How old is Anatoly Tarasov. Anatoly Tarasov: biography, personal life, sports career and coaching achievements

December 10 would have marked the 95th anniversary of the birth of the "father of Soviet hockey" legendary coach Anatoly Tarasov. "RG" recalls facts from the biography of Anatoly Vladimirovich, about which little was known to the general public.

1. In the hockey club CDKA, Anatoly Tarasov played in the same trio with Vsevolod Bobrov and Evgeny Babich. The first three of the army club were a thunderstorm of rivals. Let's say, in the championship of 1948, Tarasov, Bobrov and Babich scored 97 out of 108 goals scored by the CDKA! True, relations between Tarasov and Bobrov did not work out. According to people who closely communicated with Tarasov, they practically did not talk.

They say that Tarasov did not forgive Bobrov for the time of the Air Force team, when General Vasily Stalin fired him from the post of coach, putting Bobrov in charge. By 1954, relations between the two stars had heated up so much that the participation of the USSR national team in the World Championships in Stockholm was called into question. Before the tournament, Bobrov set a condition: I will play for the team only if Tarasov is not the coach. As a result, Tarasov attended the championship only as an observer from the sports committee. Tarasov returned to the national team and, together with Arkady Chernyshev, won the Olympics three times in a row (1964, 1968, 1972) and 9 times in a row - the world championships (1963-1971). In 1972, he brought gold from Sapporo, but to the World Cup in Prague Bobrov has already taken the team. The point is that immediately after Winter Games The leadership of Czechoslovakia turned to their Soviet colleagues with a request not to send Tarasov to them, to whom many players of the Czechoslovak team felt hostility. The Central Committee immediately recalled the episode when, during the Olympics in Sapporo, Tarasov refused to play a draw with the Czechs: in this situation, we took the "gold", and the "silver" would go to the Czechoslovak national team. But ours won 5:2, and the Americans overtook the Czechs. As a result, on March 21, 1972, Bobrov took over the team.

It's no secret that Tarasov and Bobrov lived in the same house on Leningradsky Prospekt. Eyewitnesses recall an episode when two "Volga" - Tarasova and Bobrov - stood nose to nose in the arch of the house for half an hour, refusing to let each other through. Neighbors had to call the police to clear the way.

2. Anatoly Tarasov married in 1939 a girl named Nina, who studied with him at the higher school of coaches. Nina Grigorievna, who was ten months older than her husband and lived until the age of 93, recalled that after Tarasov proposed to her, they did not arrange magnificent ceremonies and simply went to the Baumansky District Executive Committee of Moscow, where they signed. After that, the young people celebrated the event in the institute's canteen by ordering beef stroganoff, which had seemed very expensive to them before. As a gift, the bride received a bouquet of flowers and a vase. In the evening of the same day, Tarasov left for Odessa to play for the Dynamo football club. Tarasov only managed to run home and wrote a note: "Mom, I think I got married!" And Tarasov saw his young wife only when he came to Moscow for games.

In February 1947, their daughter Tatyana was born, who became one of the most famous figure skating coaches not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Their daughter Galina also grew up in their family. The father brought up his daughters very harshly and every day at seven in the morning, in any weather, drove them out to exercise. By the way, it was the daughters who insisted that Tarasov buy his wife an engagement ring only for the "golden" wedding anniversary. Until that time, Anatoly Vladimirovich categorically did not want to "spend money down the drain."

3. The idea of ​​the Super Series against the Canadian pros belongs to Anatoly Tarasov. She came up with a wonderful coach back in the early 60s. Anatoly Vladimirovich many times convinced the party apparatchiks of the need for such fights, he wrote endless letters to the Central Committee of the CPSU. Once, at a reception for the heroes of the Olympics in a mansion on Sparrow Hills, where General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev was also, the first cosmonaut in the world, Yuri Gagarin, at the request of Tarasov, approached him and asked to be allowed to play with our Canadians from the NHL. Khrushchev then laughed it off: they say, let's have a drink first. "No, Nikita Sergeevich, first we will resolve the issue. Comrade Tarasov says that we will defeat the Canadians, he is taken!" And Khrushchev was persuaded, but then Leonid Brezhnev came to power. And the question of the match between the USSR and Canada was postponed again...

4. Tarasov did not go to Canada for the Super Series, because he was considered "unreliable". Tarasov was remembered, among other things, for the 1969 match between CSKA and Spartak, when the coach took the army team to the locker room, despite the presence of Leonid Brezhnev in the box for guests of honor.

