How not to succumb to depression. How to beat depression

Depression and stress become something familiar to every person. Psychologists attribute this phenomenon to the fact that a person is forced to overcome many difficulties every day. Every day new responsibilities, new information, new difficulties are thrown at him. They say that in the old days a person was not subject to stress and depression. One can agree with this, but only partially. No one else's life was devoid of these conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with

Usually, depression is understood as a depressed state, a depressed mood, and an unwillingness to do anything. This condition is inherent in all people who have ever encountered stressful situations, intractable problems, difficulties, etc. If we take the term “depression” from a clinical point of view, then we are talking about a mental illness when external factors introduce a person into depression, and he is naturally in it, and clinical depression is a permanent, not a temporary phenomenon.

A healthy person can fall into a depressive state. Often this is preceded by stress - a situation that makes you mobilize forces, causes resentment and negative emotions in a person.

In stress, experts at the site of psychological help site do not see the bad, unless stress is a constant irritant. Every person who is in any way in contact with the external environment is faced with stressful situations. In the old days, a person also experienced stress, each time faced with predators or experiencing hunger, cold, thirst. Stress is natural for a person who leaves his cozy and ennobled home.

What is stress? This is a state of discomfort when a person is forced to think, analyze, feel certain, make decisions, make efforts. Stress is not always caused solely by negative events. The birth of a child, the arrival of guests or preparing for a holiday are also stressful situations when a person is forced to change something in his daily routine, make efforts, work and plan.

The difference between an ancient person and a modern person lies in how the individual relates to stress and how he copes with it. ancient man after the hunt he allowed himself to rest. He understood that the stress was caused by his encounter with a danger that no longer exists as soon as the beast becomes killed.

A modern person usually experiences stress for a long time:

  1. Faced with difficulties, he does not solve them, but begins to suffer because of their occurrence.
  2. Stress becomes prolonged, because a person does not solve issues, respectively, they worry him.
  3. A person remembers for a long time what worried him, even if the situation is resolved and is a thing of the past.
  4. Immediately after one task, a person moves on to solving another, without giving himself rest.

Psychologists say that the problem of modern man is that he pays little attention to his rest and health. But a sick and incomplete body cannot help its person.

Usually people try to achieve their goals, even in a state of illness. No, to lie down for a couple of days and recover. The person continues to get sick and live as if he is healthy. Added to this is the lack of proper sleep and rest, since a person devotes little time to doing nothing. All this together makes him weak and unable to adequately cope with any difficult situations that cause stress and depression.

How to beat depression?

A person is quite capable of defeating depression. However, the lack of understanding and strength to fight makes a person further develop this state in himself. Firstly, it should be understood that this is not about clinical depression, which only psychiatrists can fight, but about the usual blues, which disappears if the problem that caused the person to fall into it is solved.

Depression in the clinical sense is not amenable to human resistance. Here, only doctors and relatives who seek help are involved in the treatment. Man himself no longer distinguishes normal state from pathological. He is no longer interested in anything and does not fight with anything, which becomes a constant phenomenon.

Many healthy people experience a so-called subdepressive state, which has the same symptoms as regular depression, but goes away on its own as soon as a person solves his problem.

To defeat depression, a modern person should largely change his ideas about the condition from which he wants to get rid of. Often a person does not even assume that he himself can influence depression. He becomes her slave, victim, puppet, who obeys her own moods.

To overcome depression, you need to make efforts, both mental and physical. And this is one of the first difficulties due to which a person does not get out of a pathological state on his own. A person wants everything to go away by itself, so he resorts to the use of pills faster than to solving the problem. However, pills can only temporarily calm the human nervous system. And the problem will remain, which means that depression will not go anywhere.

To beat depression, you need:

  1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, cry, be inactive, be afraid, etc. It is the qualities of character that make a person give in to depression. You need to have the courage and desire to overcome everything, no matter how bad it is.
  2. Stop spinning bad thoughts in your head. Do you know what positive thinking is? This is when even in the worst situation a person finds some benefit, benefit or experience for himself. Moreover, you can get out of any situation. Only one thing is important - does the person himself want to leave the situation because of which he suffers?
  3. Fix the problem that caused the depression. There can be many reasons: illness, separation, loss of something valuable, negative thoughts, stress, etc. Even elementary fatigue can cause depression. You should find out what became a factor in the depressive state and eliminate it.

How to beat depression without medication?

