The effect of alcohol on the body chemistry presentation. The effect of alcohol on the human body

alcohol and man

The effect of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol -

It's a protoplasmic poison

destructive in the first place.

affecting the endocrine

nervous, cardiovascular

digestive and sexual

system. Even with single

doses can cause serious

harm to the body. Permanent

use can lead

to severe illness

leading to death.

The worst drug

Alcohol affects

the body is 4-5 times stronger,

than nicotine and 2 times stronger,

than the drugs themselves

funds. But unlike

them, intoxication arises

only at high doses

Biochemical mechanism of action on the body.

  • Metabolic and energy imbalance

lead to changes in the control and regulatory

nerve cell functions.

  • About 85% of alcohol that enters the body is destroyed

in the liver, partially oxidized to acetic acid.

  • With the systematic use of alcohol decreases

body resistance to infections and influence

toxic substances.

  • Under the influence of alcohol, some drugs

exhibit completely unexpected properties: treatment

does not give positive effect and the condition worsens.

Degrees of alcohol poisoning:

  • Due to paralysis of the brain centers in humans

mild mental arousal and

increased motor activity.

2) There is a strong psychomotor agitation,

impaired coordination of movements and the initial phase

clouding of consciousness.

3) The person is unconscious, but his reflexes

preserved and still in good condition

are the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

4) A person turns very pale due to a sharp fall

blood pressure and decreased respiration,

falls into a coma, and this can end in death.

The effect of alcohol on adolescence

During the formation

organism, poisonous

alcohol activity

increases by 40%.

Despite this, Russia

leads the world in

teenage alcoholism.

Body systems affected by alcohol

  • Cardiovascular
  • Endocrine
  • nervous
  • Sexual
  • digestive

The cardiovascular system

Chronic alcohol poisoning

creates favorable conditions for

occurrence of hypertensive

disease and make it worse. is accelerating

development of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerotic lesions

cerebral and cardiac arteries often

cause death as a result

heart attack or stroke.

At constant

alcohol consumption, early

the rhythm of the heart is broken,

evolves into permanent severe disorders and

ends with cardiac


One of the earliest manifestations

heart muscle damage

is a violation of its rhythm

contractions and conduction

nerve impulses.

I.A. Rappoport

The scientist found that alcoholics

cardiovascular diseases

develop faster and earlier than

at normal people. And death

occurs earlier and more often in drunkards,

than people with the same problems.

Endocrine system.

Damage to the endocrine system means damage

glands and all organs where these glands are.

Alcohol is bad for growing

organism in the first place.

that does not give the pituitary gland

control growth

body, therefore

doesn't give him


Alcohol has a pronounced depressing effect

action on the whole brain, on everything

types of human mental activity. Violation is coming

coordination of movements, lack of harmonic

interactions between mental and motor


reproductive system

Violation of the reproductive system is associated with a violation

endocrine and nervous systems. Alcohol does not affect

only nerve cells, but also sex glands, pituitary gland,

hypothalamus and adrenal glands, which carry out

endocrine control of sexual activity

and the production of offspring.

Oligophrenism and ugliness

It may occur in offspring, parents

who either consumed alcohol or still

are drinkers.

Digestive system

Alcohol affects the most

on the digestive system

because when swallowed

first passes through the liver

and stomach, which take

everything is poisonous

action. So with alcohol

associated with such a terrible disease

The worst defeat

Since the end of World War II, which

claimed the lives of 30 million people, Russia due to drunkenness

lost about 17 million people.

Alcohol is not just a poison, it's the worst

what did a person come up with to relieve stress and

loneliness. Alcohol is dangerous in any


We need propaganda against

alcohol to expel from society

this habit of "drinking poison"!

Slides captions:

People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages at least 8000 years before our era.

AT Ancient Russia drank very little. Only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash or beer

Russian brewery Villages or villages had their own drinking house or tavern, where beer, mash, mead, kvass were served. Kvasir on a medieval engraving

Nowadays, the problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant.

