What a person feels when he dies: interesting facts about the last moments of life. Cancer before death: what you need to be prepared for

Contrary to popular belief, not all people experience the same near-death experience.

It seems to many that a person after clinical death enters a tunnel leading to the light, where he is greeted by relatives or luminous beings who tell him whether he is ready to go further or send him back to awaken in this life.

Such specific near-death scenarios have been reported many times, but this by no means means that this happens to every dying person. However, there is a general feeling that most or at least a large percentage of the people who were able to report it experience.

Renowned researcher F. M. H. Atwater cataloged near-death experiences in his book General Aspect Analysis, and Kevin Williams analyzed them based on a study of 50 near-death experiences. Williams acknowledges that his study is not scientific and exhaustive, but it may be of interest to evaluate this phenomenon. Kevin Williams Presents top 10 sensations that a person experiences after death:

In 69% of cases, people experienced a feeling of all-consuming love. Some thought that the very atmosphere of this "place" was the source of the amazing feeling. Others believed that it arose from an encounter with "God", luminous beings, or previously deceased relatives.


The ability to communicate with people or creatures using telepathy was reported by 65% ​​of people. In other words, they used non-verbal communication at the level of consciousness.

All life before my eyes

In 62% of people, their whole life flashed before their eyes. Some reported that they saw her from beginning to end, but others - in the reverse order, from the present moment to the very birth. At the same time, some saw the best moments, while others felt that they were witnesses to every event in their lives.


A meeting with a certain deity, whom they called "God", was reported by 56% of people. Interestingly, 75% of people who consider themselves atheists reported a divine being.

Huge Delight

This feeling is very similar to the "feeling of all-consuming love." But if all-consuming love came from some external source, then my own feeling of delight was like a great joy from being in this place, liberation from my body and earthly problems, and from meeting creatures that love them. This feeling was experienced by 56% of people.

Unlimited Knowledge

46% of people reported that they felt a sense of unlimited knowledge, and sometimes even received knowledge, it seemed to them that they knew all the wisdom and secrets of the universe. Unfortunately, after returning to real world, they could not retain this unlimited knowledge, and yet there was a feeling in their memory that knowledge really existed.

Afterlife levels

In 46% of cases, people reported traveling through different levels or realms. Some even reported that there is a Hell in which people experience great suffering.

Barrier of no return

Only 46% of people who experienced clinical death spoke about a kind of barrier, where they were told about decision: Whether they stay in the afterlife or return to Earth. In some cases, the decision was made by the creatures living there, who informed people about unfinished business. Some people, however, were given a choice and very often many did not want to return, even if they were told about an unfinished mission.

Future Events

In 44% of cases, people were shown future events. It could be global or personal events. Such knowledge, perhaps, could help them decide something when returning to earthly existence.


Although the "tunnel to the light" became a near-hit among afterlife stories, only 42% of people reported it as a result of Williams's study. Some felt the feeling of flying quickly towards a source of bright light, while others felt like moving down a passageway or stairs.

Uncertainty about what's going on

Most people who have had a near-death experience are not convinced that this actually happened to them, and at the same time, it served as proof for them that there is life after death.

In contrast, materialistic science claims that these experiences are mere hallucinations caused by lack of oxygen in the brain and other neurobiological effects. And while researchers have been able to replicate or mimic some aspects of near-death experiences in the lab, they aren't sure these experiences are real.

The bottom line is that we can't be 100% sure what's going on there. At least until we die... and stay there. Then the question arises: “Can we somehow tell people on Earth about this?”

When a person dies, this is the worst outcome of the disease. For each patient, the topic of death is unpleasant and can even be painful, because no one wants to die, especially from a disease. The patient's family always tries to support their loved one, but often this can only briefly push away negative thoughts and experiences. What does a person feel when he dies? This question has been discussed by many generations of doctors, scientists and even esotericists.

What emotions does a person feel before dying?

Many years of research by scientists have proven that when a person dies, negative feelings do not always arise. It is generally accepted that people often experience fear, horror and a sense of their own powerlessness due to the fact that nothing can be changed. Each person, by virtue of his character, attitude to the disease and even the disease itself, when he dies, behaves differently.

There is a study done in America that was based on a long description of what people who were terminally ill and in the process of dying felt and thought in order to compare their records and understand how a person feels when death approaches. Healthy people also participated in this study, who for a certain period of time (several months) had to imagine themselves as sick and write down what a person feels when he dies, according to the subjects, their attitude to life and to a fictitious disease. The results were somewhat unexpected. People who were really sick were much more positive about the situation.

They were more often more romantic and meaningful, did good deeds and were kind to others, because they wanted to do something good for others before they died and leave without regret that their life was not meaningless. But fake patients were not so optimistic. The most frequently used words in their notes were “fear”, “pain”, “horror” and “resentment”. Thus, it can be understood that our judgments about how a person feels when they die can be wrong. Even prisoners on death row often feel more positive emotions in the minutes before their execution.

