How many minutes to run in the morning. How to Start Running: The Complete Beginner's Guide

Lately at healthy lifestyle there are more and more adherents of life who are ready to go to the intended goal different ways. One of the most common options for monitoring your health is jogging in the morning. However, not everyone (especially beginners) knows when and how to run. We will talk about this, as well as about the benefits of running in the morning, in our article.

Many men and women start jogging in the morning for various reasons: someone is attracted by accessibility, someone is high efficiency, and for some it’s just a way to recharge with positive energy for the coming day.

The main thing about running

Morning jogging is good for the body, having a beneficial effect on all its systems as a whole. Therefore, it is so important to approach the issue correctly and find out in advance exactly how such training takes place. For those who have not yet decided to join this type of sports activity, you need to choose the right motivation, which is not at all difficult, because morning running has great benefits:

  • Running has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system of the body. During such exercises, your lungs will work intensively, which means that the body will be actively saturated with oxygen.
  • For the digestive system, running in the morning is no less useful, because it stimulates blood circulation, which creates ideal conditions for the full functioning of internal organs.
  • Jogging helps to strengthen the muscular atlas and joints. Due to the intensive blood supply to muscle fibers
  • Morning is considered optimal. By following the basic rules for increasing the load and running intervals, you can make your body burn fat more diligently. This happens due to the activation of metabolic processes, which practically do not work in the evening and during the night.
  • For the heart and cardiovascular system, morning cardio is useful because, by accelerating the heart rate, it stimulates the work of all internal systems at the cellular level, which helps prevent some heart diseases.
  • The nervous system also falls under the beneficial effect of morning running, since during such exercises stress is relieved, anxiety and aggression are eliminated, and mood is lifted.

Benefits of a morning run

Considering these beneficial features, and adding other benefits to them, you can make a basic list of factors that determine the advantages of running in the morning. If you raise the question of when the optimal time for training is in the morning or in the evening, then:

  • Morning training is a boost of energy and a “portion” of fresh morning air helps you stay alert and optimistic all day.
  • Morning jogging helps the body wake up and start all the vital mechanisms in it.
  • To a certain extent, running in the morning will help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism.
  • Everyone can learn running to strengthen their body, lose weight or achieve another goal.
  • For those who have a complex about their appearance, running in the morning is the best opportunity to work out while the rest are still sleeping or getting ready for work / study.

Thus, answering the question of whether running in the morning is good, you can see quite an impressive list of its benefits for the body. However, they will be relevant only in the absence of contraindications.

When should you not run?

Despite the fact that the benefits of running in the morning are very great, there is a list of contraindications when they can be harmful. For example, it is not recommended to run if a person has:

  • there are diseases that exclude any kind of physical activity;
  • problems with joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • sleep problems (insomnia or other sleep disorders);
  • pathology of the kidneys, liver;
  • a tendency to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases against the background of intense physical exertion on the heart muscle.

Other disadvantages of jogging in the morning are the need to wake up early and the problem of choosing places for running.

In order for running in the morning for beginners to be beneficial, you must first know the main points of such training, which relate to the form of clothing, route, training schedule and nutrition rules.

For jogging, a tracksuit made of breathable fabric is suitable, which will not restrict movement and will not press hard in some parts of the body. Jogging in winter can be done in loose clothing that can retain heat. In such clothes you will be not only comfortable, but also warm. As for shoes, they are suitable with an elastic and flexible sole. Some manufacturers produce sneakers under the brand name "running". These shoes are specially designed for running.

Having decided to run in the morning, it is important to decide on the jogging route and draw up an individual training schedule. When choosing a place for running, it is worth giving preference to an area in an ecologically clean area so that the body can breathe fresh and healthy air. Regarding the road surface, it is better to choose a terrain with a flat and smooth surface that excludes slipping and falling. For a morning run, a stadium or a dirt road in the park is great.

