Japanese salt-free diet 14 days menu. Colon cancer treatment for free

Salt is a product without which today we cannot imagine our diet. Meanwhile, we absorb it in incredibly large quantities: instead of the prescribed 5-7 grams per day, we consume a triple dose. The result is fluid retention in the body, which manifests itself in bags under the eyes, swollen ankles and a swollen stomach. Edema provokes a set excess weight and increase in volume. And after a while, cellulite is on the way. The Japanese salt-free diet, which has recently gained particular popularity, helps to get rid of all this.

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Basic principles

Lack of salt

The main principle of salt-free fasting is the ban on salt. It is impossible, under any pretext, to salt what you eat during the entire diet. Accordingly, you will have to abandon store products, in which it is present in one form or another, and cook everything yourself. There should not be any marinades and pickles either.


The Japanese salt-free diet is designed for at least 7 days, although you can often find two-week fasting based on it. If this method of losing weight is new to you, it is better to try the weekly option.

The developers recommend fearlessly eating the following foods as part of the diet: slightly stale bread (both wheat and rye), cookies (but not rich), crackers, vegetable broth soups, beef (low-fat varieties), fish, poultry. Mandatory during this period, rice, cereals, boiled and raw vegetables, fruits, berries. Do not forget about eggs, milk, jelly, compotes, tea, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese and dried fruits. So that food without salt does not seem fresh, add onion, lemon juice, garlic, fragrant herbs instead of spices to it. Any dishes within salt-free diet will need to be steamed.

Prohibited Products

Salt, sugar, smoked and fried foods, spicy dishes, pickles and marinades, pork, lamb, goose, any confectionery, fish or meat broths, and alcohol are prohibited for the Japanese salt-free diet. Agree that the list is rather meager compared to the previous one, so for many this can be a definite plus of fasting.

Drinking regime

You need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Carbonated drinks and juices from preservatives are excluded.

If, in terms of its simple principles, a salt-free diet suits you, study its approximate menu for a week in order to at least imagine what you will have to eat in the next 7 days.

Menu of the Japanese salt-free diet for 7 days

If you have chosen the weekly option, a sample menu that you can refer to is as follows.

1 day

Morning : green tea, cottage cheese.

Dinner : cabbage salad with vegetable oil (200 gr), 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes, tea.

Evening : boiled pollock (150 gr), cabbage salad (100 gr), tomato juice (glass).

2 day

Morning : green tea, oatmeal.

Dinner : boiled rice (150 gr), carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice (150 gr), tea.

Evening : boiled veal (150 gr), fat-free kefir (glass).

3 day

Morning : green tea, cottage cheese.

Dinner : vegetable broth (150 gr), beetroot salad with vegetable oil (150 gr), a raw egg, tea.

Evening : 2-3 green apples, compote (glass).

Day 4

Morning : green tea, cracker or lean cookies.

Dinner : green salad (150 gr), boiled low-fat fish (150 gr), 2 hard-boiled eggs, tea.

Evening : fruit salad (150 gr), yogurt (glass).

Day 5

Morning : rice porridge, green tea.

Dinner : boiled veal (150 gr), buckwheat (150 gr), jelly (glass).

Evening : fruit cocktail (150 gr).

Day 6

Morning : green tea, cheese with croutons.

Dinner : boiled chicken (150 gr), cabbage salad (150 gr), tea.

Evening : carrots (100 gr), 2 boiled eggs, yogurt (glass).

Day 7

Morning : green tea.

Dinner : boiled beef (200 gr), any fruit, tea.

Evening : beetroot salad (150 gr), tomato juice (glass).

The 7-Day Japanese Salt-Free Diet Sample Menu will help you plan your weekly diet while you lose weight with this unique and effective method. The main thing is not to forget to get out of the diet correctly so as not to harm the body and not lose the results achieved.

Let's go out right

The exit from the Japanese diet should be gradual. Start adding salt little by little, and nutritionists recommend using either sea or iodized salt for food at first. Pickles and marinades should not be eaten for a whole week after the “salt-free abstinence”. Fatty meats and fried foods should also be included in your diet gradually, in small quantities. You can’t experiment and stretch the hunger strike: if a salt-free diet is already calculated for 7 days or 14, then so much must be maintained exactly. Otherwise, you can seriously disrupt the metabolism in the body.

Under what conditions is it contraindicated?

The absence of salt in the diet will instantly affect the functioning of the kidneys, the state of the vessels, and the activity of many other systems in your body. Such drastic changes can negatively affect the health of those who suffer from some serious diseases. Therefore, the Japanese salt-free diet has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when deciding on this method of losing weight:

- hypertension;

- diseases of the intestines and stomach;

- pregnancy;

- lactation;

- mental illness, neurosis and depression;

- diabetes;

- hormonal disorders;

- problems with the spine;

- adolescence and childhood.

If you are not sure if the Japanese diet without salt is right for you, it is better to go through a preliminary medical examination to identify contraindications and consult with doctors and nutritionists.

Nutritionists speak about this diet ambiguously. Someone considers it too tough, someone considers it to be a real panacea for excess weight and cellulite. However, no one denies those shortcomings that are still listed behind it.

Disadvantages of a salt-free diet

1. The fats lost as a result of the diet are returned as soon as salt in the usual amount reappears in the diet.

2. Without salt, dehydration can begin in the body, which manifests itself in weakness, constant drowsiness, dizziness and nausea.

3. The morale of the starving "Japanese" also leaves much to be desired: violations of the water balance in the body affect the nervous system. Therefore, irritability, unreasonable breakdowns, tearfulness - all this takes place during a diet.

What results to expect?

Everyone's body is very different, the causes of excess weight are also due various factors. Therefore, the same results from the "Japanese" should not be expected. There are cases when 5 kg were dropped in 7 days, and all 8 in 14 days. And for some, the method turned out to be completely ineffective.

When choosing this method of losing weight, you need to consider that the Japanese salt-free diet, although safe for the body, is rather difficult to tolerate, as it requires certain restrictions in food and will not forgive you for weaknesses.

One of the most effective, according to weight loss reviews, is the Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days. It is special in that just one course of such a diet allows you not only to burn excess fat, but also miraculously rebuild your metabolism. This is one of the options for extremely strict nutrition, which guarantees not only rapid weight loss, but also its stable strengthening. In just a couple of weeks of following the requirements of the Japanese diet, you will be able to control your appetite and prevent weight gain.

