Vacation vietnam or thailand. Vietnam or Thailand - which is better for wintering? Girls are real and not: who "hunts" for white men

Countries South-East Asia become more and more popular with Russian tourists. This is due to the relatively mild climate and numerous attractions. Among the countries of this region, Thailand and Vietnam stand out. They are located close to each other, have similar cultural traditions and the same climate. All this creates difficulties for tourists when choosing a place to stay. Thailand or Vietnam - which country to prefer? This is discussed in this article.

An important factor when choosing a place to visit as part of a tourist trip is the possibility and duration of stay without registration, this period is thirty days. There are only fifteen in Vietnam. Flight time to both countries is up to nine hours.

In Thailand there is more developed than in Vietnam. In terms of the number of attractions, Thailand and Vietnam are not inferior to each other.

As in any country, Vietnam and Thailand have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider some of them.


Climatic conditions in both countries are similar. The best time to visit is from June to September. Thailand or also successfully receives tourists. However, the region is warm all year round. The rainy season will create certain inconveniences for tourists. Both countries are attractive for beach holidays. Average temperatures at the peak of the tourist season reach +32°C. Hot weather in Thailand is more difficult to tolerate due to high humidity.

In Vietnam in winter time the influence of the monsoons is felt. Therefore, the temperature during this period can reach +5°C. According to this indicator, it is difficult to determine where it is better to go, Vietnam or Thailand to choose. Since the countries are located almost at the same latitude and have a similar climate. There are other, more important selection criteria.


Thailand is the most suitable place for connoisseurs of a comfortable beach holiday with its unforgettable beaches and numerous resorts equipped with everything you need. The beaches in this country are distinguished by a sandy bottom and the purity of the sea. The only downside is overcrowding with tourists during the peak season. The number of places for swimming in Thailand reaches more than a hundred. The cleanest are those that are on the islands. The beaches in Vietnam are somewhat smaller, however, they are in no way inferior to Thai ones. Sandy coasts in both countries have a gentle entrance. The beaches located on the islands are surrounded by rocks and located in bays. Thanks to this, they are protected from waves and wind and are calm and quiet corners for relaxation.

Vietnamese beaches are characterized by perfectly white sand and clear blue water. They are a great place to relax with children. Local beaches have fewer opportunities for active rest on the water, but water sports enthusiasts can still find some worthy options for themselves.

Where is cheaper? Vietnam or Thailand

An important, and for some, the determining factor in choosing a country for recreation is the cost of staying at the resort. In Thailand and Vietnam, tourists have the opportunity to choose the most suitable holiday options for themselves, based on their financial capabilities. You can use the services of travel agencies and go on vacation on a package tour. It is also possible to make an independent trip. One of the options for staying at the resort can be staying in a rented bungalow. Consider various options pricing policy in and Thailand.

The cost of any tourist trip consists of the price of air tickets, the cost of recreation, the purchase of souvenirs and excursion services.

The purchase of air tickets is a mandatory item of expenditure, since it is simply impossible to get to these countries in any other way. It is better to book tickets in advance. Their cost varies according to the class and level of comfort during the flight. The higher it is, the more expensive the airfare. Since the distance and flight time to Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same, the airfare will be the same.

The second significant item of expenditure is the cost of living. Depending on financial capabilities, accommodation can be both very expensive and relatively budget. For example, staying in a deluxe hotel room or in a separate bungalow will cost significantly more than staying in an economy class hotel.

The cost of food, visiting entertainment in Vietnam is lower compared to Thailand. Sometimes they are much cheaper than in Thailand. Great importance has a choice of places to eat and rest. Individual excursions to local attractions will cost more than similar group activities. In terms of cost savings, independent travel around the country is promising.

Roads and leisure

For such trips on a rented vehicle, Thailand is best suited. The quality of roads in this country is somewhat better than in Vietnam. Therefore, it is better not to book tours to Thailand in travel agencies. It will be much cheaper to travel around the country on your own. There is also a more developed network of shops, cafes and restaurants and all kinds of entertainment centers. Opportunities to have fun at night in Vietnam for tourists are more limited. After midnight, life stops here. Due to the habit of the population to go to bed early, it is very problematic to find a working grocery store.

Thailand in this regard is more preferable as a leisure destination. does not stop here until the morning. The list of entertainment for tourists is also more extensive. In Thailand, you can not only relax, but also improve your health.