Before you start practicing running in the morning, you need to learn how to properly schedule your workout. should not exceed 15-20 minutes subject to daily classes. If you run in the morning every other day, then you can increase the duration of the workout to 30-40 minutes. In the future, the load should be increased gradually so that running in the morning does not become stressful for the body. At first, you can combine running with walking, gradually accustoming the body to constant movement with the same intensity.

Well, a few words about the rules of nutrition. To benefit from classes, you should know what to eat before running and how to eat in general. Of course, to get the most noticeable effect from jogging, you need to start eating right. Also, don't run on a full stomach or on an empty stomach. It is advisable to drink a glass of fat-free kefir, water or eat a banana in the morning, 20-30 minutes before training. Such a snack will help wake up and start the body. It is strongly recommended not to drink coffee or tea in the morning before running. The fact is that such drinks can overload the body's systems, which can provoke adverse consequences.

Training Features

After you prepare the necessary clothes, choose a suitable route and make a run schedule, you can try out the first lesson. Before you start jogging, you should hold. Simple exercises with tilts, turns, squats will help warm up the muscles of the body and prepare it for the main load. Then you can proceed directly to the run.

The first workout for men and women in the morning can last as little as 15 minutes, combining moderate-intensity running and brisk walking. It should invigorate and cheer up, so you should not overload yourself with excessive load, so that the next day you do not experience muscle pain and dissatisfaction about this.

As you run for a long time in the morning, you can gradually increase the time of training. So, for example, after a month of regular classes, you can already master a 40-minute workout, and after two - an hour.

You can use jogging in the morning for weight loss. In this case, the training scheme includes 15-20-minute runs in the first 3-4 weeks, after which the training time can be gradually increased up to 40 minutes. At first, you can run 2-3 times a week, preparing your body for daily runs. If you are interested in morning, then this is an activity with high-speed running, alternating with jogging. At this pace, you can run according to the scheme 5 after 5 (5 minutes running, 5 jogging).

Running in the morning in winter is incredibly useful. It not only strengthens the internal systems of the body, but also hardens it. The only negative is the cold, which can discourage beginners from practicing. However, for men and women who have been practicing such physical activity for a long time, low temperatures- no problem. For runs in winter time it is worth preparing special clothes and choosing the route that will be less traumatic. Warm-up before training must be done at home, after which you can go to the place indicated in the route. In the cold season, classes should not exceed 20-25 minutes, and they should be held 2-4 times a week.

As you can see, running in the morning is a very useful and affordable way for everyone to quickly restore and strengthen the body and spirit. When answering the question of what running in the morning gives, it is worth giving all the benefits of such activities that clearly demonstrate all the benefits of jogging.

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Jogging in the morning is one of the most accessible and effective forms of cardio training. And cardio training, as you know, is an excellent tool for losing weight, strengthening the heart muscle and general immunity. To get the maximum health benefits and energy boost for the whole day from a morning run, you need to know and follow some simple, but very important nuances.

The benefits of running

Running is an aerobic exercise in which many muscle groups and body systems take part. Cardio training is accompanied by an increased heart rate and rapid breathing. As a result:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • improves ventilation of the lungs;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • previously unused capillaries begin to work;
  • endurance develops;
  • the work of the brain is stimulated;
  • increased stress tolerance.

Running in the morning, you can also cope with increased appetite - 20 minutes of activity can relieve hunger for 1-2 hours.

As you can see, running has a complex effect on the body, so the benefits that it brings cannot be overestimated.

morning run rules


For those who decide to start running in the morning, first of all, you need to remember that it is strictly forbidden to start cardio loads immediately after waking up. The body must first be prepared for this process. The fact is that at the moment when you wake up, the viscosity of the blood is greater than at any other time. Therefore, you can cause great harm to the cardiovascular system. Ideally, every morning should start with a glass of clean water and a light breakfast.

