How to salt sandpiper mushrooms. Sandpiper (Tricholoma populinum) photo and description

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae (Tricholomovye or Ryadovkovye)
  • Genus: Tricholoma (Tricholoma or Ryadovka)
  • View: Tricholoma populinum (Sandpiper)
    Other names for mushroom:


  • Topolyovka

  • Sandpiper poplar

  • Sandstone

  • poplar rowing
  • Podtopolevik
  • Podtopolnik

Sandpiper mushroom belongs to agaric mushrooms, which means that it reproduces by spores that are in its plates.


Records when young, it is white or cream in color, frequent and thin. And, as the fungus grows, they change their color to pinkish-brownish.

Hat at the beginning it has a semi-spherical and slightly convex shape, with thin edges tucked inward, then it straightens and slightly bends, becomes fleshy, in the rain - slightly slippery, pinkish-brown in color. The diameter of the cap is from 6 to 12 cm. Under the skin of the cap, the flesh is slightly reddish.

Leg in poplar rows of medium size, rather fleshy, cylindrical in shape and solid inside, with a flaky-scaly coating, fibrous and smooth, pinkish-white or pinkish-brown in color, covered with brown spots when pressed.

pulp mushroom fleshy, soft, white color, under the skin it is brownish, with a floury taste.


The sandpiper grows from August to October in large groups (whole ridges) under poplars, deciduous forests with a predominance of aspen, can be found in plantings along roads, in parks. Distributed in the European part of Russia, Siberia. The mushroom has a pleasant aroma of fresh flour.

Mushroom Sandman got its name for its adaptability to grow under poplars and in their immediate vicinity, during the period of autumn leaf fall. The sandpiper, at a young age, is a bit like a crowded row in color and shape, but, unlike it, it is much larger than it and has a slightly bitter taste due to the fact that it grows in such conditions that the cut mushroom is almost completely covered with sand or small debris. It can also be confused with the poisonous tiger row. But they are distinguished by two main features. Firstly, the Sandpiper always grows in large groups and, secondly, it always grows near poplars.


According to its taste and consumer qualities, Pesochnik belongs to the fourth category.

The sandpiper is a completely edible mushroom, but only after it has been washed, soaked and boiled to eliminate bitterness. The sandpiper grows in deciduous plantings under poplars, well covered with fallen leaves, always in large colonies. Poplar rows are common wherever poplars grow - these are the territories of North America and Canada, Western and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, as well as central and southern Russia, the Urals, Siberia and Far East. Her main growth period begins in the autumn leaf fall season, somewhere from the end of August, and ends at the end of October.

Poplar row is eaten exclusively in salted or pickled form after thorough washing, soaking and boiling.

Video about Sandpiper mushroom:

This is the second year I have used this simple recipe. Mushrooms are very tasty, crispy! You can take any amount of mushrooms, but for the marinade, everything is taken based on 1 liter of water.
We need fresh mushrooms, fresh from the forest))

I had 4 buckets of them, my husband did his best)) Marina hats and legs separately, I really like it, especially since there were a lot of good legs this time.
And so, we clean and wash the legs well. We cut in circles. Cook them for 30 minutes until the mushrooms settle.

Then we drain the water, we wash the legs very well

And put it back in the pot.
For the marinade, I boil water separately to make it faster) And I pour this water to the mushrooms. We need the following spices for 1 liter of water: 6 peas of pepper, you can black and allspice, 6 bay leaves, you can add cloves - this is how my mother-in-law does, you can add coriander.

Pour boiled water into the pan, put the spices.

Add again to 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of salt.

One teaspoon of sugar.

After boiling, cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and cook for another 10 minutes.

Our pickled legs are ready!

We lay them out in sterilized jars, and order with metal lids. After cooling, store in the refrigerator.

I do the same with hats, but for this I use the smallest mushrooms so that they can be put whole or cut in half. On holidays we always open a jar. Everyone loves my mushrooms!
Bon Appetit everyone!

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 hour

The only drawback of these mushrooms is that they grow on sandy soils, so careful preparation is indispensable. The collected sandboxes should be washed well and soaked in salted cold water for at least 3-4 hours, and best of all overnight. But the water must be changed periodically so that the sandboxes do not sour. During this time, the plates and pores will open and the grains of sand will sink to the bottom. The easiest way is to just fry the prepared mushrooms in a pan.


  1. Cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, removing the foam.
  2. Rinse and leave to drain excess liquid.
  3. Put the mushrooms in a heated pan with oil. Fry.
  4. At the end of cooking, add salt, spices, pepper to taste. Cook for 2 more minutes.

