What is yin and yang? What does the symbol of the Taoist monad mean.

Yin-Yang is the basic principle of the law of the universe. Everything in our world - physical objects or living beings - comes from the interaction of the energy of the two principles Yin and Yang. The energies of Yin and Yang make everything in our world unique and different from each other.

Jan- this is an active principle, fire, sun, warmth, summer, sky, bright, masculine.

yin- this is a passive principle, water, cold, moon, earth, soft, dark, feminine.

If Yang energy predominates in a person, then he will be born a man, and if Yin energy predominates, then he will be born a woman. Therefore, the energy of Yin-Yang complements each other, and at the same time is the opposite of each other, and cannot exist separately without each other.

Yin-Yang Taichi Symbol

Taichi which can be seen in all feng shui books describes the interaction of two principles. Yang energy is the light area of ​​the symbol, and Yin is the dark area.

Yin-Yang Taichi Symbol

The circles of the Yin-Yang symbol mean endless movement. Yin and Yang are inter-arising, interdependent, and constantly transforming, one into the other. One principle cannot exist without the other; each contains a particle of the other. How night turns into day, and day into night. Birth ends with death, and death turns into birth. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Both parts are one and are in constant change and movement. Maintain balance and balance. Such is nature - Yin-Yang, which shows that everything in our world is relative.

The fundamental principle of feng shui seeks to balance yin and yang in order to create a harmonious flow of life in your home. Therefore, when planning the interior of an apartment or house, these Yin and Yang factors must be taken into account, because the Feng Shui of your home must be balanced in terms of these principles.

Factors of influence of Yin in the interior of the house- these are screens, muted and dark tones, a refrigerator, silence, distant rooms in the house, a rest room, a bedroom, a bed, a north side, a toilet.

Yang Influence Factors in Home Interiors- this is a living room, loud music, an office, a noisy road, light and bright colors, the main entrance, fresh flowers, lighting and heating devices, an entrance hall, gym, south side - everything that can be compared with vigorous activity.

According to the basic principle of Feng Shui - harmony and balance of Yin-Yang, there is no need to make the premises too dark, gloomy, yin. But if, on the contrary, constantly turn on loud music and hang all the walls with various bright photo posters, by this action you will create an excess of Yang energy, which will also have a harmful effect on the favorable creation of Feng Shui in the house. In both cases, there will be an imbalance. These are the fundamental principles of Feng Shui and must be taken into account.

Using the principles of Yin-Yang, we can take into account the purpose of the rooms, for example, in the bedroom it would be appropriate to use Yin energy, muted tones, low furniture, twilight.

For a study or living room, it is better to use Yang factors - these are bright lighting, high furniture, light colors.

Feng Shui decorating your home, according to the principles of Yin-Yang harmoniously and skillfully, you will quickly begin to notice how all your rooms in the house will begin to help you - in the bedroom you will have a wonderful rest and you will quickly gain strength, and in your office or at your desk productively and efficiently work and quickly achieve success in your business!

In China, this symbol is called Tai Chi, or "the great limit." Graphically, it is depicted as a circle in which two embryos are inscribed, similar to large commas in black and white. Black represents yin and white represents yang. There is a black dot in the center of the white comma, and a white dot in the center of the black one. This image is a symbol of the unity of all living things. Until now, there is no clear definition of what yin (or yang) is. Even the ancient Chinese philosophers did not make such attempts, they only made long lists of opposites.

Yin and yang are two cosmic forces that are opposite to each other, which are constantly transforming one into another and together make up a harmonious whole. They constantly interact, creating everything that exists, having arisen when the invisible life force was first divided into two. Yin and Yang are unthinkable without each other.

Yin is darkness, night, silence, stillness, smooth lines, dampness, cold and soft, night, moon, usually acts as feminine. It always points north. Every home has yin elements (upholstered furniture, carpets, built-in wardrobes, bad smells, stale air). With an excess of Yin, people become too quiet, calm, slow. They are not eager to do something and run somewhere, strive for something. It is difficult for such a person to acquire authority in the eyes of others, to protect his rights.

Yang is light, hot and hard, loud sound, movement, straight lines, dryness, pleasant aroma, acts as a masculine principle. Yang in the house includes high, easily moving furniture, bright lighting. An excess of Yang manifests itself as hypertrophied activity, constant employment and fussiness.

In the character of each person, the qualities of yin (isolation, composure) or yang (sociability, thirst for activity) can also prevail. To feel comfortable, calm and safe in your apartment or anywhere else, you need to maintain a balance of yin and yang in it. To do this, it is not necessary to rebuild a house or re-plan an apartment - Feng Shui has many recipes that will help you do this with a minimum of effort and money.