Warm up

Before a morning run, as well as before any training process, you need to warm up. You can do this both at home and on the street. If you prefer the second option, then you should start the warm-up with a walk. The first 100–200 meters must be walked at a normal pace. After overcoming them, gradually increase the pace of walking. The second 200 meters you have to go faster than the first. After that, you can begin to perform general physical training exercises. These include swings, tilts in different sides and squats. The optimal duration of the warm-up is 20 minutes. By warming up the body, you improve the flexibility of the ligaments and joints, which means that you reduce the risk of injury. The warm-up also redistributes blood flow, as a result of which the muscles receive additional nutrients and oxygen, and starts the process of fat burning.


Running refers to cyclic, that is, to continuous loads, so it is important to control the respiratory processes while jogging. Distraction from breathing leads to insufficient ventilation of the lungs, which adversely affects the condition of the trainee: coordination of movement worsens, shortness of breath appears, oxygen starvation of the brain occurs. To avoid such problems, you must strictly observe the breathing technique. When running at a slow or medium pace, try to breathe so that you inhale and exhale every 3-4 steps. Please note that breathing should be through the nose, and not through the upper chest, but through the lower abdomen or diaphragm. Calm and even breathing will allow you to reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and increase the effectiveness of cardio training.

Frequency and duration of running

The productivity of aerobic exercise largely depends on the frequency and duration of exercise. In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to run in the morning 3 to 5 times a week. An acceptable morning run routine for beginners is 3 times a week. If you run at a lower frequency, the effect of cardio training will be very small. Excessive loads can provoke a breakdown. As for the duration, ideally it should be at least 1 hour. An unaccustomed body cannot cope with such a task. Therefore, you should start morning jogging from 15 minutes and gradually bring them to the optimal time.

Running technique

It would seem that he took and ran. However, not all so simple. When running, it is very important to observe correct technique. Otherwise, the effectiveness of cardio loads decreases and the likelihood of a knee injury increases. A clear indication that you are not running correctly is muscle pain and discomfort during a workout. To prevent this from happening, accustom your body to the ideal position. Beginning runners should always remember to run:

  • with an even posture and keep your head straight in front of you;
  • with lowered and relaxed shoulders;
  • with elbows bent at 90 degrees and constantly working hands;
  • without squeezing the hands;
  • bending the leg at the knee for cushioning;
  • landing with the foot on the ground below you;
  • landing on the middle of the foot, roll onto the toe and push off the ground.

At first, it will be quite difficult to follow all the nuances, but over time the body will get used to it and will automatically take the necessary position.

Place to run

Not every place is suitable for a morning run. For example, it is undesirable to train along the track. It is necessary to lay the route as far as possible from people and exhaust-polluted streets. Ideal to run in a park, forest or field.


For jogging, you need to choose comfortable, but not heavy shoes with perforated holes. Pay special attention to the thickness of the sole. It must be at least 1 centimeter. Also, before buying, do not forget to inspect the laces. It is best to give preference to those that are well tied, do not slip off and hold the leg firmly.

What clothes to wear for a run depends on the weather. In hot weather, lightweight clothing made from natural fabrics is suitable for running. If the temperature outside is no more than 17 degrees, put on a tracksuit. In cool weather, it is recommended to wear a warm suit, a light jacket and a hat that covers the ears. For jogging in the cold, it is advisable to purchase a windproof and waterproof sports suit with a small layer of insulation, warm gloves, a hat to protect the head and ears from the wind, and high winter sneakers. Women, regardless of weather conditions, should always wear a special slimming bra while running.

How to start a run

The main mistake that almost all novice runners make is high speed at the start. You need to start your morning run with a walk. Then you need to gradually increase the speed of walking and smoothly switch to running. A fast pace for a beginner is fraught with loss of breath. And this can provoke premature convergence from the distance.

Remember to check your heart rate while running. The optimal heart rate range is 120–150 beats per minute. At the end of the run, see how quickly he recovers. If it takes more than 5 minutes, you need to reduce the intensity of the load.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that regularity and perseverance are the key to success in any endeavor. Only in the presence of these two criteria will it be possible to achieve the goals.