The harm of alcohol is obvious Alcoholic products, which are produced by non-state enterprises, contain a large amount of toxic substances

Experiments on plants, beetles, birds, and animals have shown that alcohol is harmful to living organisms. Alcohol weakens the growth of plant seeds and kills their viability.

When an alcohol solution enters the hive, the bees stop working flights and stay in the hive for days on end, forgetting about work

In the body, alcohol has four main effects: - provides the body with energy; - slows down the work of the central nervous system, reduces its efficiency; - stimulates the production of urine (due to this, the cells are dehydrated); - damages the liver

After one intake of a small dose of alcohol, alcohol is stored in the brain, heart, kidneys, stomach from 49 hours to 15 days

When drinking alcohol, inhibitions, anxiety and excitement disappear, they give way to a feeling of euphoria; vision, speech and coordination of movements deteriorate.

The effect of alcohol on the body or "individual dose" is closely related to its concentration in the blood.

Heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, and the spleen enlarges.

Consequences of alcoholism: brain damage, esophageal bleeding from varicose vessels, functional renal failure, anemia, bleeding disorders

Alcohol, adversely affecting the health of a woman, disrupts the normal functioning of her genitals.

Expectant mothers should consider

Children and adolescents who drink alcohol are susceptible to infectious diseases

Under the influence of alcohol in adolescents, the work of the heart rhythm, the production of enzymes in the liver are disrupted, the filtering function of the kidneys is disrupted, memory and thinking deteriorate.

The mental retardation of children is one of the main consequences of parental alcoholism.

The life expectancy of heavy drinkers is 10 to 12 years less than average

Teenage alcoholism also occurs with excessive consumption of beer.

Children of alcoholics are 3-4 times more likely to become alcoholics

Addiction to alcohol is the cause of various crimes

V. Belinsky. All people drink and eat, but only savages L. Tolstoy get drunk and glutton. Drunkenness drowns out the voice of conscience. In that main reason self-deception of people. Alcohol also preserves the soul and mind of a drunkard, as it preserves anatomical preparations A. Chekhov. Vodka is white, but reddens the nose and blackens the reputation.

Theodosius Pechersky. The demoniac suffers through captivity and may be rewarded with eternal life, while the drunken one suffers of his own free will and is betrayed to eternal torment by N. Semashko. We can say that how many husbands drank vodka, their wives and children shed so many tears K. Ushinsky. It's Dark for a Drunk Man on a Bright Street I. Efimov. There are no strong wines, there are weak heads


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Slides captions:

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The effect of alcohol on the human body.

Brief summary of the effect of alcohol on the human body. The material can be used in biology lessons in grade 8, in class hours....

Purpose: To develop students' understanding of the dangers of the effects of alcohol on health and life Objectives: To give students initial information about the impact of alcohol on ...

Presentation on the topic: Alcohol and its impact on human health

1 of 13

Presentation on the topic: Alcohol and its impact on human health

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Alcoholism is a form of chemical addiction that differs from drug addiction in that alcohol is a legal substance. The most important feature of alcoholism is that a sick person cannot come to the conclusion that he needs to completely stop drinking alcohol and never return to it. Alcoholism is a form of chemical addiction that differs from drug addiction in that alcohol is a legal substance. The most important feature of alcoholism is that a sick person cannot come to the conclusion that he needs to completely stop drinking alcohol and never return to it.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Alcoholism is a disease of chemical dependence, with the same features as drug addiction, and affects all spheres of manifestation of the human essence. The behavior of a patient with alcoholism violates the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe norm and is often regarded as a vice. There is an assumption that currently in Russia about 40% of the adult population depends on alcohol. Alcoholism is a disease of chemical dependence, with the same features as drug addiction, and affects all spheres of manifestation of the human essence. The behavior of a patient with alcoholism violates the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe norm and is often regarded as a vice. There is an assumption that currently in Russia about 40% of the adult population depends on alcohol.

