When is the name day of Alexander according to the church Orthodox calendar? Alexander's name day according to the church calendar: dates by months

Alexandra is a great name shrouded in mystery. Hearing him, the first thing that comes to mind, Alexander the Great and imagination draws the legendary image of the Greek commander. The name obliges Alexandra to correspond to this type, and she is more than successful at it.

Brief meaning of the name Alexander

Protector or winner

The origin of the name Alexander has Greek roots, is the female form of the name Alexander, which means protector of people. It comes from the Greek aleko - protector and andros - people. Another version of the origin of the name Alexander is the assertion that this is the Turkic name Iskander, which means the winner. Disputes about this continue, scientists have not yet decided on the unambiguity of any of the options.

The character and fate of Alexandra

Often the character of Alexandra is very similar to the male. The mistress named after Alexander has a dualistic and contradictory nature.

Alexandra's character is as changeable as fashion. She sees no barriers, is prone to the manifestation of violent passions and impulses. Only great love can stop her and put her in her place. The next incredible antics often simply shock her surroundings. Life with her is a great test, but without her it is boring and uninteresting. After all, she, not knowing what a halt is, relentlessly rushes forward.

As if embarrassed by her male name Alexander, she strives for elegance, femininity, mystery, and she succeeds. She is extremely charming. Her nature is not fighting, in her character she will agree or simply reduce the scandal as a joke. Therefore, it seems that she has many friends, in fact, she has friendly relations with everyone, she does not let even her closest relatives get close.

The name Alexandra suggests the need to contact with others, she is literally obsessed with this. She has a great imagination, but a little lacking in common sense. She wants to turn everyone into her slaves, and the first goes to her parents. At first glance, she may seem closed, in fact, she is pure in soul, sincere and truthful, and expects reciprocity from others. She does not tolerate lies, you can forever lose her trust because of some stupid prank.

We are small children, we want to walk

Little Sasha is a hurricane, it is not possible to keep her in place. Her name is fidget, which is the cause of bruises and abrasions. However, when it stopped her, forward to the unknown and the unknown. Sasha does not need sleep, food, she is given to the game completely. She cannot be condoned in everything, spoiled a lot, otherwise the result will be a capricious and stubborn person. The girl is tempted by outdoor games on the street, leisure in nature, but not in the company of peers, but in the circle of adults.

The name adjusts to the fact that at school she should always be the first. In studies, she is an excellent student in all subjects, loves social work, holds elected positions in school self-government, is successful in sports life schools. The teachers go to favorites. They appreciate her determination and active life position. Homework is like a punishment for her. She will come up with a hundred reasons not to do it. School friends treat Sasha with respect, she bribes them with her insight and justice in her actions. If she was treated incorrectly or deceived, she will pretend that she does not care. She will carry this habit with her throughout her life.

Sasha's health in childhood will not bring problems to her parents, the only diseases that can be are colds, but no one is safe from them. When Sasha is young, his respiratory system, especially his lungs, can go haywire. With age, problems with sleep and critical days are possible.

Ah, Sasha, Sasha, Sashenka

A girl named Alexandra has an unpredictable character. According to fate, it sweeps by like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path, in moments of rare calm, it analyzes losses and licks its wounds. A distinctive feature of Alexandra's character is the desire only to move forward, she associates even the slightest delay with defeat, and Sasha does not like to lose.

It is very difficult for those walking next to her, but not keeping up with her movements. The name Alexander means undeniable independence. The meaning of the name represents her as an adventurer. If something suddenly does not go according to plan and begins to threaten trouble for Sasha, she will not hesitate to blame everyone around and, if possible, shift the blame to the one who turns out to be extreme at that moment. Her entourage can hardly endure such times.

Alexandra, Alexandra...

The best job for Alexandra should be quite active. Due to the restlessness inherent in her character, work related to business trips is perfect, and the desire to rule will satisfy the position of director, assistant or bank employee. She herself works at a fast pace and infects her surroundings with this.

Who does not comply, he simply falls out of her cage. The owner of the name will find her calling in medicine, in cinema and theater, she can become an excellent cutter or hairdresser, the service sector is her strong point. It is worth noting that she achieves success more by hard work than by talent.

Alexandra has a pronounced ability to adapt, weave intrigues and gossip in her character. She is subject to external influence, often shocking with her eccentricity.