Proper nutrition and sports - this is the simplest formula for maintaining a slender figure. In a variety of diets, you can always find a menu that will not hit the budget. But going to the gym is more difficult: subscriptions to fitness clubs are not cheap. But there is a great alternative to exercise equipment and a personal weight loss trainer! This is a run in the morning in the fresh air. Zero investment, and the result is simply priceless.

Health benefits of running in the morning

The main goal of morning running is to activate metabolic processes and launch all types of muscles into work. After all, after sleep, the body is in a relaxed state, and we need to set it up for a productive working day. In addition, the run:

  • oxygenates the blood vessels
  • strengthens the immune system
  • charges with cheerfulness, energy and good mood.

Efficiency in weight loss

Morning runs are extremely effective for weight loss. On average, you can lose 1-3 kg per week. You will see a noticeable result within a month after the start of running training. Naturally, it is recommended to completely abandon flour and fatty foods, alcohol and cigarettes.

Why ? An hour run burns approximately 360 kcal. For comparison: work at the computer - only 100 kcal, and a leisurely walk - 200 kcal. "Energy leaks" occur due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. When running, the body uses all muscle groups, the organs work more intensively, and, accordingly, calories are spent more efficiently. In addition, between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning, the first peak of human biological activity occurs. According to physiologists, it is at this time that physical activity is easier to bear.

How to run in the morning

If you are determined to run, then keep in mind that the run should last at least an hour. Because the body begins to burn fat cells only after half an hour of such loads. Therefore, a novice runner needs to choose a special training regimen in order to cover the distance with honor.

  1. You will achieve the desired result faster if you choose an uneven surface for your runs. An excellent option is the steps of a stadium or an area with frequent descents and ascents. When running up, the heart “accelerates” metabolic processes, and fat deposits are slowly “discarded”. And when running down, the intensity of the load decreases, and the body rests a little.
  2. Experienced trainers recommend starting classes with the so-called interval running, when the intensity of the load alternates evenly. The first 10 minutes are brisk walking, the next 15 minutes are running at an average pace. After that, go to the maximum pace. When you start to get tired, and breathing becomes difficult, smoothly return to the average pace. For one approach (per hour), it is desirable to do 2-3 approaches with accelerations.
  3. Do not squeeze the last juice out of yourself. If you can't last an hour, shorten your run time. Listen to the general well-being of the body. Gradually, endurance will come. The adaptation period is purely individual. If you have never played sports actively, then be patient.
  4. The best places for a morning run are stadiums, fields, forests, parks, squares. In general, all paths away from noisy highways.
  5. Try not to eat anything in the morning. Have a glass of water or bio-yogurt and go for a run. And after it, refresh yourself with a hearty and healthy breakfast.
  6. The key to a successful run is proper breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be rhythmic. Breathe through your nose. This will allow you to run more miles.
  7. Remember, you will load your heart. Therefore, before starting training, consult with your doctor, go through a cardiogram and pass the necessary tests.

Running program in the morning for weight loss

To make it easier for you to plan your run, we suggest “peeping” into the standard training plan for beginners. Distances are given in both meters and minutes. Choose the value from which you will start (but not both at once!). The table also shows the pulse, but if you do not have a smart watch or a fitness bracelet, use the tips. This running scheme is designed for 4 km.

Table: morning run plan for beginners

stage number Acceleration Relaxation Note
1. Warm-up - 800 m or 10 minutesRun barely, one leg at a time, shaking your arms, warming up your legs. Pulse - 100-110 beats per minute.
1.1 (optional) Light stretching, squats, swings.
2. 200 m or 1 minute
3. 400 m or 3 minutes
4. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
5. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count up to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
6. 400 m or 2 minutes Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
7. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count up to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
8. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.

Video: interval running rules for weight loss


There are many contraindications for running. After all, this is a serious burden on the body. You need to refuse morning jogging when:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart disease, stenocardia or tachycardia, chronic heart failure, previous heart attack or stroke);
  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, some forms of scoliosis);
  • acute chronic diseases;
  • problems with the pulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma);
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma.