Serve with potatoes or other side dish.

Pickled Sandpiper Mushroom Recipe


  • sandboxes;
  • water - 1000 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.


  1. Pour water over mushrooms. Boil after boiling for 20 minutes, removing the foam from time to time.
  2. Rinse. Pour in water, add spices and cook for 30 minutes. At the very end, drain the vinegar and mix. Mushrooms should settle to the bottom.
  3. Put the mushrooms in pre-sterilized jars and pour over the marinade.

Roll up, wrap and leave to cool. Put in a dark and cold place. The first sample can be taken after 2 weeks.

Sandbox mushrooms with potatoes


  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices;
  • dill - a bunch.

Instead of butter, you can use vegetable oil, but then the taste of the dish will be slightly different.


  1. Boil mushrooms. Large specimens are cut into several parts.
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes and boil until half cooked.
  3. Combine ingredients, add salt and pepper.
  4. Saute mushrooms with potatoes butter.
  5. Separately fry the onion and add to the mushrooms.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped dill. The ingredients can not be boiled, but immediately fried, but in this case the dish will definitely not turn out to be dietary.

Sandpipers are tasty and nutritious mushrooms, from which you can cook many mouth-watering snacks and dishes.

Not every fan of mushroom hunting has heard of the sandpiper mushroom. But the name "row" is probably familiar to him. However, this is the same thing, since "sandpiper" is the popular name for mushrooms from the family of rows, given due to the fact that rows usually grow on sandy loamy soil.

Choose your recipe

In the family of rows, there are almost 40 species of mushrooms, and only a specialist will distinguish one from the other. Therefore, many mushroom pickers do not collect sandboxes, fearing to confuse them with poisonous mushrooms. But in vain, because these mushrooms have a completely satisfactory taste.

What can be cooked from rows?

Most often in middle lane In Russia, there are such varieties of sandpipers as green sandpiper (greenfinch), gray sandpiper and red sandpiper. They have dense fleshy flesh, slightly darkening at the break. Sandpipers grow, as a rule, in large groups.

They are good fried, especially when fried with onions and potato slices. They can be pickled by adding to the marinade, in addition to vinegar and black peppercorns, 2-3 clove buds and 1-2 bay leaves. Then the taste and aroma of spices will interrupt the characteristic sweetish aftertaste of the sandpiper, which some people do not like.

Since rows are edible mushrooms, they do not require pre-boiling or soaking. But they must be thoroughly washed before cooking to remove sand and fine debris.

Not bad sandboxes and in salty form. Usually they are salted in a “cold” way, laying thoroughly washed mushrooms with a lamellar layer on top in sterilized glass jars or ceramic dishes, and sprinkling each layer with salt. When all the mushrooms are laid, you should salt the top layer, put a clean cotton cloth scalded with boiling water on top, a wooden circle (made of hardwood, also scalded with boiling water) on top of it, and press down with oppression. A container with mushrooms should be stored in a refrigerator or cold cellar. After a few days, they will give juice and settle heavily. It will be possible to eat such salty sandboxes in about a month and a half. Sandpiper soups are usually not boiled, as they turn out much worse than soups from many other types of mushrooms.

Taste qualities of the row

In general, it should be said that, in terms of taste, rows, of course, lose to many mushrooms, primarily porcini, boletus, boletus, saffron mushrooms, boletus, champignons, chanterelles. Therefore, often even experienced mushroom pickers who know well what it is edible mushrooms, fundamentally do not collect sandboxes. However, there are also mushroom pickers who like both the original “floury” aroma of such mushrooms and their sweetish aftertaste.

The most delicious mushrooms are those that you have picked, pickled and salted yourself. October is rich in the harvest of poplars and you have a chance to prepare this delicacy for the future with almost no effort. After all, it is known that if you stumbled upon a couple of these mushrooms, then you need to look for the rest of the family nearby! Because these mushrooms grow in whole rows (ridges), having stumbled upon one, we can say that a quiet hunt has taken place!

    What kind of mushrooms are these podtopolniki?

Podtopolniki most often grow under poplars, so these mushrooms have another name for poplar row (poplar) or gray row. You can most often find ryadoviki mushrooms in a poplar forest belt that separates collective farm fields or an aspen grove. I would say that these same mushrooms with character, despite the fact that when you find a ridge, you can immediately cut a bucket, you have to bow to these mushrooms, no worse than the famous noble truffles. In appearance - the earth is covered with leaves, grass, you can not notice a friendly family at all. And if you poke a mound with a boot or a stick, you can find a mature mushroom that has opened. But beautiful and tight young mushrooms need to be dug up on all fours. So you crawl after them for several meters until the ridge ends.

