Cutting of air ducts and shaped products. Pattern and production of shaped parts for ventilation and aspiration

Now there is no such large industrial enterprise in nature, which creates a large concentration of:

  • raw materials;
  • energy capacities;
  • transport and GPM
  • workers;
  • other inventory items where deep air purification would not be needed.

This is an ordinary and undeniable requirement of the time itself regarding the preservation of the environment, the life and health of people, increasing the efficiency of labor in the creation of goods and material goods to meet the needs of society.

A modern aspiration system in the working premises of factories, factories, chemical, oil refineries and other enterprises is the next step towards the development of ventilation to create a healthy workshop atmosphere, which, together with dust and gaseous production waste, was simply removed directly into ecological system region.

The process of aspiration differs from ordinary ventilation of premises primarily in that the removal of dry suspension of the smallest solid particles together with polluted air is carried out directly from the working area, where the most intensive formation of environmentally friendly harmful dust. This approach to deep air purification technology is not only the most efficient, but also the most economical.

Equipment for aspiration plants

For each specific workshop, both the ventilation system that creates and controls air flows in the room, and the aspiration installations that are engaged in the direct removal of the smallest solid particles before they enter the air space of the workshop or into the atmosphere, are developed jointly.

Deep air aspiration units are of two types:

  1. Monoblock, when a completely autonomous installation is created with a closed process for the selection, collection and disposal of dry dust particles. Therefore, it usually consists of one or more fans, filters and a special container for the concentration of the selected waste.
  2. Modular, when a single system is designed with air ducts connected to different workplaces, low and high pressure, separators, containers for collection and storage of waste. Such systems can be created both for a separate workshop and for the whole complex of production facilities of the plant.

There are direct-flow aspiration units, when the air flow after cleaning is released into the atmosphere, recirculation, when the clean air flow returns to the room either directly or through the ventilation system.

The main equipment of aspiration plants include:

  • Cyclones. This is a two-chamber ventilation device that creates a high degree of centrifugal air rarefaction: large particles are concentrated in the outer chamber, and small particles accumulate on the surface of the inner one.
  • Filtration sleeves and pipelines. When passing through them, the polluted air flow loses a significant part of the solid inclusions on their walls.
  • Filters and settlers. They can be installed both instead of atmospheric cyclones and on pipelines at transitions to ventilation.
  • Catchers for large particles and metal chips. They are installed directly near the workplace, for example, next to machines.
  • Press and waste containers.

Evaluation of the work of aspiration in the workshop

Evaluation of aspiration performance in industrial production is given by:

  • by the total amount of disposed waste;
  • in relation to "non-disposal of harmfulness" to the "initial harmfulness" of the technological process. That is, in the air volume that has passed through the deep cleaning system, the amount of dust that has escaped disposal is determined.

The effectiveness of ventilation is determined only by the volume of air flow that was removed from the room without creating drafts that could be harmful to the health of workers.

Basically, the performance of the aspiration system is reduced by all kinds of leaks in the connections in the piping system and filtration sleeves. They create up to 15 - 20% loss of aspiration efficiency and make it necessary to install more powerful electric motors on cyclone fans. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically carry out inspections and scheduled preventive repairs on operated systems to eliminate defects at the joints of pipelines and filtration sleeves.

Design and installation of aspiration on working technological equipment

Increasing environmental requirements is a global trend of modern technological progress. Therefore, the installation of aspiration for almost all industrial enterprises is a mandatory technical measure that improves the culture of production.

For the design and installation of air aspiration equipment, it is not necessary to change existing technological processes. Since treatment plants are made to order, the design organization adapts the aspiration to the available technological equipment. Binding to the conditions of a particular workshop and accuracy in the calculations predetermine both the compressed terms of the installation of systems and the efficiency of its operation in the future.

At the design stage, in addition to the location of workshop equipment, sources of pollution and aspiration points, the following initial data are determined:

  • Air consumption and rarefaction reduction at each cleaning point.
  • The speed of movement of air flows through pipelines and sleeves of a certain diameter and length.

After that, calculations are made to establish the types of dust collectors, the diameters of the air ducts in each section are specified, the amount of waste and filters is determined, and so on.

After the creation of technical documentation, a plan for the installation work is drawn up, achieving the minimum time for stopping the technological process, which will be required for the direct installation of aspiration equipment.