Not in the sense that they are happy with what is happening. During the time they have before the execution of the sentence, people think about the meaning of life and religion, about their own family and the world, and are ready to describe exactly what a person feels, what thoughts and sensations he experiences when he dies. It also happens with seriously ill people who know that death from the disease is inevitable - they begin to feel the world and their own experiences in a completely different way.

clinical death

As a rule, patients who experience clinical death stay in the intensive care unit for a long time or at home (if a person has an oncological pathology). The human body is exhausted and often the condition that precedes death is coma. In a coma, the patient cannot feel any emotions, as he is unconscious. Therefore, no one knows what a person feels during clinical death after a long illness, since the survival rate among such patients is practically zero.

But sudden clinical death also happens, when before that the person was fully conscious.

Important!! Shamans and some esoteric practitioners try to achieve just such a state, which is similar to clinical death, in order, as they claim, to communicate with the gods or the dead.

People who have experienced clinical death say that when they died, they felt a feeling of complete serenity and calmness. Some claim that they saw everything that was happening, as if they were looking from the side and also do not note any negative or painful sensations.

What does a person feel when he dies from cancer?

Everyone knows that cancer is a pathology that greatly depletes a person, and treatment is long, persistent and often cannot help. How do patients feel when they die? Often, this is severe pain. Relatives of cancer patients note how much their relatives have changed during treatment. During the period of the disease, when the strength of a person decreases every day, the body ceases to be as strong as before, the attitude of patients to themselves, to their illness, family, and in general to everything that happens, to a large extent acquires a negative connotation. But, the closer a person approaches to dying, his thinking and feelings change.

Intense pain changes behavior, and constant use of powerful drugs can, to some extent, reduce negative thinking. Such patients begin to reason that dying is the only relief. Some patients can tell exactly when death will occur and this is completely inexplicable. People say how you feel when you die and you know when it's all over. And often this turns out to be true. Patients who say exactly when they will die know how much time they have left and perceive it as something positive when they can have their time. Quite often, such patients are in full adequate consciousness and try to communicate more with their family. Often they recall past events and say their last wishes and advise something to their relatives. Everyone knows how the well-known Mikhail Zadornov behaved when he found out that his days were numbered ...

The approach of death for these patients is an inevitability that they understand and realize that they need to properly use the remaining time, when there is still such an opportunity.

How does the extinction of consciousness occur when a person dies

It is no secret to anyone that people do not die in a second, as, for example, turn off the light and the light bulb will instantly go out. When the process of extinction is just beginning, all processes begin to slow down and at the end there comes a “shutdown of all systems”.

  • Slows down and lowers blood pressure. Decreased heart rate gradually leads to the fact that the consciousness of a person begins to grow cloudy;
  • When the pressure becomes too low (and often not even detected by machines) due to the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to maintain normal pressure, the person loses consciousness and does not feel anything. But this does not happen abruptly, but rather gently, as if the patient had fallen into a very sound sleep;
  • A person's breathing stops, carbon dioxide and metabolic products accumulate in the blood, which leads to a stop in the heartbeat;
  • After the heart has stopped, the human brain functions for several minutes, and at this stage it is still possible to carry out resuscitation measures that can bring the person back to life. Scientists and clairvoyants agree that it is in this state that a person can see himself from the outside;

How can the human psyche protect itself before death?

Those who have come across sick people may have noticed that prolonged lying down, serious illness, pain, or prolonged infection can change a person's behavior beyond recognition. Often, patients begin to behave differently than usual. They can talk (say phrases that are completely devoid of meaning), not recognize loved ones and even themselves. This behavior is often seen in patients when they are practically in a state before they die. This behavior has a term that is known as "encephalopathy" and does not occur only in mentally ill people.

The human body and psyche are tuned in such a way that when the body experiences excessive stress, and, for example, a prolonged infection is an unreasonably difficult test for the human body, the body tries to defend itself and so-called "failures in behavior" occur. As a rule, after the body “comes to its senses”, a person does not remember what happened and sincerely wonders how this could happen to him. Alas, such a manifestation of the psyche occurs quite often.

Statistics on the manifestation of encephalopathy in patients with various diseases:

Infectious diseases Toxic manifestations Severe injuries Prolonged hyperthermia shock states Agony
85% 60% 16% 8% 37% 5%

Interesting! Often, patients who are diagnosed with mental disorders, registered with the PND or hospitalized in psychiatric clinics - a few minutes or hours before they die - "come to life."

If before death there was a change in a person’s consciousness due to a disease (inappropriate behavior, aggression or hallucinations), before dying, a person realizes that the disease has receded and can even communicate with his relatives and friends, and also tell how the dying person feels .


At all times, the topic of death seems frightening and creepy to people, but as studies by specialists show, such an attitude towards the process of dying is revealed mostly in healthy people who talk about how a person feels when he dies. Studies say that a person feels at a sudden death - a topic full of mysteries and questions, while long-term ill people can readily tell what they feel, as well as evaluate what is happening.

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The light at the end of the tunnel is a popular representation of how we feel when we enter another world. But as BBC Future correspondent Rachel Nieuwer says, the experiences of near-death survivors are much more varied.

The experience of people who have survived clinical death refutes the popular notion of our feelings on the verge of life and death.

