Vacation followed by dismissal in 1s zup.

Good afternoon! Tell me, please, if an employee writes an application for vacation, for example, from June 02, 2014 to June 26, 2014 with subsequent dismissal, in this case it is necessary to draw up the last day of vacation on June 26, 2014 or the day following the end of the vacation - June 27, 2014. The calculation should be made immediately or daily? Issue a work book to an employee on the day of dismissal or on the eve of vacation? Thank you!

Having considered your question, we can say that when an employee is granted leave with subsequent dismissal, the last day of leave is considered the day of dismissal.

How to calculate an employee upon dismissal in 1C ZiUP

This document is intended for calculation at and is part of the 1C Payroll and Human Resources software package. It can be built into the basis of the personnel document "Dismissal from the organization", or be separate from it.

To enter the document “Calculations upon dismissal of employees of the organization”, you must enter the desktop bookmarks and select “Payroll” there, then click on “Calculation upon dismissal”.

It is also possible to enter through the main menu of the program, where you need to click on the item "Payroll for organizations" -\u003e "Primary documents" -\u003e "Calculation upon dismissal of an employee of the organization".

If the default organization is configured in the settings, then the "Organization" attribute will be filled in automatically.

Atypical situations of accounting for holidays in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"

Example: Employee Kovalenko E.V. was granted regular paid leave from 06/11/2012 to 06/25/2012. The amount accrued to the employee for the vacation period was: 11,904.76 rubles. While on vacation, the employee fell ill, temporary disability lasted from 06/20/2012 to 06/30/2012 (10 calendar days). The leave was extended by the number of days that coincided with the period of temporary disability.

In the previous article, we described in sufficient detail how to register leave for employees in the Payroll and Human Resources 8 program.

Vacation followed by dismissal

In the application solution 1C: Salary and personnel management, the execution of documents that record the fact of dismissal of an employee is carried out in the subsystems of personnel records and payroll.

First of all, the fact of dismissal is reflected in the personnel document "Order on". after which the document "Calculation upon dismissal" is entered in the payroll subsystem. only when entering

Vacation followed by dismissal: we find all the pitfalls

An employee who has decided to quit is entitled to receive monetary compensation for all unused rest days. But instead of it, he can ask you for a vacation with a subsequent one (Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you decide to provide it to an employee, consider the following features.

An employee who is fired for culpable acts cannot qualify for leave with subsequent termination employment contract(art.

Vacation with subsequent dismissal: calculation, registration

Upon written request, the employee may be provided vacation days, unused by him during the period of his work, with the subsequent. (A sample of such a statement can be viewed here).

Therefore, you must first obtain the approval of the management. Similarly, the employee, in agreement with the employer, can use part of the vacation days, and replace the remaining unused days with monetary compensation.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation imposes on the employee the obligation to notify his employer of the desire to terminate the employment relationship no later than two weeks.

Leave followed by dismissal

The girl at the end of 2012, wrote an application for a leave for family reasons (urgent departure to another city - bad with her mother) that was not confirmed by anything. She was denied leave due to the absence of vacations in the schedule (an exclusively formal reason, that is, the manager had no REAL reasons for refusing). The girl then wrote a letter of resignation. It's important to go over the dates here.

Vacation dismissal? We combine correctly

The employee went on vacation in July according to the schedule. While he was on vacation, we received a letter from him asking him to fire him. Are vacation days included in the two-week notice period for the employer to dismiss? Besides, we can't fire an employee while they're on vacation, can we?

: It is impossible to dismiss an employee who is on vacation only at the initiative of the employer (for example, on reduction) Art.

We reflect the dismissal of an employee in 1C: ZUP 8

A typical configuration of 1C: ZUP 8 has functionality that allows you to carry out the laborious procedure for dismissing an employee and calculating compensation in a few steps.

In 2019, an employee has the right to ask for leave with subsequent dismissal. You will find a step-by-step algorithm of actions for this procedure and ready-made sample documents in the article.

From this article you will learn:

Vacation with subsequent dismissal: article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The two inalienable rights of every worker - to annual leave and dismissal at any time - sometimes overlap. Then the employer faces the question: is it possible to fire a person who is currently absent from the enterprise, and how to do it correctly. Of all kinds of reasons for terminating a contract, we will consider two. This is dismissal of one's own free will, regardless of the type of contract, and dismissal due to the expiration of the contract.

The general rule established in Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, - the employee has the right to exercise the right to rest. Even if after a short time he has to leave the organization. In this case, the last day of the “holiday” is considered the last day of work.

Dismissal immediately after the vacation occurs without any special features. The employee in a timely manner, at least 2 weeks before the desired date of separation, submits an application. When this time has passed, it is necessary to issue an order. There is no need to hurry and issue an order earlier: a person can change his mind and withdraw his application. The final point, the last day, will be the day on which 14 days have passed since the application was submitted. It doesn't matter if the rest is still going on at this moment.

