How to lubricate the grinder gearbox? Useful tips, recommendations of the masters. The better to lubricate the gearbox of the angle grinder Grease for the gearbox of the drill

It is no secret to anyone that in the construction industry, grinders (or angle grinders - angle grinders) can be safely attributed to the most popular tools. Do you need to cut various materials (tiles, stone, metal sheets), or perhaps polish cuts? In this case, an angle grinder will become an indispensable assistant in the work.

The right choice of lubricant for the angle grinder gearbox is the key to excellent tool performance

The gearbox is one of the most important elements of the angle grinder. It converts the higher angular speed that occurs on the input shaft into the speed of the output shaft, thereby increasing the torque. The efficiency of the power tool largely depends on the success of the gearbox, which generally determines the performance of its work. It is known that in order to increase the efficiency of the tool, it is necessary to reduce the friction between its individual parts and ensure heat removal (the angle grinder gets very hot during operation). It is the lubricating fluid that performs the functions of reducing friction and removing excess heat, which is why the question of what lubricant to lubricate the angle grinder gearbox is of interest to both professionals and home craftsmen.

Note that any lubrication only reduces friction, not eliminates it completely, therefore, during the operation of the mechanism, the smallest particles of parts still fall into the oil. Over time, metal dust accumulates in the lubricant, which, as a result, loses viscosity and can no longer perform its function as effectively. Thus, the viscosity of the lubricant is the main indicator that you should pay attention to when purchasing it. Not less than important point- the frequency and timeliness of replacing the lubricating fluid.

Most manufacturers of angle grinders in the technical documentation, in addition to all the parameters of the device, indicate the type of lubricant recommended for use. Bulgarians of well-known manufacturers, as a rule, require branded lubricating fluids. Otherwise, if the tool breaks down, its owner cannot count on free warranty repairs. When the warranty period expires, experts recommend continuing to use branded lubricants, but many in this case switch to Russian counterparts, which are cheaper.

In general, the requirements that apply to the lubrication of power tools are very strict:

  • it must ensure the normal functioning of the tool even under very high loads and temperature extremes;
  • during the entire period of operation, it must maintain a good lubricating effect;
  • it must fully meet the requirements of environmental safety.

So all the same, how to lubricate the gearbox on the grinder?

Experts advise using formulations that have the consistency of liquid oil. They are poured into angle grinders in a strictly defined quantity. During operation, the lubricant is evenly distributed over parts and assemblies. Some of the most well-known manufacturers of gear oils include companies Bosch, Lubcon, Hammer, Makita and Hitachi.

Plastic compositions are also used to lubricate gearboxes, however, do not forget that not all models of angle grinders are able to function stably on products having a similar consistency.

Experts do not recommend using lithol and grease for lubricating the gearbox, although they are not capable of seriously harming the tool. Those who still use these products need to remember that lithol has a much shorter “effective work” period than branded lubricants, so it should be changed more often.

When deciding on the choice of the optimal lubricant for the grinder, pay close attention to products based on silicone or silicone oil. They are suitable for angle grinders operating under various loads in a fairly wide range of speeds. They are distinguished high level resistance to oxidation and corrosion, they are also quite easy to combine with elastomers and plastics. Due to the presence of only a lithium thickener and silicone in the composition, such lubricants are environmentally friendly.

Many people ask the question: what original grease is used to lubricate Makita angle grinders? Of course, most experts agree that the best option is the choice of "native" lubricant (for example, Makita 181490-7). However, if someone thinks that the necessary lubricant for the Makita grinder is exclusively the product of this well-known corporation from the Land of the Rising Sun, he is not entirely right, since high-quality oils from other well-known companies may well be suitable, but only if they have similar characteristics.

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Angle grinders (angle grinders), popularly called grinders, are widely used among tinkerers. With their help House master can not only perform grinding work, but also cut metal, plastic, stone. Angle grinders are produced by various manufacturers, including domestic ones.

Angle grinder is a reliable tool that can work with proper operation and timely replacement of grease, carbon brushes for a long time.

The right lubricant for the grinder not only extends the life of the tool, but also improves performance.

Knowing the rules for choosing a lubricant for an angle grinder or preparing it yourself, you can perform maintenance without contacting service departments.