In 2011, a 57-year-old social worker from England - let's call him Mr A - was taken to Southampton Central Hospital after he collapsed on the job. While doctors were trying to insert a catheter into the patient, his heart stopped. Without access to oxygen, the brain instantly ceased to function. Mr A. has died.

Despite this, he remembers what happened next. Medics took an automated external defibrillator (AED), a machine that activates the heart with an electric shock. Mr. A. heard a mechanical voice repeat twice: "Discharge." Between these two commands, he opened his eyes and saw a strange woman in the corner under the ceiling, who beckoned him with her hand.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption The light at the end of the tunnel is just one of many scenarios for the feeling of death.

“She seemed to know me, I felt trust in her, I thought she was here for a reason, but I didn’t know for what,” Mr. A later recalled. “The next second I was upstairs, looking down at himself, a nurse, and some bald man."

Researchers believe that it is quite possible to collect objective scientific data on potentially last moments of life. Over the course of four years, they analyzed more than 2,000 patients who survived cardiac arrest, that is, official clinical death.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption It felt like I was being pulled deep underwater

Of this group of patients, doctors were able to bring 16% back to life. Dr. Parnia and his colleagues interviewed a third of these patients - 101 people. “Our goal is to understand first of all what people feel at the time of death,” says Dr. Parnia. “And then to prove that what patients say they see and hear at the time of death is indeed an awareness of reality.”

Seven Shades of Death

Mr. A is not the only patient who had memories of his death. Nearly 50% of study participants could remember something. But unlike Mr. A. and another woman, whose account of being outside own body cannot be objectively proven, the experiences of the other patients did not seem to be tied to the actual events that took place at the time of their death.

Their stories were more like dreams or hallucinations, which Dr. Parnia and his colleagues divided into seven main scenarios. "Most of them didn't fit with what used to be called 'near-death' experiences," says Parnia. "It appears that the psychological experience of death is much broader than we imagined in the past."

These seven scenarios include:

  • Fear
  • Images of animals or plants
  • Bright light
  • Violence and persecution
  • Deja vu or the feeling of "already seen"
  • The faces of family members
  • Memories of events after cardiac arrest

Mental experiences of patients range from eerie to blissful. Some patients report feelings of overwhelming terror or persecution. For example, like this. “I had to go through a burning ceremony,” recalls one participant in the study. “There were four people with me, and if one of them lied, he had to die ... I saw people in coffins who were buried in an upright position.”

Another person recalls being "dragged deep under the water" and another patient recounts that "I was told I was going to die and the most fast way to do this is to say the last short word that I don't remember."

However, other respondents report rather opposite feelings. 22% recall "feeling of peace and tranquility." Some saw living creatures: "Everything and everything around, in plants, but not flowers" or "lions and tigers." Others bathed in "bright light" or reunited with family. Some had a strong sense of déjà vu: "I felt like I knew exactly what people were going to do and they really did." Heightened senses, a distorted sense of time, and a feeling of separation from one's own body are common memories of near-death patients.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption Some patients felt that they were separated from their own body.

While "certainly people felt something at the time of death," Prof. Parnia says, how they would interpret those experiences depended entirely on their life experiences and beliefs. Hindus may have said they saw Krishna, while a Midwesterner in the United States claimed to have seen God. “If a person who is brought up in Western society is told that when you die, you will see Jesus Christ, and he will be full of love and compassion, then he will certainly see him,” says the professor. “She will return and say:“ Father, you are right, I really saw Jesus!" But how can any of us recognize Jesus or another God? You do not know what God is. I do not know what he is. Except for the images of a man with a white beard, although everyone understands that it's a fabulous show."

“All this talk about the soul, heaven and hell - I have no idea what they mean. There are probably thousands of interpretations, depending on where you were born and how you were raised,” the scientist says. “It is important to move these memories from the realm of religion into reality."

Common cases

So far, the team of scientists has not established what will determine the ability of patients to remember their feelings at the time of death. Explanations are also lacking as to why some people experience scary scenarios while others talk about euphoria. Dr. Parnia also notes that apparently more people have near-death memories than the statistics suggest. Most people lose these memories due to massive cerebral edema caused by cardiac arrest or heavy sedatives given to them in intensive care.

Even if people cannot remember their thoughts and feelings at the time of death, this experience will undoubtedly affect them on a subconscious level. The scientist suggests that this explains the very opposite reaction of patients who came back to life after cardiac arrest. Some no longer fear death at all and begin to relate to life more altruistically, others develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption Some patients find themselves in terrible places, others see God

Professor Parnia and his colleagues are planning further research to find answers to these questions. They also hope that their work will help shed new light on ideas about death and free it from stereotypes associated with religion or skepticism.

Death may well be an object scientific research. "Any person with an objective mindset will agree that research should continue," says the scientist. "We have the capabilities and technologies. Right now is the time to do it."

Lyubov Panova is a well-known connoisseur, clairvoyant, with unique abilities. She is the author of books about contacts with the Higher worlds. We bring to the attention of readers material about life after death, which Lyubov Panova received through contact with guardian angels.