How to arrange a vacation with subsequent dismissal in 2019

The initiator of the dismissal procedure is the employee himself. It is with his written application that the filling of all related documents begins. We will tell you step by step how to arrange them correctly.


The document is drawn up arbitrarily, without an established sample. The main thing is to clearly describe the request and indicate the last day of work. .

From this moment on, the application is considered endorsed. On it put the number of the case in which it will be stored, and the marking "in the case." Work begins on the preparation of orders of the head. Since there are, in fact, two situations - rest and termination of the contract, there will also be two orders.

Dismissal order

How to issue an order for vacation with subsequent dismissal? To issue an administrative document, the T-8 form or a ready-made template developed by the organization and approved by the head on letterhead is used.

As a basis, it is necessary to reflect the details of the employee's application (date and registration number). The wording of the reason for dismissal looks like this: “On the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code Russian Federation". Make sure that the same words are repeated in the work book.

Leave order

The template for creating this order is Form T-6. It is permissible to use your own sample if it is approved by the accounting policy of the enterprise. There are no special features in the design compared to ordinary holidays. Everything is the same: dates, duration of rest, type, period for which it is provided. If there is an additional vacation, information is added to section B of the T-6 form.

Important: both orders must be signed by the head. Without this, they have no legal force. It is also important to familiarize the employee himself and the persons mentioned in the text (for example, an accountant, cashier, immediate supervisor) under the signature. The list of persons depends on the internal structure of the enterprise and expediency.

Familiarization can be provided as a separate block. Sometimes separate special journals or familiarization sheets are used. After that, the orders are registered and transferred to the case. Then they will be deposited in the array of documents of the current year on personnel.

Time sheet

How to draw up a time sheet if an employee goes on vacation from which he will not return? Continue to fill it out as long as the person belongs to the organization's staff. Depending on the traditions of the company, standard numeric or alphabetic codes, or own developments, may be used. The main one is marked with the code 09 (OT). Additional - 10 (OD). Please note: holidays do not count. They are labeled separately as 26 (B).

Entry in the work book

Information is entered only in strict accordance with the order and Labor legislation, without blots, legibly and accurately. Remember: the amount of an employee's pension may depend on your thoroughness. The record of dismissal must be certified by a whole “package”: the signature of the certifying specialist, manager, and the seal of the company (if any) is needed.

Important: check the contract termination date. It must correspond to the last day of the vacation. It may fall on weekends or holidays, it does not matter. Be sure to hand over the book in a timely manner, no later than on the last day of the employee's service.

After the former employee has received the book, he must confirm this fact in the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them. For this, column 13 of the book is provided. Sometimes it is technically impossible to give the documents in person, or the employee himself refuses to pick it up. In this case, the personnel specialist draws up a letter in which he notifies of the need to pick up the documents and offers to send them by mail. The letter is sent by registered mail, with an inventory and notification.

In addition to the work book, you must fill out a personal card. Section VII reflects the type of vacation (in this case, annual), the beginning, end and duration with the unit of measure calendar day, details of the vacation order.

Then we turn to section XI. It fixes the day of dismissal, the data of the relevant order and the reason. After that, the card is certified by the signature of the filling in responsible specialist, and the employee himself gets acquainted with it against signature. The document is then submitted to the case. Important: personal cards must be stored separately.

Notice of the military registration and enlistment office

If an employee leaving the enterprise is classified as liable for military service, then an additional burden falls on the personnel specialist. It is necessary to report the dismissal to the commissariat. For this, a form approved by the methodological instructions for military registration is used. It is important to do this on time, no later than 14 days from the last day of work.

When to calculate and pay for vacation with subsequent dismissal

Calculation due payments made on the basis of the order of the head. It is important to make all payments on time. Focus on the cheat sheet prepared by our experts:

1. 3 days before the start of the "vacation" - vacation. They are issued separately, without being combined with other amounts. If the issuance day coincided with a weekend or a holiday, issue earlier, moving forward is illegal.

2. On the last day of work, the following are issued:

  • Salary for the last month.
  • Compensation for unused vacation. Exception: if the money is not issued in cash, but transferred to a bank card, a delay of a day is acceptable.

3. On the basis of the terms reflected in the collective or individual agreement (or other local regulations), if it exists - severance pay.

Pros and cons of vacation followed by dismissal

Consider what advantages and disadvantages there are in a situation where a vacation is preceded by a dismissal.

For an employee

Of course, the main plus for an employee is free time. It can be spent looking for a new job, or an internship, a trial period with another employer. Many people prefer to rest and recuperate, that is, to use it as a recreational period. In any case, this is a good opportunity to take a “pause” before a new career stage.

The disadvantages include the lack of opportunity to change your mind. The fact is that the employer will be required to prepare all payments and documents before the start of the holiday. Therefore, you can return to the organization only if you go through the recruitment procedure again. If the boss himself agrees to this. You can change your mind until the vacation begins, and no later.