The human body, its internal organs are also under the influence of yin or yang, so the lack of one or another element in the diet, environment, will inevitably lead to physical malaise, the development of diseases. For this reason, the Chinese carefully monitor the balance of yin and yang in those places where a person stays for a long time (kitchen, dining room, bedroom, office).

In ancient Chinese books, the symbolic image of yin and yang is often found not in the form of black and white commas inscribed in a circle, but in the form of a white (or red) tiger and a green dragon fighting or copulating. The tiger symbolizes yin, the West, the feminine, and the dragon symbolizes the yang, the East, the masculine. The ancients believed that it was necessary to build in the place where the connection of these animals took place, since the life-giving energy of qi is born in this case.

Tai Chi "great limit" scheme

Yang Yang

———— == == ==

Sky Earth

Sun moon

Summer, spring Winter, autumn

Day (from 24 hours to 12 hours) Night (from 12 hours to 24 12 hours)

Heat Cold

Father mother

Energy (qi) Mass

Movement Peace

Man Woman

External Spirit (something Internal (material

intangible) substance)

High body temperature Low temperature body

food rich in sodium food rich in potassium

animal food vegetable food

origin of origin

Fast development Slow development

Left Right

Rear Front

East West

dragon tiger

Trigram Trigram

Qian Kun

Yin Yang is a symbol of balance

Everything in the world, in our home and in the soul, must be in balance. All the basic truths of Feng Shui practice are based around this golden rule. If the balance has somehow been disturbed and the energies have ceased to correspond to each other, then troubles or problems can begin.

Yin and Yang are two opposite and at the same time complementary flows of energy. These concepts came to us from ancient Eastern Taoist philosophy. Yin Yang energy is believed to permeate the entire universe. It is also very important to understand that Yin and Yang are absolutely opposite types of energy, like white and black, however, they cannot exist one without the other.

Yang energy is considered more active, while Yin is a more passive form of energy. Both types of energy, both Yin and Yang, are contained in everything, but not in equal proportion. In some people or objects, Yin energy predominates, in some Yang.

chinese symbol yin yang

Yin Yang Symbol

The Yin Yang symbol consists of two elements: Yang, which means masculine, and Yin, which symbolizes the feminine. What does the yin yang symbol mean? Combining into a single whole, Yin and Yang form Tao. In turn, Tao is the basic principle by which each person can unite with the Universe, discovering it within himself.

Probably meet a person who has never seen the Chinese symbol Yin Yang, in modern time almost impossible. The Yin Yang balance symbol is a circle divided into two equal parts by a wavy line. One can imagine two drops: one is black, the other is white, in the center of each of the drops there is a point of the opposite color.

The light side of the circle in the Yin Yang symbol is Yang, as mentioned earlier, it symbolizes male energy, the dark side, on the contrary, means Yin, that is, female. Tao exists just at the point of balance of two energies.

According to Feng Shui, these concepts should always be kept in harmony, it is because of this that most attention should be paid to the balance of Yin and Yang in the house. There are times when the balance of Yin Yang in the house is too much disturbed, in which case such places are considered almost uninhabitable.

Dominance of energies

Yin and Yang - day and night

There is an opinion that, depending on the time of day, the value of Yin and Yang change. During the day, Yang dominates most of all, peaking at noon, while Yin dominates at night and rises the most towards midnight.

Depending on what phase the moon is in, the power of Yin and Yang energies is also very different. In the new moon, the female principle of Yin energy has more strength, while at the same time, the male Yang prevails in the full moon. During the full moon, people are more active. It is believed that during this period it is best to do business, and leave creativity and reflection to the new moon.

The strength of the energies of Yin and Yang is also influenced by the time of year: autumn and winter are more Yin, and spring and summer are Yang. But there is an important nuance here: in children who were born in winter or autumn, Yang energy will prevail more. Spring and summer babies, on the contrary, will be more Yin. There is also such a version: at what time of the year most of the pregnancy will take place, there will be more such energy in the baby.

Yin Yang in landscape and construction

According to Feng Shui, our entire planet is divided into just two types: water and mountains. Since ancient times, mountains have been considered the skeleton, the bones of the earth, they do not move anywhere, are considered more static, and Yin energy is most inherent in them. Rivers are the blood of the earth. The water in the rivers is very dynamic, it is constantly moving and belongs to the Yang energy.

In mountainous places where there is little water, the energy gradually subsides, and in places where there are few mountains and a lot of water, on the contrary, the energy becomes too much and, in the end, it becomes uncontrollable. Therefore, in construction it is necessary to choose more harmonious places where both water and mountains are in abundance.

