impulse current. Medical encyclopedia - impulse current

Impulse current is an electric current that is periodically repeated in short-term portions (pulses). Most commonly used in medicine impulse current, consisting of rhythmically repeating current pulses of a constant direction and of various shapes - rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, exponential (Lapic currents) or sinusoidal current pulses.

The main characteristics of the pulsed current are: amplitude a, duration t and period T, or repetition frequency, as well as the shape of the pulses.

Acting on a normal motor nerve or muscle, a single impulse, even with a small duration and intensity, causes a rapid and short-term contraction of the muscle. With partially disturbed innervation, impulses even tens of times longer and several times more intense cause only a sluggish contraction of the muscle. In such cases, pulses with gradually increasing intensity (exponential) are used. Frequent impulses - more than 20 in 1 sec. - cause tetanic muscle contraction. These features of the reactions of the neuromuscular system to the action of a pulsed current formed the basis for electrical stimulation. electrical stimulation is carried out to maintain the nutrition and function of the muscle for the period of recovery of the damaged nerve or temporary forced inactivity of the muscle.

Diadynamic currents (Bernard currents) are half-sine pulses of constant polarity with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz. These frequencies are applied separately or in continuous alternation in "short" or "long" periods. The indications for the use of the diadynamic current are the same as for the sinusoidal modulated current, however, the irritation caused by the diadynamic current and the skin, painful burning sensation and tingling under the electrodes limit its use (contraindicated in disorders). The sources of these currents are the SNIM-1 device, as well as the model 717 device designed to provide assistance at the patient's bedside.

Impulse current with rectangular pulses at a frequency of 100-200 Hz and a ratio of pulse duration to pause as 1: 10 (Leduc currents) have an analgesic effect and can cause electronarcosis. Pulsed current with rectangular pulses are also used in electrosleep therapy. See also .

Low frequency pulse therapy and sinusoidal currents

Used in the treatment of pain syndrome. Most often it is lumbosacral sciatica - dorsalgia. According to statistics, every second person has it during his life. Physiotherapy is very effective.

low frequency pulsed electrotherapy recognized as one of the most effective treatments. Successfully competes with drug therapy. Electrosleep, dynamotherapy, pulse therapy, flucturization, neuroimpulse therapy and adaptive-dynamic, biofeedback and electrical stimulation are often used. Broad therapeutic possibilities are associated with the ability to change the characteristics of the pulses. The application leads to the normalization of the function of the central nervous system, higher vegetative centers, the state of hemodynamics, leads to the elimination of pain, spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, a pronounced anti-inflammatory and trophic-stimulating effect.

Diadynamic currents (DDT) were developed and put into practice by Pierre Bernard, these are pulsed currents with a frequency of 50-100 Hz with a half-sinusoidal pulse shape, a number of their varieties are used:

- Two-stroke continuous (two-phase fixed) - with a frequency of 100 Hz, when applying electrodes and applying current under the electrodes, a feeling of slight vibration and burning sensation is well tolerated by patients, used to combat pain, often as a preparatory current in the treatment of pronounced pain syndrome;

- Single-cycle continuous (single-phase fixed) - with a frequency of 50 Hz, when applied to the patient under the electrodes, a feeling of large vibration, improved electrical conductivity of tissues, tissue trophism, blood supply; The first two quickly develop addiction. Need to be interested

sensations of the patient, in the middle of the procedure they may disappear, add current until vibration appears.

- Half-wave rhythmic (syncope rhythm) - the alternation of a half-wave current, which is interrupted by pauses, at the time of submission of the contraction the neuromuscular apparatus, and during a pause its relaxation, is used for stimulation;

- Short period - alternation of single-cycle and double-cycle continuous currents, which alternate in a second or two seconds, there is a local increase in tissue temperature at the site of electrode application by 0.5C, increased and accelerated blood flow, a pronounced analgesic effect (!), Metabolic processes and tissue trophism improve ;

- Long period - alternation of one- and two-half-wave continuous currents, one PP lasts for 2 seconds, and two PPs for about eight seconds, has irritating properties, are more pronounced, as a result of use, tissue trophism is improved, a pronounced absorbable effect, toning of the GM internal organs, treatment of adhesions , scars, contractures.