Depression is not a situation that has arisen in the outside world. Accordingly, it is impossible to influence it with tools, objects or words. Depression is a state of mind. However, people resort to medicines that do not know what the soul is, but understand well what the body is.

Anyone who wants to get rid of depression with the help of drugs must understand that his manipulations will not give the desired result. You can eventually become a regular customer of pharmacies where antidepressants are sold, never having solved your problem. To overcome depression, we need not drugs that affect the body, but willpower and desire, which affect the soul.

Of course, in the fight against depression, you can use auxiliary means:

  1. Antidepressants.
  2. Hypnotic.
  3. A cup of hot tea.
  4. Deep sleep.
  5. Complete nutrition.
  6. Taking a hot bath.
  7. Being outdoors.
  8. Sunbathing. Etc.

All these and other methods are auxiliary. They affect the body, which heals, calms down and gains strength. You should not refuse these activities, since they only help to speed up getting rid of depression.

From the very same depressive state can be got rid of only if there is desire and willpower. Since depression deprives a person of these qualities, one should instill them in oneself. Auto-training will help here - pronouncing positive expressions that set you in the right mood. For example:

  • "I can overcome any problem."
  • “Today I am full of strength and desire.”
  • "I am in control of my own life."
  • "I'm sure I can do anything," etc.

Auto-training is aimed at ensuring that a person sets himself up in the right way. It is necessary to pronounce positive expressions, without the “not” particle. You need to pronounce those phrases that will help in each case. What a person lacks, then he must inspire himself.

You should not be skeptical about auto-training. At first, you will not feel any effect. However, after a week or even two, you will really start to change. It is necessary to carry out auto-training several times a day, every day, so that the effect manifests itself.

How to beat stress and depression?

Depression is a consequence that occurs when a person does not want to fight with stressful situation. Stress occurs in every person. And the easiest way to behave is humility, dropping hands, doing nothing. If a person does not attempt to eliminate what he does not like, then he begins to live with his failure, because of which he falls into depression.

A striking example of how a person does nothing with stress is immersion in suffering after parting with a loved one. Instead of continuing to live and do something, a person begins to persistently and constantly think about the bad things that happened to him. Naturally, this is where depression comes in.

Depression can be both prevented and eliminated. Here you just need to start living, and not plunge into your own negative thoughts.

  1. Get yourself busy doing something. Get carried away, go to a new place, meet new people, start learning something. Take action, don't suffer.
  2. Postpone solving problems for later. While you are weak and exhausted, you need to give yourself a break. As soon as you feel the strength in yourself, you can begin to solve the problem that has arisen.
  3. Change your attitude towards failure. Think of them as an experience that shows what results can be achieved if you continue to behave as you have already done. In each situation, you need to draw conclusions and no longer make mistakes.

Depression is self-pity and an unwillingness to correct the situation, admit your mistakes and make changes. Depression is the easiest way to do nothing and blame the world for your troubles. As long as a person adheres to this position, he will not overcome his depression.

How to finally get rid of depression?

If a person fell into depression, he must understand that he himself took all the actions to be in such a state. You need to look back and understand what a person did (or rather, what he did not do) in order to be in a depressive state. Understanding that depression is the result of your actions allows you to pick yourself up and start getting rid of it. Since you yourself created your depression, it means that it is only in your power to destroy it.

Depression is such a common word in modern language that the exact meaning of the word is often lost. In fact, there are several understandings of depression. There is a psychiatric understanding that says that depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the patient's brain. In this case, depression should be treated with pills. There is depression, understood as the result of ineffective and painful relationships with others. In this case, depression should be treated by mastering the skills of healthy and kind relationships. There is an understanding of depression as a result of imperceptible mistakes in thinking, or an incorrect worldview on what is happening. By depression, we will understand the emotional tension (stress) accumulated over a long period of time, which is caused by an incorrect attitude towards the world and oneself, which leads to the accumulation of failures and a decrease in inner harmony in a person.

The measure of human happiness can be expressed in a simple formula. This is the amount of effort a person makes to achieve some goal, divided by the anticipation of pleasure from achieving this goal. You can earn yourself to exhaustion, achieving your goal, but if the desire for future pleasure is great, then all efforts are diminished before the magnitude of expectations. It always seems that there could be more, we need to work more, not everything is as we would like ... What is expected never completely coincides with what is achieved. And the worst thing is that as you move towards the desired result, the goals themselves change. Even in the most favorable scenario, when pleasure is nevertheless achieved, appetite and ambition flare up more and more and there is no limit to this. Sooner or later there comes a moment when pleasure depreciates, and then depression sets in. That is why the spoiled Roman patricians committed suicide at the age of twenty, and even in tsarist Russia such sentiments were not uncommon.