The main characteristics of the lubricant for angle grinders

In angle grinders, the main unit subjected to the greatest loads during operation is a gearbox consisting of helical gears.

The torque generated by the grinder's rotor is transmitted from the rotor to the working tool through a small helical gear to a large helical gear. Properly selected lubricant for the gearbox significantly reduces the friction force and heating temperature.

The grinder uses bearings, which also require periodic lubrication. This is especially true for the large helical gear spindle support bearing.

A lubricant that meets not only the listed requirements, but is also environmentally friendly is suitable.

Lubricants for coal grinder must have certain characteristics and must be of the required consistency in properties.

Lubricant for the angle grinder gearbox must have:

  • viscosity not more than 800 Pa's;
  • dropping point not less than +120ºС;
  • tensile strength of at least 120 Pa.

An angle grinder lubricant should not have mechanical impurities, be resistant to corrosion, hold firmly on lubricated parts, not melt at high temperatures, prevent the formation of scoring at the points of contact of parts, and have water-repellent properties.

In an angle grinder of any company, two types of plain bearings are used: bearings for an electric motor and thrust bearings for a gearbox.

The selection of grease for motor bearings is different from the selection of grease for a gearbox bearing. It's all about various conditions work.

Foreign tool manufacturers, including angle grinders, recommend specially designed ointments as lubricants for angle grinders.

One of the most common foreign lubricants is MoS2 NLGI 2 ISOL-XBCHB 2 DIN 51825-KPF 2 K-20.

Let's decipher the label:

  • MoS2 - indicates the filler material, in this case molybdenum;
  • NLGI2 - indicates the second viscosity class;
  • ISOL-XBCHB 2 - belonging to ISO standards;
  • DIN 51825-KPF 2 K-20 - grease made according to German DIN standards;
  • The numbers 51825 mean that the grease is type K.

Lubricants produced with such characteristics are quite expensive. There are imported, less expensive lubricants on the Russian market.

Each tool manufacturer, be it Bosch, Makita, Hitachi, DeWalt, Metabo, RedVerg, Interskol, E256, LEPSE, recommends its own lubricants. This is the manufacturer's policy. They insist that when doing Maintenance the lubricants specified in the instructions were used. Moreover, non-compliance with these recommendations does not allow warranty repairs.

Grease for gearbox grinder Makita is available in tubes. Its high cost is commensurate with high quality and long service life.

Lubricants of domestic manufacturers for bearings and gearboxes of angle grinders

With the rise in prices for foreign lubricants, lubricants from domestic manufacturers have become especially in demand.

Russian lubricant manufacturers have learned how to produce high-quality lubricants suitable for any tool.

Lubricants for gearboxes of grinders, rotary hammers, and drills have been developed.

Nanotech Metal Plak Electra products are especially popular. The range of lubricants produced by this company allows you to choose the right lubricant for each unit

Lubricant for angle grinder bearings

Three bearings are installed in the design of the angle grinder. Two bearings are mounted on the tool rotor, one bearing is mounted on the shaft of the driven helical gear with a larger diameter.

Angle grinders use bearings already filled with grease. But from improper operation, overheating of the tool, the lubricant flows out.

How to choose the right grease for grinder bearings?

Bearing grease must meet the following requirements:

  • increase slip;
  • reduce friction between component parts;
  • evenly distribute heat and act as a coolant;
  • prevent corrosion;
  • protect against ingress of dirt and dust;
  • work in the required temperature range up to +150С;

The operating conditions of the electric motor bearings are cast from the operating conditions of the gearbox bearing, not only due to temperature requirements, but also operating modes, load modes, frequency and speed of rotation.

Lubricant for electric motor bearings must have protective properties that prevent dirt, dust, moisture from entering the bearing parts.

The Russian market offers a wide range of foreign lubricants designed for bearings operating under different conditions. But their cost makes us look for cheaper, not inferior in quality, domestic lubricants.

With high water repellency, they have a wide temperature range. The role of a thickener in them is performed by organic and inorganic substances. For sealed bearings, it is best to use TsIATIM-203, VNIINP-242 lubricants.