Is there an afterlife

All religions of the world (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) claim that our earthly life is only a preparation for the afterlife, in which the righteous will go to Paradise, and the sinners to Hell. Incidentally, believers in certain religions make up 80% of the world's population. The remaining 20% ​​(atheists) deep down probably also understand that after death, the matter is not limited to eternal lying in a coffin underground.

What does a person feel before death?

Too many people know when and how they will die. They see it in their dreams, sometimes many years before they die. The closer the last hour approaches, the more a person becomes interested in the afterlife, the theme of the cemetery, death becomes his favorite.
Sometimes at night he dreams of relatives and friends who have already died before him. They calm him down, call for him, remind him of some things that a person needs to complete before leaving this world.

Is it really Death in a hood and with a scythe to the dying people?

Many people see the ghost of Death... After such a terrible spectacle, even the most unbelievers begin to understand that yes, the last hour is near. Death can take on different forms - an old woman, a young beauty, a man...
Death in the form of a skeleton in a hood and with a scythe does not appear to anyone. This is just a work of art.

Why do people die

There are no accidental deaths. When and in what way a person dies, it is decided in Heaven.
And as long as the hour of death has not struck, a person is immortal. You can risk your life as much as you like - fall from the tenth floor, fall under the wheels of a car, get poisoned, hang yourself, drown yourself - but if not fate, then not fate.
Millions of cases are known when a person remained alive under the most incredible circumstances. On this occasion, there is even a proverb: "I was born in a shirt."
But if a decision is made in Heaven and the hour of death has struck, then nothing can save a person. He dies despite all efforts and precautions.
It seems to people that Death is led by blind fate.
It seems that Death chooses its victims at random. The young and healthy are the first to die, while the old and sick live, it seems, for an eternity.
smart, kind, good people perish tragically in the prime of life, while scoundrels, criminals and murderers live in good health to a ripe old age.
A person's life path can be interrupted at any moment by some accident.
A bullet, a knife, a brick on the head, an illness, a natural disaster, a car accident, a nervous experience, a fall... Anything can cause a person's death, and no one is immune from it.
In fact, there is nothing random. Everything is under the strictest control.
Each person dies at the time he has earned himself. And if to all other people his death seems premature, absurd, erroneous - it does not mean anything.

Who determines the date of a person's death?

This is decided by the Supreme Court.
It passes before the death of a person, and not after, as is believed in many religions of the world.
The Supreme Court decides whether a person lives on, or the time has come for him to leave the earthly abode.
It also determines the exact time when exactly a person should die. The hour of death may come either a few seconds after the Judgment, or a few days later.
The Supreme Court chooses exactly how a person dies and what his death will be.
And most importantly, a sentence is passed: where a person will go after death - to Heaven or Hell.
Now there is an opinion among people that supposedly somewhere in Heaven there is a Book of Fates, in which it is determined who and when should die. That is, each person, as it were, has a life span measured from birth.
Actually it is not. Each person "earns" his death only himself. The Supreme Court does not set the date of death of a person from above, but only sums up the results of his life.

Where and how is the Supreme Court held

The Supreme Court is passed by all people living on Earth.
Absolutely everyone - kings and beggars, saints and murderers, babies and old people, believers and unbelievers... There are no exceptions for anyone.
Everyone is judged according to the same laws - Christians and Muslims, Buddhists and atheists, rich and poor, great and poor. The rules are the same for everyone, and they have not changed for millions of years.
Modern people are judged in the same way that Adam and Eve were judged.

Who is present at the Court

The person himself, his guardian angels, the souls of people close to him (living and dead) and one of the Heavenly Angels are present.
The defendant sees all of them as ordinary human figures. Including angels.
A person observes everything that happens in reality, as in ordinary, real life.
On one side are angels and dead people.
On the other side are living relatives and loved ones. The defendant stands among the living. Opposite him sit angels and dead people.
There are many courtrooms, and they are all different. There are spacious, festive, solemn halls filled with light. And there are gloomy, strict, oppressive cellars.
Each person is judged exactly in the room that he deserves.

Court procedure

In the very center sits a Heavenly Angel.
He announces to the person: "That's it. We have made a decision. You must leave the Earth. Let's see how you lived ..."
After these words, the angels show the person his life in great detail, like in a movie.
Moreover, the defendant sees all the events not only from his side, but also through the eyes of the people around him.
It becomes clear to him; who and how actually treated him: who loved him, who hated him, who helped, who deceived.
He sees all his actions - good and bad. He opens his eyes to many things.
At the same time, angels show a person not only the mistakes he made, but also missed opportunities.
He can see how his life would have turned out if he had done the right thing, and not otherwise.
And vice versa, he can see what dangers he managed to avoid.


The life lived is evaluated according to the following system: on one side of the scales, as it were, they put all the good and good deeds committed by a person, on the other side - all the bad things created by him. And they compare.
The rating scale is very large. Depending on the readings of the "scales", a person can get either to one of the seven levels of Paradise, or to one of the seven levels of Hell.
Both Heaven and Hell have their best and worst levels. The worst level of Paradise is much better than the most good level Ada.
Gold of the lowest standard is still much more valuable than the most first-class mud.