What to do, how to overcome depression? There are two options. The first is to do nothing and desire nothing. This is a variant of the happiness of an oligophrenic. The second option is to do a lot and hope for nothing. Logically everything is correct, but how is it in reality? In reality, there is a paradox. If you don’t hope for anything, then you don’t set goals, and this, in turn, makes the whole thing meaningless. So? Not this way! Because if a person is an animal, then running after prey without wanting prey is really pointless. And if a person is still a person, a spiritual being, then doing something for his own sake is a creative and joyful occupation. Such an attitude makes a person a creative being and through creativity cognizes himself. Creativity is a process, and a process is only satisfying when it lasts. Therefore, the expectation of pleasure is not necessary, since the matter itself is pleasure. There is one more thing. When a person is dreaming about future pleasure, he is not in the present at that moment and, therefore, does not live. On this occasion, the Holy Scripture says: "For each day, its own care is sufficient." It is impossible to fully live if you are either in the future or in the past. The future is not yet (and will it be?), but the past is no more.

But what about the purpose? Is it really possible to live without it? No. But the goal of the goal is different. If the goal is to achieve any external benefits or any desired relationship, then all this is in vain, because sooner or later everything ends. And the establishment of any relationship and the acquisition of benefits does not completely depend on the person. After all, there are other people, and their desires may not coincide with the desires of this person. If you rely on them, then disappointment in an unsuccessful attempt to achieve what you want turns into an insult to the world and depression. If, however, the goal is the joy of co-creation with God, then any work acquires an absolute and joyful meaning. No one denies that among our deeds, not all are joyful. It is also safe to say that many of the people with whom we associate are unpleasant to us. But if spiritual perfection becomes the meaning of doing, then there is no limit to inner peace and tranquility. The purpose of cooperation with Christ is deification, the essence of Christ is love, therefore, cooperation with Christ gives a person love. Love is the opposite of depression. And then there is no difference between our affairs. If they are happy, then there is no depression by definition. If they are painful, then this is a way to learn new manifestations of love in the creative overcoming of one's weaknesses.

We are too dependent on others. Even the most correct norms of behavior and duty burden a person if they are not his personal aspirations, if they are not processed in the heart and are not perceived as his own. Only then does a person begin to realize them, to realize them creatively, since this is his business and it gives him joy to put his work into practice. So often boredom and depression begin: and you know that you should and that it is good and right, but the heart is silent. How can you speak your heart? Yes, through the realization of those talents that the Lord gives us. When we discover them in ourselves, we comprehend the joy of creativity, creative work. But in itself, creativity gives joy, but does not give meaning. The fact that I, for example, brilliantly wash windows, does not give direction. Only when I accept my ability to brilliantly clean glass as a way to bring benefit and joy to people, then I begin to fulfill the commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” And by fulfilling it, I work together with God and grow spiritually and creatively.

So how do you beat depression? First, accept your life as it is. Second, stop expecting any pleasure from her. Thirdly, to reveal good skills and abilities in oneself. Fourth, figure out how these skills and abilities can serve people. Fifth, ask the priest for blessings for the implementation of these deeds. Sixth, start doing them and in the process realize what weighs on the heart. Seventh, come to confession and ease your soul by pronouncing burdensome emotions. And after that, begin to fulfill the goals peacefully and happily, creatively realizing your duty and spiritually improving in the process of fulfilling it.

 ( 524 voices : 4.32 out of 5)

Psychologist Mark Itskovich

Melancholy, melancholy, despondency, apathy, melancholy. How dangerous is the state of emptiness and sometimes unwillingness to live, its reasons, how to defeat depression on our own, we diagnose it in our dreams, in which case medical help is needed - we'll figure it out.

About depression

Statistics show that persistent depression occurs at least once in a lifetime in 20% of women and 12% of men. The numbers, of course, do not correspond to reality, many prefer to overcome depression without doctors.

The inhabitants believe that depression and melancholy are subject to the efforts of the will.

Physicians, on the other hand, qualify depression as a disease caused by disturbed neurochemical processes in the brain, and it is diagnosed if the depressed self-perception lasts longer than 2 weeks.