In addition to them, there are wave currents (on Russian devices):

- half-wave wave (initial current - single-cycle continuous current, which goes to the maximum value for 2 s, lasts 4 s, duration 12 s)

- push-pull wave (initial current for receiving - alternating, push-pull continuous)

Wave currents are used at the beginning of the course of treatment in children, the elderly and in the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome. They have a mild irritant effect, are easily tolerated, addiction is not very pronounced.

Mechanism of action:

Rhythmic stimulation with current by the device creates a new dominant focus in the GM cortex and causes suppression of the pathological dominant. significantly improve blood circulation, lymph flow, improve collateral circulation (used for vascular diseases of the lower extremities). Cause contraction of striated muscles, used for electrical stimulation. A pronounced resolving and anti-inflammatory effect is associated with an improvement in CO and the elimination of toxins from the focus of inflammation. Effective both in the acute and sub-acute stages of the disease, they are widely used in the treatment of cicatricial and adhesive processes, as well as for the administration of medicinal substances (diadynamic electrophoresis).

Indications: diseases of the National Assembly, musculoskeletal system, with pain syndrome, treatment of sports injuries, cardiovascular diseases, spastic colitis.

Contraindications: violations of sensitivity to current, tendency to bleeding, malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory processes.

Sinusoidal [something there] currents. They were proposed by Yasnogorodsky. They have the greatest analgesic effect. Initial current - alternating current with a frequency of 5 thousand Hz.

Varieties (kinds of work):

- Constant modulation - with frequency 10-150 Hz, as a result of a slight tingling, burning and vibration, but quickly pass due to getting used to the current;

- Sending pauses - sending modulated, the sensations are the same, similar to the rhythm of syncopation, muscle contraction and relaxation during pauses; Sharply painful sensations should not arise!

- Intermittent frequencies - 1st 150 Hz, 2nd 10-100 Hz, the fight against pain;

- Intermittent pause frequencies - 50 Hz, then 10-100 Hz, followed by pauses, for neurobiostimulation, the fight against tissue hypotrophy.

1. Alternating - current above and below the isoline

2. Rectified - positive or negative phase, drug administration


The depth of modulation is the change in the amplitude of oscillations between a series of pulses compared to [what it was] frequency currents.

Modulation frequency:

High frequencies 100-150 Hz with a small 25% modulation depth in pain syndrome. Reduce to 50-70 Hz and increase the depth to 50/75%. Eliminated after 8-10 procedures.

Mechanism of action:

The same processes as in the treatment with diadynamic currents. A pronounced analgesic effect due to the direct action of the current on the nerve receptors and muscle formations, an increase in the lability and bioelectric activity of the formations, an ordered regimen leads to the suppression of the pathological dominant. Isolation of morphine-like peptides in the central nervous system, improvement of KO of neuromuscular tissue.

In most cases, variable mode is used. Straightened - for amplipulse. The medicinal substance penetrates more deeply into the tissues, these are analgesics, vasodilators, antispasmodics, ganglionic blockers.

Indications: in cosmetology for body shaping, NS diseases with vegetative-vascular and motor disorders, treatment of hypertension, diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, joints, genitourinary system (chronic adnexitis and prostatitis), cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, varicose veins.

Electroaerosol therapy is widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. This is a combined therapeutic effect of particles of medicinal substances in suspension in the air and endowed with the same + or - charge. Fast and highly effective action, easily tolerated. When inhaled, the medicinal substance has an effect on the mucosa of the DP, the penetrating ability and the level of action depend on their size (degree of dispersion). Highly dispersed preparations during inspiration reach the lowest parts of the DP. Medium dispersed penetrate into small, medium and large bronchi. Low-dispersed and droplet aerosols settle in the upper sections (larynx, trachea, nasopharynx). Due to the large area of ​​contact of the aerosol with the mucosa and the process of deposition in the wall, an increase in the effect and their prolonged action are observed. They have a significant advantage over conventional ones. The electric forced monopolar charge makes the system more stable, as a result of mutual repulsion of charged particles they do not coagulate in the tissues of the body, the particle settles better in the mucous membrane of the bronzes and is less released in the exhaled air, which is more economical. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the course is 10-30 procedures, sometimes even up to several times a day.