From pigment lubricants for electric motor bearings, VNIIMP-246 blue grease and VNIINP-235 dark purple ointment have become widespread. The first lubricant is less common than the second because of the high price.

In today's Russian market, domestic manufacturers of lubricants are widely represented.


Lubricant for angle grinder gearbox

Lubricant for the gearbox of the grinder differs from the lubricant for bearings in the main feature, increased adhesion. It must hold firmly on the teeth of the gearbox with its large rotation.

In general, the process of lubricating the gearbox in angle grinders occurs due to fine spraying of the lubricant and its suspensions. The gearbox works as if in an oil mist. Therefore, the requirements for lubrication for gearboxes are somewhat different.

In addition to increased adhesion, the lubricant for gearboxes must have high thermal stability and not decompose at elevated temperatures.

Do-it-yourself lubricant for the gear grinder

The given lubricants of domestic production, although affordable, are not always at hand.

Is it possible to make a lubricant for the gearbox of an angle grinder with your own hands?

And there is an affirmative answer to this question.

Since the main specifications lubricants for angle grinder gearboxes are presented above, they can be taken as the basis for compiling a lubricant of the desired characteristics with your own hands.

The basis of a homemade lubricant for gearboxes should be a lubricant with high adhesion. It must be firmly attached to the mating parts.

Lubricant for CV joints has increased adhesion. A CV joint is a hinge in a front-wheel drive car that operates in conditions of increased pollution, shock loads, temperature fluctuations and humidity.

Taking as a basis a lubricant for CV joints, it is necessary to add liquid lubricant (MS-20) to give the mass the desired consistency. MS-20 oil should be applied drop by drop, thoroughly kneading the mass with a homemade mixer.

Good results are obtained by a mixture of a mixture of Ciatim-221 and TAD-17 lubricants, where Ciatim is the basis.

The correct process of stuffing grease in angle grinders

Packing lubricant into the units of an angle grinder has its own rules. You need to know not only the order of its application, but also how much and where to lay it.

When to change the lubricant in the grinder

Lubrication on the grinder changes according to the tool maintenance plan, when replacing failed parts of the gearbox or rotor bearings.

Old grease has dirty dark color. This is due to the ingress of foreign particles of metal or dust into it.

How to properly remove old grease in a grinder

Old grease is always removed completely, regardless of its color. There should be no traces of old grease on the parts, and particles of destroyed parts in the cavities of the body.

To remove old grease, you can use various flushing fluids used by motorists to wash the motor and its parts. At home, it is recommended to use kerosene or a solution of kerosene and gasoline.

All parts and their cavities must be thoroughly washed and dried.

The procedure for applying lubricant to the grinder gearbox

The new grease is thoroughly mixed before application and applied in a thin layer. The bearings are lubricated by packing. If the lubricant is in a plastic tube, then the neck of the tube is attached to the side separator of the bearing and squeezed out until it flows out of the back side.

How much grease should be used when replacing in the angle grinder gearbox

If the amount of grease in the bearings is controlled by flowing out from the reverse side, then a certain amount of grease is packed into the angle grinder gearbox. Excess grease will leak out during operation. And a small amount of it will not ensure the high-quality operation of the gearbox.

Leave enough grease in the gearbox to cover the gear teeth.

For a guide, apply so much grease that it occupies a little less than half the volume of the gearbox cavity.

Checking the correct application of lubrication to the angle grinder gearbox

The control of the volume of lubricant stuffed into the gearbox is carried out by a trial inclusion of the assembled angle grinder for a short time at idle.

If the gearbox began to warm up, traces of lubricant leakage appear from the seals and gaskets, then the conclusion is clear. You have shifted the lubricant. Open the gearbox housing and remove excess grease. All excess grease will be placed on the gear housing covers. Insufficient amount of lubrication in the gearbox is determined by the increased noise of the gearbox.

During prolonged operation of the angle grinder, the lubricant in the gearbox is distributed on the walls of the housing and loses its properties from external influences.

Having opened the gearbox cover, carefully inspect the condition of the lubricant, the gear tooth profile. If you can, check the contact patch of the gears.

The presence of particles of dry or dried grease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gearbox or on the housing indicates that the time has come to change the lubricant.