Alexandra knows how to love, and if her feelings are sincere, then her chosen one will be a happy person. She will give him passionate sex, support and help in all endeavors, order in the house and care for him and the children. Love will change the character of Alexandra and transform her, there will be no trace of her former idleness.

TO family life she has a more businesslike approach in her character. Even with minimal opportunities, she will improve her life, but small work in the house is not for her, she will impose it on another. Alexandra is a good cook, a hospitable hostess and a caring mother who takes care of her children even when they have grown up.

I know I will never tire of being your secret forever...

The secret of Alexandra's character is her soul. It is not easy to get close to her. The reason is that she first does and then thinks. In general, if Sasha chose you as a heart-to-heart interlocutor, it's worth a lot.

Ah, Shura, your Shurochka ...

In a short and affectionate form, Alexandra is called Sasha, Sashenka, Alexandrushka, Sanya, Sandra, Alexanya, Aley, Asya, Sanyura, Sanyuta, Sanyusha, Aleksakha, Aleksasha, Sashukha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sashuta, Shura, Shurochka, Lexandra, Lyaksandra, Oleksa , Alexa, Alesya, Olesya, Lesya.

The synonyms of the name Alexander are the name: Alexandrina, Alasrina, Alistrina, Alesta, Alejandra, Alexandria, Alexandrina, Sandra, Sandrina, Alessandra, Alexandra.

Case declension

  • The nominative case is Alexandra;
  • Genitive case - Alexandra;
  • Dative case - Alexandre;
  • Accusative case - Alexander;
  • Instrumental case - Alexandra;
  • The prepositional case is Alexandre.

Value according to the church calendar

By church calendar the meaning of the name Alexander does not change. Alexandra's name day:

fall on the dates - 22.03, 2.04, 6.05, 31.05, 17.7, 13.10, 19.11, 23.12.

Marriages are made in heaven

Alexandra will be happily married to Anatoly, Andrei, Viktor, Ivan, Peter, Semyon and Yuri. Valentin, Valery, Evgeny, Nikolai, Stepan will not be able to become a soulmate for her.

From this article, you received complete information about Alexander, which means the name, the secret of his origin, character, attitude to family and work, the meaning of a man in her fate and just what her female happiness will be like. Now it will not be difficult for you to find a common language with the representatives of this name, which means excellent communication and a healthy atmosphere in the team. You have no doubts and secrets left, which means that you can make the right decision on how to name your future girl, whether she needs such a fate.

The meaning of the name Alexander is quite entertaining and directly related to his history. The name Alexander came to us in the Russian language from Greece, along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. This is a paired female name for the name Alexander. The male name Alexander, translated from Greek, means "Protecting people." However, the more literary the meaning of the name is "protecting humanity" or "hope".

The popularity of the name Alexander and Alexander is directly related to the church canonization of Prince Alexander Nevsky. If before that the name was not particularly popular, then after canonization the popularity of the name increases dramatically.

The meaning of the name Alexander for a girl

Alexandra grows up as a rather difficult child for those around her. She is active and mobile, but this is combined with the whims of the child and other complexities of character. At the same time, the girl is quite purposeful and endowed with good leadership qualities, and this is noticeable from childhood. One more distinctive feature girls with the name Alexander can be called a "pathological" attitude towards honesty. They demand the utmost honesty in dealing with them and do not forgive even the most harmless lies.

In her studies, Alexandra has great success, which is not at all connected with the craving for knowledge. She studies well rather for self-affirmation, but knowledge itself does not interest her. But this does not mean that Alexandra is not capable of learning. If she decides for herself to get a good education, then so be it. And it will be not only estimated, but for real. Sasha is also growing up as an athletic girl, which is good for her health and figure.

Alexandra's health in childhood will only please her parents. She rarely gets sick, which of course does not mean the absence of "mandatory" colds due to the weather. Going in for sports further strengthens the health of the girl. The girl will be happy to go to dances or rhythmic gymnastics, but of course everything depends on her choice.

Short name Alexandra

Alexa, Alexana, Alexyukha, Lexa, Leksana, Sanya, Sasha, Sanyuta, Sanyukha, Sashukha, Sashuta, Shura, Shurka.

Diminutive names

Aleksandrushka, Aleksandrochka, Aleksanya, Aleksasha, Alexya, Aleksyusha, Leksanya, Leksha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sanyusha, Shuren, Shurunya.