There are many variations of the diet: for 7, 13 and salt-free Japanese diet for 14 days. It is the latter that gives the most obvious results. Due to the fact that Japanese nutrition is the strongest stress for the body, doctors do not advise repeating the course more often than once every 2 years.

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Why the "Japanese" diet

There are different variants origin of this diet. The first sources claim that it was invented about 35 years ago by scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun, hence its name. Others persistently insist that this type of food cannot have anything in common with Japan: it was designed by European nutritionists only 15 years ago. And the diet is called so only because it is Japanese girls who are the standard of fragility all over the world.

The subtleties of the Eastern diet

  • The Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days offers a specific menu for each day. In case of compliance with all rules and restrictions, the authors promise weight loss from 6 to 10 kg;
  • During the entire time of the diet, it is necessary to absolutely abandon all seasonings, salt, sugar, alcohol and flour products. Nutritionists allow only one exception - a teaspoon of honey during breakfast. Thus, you will be able to maintain the desired level of glucose in the blood without harming your body;
  • Plentiful drinking is a mandatory circumstance of the diet. It is necessary to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water per day, not counting other drinks;
  • In order for the result to last as long as possible, get out of the Japanese diet gradually, adding one or two new foods to the diet daily. In the future, it is desirable to adhere to proper nutrition, limiting the intake of animal fats and refined carbohydrates.

Diet Contraindications

Due to its unnatural menu, the Japanese diet has a number of contraindications:

In addition, a strict Japanese diet cannot be followed for more than two; and training
to the salt-free Japanese diet of 14 days, you need to start a few days in advance. You need to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime, the menu should contain fresh vegetables and cereals. The Ladder Diet is less restrictive, and only for five days, might be worth a try.

The Japanese Diet: A Closer Look

Before you go on a diet, it is advisable to immediately stock up on food for these two weeks. So you will limit yourself from the temptation to break the rules of the menu, and you will know how much your weight loss cost. So, the shopping list for a two-week Japanese diet:

  • Premium coffee (ground or beans) - 1 pack;
  • Green or white tea - 1 pack;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 dozen or quail - 3 dozen;
  • Low-fat sea fish - 2 kg;
  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • Beef or rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • Olive oil (cold pressed) - 500 ml;
  • 2 heads of white cabbage;
  • 2.5 kg of fresh carrots;
  • eggplant or zucchini - 1 kg;
  • Fruits (you can’t just banana) - 1 kg;
  • Tomato juice - 1 l;
  • Lemons of medium size - 2 pcs;
  • Kefir - 1 l.

For many, the Japanese diet is one of the most comfortable. After all, the assortment of food is quite diverse, and the dishes taste good. The following table will help you create a menu for every day of losing weight:

Day 1 Breakfast: a cup of natural coffee.
Lunch: 2 chicken eggs hard-boiled (or three quail); fresh cabbage salad dressed with a teaspoon of olive oil; a glass of homemade tomato juice or one tomato.
Dinner: fresh cabbage salad; sea ​​fish (can be fried in a pan, boiled or grilled).
Day 2 Breakfast: unsweetened crackers and natural coffee.
Lunch: fresh cabbage salad dressed with a spoonful of olive oil, steamed or boiled fish.
Dinner: 250 ml of low-fat kefir and 200 grams of baked beef.
Day 3 Breakfast: unsweetened cracker or 50 grams of biscuit cookies, a cup of ground coffee.
Lunch: medium zucchini, fried on a couple of drops vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of beef, boiled or steamed, fresh cabbage salad, 2 boiled eggs.
Day 4 Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee, a spoonful of honey.
Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, three boiled or fresh carrots, 20 grams of parmesan cheese.
Dinner: 200 grams of any fruit.
Day 5 Breakfast: one egg, one carrot salad dressed with the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
Lunch: 250 ml of homemade tomato juice, 400 grams of fried or boiled fish.
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 6 Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet; fresh cabbage and carrot salad dressed with vegetable oil.
Dinner: one raw carrot and 2 hard-boiled eggs
Day 7 Breakfast: a cup of weak green tea.
Lunch: 250 grams of boiled or grilled beef.
Dinner: 200 grams of lean fish, a salad of two eggs and fresh carrots; a glass of kefir.
Day 8 Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet, cabbage and carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and one medium-sized carrot.
Day 9 Breakfast: raw carrots, grated on a medium grater and seasoned with lemon juice.
Lunch: a glass of tomato juice without salt and 200-300 grams of fish.
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 10 Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: one soft-boiled egg, 30-40 grams of soft cheese, 3 small carrots (can be boiled).
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 11 Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, coffee without sugar.
Lunch: fried zucchini or eggplant - as much as you want!
Dinner: 200 grams of veal or beef, 200 grams of coleslaw, two eggs.
Day 12 Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, 30 grams of biscuit cookies or a slice of rye bread.
Lunch: fresh kaput salad dressed with olive oil, 200 grams of fried fish.
Dinner: a glass of yogurt and 100 grams of boiled beef.
Day 13 Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 200 grams of boiled cabbage, a glass of tomato juice, two boiled chicken eggs.
Dinner: 200 grams of fish (boiled or fried).
Day 14 Breakfast: green tea, rye cracker.
Lunch: 200 grams of lean soft fish, cabbage salad with olive oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of beef meat, a glass of kefir.

Despite the varied diet, the Japanese diet for 14 days is considered one of the most strict. Therefore, we recommend that you consult with a therapist before starting to lose weight. Or try another way to lose weight, for example, Elena Malysheva's diet

The low-calorie diet, developed by the specialists of the notorious Japanese clinic Yaelo, has gained great popularity all over the world. After all, it will help not only to lose 8 - 10 kg in a couple of weeks, but also to keep the resulting weight for several years.

If you want to quickly get rid of excess weight, take this system weight loss into service and start right now, because the necessary products can always be bought at the nearest grocery store.

The original Japanese salt-free diet is extended over 4 weeks: 7 days of preparation, after 14 days of diet and 7 days of exit.


In order for the result of the Japanese diet to be satisfying, it is necessary to prepare for it. For this:

  • Remove high-grade flour, sugar, spicy, fatty and smoked foods from the diet.
  • Eliminate salt, because it is not for nothing that the original name of the diet is salt-free.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water, because the lack of salt will lead to its active removal from the body.
  • Do not eat after 6 pm.
  • Get a multivitamin complex.
  • Reduce your usual serving size.