In that game, in case of victory, “Spartak became the champion. But CSKA’s game didn’t go well at all. At some point, Tarasov thought that the judges were helping the opponent and he ordered the team to go to the locker room. The pause dragged on for 37 minutes. Tarasov agreed to go to backtrack only after the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal and Hero came to the locker room Soviet Union Grechko. Then the game resumed, Spartak won, won the championship, and army fans, annoyed by the defeat, did not let Tarasov out of Luzhniki for a long time and even tried to turn his Volga over. After that match, by decision of the Sports Committee, Tarasov was removed from the title of Honored Coach of the USSR. However, after six months the title was returned, but he had to forget about the national team. Note that since then Tarasov has never won anything again.

5. Anatoly Tarasov tried to diversify his training as best he could. The players ran on the ice with crowbars over their heads, tied themselves with rubber bands to the side and tried to reach the puck, ran exhausting crosses and even ... jumped from the tower into the pool with clubs! Note that Tarasov, despite the fact that he was terribly afraid of heights, jumped into the water first and hit very hard, but did not show his mind.

6. Tarasov liked to hold important meetings in the bathhouse. His regular partners in the steam room were his friend and neighbor basketball coach Alexander Gomelsky and Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. The head of the FHR, Vladislav Tretyak, once admitted that it was impossible to go to the bathhouse with Tarasov - he soared so fanatically. In the bath, if the temperature exceeds 120 degrees, you need to take an ordinary washcloth, dip it in cold water and put in your mouth. It will be easier to breathe and the steam will not burn your throat. Tarasov went even further. He lay down on a shelf, poured cold water into a bowl, lowered his head into it and drank. He was processed into 4 brooms, but he did not care. Then he went out, drank beer and solved all the issues "on time".

7. In addition to hockey, Tarasov had a hobby - pickling tomatoes and making homemade liqueurs. In the trunk of his "Volga" he always carried vodka, tinctures for alcohol of his own preparation, those same salted tomatoes and sauerkraut. At the same time, he never drank more than 300 grams.

December 10, 1918 - June 23, 1995

Soviet hockey player, football player and coach in these sports

According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, Tarasov is the "father of Russian hockey" who made the USSR "the dominant force in international competition". Together with Arkady Chernyshev, he set an unsurpassed record - for 9 years in a row (1963-1971), the USSR national hockey team under their leadership became the champion in all international tournaments.


Anatoly was 9 years old when his father died. Mother, Ekaterina Kharitonovna, worked as a seamstress-minder. He was the eldest man in the house, raised his younger brother Yuri.

The Tarasovs lived not far from the Dynamo sports complex under construction, and the brothers enrolled in the Young Dynamo sports hockey school. Possessing an ambitious character, Anatoly quickly became the leader and captain of the Dynamo youth bandy team, then the Moscow national team.

In 1937, Anatoly Tarasov entered the Higher School of Trainers at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. At the same time, he tried to immediately put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Before the war, he played football, was an attack player. In 1939, he took the last place in Group A as part of the Odessa Dynamo, in 1940 - 6th place with the CDKA, the 1941 championship, where he played for the KKA, was not completed.

During the Great Patriotic War- captain, then major, upon entering the reserve in 1945 - senior major internal troops.

In 1945, he was recommended by the army football coach B. Arkadiev as mentors to the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District of the MVO Air Force. So Anatoly Tarasov became the coach of the army teams at the same time in ice hockey and football. At the same time, he was also a team player.

In 1947, Tarasov, as a coach, headed the Moscow FC VVS for several months, without him the team took last place in the first group of the USSR championship.

Also in 1947 he was appointed playing coach of the CDKA. He was also a team player until 1953. Together with the club he became the champion of the USSR in ice hockey in 1948-1950. Spent 100 matches, scored 106 goals.

In 1950, a tragedy struck the family - brother Yuri died in a plane crash in Sverdlovsk.

Having finished playing, he continued to be the head coach of the CDKA, CDSA, CSK MO, CSKA (until 1975). In this post, he won the titles:

  • champion of the USSR 1948-1950, 1955-1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973, 1975; second prize-winner of the USSR championships 1952-1954, 1957, 1967, 1969 and 1974, third prize-winner 1962.
  • winner of the USSR Cup 1954-1956, 1966-1969, 1973; finalist of the USSR Cup 1953.

In 1958-1960 - senior coach of the USSR ice hockey team. In 1961-1972 - coach of the USSR national team (senior coach - Arkady Ivanovich Chernyshev).