In general, as described above, mountains and rivers have their own meanings of Yin and Yang. But, in relation to each other, the mountains are also divided into the type of Yin and Yang. For example, pointed mountains are Yin, rounded mountains are Yang. The same can be said about water in rivers. A high waterfall is Yin, a flowing lake or reservoir is Yang, a fast-flowing river is Yin, a smooth flow of the river is Yang. Yin water has more destructive properties, and Yang water, on the contrary, is creative and beneficial.

When you need to make sure that there are not too many trees, shrubs and thickets around the house, you should also not build a house in close proximity to places that are associated with death: a hospital, prison or cemetery. Yin energy prevails in such places. Living in a house built in such a place, it will be difficult for you to lead an active and energetic life.

This does not mean that if you build a house in a place where Yang energy prevails, you will live better. Not at all! Living in a house that is built in such a place, due to the predominance of Yang energy, will flow much faster than you would like. Therefore, try to choose the most advantageous place for building a house, well, if you don’t have to choose, then you can resort to landscaping and try to independently balance the energy of Yin and Yang in your home.

There are several ways to protect your home from the oppressive effects of Yin energy. To do this, you need to either change the position of the front door, or reduce its size. Because it is through the door that most energy enters the house. You can also paint the front door red and enhance the lighting on the porch of the house.

If Yang energy predominates in you, then you need to take the opposite measures. The color of the door should be dark blue, you can also reduce the lighting of the porch and add shadows to the area around the house by planting shrubs and trees. It is desirable to have a reservoir on the site that will soften the Yang energy.

Yin Yang in the home and office

Hieroglyphs Yin and Yang

When examining the environment in your home or office, you should pay considerable attention to any inconsistencies between Yin and Yang. Try to determine as accurately as possible how much this balance is disturbed, and only after that take any steps to improve the situation.

It is believed that if the balance between Yin and Yang is too strongly disturbed in a house or office, then in such an environment it is almost impossible to achieve positive results. When creating balance, the predominance of one or the other energy is allowed, but in a small proportion. It depends on what you will be doing in a particular room.

Work areas such as offices, workshops or Personal Area in your home, should focus on the predominance of Yang. The work area must be well ventilated and all tools or equipment must be kept clean. Small fountains or aquariums contribute well to the working environment. work space should be bright enough, but not too bright. Yin energy must be present, and Yang must prevail, but not suppress Yin. Try to avoid white. If you do not have the opportunity to repaint the walls, you can dilute White color paintings, flowers. It's also a good idea to hang a clock in the office and put on a tape recorder: sounds also help increase Yang energy.

To work at home, you should also draw up your own workplace according to Yang energy. If the work area and the recreation area intersect, you should try to separate these areas.

The bedroom in the house is the place where the predominant energy is the energy of Yin. In the style of this energy, you need to decorate those places in the house where you prefer to relax.

In general, in the house, as in the office, Yang energy should prevail, but in a small amount, such a balance has a good effect on the quality of your life, stimulates you to great achievements and accomplishments. The main thing to remember: Yin Yang is a symbol of balance, and you need to strive for balance, and not for the predominance of one energy over another, especially if you are pursuing goals such as material wealth, peace and love in the family, career advancement.

The Yin-Yang symbol depicts the universe, consisting of two opposites, Yin and Yang, which form a whole only in a single combination. Two dots in the symbol mean that each of the two energies at the highest level of its realization already contains the grain of its opposite and is ready to be transformed into it.

A healthy body is based on a state of perfect balance between Yin and Yang and the Five Basic Elements.

Oriental medicine- Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, etc. - based, among other things, on the philosophy of balance of Yin and Yang, helps to restore the harmony created by nature in the body. When the harmony between Yin and Yang is disturbed, the state of balance can be restored through meditation, acupuncture, corrective diet, qigong, tai chi, shiatsu, or various combinations of these methods. Eastern doctors seek to treat not the external symptoms of diseases, but their root causes, which consist in the violation of the internal balance, while demonstrating such “clairvoyance” that a person with a Western mentality may seem like magic.

principle of yin and yang- Eastern perception of reality, implying both material and spiritual world as a unity of two opposite and simultaneously interdependent forces.

Yin and Yang are opposites that form a whole, they depend on each other, because they exist only in relationship with their opposite.