“From Monday I start running in the morning!” Many of us have repeatedly made this promise to ourselves. But did you start running? Not everyone. Millions of people around the world start their day with a run. So why is morning jogging so beneficial? How to force yourself to start running in the morning? How to run correctly? About everything in order.

Pros and cons of morning jogging

Perhaps, main disadvantage jogging in the morning can be called the need to allocate extra time at the very beginning of the day, because of which a person must force himself to wake up at least half an hour earlier. It doesn't come easy for everyone. And here it is important to understand that morning jogging should be a source of pleasure and positive emotions, and not "a case under the stick."

There are many benefits to running in the morning.

  1. Firstly, cardio training at the beginning of the day starts the work of the body, which improves the condition of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
  2. Secondly, a morning run on an empty stomach is an excellent tool for fighting fat, because in the morning the body has to draw energy from fatty tissues.
  3. Thirdly, according to research, people who run in the morning improve their mood and performance.
  4. Fourth, after a morning run, almost all the muscles of the body will be in good shape throughout the day.

How to force yourself to run in the morning

How to start running in the morning if you have never done it before? This question confuses many, because in any business the most difficult thing is to start.

Indeed, when faced with a choice between a morning jog and an extra 20 minutes in a warm bed, many will choose the second option.

There is no one hundred percent way to force yourself to run in the morning. Below are a few useful tips from people who once were able to overcome themselves, from those for whom morning jogging has now become an integral part of life.

Just try to overcome your laziness and reluctance to get out of bed. Every day it will make everything easier. According to research, a habit is developed within 21-46 days. That is, by defeating yourself for a month, you will develop a useful habit that can change your life.

Find a company. It’s quite difficult to start running on your own, but having agreed with someone to run together, you will be forced to start doing it, because otherwise you will let other people down.

Bet someone for money. In general, they say that arguing is not good. But you will do it for yourself. Promise someone from relatives or friends to give, say, 10,000 rubles if you miss at least one workout during the first month. If 10,000 rubles is a small amount for you, promise more. During this month, you will make every effort not to lose in this dispute, and then morning running will simply become a habit.

Preparing for a morning run

Before starting a run, you must within 8-10 minutes. Need to do all sorts of rotational movements to prepare muscles, ligaments and joints for the upcoming work.

Particular attention should be paid to the knee and ankle joints, since when running they bear the bulk of the load.

Also you need to take care of sportswear and shoes. Running shoes should be on a shock-absorbing sole that provides good grip on the surface. Clothing must be selected according to the weather, so that during the run it will not be too hot or cold. Clothing should not hinder movement throughout the distance.

Besides, you need to lay out a route for your morning run. It can be either a park or the streets of your city (it is important to pay attention to car traffic). Also, as a venue for running training, you can choose a stadium with athletics tracks, to which free access is provided. There are such stadiums in almost every city.

How to run in the morning

But after a workout, you just need to provide your body with energy, so it is recommended to take care of your breakfast in advance.

While running, you can, and sometimes even need to. This is especially true in the summer, when even in the early morning it is already quite warm. But in the cold season, it is better to refuse water, as during the run it will become too cold for drinking.

Running should be measured, at a low pace.

While running you need to monitor your heart rate. To do this, you can purchase a special device - a heart rate monitor that will help you control your heart rate.

Also it is important to monitor the pressure.

Dizziness, nausea, throbbing in the ears and temples, and yawning are the most obvious signs that the pressure has gone beyond the normal range. In this case, you need to switch from running to calm walking and complete the workout in this mode.

How much do you need to run in the morning

If you have never run in the morning before, then you should not immediately set yourself high goals. In the first weeks training will be enough to run 1-3 kilometers. This distance is enough to start the body and bring it into tone.

Over time, the distance can be increased to 10 kilometers or more.

In the early stages, especially important not how much you run, but whether you do it regularly.