For the employer

The situation of rest with the subsequent dismissal more often does not please the head. This is logical: the business process will suffer anyway due to the need to replace an employee. And his absence and subsequent dismissal will aggravate the situation and delay the solution of the problem. The pluses include the fact that a person who is not interested in cooperation will leave the organization. You can draw conclusions and find a more motivated employee.

An employee can use the leave due to him immediately before dismissal (part 2 of article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Only employees whose dismissal is not caused by their guilty actions can use this right (for a list of those, see Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must issue a request for leave with subsequent dismissal in writing.

Not later than 3 days before the start of the vacation, vacation pay must be paid to the employee, and the remaining payments (salary for hours worked, compensation for unused vacation, etc.) must be paid on the last working day (i.e., on the day preceding the first vacation day) (part 9, article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to calculate payment for the main time annual leave with subsequent dismissal in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" (rev. 3), see the new article in the reference book "Personnel accounting and settlements with personnel in 1C programs":

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  • "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" (rev. 3.0). Registration of leave with subsequent dismissal (+ video)

    The video was made in the program "1C: Payroll and HR 8" release 3.0.23.

    AT information system 1C:ITS in the section “Auditor answers” ​​clarifications are given that in the case of vacation followed by dismissal, the last day of work is actually the day preceding his first day of vacation. Therefore, it is necessary to make the final settlement with the employee on the last working day before the vacation.

    In the program "1C: Payroll and HR 8" edition 3.0, there is no restriction on the dismissal of an employee on the last day of vacation, but it is important to follow the sequence of documents. First you need to register a vacation in the program (menu Personnel - Holidays). This will change the information about the rest of the holidays. Then, on the same day, you can issue a dismissal order (menu Personnel - Receptions, Transfers, Dismissals), in which the date of dismissal coincides with the last day of vacation. Bookmark Charges and deductions final settlement is made. Vacation compensation is calculated taking into account vacation ending on the day of dismissal.

    Note! If this sequence is violated, the program will not be given the opportunity to correctly calculate the rest of the holidays.

    Vacation with subsequent dismissal in 1s zup

    Related Articles

    Often an employee, before finally leaving his place of work, takes all the non-vacation leave. Employers also have nothing against granting another vacation followed by dismissal, since there is no need to pay employees monetary compensation.

    It is much more profitable to send a person on another vacation with subsequent dismissal than to bear significant financial expenses. Leave with further dismissal may be more than annual leave. The employee has the right to take all non-vacation days, this is especially true for people who have not been on vacation for a long time. In this article, we will consider how to issue and register a vacation in 1s 8.2 with subsequent dismissal.

    Personnel registration of the next vacation with subsequent dismissal

    For the correct registration of a vacation with subsequent dismissal in 1s zup, you need to know the norms of the law on this issue and strictly observe them. The specifics of granting such a vacation is that the employment relationship is terminated and the contract is terminated on the last day of the vacation, and to calculate and issue all Required documents it is necessary on the last day of a person's work, i.e. last day before vacation. For example, the programmer Kotov goes on vacation for 7 days with a further dismissal on October 10, 2016. In this case, it is necessary to make a full settlement with Kotov on October 7 (on his last working day), and the employment contract with Kotov will be terminated on October 16, 2016.

    What documents need to be prepared?

    When taking a vacation with further dismissal, a personnel officer must prepare the following documents:

  • leave order;
  • Order on termination of employment;
  • Employee's personal card;
  • Certificate of the amount of earnings for 2 years;
  • Other documents, if the employee himself asks for their issuance.
  • Calculation of the amount of vacation pay if the employee does not take all the vacation

    In practice, there are situations when, when granting the next vacation with subsequent dismissal, the employee still has unvacated vacation days. Let's look at an example of how to pay vacation pay in this case. Engineering communications specialist R.I. Loshkin goes on vacation with subsequent dismissal from October 26, 2016, while he takes all his annual leave. .But Loshkin still has 9 days left for the previous time. First you need to determine the number of days taken into account in the billing period, as well as calculate the average earnings for one day. Further, the number of non-vacation days of vacation is multiplied by the daily earnings.

    Reflection of leave with subsequent dismissal in 1s zup

    In the 1c program, there are no obstacles when dismissing a person on the last day of vacation. However, some personnel officers face certain difficulties. For successful reflection, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of personnel documents. First you need to register a vacation in the program. After that, information about the rest of the holidays changes. Then, on the same day, you can post a dismissal order in which the date of dismissal coincides with the last day of vacation. On the Accruals and deductions tab, the final settlement is made.

    The next vacation followed by dismissal in practice is provided to employees quite often. For proper execution, it is necessary to strictly observe the dates of preparation of certain documents. The order for the grant of leave must be dated the last working day of the employee. And the order to terminate the employment contract is also prepared on the last day before the vacation, however, it contains a reference that the relationship itself ends on the last day of the vacation. It is also extremely important to correctly calculate the amount of vacation pay if a person does not take all non-vacation days. Making a vacation with subsequent dismissal in 1s Zup is not difficult if you carry out documents in a certain sequence.

    How to reflect payments on vacation with subsequent dismissal in 1C ZUP 8.3?