Indications: acute and chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases (bronchiectasis), bronchial asthma, lung TB, GB.

Contraindications: common bullous emphysema, pulmonary hemorrhage, severe AS of the coronary vessels.

Electrotherapy: general information

Electrotherapy is a method of physiotherapy based on the use of a dosed effect on the body of electric currents, magnetic or electromagnetic fields. The term "electrotherapy" currently refers to a group of physiotherapeutic methods based on the action electric current on the body. The methods differ from each other primarily in what currents they use - the current can be alternating or constant, have different strength (amperes), voltage (volts), frequency (hertz). The combination of these parameters will ultimately determine the final effect.

Mechanism of action and effect

Electrical signals are adequate stimuli not only for nervous and muscular tissues, but for almost all organs and systems of the body. Application electrical methods exposure is advisable when pathological phenomena have not yet caused gross destructive changes in the organ that are incompatible with its functions. Electrical signals, propagating in the body, cause specified changes. various processes human activity: increase blood flow, enhance lymph circulation, change the rate of tissue repair processes, activate enzyme systems, promote the removal of lactic acid, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Conducting a course of electric exposure according to special methods is accompanied by an improvement in general well-being, mood, normalization of sleep, an increase in the tone of the autonomic nervous system, and stabilization of heart rate and blood pressure.

Electrotherapy methods

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

A special group is made up of methods that use weak pulsed currents. In the English literature, these methods are referred to as TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The term short-pulse electroanalgesia is widely used. The main purpose of this method is to combat pain.

Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES)

Experience shows that one of the methods that can be used very effectively in various diseases is transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) or transcranial electroanalgesia. Transcranial electrical stimulation is a therapeutic effect of pulsed currents on the brain system.


Under natural conditions, the excitation and contraction of muscles is caused by nerve impulses coming to the muscle fibers from the nerve centers. Such excitation can be caused by applying an electric current - electromyostimulation (EMS).

Bioregulated electrical stimulation

Biological electrical stimulation - exposure to skin areas with pulsed currents, the parameters of which change. The main difference of the method is the presence of biological feedback on changes in skin impedance. Thanks to this decision, each impulse affecting the body is different from the previous one, because it already responds to the reaction of the body. As a result, the impact activates a much larger part of the nerve fibers, including thin C-fibers.

Treatment with continuous (constant) or impulsive electric current of low strength and low voltage is called low-frequency electrotherapy and is divided into two types: direct current treatment and pulsed current treatment.

DC treatment

Galvanotherapy is the use for medicinal purposes of continuous direct electric current. For this, a low current (up to 50 mA) and low voltage (30-80 V) is used. This method was named after the Italian doctor L. Galvani. A direct current passes through the tissues of the body, in which certain physico-chemical changes occur. The tissues of the human body contain colloids and salt solutions. Colloids are proteins, glycogen and other macromolecular substances. All these substances are part of body fluids, muscles and glandular tissue. Their molecules break up into electrically charged ions. The electric current in the human body does not move in a straight line. This movement and conduction of the current depend on the presence of good conductors and the amount of adipose tissue that does not conduct current well. When galvanizing, first of all, skin receptors are irritated. This is due to the change in ionic concentration. The current is conducted by applying electrodes. During the procedure, the patient may experience a slight burning sensation and tingling under the electrodes. Due to irritation of the nerve endings, nerve impulses enter the central nervous system. This contributes to the emergence of general and local reactions of the body. Under the influence of galvanic current, the blood vessels expand, while blood flow is accelerated. At the site of exposure to this current, the production of such biologically active substances as histamine, serotonin, etc. Galvanic current has a normalizing effect on the functional state of the human central nervous system, improves the functionality of the heart, and stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands. It also leads to the acceleration of regeneration processes. Increases the defenses of the human body.

