trouble is not a problem. Our language needs to be given more will (of course, in accordance with its spirit). And I like your freedom more to my heart than our stiff correctness.

Shishkov A.S. Minister of Public Education in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century

This is how “our everything” reacted to the “incorrectness” of the Russian. "Sterile-clean" Russian Pushkin called cloying, colorless, stiff and dead. However, let us remember that at the same time Alexander Semenovich Shishkov lived with him, by the way, the Minister of Public Education, who advocated just such a “pure” Russian language.

And he even wrote an interesting book, Korneslov, in which he substantiates his views, and at the same time opposes the translation of the Bible into Russian, considering it low and unworthy of Biblical texts. Who now reads the Bible in Church Slavonic? New Testament- more likely yes than no, but Old - I don’t know a single one, although there is no other language in the church.

But still, this does not justify the current ugly knowledge, more precisely - ignorance - of the Russian language. I do not exclude myself from the ranks of the illiterate. So in one of her texts she wrote about the “creed” of M. Kantor, to which she immediately received a comment that the word “creed” in Russian is not declined, like the word “coffee”.

Or my other misfortune is the incorrect use of adverbial phrases, for which I also once received a remark. But these are only clear indications of my illiteracy, and how many of them are simply silent about, without focusing on errors, typos and stylistic irregularities.

True, now, if I doubt the correct spelling, I immediately google it. But then I saw one riddle on the knowledge of the Russian language and stumbled, I could not immediately answer. Moreover, the riddle puzzled me. I offer it to you.

Which of the nouns - "corpse", "dead", "dead" - are animate, and which are inanimate?

I was embarrassed, because all three for me are no longer animated (without a soul), but this is worldly. And what about the position of the Russian language? Try it, answer. The answer will be given at the end of the text.

Knowing my weakness in the knowledge of the Russian language (in my school leaving certificate the only four were in Russian), I like to watch the children's program “We Know Russian”, which airs in the morning (at 9.00) every Sunday on the Mir channel.

So I test myself, my knowledge of the Russian language and literature. And there - schoolchildren of different classes - from the sixth to the tenth. And often what they answer correctly, I can’t answer like that. And I am very happy for them. True, there are also very weak teams, but rarely.

Unfortunately, I no longer know of such programs on TV and Radio. There used to be a program at Mayak, also for schoolchildren, and also in the morning. It was hosted by Elena Shmeleva. The transmission was wonderful. Removed. And it's a pity, because we still speak Russian ugly, but we write - even worse. And although the Internet seems to have brought us back to writing but to a completely different one.

If we Russians speak Russian so badly and don’t know our own language well, then what does it say about foreigners who generally find our language with great difficulty, but our teachers joke: “Let them be thankful that we don’t have tone rules, like, for example, in Chinese.

And so that we don’t think of ourselves so very badly and smile a little, I’ll finish the topic on curiosities from the Russian language that live on the vast Internet, against which we speak Russian even quite well.

Winter session. Huge, over two meters, a black student is taking an exam in the specialty of geography. Stands in front of the commission at the blackboard with a map of the world. Worried. "Most of the time, the guards hibernated pakyryta vada. Vadamy. Brastite, vadoy."

The committee nods in understanding. "Nabrymer, look here for Sivera, the lead akian. The African giant moves his pointer along the top edge of the map." - "And tell me ..." - the rattling voice of the chairman of the commission, an elderly assistant professor, is heard. The Negro widens his eyes in fear and freezes. The old assistant professor rummages through the records.

"Please tell me…" she mutters, looking for the student's name. Finds. The student's name is Muddaka Bartolomeo Maria Cherepango. "Tell me," the chairman of the commission decides to do without a name. "And why is this ocean called that way - the Arctic Ocean?"

The negro thinks for a minute, looking at the map, then turns his gaze to the window. There is a blizzard outside the window. Gloomy January twilight. At night they promised minus eighteen. Large, slightly yellowish eyes look sadly at the commission. "Badam to imu holana. Ochin holana."