The degree of apathy can be:

  • easy - a person retains the ability to do ordinary things;
  • severe - the patient closes, completely falls out of social life disconnected from reality.

The spleen is more common:

  • among women. This is explained by changes in the hormonal balance as a result of childbirth, menstruation, menopause.
  • The melancholic. In contrast, people of a sanguine temperament easily overcome any difficulties and rarely become discouraged.

Apathy is contagious. Communication with gloomy persons will spoil the mood of even the most cheerful personalities.

seasonal depression

occurs in the winter and autumn months, when the day is short and sunlight is scarce. As a result, the pineal gland of the brain produces large quantities of melatonin (a natural hypnotic agent), which suppresses the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of good mood. In the spring, seasonal melancholy passes by itself.

Depression manifests itself:

  • indifference to the surrounding reality. It seems to a person that life is “insipid” and monotonous, he “goes away” into himself.
  • Excessive drowsiness that does not go away after 10 hours of sleep.
  • Anxiety, anticipation of bad events. Doctors call this symptom a feeling of impending doom.
  • Change in appetite. It either increases (especially towards sweets) or is completely absent.
  • A shattered psyche - irritability, resentment, aggressiveness, tearfulness, etc.
  • Hallucinations may appear.

Cause of depression is stress

Very few of us have a hereditary tendency to depression and a congenital pathology of brain biochemistry.

The most common cause is prolonged stress.

Stress (from the English word “stress” - pressure, tension) is the response of the human body to intense external influences. Special hormones enter the bloodstream, mobilizing the body to change conditions.

Stress is:

  • Physiological. Occur due to sudden changes in temperature, atmospheric pressure, solar activity, radiation, lack of water, vitamins, etc.
  • Psychological. They are provoked:
    • adverse events (lack of money, separation, loss of a loved one, conflicts);
    • negative emotions (fear, anger, sadness, anger, hatred);
    • good events (birth of a child, promotion in a career, winning the lottery);
    • uncertainty when you need to make a choice and a person cannot decide for a long time what to do.

Stress is good if it ends quickly. For example, we passed an exam or went skydiving and then calmed down.

Prolonged stress is destructive. It destroys the immune system and disturbs sleep. A person falls into depression, then illnesses begin, up to oncology.

On this topic:
All about stress - causes, consequences, prevention.

There is a hypothesis:

depression is a way of leaving life, that is, a program of self-destruction that starts in a person.

The chain of cause and effect can be represented as follows: stress - drop in immunity - sleep disturbance - depression - illness - death.

How the blues is disguised

Often she takes on a mask:

  • fatigue that occurs not after, but before physical or mental stress;
  • insomnia. A person wakes up 2-3 hours earlier than expected with a bad mood, feeling overwhelmed.
  • pain of any localization - in the head, heart, stomach, intestines, etc.

Diagnosis of depression by sleep

by color.

Pay attention to what color your dreams are painted.

Black tones - a symbol of destruction and death, show what is hidden in the depths of the subconscious. Black dreams are dreamed by people who are in a state of uncertainty, disappointment, dissatisfaction, fatigue, protest, denial of reality.

Can accompany difficult periods: divorce, separation, change of job or environment. By the way, despondency can also be expressed in wearing black clothes.

Brown and gray colors have the same meaning, but softer.

According to the plot:

Accompany with negative events, prolonged stress, psychological trauma. They may indicate a problem that needs to be resolved or negative emotions that interfere with a normal life (fear, resentment, grief, rage).

Usually they dream during cardinal changes in life, and also show:

  • strong negative feelings (aggressiveness, anger, indignation),
  • fear of death or of changes in fate,
  • rejection of everything new,
  • rejection of one's own "I" (your dreams, goals), etc.

You may not feel it clearly yet, but dreams will tell you that depression is starting and it's time to take action.

Defeating depression

Apathy should be sought to be dispelled as quickly as possible, until health is seriously affected. Let's take simple, necessary and effective measures.


Sleep is disturbed in 83% of depressed people - our personal doctor and psychotherapist who knows what and how to correct in the body.

In a dream, our body is updated and restored from daytime overloads. Come into the right balance major health hormones physical and mental:

  • melatonin is its own sleeping pill and the main source of vitality, slowing down aging, balancing the psyche, protecting against oncology.
  • somatotropin - provides muscle growth, bone strength, normal weight, longevity, etc.
  • Cortisol is a stress hormone whose imbalance is very harmful.
  • Serotonin, dopamine - hormones that protect against stress.