Under the leadership of Tarasov, as a senior coach, the USSR national team became:

  • third prize-winner of the OWG (WCH) 1960
  • second prize-winner of the World Cup 1958,1959
  • European champion 1958-60

As a coach of the USSR national team, A.V. Tarasov led the USSR national ice hockey team to the title of champion:

  • Winter Olympic Games 1964,1968,1972
  • Ice Hockey World Championships 1963-1971
  • European Ice Hockey Championships 1963-1970

In 1975, already a renowned hockey specialist, he took over the football CSKA, with which he took 13th place in the Major League, after which he was fired.

Anatoly Tarasov founded the youth tournament "Golden Puck".

In 1974, he was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. In 1997, he was among the first to be inducted into the Hall of Fame of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF).

Recipient of the Wayne Gretzky International Award, presented by the NHL Hockey Hall of Fame to people who have contributed outstanding contribution in the development of hockey.

One of the divisions of the Continental Hockey League is named after Tarasov.

Cavalier of the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1957, 1972), Orders of the Badge of Honor (1965, 1968).

Biography facts

Father of figure skating coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova.

He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.


  • "Hockey Tactics" (1963)
  • "The flow method of training in hockey" (1970)
  • "Coming of Age" (1966, series "Sport and Personality")
  • "Hockey and hockey players". (1970)
  • "Hockey of the Future" (1971)
  • "Way to Myself" (1974)
  • "Real men of hockey" - Moscow: "Physical culture and sport" (1987)

Name: Anatoly Tarasov

Age: 76 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Activity: coach, hockey player, soccer player

Family status: was married

Anatoly Tarasov - biography

Anatoly Tarasov is a well-known hockey player and football player, and later a coach who managed to bring up a whole galaxy of talented athletes, champions who were able to glorify their homeland. Thanks to the work of Anatoly Vladimirovich, the Anthem of the Soviet Union was played at tournaments and matches of various sizes and significance.

Childhood, the family of Anatoly Tarasov

A native Muscovite, he began to experience deprivation early in his life. From the age of nine, his biography passed without a father's loving shoulder. He himself replaced the father of a younger brother. Anatoly and Yuri were always there, both were fond of sports. The sports school "Young Dynamo" became a happy undertaking for Tarasov's future achievements. He was almost immediately appointed captain of the boys' team.

Young Dynamo hockey players played hockey, and then some of them, including Anatoly, joined the Moscow national team. Having received a seven-year education and becoming a student of a vocational school, the guy received the specialty of a locksmith. The first sports school made recommendations to Tarasov to enter the Higher School of Coaches.

Before the war, Anatoly, along with hockey, loved football, showed good achievements, but the war prevented him. Tarasov went to the front from the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, his military biography was also successful, as he returned with the rank of senior major.

Vsevolod Bobrov became Anatoly Vladimirovich's partner and opponent in the game. Their struggle for supremacy tempered the characters of men no less than the war.

coaching career

Tarasov, after graduation, was an acting coach, he himself played, coaching the CSKA team. The sportsman had a hundred fights on the ice, he managed to send the puck into the opponents' goal 106 times. The pupils of hockey clubs under his leadership won gold 18 times. The title of Honored Coach was rightfully awarded to Anatoly Vladimirovich in 1957.

A year later, he was appointed head coach of the Soviet Union team, and he successfully coached for fourteen years. The Soviet team won nine victories at international competitions, in its piggy bank three Olympic medals.

Hockey is a holiday

Tarasov always considered team game hockey is a beautiful sport that can give a holiday to players and spectators. Due to disagreements with the head of state L.I. Brezhnev, Anatoly Tarasov took self-removal from his post. Sometimes it was necessary, by agreement of the authorities, to leave the field with second place, but the coach did not want to put up with such injustice if he felt that the team could become the first.

Tarasov put his soul into his wards, he could not lie to them and make them disappointed in their abilities. The coach used every minute of training to suggest how to build a scheme of action in a particular game. Each player has his own task on the court, which must be performed, but complex combinations cannot be ruled out for which the opponent will not be ready. Tarasov systematically taught these unexpected game turns to his pupils.

Anatoly Tarasov - biography of personal life

Anatoly married a classmate girl Nina, and eight years later a daughter, Tatyana, was born in the family. Now the daughter of a famous coach is a famous coach herself, who has already brought up many world-class stars in figure skating.

Tanya was taught by her father, he inherited her great love for sports and the ice arena. And as a legacy to all hockey fans, Anatoly Vladimirovich presented several books in which he shared the technique of overcoming himself and conquering ice. These books have become a guide for beginners and experienced players.