Electrophoresis medicinal(synonym: galvanoionotherapy, ionogalvanization, ionotherapy, iontophoresis, therapeutic iontophoresis) - exposure to the body with direct current and particles of medicinal substances introduced with it through the skin or mucous membranes. With drug electrophoresis, a change in the general reactivity of the body occurs, stimulation of the so-called protective function of the body, an increase in the intensity of metabolic and trophic processes, etc. At the same time, the pharmacological action inherent in the medicinal substance manifests itself at low doses, but due to its slow entry from the skin depot into the blood stream - over a long period. Sources of galvanic current, electrodes and electrode pads for drug electrophoresis, as well as the rules for the procedure of drug electrophoresis and safety precautions are the same as those used for galvanization (see). The medicinal substance during drug electrophoresis is applied to a layer of filter paper, which is placed on the side of the electrode pad facing the patient's body. After the procedure, this filter paper is discarded. All electrode pads for drug electrophoresis must be labeled with the appropriate name of the drug (its first letter). In some cases, baths (porcelain, glass, Fig. 2) filled with a low concentration drug solution with carbon electrodes lowered into them can be used for medicinal electrophoresis.

For galvanization and electrophoresis, the Potok-1 (AG-75) wall-mounted and desktop apparatus, as well as the AGN-32 apparatus and the AGP-33 portable apparatus, are used.

Impulse current treatment

Impulse currents are electric currents characterized by temporary deviations of voltage or current from a certain constant value. In medicine, currents of low (electrosleep, electrical stimulation, diadynamic therapy) and medium frequency (interference therapy and amplipulse therapy) are used.

Electrosleep therapy - therapeutic effect of impulse currents on brain structures. used in this method impulse currents penetrate into the cranial cavity through the openings of the eye sockets. The maximum current density occurs along the vessels of the base of the skull. The conduction currents formed here have a direct effect on the sensory nuclei of the cranial nerves and the hypnogenic centers of the brain stem (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, the inner region of the pons, the reticular formation). They cause inhibition of the impulse activity of aminergic neurons in the locus coeruleus and the reticular formation, which leads to a decrease in ascending activating influences on the cerebral cortex and an increase in internal inhibition. This is facilitated by the synchronization of the repetition rate of current pulses with slow rhythms of the bioelectrical activity of the brain.

electrical stimulation - this is the effect of electrical impulses, close in their phase structure to the current of the membrane of neuromuscular cells, on muscles and other underlying tissues. Electrical stimulation is used in many areas of medicine, such as: hardware cosmetology, physiotherapy, general therapy, sports and rehabilitation medicine. Electrical stimulation procedures are carried out with the help of ESMA professional physiotherapy equipment, electrical stimulators, devices and apparatus for electrical stimulation, as well as various professional myostimulators. During the electrical stimulation procedure, the muscle or the nerve innervating it is irritated by means of a pulsed current, leading to a change in its bioelectrical activity, the formation of spike responses and intense muscle contraction.

diadynamic therapy - electrotherapeutic method, in which currents with a half-sinusoidal shape of pulses, a frequency of 50 Hz and 100 Hz are the active factor. Both types of current are used when alternating between them or when interrupted by pauses. The most characteristic effects of diadynamic therapy are analgesic, vasoactive, trophic and myostimulating. Under the influence of current, capillaries expand, blood circulation and inflow improve nutrients and oxygen to tissues; metabolic products, decay products are removed from inflammatory foci, an anti-inflammatory effect is associated with this, accompanied by a decrease in edema and a general trophic effect. Resorption of post-traumatic hemorrhages occurs, metabolism is activated, as a result of which diadynamic currents have a trophic effect on tissues. With diadynamic therapy, the muscles undergo rhythmic contraction and relaxation, up to their visible contraction, which is accompanied by the restoration of muscle function. Diadynamic therapy also has a hypotensive effect on the body.