slide number 4

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slide number 5

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It is not the disease itself that is inherited, but only a predisposition to it. It is known that the children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to become ill with alcoholism and drug addiction, but if such a person does not use alcohol and drugs, he will not get sick. It is not the disease itself that is inherited, but only a predisposition to it. It is known that the children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to become ill with alcoholism and drug addiction, but if such a person does not use alcohol and drugs, he will not get sick.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Drunkenness leads to alcoholism. Ethyl alcohol is constantly present in the human body, it is formed in the process of metabolism. Alcohol entering through the digestive tract breaks down to poisonous acetaldehyde and has a devastating effect on cells and organs. Drunkenness leads to alcoholism. Ethyl alcohol is constantly present in the human body, it is formed in the process of metabolism. Alcohol entering through the digestive tract breaks down to poisonous acetaldehyde and has a devastating effect on cells and organs.

slide number 7

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One of the main symptoms of the disease is its denial (denies both the patient and relatives). The disease is incurable, but it is possible to delay its development and improve its condition when the patient is ready to take responsibility for his recovery and changing himself. One of the main symptoms of the disease is its denial (denies both the patient and relatives). The disease is incurable, but it is possible to delay its development and improve its condition when the patient is ready to take responsibility for his recovery and changing himself.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Alcohol destroys liver cells, and in fact it produces ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid - the main source of energy in the body), detoxifies (neutralizes) poisons and much more. Alcohol destroys liver cells, and in fact it produces ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid - the main source of energy in the body), detoxifies (neutralizes) poisons and much more.

slide number 9

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Alcohol abuse leads to personality degradation, makes a person mentally unbalanced. 70% of crimes against a person are committed by people in a state of alcohol intoxication. These are the most severe social consequences of alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse leads to personality degradation, makes a person mentally unbalanced. 70% of crimes against a person are committed by people under the influence of alcohol. These are the most severe social consequences of alcohol dependence.

Description of the slide:

Entering the body, the following process of absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood occurs: burning the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx of the esophagus, its molecules enter the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol is quickly and completely absorbed in the stomach, and after an hour it reaches its maximum concentration in the blood. Entering the body, the following process of absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood occurs: burning the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx of the esophagus, its molecules enter the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol is quickly and completely absorbed in the stomach, and after an hour it reaches its maximum concentration in the blood.

slide number 12

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First aid for alcohol poisoning First aid for alcohol poisoning In case of alcohol poisoning, it is urgent to call " ambulance", and then (while maintaining the victim's breathing and cardiac activity): induce vomiting; give a pill activated carbon to bind the poison remaining in the body (you can take the pill with water); turn the victim face down on the stomach.

1 slide

Alcohol and its impact on society and the human body Completed by: Varlakova Maria 10th grade Kolnaya Elizaveta 10th grade Supervisor: Kozhemyakina I.G. Suzun-2011 Novosibirsk region

2 slide

"Drunkenness is voluntary madness" Aristotle "Alcoholism does more havoc than three historical scourges put together: famine, plague, war." W. Gladstone

3 slide

PURPOSE: to consider the impact of alcohol on society and the human body OBJECTIVES: To study the phases of adolescent alcoholism To consider possible diseases and their consequences caused by alcohol consumption To identify the incidence of chronic alcoholism per 100 thousand of the population of the Suzunsky district using the available data from the Central District Hospital Novosibirsk region for 2005-2010.

4 slide

Introduction In ancient times, people got acquainted with the unusual amusing effect of certain drinks. People did not immediately notice that the next day a person pays with a headache, weakness, and a bad mood. Of course, our distant ancestors could not even guess what a terrible enemy they had acquired. Alcoholism is a disease caused by the excessive systematic use of alcoholic beverages with the development of a painful addiction to them. In social terms, alcoholism means the abuse of alcoholic beverages, leading to a violation of moral and social norms behavior, causing damage to one's own health, material and moral condition of the family, as well as affecting the health and well-being of society as a whole.