One foreigner traveled through the Russian hinterlands, and in one of the villages he saw a grandmother chasing geese, saying "I'll show you, you are such a dog!" He, not understanding anything, looks into the dictionary. No, everything seems to be true - geese.

Then he asks the grandmother: “Are these geese?” She answers him: "Yes, geese, geese." “Why do you call them dogs then?” - “Yes, because they trampled the whole garden for me, pigs!”

There is a table in front of us. There is a glass and a fork on the table. What are they doing? The glass stands, and the fork lies. If we stick a fork into the countertop, the fork will stand. That is, there are vertical objects, but horizontal ones lie?

Add a plate and pan to the table. They seem to be horizontal, but they stand on the table. Now put the plate in the pan. There she lies, but she stood on the table. Maybe there are items ready for use? No, the fork was ready when it lay.

Now the cat is on the table. She can stand, sit and lie down. If in terms of standing and lying it somehow fits into the logic of "vertical-horizontal", then sitting is a new property. She sits on her butt.

Now a bird has landed on the table. She sits on the table, but sits on her feet, not on the pope. Although it looks like it should be. But she can't stand at all. But if we kill the poor bird and make a scarecrow, it will stand on the table.

It may seem that sitting is an attribute of the living, but the boot also sits on the leg, although it is not alive and does not have priests. So, go and understand what is standing, what is lying, and what is sitting.

One German translator boasted that he knew Russian perfectly and would translate any phrase. Well, he was offered to translate into German: "Mowed with a scythe with a scythe" ...

Is it red? No, black. Why is she white? Because green. (about currant)

Curiosities at the Russian lesson: “What did you eat for lunch?” - "Petersburg".

But how happy the teachers are. Phonetics is an inexhaustible source of good mood in the classroom. Cambodian student sticking his head in the door: Moina? Teacher: Not mine, but you can! Student: Yes, it's nevaina!

And here is the answer to the riddle:

Grammatically, the category of animation in Russian is manifested in all nouns in the form of the accusative plural. For animate nouns, this form coincides with the genitive case, and for inanimate nouns, with the nominative case. The dead and the dead are animated personalities: I see a dead man, a dead man; corpse - inanimate (I see a corpse). Test question - who-what?

Tina Guy

Today we will talk about a very popular berry culture in our areas currant. In conditions Middle lane Russian currant can be cultivated in almost any area. Of course, a certain level of soil fertility is required, although most varieties are not demanding, they still need care.

Red currants are more drought tolerant than black currants. Gardeners used to call blackcurrant "water drink", it grew along the banks of rivers and is still recommended to be grown in areas where there is light marshland and water. Redcurrant due to the structure of the roots (it has a tap root system) is more drought-resistant and can be grown on sandy soils, it is less demanding on moisture content.

Very often, currants and other garden shrubs get a place under the trees and in other shady corners of the site. Under such conditions, the bushes will grow and develop, but you will practically not get fruit buds and therefore a crop. It is better to plant currants in places with sufficient lighting, where the shadow from trees or the house does not fall on it, and when planting, it is necessary to leave additional area for the bush to grow.

At good conditions agricultural technology, red currant can be grown in one place up to 25-30 years. Experienced gardeners create such conditions and are able to harvest for such a long period, but care is needed - pruning, fertilizing, watering, protection from pests and diseases.

It is believed that each branch of the currant bears fruit for up to five years. It's in in general terms correct, but there are differences between red and black currants. Redcurrant has a perennial fruit formation, on the border of annual growths there are large clusters of fruit buds (brushes). This property is not possessed by blackcurrant varieties, in which fruit buds are distributed over the entire surface of the branches. Therefore, with sufficient care and fertile soil, redcurrant branches will be able to bear fruit for more than five years. You can determine when the branch is already old and needs to be cut off by the following sign - the annual growth is small (15-20 cm). For the gardener, this is the first signal that the plant either lacks nutrition for growth and development, or this branch no longer has sufficient growth intensity and requires pruning. Under favorable conditions for ordinary varieties, the growth should be at least 40 cm.