The medicine

Where to go for health, which country to choose - Thailand or Vietnam? Medical care in these two countries has significant differences in terms of prices for treatment. In Thailand, the cost of visiting a doctor in a public or private clinic is up to $40. Similar services in Vietnam will cost a little less. However, it all depends on the severity of the disease or injury. A necessary condition for obtaining high-quality medical services is that the tourist has medical insurance. In Vietnam, there may be some difficulties in obtaining medical care due to the lack of knowledge of English by local doctors. However, despite some inconveniences, the quality of medical care in both countries is approximately the same.


The cost of living and its comfort in hotels in Thailand and Vietnam are about the same. Vietnam, however, has a slight advantage in terms of cheap hotel accommodation. A stay in one of the hotels in the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi - will cost about five dollars cheaper than the cost of a vacation in a similar establishment in Thai cities popular among tourists. Therefore, travel agencies sometimes offer incomparably cheap tours to Vietnam. This is due to the fact that in this country you can save a lot on housing.

Undersea world

Leisure opportunities are of great importance to travelers. Staying in Vietnam and Thailand is the most promising for diving. Thailand wins somewhat in terms of the diversity of marine life and the number of places recommended for diving. The marine fauna of Vietnamese waters is less diverse, however, here divers can find a lot of interesting things for themselves.

Local population

For tourists, when choosing a vacation spot, the friendliness of the local population towards visitors is of no small importance. If we compare Vietnam / Thailand on this basis, then we can say that the inhabitants of both countries are equally friendly to guests. The hospitality of the locals is based on the profitability of the tourism industry for the economy. Thais are more restrained and do not reveal their feelings and emotions to tourists. The Vietnamese are more emotional. In addition, the joint historical past of the countries affects the attitude towards Russians, namely, the assistance provided by the USSR to Vietnam in repelling American aggression is not forgotten.


In Thailand and Vietnam, transport links between cities are quite developed. You can get to any corner by bus or by plane. The most common vehicle in both countries is a bike available for rent by tourists.

But which country should gastronomic gourmets choose, Vietnam or Thailand? Where is the best food?


National cuisines in both countries are distinguished by their originality and abundance of exotic and incomprehensible dishes for a Russian-speaking tourist. Frogs and various insects are widely used as products. local dishes national cuisine are generally nutritious and spicy. In this regard, the masterpieces of Thai cuisine are more famous. Food in Vietnam is sweet due to the use of a variety of sauces and seasonings. Therefore, for lovers of sweet tastes, the choice is obvious according to this criterion. Thailand or Vietnam? For them, this issue is irrelevant.

living creatures

Traveling to Vietnam or Thailand can be overshadowed by the local fauna. One specific feature of both countries is the abundance of tropical insects (eg lizards). In Vietnam, in addition, they do not particularly care about cleanliness. Thanks to street garbage dumps in cities, a tourist can meet with numerous rats and cockroaches. Mosquitoes, which are carriers of dangerous diseases, pose a great danger in Vietnam. Therefore, before traveling to this country, it is necessary to make all the necessary vaccinations. Agencies offering tours to Thailand and Vietnam strongly recommend this. Upon arrival, you must carefully observe the basic rules of personal hygiene. You should not eat local food if its appearance and taste are incomprehensible or cause unpleasant associations for the tourist. It should be remembered that not everything that is familiar to the local population is suitable for a tourist who is used to a completely different lifestyle. The comfort of the stay and the impressions received during the rest depend on the observance of the rules of hygiene.


The cultural heritage of a particular country can also influence the choice of a tourist. Thailand or Vietnam? What is the culture of these countries? Both states have ancient history and have an interesting culture of their own. For vacationers, it will be very informative acquaintance with local attractions. In addition, staying in Vietnam is distinguished by a special flavor in terms of the fact that the dominance of communist ideology remains in this country. Fans of modern military history will also find a lot of interesting things in Vietnam. Here, the memory of the American aggression, which brought many troubles to the local people, is carefully preserved. In you can see the numerous exhibited samples of military equipment of that era. There is an opportunity to take part in excursions to places associated with the local partisan movement (in particular, to see the underground passages used by the rebels). Also in Thailand and Vietnam, tourists will be curious to get acquainted with the local architecture, which is distinguished by its originality and unique national flavor.

At the end of the XX century. Thailand has become a popular destination for so-called sex tourism. However, it should be taken into account that recently the authorities have been doing everything to get rid of such a peculiar image of the country. Therefore, lovers of all kinds of pleasures, often forbidden, risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The main rule for a tourist should be compliance with the laws of the country of visit. Vietnam or Thailand? Where it is better to spend leisure time is up to the tourist to decide. The choice of places to visit is varied both in one country and in another.