Production processes are often accompanied by the release of dust-like elements or gases that pollute the indoor air. The problem will be solved by aspiration systems designed and installed in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Let's figure out how they work and where they use such devices, what types of air purifying complexes are. Let's designate the main working units, describe the design standards and the rules for installing aspiration systems.

Air pollution is an inevitable part of many manufacturing processes. In order to comply with the established sanitary norms air purity, use aspiration processes. With their help, dust, dirt, fibers and other similar impurities can be effectively removed.

Aspiration is suction, which is carried out by creating an area of ​​low pressure in the immediate vicinity of the source of pollution.

To create such systems, serious specialized knowledge and skills are required. practical experience. Although the operation of aspiration devices is closely related to the functioning, not every ventilation specialist will be able to design and install this type of equipment.

To achieve maximum efficiency, ventilation and aspiration methods are combined. The ventilation system in the production room must be equipped to ensure a constant supply of fresh air from outside.

Aspiration is widely used in the following industries:

  • crushing production;
  • wood processing;
  • manufacturing of consumer products;
  • other processes that are accompanied by the release of a large amount of substances harmful to inhalation.

It is far from always possible to ensure the safety of employees with standard protective equipment, and aspiration may be the only way to establish a safe production process in the shop.

Aspiration units are designed to efficiently and quickly remove various small contaminants from the air that are formed during industrial production.

Removal of contaminants using systems of this type is carried out through special air ducts, which have a large angle of inclination. This position prevents the appearance of so-called stagnation zones.

Mobile ventilation and aspiration units are easy to install and operate, they are perfect for small businesses or even for a home workshop

An indicator of the effectiveness of such a system is the degree of non-knocking out, i.e. the ratio of the amount of contaminants that have been removed to the mass harmful substances not included in the system.

There are two types of aspiration systems:

  • modular systems– stationary device;
  • monoblocks– mobile installations.

In addition, aspiration systems are classified according to the level of pressure:

  • low-pressure- less than 7.5 kPa;
  • medium pressure- 7.5-30 kPa;
  • high-pressure- over 30 kPa.

The complete set of aspiration system of modular and monoblock type differs.

In hot shops, heating of the air coming from outside is not needed, it is enough to make an opening in the wall and close it with a damper.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Here is an overview of the unpacking and installation of the RIKON DC3000 mobile suction system for the woodworking industry:

This video demonstrates a stationary aspiration system used in furniture production:

Suction systems – modern and reliable way purification of air in industrial premises from hazardous contaminants. If the structure is properly designed and installed without errors, it will demonstrate high efficiency at minimal cost.

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Aspiration is designed to remove small dry particles from under the shelters of transport and technological equipment and the working area using the method of sucking them with an air stream (air is used as a carrier medium) into the pipeline of the aspiration system, through which particles with an air stream reach their destination (filter, sump and collected in any container). To eliminate dust emissions, aspiration systems with an extensive network of air ducts and gas cleaning equipment are used.

Installation and adjustment of aspiration plants is carried out at enterprises for the storage and processing of grain products, brick factories, quarries, etc.

Aspiration is different from ventilation the fact that in ventilation the work of the system is focused on controlling the flow of air as such, and in aspiration air is used only as a carrier, and the work of the system is focused on removing small dry particles.

Systems Design

The purpose of the aspiration system is to prevent the spread of harmful emissions from the source into the air of the working area. An aspiration device, as a rule, is required at woodworking, crushing and other enterprises of light and heavy industry, the technological process of which occurs with the release of harmful substances. The main difference of this type of ventilation from others is the large angle of inclination of the air ducts to prevent the formation of stagnant zones and the high speed of the air flow.

The effectiveness of the system is evaluated by the so-called degree of non-knocking out, that is, the ratio of remote hazards to hazards that have avoided utilization by the local suction system and therefore got into the air of the working area.

There are two types of aspiration systems - monoblock and modular.

Monoblock suction systems

The advantages of monoblock systems include mobility and autonomy. Monoblock allows to place the unit close to sources of harmful emissions and provides easy connection to highways central systems aspiration. The monoblock unit consists of a fan, a separator (filter) and a waste tank, and can be mobile or stationary.