If longing has attacked you, good sleep is the right medicine. Get enough sleep for your age and practice good sleep hygiene.

How to improve your sleep without drugs.

No negative emotions

Anger, resentment, anger, indignation, resentment, irritation - all these negative feelings plunge us into stress. In no case should you “hang out” in them, otherwise depression is within reach.

Try to control your mental balance, and if you fail to switch, to help you:

We relieve nervous tension quickly and safely, on the go, unnoticed by others.

good mood diet

Biochemist Bonnie Spring concluded that our calmness directly depends on what we eat. To resist the accumulation of gloomy stress hormones, vitamins and substances that strengthen the nerves and nourish the brain will help:

  • fiber, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, glucose, lecithin;
  • vitamins - B groups, A, C;
  • amino acids - glutamic, tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, glycine, methionine.


Even in the prehistoric era were known medicinal properties music for body and soul.

Pythagoras in the 6th century BC He treated mental and bodily ailments with melodies of his own composition.

In the Parthian kingdom (I century BC) there was a center of musical medicine.

Avicenna (X century AD) successfully used music, laughter, fragrances and diet to treat the mentally ill.

Listen to the classical works of Brahms, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Chopin, Rubinstein and others. They have a strong beneficial effect on the whole body and psyche.


American doctors admitted laughter is a natural and safe drug, which causes prolonged euphoria, relieves melancholy and apathy.

This action of laughter is explained:

  • stimulation of the synthesis of hormones of joy and happiness - dopamine, serotonin, endorphin;
  • inhibition of the formation of adrenaline and cortisol - stress hormones.

There are many examples of how Laughter therapy conquered incurable ailments or helped to get out of seemingly impasse.

What is useful laughter, how it affects the body.

Try to find any reason to laugh or at least smile. Read jokes, watch funny shows, listen to someone else's laughter in the recording, it is contagious, you will definitely laugh.


It has long been proven that aromatherapy easily copes with depression and allows you to abandon antidepressants.

Thanks to phytoncides in essential oils, the synthesis of T-cells is enhanced six times, which helps to strengthen the immune system and nerves.

Oranges have anti-stress properties: their peel contains essential oils, eliminating excitement, anxiety, melancholy, normalizing blood pressure, restoring sleep.

Add 6-8 drops of orange oil to bath water or a couple of drops to an aroma lamp, and your house will be filled with a wonderful and invigorating citrus smell.


Dehydration can lead to depression. Pay attention to your water diet, it should include at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

Water deficiency is a common cause of almost all diseases, from pain in any area of ​​the body to mental pathologies (stress, blues, dementia, Alzheimer's) and oncology.

If there is not enough water for the brain, the person is inhibited, any difficult situation is perceived as unsolvable. He gets stuck on one thing and is unable to work in multitasking mode, feels panic, insecurity, becomes irritable and aggressive.


Hugs can relieve depression, fears, tension, as proven by American psychologists. It turns out that in order to survive in this harsh world, we hug at least 4 times a day. The absence of hugs deprives the feeling of belonging to society and the joy of being.

Scientists have proven that when we hug, our sleep, immunity, nervous, cardiac and immune system, stress is eliminated, self-esteem grows.

And all because the body begins to produce endorphin - a natural drug of euphoria.


For everyone who is prone to depression, I recommend mastering the Shiatsu massage of the most powerful points of general strengthening of the body:

TOP 15 universal points for self-healing and healing.

Massage does not take much time, 15-20 minutes at the most, and the healing effect is very strong. It launches its own health recovery program in the body, strengthens vitality, normalizes nerves, and reduces anxiety.

Its action, like meditation, enhances the synthesis of endorphins in the brain, which improves mood and attitude.

All points, without exception, treat sleep disorders and nervous pathologies (from stress to dementia).

Appeal to doctors

It is necessary to resort to medical help when it is impossible to overcome melancholy on your own, thoughts of death overcome.

By the way, up to 60% of all suicides in the world are committed by people suffering from depression.


Spleen lasting more than 2 weeks is dangerous. Most often it is a consequence of severe prolonged stress.

If melancholy has befallen you or someone close to you, use the recommendations on how to beat depression on your own with safe methods.

Take care of yourself!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

Depression is one of the most common diseases in the world, a victim of which can be a person of any age. Feeling a breakdown, deterioration in mood and general apathy, a person often loses hope, not even realizing that psychologists have developed dozens of ways to deal with the disease. How to cope with depression, and what are the causes of its occurrence?

