L Kudryavtsev biography. Height, weight and age of curly lera

She was born on May 19, 1971 in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk in the family of research workers Lev Nikolaevich and Alexandra Ivanovna Kudryavtsev. Sister Oksana Zhukova is engaged in business.

The future star graduated from the Cultural Education School in Ust-Kamenogorsk (theatrical directing faculty), then GITIS (the acting department of the variety faculty).

Lera began her career in show business as a dancer in pop groups: she worked with Igor Sarukhanovy, Bogdan Titomir and Evgeny Osin.

Lera Kudryavtseva: “I remember we rehearsed every day for several hours, and these are very heavy loads. I still live on this sports "baggage". Muscle memory is great. Now I just need to warm up a little, and I'm already in shape. Therefore, I will say this: it is better to start “investing” in a figure in childhood!”.
The quote is taken from the site "7Days.ru"

On radio "Mayak" Lera hosted the show " Good people". Kudryavtseva has been working on television since 1995 - on Muz-TV, TNT and TV-6. She hosted the programs "Party Zone" (1995), "Muzoboz" (TV-6, together with Otar Kushanashvili, 1998-1999), "Test of Fidelity" (Muz-TV, presenter).

Kudryavtseva worked as a VJ on the Muz-TV channel, a TV presenter on the TNT channel (“Club of Ex-Wives”). She was the host of the New Wave contest (Jurmala) and Songs of the Year (paired with Sergey Lazarev), as well as the Cultural Exchange programs (TV Center, since 2009, together with Andrei Razygraev), Eat and Lose Weight (TNT , since July 2010) and "10 most ..." (Muz-TV).

In 2008, Lera won the Star Ice show (paired with Gwendal Peiser). In the same year, in a duet with Alexei Mazurin, Kudryavtseva participated in the Dancing with the Stars project.

Since 2012, Kudryavtseva has been working as a host entertainment program"Party zone" on the channel "Muz-TV". In 2012 and 2013, Lera took part in the KVN and KVN Premier League programs.

Lera Kudryavtseva played in films and TV shows: "Streets of Broken Lights-7" (2004-2007), "Children in a Cage" (2007), "On the Roof of the World" (2007), "Money for Daughter" (2008), "Very Russian detective "(2008)," The best movie "(2008), Verdict" (2009), "All the charm of love" (2009), "Happy together" (2010), "The best movie 3-DE" (2011) , "People He" (2011), "The Chicks. The Tale of Fake Love "(in production, 2011)," Rzhevsky against Napoleon "(2012)," Short course happy life "(2012)," Adventurers "(2012).

Participated in the videos: “Sleep, my sunshine” (sang along with Irina Dubtsova, Alsou, Jasmine and Tatyana Bulanova), “Together with you” (Tea for two), “Stolen happiness” (Alexander Lominsky), “Aram Zam Zam” ( Disco Crash, together with Anfisa Chekhova, Olga Shelest, Lev Leshchenko, Sergey Lazarev and others), Clouds (Ivanushki International).

In 1990, Lera Kudryavtseva married the drummer of the popular musical group Laskovyi May, Sergei Lenyuk, whom she met at a concert. On April 14, 1990, their son Jean was born. In 1992, the couple divorced due to Sergey's constant touring and annoying fans.

In 2004, the star married businessman Matvey Morozov, whom she had known for only three months. He turned out to be connected with crime and soon ended up in prison. In 2007, with the help of lawyers, Lera Kudryavtseva divorced Matvey Morozov.

In 2008, Lera began dating popular singer Sergei Lazarev, who is 12 years younger than her. Lazarev and Kudryavtseva were the hosts of the New Wave contest in Jurmala for a long time. Their relationship lasted five years. At the end of August 2012, Sergei and Lera broke up amicably due to the fact that their relationship reached an impasse.

Lera Kudryavtseva: “The conversation, as a result of which we decided to leave, took place just on the eve of Jurmala. I said: "Seryozha, we need to have a serious talk." We sat down, and I laid out to him everything that I had been preparing to say for several months. Got it all sorted!"
Quote from the magazine "7 Days", No. 36 (09/06/2012)

In 2013, Leroux was increasingly seen with hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 16 years younger than her. They first met at a party in Moscow in early July this year. On June 8, their wedding took place. At the celebration, the bride changed three dresses from Russian designer Igor Gulyaev. The event was hosted by the "golden voice of Russia" Nikolai Baskov.