What is Good and Evil

Good includes all actions committed under the influence of such feelings as Love, Friendship, Honor, Respect, Compassion, etc.
Evil is acts dictated by Hatred, Greed, Vanity, Envy, Cruelty, etc.
To evaluate any act, you need to look at what kind of feelings a person was guided by.
In ordinary earthly life, people very often try to disguise their vices as virtue.
For example, they give money to their neighbors not to help them, but to show off their wealth, to amuse their vanity, to advertise themselves.
Or, let's say, a girl, getting married "for love", actually dreams of her husband's money. That is, her act is caused not by love, but by self-interest.
At the Supreme Court, the real motives of all actions are clearly visible. Nothing can be hidden.
No explanation, excuse, or proof is required of a person at the Judgment. They just show him how things really were. All his thoughts, all his secret desires. And he re-experiences all feelings - joy, pain, sadness, love, grief, happiness ...

The most serious sins

The most serious sins include:
- suicide;
- murder;
- betrayal;
- theft.
Moreover, the severity of sin depends on the circumstances.
It's one thing when a person went to the murder, protecting himself, his family. And it is quite another if the murder is committed for the purpose of profit.
Each person, each of his actions is evaluated strictly individually.
Unlike an earthly criminal court, it is impossible to bribe a judge, witnesses, or anyone else in the High Court.
A person is taken to Heaven immediately after the decision of the Higher Forces. But the Higher Powers can give him a reprieve for a few hours or a few years. So that, for example, a person who has earned this right can say goodbye to all his relatives on Earth, complete his affairs.
For example, a person is raising small children or caring for sick parents, and his death will put them all in a difficult situation.
To those relatives and acquaintances with whom the dying person cannot say goodbye in person, he appears in a dream. They see a strange, disturbing dream. And only after some time these relatives learn the bitter news.
Sometimes the hour of death is postponed for many, many years. Until the next decision of the Higher Forces.
In total, there can be a maximum of three such decisions of the Higher Forces in a person's life. After the first two, they give a delay, and on the third time they take it completely.

What is death?

Death is the transition of a person from the Earthly world to the Heavenly one.
The transition of a person from one world to another is strictly controlled.
It's actually not that easy to die. Even among suicides, not all suicide attempts achieve their goal.
It is impossible to die without the permission of the angels. The same suicides can commit suicide only when the Higher Forces give the go-ahead for this.

What happens at the time of death

Gradually, the person's physical pain disappears. There is complete peace and tranquility. A person sees his lifeless body as if from the outside. He watches people cry around him, hears their voices, watches the doctors who are trying to revive his body. When a dead person tries to speak to the living, he finds that no one sees or hears him. When he tries to touch living people, his hands pass freely through their bodies without encountering any obstacles.
After a while, the soul goes to Heaven. This happens in several ways. Everyone leaves the way they deserve.
A column of bright light comes down to the righteous people from above, and their souls seem to soar upwards. This is the best way.
The worst is when a person flies swiftly with a terrible roar along a narrow black pipe, at the end of which a bright light glimmers. The rest of the options are between these two poles. Sometimes a person walks along a dark tunnel, sometimes along an alley, sometimes climbs a ladder somewhere up.
Finally, the soul enters the Supreme Court. The body at this time lies without any signs of life - the heart does not beat, there is no breathing.
If a person is sentenced and he goes either to Heaven or Hell, then the body dies completely. It becomes cold, stiff, cadaverous spots appear on it, it begins to rot and after a while decomposes.

What is clinical death

It is believed that clinical death occurs due to short-term cardiac arrest. That is, the heart could not stand it, it went haywire, and the person was on the verge of death.
Therefore, trying to bring a person back to life, the first thing they begin to massage the heart.
In fact, everything is not so.
Clinical death is the case when the Higher Forces make a decision whether a person lives on or dies. If a person is left alive, then he comes to life.
And cardiac arrest is already a consequence, a secondary factor. At the same time, the heart can be 100% healthy - it will stop anyway. Because the soul leaves the body.
Whether a person will return to life does not depend on the efforts of doctors who massage the heart. It depends on the decision of the Higher Forces.

Why clinical death is needed

After clinical death, people look at the world in a completely different way. They are convinced that there is an afterlife, they stop being afraid of their death, they become more kind, humane...
This, by the way, is the meaning of clinical death. This is a very powerful tool used by angels in order to direct a person's life in the right direction.

A good place in the next world must be earned

Pay attention to the phrase "He secured this place for you."
What does she mean?
The fact is that good places in the Heavenly world are always occupied. There are plenty of places in Hell. And to get to Paradise, you have to try hard.
Every person living on Earth has someone who takes care of him in Heaven. This is the closest person in spirit who died earlier. It can be a husband, wife, father, mother, relative, friend. Spiritual kinship is much more important than blood kinship.
In turn, each of us, after death, will be asked to choose whom he would like to take with him to Heaven.
You can only take one. As a rule, the choice falls on the most beloved person. No wonder many fairy tales about lovers end like this: "They lived happily ever after and died on the same day." In fact, one died and took the other with him.
Sometimes it’s not possible to take your loved one with you right away on the same day. The second is allowed to go to Heaven only after some time. So this is very often the case. Two people live happily ever after. Then one, for example, the husband, dies. Having buried her husband, the wife grieves, loses interest in life, abruptly "surrenders", the light in her eyes goes out. And after a few months, she goes after her husband to another world.
People say: "I could not bear the bitterness of separation, the loss finished her off ..." In fact, the deceased husband took her with him. All these few months he was there, in Heaven, working for her, seeking permission for her to leave the Earth. Sometimes the angels do not issue such permission for years. For several reasons. Most often, a person who is being bothered about in Heaven has not yet finished all his work on Earth.