    Good afternoon.
    The problem is this: the employee went on vacation with subsequent dismissal, from 27.06 to 24.07. Accordingly, the date of dismissal is 24.07.
    Three days before the start of the vacation, vacation pay is listed. On the last working day - 06/26/18 - the RFP for June + compensation for unused vacation was transferred.
    BUT! when compiling the payroll, the accruals for June do not include the amount of compensation for unused vacation, and, accordingly, this amount at the end of June remains “hanging” as an overpayment to the employee.

    The ZUP decided that this is the accrual of July (most likely due to the date of dismissal) and puts it in the July statement.
    But I put JUNE in the accrual document, the payment date is 06/26/18.
    And, because ZUP considers accruals for June without this compensation, then the contributions for June are considered less than necessary.

    Help, please, to understand. HOW to “explain” to the program that if I calculate compensation in JUNE, then it should also be included in the statement in JUNE?

    UDP: problem solved. The consistent re-posting of documents for this employee helped - from the accrual of vacation pay to the payment of wages and compensation.
    The topic can be closed.

    ZUP. Vacation followed by dismissal. The number of days of compensation.

    The employee has been issued leave with subsequent dismissal. As far as I understand, the program calculates vacation compensation in accordance with Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - that is, vacation is included in the billing period. There were disagreements with the personnel department of the customer, who believe that only the last working date should be included in the billing period to determine the number of vacation compensation days. Here is their position:

    When an employee is granted leave with subsequent dismissal, all calculations are made before going on vacation, since after its expiration the parties will no longer be bound by obligations (Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 01.25.2007 N 131-O-O, letter of Rostrud of 12.24.2007 N 5277 -6-1).

    I would like to clarify who is right here and how to proceed in this case?

    (6) See paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood”.

    (9) Honestly, I did not understand the essence of the problem. From the same LETTER OF ROSTRUD dated December 24, 2007 No. 5277-6-1

    from it: In this case, the last day of vacation is considered the day of dismissal.

    from (0) - There were disagreements with the personnel department of the customer, who believe that only the last working date should be included in the billing period to determine the number of vacation compensation days. Here is their position:

    those. contradiction

    (0) no contradictions anywhere and in nothing.
    introduce your unfortunate lawyers at least with Labor Code.
    Specifically, article 121.
    what could be unclear?
    there is a closed list of periods that are NOT included, and not a single stupid personnel service of a single stupid customer has the right to make changes and additions to the CLOSED list in the Labor Code.

    PS: this is such an unambiguously readable paragraph (121 TC) that any labor inspectorate and any court will easily and happily hang your unfortunate specialists from the personnel service by the balls.

    “The length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave includes:

    the time when the employee did not actually work, but in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, the employment contract retained the place of work (position), including the time of annual paid leave, non-working holidays, days off and other days of rest provided to the employee;

    the TC does not say anything about the features upon dismissal or anything else.
    the Labor Code expressly states that annual paid leave is included in the length of service.
    and not a single letter (by the way, saying nothing about the length of service, but only talking about the terms of calculation and no more), in any case, not a single letter can surpass the Labor Code.

    Leave followed by dismissal

    All employees who work in accordance with the law after six months of work have the right to leave.

    There is an opportunity to quit immediately after a vacation, and this is stated in Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    If the employee decides to terminate the employment contract, then get a vacation with subsequent dismissal own will it can in 2 cases:

    • consent of the head of the company
    • non-vacation vacation (an employee has the right to receive 2.33 days of vacation for each month of work).
    • If the management of the company refused to grant leave to the dismissing employee, then financial compensation(Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

      When an employee commits guilty actions, leave with subsequent dismissal is not granted.

      Even a conscientious employee, the head of the organization is not at all obliged to provide leave before terminating the employment contract, but has the right to pay compensation for unused days.

      This means that an employee can receive leave with subsequent dismissal only by mutual agreement with the head.

      In this case, the employee must 2 statements:

    • on vacation followed by dismissal
    • dismissal of one's own free will with an indication of the reason
    • The personnel department draws up 2 orders:

      • on granting leave (based on the first application of the employee)
      • on termination of the employment contract (on the basis of the second application of the employee)
      • Keep personnel records in the 1C:ZUP program - it is reliable, comfortable and efficient. Use all the features of the 1C: Salary and personnel management system in the new edition 3.1. Manage employees competently for the development of your business!

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        Atypical situations of accounting for holidays in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"

        Example: Employee Kovalenko E.V. was granted regular paid leave from 06/11/2012 to 06/25/2012. The amount accrued to the employee for the vacation period was: 11,904.76 rubles. While on vacation, the employee fell ill, temporary disability lasted from 06/20/2012 to 06/30/2012 (10 calendar days). The leave was extended by the number of days that coincided with the period of temporary disability.

        The personnel officer-calculator must perform the following actions:

    1. Register and accrue the next paid vacation.
    2. Register absenteeism of an employee after the end of the vacation.
    3. Register a period of temporary disability and accrue temporary disability benefits.
    4. Calculate and register vacation extension.