Interference therapy - Another method of electrotherapy used in cosmetology is interference therapy, where the effect is carried out using two (or more) medium frequency alternating currents supplied to the patient's body by two (or more) pairs of electrodes so that an interaction occurs between them. The penetration of interference currents into the body is carried out along the path of least resistance, while during the procedure there are no unpleasant sensations and skin receptors are not irritated, as a result of which the interference therapy is easily tolerated by the elderly and children. The effect of irritation is manifested in the depth of tissues, where, under the influence of interference, a low-frequency current is formed. Since only the low-frequency current generated in the bowels of the tissue has a stimulating effect, interference therapy does not affect the surface receptors of the skin. Rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle fibers of blood vessels that occur during interference therapy increase blood supply and lymph flow, stimulate metabolic processes in the dermis and hypodermis. As a result, the destruction of large nodes of adipose tissue and the reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer occurs. Interference therapy shifts the pH of tissues in the alkaline direction, which has a positive effect on the inflammatory process. In addition, the interference current also has a trophic effect.

Amplipulse therapy- a therapeutic method in which the sinusoidal modulated current of low strength (up to 80 mA) is the active factor. Sinusoidal modulated currents have an analgesic effect, relieve vasospasm, increase arterial inflow and venous outflow, increase the delivery and absorption of nutrients to the affected tissues and organs, promote the activation of metabolic processes, promote the resorption of infiltrates, and enhance reparative processes. Amplipulse therapy increases the tone of the intestines, biliary tract, ureter and bladder; improves the function of external respiration and drainage function, relieves bronchospasm, increases ventilation of the lungs, stimulates the secretory function of the pancreas, stomach, activates metabolic processes in the liver. The use of amplipulse therapy improves the functional state of the central nervous system, increases the compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the body.

Fields of application of electrotherapy methods

The scope of electrotherapy is very wide. For use at home, when making an independent right decision, it is advisable to distinguish three areas of application:

1. Removal or significant reduction of pain syndrome

Electric anesthesia is one of the most popular and most effective methods of pain relief. With this method, a person has the opportunity to independently influence acute or chronic pain and reduce the use of painkillers. It is very important that the use of such therapy did not reveal side effects. A special place is occupied by the section on the use of methods of electrical anesthesia in such processes as bruises, cuts, wounds, fractures, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

2. Targeted impact on the muscle structure and musculoskeletal system.

This direction, which is often called electromyostimulation (EMS), is a targeted effect on the muscle structure and nerve endings of the body with special electric current impulses. The advantage of the EMS method is its high efficiency, wide range of applications, small size of the equipment used, simplicity in carrying out procedures, comfort for patients, as well as the absence of side effects and harmful consequences. -motor apparatus, in the postoperative period. Treatment of patients with neurovertebrogenic diseases is confirmed by a decrease in pain intensity, elimination of soreness of muscle zones, restoration of the volume of active movements in the spine, as well as the degree of normalization of muscle tone and a decrease in the severity of tension symptoms.

Years of research at various types vertebrogenic syndromes show that the use of EMS provides a significant improvement in 25-30% of cases, an improvement in 45-50%, a slight improvement in 5-10%, which confirms the need for widespread use of this method.

When applying EMS, it is possible to achieve a general and special training effect. There are numerous results on the use of EMS in order to increase physical performance, endurance, muscle strength and mass, reduce the time for recovery of strength after heavy physical exertion, prevent muscle fatigue and atrophy in conditions of physical inactivity, and stay in a monotonous position for a long time. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of eliminating excess weight in alimentary obesity. In the treatment of patients with obesity of I-IV degrees, a significant effect of EMS of the rectus abdominis and thigh muscles on fat metabolism was noted, mainly due to increased oxidation of free fatty acids and cholesterol. The decrease in excess body weight when using EMS effects occurs mainly due to the fat component, a decrease in the thickness of the skin-subcutaneous fat layer. Along with the normalization of fat metabolism, a decrease in excess body weight, there was an improvement in the well-being of patients, a decrease in high blood pressure, and a decrease in fatigue.

3. Use in the complex treatment of diseases of internal organs in neurological, cardiological, gastroenterological, obstetric and urological practice.