Repair video grinder

Video: We repair the angle grinder Sparky 125 / Repair SPARKY 850 / The grinder jammed \ maintenance of the power tool

Any power tool contains in its design rotating parts that are subject to increased wear as a result of friction. It is possible to prevent their premature destruction and extend the service life of the tool if timely preventive maintenance of rubbing parts is carried out. In the grinder, the main wear is subject to gear reducer. reduce bad influence friction can be applied by applying lubricants to the surface of parts. Let's consider what kind of lubricant for the grinder gearbox is better to buy.

With intensive daily use of the grinder, the lubricant in the gearbox should be replaced at least once a year. Often, users do not adhere to certain terms of preventive maintenance of the tool, and routine maintenance is carried out after the appearance of extraneous sounds during operation. This is absolutely not the correct way to care for the gearbox.

Rattle during rotation, rattling indicate that wear has formed on the gears, and they will soon have to be replaced.

A preventive inspection of the gearbox begins with the separation of its casing from the rest of the grinder. To do this, just unscrew the four fixing screws.

The next photo shows that there is grease in the case, but it has collected on one side of the case, and there is not enough of it.

This is because the angle grinder (angle grinder) is working at high speeds. Under the influence of centrifugal force, oil particles tend to move away from the axis of rotation. With prolonged operation, the surfaces of the gears become completely dry, and without lubrication, the metal is erased. In this case, it is enough to lubricate the gear teeth with the existing composition, then close the gearbox and work until the next maintenance.

Often in the gearbox you can see grains of oil mixed with dust. During operation, the grinder heats up, and these grains are sintered, solid particles interfere with the operation of the mechanism. This lubricant must be replaced.

How to lubricate the gearbox

The choice of lubricant for the gearbox has some features. The speed of the angle grinder is high, liquid oil will simply fly away from the rotating parts. The thick composition must withstand fairly high temperatures and don't bake.

Finished lubricant

Manufacturers of power tools are advised to use special compositions of their own production. Such recommendations are given, in particular, by Makita and Bosch.

You can buy such funds, but their cost is quite high, and the costs are not always justified. Firm "Interskol" more democratic to the type of materials used. What is the best lubricant? The lubricant for the grinder gearbox must meet certain requirements:

  • the viscosity of the composition does not exceed 800 Pa * s;
  • temperature of separation of drops from the main mass is not less than 120°С;
  • homogeneous composition without the presence of mechanical inclusions;
  • resistance to moisture.

The industry produces many types of lubricants, including special formulations for use in gearboxes. Mixtures containing molybdenum disulphide as an extreme pressure additive show the best results. If we talk about foreign manufacturers, Castrol and Mobil have proven themselves well.

"Mobil" for ease of use places products in tubes that have the shape of a syringe.

From domestic brands, MS-1000, Limol can be noted. The use of grease, litol or Ciatim-221 does not give the desired result.

Homemade mixes

If the required lubricant is not on sale, or if the user considers the price of the product to be unreasonably high, you can try to make the lubricant mixture yourself. There are several recipes using different bases. One of them is common

Transmission oil TAD-17 is added to the container with Ciatim. Whisking continuously, add the oil one drop at a time until the desired consistency is reached. The mixture should adhere well to the parts, not be too thick or run like thin oil.

Another base can be CV joint grease in combination with MS-20 liquid oil.

How to lubricate the gearbox

It is not advisable to add the missing amount of oil to the gearbox housing: mixing occurs good composition with the already used one, and the new grease loses its effectiveness faster. Therefore, when the casing of the gearbox and its housing and the cover are removed, the remnants of the old grease are removed. First, use a dry rag, and then wash out the traces with gasoline or kerosene. After the parts have dried, a new lubricant is applied to them, while the gearbox housing is filled with lubricant 2/3 of its volume.

After assembling the grinder, its shaft is scrolled several times by hand to evenly distribute the oil. Rotation should be uniform, without jerks and jamming. After making sure that everything is fine, plug the device into the network and get to work. With timely prevention, the tool will last a long time.