If the growth is small or there are few fruit buds, then you need to take a closer look at the branch, perhaps it is thickened by neighboring branches, it is better to cut it off so that the bush is more spacious and fruit perennial rings form on it. Instead of an old branch, young shoots grow in a year. The volume of the root system of the currant corresponds to the volume of the crown, this must be taken into account when processing plants. When you cut off a branch, a signal is given to the roots to renew the upper part and young shoots sprout from the dormant buds, next year fruit buds will be laid on them and in a year there will be a harvest.
When pruning currants, you should follow the rule - leave shoots of different ages on the bush, both young ones - 1-2 years old, and fruit-bearing ones - 3-5 years old, so you can ensure continuous fruiting and not be left without berries for several years due to a completely cut bush.

When feeding currants, one must proceed from the state of the bush and the gardener's capabilities, since fertilizers are not available to everyone, both in terms of money and availability. If there is an opportunity to make manure - that's good. Leaves, grass are available to everyone - you can make a compost heap on the site and feed it with compost infusion.

One of the currant problems is aphids, if the upper leaves curl, this plant is affected by aphids, you can spray the plant from it. But before using chemistry, you can simply cut off the infected apical part, the shoot will no longer grow, but the next year side shoots will begin to grow from it, so the harvest will be normal.

There is also the problem of "swelling" of the leaves, this is a sign of the red-gall aphid, turning the leaf, we will see this same aphid and ants. Again, before using chemistry, if there is enough water on the site, it can simply be washed off the leaves - the red-gall aphid does not like water and the plant will be rendered harmless. If there are no special devices, then a broom and a bucket of water can easily replace them, just moisten the broom and brush the aphids off inside sheet. And pay attention to the anthills on your site, since it is the ants that spread the aphids around the site, so a successful fight against aphids must begin with the fight against the cause, namely the fight against ants.

Top dressing of currants is carried out depending on the condition of the soil and the plant. If you have acquired a healthy, well-formed seedling and you know that your site has sufficient fertility for growing crops, then you should feed it before bud break with fertilizers containing nitrogen, which stimulate the growth of the vegetative mass. It is better to purchase complex fertilizers, but with a predominance of nitrogen. It is better to apply fertilizers in early spring, if it is possible to get to the site before the snow has melted, then they are applied along the "snow crust".

There is a problem with gardeners when the currant berries are tied, and then the whole branch withered. There may be several reasons, the most likely being pests. Glassware is a caterpillar that gnaws a hole and penetrates the stem, then moves along this stem and the plant dries up. It is quite simple to identify the glass case, you need to cut off the damaged shoot, cut it off until blackening is found on the stem - this is the place where it has taken root, there will be healthy wood below. Another reason for the drying of the plant, when good harvest the plant does not have enough strength to maintain the vegetative mass and form a crop. Therefore, if in spring you see that flowering is plentiful and the forecast for the harvest is good, you can feed the plant with fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium so that the branches do not dry out.

At present, new currant varieties are being developed in nurseries, which are resistant to pests and pathogens, they are more winter-hardy, large-fruited, productive, and have better taste. Traditionally, redcurrant has always been a more "technical" berry - for processing into compotes, jams, but modern gardeners want to see it as a "dessert" berry so that both a child and any person can eat it with pleasure. The berry has high acidity and not everyone is shown it fresh. Among the new varieties there are those that have dessert qualities, the berries have a refreshing sweet-sour taste, for example, the Zadanaisky and Niva varieties. Among the white varieties, we can advise "White Fairy", "White Smolyaninovskaya"

There is a saying, we grow black currants for children, red ones for parents, and white and pink ones for ourselves. This new folk wisdom arose in the light of recent research by nutritionists, who found that the high content of vitamin C in black currant is good for the younger generation, the high content of antioxidants and other acids in red currant is good for the elderly and adults, and the dessert taste of white and pink currant is in order to "pamper" yourself, your favorite gardener.