So, both states are attractive places to visit. The mild climate, the beauty of the local seascapes, the presence of a developed tourist infrastructure and the friendly local population are, of course, attractive sides. Added to this is the relatively low price level. But what do vacationers themselves say about these countries, which resort to choose, Thailand or Vietnam?

Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 5. Let's take two southern resorts: the island of Phuket in Thailand and the city of Nha Trang in Vietnam. In the most tourist time (in winter), the second one seemed much more pleasant to us. Not so hot, the evenings are cooler and fresher. But depending on the season and as you move to the south or north of any of the countries, the weather can vary significantly. In the north of Vietnam in March, we were fairly cold, while in Bangkok we were exhausted from heat and humidity. By the way, winter in Vietnam is not the season, the sea is restless, there are showers. But in the south of Thailand at this time it is simply amazing: the sea is clean, you can safely swim, the weather is dry, the sun is not as hot as in spring.



Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 5. In Vietnam, as it seemed to us, fresh vegetables and fruits are more affordable. But if we talk about imported products that Asians do not particularly eat (like milk, cheese), then it is difficult to compare.

Clothing, appliances, electronics

Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 2. The Vietnamese market is very poor compared to Thailand. Technology and electronics are not the strong point of this country. Everything is more expensive than in Thailand. As for clothes, popular chain brands in Vietnam are many times less than in Thailand. Clothes from the market are again cheaper here.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 4. Thailand is very developed from a tourist point of view, so there is simply a huge amount of housing for every taste in any city. Any resort is built up with condotels, villas. A lot of beautiful apartments and European-style houses near the sea, and the price relative to Russia is much lower. Housing in Vietnam is cheap, especially hotels. But finding something European is very difficult. We have been looking for an apartment in Nha Trang for a very long time and chose one of the most expensive options. All the rest were filled with Vietnamese-style wooden furniture. For us, it was not very familiar and comfortable.

Internet availability and speed

Thailand - 2, Vietnam - 3. Vietnam has excellent and cheap mobile internet. Works almost everywhere, even in the villages and on the highway. If we talk about the home Internet, it is rather unstable. Failures, as a rule, are associated with breakdowns in the backbone networks. In Thailand, the Internet was dead almost everywhere, especially in guesthouses. Mobile Internet good quality but much more expensive than in Vietnam.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 3. Thailand is ideal for a tourist. The roads are of excellent quality. On every corner there are convenience stores, street food, shopping malls, entertainment complexes, bars, clubs. Here at any time of the day you can find food for every taste. Entertainment is the same story. Vietnam is far behind in this respect. Eating or buying something after 23:00 is problematic. The Vietnamese go to sleep together, and the streets are empty. Our favorite chain of stores 7-Eleven is gone. There are small grocery stores, but they are more like warehouses. Yes, and they work according to a schedule that is convenient for the owner. Shopping malls leave much to be desired.

Visa procedure (easy)

Thailand - 2, Vietnam - 5. This is definitely a flag for Vietnam. A visa can be issued for a period of one or three months right upon arrival at the airport. It is not expensive at all, there are no consular fees. Until recently, it was still easy and cheap to extend this visa, but now it is more difficult. The visa-free regime for Russian citizens is 15 days, but in Thailand it is 30. It is more expensive to issue and extend a Thai visa. This can only be done outside the country at a Thai consulate. This process is stressful. You never know what a person at passport control will cling to. We give Thailand a B for tightening its visa policy. In general, we now get into Thailand with a creak, having several exit-entry stamps into the country. It used to be much easier, but every year migration policy squeezes the vise. Perhaps Vietnam will someday become less accessible.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 4. Thailand - This is a place where you will never go hungry. There is probably no other country in the world with such a quantity and variety of street food. Street food is very affordable, you can find it at almost any time of the day. Restaurants for every taste. But in Vietnam, at certain hours, food simply disappears from the streets. It's hard to find something at lunchtime because the Vietnamese go out for a siesta. There are also a huge number of restaurants, delicious seafood. To be honest, food in Vietnam is closer to us. It is simpler and very affordable. $1 for a huge bowl of soup or rice with meat or fish. And you can eat it. And yes, we have not eaten such delicious rice anywhere else.


Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 4. It is very difficult to compare capitals and provinces, because they are two different things, just like in Russia. Major cities in Vietnam do not have a subway, while Bangkok has both an underground metro, a surface BTR, and water transport. And a very cheap taxi. Only 35 baht for landing and about 5 baht for each subsequent kilometer. But very often traffic jams in Bangkok are such that you can wind up a lot of money by the meter. There are also a lot of taxis in Vietnam, and they are quite affordable. Buses are inexpensive, there are a lot of bicycles and motor rickshaws. There are a large number of tuk-tuks in Thailand, but we do not like to use their services, they often inflate prices. There are free bus routes in Bangkok, but they are usually wooden buses without air conditioning. The price depends on the type of bus.


Thailand (Phuket) - 5, Vietnam (Nha Trang) - 3. We can compare two countries only by two seaside resorts. Phuket is washed by the Andaman Sea, which has a stunning turquoise color. The island has a huge number of developed beaches with good infrastructure and plenty of entertainment. In season, Phuket is just perfect for those who love the sea. There are not so many beaches in Nha Trang, the water is not azure, and in the evening all the beaches are crowded with the Vietnamese themselves, who like to come to the sea with their families. There is little entertainment, and the infrastructure is less developed. Although, when we rode bikes across Vietnam from north to south, we saw a large number of beautiful beaches with blue sea and white sand, but these were wild, non-tourist places.

The medicine

Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 4. In Thailand, we were both in private clinics and semi-public ones. The service is top notch, the staff is friendly, the prices are not that high. All the necessary medicines are given in the required amount immediately after the doctor's appointment. It is very comfortable. In Vietnam, we applied for insurance once. Then the doctor came to our house. He spoke very little English, gave me antibiotics and a couple of concomitant medications, and left. But I liked dentistry in Vietnam. Dental treatment was not expensive at all. By the way, as far as we know, there are doctors in Vietnam who speak Russian. There are a lot of clinics in Thailand and Vietnam.


Thailand - 3.5, Vietnam - 3.5. This is a very personal aspect. Everyone in a new country always adapts differently. In Thailand, it was difficult for us to get used to food, both came down with stomach pains in the third week. The food is really spicy and very specific: absolutely new tastes that we have not tried before. Well, smells. In Vietnam, the food is more fresh and simple: rice with meat or fish, mild soup with rice noodles can be found in any village.

It is more difficult in Vietnam with adaptation in terms of language. Very few Vietnamese who have nothing to do with tourism speak English. All price tags in supermarkets are in Vietnamese. While we were driving around the country, we learned numbers and a couple of phrases in order to find out at least the cost of food in a cafe. They often used an interpreter. This has not happened in Thailand. In tourist places, any local resident will be able to answer you in tolerable English. Even in a market where there are few tourists.


Nastya and Yura lead a video blog about travel and life in Asia. If interested, go to their channel " Two tickets ».

Criterion Thailand Vietnam
Climate 4 5
Food prices 4 5
Prices for clothing, appliances and electronics 4 2
Housing prices 5 4
Internet availability and speed 2 3
Infrastructure 5 3
Visa procedure 2 5
Food 5 4
Transport 4 4
Beaches 5 3
The medicine 5 5
Adaptation 3,5 3,5
Total: 48,5 46,5

Travelers often find it difficult to choose where to go - Thailand or Vietnam, Phuket or Nha Trang - which is better? Both there and there the sun shines, clean air and warm water, beautiful views, delicious cuisine, and even the prices for tours are approximately the same.

To decide where to go first in Nha Trang or Phuket, you can compare these two popular tourist destinations on several holiday components, based on budget, expectations and needs.

Flight, airfare

The stunning white sand beaches of Phuket.

The road from Moscow to Thailand will take about 8-9 hours, you will have to get to Vietnam only one hour longer. As for the cost of plane tickets, the price range is the same, the cost of a flight to Vietnam or Phuket will be approximately equal.

The best weather to go

In winter, in the center and in the north of Vietnam, it is slightly cooler than in Thailand. But there is not much difference, in both these places it is hot and humid. The most popular time when the resorts are filled with tourists is the period from December to March.

For people of retirement age and families with children in the hot months of summer, it is better to prefer Da Nang or Nha Trang, located in Vietnam.

Beaches and resorts: where is better in Thailand or in Vietnam

In Thailand, you will find many excellent beaches with well-developed infrastructure, with white creaky sand, pebbles or underwater corals. For lovers of the exotic, there are almost wild secluded shores.

in Vietnam beach holiday very attractive due to its good climate, sandy beaches and well-developed infrastructure. Fans of such a pastime should prefer the south of the country, the optimal period is from November to February. Due to summer rains in the south, rest here is not entirely comfortable, so tourists at this time choose northern resorts. The beaches have umbrellas, sun loungers, cafes and eateries where you can have a bite to eat and drink drinks.