Anyone can read about what should be the tactics of defense and attack. The author of the book said that a hockey player must be in good physical shape. The player must think on the court, must calculate the actions of the opponent. Each team player (goalkeeper, defender, forward) entering the ice must work in a team. The trainer defended his PhD thesis. Tarasov's surname is listed in the Encyclopedia of Britain and the coach is given the definition of the father of Russian hockey, he managed to make the Soviet Union national team the strongest team.

Pupils of Anatoly Tarasov

Among the students of the famous coach there are those who forever entered the history of hockey along with their teacher. Their names are remembered by every boy from Soviet times, they continue to be a legend of one of the most exciting games on ice.

Anatoly Tarasov was considered the "father of Russian hockey" and the best coach in world history. And at the same time, he was distinguished by a wayward character.

Letter "T"

Tarasov's coaching career began in 1947, when he headed the Moscow FC VVS, becoming a player-coach. At the end of the season, however, after the departure of Tarasov, the team took last place in the first group of the USSR Championship, and Tarasov went to CSKA and immediately became the champion there. There were no names on the sweaters and T-shirts of Soviet athletes - only the numbers under which they performed. Tarasov was the first to order and wear personalized clothes with the letter "T". Trainer? Tarasov? Many deciphered differently: "Tyrant". The difficult character of Tarasov the coach has become no less legendary than his achievements.


Soviet hockey player, participant in the 1972 super series, Yuri Blinov, who in his youth showed great promise in different types sports, recalled under what circumstances he chose hockey: “Four generals came for me, a kid. They took him to the dacha of the Minister of Defense. I go in, and there - Tarasov: "What will you play?". Answer: "Football". - "And I say: in hockey." - "And I say: football." Andrey Antonovich Grechko, Minister of Defense, butted in: “Tolik, why is he talking to you like that? Come to part of it."

For many years, Tarasov created a "red car" based on the huge resource of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The best young players were lured out of other teams with the help of a "call", the military had other levers of influence on the athletes.

Argued with reporters

Like many great coaches, Tarasov had a bad relationship with journalists. Even Soviet ones. The most revealing episode occurred in 1967, when, at the initiative of Tarasov, the country's leading sports journalist Yevgeny Rubin - in the future an emigrant, a character in some of Dovlatov's stories - was deprived of the right to cover the World Cup in Vienna.

Tarasov and Rubin reconciled after the Super Series-72 matches. In his note, the principled Rubin reminded readers that most of the Soviet hockey players were trained by Anatoly Tarasov, and Tarasov appreciated this.

"... stood up for the honor of army sports"

On May 11, 1969, through the fault of Tarasov, the most scandalous game in the history of the USSR ice hockey championships took place. Contrary to today's ideas, CSKA's hegemony in the domestic championship was by no means total. Spartak Moscow provided worthy resistance to the army team, and the meetings of the two teams were a real decoration of the championship. So on that day, about 14 thousand spectators came to the Luzhniki Palace of Culture, including Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev.
CSKA lost 1:2. In the final part of the match, before the last change of goal (then there was such a rule - to change platforms in the middle of the third period), they managed to equalize, but this was done after the referee's whistle. The goal was not counted. Tarasov flared up and sent the team to the locker room. The pause lasted half an hour. The television broadcast was interrupted. Whoever persuaded Tarasov to return the players to the ice - not to any.
But even this demarche got away with the great coach. He was slightly scolded and even deprived of the honorary title of "Honored Coach of the USSR." The title was soon returned, and the Minister of Defense Andrey Grechko, allegedly, even awarded a nominal weapon: "For standing up for the honor of army sports."

“We don’t need this kind of hockey!”

In January 1970, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article by Anatoly Tarasov, “Is this hockey?”, which made a lot of noise, in which the Soviet specialist criticized the NHL. In those years, it seemed to many Soviet sports functionaries that domestic hockey could develop successfully without meetings with players from the world's leading league. Tarasov publicly joined this opinion. Later, he would radically change his views, but, one way or another, the opinion that Tarasov had dreamed of defeating Canadian professionals for many years and was preparing Soviet hockey players for these victories is not true.


After the events of the Prague Spring, hockey matches between the national teams of the USSR and Czechoslovakia acquired a special urgency and adherence to principles. Mutual anger and hatred spilled out onto the ice rink. In the late 60s, the joke gained popularity: "The Soviet Union has two problems - Damansky and Nedomansky." Damansky - a disputed island on the border of the USSR and China, Vaclav Nedomansky - an outstanding hockey player, leader of the Czechoslovak national team. It was during the decisive match at the 1972 Olympic Games in Sapporo that Anatoly Tarasov covered it with a three-story mat.