On July 21, 2013, a new video for the song "You are the one" by singer Irina Dubtsova appeared on the Internet. The singer chose the material for the music video literally from life. The singer edited amateur footage from the wedding of Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov. The TV presenter was touched by Dubtsova's gift.

In August 2013, the Children's New Wave festival was held on the territory of the Artek camp, hosted by Lera Kudryavtseva and Stas Kostyushkin.

On March 31, 2014, a gala dinner was held in the capital, dedicated to the ceremony "MUZ-TV Award 2014. Evolution". It became known that Lera Kudryavtseva, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Galkin would be the hosts.


▪ World Fashion channel award in the nomination "Fashion presenter" (2010)


First husband - Sergey Lenyuk, musician of the group "Tender May" (1990-1992)
Second spouse - Matvey Fridrikhovich Morozov, businessman (2004-2007)
Civil marriage - Sergey Lazarev, singer (started dating in 2008, broke up in 2012)
Third spouse - Igor Makarov, hockey player (married 06/08/2013)
Son - Jean Lenyuk (from his first marriage, 04/14/1990)
Daughter - Maria Makarova (from the second marriage, 08/13/2018)

Celebrity biography - Lera Kudryavtseva

Famous TV presenter, actress and dancer, model.


On May 19, 1971, the girl Lera was born in ordinary family. At that time, of course, no one could have thought that years later their daughter would become a famous TV presenter throughout the country. Parents worked as researchers, and the family lived by those standards "like everyone else." Lera Kudryavtseva spent her childhood in Kazakhstan, in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. The family also has a sister, Oksana Zhukova. From childhood, Lera liked boyish games, dolls did not attract her at all. Yes, and in her friends she had mostly boys, with whom she climbed trees, garages and overcame various obstacles.

Since childhood, the girl wanted to be famous and famous. Therefore, after graduating from school, she decides to enter the school in her city at the faculty of theater directing.

My dad really wanted a son, but I was born. He gave me the boyish name Valery. He pretended to agree with his mother's version of "Anastasia", went to the registry office and wrote down Leroy. It is not surprising that I grew up as a terrible hooligan: I climbed fences, stole apples in other people's gardens with the boys, returned home with broken knees ...

Lera with her mother and sister

The beginning of the creative path

Studying was easy for the girl, so she easily graduated from college and went to conquer Moscow, where she chose GITIS for further studies.

The girl's career began with cooperation with famous artists. At first it was singing and dancing, and her first husband, a musician, played an important role in this. Until 1995, she managed to work on stage with such stars as Evgeny Osin, Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir, Svetlana Vladimirskaya.

Spectacular appearance and theatrical abilities greatly contributed to the girl in finding herself on television. She was noticed by actor Igor Vernik, who also brought Leroux to television. Then a casting took place, they were looking for a girl for the role of the host in the “Party Zone” program - Lera passed the casting and got a job. This program brought the girl fame and new job offers. The viewer is increasingly able to see her on different channels, in various TV shows, she becomes more famous and popular. And such music competitions, where she was the host - "Song of the Year" and "New Wave" brought her real fame. After that, her photographs could be seen in various print media and on the Internet.

Participation in such shows as "Dancing with the Stars" and "You and Me" contributed to obtaining even greater fame.

Film career

Leading glory for Lera was not enough, and she decides to try herself as an actress. Here, too, success awaited her. Lera Kudryavtseva's film career began in 2004. Her first role was played in the already well-known TV series Streets of Broken Lights. Cops 6". A well-chosen cast and the popularity of the series did their job - they began to invite her to film roles. The next 2 years were filming the continuation of the series, "Cops 7" and "Cops 8", Lera also took part in them.

In 2007, roles were played in such films as "The Best Movie" and "On the Roof of the World." And 2008 turned out to be a busy year for shooting, the girl had to act in three films, these were - "A Very Russian Detective", "Adventurers", "Oh, Lucky Man".