Angle grinders (angle grinders) are widely used by people who love to craft and perform various repair and construction work at home. Such tools allow not only grinding various surfaces, but also cutting stone, metal, plastic and other materials. Angle grinders are reliable tools that require competent maintenance during operation, in particular, timely replacement of lubricants. Let's talk about the choice of lubricant for the gearbox and angle grinder bearings.

Characteristics and features of lubricants for angle grinders

In the grinder, the main unit, which during the operation of the tool is subjected to the greatest loads, is the gearbox, which is a design of helical gears. During the operation of the angle grinder, the rotor creates a torque that is transmitted to the working tool through the small gear to the large gear. A high-quality lubricant for the grinder gearbox significantly reduces the heating temperature, the friction force inside the tool and reduces the wear of its parts.

Grinding machine bearings also need periodic lubrication, especially the large gear spindle bearing. For this, it is necessary to use only high-quality, reliable compositions recommended by the manufacturers of angle grinders. Experts recommend the use of oils with the following technical characteristics:

  • viscosity up to 800 Pa s;
  • tensile strength over 120 Pa;
  • drop point over +120°C;
  • absence of mechanical impurities;
  • resistance to corrosion processes;
  • the ability to firmly adhere to the details of the grinder;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • water repellent properties.

When choosing lubricants, it should be borne in mind that two types of bearings are used in a modern angle grinder - for an electric motor and for a gearbox. For them it is necessary to use different compositions, since the bearings differ from each other different conditions work.

Materials from foreign and domestic manufacturers

For foreign brands of angle grinders, it is recommended to use specialized compositions designed specifically for such power tools. Most often, grinder manufacturers recommend using lubricants that have such a marking - MoS2 NLGI 2 ISOL-XBCHB 2 DIN 51825-KPF 2 K-20. From this label you can get the following information:

  • MoS - an indication of the filler material used (number 2 is molybdenum);
  • NLGI2 - viscosity class, here it is the second;
  • ISOL-XBCHB 2 - confirms the compliance of materials with the ISO standard;
  • DIN, KPF, K-20 - confirms compliance with the German DIN quality standard;
  • the numbers 51825 mean that the material is classified as type "K".

This marking confirms the highest quality of the material, but such lubricants are very expensive. You can buy high quality oil much cheaper, each grinder manufacturer creates its own special lubricant, the use of which will extend the life of the angle grinder and guarantee the excellent operation of the tool. On the market you can find formulations from Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, RedVerg, Metabo, Interskol and many others.

Manufacturers insist that their own lubricants be used when servicing tools. The use of another brand of composition may void the warranty.

Given the high cost of lubricant for power tools from foreign manufacturers, in some cases it is easier to use domestic counterparts. In recent years, Russian manufacturers have been actively creating universal compositions of the highest quality that are not inferior to Western models and are suitable for a wide variety of instruments. In addition to gearboxes and bearings for angle grinders, they can be used for drills and rotary hammers.

Among all domestic lubricants on the market, the most popular among consumers, due to the best price-quality ratio, is the company's products. Nanotech MetalPlak Elektra. This company produces a range of quality materials that can be selected to lubricate the nodes of any tool.

Oil for bearings grinders

There are three bearings in the grinder - two of them in the rotor, and one on the shaft of the helical large gear. Lubricated bearings are installed in the tool, however, during operation, if the power tool overheats and is used improperly, the oil can simply leak out. To refill bearings, formulations that meet several important requirements are needed. The lubricant must:

  • increase slip and reduce friction between component parts.
  • evenly distribute heat and cool parts from overheating.
  • protect the parts of the angle grinder from dust and dirt.
  • prevent corrosion processes.
  • withstand high temperatures up to 150°C.

At the same time, the operation of the bearings of the gearbox and the engine takes place in different temperature conditions and under different loads. Therefore, for the electric motor, it is necessary to use compounds that have good protective qualities that prevent contamination of parts and the ingress of moisture on them. A wide range of domestic and foreign oils for bearings is presented on the market, and Russian products are more popular, as they are not inferior to their counterparts in quality, but are much more affordable. For bearing lubrication, it is best to use grades VNIINP-235, VNIINP-246 and Ciatim-221.

Unlike gear oil, which must adhere firmly to the teeth as it rotates, bearing lubricants do not require as strong adhesion.

Can you make your own gear lubricant?