Exposure to electric current causes obvious non-specific effects - it activates local arterial and venous circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, mainly associated with an increase in peripheral circulation, normalizes the functional state of the central nervous system and its regulatory effect on various systems organism. At the same time, a number of studies have shown the possibility of relieving neuro-emotional stress, arousal, feelings of fear, drowsiness; promotion mental performance.

Main action and scope

anesthesia (bruises, cuts, wounds, fractures, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, headache and toothache, etc.)

Improving performance, endurance, muscle strength and mass

recovery after heavy physical exertion

treatment of neurosis, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia


obesity, cellulite


Enhances lymphatic circulation, accelerates tissue repair, activates enzyme systems, promotes the removal of lactic acid, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, activates blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the state of the central nervous system, relieves neuro-emotional stress, arousal, feelings of fear, drowsiness, increases mental performance , complex treatment of diseases of internal organs in neurological, cardiological, gastroenterological, obstetric and urological practice.

Electrotherapy: indications

Respiratory diseases: Laryngitis, pharyngitis; Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis; Acute runny nose (rhinitis, SARS, acute respiratory infections); Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs); Prevention and treatment of respiratory organs: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza; Tracheitis and bronchitis

Diseases of the circulatory system: Varicose veins; Hypertonic disease; Hypertensive crisis; Cardiac ischemia; angina; Obliterating endarteritis, diabetic angiopathy, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, Raynaud's disease; Cardiac arrhythmias

Diseases of the digestive system: Diarrhea (poisoning); Diarrhea (irritable bowel syndrome, dysbacteriosis); Diseases of the stomach and duodenum; Diseases of the esophagus (heartburn, esophageal dyskinesia, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux); pancreatitis; Cholecystitis (stoneless), biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis; constipation

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract: Cystitis; Pyelonephritis; Kidney stone disease. An attack of kidney stone disease

Gynecology and Andrology: Inflammatory diseases (vulvovaginitis, oophoritis, salpingitis, endometritis); Violations of potency; Prostatitis, prostate adenoma

Childhood diseases: Violation of psychological development (speech, intellectual)

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: Arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis, sciatica; Contusion, sprain

Skin diseases: Dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema; Trophic ulcers

Cosmetology: Overweight, obesity; Lifting; Cellulite

ENT diseases: Angina and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis; Sensorineural hearing loss; Acute sinusitis and exacerbation of chronic sinusitis; Otitis

Nervous diseases: Headache (of various origins); Neuritis, neuralgia; Muscle tone disorders; Trigeminal neuralgia; Neuritis of the facial nerve; Neurosis, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia; radiculopathy; Enuresis

Dentistry: Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint; Toothache, condition after tooth extraction (not replacing, but only supplementing the necessary treatment at the dentist); Periodontitis; Stomatitis

Electrotherapy: contraindications

The presence of an artificial pacemaker of the heart;

· Pregnancy;

Individual intolerance;

status epilepticus;

Fever of unknown origin;

Neoplasms of any etiology and localization;

vein thrombosis;

The state of acute mental, alcoholic or narcotic arousal

Electrotherapy devices

Among the electrotherapy devices presented on the Russian market, the most famous are:

· DENAS devices (DENAS-mini, DENAS, DiaDENS-T, DiaDENS-PKM, DiaDENS-Cosmo, DiaDENS-Cardio, OSTEO-DENS). Manufacturer DENAS MS Corporation, Russia, founded in 1998.


A reliable assistant for the improvement of the whole family. Due to the complex physiotherapeutic action and the range of regimens, it is used to treat both acute and chronic diseases, and is also used for prevention. Among the indications for the use of the device are acute respiratory diseases, headache and toothache, pain in muscles and joints, and others.

"Flow - 1"

Electrosleep - 5

ESMA equipment

Apparatus "Tonus - 1"

Treatment of diseases with the help of electric current was practiced even before the invention of current sources, by means of living beings that produce electricity. The ancient Greeks successfully healed paresis and treated tissue diseases using rays that lived near the coast. In modern electrotherapy, treatment with current of various frequencies is in demand and is always popular in the treatment of neuralgia, muscle atrophy, and even gynecological diseases.