Long life reward or punishment?

It depends on the circumstances. If a person died early, this does not mean at all that he was guilty somewhere and he was not allowed to live longer because of this. A long lonely old age brings more torment than joy.
A person must live nine lives on Earth, moving from one body to another after death. Only after that his soul is transferred to the next level. But these nine lives a person must live not just like that, but with meaning. The meaning is as follows: a person must constantly solve various tasks that life sets before him.
Some people successfully cope with this condition and completely solve the whole cycle of problems - family, children, work, love, friendship ... Such people live happily and die on time in the circle of their relatives and friends.
Others make mistakes, and they are punished - either by too long a lonely old age, or by premature death in the prime of life.
When a child dies under the age of 7, this is, first of all, a punishment for parents. So, they somehow deserved such grief. For the child himself, early death is a reward. Because at the same time you count him "one life." It doesn't matter who you died - as an adult or a child, life is still considered lived.
The sooner the soul lives nine lives, the better. This means that it will move to the next level, to another world, in which it is much more interesting, easier and better than ours on Earth.
There, in Heaven, not only the number of lives lived is taken into account, but also their quality. A child under seven years old is considered completely sinless, pure, like an angel. Dead babies after the Supreme Court automatically go to Paradise. For adults, things are different. The early death of an adult is either God's mercy or God's punishment.

If you are dying or caring for a dying person, you may have questions about how the process of dying will be physically and emotionally. The following information will help you answer some questions.

Signs of approaching death

The process of dying is as diverse (individual) as the process of birth. It is impossible to predict the exact time of death, and how exactly a person will die. But people who are on the verge of death experience many of the same symptoms, regardless of the type of disease.

As death approaches, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

    Excessive drowsiness and weakness, at the same time periods of wakefulness decrease, energy fades.

    Breathing changes, periods of rapid breathing are replaced by respiratory arrests.

    Hearing and vision change, for example, a person hears and sees things that others do not notice.

    The appetite worsens, the person drinks and eats less than usual.

    Changes in the urinary and gastrointestinal systems. Your urine may turn dark brown or dark red, and you may also have bad (hard) stools.

    Body temperature fluctuates from very high to very low.

    Emotional changes, a person is not interested in the outside world and individual details Everyday life such as time and date.

A dying person may experience other symptoms, depending on the disease. Talk to your doctor about what to expect. You can also contact the Terminally Ill Assistance Program, where they will answer all your questions regarding the process of dying. The more you and your loved ones know, the more prepared you will be for this moment.

    Excessive sleepiness and weakness associated with approaching death

As death approaches, a person sleeps more, and it becomes more and more difficult to wake up. The periods of wakefulness become shorter and shorter.

As death approaches, the people who care for you will notice that you are unresponsive and that you are in a very deep sleep. This state is called a coma. If you are in a coma, then you will be bed-bound and all your physiological needs (bathing, turning, feeding and urinating) will have to be controlled by someone else.

General weakness is a very common phenomenon with the approach of death. It is normal for a person to need help with walking, bathing, and going to the toilet. Over time, you may need help to roll over in bed. Medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers or a hospital bed can be very helpful during this period. This equipment can be rented from a hospital or terminally ill center.

    Respiratory changes as death approaches

As death approaches, periods of rapid breathing may be replaced by periods of breathlessness.

Your breath may become wet and stagnant. This is called "death rattle". Changes in breathing usually happen when you are weak and the normal secretions from your airways and lungs cannot get out.

Although noisy breathing may be a signal to your loved ones, you will most likely not feel pain and notice congestion. Since the fluid is deep in the lungs, it is difficult to remove it from there. Your doctor may prescribe oral tablets (atropines) or patches (scopolamine) to relieve congestion.

Your loved ones may turn you on the other side so that the discharge comes out of the mouth. They can also wipe these secretions with a damp cloth or special swabs (you can ask at the help center for the terminally ill or buy them at pharmacies).

Your doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy to help relieve your shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy will make you feel better, but will not prolong your life.

    Changes in vision and hearing as death approaches

Visual impairment is very common in recent weeks life. You may notice that you have trouble seeing. You may see or hear things that no one else notices (hallucinations). Visual hallucinations are common before death.

If you are caring for a dying person who is hallucinating, you need to cheer him up. Recognize what the person sees. Denial of hallucinations can upset the dying person. Talk to the person, even if he or she is in a coma. It is known that dying people can hear even when they are in a deep coma. People who came out of a coma said that they could hear all the time while they were in a coma.