How to end your morning run

After running the planned distance, do not rush to immediately go home. Take a step and walk for another 5-7 minutes. This is necessary so that the body gradually returns to its usual rhythm.

After that, do some exercises on. This will help your muscles relax after a hard workout.

Arriving home, go to the shower, and then be sure to have breakfast. The first meal should contain enough carbohydrates to replenish the spent energy, as well as protein. Oatmeal and a couple of eggs will be a great start to the day.


Morning jogging is not just a way to make your body fit, but also an opportunity to get a charge of good mood and vivacity for the whole day. In addition, while running, you can be alone with yourself, discarding all thoughts and everyday worries.

Don't wait until Monday, start running today to get better tomorrow!

Useful video on why it is important to run in the morning

You once again decided to start running on Monday, and your daily schedule is packed to capacity. Your rhythm of life gives you only one opportunity: the morning before work. As a responsible person, you decide: morning - so morning! But how to start running in the morning? Here are some tips from professional running coaches on how to go out for a morning run regularly and with pleasure.

Go to bed early and skip breakfast

Oleg Babchin, founder and senior coach of the Second Wind school:

If you consider running in the morning as the only opportunity to join the running world, then you will have to sacrifice your evening time to prostration. Definitely have to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep before the morning workout. If you classify yourself as a family of larks, then it will not be difficult to work on yourself in the morning. You don't have to eat breakfast before your workout! Start running calmly so that the body warms up and wakes up, gradually increase the intensity to the planned or conditionally comfortable one.

Monitor sleep patterns

Denis Vasiliev, coach of the Runlab running club, St. Petersburg:

Set an alarm an hour and a half earlier than usual and run out of the house. It is important to follow the rest regimen so that an early rise does not “steal” precious hours of sleep. It is also necessary to choose the optimal menu for breakfast or a snack. Still, running on an empty stomach is not recommended. Consider these nuances, and morning running will undoubtedly bring benefits, pleasure and energy boost.

Focus on personal feelings

Vlad Melkov, founder of the Run Studio school of running and functional training:

I answer exclusively from practice - my own and students. Jogging in the morning is a wonderful activity and a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Often driving a car along the picturesque embankments at 7 am, I see many inspired people who run towards a new day and are charged with solar energy. What to say? Cool! But…

The first “but” is your own body. When he wakes up in the morning, he often resists, asking for more sleep. An individual approach is important. If you get up at 5 a.m., drowsily hit the door frame, go to the toilet, fall asleep there, wake up, struggle to find the kitchen, drink a couple of sips of water, fall asleep again while putting on your socks, mistakenly put on two different sneakers ... Go outside, slightly you wake up, but the body is in shock: “Where are we, master?” The pulse goes off scale from light jogging, the lamplight has turned into a colored spot, you slip, fall, look at the morning night sky and ask yourself: “And why do I need this?” It is in these cases that running in the morning is harmful. And if you slept, had breakfast, feel cheerful, inspired - make your day and start it with a run!

It should also be noted that morning runs should be slow so that the body smoothly gets involved in work, and in order to avoid stress and arrhythmia. Start running in the morning, first of all, with pleasure, focusing on personal feelings and your body.

Start with pleasant jogging walks

Maxim Denisov, founder and head coach of the Gepard school:

Running should bring joy and pleasure. Only then will it become a habit, and even more: it will become a need.Start running in the warm season, when going outside is easy and pleasant. The end of spring, summer is the most ideal time. The sun shines early in the morning, getting up early is easy.

Consider a route with good level ground, preferably in a park or stadium. Leave extreme city or forest routes for later. At first, everything should go perfectly smoothly, there should be no irritation. Let it be a pleasant walk, not too intense - light running or even running + walking. So you will feel the joy of movement, of the morning silence and of the air, which is so clean only in the early morning. At the same time as running, connect the elements of meditation, this will help you concentrate before the working day. After such a leisurely run, you will definitely feel a surge of strength and energy.