Ways to use electricity

Physiotherapy has a wide arsenal of methods for restoring health with the help of electricity. There are several directions:

Current treatment devices

For galvanization sessions, the Potok 1 electrotherapy apparatus has become widespread in physiotherapy rooms; it can be used for both electrophoresis and galvanization even at home. The price of the device is a little more than ten thousand rubles.

The device of low-frequency therapy "Elesculap 2" is more expensive, but also more convenient, it has modern design, liquid crystal display and wide frequency range. This device allows you to generate pulses of various shapes.

The most expensive device "Radius-01FT" is designed for use in medical institutions, but if necessary, it can also be used at home. The device allows you to carry out almost all known effects of electric current on the body, including electrosleep.

Diseases preventing electric treatment

Electrotherapy has quite extensive contraindications, in which the use of electric current for medicinal purposes becomes dangerous. It is impossible to treat pregnant women at any time, and with the following diseases:

  • Feverish conditions, purulent diseases of the skin and internal organs, acute inflammatory processes.
  • Intolerance to electric current or medication used for electrophoresis.
  • Heart disease, heart attack or coronary heart disease.
  • The presence of a pacemaker or other implanted device.
  • Fractures of bones with multiple fragments.
  • Any acute convulsive conditions such as angina pectoris or surgery.

The doctor prescribing electrotherapy procedures will definitely conduct a complete analysis of the patient's health status and warn him of the possible consequences. That is why it is advisable to take all procedures in a medical institution, and at home it will be safe to use special devices only after consulting a doctor.

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The physiological effects of pulsed current are based on the structural features of the cell membrane, which is capable of passing certain types of ions through itself. At rest, the cell is able to pass only K ions. Due to the electrical impulse, there is a change in the ion permeability of the membrane. Pulsed currents in physiotherapy are widely used due to their low toxicity and high efficiency.

Low frequency physiotherapy

Defined as a very gentle and stimulating change in starting or stopping electrical impulses in a steady rhythm.
Principle of low frequency therapy
A physiotherapy procedure designed to help relieve acute or chronic pain caused by fatigue, spasms, and impaired blood flow. In addition, this method of treatment causes muscle contraction, improving the nutrition of muscle fibers in adynamia.
Fields of application of pulsed current in medicine

Neurology. The main therapeutic goal of using physiotherapy for neurological diseases is to relieve pain.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In case of fractures, sprains, damage to the menisci, physiotherapy is prescribed to accelerate the recovery and healing processes.
In obesity - as the main method of reducing excess potassium ions (energy) in the cell, thereby reducing body fat in certain areas of the body.
Acute inflammatory diseases. By improving blood flow, removing fluid, the recovery process is much faster.
Pathology of the organs of hearing and vision.
Among other things, this procedure is used in the treatment of obesity, the principle of action

is based on the effect of the generated vibration on fat cells. In the process of exposure, the size of the fat cell itself decreases under the influence of low-frequency currents on it. The action is based on the difference in the impact of physiotherapy on different types cells.
The degree of intensity of the prescribed treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the patient's well-being during the procedure and is selected individually for each. The higher the frequency of the current, the less resistance it encounters.
During treatment, the patient may feel a slight tingling on the contact sponge area, which is used to improve the patency of the electrodes, and with an additional therapeutic effect, not just water or gel is used, but a medication (magnesium sulfate, aminophylline). This sensation may continue for a short period of time after the procedure is completed. With each session, the current strength should be increased, but within the comfort level for the patient. A strong current usually has a more beneficial effect, but the intensity should not cause pain and discomfort.

Processes occurring in the body under the influence of pulsed current

Reduction of edema, by improving the amount of blood flowing through the area occupied by areas of muscle separation (edema), which leads to improved healing, promotes the removal of damaged tissue.
Stimulation of nerve cells at the site of exposure, this achieves an analgesic effect in neurological pathology.

Contraindications for use

Tuberculosis, active phase
Bleeding (physiological, acute, chronic)
Increase in body temperature

Physiotherapy is rarely prescribed as an independent treatment, but thanks to the use of low-frequency pulsed currents, the recovery time can be significantly reduced.