What is depression and what causes it

Depression - nervous system disease associated with a constant feeling of apathy and sadness. Often a person suffering from depression suffers from constant mood swings, cannot control their own emotions and loses the elementary taste for life.

Scientists have long called depression the plague of the 21st century, believing that with the rhythm of life in which modern man, to avoid this nervous breakdown is almost impossible. Experiencing regular stress, pressure from friends and colleagues, a person loses emotional stability and plunges into a state of deep apathy and sadness. What are the main the reasons development of this disease?

  • Constant stress.
  • Emotional turmoil associated with personal problems and failures.
  • Regular pressure from society can also cause depression.
  • Serious damage to the central nervous system after emotional upheaval can cause chronic depression.
  • Midlife crisis, adolescence problems and postpartum psychological difficulties are other causes of depression in people of different ages and gender.

This is just a short list of the most common causes of depression. Often, feeling the pressure at work and difficulties in family life, a person plunges into himself, losing touch with the outside world. As a result, he is faced with a severe emotional crisis, from which it is very difficult to get out on his own.

The cause of the development of the disease can be a divorce, death loved one failure at work and school. The variety of reasons for the development of the disease makes us think not only about ways to deal with the disease, but also about its symptoms, which will help to identify the disease at an early stage and cope with it.

Symptoms and signs of depression

In fact, depression has many faces, and its symptoms can be difficult to pinpoint. Sometimes the disease can manifest itself exclusively in emotional decline, and often it affects the physiological state of a person. So what are the main symptoms and signs of depression?

  • Physiological symptoms include a violation of appetite, sleep patterns, decreased activity in bed.
  • Emotional signs include mood swings, constant emotional distress, frequent tantrums, and uncontrollable feelings of anxiety.
  • Behavioral signs are associated with a person’s desire to cut off all contacts with the outside world, to give up entertainment, filling their grief with alcohol.
  • Difficulties in elementary decision-making, problems with memory and remembering information are manifestations of mental symptoms of depression.

Each of these signs, together or separately, may indicate the development of depression. Should such a disease be treated? Psychologists around the world answer in the affirmative. Moreover, if you start treatment for early stages development of depression, it will be possible to cope with it independently. If the disease is advanced, and a person has regular suicidal thoughts, professional help is indispensable.

Useful information:

and go to work only with pleasure

Laziness hinders many of our plans and desires. These vices must be fought. How, read

Envy is a very bad feeling that can push you to do terrible things. Find out how you can deal with jealousy at:

How to overcome depression at home?

How to treat depression yourself is one of the most popular queries on the Internet, which once again proves the prevalence of the disease. Many people turn to professional psychologists who, with the help of a series of conversations and medications, help the patient get out of such a dangerous state.

However, there are methods that help to overcome the disease and at home. We have already found out what depression is, home treatment of this disease is the next point of study.

Most the right way get rid of symptoms of depression speak out. Often a person withdraws into himself during such psychological crisis, because of which the problems only accumulate day by day. By talking with a close friend or relative, a person will be able to overcome at least some of their problems and forget about them. What other methods of dealing with the disease at home exist?

  • It is necessary to please yourself as often as possible with any little things, for example, a delicious dinner or a new beautiful thing.
  • You should learn to treat problems lightly, without focusing on their possible consequences.
  • If some things remind a person of a sad event and evoke depression, they should be immediately disposed of.
  • Traveling and frequent walks with friends help distract from sad thoughts and drive away depression.
  • To take your mind off stress and sadness, a person can discover a new hobby, such as knitting, reading books and watching positive films.

In such a situation, the main thing is don't make the problem worse. If a person sits alone at home all the time, regretting the events that have happened or fearing trouble, depression will not disappear anywhere. To get rid of sad thoughts, you need to regularly occupy yourself with something. For example, you can rearrange your home, meet up with friends more often, or take a vacation and travel.

Any trip, even to a neighboring village to visit relatives, is an ideal cure for sad thoughts and fears due to your own failures.

Many psychologists advise people suffering from frequent depression to keep a diary. It’s just worth writing down only the most positive moments of the day. Thus, a person learns not to pay attention to negative trifles, perceiving life in a positive way.

If some things bring sad memories to a person, they should be put away in a distant drawer or thrown out of the house altogether. Visiting theaters, cinemas and concerts will also help you unwind and forget about existing problems.