And then, when you fall in love with your morning running walks, it will be possible to gradually increase the load and move on to more complex training programs. No need to "plow": after a morning workout there should not be fatigue, only slight cheerfulness. The more “pumped” you are in running, the higher your performance will be in everything else.

Prepare equipment from the evening

Maria Babich, coach of the school “Second Breath”:

Wake up, get dressed and run. You can watch the weather in the evening and prepare the right equipment, then in the morning there will be no time to think at all, and the likelihood of missing a run will decrease. I think that both larks and owls can run in the mornings - this is a matter of habit.

Get enough sleep and drink water with lemon before jogging

Yana Khmeleva, founder and head coach of running school:

In the morning it is better to start running if you are a morning person. If you are a night owl, it is better not to start at all, but to choose evening time for jogging. An owl cannot completely re-educate itself. Doctors all over the world agree on this. That is, you can teach yourself, you can set a goal, start a running diary. But there will always be discomfort. Owls wake up in the evening. If owls don’t have the opportunity to run in the evening at all, but only have time in the morning, then, of course, it’s better to run in the morning than not to run at all.

To run in the morning, you need, firstly, to visualize how you wake up and run. An example of a visualization doomed to failure: an alarm clock rings, you lie down, doubt, decide on the weather, press snooze several times to make the alarm ring again. And here is a good example: wake up and run, and you are fine. And it will be good! You need to remember this state and remember it every time when you don’t want to go running. You need to determine the optimal amount of sleep for yourself. Some days - to run, some - to get enough sleep. Don't sacrifice sleep.

During the night, the blood thickens, and in general the body, as a rule, acidifies. If someone likes to drink a glass of wine in the evening, eats sweet, fatty or animal foods, lives in a metropolis, breathes exhaust fumes, smokes (and many do), then inevitably the PH of the body leans towards acidification. And this is especially true in the morning. To dilute the blood and alkalize the body, it is imperative to drink liquid before jogging. Approximately 0.3 l, and best of all, if it is water with lemon. Moreover, half a lemon, squeezed into 0.3-0.5 liters of liquid. Lemon water is very alkalizing in the body. You should also eat some fast carbohydrates, which will immediately enter the bloodstream and give you energy for running.

If you are losing weight, then you do not need breakfast, and after training it is advisable to eat a protein breakfast. Best of all after 1.5 hours, because 1.5 hours is the so-called “carbohydrate window”, when the metabolism increases, and the body absorbs everything well. Give your metabolism time to slow down and only then eat.To avoid the feeling of wolf hunger, it is best to eat something small right before a run: a carbohydrate bar, a banana, or some other fruit. After training, wait 1.5 hours, and only then have breakfast.

Run with like-minded people

Oksana Belyakova, coach of I Love Supersport Running:

It's best to start morning workouts in the summer when the weather is great, the daylight hours are longer, and it's easier to wake up. If you find a friend or acquaintance who will run with you, great! This is very disciplined: you know what is expected of you at training. If you cannot find a company from your immediate surroundings, then you can join race preparation groups and train in the morning with a large team of like-minded people. And it's very energizing!

Another working tool is to set a big goal and respond to main question: why is it important for you to love running in the morning? Return to the goal and your settings in times of difficulty, and you will find support and motivation in them.

For many, running in the morning is a boost of energy and great well-being for the whole day! And in the evening after a working day, it can be difficult to find the strength to run. Jogging in the evening is a way to get rid of accumulated stress, which is also good. The choice is yours and your goals.

Don't waste time collecting

Sergey Sorokin, co-founder and head coach of the marathon club Jaxtor:

To start running in the morning, you need to prepare clothes in the evening and do not waste time on this in the morning. This is a psychological anchor that helps you get out in the morning to run. After waking up, drink a glass of warm water, go to the toilet and go outside. Start with fast walking and gradually move on to running. Try to run calmly, at a pace at which your breathing does not quicken. Run at walking speed. The duration of the run is no more than 30 minutes. Morning run should be like an element of charging and should be regular. Only then will jogging in the morning be useful, because. the body will get used to them.