Black currant is a favorite of gardeners, you rarely find a plot where there would not be at least a bush of black currant. But on the other hand, almost no attention is paid to it and you rarely see a well-formed blackcurrant bush. By formation, this currant is more complicated than red. The fact is that black currant branches have a shorter life than red ones, but this does not mean that they die off. On blackcurrant there are no perennial fruit formations and the main fruit buds from which the tassels are formed, as a rule, are on annual increments and are distributed along the entire length of the branch. One branch of blackcurrant lives no more than 2-3 years. After the 3-year-old shoot bears fruit, it must be cut out, pruning is carried out after leaf fall. The cut is made at ground level, without hemp, so that harmful insects do not penetrate. The total number of shoots depends on the planting density, with a dense planting, 6-8 shoots should be left, and if there is enough free space for the bush, then 10-12 branches can be left.

The cultivation technique for red and black currants is the same, with the exception of the mentioned pruning - for black currants after 2-3 years, for red ones after 4-5 years.

It is better to propagate currants in the autumn, in September. For reproduction, it is necessary to cut lignified cuttings (brown) from the bush you like, from the apical part of 15-20 cm. Cut with secateurs obliquely, stepping back from the sheet 2 cm, then cut off (cut off) all the leaves and this stalk is ready for planting. The bed must be prepared - dug up and fertilized, you can use growth stimulants, for example, root, but most blackcurrant varieties can be planted without stimulants. The cutting is stuck into the watered earth 3/4 of the length at an angle. Those buds that remain on top next year will give the ground part, and from the buds that are in the ground, roots will develop. When 3-4 branches grow from the upper buds, this young bush can be transplanted to a permanent place, as a rule, under favorable conditions, it takes 1 year, sometimes 2 years. After transplantation, in order to have an intensive growth of basal lateral shoots, you can cut off 1/3 of the upper branch. Good and popular blackcurrant varieties are Riddle, Summer Resident, Vologda, Dubrovskaya, Moskovskaya and many others.

Recently there has been new culture "Yoshta/Yoshta" . What it is? In the middle of the 20th century, specialists around the world who deal with currants and gooseberries faced the problem of creating a culture that combines the positive attributes of currants, but does not have diseases, and the attributes of gooseberries, but does not have thorns. Currant and gooseberry cultures belong to the same genus, but they are not mutually pollinated. Therefore, they brought out a hybrid of gooseberries and currants - Yoshta. But until now, this culture has not gained distribution and remains more of a fun for the gardener, besides, due to the large size of the bushes, it takes up a lot of space on the site.

Good harvest.

Russian is an incredible language. The same words can mean completely different things and express completely different emotions. What can we say about lexical phrases that can easily confuse a foreign citizen.

1. Only in our country the word "uh-huh" is a synonym for the words "please", "thank you", "good afternoon", "nothing" and "sorry", and the word "come on" in most cases replaces "goodbye" .
2. How to translate into other languages ​​that “very smart” is not always a compliment, “very smart” is a mockery, and “too smart” is a threat?
3. Why do we have a future tense, present and past, but still we can express both the past with the present tense (“I’m walking down the street yesterday ...”) and the future (“Tomorrow I’m going to the cinema”), and with the past tense we can we express the order (“Quickly left here!”)?
4. There are languages ​​where double negation is allowed, there are - where it is not allowed; in some languages, a double negation can express an affirmation, but only in Russian does the double affirmation “well, yes, of course!” - expresses denial or doubt in the words of the speaker.
5. All foreigners studying Russian wonder why “nothing” can mean not only “nothing”, but also “normal”, “good”, “excellent”, as well as “everything is in order” and “no need to apologize”.
6. In Russian, one and the same obscene expressions can offend, admire, and express all other shades of emotions.
7. The phrase “yes, no, probably” can enter into a stupor of a person studying Russian, simultaneously carrying affirmation, denial, and uncertainty, but still expressing uncertain denial with a hint of the possibility of a positive decision.
8. Try to clearly explain what is the difference between "drink tea" and "drink tea"; what is the difference between "here" and "here"; why can an action in the past be expressed by the words “earlier”, “long ago”, “just now”, “recently”, “the other day” and a dozen others, and why in certain situations they can be replaced with each other?
9. Try to explain to a foreigner the phrase "Hands do not reach to see."
10. How exactly to name the inclination with the particle “would”, when in different situations it expresses both a condition, and a request, and a desire, and daydreaming, and a necessity, and an assumption, and a proposal, and regret?
11. In Russian, sometimes the verb does not have any form, and this is due to the laws of euphony. For example: "win". He wins, you win, I... win? will I run? win? Philologists suggest using replacement constructions “I will win” or “I will become a winner”. Since there is no first person singular form, the verb is deficient.
12. The glass is on the table, and the fork is lying. If we stick a fork into the countertop, the fork will stand. That is, there are vertical objects, but horizontal ones lie?
Add a plate and pan to the table. They seem to be horizontal, but they stand on the table. Now put the plate in the pan. There she lies, but she stood on the table. Maybe there are items ready for use? No, the fork was ready when it lay.
Now the cat is on the table. She can stand, sit and lie down. If in terms of standing and lying, it somehow climbs into the “vertical-horizontal” logic, then sitting is a new property. She sits on her butt. Now a bird has landed on the table. She sits on the table, but sits on her feet, not on the pope. Although it looks like it should be. But she can't stand at all. However, if we kill the poor bird and make a scarecrow, it will stand on the table.
It may seem that sitting is an attribute of the living, but the boot also sits on the leg, although it is not alive and does not have priests. So, go and understand what is standing, what is lying, and what is sitting.