The ideal of feminine beauty

Despite her no longer young age, Lera Kudryavtseva actively appears in various programs and on the covers of famous magazines. Her photos can be found on the pages of many online magazines, and they always amaze with their beauty and attractiveness. Lera devotes a lot of time to her appearance, maybe this is the reason for her success and such a beautiful appearance. Despite the fact that the girl’s height is far from the model one - 167 cm, she managed to become the star of such publications as Playboy and Maxim, she shoots naked a lot, since her body allows such shooting. The famous model devotes a lot of time to her appearance and does not complete to take part in photo shoots so far. She has a slim and beautiful figure, and weighs only 54 kilograms.

A famous TV presenter is always irresistible!

Personal life

The first time Lera got married in 1990 at the age of 19. The marriage was short-lived and lasted only 2 years. But in marriage, the son Jean was born. Her first husband was Sergey Lenyuk, he was a creative person and worked as a musician of the most famous band of that time, “Tender May”.

The second marriage was with a businessman from Moscow, Matvey Morozov. The couple has been married for 3 years.
From 2008 to 2012 there was a relationship with singer Sergei Lazarev.

After that, there was a relationship with the oligarch, who exactly is unknown, but, according to the girl, the man wanted to put her in " golden cage", This was not part of her plans, and at the initiative of Lera, the relationship was broken off.

In 2013, Lera Kudryavtseva is getting married for the third time. This time the relationship developed with the famous athlete Igor Makarov, he is a hockey player and 16 years younger than his wife, but this does not prevent the couple from being happy.

The goal of Lera Kudryavtseva is to achieve everything in this life herself, and not depend on a rich husband. According to her, she had the opportunity to successfully marry a wealthy man more than once, but this option does not attract her. She has no desire to sit in country house, or travel the world at the expense of her husband, while not doing what she loves and not improving in her profession.

The third husband of Kudryavtseva - hockey player Igor Makarov is 16 years younger than her and only 3 years older than her son

Lera Kudryavtseva is a well-known Russian TV presenter, actress, host of numerous radio programs, a talented dancer and just a beautiful and charming girl. In this article, we will tell you the most Interesting Facts from the life of a celebrity.

Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Yustas

Biography of Lera Kudryavtseva

She was born on May 19, 1971 in Kazakhstan. Parents are scientists. Have a sister. Since childhood, the future TV star attended all kinds of children's circles and sections. She loved to play sports. As a teenager, she participated in amateur theatrical productions, and then graduated from the faculty of theater directing. Entered the Academy of Theater Arts.

Lera Kudryavtseva's career

2. From backup dancer to TV star

It all started with working with celebrities, for whom the girl was a backing vocalist and took part in backup dancers. A real career began after meeting Igor Vernik. The latter brought her to television, where Leroux was approved as the host of a new promising television project. After the girl participated in film projects, starred in several domestic TV series.

The most popular programs hosted by Lera were the "Club of Ex-Wives" on TNT, the program "Cultural Exchange", "Test of Fidelity", "Muzoboy" and "Secret for a Million".

Personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva

3. Loyalty and betrayal

At 18, the girl became the wife of a musician working in the then promising group "Tender May" Sergei Lenyuk. The couple had a boy, whom Lera named Jean in honor of her. After 2 years, the couple separated. The reason for the gap was the regular betrayal of her husband.

4. Lera Kudryavtseva with her son in the photo

Most recently (January 2018), a well-known TV presenter for the first time published on Instagram a picture of her son Jean, who will soon turn 18 years old. As the caption says, he first allowed his picture to be published.

5. The criminal's wife

The second spouse was businessman Matvey Morozov, who had previously been convicted of robbery and rape. The couple decided to marry three months after the start of the relationship. The couple devoted most of their time to work and saw little at home. A year later, the man was accused of fraud and received an impressive prison term. The marriage broke up.

6. A dizzying romance

After the girl for a long time. The couple was recognized as one of the most stylish, beautiful and sensual in Russian show business. After several years of a stormy romance, young people decided to leave. The reason for this was too different views on life and a joint future. Now Lera and Sergey remain on good terms, continue to work together as presenters on popular TV shows and at the presentation of music awards.