5 slide

Alcoholism and society The well-known Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsakov describes the state of intoxication as follows: “The intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely lightly ... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and induce to more or less wild actions” . But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by upbringing, decency skills, seems to come out.

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Alcoholism and society Alcohol "beats" not only the drinker himself, but also the people around him. Often men or women who are prone to alcoholism neglect their responsibilities, friends, family and children in order to satisfy their need. Addiction to alcohol is the cause of various crimes. It is known that 50% of all crimes are associated with the use of alcohol. Children often pay the price for their parents' alcoholism.

7 slide

Alcohol is a common cause of human death. Alcohol consumption is the cause of: car accidents in 55.9% of cases; death from asphyxia (blockage of the respiratory tract) - drowning, suffocation, death from aspiration of vomit and others in 75.8%; death from hypothermia - among those frozen in a state of intoxication were 82.2%; suicides committed in a state of intoxication or a hangover.

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Like any poison, alcohol, taken in a certain dose, leads to death. animal. Established toxic equivalent. It is equal to 7-8 g. That is, for a person weighing 64 kg, the lethal dose will be equal to 500 g of pure alcohol. that the lethal dose is 1200 g. The speed of administration has a significant effect on the course of poisoning. Slow introduction somewhat reduces the danger. When a lethal dose enters the body, body temperature drops by 3-4 degrees. Death occurs in 12-40 hours. Acute alcohol poisoning, or the so-called "drunk" death, is not taken into account in modern statistics, so we can judge its frequency from pre-revolutionary statistics. Death from opiate depends on the per capita consumption of alcohol and the strength of the “drinks”.

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Alcoholism in adolescents is a fairly common phenomenon, which usually begins to develop at the age of 13-15. According to statistics, every third junior schoolchild is already familiar with alcohol. Adolescent alcoholism proceeds malignantly, there is no stage of mental dependence on alcohol (i.e., the stage of domestic drunkenness), which in adults stretches for many years. As soon as adolescents begin to regularly consume alcoholic beverages, including beer, they immediately form the stage of physical dependence. Regular consumption of any alcoholic beverages during the year forms both mental and physical dependence in a teenager at the same time. From the very beginning, large doses of alcoholic beverages are used, without self-control, to a severe degree of intoxication. Tolerance (tolerance) quickly increases, especially with the systematic intake of alcohol. A hangover syndrome develops quite quickly.

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In adolescents with alcoholism, personality changes are manifested - excitability, explosiveness, emotional coarsening, the rapid development of social adaptation disorders, the circle of interests becomes narrow, the number of conflicts with parents increases, asocial tendencies appear. The mood is unstable: insinuatingness and subservience in situations that promise drinking, are abruptly replaced by angry outbursts and aggressiveness if it is prevented. The immune system ceases to fully fulfill its functions: a teenager who consumes alcohol becomes very susceptible to infectious diseases and not only colds.

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The body, not having completed its formation, reacts painfully to the ethanol entering it, the activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Manifested: tachycardia, changes in blood pressure. Most sexual contacts in adolescence passes drunk. Such cases can lead to infection with sexually transmitted infections. Not infrequently, unprotected sex leads to early pregnancy in girls, abortion and subsequent gynecological problems.

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Any dose of alcohol, even if it does not cause intoxication (starting from a concentration of 1-10 micrograms per ml of blood), causes harm. human body. In the action of ethanol on the body, two phases are distinguished: resorption (absorption) and elimination (excretion). The phase of resorption - each person goes in his own way, quickly or slowly. Ethanol absorbed into the body is deposited in 64% of body weight, that is, in almost the entire body of water. The elimination phase occurs after the absorption of 90-98% of the alcohol taken. From 2 to 10% of absorbed ethanol is excreted unchanged in urine, exhaled air, sweat, saliva and feces within 7–12 hours. The remaining alcohol is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water inside the body, i.e. not displayed

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The systematic use of alcohol leads to the following negative effects: The mechanisms that regulate the circulatory system are upset, which leads to the development of arterial hypertension, since alcohol stimulates the release of substances into the blood, leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels and heart muscles, and also contributes to spasm of the arteries of the heart. When drinking beer, an additional damaging factor is the constantly increased volume of circulating fluid in the body, which increases the load on the heart, kidneys, brain and liver.