And we are still surprised that foreigners consider our language difficult and compare it with Chinese.

Brain explosion for foreigners:

Hurt - for the cause.
And wild to me - come to me.
Crippled - while being treated.
We are married - we are on you.
You are a foal - you are a child.
Clumsy things - I carry different things.
He will need it - his wife will get it.
We must wait - we must give.
Get out of here - Idiot, over here.
On the field, he mowed the grass when the fields were in full swing with nightingales - Napoleon mowed the grass when the Poles sang with nightingales.

And try to explain to a foreigner the following phrases:

* Hands do not reach to see
* No, I guess...
* Mowed oblique oblique oblique ....

((say this to foreigners, and explain the meaning))

"Mowed oblique oblique oblique"

Mowed (utilized vegetable-protein mass) oblique (in a state of alcohol intoxication) oblique (with broken di-optic synchronization) oblique (nickname) oblique (faulty instrument) oblique (instrument name).

We explain to the foreigner the phrase - "in a mowing with dew, a bare scythe with a scythe scythe mowed a slope"

1) oblique - drunk,

2) oblique - suffered from strabismus,

3) with a scythe - hairstyle

4) oblique - a curved braid,

5) scythe - in the hands of a scythe

Follow the trail - follow the trail
After the ladies - skip the woman in front of you
After ladies - ladies, but not now, a little later

Have a drink?
- Eat, eat, no...

* Why is an open laptop on the table, and a closed one lies?
* And why is the plate on the table - standing, and on the floor - lying? How about a boot?

What is it that grows in your garden?
- It's blackcurrant.
- Why is she red?
Because it's still green!

Peace enforcement.

Children's plastic railway.

Fresh canned.

Illegal gangs.

Eau de Toilette.

Middle ear.

Cold boiling water.

McDonald's restaurant.

Old New Year.

Dry wine.

Peacekeeping troops.

True truth.

No, probably.

Probably right.

Baby tooth

Two degrees.

They start to run out.

Wooden glazing.

Dead hour!

The patient has severe weakness

SMS message.

Kill to death.

I'm going to go to the store.

Liquid stool.

Make the fire quieter!

The maximum allowable rate.

And also an attraction - scared to death.

Well, bye, come on!

Hang noodles on your ears; lead by the nose; You can't, but if you really want to, you can. And the universal word is crap.

Only a Russian person can say to a cat: “Oh, you are my bunny!”

Foreigners will never understand how it is possible to peel a turnip for two horseradish, or slap a pumpkin on one pepper.

Depending on the intonation, one swear word of a car mechanic Ivanov can mean up to 70 different parts and devices.

A complete sentence of five verbs without punctuation marks and conjunctions: "We decided to send to go buy a drink."

Only we have animals unknown to foreigners

Yokarny Babay
Yeshkin cat,
bl ... a-fly
Sidorova goat
Hangover and so on……………….