Alexander's name in English

IN English language Alexandra's name is spelled Alexandra.

Alexander's name for a passport- ALEKSANDRA.

Translation of the name Alexander into other languages

in Arabic - إسكندرة‎‎
in Belarusian - Aliaksandra
in Bulgarian - Alexandra
in Hungarian - Alexandra
in Greek - Αλεξάνδρα
in Hebrew - אלכסנדרה‎
Spanish - Alejandra
in Italian - Alessandra
in Chinese - 亞歷山大
in Korean - Lisandra
in Latin - Alexandra

In Lithuanian - Alexandra
in German - Alexandra
in Polish - Alexandra
in Romanian - Alexandra
in Ukrainian - Oleksandra
in Finnish - Alexandra
in French - Alexandrine
in Czech - Alexandra
in Estonian - Alexandra
in Japanese - アレキサンダ

Church name Alexander(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Alexandra is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Alexandra has a special and rare combination of name characteristics. She has a special femininity and the ability to look beautiful. She is open and friendly in communication and knows how to get along with people. However, this "openness" is rather indicative and not many people have been given to find out what is in Alexandra's soul. Her active nature energizes those around her and helps the owner of the name to achieve a good position in society.

Alexandra is characterized by high efficiency, and in combination with other useful characteristics of the name, this makes her successful in almost any field of activity. She is a born leader and knows how to perfectly cope with the duties of a leader. Inflexibility and diplomacy in one bottle - this is about her.

In Alexandra's family, a partner business approach reigns rather than a true homely atmosphere. She knows how to improve home life with the most minimal opportunities. Alexandra does not like small routine housework and tries to entrust it to someone else. Sasha is an excellent cook and loves to receive and visit guests. He loves his children very much and takes care of them in every possible way, even when they become adults.

The secret of the name of Alexander

Alexandra's secret usually remains her soul for everyone. She does not let anyone into her inner experiences, but there are reasons for this. Sasha often first commits an act, and then analyzes what has come over her. So, if you ask why she did something, then most likely she herself has not thought about it yet. If you are in the circles of people with whom Alexandra speaks heart to heart, then this is worth appreciating.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

totem animal- Dog.

Name color- Silver grey.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Hydrangea.

Stone- Aventurine.

A real defender is the main characteristic of Alexander. Everyone has their own associations with him: someone remembers Macedonian, someone - Nevsky. And in the Orthodox tradition, a number of martyrs named so are revered, and these days the Alexanders celebrate their name days.

Days of the angel according to the church calendar in 2015

Almost every month, a saint and great martyr Alexander is venerated. Therefore, Sasha has a lot of name days:

  • January 17;
  • February 7;
  • 3, 8, 22, 26, 28, 29 March;
  • April 9, 23, 30;
  • May 3, 4, 26, 29;
  • 1, 2, 5, 8, 22, 23 June;
  • July 16, 22, 23;
  • August 7, 11, 14, 24, 25;
  • 12-th of September;
  • October 5, 11, 30;
  • November 4 and 22;
  • 6 and 25 December.

Among all the patron saints, the most powerful are Alexander Nevsky, who is revered on June 5, September 12 and December 6, as well as the Reverend, revered on March 8, and Komansky on August 25.

Origin and meaning

This name came to us from the ancient Greek language. In the literal sense, it is interpreted as "protector", "protector". The main character traits that determine the life of a man are purposefulness, assertiveness.

Sasha is a very ambitious person. If he knows what he wants, he will definitely go to his goal. Suffice it to recall only the famous commander of Macedonia. It fully manifested the dominant qualities of this name.

Men named like this have incredible charisma and energy. Such a strong and strong-willed character, combined with examples of eminent famous people can not only increase the self-esteem of men, but also make them somewhat arrogant. Also, they cannot always soberly assess the situation and admit their guilt or mistake. It's easier for them to shift the blame to someone else.

The desire to be the first, to stand out from the crowd encourages Sasha to strive to take a leading position in some direction - study, sports life, creative activity or in relationships with the opposite sex. This desire is especially evident during adolescence. In the event that he cannot show his leadership qualities in any way, this is fraught with isolation and the development of complexes.