Menu for Japanese weight loss

In a week, the body adapts to a new diet and, despite severe restrictions, the main diet will not lead to severe stress.

For the convenience of users, correct menu for each meal is presented in the form of a compact table by day.

Japanese diet menu for 14 days in the table

1 Coffee Cabbage salad, 2 eggs, a glass of tomato juice Fish (1/5 kg.), cabbage salad
2 Coffee and rye cracker Boiled fish 1/4 kg., cabbage salad
3 Coffee Apples
4 Coffee Celery root, apples Fruit
5 Coffee Fish (500 g), tomato juice 1 glass Fruit
6 Coffee Cabbage or carrot salad, chicken ½ kg. Carrot salad
7 Coffee Beef 1/5 kg., fruit Beef 1/5 kg., kefir 1/4 l.
8 Coffee Boiled beef 1/5 kg., fruit Carrot salad, egg
9 Coffee Cabbage salad, chicken ½ kg. 2 eggs, carrot salad
10 Coffee Fish, tomato juice 1 glass Fruit
11 Coffee Boiled carrots ½ kg., hard cheese (15 g.), egg 1 pc. Fruit
12 Coffee and rye cracker Zucchini, apples, rye cracker, coffee Boiled beef 1/5 kg., a glass of kefir
13 Coffee cabbage salad Boiled fish (500 g)
14 Coffee Cabbage salad, fish 1/5 kg. Boiled beef (200 g), kefir (1 glass)

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As can be seen from the table above, the menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days does not differ in variety. The dishes are easy to prepare, culinary skills and abilities are absolutely not required here, because any average citizen can chop up a coleslaw. However, despite the ease in preparing meals, it is still worth studying the set of recommendations and following them impeccably:

Avoid salt and spices when cooking meat, as well as when preparing salads. To add extra flavor to unleavened dishes, use a sprig of dill, parsley, celery, basil, or cilantro. Most Japanese use soy sauce instead of salt, but the Japanese weight loss diet forbids it.

Following the Japanese diet for weight loss, you should not drink freeze-dried, instant coffee. Buy a pack of Arabica coffee, start every morning with a cup of steaming drink brewed in a Turk. Of course, it will not be possible to saturate the stomach with high-calorie food, but if you enjoy the enchanting aroma, nothing will stop you. The smell of brewed coffee has a beneficial effect on brain activity, improves mood, reduces the likelihood of developing a depressive state that occurs due to a lack of glucose and sucrose in the diet. But a severe restriction in nutrition can lead not only to mood swings, but also to pronounced depression, accompanied by a loss of self-confidence. Reviews of those who have lost weight on the Japanese diet show that it is coffee that plays the role of a kind of inhibitor that slows down negative reactions in the cerebral cortex and helps to stay in a good mood for 2 weeks.

Cooking vegetables, meat and fish leads to the destruction of most of the vitamins they contain. In order to keep them as large as possible, bake food in the oven, pre-wrapped in foil, or steamed.

Lunch of the third day includes zucchini. zucchini recipe: cut it into thin rings and lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, it can be any size.

note that the table shows the weight of ready-made portions. In the process of heat treatment, products lose part of their mass. During the preparation of fish and meat, the percentage of cooking is approximately 30%. To get the output of 500g. boiled chicken fillet, you need to take 650 raw product. Vegetables are no exception, 10% will be weight loss during cooking, and another 20% will go away with cleaning.

It will be very good if make your own tomato juice, from fresh tomatoes just before use. If you prefer a Tetropack product, try to buy a drink that does not contain salt.

Fruits can be chosen at your discretion, based on taste preferences and financial capabilities. However avoid bananas, avocados, grapes. If the table does not indicate the amount that can be consumed at a time, then the serving size is individual. Eat enough to satisfy your hunger, but a sense of proportion should always be present. You should not absorb fruits in kilograms, their calorie content is low, which means it is almost impossible to get fat from them. But by stretching the walls of the stomach in large portions, it will be very difficult for you to get enough of a small amount of food the next day. Here you can learn more about what fruits you can eat at night.

How long to boil an egg? This question often arises among those who want to go on a diet. Immerse the egg in a container with cold water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Leave for 5 minutes hot water. This time is enough for the egg to acquire a dense texture. With this method of cooking, an unaesthetic bluish tint of the yolk will never appear, and the protein will not acquire a “rubberized” structure.

Use for salads chinese cabbage . Ordinary white cabbage causes increased fermentation in the stomach and increases flatulence. And this in most cases does not allow losing weight to feel comfortable.

When buying fish, pay attention to its energy value., beloved by all trout, salmon and mackerel are quite high in calories. A half-kilogram piece of salmon contains 1100 kcal, which is a lot for a person who is losing weight.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are no less prone to rapid weight loss. The Japanese diet without salt is ideal for men, because it allows you to lose extra pounds and does not require sacrificing yourself in cooking, cooking does not take much effort and time.


Unfortunately, not everyone can resort to diets with severe dietary restrictions. The following groups of people are forced to refuse emergency weight loss:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • Prone to hypertension;
  • Having diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • Taking medications;
  • During depression and exacerbations.

Let's go out right

To consolidate the result achieved in the process of losing weight, it is necessary to make the right exit from the Japanese diet. It often happens that some of the respondents who with dignity withstood severe dietary restrictions for 2 weeks break down immediately after its completion. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because it can cause significant harm to health. So how to get out of the Japanese diet so that the body does not experience double stress, and the result persists for many years?

  1. Now you can increase the number of meals, bringing them up to 6 times a day. However, the portions themselves should not become huge, remember what the stretching of the walls of the stomach leads to.
  2. Foods excluded from the diet, introduce gradually 1-2 times a day. Start with whole grain cereals. They fully activate the work of the stomach in the shortest possible time. In addition, a balanced content in them nutrients and fiber, will help you feel full for a long time. It is equally important to consume fermented milk products rich in calcium and animal protein. Introduce yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sourdough into the diet, giving preference to "live" products with a low fat content.
  3. When returning salt to the diet, keep in mind that now liquid will begin to linger in the body again. This can lead to insignificant weight gain. However, one should not go to extreme measures in pursuit of a slim figure, and reduce the daily intake of pure water. The amount of water drunk should be at least 1.5 - 2 liters in order to maintain the water balance at the proper level. Otherwise, dehydration may begin, which will affect the external condition of the skin, as well as the functioning of internal organs and the blood supply system.
  4. Do not rush to the confectionery departments for "light carbohydrates." White flour pastries, sweets, pastries and cakes are not best friends those who strive for harmony and elegance.