All these methods, of course, are relevant only if a person suffers from a mild form of depression. If the person has a neglected, chronic stage, it is urgent to contact a psychologist. Only a professional with extensive experience will help get rid of depressive thoughts and overcome longing.

How to deal with depression after divorce?

Divorce- one of the most common causes occurrence of depression. A person is not just going through a breakup with a loved one, he is also trying to come to terms with the collapse of his own hopes regarding the creation of an ideal family. Coming to terms with your failures is always difficult, especially when they are so global.

The easiest way to deal with such depression is to go on a date. Moreover, it is not necessary to have high hopes for this meeting, because sometimes a date after a divorce simply helps to realize that life has not ended, and love can still be found.

To combat depression, you can go on a trip. Vivid impressions from new countries will temporarily block the painful memories of a failed marriage. Many divorced people are advised to immerse themselves in business, enthusiastically take up work, just to forget about everything that happened.

If a divorced person has children, you should devote all your free time to them. Communication with their own children will help adults understand that despite the destruction of the social unit, they still have something to live for.

New hobbies, frequent meetings with friends, positive books and films - all this will help to cope with depression after a divorce as quickly as possible. Psychologists advise to establish friendly relations with the former spouse, try to talk with him about the reasons for the divorce. Such a conversation will help a person to better understand himself and forget about recent troubles.

Depression - dangerous disease and is often difficult to deal with. The process of overcoming depressive thoughts sometimes takes several months, but then a person will be able to live a full, happy life, without fears and doubts about their own future.

Sep 29, 2015 I myself

Depression is a specific disorder in the human psyche, which manifests itself in a low mood, dullness of feelings, negative thinking.

The depressive syndrome is closely related to the abnormal course of neurochemical processes with the participation of such neurotransmitters as serotonin, dopamine, tryptophan, etc.

This is a very unpleasant disease that deprives a person of a joyful perception of reality. Anyone can get depressive syndrome, so everyone needs to know how to overcome depression and return to life.

Depressive syndrome is characterized by the following groups of symptoms:


  • state of weakness, fatigue, lethargy;
  • restless sleep, insomnia or constant drowsiness;
  • change in eating behavior (overeating or complete lack of appetite);
  • violation of the digestive tract (constipation, dyspepsia);
  • the presence of phantom pain;
  • decreased or complete absence of libido.


  • passivity, constant confusion in decision-making, procrastination;
  • loss of joy from life, indifference to surrounding events and people, reaching complete spiritual anesthesia;
  • lack of a positive goal;
  • refusal to communicate even with the closest people;
  • the adoption of alcohol and drugs as a means of escape from reality;
  • the presence of irritation, grouchiness, resentment.


  • effective concentration and concentration are impossible;
  • the constant presence of gloomy thoughts;
  • in severe cases, thoughts of suicide are possible;
  • decrease in self-esteem, consciousness of one's own insignificance and complete helplessness;
  • slow thought process.

If such signs are present for a month and do not go away, then it can be assumed that a person develops depression. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.

What are the types of depression

Depending on the factors that caused this disease, depression is divided into:

  • Endogenous. In this case, depression can occur for no apparent reason, as if from within. The disease of endogenous depression is possible in the presence of a hereditary predisposition. Moreover, the depression gene can be transmitted from very distant relatives. This type of disease is characterized by inhibition of movements, a feeling of a stone behind the sternum, and sudden mood swings. In the evening the patient gets better. As a rule, patients with this type of depression are prone to self-blame, as well as to refusal to recognize the presence of the disease. Endogenous depression is not combined with other diseases, but can cause excruciating headaches.
  • Psychogenic or exogenous. This type of depression is also called reactive. Such a disease is a reaction to psychological trauma, stress, or another unpleasant event that knocks a person out of the circle of habitual values. For example, an unexpected dismissal, the sudden death of a loved one, etc. This type of depression is characterized by evening deterioration, tearfulness, and a tendency to blame others for their failures. Patients are aware of the presence of a mental disorder. Psychogenic depression can occur against the background of another disease. For example, oncology, disruption of the endocrine system and other pathologies.

Depending on the general picture of the anamnesis of the disease, depression is divided into:

  • to hysterical, characterized, as the name implies, by tantrums and affective behavior;
  • on dysthymic - lack of interest in life and emotions, automatic behavior;
  • on adynamic - complete passivity and lethargy;
  • on hypochondria - fear of dying from non-existent diseases;
  • on asthenic - constant weakness, lethargy and fatigue.