7. Marry a hockey player

After the girl became the wife of the famous hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 17 years younger than her. At the wedding, the newlyweds gathered almost all the celebrities of the domestic show business. In 2017, there were many rumors that the marriage broke up. The TV presenter was outraged by this and gave several interviews in which she admitted that such conversations were extremely unpleasant for her.

Recently, several videos have appeared on the Internet in which Lera arranges a scene for her husband right in the restaurant and accuses him of cheating. The couple did not comment on what was happening, and the video is still available for viewing on the Internet.

8. To drink or not to drink?

After the first divorce, the girl was in such a difficult psychological state that she often began to drink alcohol. In subsequent interviews, Lera admitted that she was in a real addiction and with great difficulty she managed to stop drinking alcohol and return to a normal life. Now she has completely abandoned alcoholic beverages.

9. Revenge for libel

Once Leroux was accused of beating a colleague. After the girl admitted that the rumors are true. The fact is that the famous presenter and actor spread unpleasant rumors about the socialite and this situation threatened a serious scandal between her and other stars. The girl gave the man a real scandal and hit him with her hands and feet several times. After the beaten colleague apologized to her.

Once, Dana Borisova was invited to the TV show "Secret for a Million" and made a real scandal. She refused to answer questions, constantly tried to leave the set, behaved completely inadequate and provocative. Still, they managed to shoot the material, after which Borisova admitted on her page on the social network that she was grateful to Lera for her understanding and apologized for such a strange behavior, which was the result of a serious drug addiction of the star.

11. On the brink of scandal

At the presentation of the Muz-TV award in 2016, the popular publicly insulted Leroux, joking that of all those present, Kudryavtseva is the only one who remembers the presentation of the first award of the channel. Thus, she made it clear that she was laughing at the age of the star. In this Sobchak, continuing to develop the theme of age. Despite the fact that the situation turned out to be unpleasant for Lera, the latter decided to tactfully laugh it off and said that she was proud to be a real old-timer at this award.

12. Deceived audience

In recent interviews, the girl admitted that the show "Secret for a Million" is a production and there is no improvisation in it. All secrets are discussed in advance, and what is happening is professionally orchestrated. The news caused a real scandal. Fans of the TV show and Kudryavtseva herself were extremely outraged by this information. The creators of the show admitted that celebrities do receive rewards for revealing their secrets, but all the money received is sent exclusively to charity.

Lera Kudryavtseva is a popular TV presenter and socialite. In 2013, she married hockey player Igor Makarov. This is her third marriage. The host got married at 42, while her husband was only 25. The wedding was very beautiful and expensive, everything was royally arranged. This celebration has been discussed for a long time.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Many are interested in the question: how did the lovers meet? But first, I will talk about Lera's previous marriages. The first time the girl got married in 1990 at the age of 19. Her husband was a musician, a member of the popular at that time group "Tender May" - Sergey Lenyuk. Their living together lasted only 2 years. During this time, Kudryavtseva gave birth to a son, Jean.

Lera with her son Jean

The second husband of our heroine was businessman Matvey Morozov. The wedding was played in 2004, 12 years after the divorce. All this time, Lera enjoyed loneliness and was in no hurry to start a new relationship. The marriage between the presenter and the entrepreneur lasted a little longer than the previous one, 3 years. Matvey also failed to make Kudryavtseva happy.

Soon after the divorce, Lera began dating the singer. Their relationship lasted 4 years. Many suspected that their romance was just a competent PR: they wrote about it everywhere. The lovers even made statements about the upcoming wedding, which they never played. In 2012, one of the brightest couples in Russian show business announced a breakup.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev

By the way, some sources claim that Lera was pregnant from Sergei, but she had a miscarriage. They say that this event was the reason for the break.

And a year after the breakup, Lera Kudryavtseva married Igor Makarov. The couple met through mutual friends six months after the host broke up with Lazarev in St. Petersburg. The girl was ready for this meeting, she had long been waiting for a man who would understand her from the floor of the word. Ilya was just that.

Lera with her husband Igor Makarov

Lera with her husband Igor Makarov

At first, Lera did not disclose the name of her chosen one, but the press had already begun to suspect about the novel. No one knew who the singer's secret lover was, to whom she flies to St. Petersburg so often. Kudryavtseva could not hide her happiness for a long time and soon posted their joint photo on the network.

The age difference does not bother the lovers in any way, 17 years is just a number. Igor turned out to be very smart and mature for his age. She and Leroy are very similar, they have the same views on life and relationships. A couple of months after the first meeting, the hockey player proposed to his beloved.

Lera with her husband Igor Makarov

Lera with her husband Igor Makarov

Everyone was talking about the impending wedding. Everyone wanted to know the details of the celebration. Later it became known that the couple spent 5 million rubles on organizing the holiday. The celebration was splendid. The bride looked amazing, she was wearing a dress from a famous designer. This wedding was remembered by everyone, it will be remembered for many years to come.

Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva is a talented actress, famous TV presenter, socialite and just a beautiful woman.

The childhood of Lera Kudryavtseva

Everyone who has ever seen this delightful woman cannot believe that she was born back in 1971, but this is really true. On May 19, little Lera appeared in Ust-Kamenogorsk in a family of real intellectuals. The parents of the future star devoted their lives to science and made every effort to ensure that their children received the best education. Lera's older sister, Oksana, moved to Moscow after graduation, where she now successfully owns her own business. It was to her that Lera came, after graduating from the Ust-Kamenogorsk cultural and educational school and deciding to enter GITIS.

The beginning of a career in television

Since childhood, dancing well and confidently holding on to the stage, Lera began her career in the capital of Russia as a backing vocalist and participant in the backup dancers of pop stars known at that time. Among them are Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir and Evgeny Osin.

The day of acquaintance with Igor Vernik became fateful for Lera. After all, it was Wernick who practically by the hand brought the girl to the casting of TV presenters for the "Party Zone". And, despite the rather extravagant appearance (at that time she went Lera Kudryavtseva without makeup, but with piercings and African braids), it was Leroux who was chosen as the new host. And as soon as the girl only appeared on the TV screen, invitations to her fell like from a cornucopia. TV-6, MuzTV, TV Center, TNT vied with each other to invite Lera as a host to various programs, and it is worth noting not only entertainment. Also, Lera more than once was the host of the New Wave, Jurmala and Song of the Year projects.


For the first time as an actress, Lera tried herself in the popular TV series Streets of Broken Lights. As planned, this was supposed to be an episodic role for only a few episodes, but the director liked Kudryavtseva so much that they decided to leave her character in the series for several seasons. After that, Leroux was repeatedly invited to act in films and TV shows, which she does, and quite successfully. Her filmography includes such tapes as:

  • "Money for a daughter";
  • "Children in a cage";
  • "On the roof of the world";
  • "The best movie";
  • "Adventurers";
  • "Hi, I'm your dad!"

Who is the husband of Lera Kudryavtseva: photo

Everything that tells reporters Lera Kudryavtseva, biography, personal life, memorable moments, quite often leads fans to the idea that this fragile, beautiful and, as she says about herself “absolutely atypical woman”, was not a darling of fate. Married at the age of 18 to Sergei Lenyuk, a member of the cult pop group "Tender May", after 2 years the girl turned out to be a divorced mother of the lovely boy Jean (by the way, she gave her son Kudryavtsev a name in honor of her favorite actor Jean-Claude Van Damme).

Lera decided to arrange her personal life only when her son was already a teenager. In 2004, Kudryavtseva once again decided to try on a wedding dress. This time, businessman Matvey Morozov became her chosen one. But this marriage did not bring the girl happiness. Just 3 years later, Leroux was again waiting for a divorce.

It seemed that in 2008 Kudryavtseva finally found her happiness in the person of the popular singer and artist Sergei Lazarev. The couple spent a lot of time together and their relationship really looked sincere. But after 4 years, this relationship in Lera's life came to an end. Rumor has it that the couple's attempts to have a baby ended in a miscarriage, after which Lera and Sergey could no longer live together, although they still remain good friends.

Currently, Kudryavtseva is officially in a relationship with a young hockey player Igor Makarov. They say that the young man has already made an offer to Lera and now the wedding planning is in full swing. It remains to be hoped that at least these relationships will become happy for Lera Kudryavtseva.