Hallucinations are the perception of something that is not really there. Hallucinations can involve all of the senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch.

The most common hallucinations are visual and auditory. For example, a person may hear voices or see objects that the other person cannot see.

Other types of hallucinations include gustatory, olfactory, and tactile hallucinations.

Treatment for hallucinations depends on their cause.

    ChangesappetiteWithapproachof death

As death approaches, you are likely to eat and drink less. This is due to a general feeling of weakness and a slower metabolism.

Since nutrition is so important in society, it will be difficult for your family and friends to watch you not eat anything. However, metabolic changes mean you don't need the same amount of food and fluids as you used to.

You can eat small meals and liquids while you are active and able to swallow. If swallowing is a problem for you, thirst can be prevented by moistening your mouth with a damp cloth or a special swab (available at a pharmacy) dipped in water.

    Changes in the urinary and gastrointestinal systems as death approaches

Often the kidneys gradually stop producing urine as death approaches. As a result, your urine turns dark brown or dark red. This is due to the inability of the kidneys to properly filter urine. As a result, urine becomes very concentrated. Also, its number is decreasing.

As appetite decreases, some changes also occur in the intestines. The stool becomes harder and more difficult to pass (constipation) as the person takes in less fluid and becomes weaker.

You should tell your doctor if you have bowel movements less than once every three days, or if bowel movements are uncomfortable. Stool softeners may be recommended to prevent constipation. You can also use an enema to cleanse the colon.

As you become more and more weak, it is natural that you find it difficult to control your bladder and bowels. A urinary catheter may be placed in your bladder as a means of continuous drainage of urine. Also, the terminally ill program can provide toilet paper or underwear (these are also available at the pharmacy).

    Changes in body temperature as death approaches

As death approaches, the part of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature begins to malfunction. You may have a high temperature, and in a minute you will be cold. Your hands and feet may feel very cold to the touch and may even turn pale and blotchy. Changes in skin color are called patchy skin lesions and are very common in the last days or hours of life.

Your caregiver can control your temperature by wiping your skin with a damp, slightly warm washcloth or by giving you medications such as:

    Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

    Ibuprofen (Advil)

    Naproxen (Alev).

Many of these medicines are available as rectal suppositories if you have difficulty swallowing.

    Emotional changes as death approaches

Just as your body prepares physically for death, you must also prepare emotionally and mentally for it.

As death approaches, you may lose interest in the world around you and certain details of everyday life, such as the date or time. You can close in on yourself and communicate less with people. You may want to communicate with only a few people. This introspection can be a way of saying goodbye to everything you knew.

In the days leading up to death, you may enter a state of unique conscious awareness and communication that may be misinterpreted by your loved ones. You can say that you need to go somewhere - "go home" or "go somewhere". The meaning of such conversations is unknown, but some people think that such conversations help prepare for death.

Events from your recent past can mix with distant events. You can remember very old events in great detail, but not remember what happened an hour ago.

You can think of people who have already died. You may say that you have heard or seen someone who has already died. Your loved ones can hear you talking to the deceased person.

If you are caring for a dying person, you may be upset or frightened by this strange behavior. You may want to bring your loved one back to reality. If this kind of communication is bothering you, talk to your doctor to better understand what's going on. Your close person may fall into a state of psychosis, and it may be scary for you to watch it. Psychosis occurs in many people before death. It may have a single cause or be the result of several factors. Reasons may include:

    Medications such as morphine, sedatives and pain relievers, or taking too many medications that don't work well together.

    Metabolic changes associated with high temperature or dehydration.


    Deep depression.

Symptoms may include:



    Unconscious state, which is replaced by revival.

Sometimes delirium tremens can be prevented through alternative medicine, such as relaxation and breathing techniques, and other methods that reduce the need for sedatives.


Palliative care can help you relieve physical symptoms associated with your condition, such as nausea or difficulty breathing. Controlling pain and other symptoms is an important part of your treatment and improving your quality of life.

How often a person feels pain depends on their condition. Some deadly diseases, such as bone cancer or pancreatic cancer, can be accompanied by severe physical pain.

A person may be so afraid of pain and other physical symptoms that they may consider suicide with the assistance of a doctor. But death pain can be effectively dealt with. You should tell your doctor and loved ones about any pain. There are many medications and alternative methods (such as massage) that can help you deal with the pain of death. Be sure to ask for help. Ask a loved one to report your pain to the doctor if you are unable to do so yourself.

You may want your family not to see you suffer. But it is very important to tell them about your pain, if you cannot stand it, so that they immediately consult a doctor.


Spirituality means a person's awareness of the purpose and meaning of his life. It also denotes the relationship of a person with higher powers or the energy that gives meaning to life.

Some people don't often think about spirituality. For others, it's part of everyday life. As you approach the end of your life, you may be faced with your own spiritual questions and concerns. Being associated with religion often helps some people achieve comfort before death. Other people find solace in nature, in social work, strengthening relationships with loved ones or in creating new relationships. Think of things that can give you peace and support. What questions concern you? Seek support from friends, family, relevant programs, and spiritual guides.