    In the previous article, we described in sufficient detail how to register leave for employees in the Payroll and Human Resources 8 program. Now we just recall what documents this is done. The vacation order is issued in the program using the document "Organizations' vacations" (Personnel records - Absence accounting - Organizations' vacations). Sum holiday accruals is made using the document “Acruement of leave to employees of organizations” (Payroll for organizations - Absences - Accrual of leave to employees of organizations).

    Let us dwell in more detail on the registration of an employee's absence from work at the end of the vacation.

    After the end of the vacation, Kovalenko E.V. was supposed to go to work on 06/26/2012. However, due to illness, she did not go to work. To reflect this fact in the program, it is necessary to enter a personnel document that registers the absence of an employee at work for an unexplained reason - “Absences and illnesses of organizations” (Personnel records - Accounting for absenteeism - Absences and illnesses of organizations). The document indicates the start date of the employee's absence and selects the status "Absent for unknown reason"(since the employee has not yet provided a certificate of incapacity for work). In order to correctly calculate the salary of Kovalenko E.V. in the month of June, on the basis of the document Absenteeism and illness of organizations, it is necessary to maintain a document "Absenteeism in organizations" (Payroll for organizations - Absenteeism - Absenteeism in organizations) in appearance "Unexplained absence", the start date is 06/26/12 and the end date is 06/30/12.

    Registration of absenteeism and absenteeism is required when the personnel officer-calculator does not have a certificate of temporary disability. If, for one reason or another, this sick leave is available in the personnel service, then it is enough to simply enter it into the information base.

    Now let's look at how to correctly register a period of temporary disability and accrue temporary disability benefits?

    In July, the employee went to work and in the next period provided a certificate of incapacity for work, from 06/26/2012 to 06/30/2012. In personnel records, this fact can be registered by entering a correction document Absenteeism and diseases of organizations, which will be a correction document of the previous similar document with the operation type "Absence for an unexplained reason". The document must indicate the start date of the period of temporary disability and select the state "Sick".

    Now you need to enter the document "Accrual for sick leave"(Payroll for organizations - Absences - Accrual on sick leave), in which you must specify the actual start and end date. When calculating the temporary disability benefit, the part of the vacation pay that falls on the sick leave period is automatically reversed. This can be seen on the "Sick leave calculation" tab. If the sick leave is registered in the same accrual month as the vacation, then reversal is not performed, only the need arises to recalculate the previously entered document.

    Now consider how to register an extension of vacation

    Vacation extension in the payroll subsystem is registered using an already known document "Accrual of leave for employees of organizations". However, when filling out the document “Accrual of vacation for employees of organizations”, you should pay attention that when extending the vacation, payment should be made based on the same average earnings as the payment for the main part of the vacation. In order for the average earnings to be calculated when extending the vacation in the same way as for paying the main part of the vacation, the start date of the vacation should be correctly set. As the start date of the vacation, manually enter the start date of the initial extended vacation: in our example, this is 06/11/2012, and as the paid vacation period, specify the period for which the vacation is extended, i.e. from 06/30/2012 to 07/10/2012. In this case, the average earnings for paying for extended vacation will be calculated in the same way as for paying for the main part of the vacation, the amount of accrued vacation pay will be equal to the amount of vacation pay reversed for sick days.

    And in conclusion, consider the case of granting leave with subsequent dismissal

    Because we have considered the issue of registration of annual leave within the framework of this article more than once, we will practically not dwell on this. I would like to remind you that when an employee is granted leave with subsequent dismissal, the last day of leave is considered the day of dismissal, because. after its expiration, the parties (employee and employer) will no longer be bound by obligations. When granting leave with subsequent dismissal, the personnel officer draws up two orders:

  • On granting leave (forms N N T-6 and / or T-6a), approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1);
  • On dismissal (forms N N T-8 and / or T-8a), approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1).
  • Let's look at what documents to reflect this vacation-layoff procedure in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8".

    Example: Employee Petrov I.F. goes on vacation from 06/29/2012 to 07/12/2012, with subsequent dismissal. As mentioned above, on June 26, 2012, the personnel officer draws up two orders and two calculations.

    Leave order - Personnel records - Accounting for absenteeism - Vacations of organizations (form T6)

    Already according to the well-known methodology, through the processing of "Absenteeism Analysis", we calculate vacation pay, thereby introducing the regulatory document "Acruement of leave to employees of organizations" into the database, calculate and carry it out.

    Dismissal order. We create a personnel document in which we indicate the date of dismissal - 07/12/2012 (the last day of Petrov I.F. vacation) - Personnel accounting - Personnel accounting - Dismissals from organizations (T8). When specifying the date of the document, the program automatically calculates the number of days of vacation compensation, based on those entered into the database, based on the processing settings "Setting accounting parameters", on the "Personnel accounting" tab.