For reasons of the disease, depressive syndrome is:

  • alcoholic - when a person has stopped drinking, but has not yet completed a course of psychotherapeutic treatment;
  • autumn - seasonal depression associated with a lack of sun;
  • medication - occurs as an undesirable effect when taking medicines;
  • after childbirth - typical for women in the postpartum period due to sharp hormonal fluctuations in the body and a great responsibility for the life and health of the baby.

People behave differently during a depressive disorder.

According to the way they respond to various stimuli, depression is divided into:

  • hysteroid;
  • anxious;
  • hypochondria;
  • melancholic - this is the most intractable kind. He lacks a sense of contentment with life. A person can never get satisfaction from what he has achieved.

In addition to all of the above, experts also consider:

  • Childhood depression - occurs before adulthood and is usually associated with smoking, alcohol, drugs and other toxic drugs.
  • Dysthymia, or double depression, characterized by short periodic bouts of illness. The patient in this case does not suspect the presence of a mental disorder, and takes the symptoms and signs of depression as features of his character.

Residents of big cities are increasingly complaining of depression. The heavy rhythm of life, problems at work and in the family - all this affects the psychological state of a person. - modern and effective method treatment.

For advice from a psychologist on how to deal with depression, see. And also about how to diagnose a depressive disorder.

Most often, depression is treated through psychotherapy, but sometimes medication is not enough. This link provides an overview medicines for the treatment of depression and a description of their pharmacological properties.

How to beat depression on your own?

How to beat depression yourself? It should be noted that it is unlikely to cope with endogenous depression on your own.

In this case, it is necessary professional help psychiatrist doctor.

In the treatment of this type of depression, special drugs called antidepressants are always used.

Psychogenic depression is treated by a psychiatrist in collaboration with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Many people with depression do not want to talk about their problems when they are depressed. strangers even if they are highly professional specialists.

In this case, for successful treatment, you need to act according to the following methodology:

  1. First stage This is an admission that you have a mental disorder. It is necessary to understand that you are sick, but this is not forever. Carl Jung compared depression to a woman in black robes who persistently knocks on the door of your house. In order for her to leave forever, you will have to invite her to the house, put her at the table, feed, listen and try to help. However, you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that depression, even after defeating it, can return.
  2. Second stage - this is the acquisition of the desire to live and change your life. The desire to end suffering must be very strong. At this stage, you need to start studying your disease - reading special literature and magazines. Knowing something new in itself inspires and tones. Spiritual practitioners advise to gain a powerful desire to live, do the following exercise twice a day: take the fetal position, lying on a bed or sports mat, exhale as much as possible and hold your breath. The pause should be kept as long as possible. When the desire to inhale becomes unbearable, then you need to do it with the words: “I want to live!”.
  3. Third stage - it is necessary to determine the causes of depression. This is a very painful process when you need to understand at what point you stopped being yourself and lost the ability to enjoy life. Recording or communicating with a loved one can help here. It is very important to speak or write about what hurts and makes you suffer.
  4. Fourth stage is the most important. It is here that you need to find exactly the moment when you reached the limit and went into the disease. Here it is desirable to re-live the situation, and then look at it from the outside, through the eyes of an outsider. this stage- forgive and let go. To do this, you can inflate a balloon at the time of your stay, and then burst it or let it fly free. It is also possible to burn text with records of a traumatic situation.
  5. Fifth stage - this is the acquisition of one's great goal, which inspires and energizes. Memories of your childhood, conversations with relatives or friends will help you find your true calling or mission. You can also try to write a list of those things and events that brought pleasure and joy before the illness.

Psychologists advise during the treatment of depression:

  • refuse to make important decisions;
  • avoid tension that can lead to stress;
  • pay special attention and care to your body;
  • pamper yourself with delicious food;
  • to drive negative thoughts out of the head with the help of breathing or physical exercises;
  • communicate with positively minded people, even if it means overcoming great internal resistance;
  • completely abandon alcohol;
  • be careful when taking sleeping pills.

Treating depression is a long and complex process. But if you wish, you can make it creative and exciting, find your own method of defeating the disease, find joy and return to life.

Foreign psychologists have long proved that depression is a complex disease that must be treated under the supervision of specialists. However, we most often associate depression with a deterioration in mood. And what if nothing helps? Read on our website.

What is reactive depression and how to treat it, you will learn in the material. And also get acquainted with the concepts of short-term and prolonged depressive reaction.

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