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Alcoholic drinks do not provide the body with nutrients, but due to their high calorie content (1 gram of alcohol contains 7 kilocalories), they create and exacerbate the problem of overweight. Almost all alcohol lovers have inflammatory changes in the esophagus and stomach (gastritis, ulcers). There is a decrease in the nutrition of the heart muscle, a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen to it, alcoholic myocardial dystrophy develops, which serves as a background for the development of myocardial infarction.

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Drinking a mug of beer, a glass of wine or a glass of vodka provokes a catastrophe in the human brain, destroying its cells - neurons. red blood cells supply oxygen to each cell through an individual capillary. The diameter of the capillary is so small that blood cells can only pass through it in one row. Under the influence of alcohol, red blood cells stick together into "lumps" of 3-5 pieces and get stuck on the way to the neuron, clogging the capillary. After 7-10 minutes without oxygen, the cell dies. we are born with a constant supply of nerve cells, new cells are not formed, dead neurons are not restored.

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Due to frequent use, even in small quantities, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver can form - one of the most severe and hopeless human diseases in terms of treatment. Cirrhosis of the liver as a consequence of alcohol consumption, according to WHO data published in 1982, has become one of the main causes of death in the population. Alcohol inhibits the secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, which prevents the breakdown of nutrients By damaging the cells of the inner surface of the stomach and pancreas, alcohol inhibits the absorption of nutrients, and the transfer of some of them into the blood makes it impossible at all.

21 slide

Conclusion Adolescent alcoholism develops from the age of 13-15, proceeds quickly malignantly, causing mental and physical dependence at the same time, a hangover syndrome is formed. Violates personality change, narrows the range of interests, increases the number of conflicts, increases mood instability, lowers immunity, which leads to colds, infectious, gynecological diseases. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, tachycardia, vasospasm, myocardial infarction), diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver) progress in the body, exacerbate the problem of overweight, destroy brain cells ... The fight against alcoholism is the largest social and medical problem for any state. Russia according to media reports is one of the most drinking countries in the world. Studying alcohol consumption per capita in the Suzunsky district of the Novosibirsk region from 2005-2010, it has more than halved, which leads to a healthier body, a strong family and healthy human relationships.

22 slide

Used literature and sites G.V. Lavrenov "Encyclopedia traditional medicine". 2009 "Great Russian Encyclopedia". 2006 A.M.Tsuzmer, O.L.Petrishina Biology "Man and his health". 1992 Medical notes. - Wikipedia - Tvereza Ukraine

Alcohol has four main effects in the body:

- provides the body with energy;

- slows down the work of the central nervous system, reduces its efficiency;

- stimulates the production of urine (due to this, the cells are dehydrated);

- damages the liver

Stomach and pancreas

First of all, alcohol negative impact on the digestive organs: esophagus, stomach, pancreas.

Here the effect of alcohol on the human body is manifested in damage and destruction of the cells of the inner surface of the digestive organs, burns and necrosis of their tissues; atrophy of the glands that secrete gastric juice; death of cells that produce insulin. This, in turn, leads to violation of the processes of absorption of nutrients, inhibition of the release of digestive enzymes, stagnation of food in the stomach. Thus, the impact of alcohol on health can respond with sharp pains in the abdomen, digestive problems, gastritis, diabetes, pancreatitis, stomach cancer.

The cardiovascular system

From the stomach and intestines, alcohol enters the blood - and here it continues Negative influence alcohol on the human body. Firstly, alcohol contributes to the destruction of red blood cells - human blood cells. As a result, deformed red blood cells are unable to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

As a result, even a moderately drinking person aged 35-40 will inevitably encounter diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemic disease, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias.