The main properties of Yin and Yang

Feminine Masculinity
Matter Energy
Passivity Activity
End Start
Earth Sky
Bottom Top
Night Day
Winter Summer
Humidity Dryness
Softness Hardness
Horizontal Vertical
Compression Extension
Attraction Repulsion

The Yin-Yang sign symbolizes the universal law of change. He shows us that one thing, reaching his the greatest value, invariably changes into something else. Winter turns to summer and summer to winter. Movement is replaced by rest, and rest - by movement.

Tears turn into laughter and laughter into tears. Life leads to death, and death brings life back.

The Yin-Yang sign, each part of which has a dot of the opposite color in the center, represents two poles containing in the inner core the essence of the opposite.

In other words, there is no absolutely pure Yin or Yang, white or black, feminine or masculine, dark or light, good or evil.

A woman must have masculine qualities, and a man must have feminine qualities. Both white and black always have gray tones.

A bad deed is never only bad, and a good deed can have bad consequences.

Manifestations of Yin and Yang in the human body


Front side Back side

Left side Right side

Lower body Upper body

Legs Hands

Solid organs Hollow organs

Flexion Extension

Peace Movement

Inhale Exhale

Yin and Yang are not absolute concepts. They are relative, like everything else in the world. Therefore, they can be used to describe the relationship between various phenomena of the material and spiritual world.

For example, the chest is seen as Yin in relation to the back, but in relation to the pelvis, the chest is Yang.

Or winter in relation to summer is considered as Yin, but in comparison with cosmic cold it is Yang.

Manifestations of Yin and Yang in the psychological characteristics of a person

Yin Yang

Intuition Intelligence

Contemplation Reaction

Calm Excitement

introversion extroversion

Pessimism Optimism

Conservative Progressive

Silence Talkativeness

The Yin-Yang sign shows the change of phenomena. This is a description of the change of phenomena, and not a judgment about them.

The sign reflects how the opposites depend on each other, how they affect each other and how they eventually pass into each other.

To understand the nature of the two fundamental principles and their impact on human health, you need to remember what diseases and ailments Chinese medicine refers to Yin and Yang.

Diseases characteristic of Yin and Yang


Chronic diseases Acute diseases

Internal diseases Diseases of the skin and sense organs

Degenerative diseases Infectious diseases

Edema Inflammation, fever

Paralysis Convulsions

Diarrhea Constipation

Constant deep pain Attacks of superficial pain

Widespread pain Localized pain

Dull and pressing pain Sharp and throbbing pain

Nocturnal pain attacks, at rest Daytime pain attacks, on movement

Life Energy Qi

Qi is the Chinese name for life energy, or life force. The Japanese call it Ki, and in Yoga it is called Prana.

The concept of life force circulating in the air, plants, animals and in the human body existed already in the most ancient cultures. This is the energy that is found in all forms of matter and concentrated in living organisms, "life outside the atom."

More than three thousand years ago, in India and China, systems of treatment and meditation were developed to increase the vital energy in people in order to prevent and cure diseases. The Chinese singled out different kinds life force qi.

For a deeper understanding, we need two more important concepts related to Qi energy - Shi and Xu. Shi means fullness or excess of energy, which in most cases causes Yang symptoms such as inflammation, sharp pain, and fever.

Xu means exhaustion or lack of energy and manifests itself in Yin symptoms: chills, chronic pain and swelling.

With the help of the meridian exercises described in this book, you can eliminate the excess or deficiency of Chi energy and bring it into balance in the various meridians and their corresponding organs. Thanks to this, health is strengthened, well-being improves and old age is pushed back.

Meridians and Organs of Chinese Medicine

Meridians are the channels through which life energy, Qi, flows. Those places where you can feel this flow of energy are called acupuncture points.

Traditional Chinese medicine considers the meridians as a network that connects the internal and external: internal organs and the surface of the body, tissues and spirit, Yin and Yang, earth and sky. This system consists of energy channels located predominantly along the vertical axis of the body, the Liu vessels, and a special Dai Mai channel that surrounds the waist like a belt.

Western doctors compare the Chinese meridian system of the human body with the meridian system of the Earth: the meridians of the body correspond to the meridians of the Earth, Liu vessels correspond to parallels, and Dai Mai corresponds to the equator.

Already in the Huangdi Nei Jing, a treatise on the internal illnesses of the Yellow Emperor Huandd? dating from about the 3rd century BC, the location of the meridians and the effects on acupuncture points were accurately described. In this treatise, the meridians are compared to the great rivers of China, washing the earth.

The concept of the meridian is expressed by the Chinese character "ching", meaning "river, road, path" and "blood vessel". The meridian system includes the meridians of the twelve Organs, called the twelve permanent channels.

Each of the twelve meridians is associated with a specific Organ and connects it to other Organs.