Phuket beaches in Thailand.

Among the resorts of Thailand, Pattaya, Phuket are the most popular, and the main beaches are on Koh Samui. Best Resorts Vietnam - Nha Trang, Halong, Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc, Dalat, Vang Tau. Comfortable hotel complexes are located here, surrounded by tropical vegetation, with high level services. Sandy beaches, visiting various excursions, entertainment in parks for children and adults, high-quality and tasty food - this is something that cannot but attract an experienced traveler.

Vietnam is better than Thailand in almost all respects in terms of resorts for vacationers from our country. Firstly, there are not many vacationers here, and secondly, almost everywhere you can see signs in Russian and hear Russian speech. Incredible in Nha Trang beautiful landscapes, clear sea, wide coastline, and Pattaya is more famous for its nightlife.

Beach in Nha Trang

On the other hand, in Thailand there are more opportunities to enjoy a vacation by the sea in a bungalow, to retire on an island where there are only a few shops, markets, bars, and inexpensive hotels.

Where is cheaper - in Thailand or in Vietnam

Tourists usually choose a tour depending on the cost of living. If you buy a tour up to 14 days, then Vietnam will cost you less, where you can find quite good conditions in guesthouses for $20 per day. For an extended period, a trip to Tai can become more budget-friendly.

If we are talking about comfort and services (food, massage, shopping, car rental, excursions), then the prices are almost the same. In Vietnam, local alcohol and entertainment are much cheaper.

Vietnam or Phuket - which is better? Excursions and entertainment

In terms of attractions, Thailand is richer than Vietnam. It has preserved many interesting ancient places, there are entire cities-museums (Ayutthaya, Sukhothai). Since the war in Vietnam in the last century destroyed many monuments, sightseeing holidays here are less intense. However, tourists can see such unique objects as colonial palaces and buildings.

Walking in Phuket on elephants

There are many entertainments in Nha Trang: SPA, mud baths, inexpensive restaurants, excursions to waterfalls and hot springs, the popular entertainment complex Vinpearl. In Phuket, you can go to a waterfall, visit a zoo or an aquarium, a bird park, butterfly farms, take a bungee flight over the jungle, ride elephants.

Nightlife, leisure for adults

Thailand is the undisputed leader. Every resort has discos, clubs, girls, night life vibrant and active. Tourists can find various bars, strip clubs, various shows for adults.

In Vietnam, clubs and discos, bars with affordable girls can only be found in Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City, the rest of the resorts are distinguished by their tranquility and the lack of a large selection of such entertainment.

Many travelers traveling to Asia for the first time cannot decide where it is better to go - to Thailand or Vietnam. It seems that there is “sun, air and water” both there and there, there are many resorts and the prices for tours are also almost the same. The authors of the site have lived in both of these countries for a long time and now they will tell in detail all the pros and cons. We will go over everything from comparing resorts to the quality of your internet connection. After that, you can decide for yourself where it is better - in Vietnam or Thailand, and where, first of all, you would like to go.

By the way, I take this opportunity to invite you to visit our website for Asia and other countries, including Vietnam:


It is almost the same here: both in time and in ticket prices. From Moscow to fly 8 hours, to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City - an hour longer. Prices for different dates and for different ones are different, so you can find options of the same price range both there and there.

Climate and weather

During the winter months, the central and northern parts of Vietnam are cooler than Thailand. And it feels like less humidity. But in general, both there and there the tropics are hot and humid. The high tourist season falls on December-March. If you can’t bear the heat, then it’s better to go to Vietnamese Nha Trang, and even better - to Danang and Hoi An (there, by the way, there is also a sea, which for some reason many are silent about).


In Thailand, the choice of beaches is several times larger. Moreover, you can find both civilized ones with a well-developed infrastructure, and almost wild ones.

Resorts: "civilized rest"

Here, in almost all respects, Vietnam is better than Thailand: fewer people, signs in Russian everywhere, cheaper food and hotels, fewer buildings, better ecology, more greenery. Nha Trang is much more beautiful than Pattaya, the sea is cleaner, the coast is wider, there are fewer people. In Thailand, only nightlife with discos and affordable girls is more developed.

Resorts: "bounty"

Here it is exactly the opposite. Despite the fact that Vietnam is a less touristy country, there are fewer opportunities to catch a “bounty”, that is, to live on the seashore in a bungalow, without cars, in clean air. In fact, only the island of Phu Quoc offers such opportunities, and there are only a few dozen hotels with detached houses right on the shore. And on the island of Con Dao and Cat Ba, such solitude is very expensive.