It must be admitted that the great hockey specialist, standing on the captain's bridge, was not particularly distinguished by gentlemanly behavior. So in that match, he regularly provoked the Czech. Unable to restrain himself, Nedomansky hit Tarasov's assistant, Arkady Chernyshev. This ugly episode became one of the most scandalous in the history of Olympic hockey tournaments.

Finished 13th

Having finished with big hockey, in 1975 Tarasov took over the leadership of football CSKA. But either his coaching genius extended only to hockey, or, as Tarasov's ill-wishers slandered, the omnipotence of the Ministry of Defense did not extend to football, but on this path Tarasov was in for a complete failure. The army team took 13th place and almost flew out of the Major League, and Tarasov was soon relieved of his post.

MOSCOW, December 10 - RIA Novosti. The ninety-fifth anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Tarasov is celebrated on Tuesday. Below is a biographical note about the athlete and coach.

Soviet hockey player, football player, Honored Coach of the USSR Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov was born on December 10, 1918 in Moscow. When the boy was nine years old, his father died. Anatoly helped his mother Ekaterina Kharitonovna, in addition, he raised his younger brother Yuri.

As a child, he spent a lot of time at the Young Pioneers Stadium, where the Spartak football team trained. At the age of 11, Tarasov went to school "Young Dynamo".

He graduated from seven classes of a secondary school, after which he received the specialty of a locksmith at a vocational school, and in 1937, on the recommendation of "Young Dynamo",.

He played football first in Odessa "Dynamo", then in TsDKA (Central House of the Red Army).

From the 1941 championship, Tarasov immediately went to the front. He returned with the rank of major and, after retiring, became the coach of the football and hockey teams of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District (VVS MVO). At the same time, he was also a player of this team.

In 1947, the success of the young coach was noticed, and Anatoly Tarasov was appointed playing coach of the CDKA team, which was later renamed first to CDSA, and then to CSKA. Tarasov played 100 matches in the club, scored 106 goals, won the USSR championship three times. In 1950, Anatoly Tarasov ended his playing career and focused on coaching. Under his leadership, the CSKA hockey team became the champion of the USSR 18 times (in 1948-1950, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973, 1975).

In 1957, Anatoly Tarasov was awarded the title of Honored Coach of the USSR, and in 1958 he became the head coach of the USSR national ice hockey team. In two years in this position, the team won silver at the 1958 and 1959 World Championships, as well as bronze at the 1960 Olympic Games in Squaw Valley. Great success in the main team of the country came to Tarasov in the early 1960s, when he led the USSR national team, and Arkady Chernyshev became the team's head coach. Tarasov and Chernyshev successfully worked together for more than 10 years. Under their leadership, the national team of the Soviet Union from 1963 to 1971 won nine world championships in a row, and also became the champion of the Olympic Games three times (1964, 1968, 1972).

At the 1972 Olympic Games in Sapporo, an incident occurred, after which Tarasov and Chernyshev lost their posts in the national team. Allegedly, the coaches refused to follow the instructions of the political leadership of the USSR. The national team was required to draw with the Czechoslovaks in order for the team from the socialist country to take second place. However, the score was 5:2 in favor of the USSR, the Americans took second place, and the coaches were suspended from work.

In 1974, Anatoly Tarasov left the post of CSKA coach, and in 1975, for a year, he returned to football, leading the CSKA football team, which, under his leadership, took 13th place in the major league.

In 1964, Tarasov founded the All-Union Tournament among children's teams, and after the end of his coaching career until 1991, he headed the Golden Puck club.

Tarasov brought up several dozen repeated world and Olympic champions. Among them are such legendary hockey players as Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Boris Mikhailov, Vladislav Tretyak, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzkin and many others.

The famous coach made a great contribution to world hockey. His experience and sportsmanship were reflected in the books he published - "Hockey Tactics" (1963) and "Hockey of the Future" (1971). In addition, Anatoly Tarasov did a lot to popularize hockey in the USSR.

Anatoly Tarasov - candidate pedagogical sciences, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1957, 1972), Order of the Badge of Honor (1965, 1968). In 1974, Tarasov was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, and in 1997, into the Hockey Hall of Fame of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). One of the divisions of the Continental Hockey League is named after Tarasov. A bust of Anatoly Tarasov was installed on the Alley of Hockey Glory of CSKA.

In 2008, the US Ice Hockey Federation awarded Anatoly Tarasov the Wayne Gretzky Prize, given to people who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of hockey.

Anatoly Tarasov was married. His wife Nina Grigorievna (died in 2010) was a physical education teacher. Two daughters were born in the Tarasov family: the eldest Galina (died in 2009) was a teacher, and the youngest Tatyana is a well-known figure skating coach.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources