How do cartoons affect children? Research work "The influence of cartoons on the psyche of children"

Do you know what your child is watching?

The influence of Western m / f on children

A fairy tale is the main attribute of the upbringing of a child ... Previously, fairy tales were told by grandmothers and carried Good, Love and Care in themselves ... Now, the upbringing of our children has passed into the hands of Western cartoons ...

This video makes you think about what is pouring into the minds of our children from the screens ...

The full version of the program "Moscow Week", dedicated to how veiled, but no less effective, Western cartoons corrupt our children, make them sadists, nihilists, cynics, boors ...

Show this video to your friends! Especially those who have children!

Cartoon influence

In the minds of adult Russians, cartoon This is what is meant for children. But most parents foreign cartoons raise doubts about their safety. Parents are increasingly feeling anxious when their children watch foreign cartoons. The intuition of parents suggests that while the child is watching foreign cartoons, something is not right.

We claim that most foreign cartoons are not harmless, they should never be shown to a child, and those foreign cartoons, which were not included in the first group, should be viewed under parental censorship and with parental comments. Otherwise, there is a high risk that it is not the parents who will raise their children. Millions of parents let their kids watch cartoons who didn't watch it themselves. After all, a fairy tale, a cartoon for a child, is what forms a model of the world around. These are images of mom and dad, friend and foe, good and evil, all that he will be guided by then all his life. By the way, it depends on this upbringing whether the child will help you in old age or will hand you over to a nursing home, thinking that this is how it should be.

The child perceives almost all information in the form of images, from these images the child subsequently builds his own model of the world, and the most important cube in this model is the image of a woman, girl, girl. Looking at the heroines, girls absorb stereotypes of future sexual behavior, and the boys form a matrix, using which he will unconsciously choose a life partner, the mother of his future children. And we are talking more about internal, spiritual qualities, which are reflected in appearance and cartoon character action.

Is there an influence of cartoons?

Researchers on this topic took, looked at a bunch foreign cartoons, selected episodes where female characters act and showed all these episodes to child psychologists. Psychologists were shocked by what they saw, and researchers were shocked by the psychologists' verdict. It turned out that the heroines of the majority american cartoons designed in such a way that systematic viewing by children cartoons with their participation leads to the extinction of the functions of procreation.

This is how it is achieved. The image of a woman is deprived of romance and secrets, it is endowed with adult realism, physiology and cruelty. Along the way, women's qualities traditional for Russian society are ridiculed, the very ones that our domestic good cartoons, this is chastity, tenderness, shyness, selflessness, modesty and motherhood as such.

What American cartoons do to our children can be summed up in a short statement: intellectual corruption . This is the opinion of professional child psychologists.

The influence of cartoons, what are the mechanisms

Let's now talk about the mechanics of changing the child's psyche through the substitution of images. These means are so simple and so common in foreign cartoons and so obvious that one involuntarily wonders how this passes the attention of adults without encountering opposition.

Let's start with a simple one, this is the color of the characters and the color scheme. Check out some cartoons that show on TNT in children's time. I took the cartoon "Winx" - a school of sorceresses, where several sorceresses constantly turn into fairies. The color of these characters has bright, poisonous colors, and the moment of transformation from ordinary girls to fairies is densely accompanied by frequent flickering of different colors on the screen (so that I had a headache at the time of viewing, and my child was so chained to the screen that he did not respond on my question). This technique exploits the properties of the child's psyche to respond to all the brightest. Thus, all the attention of the child is riveted to the character who leads the child wherever he wants, without giving him the opportunity to be distracted and reflect. That is why small children drop everything when an advertisement appears on the TV screen and watch it so attentively.

The face of the main characters. It doesn't take a genius to see that the main characters of all American cartoons look the same. Due to the frequency of flashing this face on the screen, it turns into an acquired aesthetic stereotype. So the girls will be anxious to look like cartoon characters. And the boys will look for a companion, focusing on the same thing. It is the process of creating a new matrix of beauty.

By the way american cartoon characters not only do they have a similarity in appearance, but they also have the same manner of speaking. Here you have another technology for controlling the mass consciousness of your children, an anchor is installed in the child's subconscious.

American romantic heroines are endowed (with the one whom the child sympathizes with and imitates) with the attributes of anger, malice and cruelty. Can you imagine the Russian frog princess who fights like a man or the main character from the "scarlet flower" who gets angry or swears? But the princess from Shrek fights like a man and does it with taste, fun and contagious. There is a masculinization of women in American cartoons, which in adulthood will lead to sexual disorientation. Maybe that's why they have so many feminists and lesbians?

Now let's talk about sadism using the example of the same cartoon"Shrek". If you watched these cartoons, then you may remember how the princess begins to sing and next to it from a nest on a branch, a bird takes off (there are several eggs in the nest) and starts whistling to the princess, but after a while the princess raises her voice and tears the bird. The princess is embarrassed, but not for long, and they begin to fry the very eggs that were left in the nest. If you pay attention to your child at this moment, you will see how the child laughs at this episode, and you probably laughed too.

You yourself have witnessed how a shift in consciousness is achieved, how strangers are shifting the psyche of your children before your very eyes. It's not just a beautiful murder scene, it's a devaluation of death. This episode crosses out the entire system of children's ideas about the world. The main character of our fairy tales cannot be treacherous, cruel, she cannot kill an animal, but on the contrary, they show love for animals. And why our heroines from frogs turn into beautiful princesses, and in Shrek from a princess into a troll.

Cartoon influence and sex

. Remember the main characters in Russian cartoons, their femininity is expressed only through spiritual qualities. AT american cartoons women are realistic, physiological, dominated by beautifully developed forms of adult women, there is no chastity in the behavior of American heroines, which distinguishes products for children from films for adults. American cartoon characters showing sympathy for the opposite sex, the multidives are not shy, they do not lower their eyes to the floor, but behave like grated women of known behavior who seduce in a vulgar and concrete way. And children automatically copy the behavior of the hero or heroine.

Touches and kisses cartoons. In our cartoons the greatest erotica is the closed hands of the heroes, and the kiss is hidden from view, it is only indicated. In foreign cartoons, everything is for show, like in adults. Lips are open and lustful, you can touch a woman like a normal thing. Shrek, for example, drags the princess on his shoulder, and then, flirting with her, pushes her so that she flies into the bushes, and she likes all this. In our cartoons, the heroine is not pushed or dragged, because a woman is not supposed to be treated like that. In American cartoons, there is a bookmark on how a woman should be treated.

This stereotype of behavior from the point of view of a psychologist further excludes the relationship of love, respect and marriage between the sexes, replacing them with the stereotype of sexual partnership. And sexual partnership, as we well know, does not imply the creation of a family and the continuation of the family. Psychologists warn that adult stereotypes of behavior, in particular erotica, cannot be shown in children's cartoons, this prematurely disinhibits the child's sphere of attraction for which the child is not yet functionally and morally ready. These experiences will cripple the child's psyche and in the future, this will result in sexual problems, difficulties in creating a family and procreation. Pedophiles are responsible for the physical corruption of our children, and American cartoons are responsible for the moral corruption.

According to child psychologists, only through romance and timidity in front of the opposite sex can a boy become a real man, only a modest, chaste girl is able to attract real men, and not freaks from cartoons that cities are teeming with today. Our children are exposed to such a massive influence of children's cartoons, namely, non-childish images are created, that more and more children are becoming with a phenomenon that psychologists have called "romantic hunger in children."

The influence of cartoons and the image of a woman

The most important, most sacred image of a woman in the fairy tales of all peoples of the world is the image of a mother. Now remember everything american cartoons that you have seen and this is what you will get: mother, motherhood in the traditional form is shown only in cartoons about animals (the lion king, 101 dalmatians, etc.), they are filled with touching, sentimental and very kind scenes of animal mothers caring for cubs, kittens, etc. In American cartoons, you will not meet a single mother of a person with such qualities, but on the contrary, you can see how with the help of cartoons they inspire children with something completely different.

Using visual images that appear for a very short time and the consciousness does not have time to evaluate them critically, such images are immediately introduced into the subconscious as a hypnotic suggestion (similar to the effect of frame 25), this is noticed only on slow viewing, and on normal mode playback shows how something flashed in the foreground and you did not betray this value.

See an example of the hypnotic influence of cartoons:

Here is an example for you hypnotic suggestion cartoons, taken from Beauty and the Beast. These are two frames, on the first one you can see how the beauty is at the beginning of the path, and she moves from right to left, and on the second she is at the end of the movement on the left side of the screen. During this time, the woman with children in the foreground changed several times and her appearance was approximately the same as in these pictures.

The beauty moved from right to left for less than a second, and a woman with children took 8 terrible poses during this time.

What did we see during slow viewing? And this is what we saw: in the foreground, not a young, not beautiful, very irritated and embittered woman with children, how do you like this image of a mother that is shoved into the heads of our children ??? And in the background: above all this, a beautiful, young, slender heroine is visible. These shots instill in girls an aversion to motherhood in general and to having many children in particular. Here it is suggested either you are an ugly, old and poor mother, or you are beautiful, young, but then do not give birth. What choice will you make? And your girl does not even have a choice, this decision is forcibly and disguisedly laid in the subconscious of the child.

Images of a woman are images of a wife and a mother, and this is how they should be imprinted in the mind and subconscious of your child. For a girl, this is a role model, and for a boy, this is a model that he should choose in the future!

The Internet is replete with an extremely negative assessment of the role influence modern cartoons for kids especially for Disney cartoons. Children in this context are even called "the main victims of television insanity", noting that television and the Internet too much determine our lives, and, accordingly, the lives of our children. Here are the main theses of such articles: modern child too crammed with visual information; all modern parents are lazy, as they use cartoons to get rid of the child and go about their own business; the child necessarily becomes addicted to viewing; the child will definitely copy everything that he sees on the screen; most modern cartoons are rife with violence, aggression, bad examples, as well as erotic overtones. All this injures the child's psyche, teaches wrong examples, leads to psychological problems, difficulties in education, lagging behind in school, and in the future to a wrong attitude towards life. The main recommendations in this regard are: up to three years, keep the child away from the TV at all, and from the age of three - exclusively soviet cartoons.

However, how fair are such radical measures? The world is not black and white, it is full of bright colors, and you need to be able to see it. The world is neither one-dimensional nor two-dimensional, it is voluminous, multifaceted, everything in it is not divided into “Yes” and “No”, it is much more complex and interesting. The philosophy of sweeping denial is not productive. It is necessary to adequately perceive today's reality. In it, as in any other historical reality, there is both good and bad. The strategy “let's hide our head in the sand, close the child's eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and never show him modern cartoons” is wrong.

The approach that “everything was good before, but now everything is very bad” is characteristic of people who experience a subconscious fear of modern reality. Psychologists sometimes make very interesting reservations, advising to completely abandon modern cartoons. In this regard, I cannot resist quoting a thesis from a psychological article about the influence of cartoons on the mind of a child. Please read carefully: Orthodox psychologist, chief researcher of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education Vera Abramenkova states that the modern child is surrounded by visual materials - this is not only TV, but also phones, iPhones, iPads, the Internet, computer toys. Therefore, now our children are less protected than children born in the war and post-war years.". In other words, the psychologist in all seriousness claims that children born during the Second World War were more protected than our modern children. Here, apparently, war, bombings, genocide, famine, fascism, etc. are not taken into account. Is the iPad really that scary?

What psychologists usually say about life, family, children, etc. is also not the ultimate truth. Psychology, like any modern science, is not a single unshakable truth, but a set of points of view. Any modern science, especially the humanities, is a complex of scientific directions, schools and approaches that largely argue with each other, criticize each other, proving completely different points of view. Two different psychologists can give you completely different advice about the same problem, and you will have to choose what is closer to you. Here, as in medicine, a drug that helps you will not necessarily help your roommate as effectively, even if you share the same diagnosis with him.

This article is obviously not focused on saying: “This is good, but this is bad. Look at this, but this is by no means.” How many people, so many opinions, there is no single right decision. Each parent should select cartoons for their own child, taking into account, first of all, how the child reacts to this or that cartoon, and also based on their own feelings. Without making a horror story from any one particular type of cartoons, and without focusing on one thing, you can quite reasonably choose the optimal set of cartoons for your child that will not negatively affect him. To begin with, I propose to consider simply the spectrum of opinions that has been formed at the moment, both in public opinion, among parents, and among child psychologists. For example, let's take a small set of cartoons that are popular with modern children.

Soviet cartoons.

Despite the fact that they can no longer be called “modern”, Soviet cartoons are still very relevant. Towards the positives
Psychologists consider these cartoons to be of high quality. Soviet cartoons were not put on stream, they were produced in a single copy and quality issues were put at the forefront.

The Soviet cartoon is aimed at forming a positive children's picture of the world, it is kind, calm, correct. A negative character, as a rule, is easily re-educated, and his initial negative essence is most likely due to the fact that no one was friends with him, no one loved him or understood him. In general, evil in Soviet cartoons is presented in an ironic and comical form, which softens its nature.

In the Soviet cartoon, there is a clear focus on education, the formation of positive qualities, these cartoons teach the correct, ideal behavior and way of thinking. There is no violence, evil has a local easily defeated character, the characters carry goodness, compassion, respect, love and mutual understanding.

Soviet cartoons are really good, it would be foolish to argue with that. What could be called negative factors in this regard? There are few Soviet cartoons compared to the variety that the Western industry of cartoons for children represents. Despite their undeniable quality, against the backdrop of modern possibilities of computer graphics and special effects, they already seem a bit primitive.

And besides this, do Soviet cartoons fully meet the demands and needs of the modern child? Let's not forget that children actively communicate with each other. How comfortable will the child feel among his peers, whom parents do not limit so much in the subject matter of the cartoons they watch? Is it justified the need to create an artificial "iron" wall for a child, enclosing him in the past, even if it seems to us more correct and safe, because we live today and we will not have another reality.

By the way, oddly enough, but on the Internet you can also find negative comments from parents on Soviet cartoons, the high quality and usefulness of which, it would seem, can no longer be disputed. Here are some unexpected statements: "... as for the cat Leopold, it seems to me that it contains propaganda of meanness, harmfulness, and in no way friendship»; «… doesn't the wolf want to kill the hare in "Just you wait"? The hare does not suit him with mean tricks? The wolf did not sink into the hole, did not fall from a height, did not break his legs?»; «… among the old Soviet cartoons, there is also a lot of nonsense ... "," ... in "Well, wait a minute!" - everything seems to be OK, the wolf looks like a wolf, and other animals are recognizable, but the whole cartoon wolf behaves ugly: smokes, kicks garbage cans, grab the cats by the tail. Do you think this is a good cartoon for a child?», «… many consider all Soviet cartoons to be good, but this is far from the case. “Well, wait a minute” is no longer a Soviet cartoon in spirit and language, but a clone of American cartoons about Tom and Jerry. The best cartoons in the USSR were made in the 40-60s»

By the way, it is the example with the cult cartoon of the Soviet era “Well, wait a minute” that clearly shows how people change over time.
ideas about what a good or bad cartoon is. It was this cartoon that almost fell under censorship when, on September 1, 2012, a law was introduced to protect children from harmful information. Many scenes from this cartoon, according to this law, cannot be shown on daytime air and in children's programs, but an exception was made for this cartoon because of its high status and universal recognition.


The positive qualities include the fact that the cartoon has a very clear educational focus. It explains what is good and what is bad. Characters who are negative and behave incorrectly or not always correctly (caterpillars, grasshopper Kuzya, etc.) always eventually understand their mistakes and apologize. In the spirit of Soviet-era cartoons, a negative hero can also be re-educated here. In general, the cartoon leaves positive, bright emotions, it is not particularly dynamic, not overloaded with special effects.

However, psychologists do not like Luntik. He purple, and this color, according to all psychological canons, is depressive. In addition, as psychologists note, Luntik is an incomprehensible creature that came from some other world.

Parental opinion was divided. A lot of people think this cartoon is good and harmless, and influence given cartoon on
child's mind
- positive. In the negative reviews of parents, the word “stupid” is most often heard: the cartoon was created for narrow-minded children, and does not contribute to their development. The animation is made so that the insects do not look like themselves (caterpillars do not look like caterpillars, bees do not look like bees, etc.), which leads some parents to think that in the future the child may have difficulty recognizing how insects look in fact.

Masha and the Bear

This cartoon is a very interesting phenomenon. He is very much loved, but at the same time, most are pessimistic about the effect of this cartoon on the child.

If speak about positive features, then the high quality of the cartoon can be attributed to them. It is funny, funny, very bright, equally liked by adults and children, made with a good sense of humor. He inherits the musical traditions of Soviet cartoons, in which songs written for cartoons had a very
high quality, became real hits and lived separately from the cartoons themselves.

Psychologists attribute the negative features of the cartoon to the fact that it does not teach respect for adults. Moreover, throughout the cartoon, the child frankly mocks the adult, who is personified by the Bear, who can only be offended, and nothing more. The child begins to perceive such a scenario of behavior as correct and, quite possibly, is able to transfer it to real life.

The cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is very dynamic, in this it resembles the style of Disney cartoons, bright, groovy, cheerful,
with fast paced scenes. Many parents notice the overexcitation of children after watching, when they begin to rush around the apartment, scatter toys, jump on upholstered furniture. Girls quote phrases from machines, which is extremely frightening for parents who do not want to be in the place of a poor bear. Masha is a hyperactive child, her hyperactivity is contagious for children. Parents mainly see the main negative feature in the fact that Masha is a hooligan who gets away with everything, that is, she never received any tangible punishment for all her tricks. The bear is a very loyal character who always forgives everything. Parents also note that children are very fond of watching, they cannot be torn off from the TV, and subsequently they begin to beg for "Masha" already with tantrums.


The most interesting thing is that against the background of these opinions, "Smeshariki" mostly receive a positive assessment, although it would seem that they contain all the collective features of the so-called "bad cartoon" from the point of view of modern psychologists and parents: bright colors, a quick plot change , the characters do not look like the real animals they portray (and the hare is not a hare, and the pig is not a pig - all the same balls). However, bad comments about the influence of this cartoon on the child very little, which is very different from the perception of the cartoons "Masha and the Bear" and "Luntik", about which you can find not just bad, but frankly aggressively negative comments.

Many, however, note that "Smeshariki" is not entirely for children, the cartoon very often has a deep philosophical overtones. In general, it is very difficult to determine what target audience it is designed for. It is not suitable for young children due to serious philosophizing and the presence of adult (in the cultural sense of the word) jokes, children of 7-8 years of age also do not fully understand many plots, and older children are unlikely to
watch Smeshariki. In general, this is a rather strange phenomenon in modern Russian animation, although very beloved by the majority. Practically no one talks about the negative impact of this cartoon on children; moreover, the educational “Smeshariki”, filmed in 3D, causes absolutely genuine delight of parents.

Disney cartoons

Disney cartoons are usually considered as a whole, as a separate industry. Reviews, of course, are mostly negative. It is noted that the classic organization of space in a Disney cartoon is usually arranged so that the world lies in evil. Good is local and situational, only some Spider-Man or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a rare personification of good and fight evil. Evil is dealt with physically, it is killed, while in Soviet cartoons, evil was mainly re-educated and succumbed to persuasion. There is an increased aggression of Disney cartoons.

Psychologists are very radical in their assessments. Disney cartoons are accused of nothing more, nothing less, but of declining birth rates. Disney cartoons reinforce the wrong image of the feminine in the mind of the child. Too bright and beautiful female
the characters, which, as noted, are all very similar, literally have the same face, form in boys the desire for an ideal female beauty, which does not exist in reality. Disney beauties have completely feminine forms and an erotically emphasized image, couples in love kiss in a completely grown-up way. In Disney cartoons, such feminine traits characteristic of Soviet cartoons as chastity, shyness, modesty, motherhood and selflessness are ridiculed. In girls, this lays the correct model of behavior. A young and beautiful Disney heroine is usually childless. If an image of a mother is encountered, then this, as a rule, old woman, which does not form the motivation for procreation. Psychologists also see a shift in the role of the sexes in foreign cartoons: female heroines seriously fight, fight evil, acquiring the features of classic Disney male superheroes, thus the usual gender roles are mixed, the feminine ceases to be feminine.

In general, of course, when watching Disney cartoons, they leave a completely different feeling, compared even with modern Russian cartoons. Ours, somehow kinder, sincere. Here, of course, you need to bet on the difference of cultures and psychology. Negative reviews, of course, have the right to exist, the only thing I want to shift the focus a little. It is not entirely correct to consider Disney cartoons as a single shapeless mass and give the same ratings to all cartoons, it is worth considering all the same each cartoon separately and formulating a separate opinion. Disney cartoons, despite their apparent uniformity, are still very different. Compare, for example, "Gummi Bears" and "Spider-Man" - to put it mildly, they are not similar, and, most likely, they have completely different impact on children.

The task of a modern parent is in attention to his child and in the strategy of reasonable selection. Not cartoons bring up children, but parents. Whatever the child sees on the screen, he also sees what is happening in his family: how parents communicate with each other, how they treat him, what they teach him. Too much influence of cartoons can be saved by limiting the viewing time. Still, there can be no unanimous opinion and unambiguous advice here. A good parent is one who knows what his child is watching and how much time he spends in front of the TV. A good parent is the one with whom the child will go to communicate and play, breaking away easily from the most beloved and interesting cartoon. Finally, a good parent is someone who truly loves their child and devotes enough time to him not to worry that someone or something will influence the child more than him.

Modern cartoons and children. Today, there is no doubt that television is an effective channel for managing a person. According to scientists, destructive manipulation of personality by means of mass media, along with national conflicts, ecological catastrophes and demographic disasters, can turn into a problem at the beginning of the third millennium. Modern technologies, the latest methods of manipulating consciousness pose the greatest danger to young viewers. It is the children, according to S. Kara-Murza, A.V. Romanova and others, are the most unprotected group of message recipients. They passively absorb everything that affects them from the blue screen. Unlike adults, they cannot always protect themselves: ignore incoming information, take it critically, refuse to watch dubious programs and cartoons.

Means of education or technology of manipulation? It is no coincidence that animated films are loved by children of all ages. Bright, spectacular, imaginative, on the one hand, and simple, unobtrusive, accessible on the other hand, cartoons are close in their developing, educational possibilities to a fairy tale, game, live human communication. Cartoon characters show the child the most different ways interaction with the outside world. They form the baby's primary ideas about good and evil, the standards of good and bad behavior. By comparing himself with his favorite characters, the child has the opportunity to learn to perceive himself positively, to cope with his fears and difficulties, and to treat others with respect. The events taking place in the cartoon allow you to raise the awareness of the crumbs, develop his thinking and imagination, and form his worldview. So the cartoon is effective remedy raising a child.

Signs of a "harmful cartoon" Unfortunately, many cartoons broadcast today are built psychologically, pedagogically or ethically illiterately and can have dangerous consequences for a child. Based on the opinions of D.V. Andryushchenko, N.E. Markova, I.Ya. Medvedeva, we will list several signs of a “harmful cartoon”, from viewing which it is worth protecting a child.

* The main characters of the cartoon are aggressive, they seek to harm others, often maim or kill other characters, and the details of the cruel, aggressive attitude are repeated many times, revealed in detail, “savored”. The consequence of watching such a cartoon can be a manifestation of cruelty, ruthlessness, aggression by a child in real life. The studies of A. Bandura, conducted by him and his colleagues back in the 60s of the twentieth century, proved that the scenes of television violence seen by children increase their aggressiveness and form not the best character traits. Moreover, regularly watching violent TV shows by 8-year-olds is a predictor of serious criminal offenses by the age of 30.

* Deviant, that is, deviant behavior of cartoon characters is not punished by anyone. No one punishes a character who violates generally accepted rules, puts him in a corner, or says that this cannot be done. As a result, the idea of ​​the admissibility of such forms of behavior is fixed in the small viewer, taboos are removed, the standards of good and bad deeds, acceptable and unacceptable behavior are shaken.

* Forms of behavior that are dangerous to the child's life are demonstrated, which in reality is inappropriate, stupid and even simply dangerous to repeat. Viewing such role models can result in a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity to danger for the child, and therefore potential injuries. A few decades ago, E.V. Subbotsky described experiments conducted with children of preschool age, in which the child's tendency to imitate was demonstrated. Even then, he wondered: how to overcome the "omnivorousness" of imitation, to make sure that the child, copying the good, refrains from imitating the bad?

* Forms of non-standard gender-role behavior are broadcast: male beings behave like female representatives and vice versa, put on inappropriate clothes, show special interest in characters similar in gender. One can imagine what consequences viewing such scenes can have, for example, for a preschooler, if it is known that preschool age- this is the period of active sexual identification of the child.

* Scenes of disrespectful attitude towards people, animals, plants are common. Unpunished mockery is shown, for example, over old age, weakness, helplessness, weakness. The "educational" effect of systematic viewing of such cartoons will not keep you waiting. Close adults will be the first to feel it in the form of cynical statements, indecent gestures, obscene behavior, rudeness and ruthlessness of a small viewer.

* Unsympathetic and sometimes even ugly characters are used. According to V.S. Mukhina, for a child, the appearance of a cartoon doll is of particular importance. Positive characters should be cute or even beautiful, and negative characters should be vice versa. In the case when all the characters are terrible, ugly, scary, regardless of their role, the child does not have clear guidelines for evaluating their actions. In addition, when a child is forced to imitate, to identify himself with an unsympathetic main character, the child's inner self-perception inevitably suffers.

The list of signs of cartoons harmful to a child is, of course, not finished. One can argue about who and for what purpose, consciously or not very much, allows the release of such products for hire.

What is the right way to watch cartoons? The cartoon is an effective means, in one case of solving the noble tasks of raising a baby, in the other - manipulating, covertly controlling him. Long communication with the heroes of such "harmful cartoons", according to N.E. Markova, E.N. Uspensky, can cause the appearance of a whole generation of "moral and physical freaks." Summing up, we note that the future of our children depends on us, adults. The following recommendations from experts can be cited as parting words for parents.

* First, TV programs and cartoons should not be shown to children under two years of age. Communication with the blue screen should not exceed 1.5 hours per day. It is advisable to limit TV viewing by a child after suffering a serious illness, babies with disorders of the central nervous system, as well as children who have experienced stress, neurotically weakened, impressionable and suggestible.

* Secondly, when choosing a children's TV show or cartoon, parents need to be ten times more careful than when choosing a book, because visual images affect the child much more strongly. With children, it is imperative to discuss the content of the films watched, through the reproduction of the sequence of events, the child develops a clearer and more complete picture of what is happening. No need to "overfeed" children with any cartoons - a good cartoon should be a reward, a holiday.

* Thirdly, no cartoon can replace the live communication of a child with an adult, which he needs so much. Let's put things aside and give the baby some of our attention!

It is very difficult to limit the time you watch cartoons. According to psychologists, there are at least four reasons why children cannot be torn off the screen.

  1. “In principle, it is difficult for a child to complete any activity and switch to another due to age characteristics,” explains Professor Olga Karabanova. For the same reasons, they cannot be torn away from the game when it is time to have lunch or go for a walk. To be honest, adults also sometimes struggle with this task and therefore spend their nights on social networks or watching TV shows.
  2. Cartoons make a child laugh, which triggers the production of hormones of pleasure, and this, on a physiological level, returns him to such an enjoyable activity - you want to watch more and more! It is also important that in order to watch cartoons, no effort is required from the child, because it is easier than inventing something, finding something to do and starting a game. Yes, and safer: no one will scold you for an exploded steam engine, a broken vase or painted walls.
  3. Animation is close to children's consciousness. “It is very difficult for a preschooler with an unformed system of perception of the world to isolate the most significant, to keep track of many actions and connections at the same time,” explains Olga Karabanova. “And the cartoon singles out exactly what is needed, and presents it in a colorful form, without abusing distracting needs. A certain schematization, simplification, emphasis on certain details arouses the sympathy of the child and helps him follow a specific character. Therefore, a colorful, recognizable, but not overloaded image is becoming popular with children. The character, on the one hand, is simplified, and on the other hand, the most important thing is emphasized in it, it is understandable. We, adults, determine the mood of an interlocutor or a character in a feature film by a mass of signs - the expression of the eyes, facial expressions, posture, etc. The child cannot do this due to the lack of sufficient experience, and there is no need for animation in this.
  4. “All cartoons cause regression,” says Mark Sandomirsky, Ph.D. in psychology. - Therefore, many of them are completely devoid of words - they are not needed there. A five-year-old child returns to being a two-year-old, when it was not very successful and it was unusual to use the language. A ten-year-old - into himself a preschooler, an adult - into himself a child. This is a very simple and affordable way of emotional release.”

Which cartoons are better - old or new

Many parents, and especially grandmothers, are trying to teach a child to empathize and make a child better with the help of the good old Soviet cartoons that they themselves grew up on. But, alas, they do not find a proper response from modern children. This is a shame, because despite the fact that the realities have changed, the eternal values ​​\u200b\u200b- friendship, loyalty, love, which these old cartoons were about, are always relevant.

Mark Sandomirsky sees the reason for such dislike in the fact that Soviet cartoons were created solely for educational purposes. The negative hero does not obey, behaves inappropriately, although he is warned, and eventually gets into trouble. Immediately, kind, generous, right heroes give him a helping hand, and he corrects himself. With minimal variation, this happens in every cartoon. That is, the cartoon is addressed to the inner Parent.

And such animation is more difficult for children to perceive.

Western animators - the authors of "Tom and Jerry", "Duck Tales", "Chip and Dale" - set themselves a fundamentally different goal - entertainment. Maybe that's why the old American models are still popular with today's kids, in contrast to the "moralizing" Soviet ones. Tom and Jerry, Uncle Scrooge addressed (and continue to address) inner child. And here the logic, which is obligatory in the educational approach, becomes the enemy - after all, it is much more interesting when events are unpredictable.

Our modern animators have learned this lesson perfectly. It is impossible to tear yourself away from the screen when little Masha does things with the Bear that you won’t dream of even in a dream, while demonstrating miracles of dexterity, creativity and ignoring the laws of nature. This is our way, childishly. Moreover, all the pranks get away with it, and the clamor and some other unpleasant consequences are easily and imperceptibly settled. The big patient Mishka (like his overseas counterpart Tom), who seems to be a threat to little Masha and has power over her, personifies adults and parents for the young viewer. And the hooligan Masha (like the charming mouse) is the child himself, who, looking at the adventures of Masha, feels like a small winner, splashes out aggression, experiences an experience that he will not receive in reality.

There is another reason why children watch modern cartoons with great pleasure, and not the old Soviet ones. Many post-Soviet samples are made using computer graphics.

And neither a puppet nor the most exquisite hand-drawn cartoon can compare with it in terms of the depth of its impact on the child's psyche. A complex perspective created on a computer, an incredible amount of details that also move in a magical way, amaze the imagination, introduce new illusions into the world. The picture seems seductive, richer, livelier.

Which cartoons have a good effect on the psyche of the child, and which are bad

Psychologists consider cartoons to be the most useful, albeit with a primitive plot, but accessible and close to children's perception, in which good wins: they awaken the ability to sympathize.

And harmful - animation, in which the theme of violence is exaggerated. No need to think that he still does not understand anything. Sounds, facial expressions that mean anger, hostility, appeal to our instinctive. At an unconscious level, such behavior of the characters on the screen, if left unpunished, is assimilated by the child as permissible.

What do they see?

At 1.5-2 years old: the child is fascinated by the movement of bright spots on the screen and the ability to follow them - much like a bright toy over a crib or on a play mat. However, visual overload, when an abundance of vivid images stick together in a common visual lump, can work almost like hypnosis.

At 3-5 years old: by bright details, the child identifies the character, follows his actions, and sometimes repeats them!

At 6-7 years old: the child can already observe the actions of the characters, which become a form of expression and development of their relationship with each other. He is interested in collisions and unexpected twists in the development of stories. He himself already knows what is good and what is bad, he can evaluate the characters, sympathize with them.

To have time to redo all the homework or a little relax, parents often include cartoons for their kids. While a child enjoys watching another animated film, adults do not think that in this way children get used to watching cartoons and very soon it will be impossible to “tear them off” from watching endless cartoon series on TV.

Psychologists Institute of Modern Childhood argue that not all cartoons are useful and contain important experiences and images for the child. Many modern cartoons broadcast on TV can have a bad effect on the development of a child, form a tendency to aggression, addictions, and there are even cases when cartoons lead to mental disorders. Therefore, it is very important to prevent uncontrolled viewing of animated products by children. AT early age up to three years, you can not sit a child in front of the TV, at this age, children have not yet formed the basic functions of movement. He does not know how to hold objects, move, look and hear at the same time. Therefore, when you turn on the TV, they are loaded into watching cartoons and are not distracted by extraneous noise, do not move.
Subsequently, such children there are problems with movement, with speech, with vision and with being overweight. The development of children can be severely retarded.

Children over three years old it is better to allow watching cartoons selectively and strictly by determining the time. In Soviet times, all cartoons were broadcast only after passing strict control, each frame was checked in terms of its impact on the child. No one will deny that such Soviet cartoons about Carlson, about the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, about the giant Uncle Styopa, about Uncle Fyodor, about heroes from Prostokvashino and others were and remain comfortable for the child's psyche, teach them the beautiful and kind.

However, many parents today these cartoons are considered too primitive and outdated. Today, children mostly like to watch modern cartoons, which are often made quickly and cheaply, without taking into account the possibility of harmful effects on the child. Therefore, many children watch animated products in which cruelty coexists with bad taste, and the heroes of many cartoons are faceless creatures that are devoid of any individuality. Experts are sure that some cartoons affect the speech of the child and his plasticity, under the influence of them, the child creates misconceptions about the value system and the world, he comes up with appropriate games.

Today the problem of influence " wrong cartoons"Experts from all over the world are thinking about the development of the psyche of children. Psychologists advise parents to carefully select cartoons for their kids and, if possible, watch them with their children, observing their reaction. negative impact cartoons for children are proved by three high-profile scandals of recent years:

1. Parents filed a lawsuit against a Russian channel for broadcasting cartoons "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy", claiming that they are harmful to children's health. Psychologists also protested against watching cartoons on the 2x2 channel, they believe that these cartoons corrupt children and are harmful even for teenagers.
2. In Japan after watching the 38th episode of the cartoon "Pokemon" more than five hundred children were hospitalized with symptoms of epilepsy.

3. Former producer famous cartoon "Teletubbies" Sarah Graham admitted that this program was invented under the influence of hallucinogens.

Everyone knows that children are aggressive creatures. Therefore, you can watch cartoons where aggression is clearly expressed only if it is presented in a funny way. For example, the well-known cartoon "Tom and Jerry". The cat has been chasing the mouse for many episodes, aggression is manifested by both heroes. One puts the other on a cactus, hits him with a frying pan, puts him on a mousetrap and punches him into the wall. But, in the end, goodness wins and no one dies, and this is very important for a child. The main characters of the cartoon cat and mouse are essentially kind and cute animals, they do not use obscene and slang expressions.

But it's a completely different matter cartoons"Madagascar", "Ice Age", "Cars", etc., although there also good triumphs over evil, expressions that are not very pleasant even to the ears of an adult constantly slip through. Such expressions and behavior of cartoon characters are remembered by a child at the speed of light, and children themselves begin to copy them.

Parents must understand that no one cartoon, even the most instructive, cannot replace the child's communication with adults. Children need to feel the love of their parents, their attention and presence. You need to find time for the child, let it not be so much. If this does not happen, you should not be surprised that the children began to joke out of place, laugh hysterically and began to beat, pinch other people, imitating the cartoon characters they adore.

Video about the impact of cartoons on a child