Modular suction systems

This type of system is more efficient, the modular aspiration system is designed and mounted on the basis of a specific task set by the customer, the solution of which is the complete compatibility of the characteristics of the created device with the technological process that required its presence.

The main elements and nodes of this system:

  • air ducts
  • cutting modules
  • presses, press containers

Aspiration systems have found their application in such industries as:

  • production of powders and bulk materials
  • processing and production of paper and cardboard products

Loss of performance

A significant share of productivity is reduced due to the presence of leaks in the system, creating losses of 5-10% [ ] . This phenomenon is often not considered when conducting an examination of already operating aspiration systems, or creating a project. The selection of the fan unit is made without taking into account the normalized losses, without recalculating the fan power with the required margin.

The production of many types of products is associated with the formation of dust suspensions that prevent workers from breathing and threaten their health. Cement plants, crushers, mills, enterprises of the chemical, metallurgical industry and many other economic sectors faced the problem of clean air in the shops immediately after their appearance.

They tried to deal with dust and other dangerous contaminants by issuing protective equipment for individual purposes (called respirators and representing the simplest respiratory filters), but these were not very effective. In recent decades, in developed manufacturing companies, a more effective means for creating normal working conditions, aspiration, has become increasingly popular. This word shares the Latin root "spiro" with respirator, meaning "breath".

The task of the aspiration system

It is impossible to work at the mentioned enterprises, called hazardous production, without ventilation. With the removed air, various dangerous and unpleasant impurities leave the covered enclosed space. Actually, it was this fact that inspired the engineers to increase the degree of purification, creating the most favorable conditions for the passage of the dust-air mixture.

An aspiration system is a set of technical means that ensures the removal of suspended impurities from working areas industrial premises in order to reduce their concentration and impact on the human body, as well as their disposal. In other words, it is created so that people can breathe easily, and the factory or plant does not harm the environment.

Pipe and fan of aspiration system

The most important thing in this system is the pipe. But not simple, but special, made so that dust does not get stuck in it and does not accumulate. It is quite possible to use straight-seam pipes, but spiral-wound pipes, similar to vacuum cleaner hoses, perform their function better. But the subtleties do not end there: the slope of the duct also matters. Dust can be very heavy (for example, cement), so the design of aspiration is carried out taking into account the specific nature of impurities, their physical and chemical properties. The laying scheme is most often branched, has turns, characterized by the magnitude of the relative rounding, the radius of which should not be less than twice the diameter of the pipe.

The pressure gradient at the inlet-inlet and outlet can be created by a level difference, but the fan still gives the desired flow rate, without which high-quality aspiration is impossible. This is usually a classic "snail" low pressure(sometimes there are several).

Waste treatment

What to do with polluted air? Simply throwing it into the atmosphere is not only unethical in relation to residents of adjacent urban or rural areas, but is also fraught with impressive amounts of fines imposed on industries whose management does not want to be treated environment with due respect. Therefore, it makes direct sense to separate harmful inclusions. This problem is solved by two devices connected in series in the pipeline - a separator and a filter.

The collected "garbage" in some cases can be used for recycling, but even then its volume should be reduced, so it is pressed and collected in special containers.

So, if the system consists of a pipeline, a pump, a separator, a filter and a collection of recyclable waste, then this is aspiration. Ventilation is only a part of it, providing pneumatic transportation of the air-dust mixture.

Monoblock suction systems

Despite the simplicity of the principle of operation, there are various ways its implementation. The most widespread is the monoblock scheme, in which dust removal devices are installed at each workplace that pollutes the air. They are stationary or mobile. Such aspiration is an analogue of the already mentioned vacuum cleaner with its own hopper to be cleaned regularly, its own fan (air pump) and a short air duct, which, depending on the degree of mobility, is a flexible hose or a rigidly installed pipe. Monoblocks are mass-produced, which is the reason for their relatively low cost.

Modular systems

Large productions with a strong dust content of working spaces cannot do with monoblock aspiration devices. High performance is required with ease of maintenance, because the constant need to clean a large number of small collectors is too laborious. In this case, a typical approach is a rarity, except that it is itself standardized, and it provides for at the design stage such important system like aspiration. This happens when a certain type of mill or plant is delivered on a turnkey basis and meets the highest environmental standards. More often, firms involved in solving the problem in the working area are involved in the modernization of long-running industries that require individual study of all technological aspects.