The Japanese miracle diet has gained immense popularity, so it is not surprising that many myths have arisen around it. Of course, she has not only supporters, but also opponents. Many people who once lost weight using this technique are happy to repeat the experiment a few years later to give the figure even greater harmony. Others are vehemently dissatisfied with the result and complain about strict restrictions, an insufficiently balanced menu, and the inability to achieve the declared weight loss indicators. This is not surprising, because what is ideal for one person may be absolutely contraindicated for another. But the positive reviews and results of the Japanese diet for 14 days are forcing more and more people to try it for themselves.

Japanese diet before and after photos

The researchers conducted a series of observations and systematized the feedback received from the respondents after the completion of the experiment.

The developers promise that in the process of following the Japanese diet for weight loss, you will lose 8-10 kg. But why does not everyone manage to achieve this indicator? Of course, it all depends on the initial weight. With a body weight of 60 kg, it is almost impossible to lose an extra ten in 2 weeks. After all, this is 17% of the total weight. But with an initial weight of 150 kg, the extra 10 kg is only 6.6% of the total. Therefore, it would be more fair to calculate losses not in kilograms, but in percentages.

With the same diet, men lose much more body fat than women. This is due to the peculiarities of the male body, it burns calories consumed much more intensively. Therefore, if you start to lose weight as a family, and your weight is about the same, be prepared that the 14-day Japanese diet will help your husband lose more pounds.

Age also matters a lot. In younger years, the process of splitting fats is more active, which means that it will be much more difficult for older people to lose weight.

Why the salt-free diet is called "Japanese" is still not entirely clear. There is a version that scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun came up with this way of eating. Someone, on the contrary, claims that they were European nutritionists. And they named their creation so because A) Japanese women have always been distinguished by a fragile physique, B) it is believed that in Japan they do not use salt. The last point, by the way, is not entirely true. Just salt there successfully replaces soy sauce. One way or another, this name has taken root and now many people are losing weight according to the "Japanese" system.

Salt: harm and benefit

Why is there so much emphasis on salt in the diet? Sodium, the main element of table salt, is needed for metabolism, it retains fluid in the cells. Salt stabilizes blood glucose levels and reduces the amount of insulin needed to neutralize excess glucose.

Without disproving all these positive properties salt, many nutritionists at the same time are in favor of limiting its use in food. After all, excessive salt reserves in the body cause swelling, load the cardiovascular system, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and other organs, and even increase blood pressure. Despite the fact that the calorie content of salt is 0 kcal, it does affect weight. When you give up salt, you begin to lose the fluid that it has been holding. This is precisely the mechanism of loss extra pounds. In addition, it has been proven that salt awakens the appetite and sharpens the taste of dishes. Therefore, it is easy and imperceptible to eat much more than we would like.

On a note. Fast food, concentrated soups and bouillon cubes are high in salt. Even if you are not on a salt-free diet, it is better to refuse these products!

Basic principles of the Japanese diet

There are a number of rules that must not be violated during the Japanese diet. The slightest relaxation or changes in diet affect the result and the number of pounds lost.

  • Complete rejection of salt for the entire duration of the diet.
  • It is also necessary to exclude all seasonings and sugar from the diet.
  • You can not drink alcohol in any form and in any doses.
  • All flour products are excluded.
  • Drinking plenty of water is a prerequisite for a diet. It is necessary to drink about 1.5-2.5 liters of clean water per day, not counting other drinks (juice and coffee). Remember that the greater the body weight, the greater the daily intake of drinking.
  • You can not go on a diet without preparation. Therefore, in a few days, switch to a lightweight menu, which should contain fresh vegetables and cereals. Drink more water, have breakfast and dinner (no later than 3 hours before bedtime) with light food, but lunch should be hearty with a meat or fish dish. Limit salt and sugar intake.

Classic Japanese diet menu for 14 days

The menu of the Japanese salt-free diet is very strict; it is impossible to swap meals, weight and quantity of foods (even if they are drinks).

First day

Breakfast: a cup of natural coffee without sweeteners.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, chopped white cabbage, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil; 200 ml fresh tomato juice or whole tomato. It is extremely important to make the juice yourself, as many manufacturers add salt to the tomato juice.

Dinner: fresh cabbage salad (can be seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil), boiled or baked sea fish (low-fat).

Second day

Breakfast: natural coffee, one unsweetened cracker.

Dinner: fresh cabbage salad dressed with a teaspoon of olive oil, steamed or boiled fish. You can make a salad of vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes.

Dinner: 250 ml of low-fat kefir and 200 g of baked lean meat (veal, beef or dietary rabbit).

Third day

Breakfast: natural ground coffee, unsweetened cracker.

Dinner: medium zucchini (400 g), steamed with drops of vegetable oil.

Dinner: 200 g lean meat, fresh cabbage salad, 2 boiled eggs.

Fourth day

Breakfast: coffee, a teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 300 g boiled or fresh carrots, one hard-boiled egg (you can drink a raw egg), 20 g hard cheese cheese (for example, parmesan).

Dinner: 200-250 g of any fruit. Let's say apples, pears or berries.

Fifth day

Breakfast: salad of one grated carrot, seasoned with the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

Dinner: 400 g of fish (fried, boiled), 250 ml of homemade tomato juice.

Dinner: 200-250 g of any fruit.

Sixth day

Breakfast: Cup of coffee.

Dinner: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet (without skin), fresh cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and grated carrot salad dressed with olive oil.

Seventh day

Breakfast: a cup of black or green tea without additives.

Dinner: 200-250 g of boiled or grilled beef and fresh fruit according to the season.

Dinner: 200 g of low-fat fish, a salad of two eggs and fresh carrots; a glass of kefir.

For the second week of the diet, follow a similar menu, only in reverse order, starting from the seventh day and moving forward to the first. That is, the 2nd day repeats the 13th, the 3rd day - the 12th and so on.