In general, Thailand better than vietnam in terms of bounty.

Undersea world

Where is cheaper accommodation

Here it is necessary to consider two options - for a short period or for a long one. If you are going on vacation for two weeks, then with equal amenities in the room, Vietnam will come out cheaper. For example, in inexpensive guesthouses with air conditioning, you can stay there for $ 15 per day, which is impossible in Thailand. But if you come for a "wintering" and want to rent the same guesthouse for several months, then the prices will be approximately equal, and sometimes Thailand will come out cheaper, since the Vietnamese are not yet accustomed to renting out housing in resorts on long term and less competition.

Prices for goods and services

Almost the same both there and there: food, massage, shopping, movement around the country (buses) and motorbike rental. Only alcohol from Vietnamese producers is much cheaper than Thai, but prices for global brands are the same.


There have been no large-scale wars in Thailand for hundreds of years, so a lot of ancient sights have been preserved. There are even entire open-air museum cities: and Sukhothai.

And in Vietnam in the 60s-70s of the last century there was a war that destroyed many monuments. But! In large cities, especially Ho Chi Minh City, you can find European colonial palaces and buildings, which is simply not and never has been in Thailand.


If you are just going on vacation for 2 weeks, then visas are not needed. In Thailand, you can stay visa-free for 30 days, and in Vietnam for 15 days.

If you came to "winter", then you need a visa. Recently, Vietnam has been better than Thailand in this regard. In Vietnam, you can get a visa for 3 months and then, without leaving the country, extend it for a total of another 6 months. And on the island of Phu Quoc, you can generally live without a visa as long as you like.

It used to be possible to stay in Thailand for several years, just leaving every month for Visa Run. But now it has been canceled, and visas are not issued to everyone (if you often visit the country, then it’s really possible to get a refusal), and in terms of money they will come out more expensive, because after 60 days they need to be renewed for 1900 baht, and after another month you will have to leave from the country. New six-month multiple visas will come out even more expensive.


Oddly enough, but according to this indicator, the socialist and poor Vietnam is better than Thailand. Wireless Internet is everywhere, even in the most seedy guesthouse. And fast and without brakes. In Thailand, it may not be everywhere and often slow. And if you "managed" to settle in a condominium, then it may not exist at all.

Nightlife and adult entertainment

Here Vietnam is worse than Thailand. There, socialism, "the appearance of morality" and for immorality can give a decent fine. There are discos and clubs only in Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang, in other resorts you will have to look for them for a long time and you may never find them. There are no bars with available girls, and single men can only enjoy the so-called "Karaoke". But such institutions are not present everywhere. In Fukuoka, in Phan Thiet (Muine), Hoi An or Dalat, they cannot be found at all.

In this regard, Thailand is better than Vietnam many times over. For lovers of parties, every little resort has discos and clubs; on Koh Phangan, a crazy Full Moon Party is going on several days a month. In Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket, the nightlife is off the charts. Nua as for girls, Thailand has been the capital of the world for many decades. Various shows for adults, bars with affordable girls, Go Go strip clubs - all this can be found in abundance in any resort and in any city. Only in Pai this is not the case, and on Koh Lanta there are only a few places on the entire huge island.

People, mentality

The Vietnamese are much closer and more understandable to us, which, however, does not make them more attractive. They are more severe and strict, they don’t smile “how much in vain”, like Thais, it’s clear what to expect from them. The bus driver may well yell at the passengers, and the mother - at her child. If they like you, they will smile and court you from the bottom of their hearts, if you do not cause sympathy, then the Vietnamese will not keep a mask of friendliness and make “knees” in front of you, but will simply send you three-story. The concept of “loss of face” does not exist here, therefore, in the country they say everything as it is, everything is sincere and from the heart. No ostentatious welcome.

In this regard, Thailand is different from Vietnam. If you have even a little money, they will fawn and build hospitality. Behind their world-famous smiles, it is often unclear what is hidden. It is much easier to understand a Vietnamese than a Thai. Thailand has never been under the colonial tutelage of the West, and European culture and mentality did not influence the Thais in any way. Therefore, this is a completely different world, alien and incomprehensible to us, although not without attractiveness. Looking good, "not losing face" is the cornerstone of Thai culture. Emotions are often hidden, no shouting in public, everything is in order. True, some are sometimes wedged and the anger that has been accumulating for a long time under a mask-smile turns them into some kind of inadequate psychos.

