It's clear. Cyril Brovnichny - of course

Of course

introductory expression and particle

1. Introductory expression. The same as "of course, clearly, clearly." It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. Learn more about punctuation introductory words see Appendix 2. ()

Germans, obviously they rejoice and boast, and the Russians laugh, because they know how Shpil shows his stupidity with powders. P. Bazhov, Diamond match. It's clear it had neither nose nor eyes, and yet it really did look like Kurochkin. Y. Koval, Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov.

2. Particle (in response). Same as "yes, of course". Separated or issued as a separate offer.

“Did Fedya bring flowers?” - " It's clear who else."

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what "clear business" is in other dictionaries:

    of course- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    of course- Razg. Unchanged Of course, absolutely. Several telegrams have already been sent to Moscow ... It's clear that there ... something is wrong. (D. Furmanov.) The box ... did not fit into the window. “Of course, we need to open the window,” said Nikolka, climbing down from the windowsill. (M. Bulgakov ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    Of course- Razg. Express. It's clear; of course, definitely. It is clear that they sought an invitation from Evgeny Konstantinovich and did not receive it (Mamin Sibiryak. Mountain nest) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Of course- Razg. The same as the well-known case. FSRYA, 134 ...

    of course- see clear; in sign introductory phrase Of course, definitely... Dictionary of many expressions

    a business- Occupation, craft, craftsmanship, needlework, profession, work, labor, action, process, dispute, court, litigation. Loud business. Criminal case.. Wed. . See battle, action, care, occupation, need, enterprise, work, work, transaction, event, essence ... ... Synonym dictionary

    A BUSINESS- Drawing master. Narodn. Shuttle. Pocket thief. SRNG 5, 69. Coffin master. Jarg. school Shuttle. iron. Labor teacher. (Entry 2003). Asshole master. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Doctor proctologist. Vakhitov 2003, 55. Shoulder master. Razg. Outdated.… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    IT WAS IN PENKOVO- IT WAS IN PENKOVO, USSR, film studio. M. Gorky, 1957, b/w, 100 min. Social youth film story. Based on the story of the same name by Sergei Antonov. This is a story about a country boy tractor driver Matvey Morozov, mischievous, outstanding, restless. ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    THE CASE IS CLEAR THAT THE CASE IS DARK- adj. Something incomprehensible, unclear. none of your fucking business adj., rude. None of your business, don't interfere. The same: It's not your dog's mind. It's not a matter of length, it is necessary to manage skillfully last, rude. We can talk about the length of the penis ... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and sayings

    The point is clear- that the matter is dark, nothing can be understood ... Dictionary of Russian Argo


  • Behind music is only business Conversations with musicians, Ovchinnikov I .. In the book of the famous music critic Ilya Ovchinnikov, his interviews with brilliant artists are collected different countries that define the musical landscape of our time. Here and ... Buy for 908 rubles
  • The matter is clear. How to write understandable letters, Sasha Karepina. Do you need to write a business letter urgently? And not one? It probably doesn't make you happy. Typically, this is a problem. It's good if you just inform clients or partners about something. But even in this...

Of course

Kirill Brovnichny

© Kirilla Brovnichny, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-2900-9

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

To my grandfathers, grandmothers,parents and children

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed,

no secret

what would not be known and would not be revealed.

Gospel of Luke

It can never be said with certainty that everything that happens in this life actually happens. For the most part, of course, any event is perceived by us as an absolute reality. And for this we do not need to make any effort. As usual, none normal person, it would not occur to him to look for some evidence and confirmation of his earthly existence. However, it happens that over time, something from what happened is forgotten, leaving us only vague fragments of memories, and then it is already impossible to say exactly where truth ends and fiction begins.

That September day, which already in the morning promised to be fine and sunny, except for the absence of heavy gray clouds that rained on the city in recent days, it seemed that it could not distinguish itself in a series of everyday life. Trams rolled just as briskly, creaking on turns, doves scurried under the feet of passers-by, and old women, more out of habit than out of necessity, besieged grocery stores and clinics.

Lulled by this seemingly unshakable constancy for centuries, the city and its inhabitants could hardly imagine that this day will mark the beginning of an incredible and amazing story that happened to them somewhere in the middle of time in the backyard of the vast universe.

Laughter and tears, but what else to live

And if the song is not meant to be sung

So at least have time to fold.

K. Kinchev

- Not. Do not need anything else. Send as is. Yes. Everything. Let's. -

Ivan hung up the phone and looked across the table at the visitor sitting opposite.

- So the matter is the following ... how, you say, you ...? -

- Very well. So, Dasha. The case can be said state scale. The party entrusts you with the most responsible task it could think of.

- This bottle - Ivan showed a half-liter bottle of "sprints", packed in a plastic bag, pasted over with papers and labels, with inscriptions in a foreign language, with many seals and signatures.

- We need to sell! Dasha nodded in understanding.

- But not to sell to anyone! -

- As you probably know, now we have another advertising campaign going on. And there - Ivan pointedly looked at the ceiling, pointing his finger at it - this time they decided to take the matter under personal control.