The twelve meridians form pairs. Each Yin meridian is connected to the Yang meridian of the same element.

These pairs are called Dual Meridians, as the flow of Qi in the meridians is balanced by two "gates". These "gates" are Liu's vessels. Their main task is to ensure the same level of energy flow in the Dual meridians. This reduces the risk of excess or deficiency of Qi in one of the meridians, and consequently in the corresponding Organ.

The good functioning of the meridians and vessels of Liu ensures the full circulation of Qi energy in the body and, therefore, sufficient nutrition and the safety of all Organs and the consistency of their work. It must be mentioned that Chinese ideas about the internal organs and tissues of a person differ from those accepted in the West. This difference is due primarily to the fact that the Chinese tradition does not separate the body and soul.

Chinese medicine claims that in addition to purely physical functions, every organ has an emotional, mental, and spiritual function. That is, the soul and mind exist in every cell of the body and in its energy field. Therefore, the internal organs are considered more as a unity of the body, mind and spirit than as anatomical formations with certain physiological functions. Each organ affects the personality as a whole, and the interaction of all organs determines the thought and sensory processes.

Since the internal organs are not viewed from a physiological point of view, but from the unity of the body, mind and spirit, the anatomical definitions in Chinese medicine differ from those in Western medicine.

To avoid confusion, all organ names in their Chinese sense are capitalized. For example, the organs that in Western medicine are called the stomach, duodenum, and the beginning of the small intestine are simply called the Stomach in Chinese medicine, as the process of digestion and transport nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood is considered the main task of the stomach. And what is called the Spleen in Chinese medicine includes not only the spleen, but also the pancreas” and the entire lymphatic system, that is, the organs that form immune system person. The physiological function of the spleen is to general protection organism.

Chinese medicine distinguishes between six Yin organs and six Yang organs.

The Yin organs are called Zhang, which means hard, dense. Another name for the Zhang organs is storage organs, since, in addition to performing their physiological functions, they also produce, accumulate and transform various forms of Qi energy. Zhang's organs are the Heart, Pericardium, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs and Spleen.

The Yang organs are called Fu, which means hollow. The main tasks of the Fu organs are the intake and digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the excretion of toxins. Fu's organs include the Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Gallbladder, Bladder, and Triple Burner.

The function of the Triple Warmer is to regulate body temperature, coordinate the activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Today almost everyone knows yin and yang symbol, it is known all over the world, in every corner of our planet, since the art of Feng Shui has spread throughout the world. But not everyone knows what it means. This symbol is a simple figure, which is formed by two drops (or commas, as many people think), as if clinging to each other. According to Chinese tradition, this figurine is depicted in black and white, sometimes in red and blue. But a prerequisite is that these colors are combined with each other. We will talk about color combinations later.

So, what does yin and yang symbol mean? First of all, it personifies a sign of balance. This is interpenetration, the opposite beginnings of the Universe, but the opposite does not mean hostility and confrontation at all. Initially, the words "yin" and "yang" mean "light" and "dark". There is a Chinese statement about this:

“All things carry a negative, represented by Yin, which turns into a positive, represented by Yang. Both of them mix to form qi.

In addition to two drops, in the philosophy of Feng Shui, the symbols of yin and yang are the dragon and the tiger.

In general, in general, all Chinese philosophy is based on the concept of opposites. The Chinese are sure that everything that exists in the Universe, everything has its opposite. For example, woman-man, day-night, sky-earth, light-darkness, mountain-plain, etc.

AT pure form There is no yin or yang in nature. If yin prevails, then there is a particle of yang in it at least in the smallest fraction, and vice versa. When yang reaches its peak, then yin is born in it, and vice versa. If you paid attention, on each “droplet” of the yin and yang symbol there is one point of the opposite color - this is the very particle of the opposite. In each of us, either the beginning of yin or yang prevails. Yin is feminine, Yang is masculine.

The main characteristics of yin and yang

Yin is characterized as calm, with smooth lines, but it is also characterized by unpleasant odors.

Yang energy is characterized by right angles and lines, activity, loud sounds and pleasant aromas.

As already mentioned, one or the other principle prevails in each of us - it is on this that our desire to arrange our lives depends, to choose a job, housing, friends, companion, occupation, etc.

And our body is no exception - all its systems are also subject to the influence of yin and yang energies. Therefore, an excess or lack of one or the other can lead to various diseases. One very important rule follows from this - it is important to ensure the balance of these two principles in those places where you spend the most time, especially in the bedroom.

Since these two principles are opposites, however, there is something that unites them. Their union forms a Tao that connects a person with the entire universe and allows them to interact closely.