As for the girls, the Thais are more attractive in terms of spiritual qualities, more caring, friendly and affectionate. Vietnamese are more severe and cold, and girls of uncomplicated behavior are very materialistic and do not even try to hide it like Thais. In terms of appearance, Thais are smaller, thinner and flat-chested, while flip flops look bulkier where needed.

But of course, as in any country, in Thailand and Vietnam there are good people, and bad ones.

Since Turkey has slightly lost ground, the eyes of Russian tourists have turned to the east. Of all the countries of Southeast Asia, Thailand and Vietnam offered the most suitable conditions for recreation. And if the first has long been popular with tourists and attracts them with its exoticism, then the second has only now begun to gain popularity. They are very similar, so the choice of "Thailand or Vietnam?" very difficult for tourists. We will describe the differences between these countries.


Both countries are in Southeast Asia. It is warm here all year round and there is no pronounced summer or winter, but there is a rainy season.

Vietnam can be visited all year round. In winter, it is most pleasant to relax on Phu Quoc Island, in summer - in Nha Trang or Hoi An. It has been raining almost everywhere since the end of October.

In this regard, it is also democratic. It is most comfortable here in winter, when it is dry and not too stuffy and humid. This is especially true of such a popular resort as Phuket. In Koh Samui, it rains mostly in autumn, but usually this does not interfere with rest.

As you can see, in any month you can find a resort in Vietnam or Thailand, where it is better to go. So it’s worth choosing not between countries, but between resorts.

There is another important point - acclimatization, adaptation to the country's climate. Thailand is less hot, but tourists note that the heat is much more difficult to bear due to high humidity. This is especially true in summer and autumn when it rains. In Vietnam it is easier to breathe, the climate is reminiscent of the Crimean and Sochi.

Bottom line: The climate in the two countries is similar, but in winter in Vietnam it is not as comfortable as in Thailand, but acclimatization is easier.


In terms of beaches, Vietnam is clearly inferior to Thailand. The water here is not so clear, there are many locals on the public coast, the infrastructure is less developed. Beautiful beaches, but they have to be reached by bicycles and there is almost no infrastructure.

The beaches of Thailand are cleaner and more equipped - except that in Pattaya the sea is rather dirty and not suitable for swimming. But you can get into a truly heavenly conditions. And in Thailand there are many more opportunities for outdoor activities.

In Vietnam, almost all beaches have a gentle entrance to the water, which is nice for families with children.

The water is always warm, but in the winter in the south of Vietnam it rarely warms up above +25 °C, while in Tai it is heated to +27 °C and above.

Bottom line: Thai beaches are better than Vietnamese in terms of cleanliness and infrastructure, but among the second ones in the distance there are very quiet ones, with untouched nature.


If you are interested in ancient Asian culture, then Thailand is strong in this regard - there are a huge number of pagodas, Buddhist temples, Buddha statues, palaces and others. interesting places. The nature here is also very beautiful, and excursions, according to tourists, are much better organized.

In Vietnam, after the war, there are few ancient monuments left, but there are interesting modern buildings. In Hanoi, you can walk through beautiful parks, and in Dalat, look at French architecture.

Bottom line: For exclusively sightseeing tours, choose Thailand, better in winter when it's not so humid and stuffy.



Since Thailand has long been a popular resort, there is a lot more housing here - a lot of hostels and hotels, even in the smallest resorts. There are various bungalows on the shore, many villas that are rented to tourists, including very close to the sea.

Along with a wide variety and high level of service come quite high prices. Often they are still lower than in Europe or the countries of the former CIS.

In Vietnam, the hotel infrastructure is not so well developed. They have already appeared, but in inexpensive places to rest is often not very comfortable. It is better to stay in three- and four-star hotels. Even in 5 * hotels, prices are generally pleasing, especially since they offer quite comfortable conditions.

Bottom line: For the most comfortable hotels go to Thailand, for inexpensive hotels - to Vietnam.


Thailand has a lot of cafes and restaurants, street food stalls, so you will always find where to eat. However, it is very spicy, and some tastes and dishes are so unusual that stomach problems can occur. Adapting to local food is not easy.

There are also many cafes and restaurants in Vietnam, but they often close in the evenings. Street stalls also leave early and do not work at lunchtime - the Vietnamese have a siesta.

At the same time, it is much closer to us - often it is ordinary rice with meat, fish, rice noodles or light soups. Sharpness in moderation. True, an unusual nourish sauce is sometimes added to food, which is made of rotten fish - this exotic for an amateur. Fresh vegetables and fruits are cheaper.