Secondly, The impact of alcohol on health is also seen in dysregulation of blood sugar. This, in turn, can lead to an increase or decrease in its level. Both can lead to irreversible consequences: diabetic conditions, problems with blood vessels, disruption of the nervous system, brain.

Thirdly, for the cardiovascular system, it is dangerous to absorb a large amount of beer - a seemingly harmless drink that is so popular among young people. This leads to the formation of a bovine heart - it is also called a beer heart - increased in volume, prone to more frequent contractions. Hence - all kinds of arrhythmias, increased pressure.


It is for the brain tissue that alcohol is especially toxic - and that is why the state of intoxication when drinking alcohol is so obvious. We used to call it harmless, sometimes even poetic, words: “relax”, “forget”, “get drunk”, “alcohol turned your head”. In fact, everything is much more prosaic and sad - alcohol leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex, numbness and subsequent death of its areas.

the brain of people who drink is wrinkled, reduced in volume, covered with scars, ulcers, edema, with many dilated (often ruptured) vessels, cysts in places of necrosis of brain areas

Nervous system

Problems with memory and attention, perception of the surrounding world, mental development, thinking, psyche, the emergence of drug addiction, personality degradation. A dose of alcohol (1-1.25 liters for an adult) can lead to a coma, death.


In the liver, ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde.

Further "splitting" of acetaldehyde also adversely affects the state of the liver.

Under the influence of alcohol, liver cells die - a scar forms in their place, which does not perform the functions of the liver, which leads to all kinds of metabolic disorders. The most well-known liver disease as a result of alcohol's health effects is cirrhosis of the liver. Under the influence of alcohol, the liver shrinks, decreases in size, which leads to squeezing of blood vessels, stagnation of blood and increased pressure in them. Regular in this case rupture of blood vessels leads to bleeding. In most cases, they die from it.

In ancient Russia, they drank very little.

Only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash or beer

vintage mug

Villages or villages had their own drinking house or tavern, where they served beer, mash, mead, kvass.

Russian brewery

Kvasir on a medieval engraving

The problem is very relevant these days.

drinking alcohol

The harm of alcohol is obvious

BUT alcoholic and I products I , which is produced by non-state enterprises, contains a large amount of toxic substances

Experiments on plants, beetles, birds, animals have shown that alcohol is harmful to living organisms.

Alcohol weakens the growth of plant seeds and kills viability in them.

Influence alcohol per body or "individual dose" is closely related to its concentration in the blood

V. Belinsky . All people drink and eat, but only savages drink and glut

A. Chekhov . Vodka is white, but reddens the nose and blackens the reputation.

L. Tolstoy. Drunkenness drowns out the voice of conscience. This is the main reason for self-stupefaction of people. Alcohol also preserves the soul and mind of a drunkard, as it preserves anatomical preparations.

Theodosius Pechersky . The demoniac suffers through captivity and may be rewarded with eternal life, while the drunken one suffers of his own free will and is betrayed for eternal torment.

K. Ushinsky . It's dark for a drunk on a bright street

I. Efimov . There are no strong wines, there are weak heads

N. Semashko . We can say that how many husbands drank vodka, so many of their wives and children shed tears

Can alcohol be helpful?

Only in the case of alcohol consumption in small quantities.

Red wine strengthens the immune system, serves as a good prevention of atherosclerosis, normalizes the metabolism in the body, removes toxins and toxins from it. White wine and champagne good for a weakened heart system. Mulled wine will support the body with colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. And even vodka may be useful - it lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

Scientists have deduced norms, adhering to which, alcohol can be consumed without harm (and even vice versa - with benefit) for health. For men, this rate is 20 g of pure alcohol, for women - exactly half as much. For example, such a dose is contained in 30 g of vodka, 100 g of wine, 300 g of beer.

Fill the table:

Human organ systems

Negative effects of alcohol