- That is, under this cover - Ivan shook the package with a bottle - There is a promotional code for the main prize of the promotion. And this is - neither more nor less - one million euros.

– The last scandal, organized by our competitors, who accused us of dishonest play, somehow managed to be hushed up. Remember for sure, all this noise in the press and the Internet, about the fact that "Spranta" allegedly spends part of the prize fund through its nominees. In general, as a result of all this mess, as I said, there, at the top, it was decided that this bottle should be sold through retail to a completely random buyer, so that, as they say, the mosquito would not undermine the nose. -

Ivan tore open the package, took out a bottle of soda and handed it to Dasha.

– And yes. I almost forgot. The most important. The buyer must be between the ages of approximately 16 and 25 years old. Somewhere like that. The fact is that in accordance with the rules of this promotion, the happy owner of the main prize will be obliged to give all kinds of interviews. True, he most likely does not know about it yet, because few people read these very rules when purchasing a promotional product. But when he comes for his money, and finds out about it, I'm sure he will agree without hesitation. Therefore, Dasha, be careful. Youth is everything. The strategy of our company is focused on this segment of the consumer market.

Dasha glanced at the general in disbelief and carefully took the bottle with both hands.

- And if these ... competitors are up to something again? So I will be accused of selling a bottle to one of my own, and I will be an innocent victim in the competitive struggle of transnational corporations. -

Ivan smiled.

– The shareholders of the company, Dasha, are personally interested in the successful completion of this task. So don't worry about competitors. In this regard, you are under the reliable and invisible protection of the highest spheres. Well, if you really sell lemonade to one of your own, then sooner or later it will turn out, and then I, Dasha, will be cemented in a basin and floated downstream, right from here, from Presnenskaya embankment. Luckily, you don't have to go far. In this case, I myself understand, I can’t blame you for anything. -

Dasha looked at Ivan with concern.

CEO summons an ordinary promoter, gives a secret task. Is it conceivable? It's wonderful to her God ... -

“You know, Dasha, how everything is done with us,” Ivan interrupted her. Imagine in what form all this will reach you, I mean both the bottle and the meaning of the task, if, of course, it comes, I act in the established order. Most likely, it will be like in a joke: Not a ruble, not an ax, you must cut and everything is correct. In general, you will not collect the ends, and there will be no one to ask. And this is even if no one in that chain has an idea about the true value of the item. -

“It is, yes, yes,” Dasha agreed.

- That's what I'm talking about. So let's not waste time, Dasha. And if that call. -

Ivan handed Dasha a business card and winked conspiratorially.

One early Sunday morning, the Vladivostok-Moscow train arrived at the Yaroslavsky station right on schedule. A girl with a bag and a suitcase got out of the last carriage. He looks about eighteen years old, no older than twenty. Medium height. Under the light summer dress one could guess, not thin, but a slender figure. Black patent leather shoes, clearly new and worn for the first time. White socks looked childishly touching, which did not spoil the first impression at all, but rather the opposite. The blond hair was braided, but a few wavy strands stubbornly fell over the eyes of a light gray color, because of which, in a concentrated look, no, no, and a mischievous girlish spark slipped through. A neat, even nose, well-defined lips, and barely noticeable dimples on the cheeks. All this created the same, simple, but unique beauty, with which nature endowed the inhabitants of the Central Russian strip.

This girl's name was Anna Nikolaevna Novosyolova, but in her native village of Klimtsevo, Kostroma Region, everyone called her simply Anya.

The girl said goodbye to the conductor and, moving away from the car, stopped in the middle of the platform flooded with the first rays of the July sun. Looking around, she straightened her dress and, brushing the unruly strands from her forehead, smiled. Moscow.

In the same 1997, having successfully passed the entrance exams, the applicant Anya Novosyolova was enrolled in the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State Humanitarian University with the right to receive a place in a student hostel. The first six months were spent in the classrooms of the university and nightly vigils for textbooks and notes in the walls of their new home, on the southernmost edge of the capital. But the new world, new people, new opportunities, kindly opened their arms, before which it was impossible to resist.

So, at her first celebration of the student's day, Anya found herself in the company of one of the representatives of the galaxy of free artists, a certain Igor - a poet, musician and, of course, a philosopher. All this philosophy lasted three months, and, having passed the stages of existentialism and neo-Freudianism, materialized at four weeks of pregnancy. At that time, Igor was already on the next tour, from which, of course, he did not return, apparently lost in the endless expanses of self-knowledge.

In due time, a girl was born, whom Anya transported to her mother in Klimtsevo, as a result of which night vigils, more and more often, began to take place in reserved seats and common carriages of the railway in the Yaroslavl direction.

Despite all this, Anya graduated from the university with a “red” diploma and got a job as a proofreader in one of the newfangled “glossies”, which eventually transformed into a publishing house with a big name, firmly taking a leading position in the field of “fashion industry” throughout the post-Soviet space.