    After posting the document, the regulated settlement document “Calculation upon dismissal of an employee of organizations” is entered (Payroll for organizations - Primary documents - Calculation upon dismissal of employees of organizations). The corresponding personnel document is selected as the basis document, which is selected in the requisite - "Order".

    The purpose of this document is to calculate the amount of compensation for unused vacation, which is achieved using the "Calculate" button. Because Petrov I.F. leaves on 07/12/12, then the billing period (for calculating average earnings) is taken from July 2011 to June 2012.

    At this point, I would like to conclude that there is a letter from Rostrud dated July 22, 2010 No. 2184-6-1, in accordance with which the procedure for determining the billing period for determining the average earnings upon dismissal is clarified. This clarification applies to the case if the employee leaves on the last calendar day of the month. In this case, the month of dismissal is included in the billing period.

    Suppose that Petrov I.F. working days.

    Then, with the full calculation of the employee, he will be paid vacation pay, salary for 2 working days and the amount of compensation for unused vacation, in the calculation, which involves the salary part of July 2012. Repayment of the total amount of settlements with the employee can be made using the document “Salary payable organizations", with the type of payment "Salary".

    More detailed information you can get about typical and atypical situations related to the calculation of vacation pay in the section “Personnel and wages” of the ITS PROF disk (subsection - “Personnel records and settlements with personnel in 1C programs”)

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    As mentioned above, on June 26, 2012, the personnel officer draws up two orders and two calculations.

    1. Leave order - Personnel records - Accounting for absenteeism - Vacations of organizations (form T6) Using the well-known method, through the processing of "Absenteeism Analysis", we calculate vacation pay, thereby introducing the regulatory document "Acruement of leave to employees of organizations" into the database, calculate and carry it out.
    2. Dismissal order. We create a personnel document in which we indicate the date of dismissal -12.07.2012 (the last day of Petrov I.F.'s vacation) - Personnel records - Personnel records - Dismissals from organizations (T8). When specifying the date of the document, the program automatically calculates the number of days of vacation compensation, based on those entered into the database, based on the processing settings "Setting accounting parameters", on the "Personnel accounting" tab.

    Zup 2.5 how to arrange a vacation with subsequent dismissal?

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Unlike other holidays, annual paid leave that is not used on time can be transferred to the future, and in case of dismissal, it is subject to compensation to the employee. Annual paid leave Every person who works under an employment contract has the right to leave (Art.

    5 st. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, for the period of the next vacation, the employee, in accordance with labor legislation, retains his place of work (position), as well as average earnings (Article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Paid leave must be granted to an employee regardless of his place of work, shift, form of remuneration, position held, term of the employment contract, organizational and legal form of the employer, etc.
    e. Therefore, vacations are provided, among other things, to those who work:

    • part-time (Article 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    • on a part-time basis (art.

    Vacation with subsequent dismissal in 1s zup


    piter3 12 - 25.12.14 - 16:27 (11) no, not often and few people hammer their lives with such pseudo problems. IMHO of course


    IBTM 13 - 25.12.14 - 16:43 (10) Where in the program or in life? In the program it is possible, in life it is also possible if you do not owe him anything. IBTM 14 - 25.12.14 - 16:43 (13) to (11) List of forum topics Put things in order in your work using the configuration 1C "IT Department Management 8" ATTENTION! If you have lost the message input window, press Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R or the Refresh button in your browser.

    The topic has not been updated for a long time, and was marked as archived.

    8. x zoop vacation followed by dismissal

    StepankovSergei 24.12.14 — 18:53 An employee should be fired, he has 12 days of vacation. From 12/29/2014 to 01/17/2015 we send on vacation, draw up "Dismissal from the organization", the date of dismissal is 01/17/2015.
    In it, he has 2 more days of compensation. How to send on vacation with subsequent dismissal, so that no one owes anything to anyone? Advertising space is empty Shrek_yar 1 — 24.12.14 — 19:54 pay 2 days of compensation shaes 2 — 24.12.14 — 21:48 (0) send to 14 do not offer? StepankovSergei 3 - 12/25/14 - 08:18 If you send on 14, then there will be 2 days of unworked vacation. because on vacation with subsequent dismissal, although the date of dismissal is 17.01, the termination of the employer-employee relationship begins on the date of the last day the employee goes to work on 12.29 ... In general, they were sent for 14 and 2 days upon dismissal were kept.

    Leave followed by dismissal

    Now let's look at how to correctly register a period of temporary disability and accrue temporary disability benefits? In July, the employee went to work and in the next period provided a certificate of incapacity for work, from 06/26/2012 to 06/30/2012. In personnel records, this fact can be registered by entering the correction document “Absences and illnesses of organizations”, which will be the correction document of the previous similar document with the type of operation “Absence for an unexplained reason”.

    In the document, you must indicate the start date of the period of temporary disability and select the state "Sick". Now you need to enter the document "Sick leave accrual" (Payroll for organizations - Absenteeism - Sick leave accrual), in which you must specify the actual start and end date.