Podtopolniki love sandy soil, so another name for these mushrooms is sandboxes. In some areas, this fungus is called frost. The smell of these mushrooms cannot be confused with anything, it seems to me that they smell of freshness, frosty forest air. To some, this smell resembles the smell of flour.

The flesh of the podtopolnik is white, dense and crispy. That's just these mushrooms need to be cooked correctly. Sometimes they are bitter, so they require additional soaking for several days in cold water.

We bring to your attention a recipe for pickled podtopolniks. If you know how to salt rows, podtopolniki (frosts or sandboxes, whatever you want to call it), please share the recipe in the comments! I remember once we were at the wedding of friends in the village, so there we were treated to salted poplars, what a taste! Everyone asked for the recipe from the groom's mother, and they walked so well that when they were about to leave, they forgot about the recipe. I probably praised them so much that they gave me as many as three three-liter jars! Wow, beyond words! Filled them with butter, and sprinkled them with onions, mmmm! In the jar, the mushrooms were shifted with currant leaves and garlic slices, but how they were prepared remained a mystery to me!

The main photo shows our mother’s marinated poplars, we call them frosts, they are also unusually tasty. But step by step photo Galina Kolokolnikova shared the recipe with our notebook. The recipe is identical, only we add dried dill seeds to the mushrooms, in addition to peppercorns from spices. You can use the spices that you are more familiar with for salting and pickling mushrooms. Someone, perhaps, will miss cloves, someone garlic. Here, as they say, the taste and color ...

    Pickled podtopolniki

The harvested crop should be immediately poured into a large container (basin, pan) and poured cold water. Especially when the mushrooms are very dirty (as in our case). Soaking the podtopolniks is necessary not only so that the sand, earth and foliage that sticks to the mushroom caps move away, but to a greater extent so that bitterness leaves them.

After cooking, from an 8 liter bucket of raw mushrooms, 2.5 liters of boiled mushrooms are obtained. For this amount of mushrooms, 1.5 liters of brine will be needed.


For cooking mushrooms:

  • 8 liters of raw mushrooms,
  • 3 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1.5 liters of water,
  • 3 art. l. salt,
  • 1.5 st. l. Sahara,
  • 10 pieces. peppercorns,
  • Vinegar (essence 70%) 0.5 tsp for 0.5 liters of mushrooms

Cooking process:

Mushroom cleaning can be started immediately after they are put to soak. It is possible to clean the podtopolniki after three days, and that is how much they need to be kept in water, changing the water every day. However, fresh mushrooms are much easier to clean and therefore faster.

Rinse young mushrooms well enough in water. For old podtopolniks, you need to clean off the plates with a knife, and clean up the hat a little (if necessary). Carefully inspect the mushrooms for the presence of worms, discard the spoiled mushrooms. Peeled mushrooms should be put in cold water, and if the mushrooms have not yet been soaked, then they are already soaked in a cleaned state.

After soaking, the mushrooms are laid out in a saucepan and boiled (45 minutes after boiling). Podtopolniki during cooking, pour water, about 1/3 of the total volume of mushrooms. During the cooking process, the mushrooms will decrease by about three times.

Mushrooms are salted. From a bucket (8 liters) of raw mushrooms, you get about 2.5 liters of boiled ones.

Mushrooms are stored in sterilized jars under iron lids. Therefore, while the mushrooms are boiling, you need to have time to wash and sterilize the jars well. It is better to use small jars, so that you can use the finished product at a time.

Podtopolniki are laid approximately up to the shoulders of the can, in no case do you need to crush the mushrooms. Pour the product with boiling water and let stand for at least 15 minutes. Draining the water, replace it with ready-boiled brine. It consists of a liter of water, where 2 tablespoons of salt and a little sugar are necessarily put (1 tablespoon is enough). From spices, you can take 10 pieces of peppercorns. Spices should not be abused, mushrooms will smell unnatural.

Before rolling up the lids, add 1/2 tsp. vinegar essence for every half liter of mushrooms. Accordingly, on liter jar already take a spoonful of vinegar.

Turn the jars over, check the tightness and cover with something warm.

After a couple of days underfloors for the winter can be stored underground. There is no need to store poplar rows marinated in such a way in the refrigerator. The product can be stored for a long time, up to two years.

When sorting already boiled mushrooms, large podtopolniki can be put on mushroom caviar with garlic, stored for several days under nylon cover in the refrigerator or freeze. But ready-made small pickled mushrooms can be used as a snack or cooked with them.

Bon appetit and good luck silent hunting wishes the site Anyuta's Notebook!