Getting out of the diet

Here you need to be very careful, otherwise the lost kilograms will quickly return with "friends". In the first week, it is not recommended to eat salty foods. Salt should be introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions. No need to add hot seasonings, spices, vinegar, soy sauce or heavy mayonnaise. Continue dressing salads with oil, after 2 days add yogurt or low-fat kefir to them. Avoid feasts and fast food. Eat foods that your body is accustomed to during the diet: fish, vegetables, tomato juice, cabbage. Increase portions gradually.

If you want to fix the result for a long time, avoid foods that contain animal fats and carbohydrates. Also eat less flour and more fruits and vegetables. But these are already standard principles of healthy eating.

After the diet and the end of the days of leaving it, go in for sports to tighten the figure along the contour. Suitable for running, swimming or fitness.

Pros and cons of a salt-free diet

One of the significant advantages of the diet is that the menu here is quite varied and balanced compared to other two-week nutrition systems (for example, the diet of astronauts). You don't have to go hungry.

At the same time, many experts pay attention to the small amount of daily calories (about 1200 calories). Perhaps disruptions, the body will experience stress. The lack of calories dictates the rejection of serious and tiring physical exertion during the diet, as this can lead to exhaustion of the body.

  • Hypertensive patients and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, because all breakfasts consist of coffee.
  • For those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys and liver, as the menu contains a large amount of protein foods, which will become an additional burden on problem organs.
  • Pregnant and lactating (food during this period should still be varied).

In any case, since the diet is considered strict, it is best to consult your doctor first. It will also help you adjust your nutrition menu if you have other chronic diseases and need certain foods in your daily diet.

If during the diet you feel discomfort, malaise, stomach pain or weakness, the diet should be stopped immediately. Try to get in as gently as possible. normal mode nutrition and seek medical attention immediately.

Some complain about the inaccuracy of the menu. It is not always clear how much oil to add to salads, how much fruit to eat, what types of fish and meat to include in the diet, how much coffee to drink, what tea to drink, etc. The exact menu "for yourself" can only be formed together with the doctor and according to reviews on various forums from those who have already experienced the Japanese system.

And one more significant minus - food without salt, of course, is tasteless. This is especially true for meat and fish. But you can always add a little lemon juice to your food, as well as parsley and dill from your own beds.

Attention: doctors insist that the Japanese salt-free diet should be used no more than 1 time per year, or even less often.

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The two-week Japanese diet is in great demand among those who want to lose weight quickly. Most losing weight is attracted by the fact that the salt-free Japanese diet has a ready-made menu for 14 days. All dishes are painted in great detail, and the results that this food system brings are impressive.

Advantages and disadvantages of short-term diets

It is the short duration of the diet that is very attractive for those who want to lose weight, since it is much easier to endure two weeks on a strict diet than to limit yourself for a long time. The diet is short-term due to the fact that the diet is mostly unbalanced. That is why it is not recommended to stick to the Japanese food system for a long time.

Benefits of the 14 day diet

The indisputable advantage is that the Japanese diet has a scheduled menu, that is, you do not need to rack your brains and come up with new dietary dishes every day. It is enough to follow all the instructions and weight loss will not keep you waiting. The specialists who developed this system promise a loss of 5-8 kilograms in two weeks. This is also an important factor when choosing a diet for fast weight loss.

Japanese diet rules for weight loss

In order to get rid of extra pounds, you must perfectly fulfill all the conditions of a salt-free diet for two weeks:

  • Completely eliminate alcohol, salt, sugar, confectionery and starchy foods.
  • Throughout the diet, the consumption of beverages such as coffee and tea is limited. One cup per day is allowed, and coffee must be insoluble, but natural. If for some reason coffee is not consumed, it can be replaced with a cup of good tea without sugar, preferably green.
  • During a salt-free diet, in order to obtain the best result, it is necessary to establish a drinking regimen. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water per day, which will help flush every cell of the body. Drinking plenty of water will speed up the process of removing toxins that are formed due to the breakdown of fats during weight loss. During the diet, it is recommended to give preference mineral water, to normalize the balance of salts in the body.

The Japanese diet is based on the use of low-fat fish and meat, as well as vegetables and fruits. There is a restriction of fats and carbohydrates, in connection with which the menu has a calorie content of about 1200 kcal per day. The preferred methods of preparing foods during weight loss are: boiling in water and steaming, as well as casseroles in the oven and on the grill. Often you can find information that fish can be fried. This assumption is slightly dissonant with the general concept of the diet, which offers easily digestible healthy foods. There are many ways to cook fish without frying it.

The key to the success of the Japanese diet for weight loss is the exact adherence to the diet, scheduled by day. The proposed schedule prescribes a menu for the first week of weight loss. The second week you need to eat according to the prescribed menu, but in reverse order, that is, the diet of the eighth day will be the same as on the sixth day of the diet, the ninth day, as on the fifth, etc.

Salt-free diet menu for 14 days

1 and 13 days:

  • Lunch: thermally processed white cabbage, two chicken eggs, a glass of tomato juice / tomato. From this set of products you can cook a very tasty lunch. For example, stew cabbage in a pan with a little water and oil, then add chopped cabbage to it. You can make a salad of boiled cabbage and tomato, use a little vegetable oil as a dressing.
  • Dinner: Fish. You can cook boiled fish, for this it is good to use mackerel. It will also turn out very tasty when baked on the grill or in parchment in the oven.

2nd and 12th day:

  • Breakfast: natural coffee, crisps
  • Lunch: Fresh vegetables, butter, fish. An excellent option for this lunch would be baked trout with a salad of fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled veal 200 grams, kefir. You can make a kefir-based sauce for veal by adding various spices to it. For example, chopped mint, dill and garlic. Veal can be boiled with celery roots and stalks, this will make the taste of meat more interesting.

3rd and 11th day:

  • Breakfast: freshly brewed coffee
  • Lunch: Zucchini and other vegetables, green apples. Lightly fry a large zucchini in vegetable oil and simmer with a little water, add dill and a little dry garlic. An alternative to stewed zucchini can be stewed vegetable stew in the oven.
  • Dinner: 2 chicken eggs, fresh white cabbage, vegetable oil, 200 g of veal. good option dinner will be a salad of thinly sliced ​​white cabbage with boiled veal. Season the salad with a sauce prepared from the egg yolk mashed with vegetable oil.