Caring for a dying relative

Physician-assisted suicide

Physician-assisted suicide refers to the practice of medical assistance to a person who voluntarily wishes to die. This is usually done by prescribing a lethal dose of medication. Although the doctor is indirectly involved in the death of a person, he is not a direct cause of it. Oregon is currently the only state to legalize physician-assisted suicide.

A person with a terminal illness may consider suicide with the assistance of a physician. Among the factors that can cause such a decision are severe pain, depression and fear of dependence on other people. A dying person may consider himself a burden for his loved ones and not understand that his relatives want to provide him with their help, as an expression of love and sympathy.

Often, a person with a terminal illness contemplates physician-assisted suicide when their physical or emotional symptoms do not receive effective treatment. Symptoms associated with the dying process (such as pain, depression, or nausea) can be controlled. Talk to your doctor and family about your symptoms, especially if these symptoms bother you so much that you think about death.

Pain and symptom control at the end of life

At the end of life, pain and other symptoms can be effectively managed. Talk to your doctor and loved ones about the symptoms you are experiencing. The family is an important link between you and your doctor. If you yourself cannot communicate with the doctor, your loved one can do this for you. There is always something you can do to ease your pain and symptoms so that you feel comfortable.

physical pain

There are many pain relievers available. Your doctor will choose the easiest and most non-traumatic drug for pain relief. Oral medications are usually used first because they are easier to take and less expensive. If your pain is not acute, pain medications can be bought without a doctor's prescription. These are drugs such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. It is important to stay ahead of your pain and take your medications on schedule. Irregular use of medications is often the cause of ineffective treatment.

Sometimes pain cannot be controlled with over-the-counter medications. In this case, more effective forms of treatment are needed. The doctor may prescribe pain medications such as codeine, morphine, or fentanyl. These drugs can be combined with others, such as antidepressants, to help you get rid of the pain.

If you cannot take pills, there are other forms of treatment. If you have trouble swallowing, you can use liquid medicines. Also, drugs can be in the form of:

    Rectal suppositories. Suppositories can be taken if you have trouble swallowing or feel sick.

    Drops under the tongue. Just like nitroglycerin tablets or heart pain sprays, liquid forms of certain substances, such as morphine or fentanyl, can be absorbed by the blood vessels under the tongue. These drugs are given in very small amounts – usually just a few drops – and are effective way pain management for people with swallowing problems.

    Patches applied to the skin (transdermal patches). These patches allow pain medications, such as fentanyl, to pass through the skin. The advantage of patches is that you instantly receive the required dose of medication. These patches are better at controlling pain than pills. In addition, a new patch must be applied every 48-72 hours, and tablets must be taken several times a day.

    Intravenous injections (droppers). Your doctor may prescribe treatment with a needle inserted into a vein in your arm or chest if you have very severe pain that cannot be controlled by oral, rectal, or transdermal means. The drugs may be given as a single injection several times a day, or continuously in small amounts. Just because you're hooked up to a drip doesn't mean your activity will be restricted. Some people carry small portable pumps that provide them with small doses of medication throughout the day.

    Injections into the region of the spinal nerves (epidural) or under the tissue of the spine (intrathecal). For acute pain, strong pain medications such as morphine or fentanyl are injected into the spine.

Many people who suffer from severe pain fear that they will become addicted to pain medications. However, addiction rarely occurs in terminally ill people. If your condition improves, you can slowly stop taking the medicine so that dependence does not develop.

Painkillers can be used to manage the pain and help keep it tolerable. But sometimes painkillers cause drowsiness. You can only take a small amount of medication and endure a little pain and still be active. On the other hand, maybe weakness doesn't matter to you of great importance and you are not disturbed by drowsiness caused by certain medications.

The main thing is to take medicines on a certain schedule, and not just when the need arises. But even if you take medication regularly, sometimes you may feel severe pain. This is called "pain breakouts". Talk to your doctor about what medications should be on hand to help manage breakouts. And always tell your doctor if you stop taking a medicine. Sudden termination may cause serious side effects and severe pain. Talk to your doctor about ways to manage pain without medication. Alternative medical therapies can help some people relax and relieve pain. You can combine traditional treatment with alternative methods such as:





    Pointing images

    Healing Touch



  • Magnetotherapy

  • Meditation

For more information, see the Chronic Pain section.

emotional stress

During the period when you learn to cope with your illness, a short emotional stress is normal. Non-depression that lasts more than 2 weeks is no longer normal and should be reported to your doctor. Depression can be cured, even if you have a terminal illness. Antidepressants combined with psychological counseling will help you cope with emotional distress.

Talk to your doctor and family about your emotional stress. While grief is a natural part of the process of dying, it doesn't mean you have to endure serious emotional pain. Emotional suffering can exacerbate physical pain. They can also reflect badly on your relationships with loved ones and prevent you from saying goodbye to them properly.

Other symptoms

As death approaches, you may experience other symptoms as well. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms you may have. Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, constipation, or shortness of breath can be managed with medication, special diets, and oxygen therapy. Have a friend or family member describe all of your symptoms to a doctor or terminally ill worker. It is helpful to keep a journal and write down all your symptoms there.