    Step 2: determine the number of vacation days that the employee is entitled to for the entire period of his work The number of vacation days in calendar days that are due to the employee for the period of his work with the employer (Kp) is determined by the formula: Kp \u003d Kg / 12 * M, where: Kg - the number of vacation days due to the employee for the working year; M is the length of service with the employer in months, found in Step 1. The resulting number of days may not be an integer. If the employer decides to round off the number of days, this should always be done in favor of the employee, and not according to the rules of arithmetic (Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated 07.12.2005 No. 4334-17). This means, for example, that a non-integer number of vacation days of 37.3 can be used in the future in calculations, but if the employer decides to round it up, then the number of days will be 38, and 37 days.

    1c peg 2 5 leave followed by dismissal

    However, if leave without saving wages is provided to the employee with subsequent dismissal, then it is advisable to make the calculation by analogy with the presentation of paid leave with subsequent dismissal - on the last working day preceding the employee's departure on vacation at his own expense. Sample application for leave with subsequent dismissal An employee who wants to go on leave with subsequent dismissal submits a corresponding application to his employer: to CEO LLC "Sigma" Rumyantsev V.P.

    from the translator of the translation department Streltsova E.A. Application I ask you to provide me with annual paid leave from 06/25/2018 for a duration of 3 calendar days, followed by dismissal of my own free will. 06/18/2018 Translator Streltsova E.A.

    1s zup 2 5 leave followed by dismissal

    Therefore, if the duration of the vacation exceeds 14 calendar days, such an employee has the right to go to work on the day of dismissal to receive the final payment and work book. It is important to take into account that the employer does not have the right to call the employee from vacation before it ends (Art.

    TC RF). Dismissal after vacation of their own free will Nothing changes if the employee decides to leave the employer after he returned from vacation at his own expense. The only difference is that up to and including the day of dismissal, the employee must perform his labor duties during the notice period, unless, of course, the employer agrees to leave the employee ahead of schedule.

    How to calculate the number of vacation days upon dismissal To calculate the number of vacation days due to an employee, you must: Step 1: Calculate the employee's length of service with the employer. Step 2: Determine the number of vacation days that the employee is entitled to for the entire period of his work. Step 3: Determine the number of vacation days the employee has already taken. Step 4: Calculate the number of vacation days not taken off. Step 1: calculate the length of service with the employer in months The answer to the question of what is included in the length of service, giving the right to annual paid leave, is contained in Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The length of service that gives the right to the main paid leave, which gives the right to the main paid leave, includes: in case of suspension from work under Art.

    • at home (Article 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    • remotely (Article 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    At the same time, leave is not granted to persons with whom civil law contracts have been concluded (Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Regular paid leave: the procedure for granting The working year for which the employee is granted annual paid leave is counted from the date the employee enters work, and not from January 1 (art.

    123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As for the first year of work with a new employer, the employee has the right to use the leave after 6 months. But in agreement with the management, a newly minted employee can go on vacation earlier (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The next paid leave can be granted to an employee at any time during the calendar year in accordance with the vacation schedule (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Paid vacation must be no later than 3 calendar days before the start date of the vacation (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Extension and postponement of the annual paid vacation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for several cases when the vacation must be extended or postponed, taking into account the wishes of the employee. This applies to situations where an employee during annual leave (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

    • sick or injured. At the same time, benefits for days of temporary disability are paid to the employee in the general manner (Letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2007 No. 02-13 / 07-4830);
    • performed state duties, in which the legislation provides for exemption from work. For example, he was a juror in court (Article 10, paragraph 3 of Art.

    Zup 2.5 how to arrange a vacation with subsequent dismissal?

    In order for the average earnings to be calculated when extending the vacation in the same way as for paying the main part of the vacation, the start date of the vacation should be correctly set. As the start date of the vacation, manually enter the start date of the initial extended vacation: in our example, this is 06/11/2012, and as the paid vacation period, specify the period for which the vacation is extended, i.e. from 06/30/2012 to 07/10/2012. In this case, the average earnings for paying for extended vacation will be calculated in the same way as for paying for the main part of the vacation, the amount of accrued vacation pay will be equal to the amount of vacation pay reversed for sick days.

    And in conclusion, consider the case of granting leave with subsequent dismissal. we have considered the issue of registration of annual leave within the framework of this article more than once, we will practically not dwell on this.

    Vacation with subsequent dismissal in 1s zup


    Step 3: determine the number of vacation days taken off Based on the information on vacations already used by the employee for the entire period of his work with the employer, the total number of vacation days that the employee has already rested is determined. Step 4: calculate the number of unused vacation days The number of vacation days that the employee did not use at the time of dismissal, and for which he is entitled to compensation, (Kn) is determined by the formula: Kn = Kp - Ki, where: Kp is the number of vacation days due to the employee for the entire period of his work with the employer, which was found in Step 2; Ki is the number of vacation days used at the time of termination, determined in Step 3. How to calculate compensation for unused vacation The number of vacation days not used by the employee at the time of termination, determined in Step 4, must be multiplied by the employee's average daily earnings.