4th and 10th day:

  • Breakfast: natural coffee
  • Lunch: five raw quail eggs or one chicken egg; Boiled carrots - 3 pieces, hard low-fat cheese in the amount of 15 grams. It is advisable to use boiled carrots with vegetable oil, as it contains fat-soluble vitamins that are absorbed only in the presence of fats.
  • Dinner: fresh berries and fruits, no more than 300 grams. Do not eat fruits with a high content of sugars, such as banana and grapes. Dried fruits are prohibited.

5th and 9th day:

  • Breakfast: Grated fresh carrot salad dressed with a little lemon juice.
  • Lunch: big fish, a glass of tomato juice. hearty and delicious dish for lunch there will be pollock stewed in tomato sauce. The sauce is prepared from tomato juice and herbs.
  • Dinner: fresh berries and fruits, no more than 300 grams.

6th and 8th day:

  • Breakfast: black natural coffee
  • Lunch: Half a small boiled chicken, without skin and fat; vitamin salad of finely chopped cabbage and grated carrots.
  • Dinner: Fresh carrots, 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs.

Day 7 and Day 14 (optional):

  • Breakfast: tea
  • Lunch: Veal, serving about 200 grams. Veal can be used to cook steak in the oven or on the grill. Baked veal is done as it is written in the recipe at the link, just do not use salt
  • Dinner: Dinner on the seventh day can be any of the previously proposed, except for the option scheduled for the third day of the diet.

It is necessary to leave the salt-free Japanese diet very carefully in order to prevent overloading the digestive system:

  • All foods that were banned in the process of losing weight should be gradually introduced into the diet.
  • To maintain the achieved weight, it is recommended to eat fractionally, in small portions. During the diet, a natural decrease in the size of the stomach occurs, and in order to continue to be saturated in small portions, you should not stretch it.
  • Continue to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The described version of the 14 day Japanese diet is suitable for people who want to put themselves in order in a short time. A scheduled diet is good for people with weak willpower who cannot keep track of their diet for a long time, since the motivation is only enough for two weeks.

Indications for following this diet may be health problems, such as salt deposition. Since the Japanese diet is salt-free for 14 days, excess salt deposits begin to slowly dissolve and be washed out of the body. To speed up the process, first of all, it is worth establishing a drinking regimen.

P.S. As a snack, you can use unsalted vegetable broth - the recipe is available at the link.

Lose weight deliciously with fordiets.ru

Have you noticed that eating a lot of salt and salty foods causes swelling? For example, if at night you ate herring or lightly salted cucumbers, you feel that in the morning it is harder to open your eyes, and there is a “bruise” on the skin of the face. In addition, eating large amounts of salty foods causes thirst. To quench our thirst, we drink excess water, which often leads to indigestion. Taking all this into account, Japanese nutritionists have developed a special diet without salt.

Down with salty foods! - the opinion of Japanese nutritionists

Nutritionists at the Japanese clinic "Jaex", working with cores, found that it is necessary to reduce salt intake in order to avoid the accumulation of excess water. So they came up with the idea of ​​developing a diet without salt.

Many people who reduced the amount of salt in their diet began to notice the real taste of the products. Therefore, a salt-free diet is not only healthy, but also tasty. It will allow you to quickly lose weight, get rid of annoying edema and remove excess salt from the body.

You need to sit on the Japanese diet with long breaks in time. The official list of recommendations for the diet says that it should be applied once every 2 years.

Salt-free diet - what are the features?

Are you ready to give up food that does not contain salts? Then pay attention to the features:

  • There is a strict diet;
  • Three meals a day;
  • Calorie content varies in the range of 500-800 kilocalories;
  • Drinking coffee as a source of antioxidants;
  • It is forbidden to change products;
  • Refusal to use salt, as well as monosodium glutamate;
  • Minimal intake of carbohydrates;
  • Flour and sweet confectionery, overly sweet fruits, honey - prohibited;
  • Alcohol is prohibited;
  • Refusal of heavy physical exertion.

To implement these ideas, two diet options were invented. - for 7 and 14 days. Let's consider both.

Diet plan for the 14 day diet

As a rule, as a result of this format of nutrition, it is possible to lose an average of up to 8 kilograms of excess weight. Below you will see daily menu in the following order - breakfast, lunch, dinner:

Day 1

  • Drink black coffee. It is worth brewing it in a Turk (applies to the entire period of weight loss);
  • Eat hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 pieces), cabbage salad and dressing as olive oil, 200 ml of tomato juice or tomato;
  • Boil or fry fish, such as tuna, sturgeon, trout (applies to all diet days).

Day 2

  • Black coffee and eat a cracker;
  • Boiled or fried fish, chopped cabbage salad, the taste of which will reveal olive oil;
  • Boiled beef (150 g), drink a glass of kefir.

Day 3

  • Drink black coffee and eat crackers;
  • Heat a frying pan over low heat, add sunflower oil and fry zucchini (about 600 g);
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 pieces), a piece of boiled lean beef (200 g), cabbage salad seasoned with olive oil.

Day 4

  • Drink black coffee;
  • Rinse 300 g of carrots and boil, eat with a small piece of hard cheese, drink down with a raw chicken egg;
  • Treat yourself to a banana, apple, tangerine, orange or other fruit of your choice.

Day 5

  • Grind the carrots with a fine grater, sprinkle with the juice of a whole lemon;
  • Boil or fry 500 g of fish, drink 200 ml of tomato juice or eat a tomato;
  • Try any fresh fruit, and in unlimited quantities.

Day 6

  • Drink black coffee;
  • Boil fresh chicken fillet (500g) in water, prepare cabbage or carrot salad;
  • Boil two hard-boiled chicken eggs, cut a cabbage or carrot salad. You can drip with olive oil.

Day 7

  • Drink freshly prepared tea (applies to all days of the diet);
  • Boil lean beef (200 g), eat grapefruit or other fruit;
  • It is allowed to eat the evening diet of any day, but not the 3rd.

Day 8

  • Start the day with black coffee;
  • Boil chicken fillet (half a kilo), eat a carrot or some fresh cabbage;
  • Hard boil two chicken eggs, make a carrot salad with olive oil.

Day 9

  • Boil or fry 500 g of fish, drink 200 ml of tomato juice or eat a tomato;
  • Fresh fruits of your choice will add variety to a bored diet.

Day 10

  • Drink black coffee;
  • Boil a carrot, eat a small piece of hard cheese, drink one chicken egg;
  • Eat fruit, but only fresh.