There are frequent cases when you urgently need to lubricate the details of the angle grinder, but suitable material not at hand. In this case, there is an urgent need to get a suitable oil, which can be made by the owner of the instrument with his own hands. In the manufacture of such materials, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements described above.

To ensure high adhesion of oil for angle grinders, it is necessary to take automotive grease for CV joints as the basis for its manufacture. In addition to good adhesion, it is also characterized by the ability to work in conditions of heavy pollution and high loads, withstands high humidity and strong temperature changes.

Lubrication can be made on the basis of automotive grease for CV joints

It is necessary to add MS-20 liquid oil to this base so that the resulting mass has a suitable consistency. MS-20 should be gradually added to the base, preferably drop by drop, and thoroughly mixed with a mixer. Excellent results are shown by a home-made mixture made from Ciatim-221 taken as a basis with the addition of TAD-17. They make a very high-quality and functional home-made lubricant for the gearbox.

I welcome you to another article on the site! Today we will talk about how to lubricate the gearbox of an angle grinder (angle grinder), as well as how and when this is done.

Using this tool, any user sooner or later faces this issue. Of course, there are also unresponsible people who do not follow their technique at all. And she eventually breaks down ahead of schedule.

To avoid this, it is necessary to perform certain simple procedures. For angle grinders, the main such maintenance action is to replace the lubricant in the gearbox. Yes, it is a replacement, not a simple addition. I'll explain why below.

When do you need to change the lubricant in the grinder gearbox?

So, you disconnected the gearbox and looked inside. What should you see there in order to understand that it is time to make a replacement?

Lubrication during operation scatters along the walls of the gearbox housing. As a result, over time, it begins to dry out, forming lumps. If you notice this, then it means that it is time to change it.

It should also be borne in mind that the lubricant can overheat during operation, due to which it becomes liquid, as a result of which it simply flows out. For this reason, it becomes small and this is also noticeable. If it does not lie on the gears in a rather thick layer, then it is not enough.

So, we conclude - we carry out a replacement in the presence of dried grease or with a small amount of it.

What lubricant to use for grinder gearbox?

The best option would be to use special lubricants for gearboxes that come under the same brand as the tool itself. For example, if the grinder is called AEG, then the lubricant should be taken under the same name.

Using such products, you will maximize the life of the angle grinder, as each manufacturer produces lubricants taking into account all the features of their equipment.

However, the price of such branded items can be quite high, which is why many do not want to shell out for it. In addition, a large number of people use inexpensive Chinese tools, the manufacturers of which did not bother with the issue of having their own lubricating products. Nevertheless, even such equipment should be serviced. And what to do in these cases?

Here you can advise to buy any inexpensive non-branded product designed specifically for gearboxes. In addition, it is quite possible to get by with a lubricant for the CV joint (this is a hinge on front-wheel drive cars that works under heavy loads). You can easily find it at any auto parts store. True, I note that this option will certainly be worse than the use of branded products.

The most unfavorable options would be grease and lithol, since they are not designed to work at high temperatures and excessive friction. Although some use them, dooming their machine to a quick failure. Trying to get a momentary benefit, such users end up spending much more money.

How to lubricate the grinder gearbox?

Now, knowing how and when to lubricate, you need to find out how it is done. Here, the main rules imply that there should be enough lubrication to eliminate excessive friction, but not too much so that it does not leak out.

However, first you need to get rid of the old grease. To do this, you can use kerosene or a mixture of the latter with gasoline. Any liquid used to flush a car engine is also suitable. Rinse all parts of the gearbox thoroughly to ensure they are completely clean. Only then can you start a new lubrication.

The required amount of new grease can be determined by eye - it should be slightly less than half of the internal space of the gearbox. When you squeeze out the right amount, spread it over all rubbing parts. After that, you need to assemble the angle grinder, turn it on and let it work for a short time at idle.

If the grease flows out of the slots, then there is too much of it. I'll have to disassemble everything again and remove the excess.

If there is little lubrication, then the gearbox makes some rattling. In this case, be sure to make an addition.

That's all! These are the rules for selecting and applying lubricant to the gearbox of an angle grinder. I hope this text has been helpful to you. See you soon!