    8. x zoop vacation followed by dismissal

    In fact, the employment relationship with the employee is terminated with the start of his vacation" - the key word is "actually" (as an antonym to the word "legally") StepankovSergei 7 - 12/25/14 - 10:35 (6) I do not have sufficient competence on this issue, but why then during a vacation with subsequent dismissal, if an employee falls ill, is his vacation not extended, and the date of dismissal is not postponed? Yohoho 8 - 25.12.14 - 10:42 (7) StepankovSergei 9 - 25.12.14 - 11:54 (8) He is paid disability benefits, but his vacation is not extended. (6) I know the difference between these terms. But if legally he is still an employee, then why can't he withdraw the letter of resignation? IBTM 10 - 25.12.14 - 13:47 (0) do not make the document "Settlement upon dismissal", if necessary, adjust the rest of the leave of the dismissed person.

    Leave followed by dismissal

    How to arrange a vacation with subsequent dismissal in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" edition 3.0? The video was made in the program "1C: Payroll and HR 8" release 3.0.23. In the information system 1C: ITS, in the section “Auditor answers”, clarifications are given that in the case of vacation followed by dismissal, the last day of work is actually the day preceding his first day of vacation. Therefore, it is necessary to make the final settlement with the employee on the last working day before the vacation.
    In the program "1C: Payroll and HR 8" edition 3.0, there is no restriction on the dismissal of an employee on the last day of vacation, but it is important to follow the sequence of documents. First you need to register a vacation in the program (menu Personnel - Vacations). This will change the information about the rest of the holidays.

    StepankovSergei 5 - 12/25/14 - 09:22 The last day of vacation is considered the day of dismissal. And it is this date that should be indicated in the work book. Moreover, the last day of work will be the last day the employee enters the service.

    Such a conclusion was made in the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2007 No. 131-О-О. As you can see, in this case, the concepts of “day of dismissal” and “last day of work” do not coincide. That means giving work book and it is necessary to make a full settlement with the employee before he goes on vacation - on the last day of work.
    In fact, the employment relationship with the employee is terminated with the start of his vacation. The same point of view is reflected in the letter of Rostrud dated December 24, 2007 No. 5277-6-1. Read more: Serg_1960 6 - 25.12.14 - 10:00 I hope the TS is still aware of the differences between the concepts of "day of dismissal" and "last day of work" ...

    1c peg 2 5 leave followed by dismissal


    We also recall that when granting leave with subsequent dismissal, the employee has the right to withdraw his application for dismissal before the day the vacation begins, if another employee is not invited to his place in the transfer order. Leave upon dismissal The right to leave an employee upon dismissal is fixed by Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This right can be exercised:

    • in the form of vacation with subsequent dismissal;
    • in the form of compensation for unused vacation.

    In any case, all days of unused vacations of the employee at the time of dismissal must be provided in kind or compensated in cash.

    The basic paid leave, which is granted annually to an employee for a period of 28 calendar days, cannot be compensated in money if the employee continues to work. This is its difference from additional leave.

    1s zup 2 5 leave followed by dismissal

    Law of 08.20.2004 No. 113-FZ). If an employee, while on vacation, immediately notified his employer about his illness or the performance of his state duties, then his vacation can be automatically extended by the appropriate number of days (clause 18 of the Rules on regular and additional holidays , approved by the NCT of the USSR on April 30, 1930 No. 169). In this case, a separate extension order is not required. As a result, the employee will return to work later than the originally set end date for the vacation. If the employee goes to work in accordance with the vacation schedule and only then informs the employer, for example, that he was sick, then the issue of postponing part of the vacation for another period will need to be agreed with him. The employee will have to write an application for the postponement of the vacation.
    Each employer approves such a schedule no later than 2 weeks before the start of the calendar year. This means that no later than December 17 of the current year, a vacation schedule for the next year must be drawn up and approved (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employee is going on vacation according to the schedule, then it is not necessary to take an application from him for the next vacation.

    In this case, it is necessary 2 weeks before the start of the employee's vacation or earlier, send him a notice of vacation against signature (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There is no approved form for such notification, so the employer has the right to decide how to notify the employee (Letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1). In addition to the notification, it will be necessary to issue an order to grant leave to the employee or employees in the form No. T-6 or No. T-6a, respectively (approved by
    Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05.01.2004 No. 1).
    The document indicates the start date of the employee’s absence and selects the status “Absent for an unexplained reason” (since the employee has not yet provided a certificate of incapacity for work). In order to correctly calculate the salary of Kovalenko E.V. in the month of June, on the basis of the document Absenteeism and illness of organizations, it is necessary to maintain the document “Absenteeism in organizations” (Payroll for organizations - Absenteeism - Absenteeism in organizations) according to the type “Absence for an unexplained reason”, the start date is 06.26.12 and end 06.30. 12. Registration of absenteeism and absenteeism is required when the personnel officer-calculator does not have a certificate of temporary disability. If, for one reason or another, this sick leave is available in the personnel service, then it is enough to simply enter it into the information base.