Day 11

  • Traditional black coffee;
  • Fried zucchini (up to 600 g);
  • Two hard-boiled chicken eggs, boiled beef (200 g), cabbage salad, poured with olive oil.

Day 12

  • Drink black coffee, eat crackers;
  • Boiled or fried fish (500 g). Make cabbage or carrot salad with olive oil;
  • Boiled beef (150 g), drink a glass of kefir.

Day 13

  • Prepare black coffee in a Turk;
  • Hard boil two chicken eggs, chop a cabbage salad with sunflower oil, drink 200 ml of tomato juice or eat a tomato;
  • Boil or fry 500 g of fish.

Day 14

  • Classic black coffee;
  • Boiled or fried fish (200 g), cabbage salad with sunflower oil;
  • Boiled lean beef (200 g), a glass of kefir.

Remember, when preparing salads, fish, fillets or beef, you cannot salt the dish!

7 days diet without salt

The seven-day option is similar to its counterpart, and will allow you to get rid of up to 5 kilograms. It differs from the fourteen-day diet, which can be seen below (the menu is scheduled by day in sequence - breakfast, lunch, dinner):

Day 1

  • Drink black coffee. If possible, refuse sugar or try to minimize its use during the diet;
  • Eat two hard-boiled chicken eggs, make cabbage salad with olive oil;
  • Fry or boil fish (200 g), eat some fresh cabbage.

Day 2

  • Prepare black coffee, the taste of which will be revealed by crackers;
  • Fry or boil fish (200 g), eat some fresh cabbage;
  • Boil lean beef (200 g), drink a glass of kefir.

Day 3

  • Usual black coffee;
  • Raw carrots (2-3 pieces), raw chicken egg;
  • Fresh apples (2-3 pieces).

Day 4

  • Prepare black coffee;
  • Fry a parsnip root in sunflower oil, eat a couple of apples;
  • Boil beef (200 g), boil two hard-boiled chicken eggs, eat some fresh cabbage.

Day 5

  • Rub one carrot on a fine grater and sprinkle with lemon juice;
  • Fry or boil fish (half a kilo), drink a glass of kefir;
  • Fry or boil fish (200 g), eat some fresh cabbage or carrots.

Day 6

  • Strong black coffee;
  • Boiled chicken fillet (half a kilo), coleslaw;
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 pieces), cabbage salad soaked in olive oil.

Day 7

  • Tea (green and black are suitable, so you can choose to taste);
  • Beef boiled in unsalted water (200 g), fruits of your choice;
  • Repetition of any evening diet.

One of the most effective, according to weight loss reviews, is the Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days. It is special in that just one course of such a diet allows you not only to burn excess fat, but also miraculously rebuild your metabolism. This is one of the options for extremely strict nutrition, which guarantees not only rapid weight loss, but also its stable strengthening. In just a couple of weeks of following the requirements of the Japanese diet, you will be able to control your appetite and prevent weight gain.

There are many variations of the diet: for 7, 13 and salt-free Japanese diet for 14 days. It is the latter that gives the most obvious results. Due to the fact that Japanese nutrition is the strongest stress for the body, doctors do not advise repeating the course more often than once every 2 years.

Why the "Japanese" diet

There are different versions of the origin of this diet. The first sources claim that it was invented about 35 years ago by scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun, hence its name. Others persistently insist that this type of food cannot have anything in common with Japan: it was designed by European nutritionists only 15 years ago. And the diet is called so only because it is Japanese girls who are the standard of fragility all over the world.

The subtleties of the Eastern diet

  • The Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days offers a specific menu for each day. In case of compliance with all rules and restrictions, the authors promise weight loss from 6 to 10 kg;
  • During the entire time of the diet, it is necessary to absolutely abandon all seasonings, salt, sugar, alcohol and flour products. Nutritionists allow only one exception - a teaspoon of honey during breakfast. Thus, you will be able to maintain the desired level of glucose in the blood without harming your body;
  • Plentiful drinking is a mandatory circumstance of the diet. It is necessary to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water per day, not counting other drinks;
  • In order for the result to last as long as possible, get out of the Japanese diet gradually, adding one or two new foods to the diet daily. In the future, it is desirable to adhere to proper nutrition, limiting the intake of animal fats and refined carbohydrates.

Diet Contraindications

Due to its unnatural menu, the Japanese diet has a number of contraindications:

In addition, a strict Japanese diet cannot be followed for more than two; and training
to the salt-free Japanese diet of 14 days, you need to start a few days in advance. You need to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime, the menu should contain fresh vegetables and cereals.

The Japanese Diet: A Closer Look

Before you go on a diet, it is advisable to immediately stock up on food for these two weeks. So you will limit yourself from the temptation to break the rules of the menu, and you will know how much your weight loss cost. So, the shopping list for a two-week Japanese diet:

  • Premium coffee (ground or beans) - 1 pack;
  • Green or white tea - 1 pack;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 dozen or quail - 3 dozen;
  • Low-fat sea fish - 2 kg;
  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • Beef or rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • Olive oil (cold pressed) - 500 ml;
  • 2 heads of white cabbage;
  • 2.5 kg of fresh carrots;
  • eggplant or zucchini - 1 kg;
  • Fruits (you can’t just banana) - 1 kg;
  • Tomato juice - 1 l;
  • Lemons of medium size - 2 pcs;
  • Kefir - 1 l.

For many, the Japanese diet is one of the most comfortable. After all, the assortment of food is quite diverse, and the dishes taste good. The following table will help you create a menu for every day of losing weight:

Day of the week Menu
Day 1Breakfast: a cup of natural coffee.
Lunch: 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs (or three quail eggs); fresh cabbage salad dressed with a teaspoon of olive oil; a glass of homemade tomato juice or one tomato.
Dinner: fresh cabbage salad; sea ​​fish (can be fried in a pan, boiled or grilled).
Day 2Breakfast: unsweetened crackers and natural coffee.
Lunch: fresh cabbage salad dressed with a spoonful of olive oil, steamed or boiled fish.
Dinner: 250 ml of low-fat kefir and 200 grams of baked beef.
Day 3Breakfast: unsweetened cracker or 50 grams of biscuit cookies, a cup of ground coffee.
Lunch: medium zucchini, steamed with drops of vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of beef, boiled or steamed, fresh cabbage salad, 2 boiled eggs.
Day 4Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee, a spoonful of honey.
Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, three boiled or fresh carrots, 20 grams of parmesan cheese.
Dinner: 200 grams of any fruit.
Day 5Breakfast: one egg, one carrot salad dressed with the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
Lunch: 250 ml of homemade tomato juice, 400 grams of fried or boiled fish.
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 6Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet; fresh cabbage and carrot salad dressed with vegetable oil.
Dinner: one raw carrot and 2 hard-boiled eggs
Day 7Breakfast: a cup of weak green tea.
Lunch: 250 grams of boiled or grilled beef.
Dinner: 200 grams of lean fish, a salad of two eggs and fresh carrots; a glass of kefir.
Day 8Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet, cabbage and carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and one medium-sized carrot.
Day 9Breakfast: raw carrots, grated on a medium grater and seasoned with lemon juice.
Lunch: a glass of tomato juice without salt and 200-300 grams of fish.
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 10Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: one soft-boiled egg, 30-40 grams of soft cheese, 3 small carrots (can be boiled).
Dinner: 200 grams of fruit.
Day 11Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, coffee without sugar.
Lunch: fried zucchini or eggplant - as much as you want!
Dinner: 200 grams of veal or beef, 200 grams of coleslaw, two eggs.
Day 12Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, 30 grams of biscuit cookies or a slice of rye bread.
Lunch: fresh kaput salad dressed with olive oil, 200 grams of fried fish.
Dinner: a glass of yogurt and 100 grams of boiled beef.
Day 13Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 200 grams of boiled cabbage, a glass of tomato juice, two boiled chicken eggs.
Dinner: 200 grams of fish (boiled or fried).
Day 14Breakfast: green tea, rye cracker.
Lunch: 200 grams of lean soft fish, cabbage salad with olive oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of beef meat, a glass of kefir.

Despite the varied diet, the Japanese diet for 14 days is considered one of the most strict. Therefore, we recommend that you consult with a therapist before starting to lose weight.

The rules of the Japanese salt-free diet

The Japanese diet is a technique that is based on the use of carbohydrate-free food in small portions without sugar and salt. Why is it called Japanese? It is difficult to say, because it does not contain traditional Japanese dishes, such as, for example, rice, but it is rich in fish, meat and fresh vegetables.

There are several ways to lose weight on the Japanese salt-free diet, designed for 7, 13 and 14 days. This period allows not only to throw off from 5 to 10 kg, but also to improve your health in general, having cleansed your body of excess fluid and salt.

Salt-free diet rules:

  • give up salt - even a small amount of it will slow down the process of losing weight;
  • the number of products must correspond to the quantity indicated in the menu, days of the week cannot be interchanged;
  • exclude sweet pastries, fatty foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol from the diet;
  • drink clean water - up to two liters a day;
  • instead of breakfast, drink a cup of coffee (if you wish, you can replace it with tea);
  • follow the rules for exiting the diet.

During the Japanese salt-free diet, you can eat:

  • eggs, fat-free kefir, hard cheese, fish (low-fat varieties);
  • chicken and beef fillets, unsweetened fruits, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, eggplants, unrefined vegetable oil and tomato juice.

Contraindications to the diet: hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, liver, pregnancy, lactation. In the case of chronic diseases, before starting a weight loss course, consult a doctor.

Japanese diet - menu for 13 and 14 days

The most effective type of salt-free Japanese diet lasts 14 or 13 days (13 is considered a lucky number by the Japanese). This amount of time allows you to lose weight by 8 kg or more, the main thing is to stick to a certain menu.

Menu-14 days

1st day: breakfast - 200 ml of natural coffee; lunch - fresh cabbage salad (fill with any amount of vegetable oil), tomato juice (220 ml), 2 hard boiled eggs; dinner - 180 g of steamed fish, unlimited coleslaw.

2nd day: breakfast - bran bread cracker, 200 ml (cup) coffee; lunch - cabbage salad with olive oil in any quantity, 210 g of boiled fish; dinner - 170 g of grilled beef, kefir (200 ml).

3rd day: breakfast - a cracker of rye or bran bread, a cup of coffee - 200 ml. Lunch - 230 g stewed zucchini; dinner - cabbage salad (unlimited), a couple of hard-boiled eggs, 180 g of boiled veal fillet.

4th day: breakfast - coffee - 200 ml. Lunch - 3 raw grated carrots, poured with olive oil, 20 g of hard cheese; dinner - fruit (230 g).

5th day: breakfast - raw grated carrots with the juice of a quarter of a lemon, a hard-boiled egg; lunch - 340 g of grilled fish, a cup of tomato juice; dinner - 230 g of fruit.

6th day: for breakfast - 200 ml (cup) of coffee. Lunch - half a kilogram of grilled chicken, cabbage and carrot salad (any amount); dinner - boil two hard-boiled eggs, grated carrots with sunflower oil.

7th day: breakfast - tea (green) - 200 ml. Lunch - 210 g of boiled beef meat, a couple of fruits; dinner - the menu of any dinner, except for the 3rd day.

8th day: breakfast - coffee - 200 ml. Lunch - boiled chicken meat (half a kilogram), any amount of cabbage-carrot salad; dinner - two hard-boiled chicken eggs, raw carrots.

9th day: breakfast - 200 ml (cup) of tea. Lunch - 260 g of steamed fish, 250 ml of tomato juice; dinner - fruit (240 g).

10th day: breakfast - a cup of coffee - 200 ml. Lunch - 3 carrots (boiled), an egg in a bag, 35g of non-hard cheese; dinner - 240g of fruit.

11th day: breakfast - rye cracker, coffee - 200 ml. Lunch - eggplant and zucchini sate - unlimited; dinner - a couple of hard-boiled eggs, 180 g of grilled beef, 220 g of cabbage salad.

12th day: breakfast - a cup (200 ml) of coffee. Lunch - boiled fish (230 g), fresh cabbage salad - any amount; dinner - 130 g of boiled beef fillet, kefir (250 ml).

Day 13: breakfast - coffee - 200 ml; lunch - 220 g of stewed cabbage, a couple of hard-boiled eggs, a cup of tomato juice; dinner - 180 g of boiled fish.

Day 14: breakfast - a piece of toasted black bread, 200 ml (cup) green tea. Lunch - 240 g grilled fish, unlimited coleslaw; dinner - 170 g of veal cooked in the oven, 250 ml of kefir.

If sticking to a diet for 13 or 14 days is difficult, reduce it to seven days, eating on the menu of the 1st-7th days.