Vietnam is especially famous for its coffee - here ideal conditions for its cultivation. It is prepared using special aluminum filters, which gives it a special taste.

Food prices in both countries are about the same. Local food is cheap, but imported products like milk are quite expensive.

Outcome: There is more food in Tae, but it is unusual. Vietnamese cuisine is softer and less exotic.


If you want to have as much fun as possible, then you should not even wonder which is better: Thailand or Vietnam. In terms of entertainment, Tai is definitely the leader - even in small resorts there are discos and clubs, and in large cities they constantly arrange noisy parties, interesting and exotic shows. There are also many more water parks and amusement parks. And the adult entertainment industry is the envy of any other country in the world. Water activities and diving are much better developed, especially on the islands.

Question to a specialist: Which destination, Thailand or Vietnam, would you recommend for families with children and why?

Answered by Nikolai Zhuravlev,
experienced traveler

“Thailand is more suitable. Firstly, there is a much more developed recreation infrastructure compared to Vietnam. Secondly, Vietnam has a completely different nature - the jungle with all the ensuing consequences. Once, on a moped, I barely passed a huge cobra that stretched the entire width of the road and shone in the moonlight so that I shuddered. Another time I was bitten quite decently at night by a swarm of some midges, so that for two weeks the bites did not go away. This has not happened in Thailand. And the main features of Vietnam, the freshest and cheapest seafood and wood products, are unlikely to be appreciated by children, since they are not yet mature.

Vietnam has become popular with tourists recently, and its specialty is still a calm and quiet family vacation. Noisy clubs and bars can only be found here in Nha Trang, noteworthy amusement parks and water parks are also only in Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. And the Vietnamese go to bed very early, so after 10-11 pm the streets become very quiet.

Such a meager range of entertainment will upset a lover of night parties, but if you are attracted to peace and quiet, then Vietnam will perfect choice. And you can always go to Nha Trang for a few days and have a pretty good rest - the small distances between the resorts allow this.

Bottom line: For any entertainment it is better to go to Tai. If you are in Vietnam, then you can have fun in Nha Trang.

Visa regime

If you have no desire to apply for a visa, and you choose where to go, Thailand or Vietnam will suit you the same way. There are no visa formalities at the entrance to these countries.

A visa to Vietnam costs about $30 and is valid for 15 days. Placed at the airport after filling out a special questionnaire. In Thailand, at the entrance, you will be put a stamp for free, which will allow you to be in the country for 30 days.

Bottom line: You can enter Tai easier, cheaper and for a longer period.


A flight to Bangkok from Moscow will cost less than to Nha Trang. Many flights with transfers. Direct charter flights during the season cost about the same.

Prices for tours are also at the same level, in the region of 20-30 thousand rubles per person for two weeks. But a trip to Vietnam can be cheaper thanks to low accommodation prices.

Food prices in Thailand are higher, but not significantly. Goods and souvenirs here are also usually more expensive, but the range is wider. But a taxi in Vietnam is one of the cheapest in the world, so you can save a lot on travel.

Bottom line: Vietnam is cheaper than Thailand in almost all respects.


In Thailand, almost all locals speak English language especially in tourist areas. Even in non-tourist markets, you can always find someone who speaks English and haggle. And in some resorts, for example, in Pattaya, there are even entire Russian restaurants and shops.

In Vietnam, the circumstances are different - almost everyone speaks only the local language, price tags in supermarkets and signs in English are not duplicated. This does not interfere with relaxing in a hotel on the beach, but if you ride around the country, you will have to learn a couple of phrases and get a phrasebook.

Bottom line: In Thailand, with knowledge of English, you will not be lost, and in Vietnam, when traveling on your own, you cannot do without a phrasebook.

What to choose

Travel to Thailand if you:

    Want to relax noisily and cheerfully.

    Appreciate the developed tourist infrastructure.

    Plan walks around the resorts and communicate with the locals.

    Do you want to get acquainted with the eastern sights.

    Would you like to plunge into exotic shows.

    Prefer the most comfortable hotels.

    Want to relax on cleaner beaches and the sea.

    Planning a winter trip.

You will like Vietnam if you:

    Do you want to save money on your tour?

    Interested in France - the French have had a huge impact on local architecture and culture.

    Do you want to relax in peace, in nature.

    Don't go after maximum comfort.

    Can hardly tolerate heat and high humidity.

    Love the coffee - it's outstanding here.

    Traveling with small children.

You can see more about the choice between these two countries in the video of an experienced traveler who lived in Koh Samui and Nha Trang for several months.