Two more qualities that will help Sasha through life are justice and a sense of humor. Being fair, he will be able to help people and prioritize correctly. A sense of humor will help in communicating with people and make it the soul of the company.

Alexander will be especially successful if he is born under the sign of Leo.

In most cases, Sasha's girls are capricious and stubborn, especially if they are the only ones in the family. Often they are alone and do not like to play with other children. They are good on their own. In studies, she always has success: willingly study for "excellent".

At first glance, it seems that all female Alexanders are closed, but in fact, inside they are very bright and happy to communicate with any people. It's just that often they are looking for a person who they like for a long time. He treats people with all sincerity and expects the same in return. They are always fair in their decisions. Despite their feigned indifference, the Alexandra are quite inquisitive.

Fate: Alexandra is one of those who prefer to make decisions themselves. She is ambitious, but she can go to the goal all her life, being distracted by trifles.

The Saints: Alexandra Amissiiskaya (name day April 2), Alexandra Rimskaya (name day May 6).

Angel Alexandra Day

From the ancient Greek language - the protector of people, protecting - the female form of the male name Alexander It is possible that the word originally comes from the name of the ancient Greek hero - Ales (Alez, Alest), a descendant of Hercules, king of Mycenae.

As a child, Alexandra is somewhat shy, reads a lot, studies well. Due to the fact that Sashenka often likes to “snack”, especially various “yummy” that her parents (mainly her grandmother) spoil her with, she looks like a kind of “bun” against the background of her peers.

However, in high school, increased sports, a moderate diet, general cleaning in the house, which Sasha often voluntarily takes on, completely relieve her of extra pounds. And already at the age of 17-18, Sasha turns from a “bun” into a gazelle - playful, cheerful, graceful, able to keep up a conversation with any young person. Her fans are more than enough.

However, Alexandra is in no hurry to get married. First of all, she strives to get a good education, and she wants to choose an ideal life partner, such that he is both a friend, a lover, and an assistant in household chores. She herself is a wonderful housewife in the family, a caring mother, she knows how to find a common language with children. Alexandra is respected by colleagues at work. She can be a good doctor, translator (she has a penchant for foreign languages), an economist (accountant), teacher.

Rectilinear, deliberately rational, forcibly entering into the perfection of virtues, Alexandra is such in her phenomenality, in her cruel truth, while in the depths she is blind, insanely persistent. Female randomness, not seeing itself and not recognizing itself, that's what it is. Meanwhile, pushed by a blind will, Alexandra is persistent, stubborn, firmly holding on to what she has planned as a reasonable and proven goal.

Alexandra Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • February 18 - Alexandra (Kasparov), Prmc. /novomuch./
  • March 14 - Alexandra (Dyachkova), prmts. /novomuch./
  • March 22 - Alexandra (Samoilova), Prmc. /novomuch./
  • April 2 - Alexandra Amisiiskaya (Pontic), mts.
  • May 6 - Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, mts., Empress
  • May 31 - Alexandra of Ankirskaya (Corinthian), mts., virgin
  • June 26 - Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), St.
  • July 17 - Alexandra (Romanova), passion-bearer, Empress / novomuch. /
  • September 30 - Alexandra (Khvorostyannikova), promts., novice / novomuch. /
  • October 13 - Alexandra (Chervyakova), promts., schema nun / novomuch. /
  • October 15 - Alexandra, mts.
  • November 19 - Alexandra of Ankirskaya (Corinthian), mts., virgin
  • December 23 - Alexandra (Ustyukhin), mts. /novomuch./
Orthodox names. Name choice. Heavenly patrons. Saints Caves Anna Ivanovna

Alexandra (Alexandrina, Olesya)

Meaning of the name: Greek alex?- "protect; courageous, protector.

Main features: inconsistency, activity.

Character features. The contradiction lies in the very name of Alexandra: her feminine nature is in conflict with male name. All her shortcomings and problems in life come from this: Alexandra cannot fully and unconditionally accept her feminine essence.

Alexandra is stubborn, capricious, wayward, while she is soft, shy and vulnerable. All her life she is overwhelmed by conflicting feelings. She wants to dominate, but at the same time she is afraid of rebuff. Since childhood, she reacts sharply to all events, but never gives a look. Alexandra is optimistic and cheerful, her energy is overflowing, so her main way of life is action. She is from the breed of those people who first do, and then think.

name day