A few years later, the deputy editor-in-chief of the Fashion Light publishing house, Anna Nikolaevna Novosyolova, arrived in her native Klimtsevo, not railway, and along the asphalt highway, in their own red Lexus car. But then the girl refused to go with her mother to Moscow, considering it a betrayal of Baba Katya, a neighbor of Aunt Klava, Mikhail Ivanovich, her school teacher, and a mongrel Pirate. There was no one else to betray in Klimtsevo.

introductory expression and particle

1. Introductory expression. The same as "of course, clearly, clearly." It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2)

Germans, obviously they rejoice and boast, and the Russians laugh, because they know how Shpil shows his stupidity with powders. P. Bazhov, Diamond match. It's clear it had neither nose nor eyes, and yet it really did look like Kurochkin. Y. Koval, Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov.

2. Particle (in response). Same as "yes, of course". Separated or issued as a separate offer.

“Did Fedya bring flowers?” - " It's clear who else."

  • - wing. sl. In the satirical novel “The Twelve Chairs” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov, in chapter 34, a poster with such an absurd slogan is mentioned, posted in the club at the evening of the Water Rescue Society ...

    Universal optional practical dictionary I. Mostitsky

  • - "CLEAR AS THE SUN, A MESSAGE..." - op. Fichte...

    Philosophical Encyclopedia

  • - introductory expression and particle 1. Introductory expression. The same as "of course, clearly, clearly." It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2...

    Punctuation Dictionary

  • - From the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboyedov. Famusov's words. Ironically: about the bureaucratic conduct of business in an institution...
  • - In the satirical novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" in chapter 34, a poster with such an absurd slogan is mentioned, posted in the club at the evening of the Water Rescue Society ...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - From the Political Report of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the 16th Party Congress, which I.V. Stalin read on June 27, 1930. This is how the leader of the party expressed himself about work and the proper attitude towards it in the USSR. ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - See PATIENCE -...
  • - about something incomprehensible, obscure ...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - Razg. Express. It's clear; of course, definitely. - that they sought an invitation from Yevgeny Konstantinych and did not receive it ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - that it’s a dark matter, you can’t understand anything ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 crystallized ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 talker ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 formulated ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 clearing ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Obviously" in books

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Part 7 Clear vision Clairvoyance is the acquisition of knowledge in the form of visual (visual) images about certain events without using known sense organs (visual analyzer) or logical judgments. Malaya medical encyclopedia, 1996 After me twice


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84 CLEAR VISION As long as I invent here this central barrier, this "bowler", this dense opaque ball, as long as I consider it the center of my universe, I am not only hard and hard-faced, but also stupid and limited, my vision is blocked, my understanding is blurred and


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Chapter 6 “Violation of the Leninist principles of national policy” Mass deportations “Leningrad case” “Mingrelian case” Relations with Yugoslavia “The case of pest doctors” 39. Mass eviction of peoples

Argue until you have a really clear (not "pretty clear") underlying intention.

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Argue until you have a really clear (and not "pretty clear") underlying intention Lacking clarity of purpose, the non-essentialist divides his strategy; he tries to achieve too many goals and do too many things at the same time. AT


From the book 2008_46(594) author Newspaper Duel

CLEAR THINKING Fidel Castro accepted with "great joy" the consecration of the first Russian Church in Cuba and the Caribbean. Orthodox Church, which took place in the Cuban capital. This was stated in Havana by Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, noting that

98. Clear sign

author Mohammed

98. A clear sign In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful! Those who did not believe did not part [with their former faith], whether they were people of the book or polytheists, until a clear sign appeared to them -2. messenger from Allah, who proclaims the most pure scrolls, 3. in which

Sura 98 Clear Omen

From the book of the Koran [translation of meanings] author Mohammed

Sura 98 Clear Sign 1. (1). Those who did not believe from the People of the Book and the polytheists did not separate until a clear sign came to them -2. (2). a messenger from Allah who reads the purged scrolls, (3). in which the scriptures are straight.3. (four). And those to whom it was brought

Sura 98 Clear Omen

From the book of the Koran [translation of meanings] author Mohammed

Sura 98 A Clear Sign 1. The unbelieving people of the Scripture and the polytheists did not part with unbelief until a clear sign appeared to them -2. The Messenger of Allah who reads the purified scrolls. They contain true Scriptures.3. Those who were given the Scriptures fell apart only

Sura 98 A Clear Sign

From the book of the Quran [poetic translation] author Mohammed

Sura 98 A clear sign In the name of the merciful, merciful God Among those who have the Scriptures, those who did not believe in the Creator, Among the polytheists, others, having betrayed their hearts to idols, Deviated from false faith, drove evil out of their thoughts Not earlier than clearer than the light the proof came to them

clear vision

From the book Teachings of Zen "Homeless" Kodo by Uchiyama Kosho

Clear vision of Sawaki-roshi: If you steal other people's things, you become a thief. Some people think that you only become a thief after you have been arrested by a policeman and interrogated by a prosecutor, after you have been sentenced and sent to prison.

clear vision

From the book The Biggest Illusion author Larson Igor Vladimirovich

Clear vision - Now let's touch on the highest level of meditation - clear vision. We will return to this phenomenon, as such, when we discuss lucid dreams, but for now, let's figure out what it is in application to meditation. I did not accidentally say that we