How can you tell if you are pregnant. What methods of determining pregnancy, in addition to the test, are there? basal method

During planning and during pregnancy, each girl takes care of herself more carefully than usual. You want to see the long-awaited result almost immediately. And then she is interested and finds ways: how to determine pregnancy on early dates at home.

Today you can find many different methods. Some have been used since ancient times, others are modern. It is required to know some general symptoms of the onset of fertilization, therefore, you need to study your body.

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Pregnancy is manifested by special signs in the first days after conception:

  • nausea;
  • irritability.

How to identify them is described below. Having identified similar symptoms, this will not absolutely mean that conception has occurred. Often a girl thinks up many signs for herself. The methods described below will help pacify curiosity and impatience and determine pregnancy before a missed period.

But there is a chance that these home research methods will show the wrong answer. It is recommended to use each of them almost immediately after conception.

The processes of transformation and change in the female body are launched from the moment the sperm enters the egg.

Next comes the attachment of the fetus to the uterus. Then folk and traditional methods will show the result. If none of the methods gave a positive answer, the woman should not despair. As you know, every organism is unique. The exit from the tubes and the fixation of the fetal egg takes a couple of days, for others this process can take a week. Do not rush to get upset, but try again a little later.

How many days after conception is it possible to determine?

Carrying a child under the heart is a magical period in the life of any girl, full of discoveries. Many with aspiration are waiting for the moment when they will be able to realize their main purpose on earth. And, of course, the girl begins to learn all the ways how to check pregnancy in the early stages at home.

Naturally, modern pharmacy tests show a plus sign with almost 100% accuracy. They respond to hCG, which constantly rises to three months pregnancy. In the first days after conception, this hormone allows you to determine pregnancy.

The reagent present in the tests starts working with a fairly high hCG level, corresponding to 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. Previously, the result may not appear.

A few days after conception, they try to determine pregnancy. You should set the day of ovulation: it is calculated independently, or using a special test. If 2 bright stripes are revealed, which means that in a day or two there will be ovulation. This is the most suitable day for conception. As a rule, during this period, women have abundant clear discharge, their side aches, sometimes even nausea. It is generally accepted that the moment X falls on 5-7 days after the last menstruation. Again, every organism is unique. Fertilization can occur on time, immediately after menstruation.

At home, it is quite simple to determine pregnancy before conception. Every woman should study and know her body, be able to read the signal. After all, many signs make it clear to her what is happening in her body at the moment.

Now let's deal with ovulation. On this day, presumably, conception occurred. And a woman needs to be patient. After all, as written above, the fixation of the fetal egg takes place in different ways. As soon as this process is completed, hCG rises. It is this hormone that launches new processes, begins to prepare the body for the upcoming, difficult, nine months.

Armed with knowledge and scientific facts, the girl already understands how many days after conception or poorly protected intercourse it is worth trying to determine pregnancy. The common people have invented quite a few methods that answer an exciting question faster than a purchased test. How to try to determine pregnancy, starting from the first week after conception, is described below.

The first signs of pregnancy

It is possible to check pregnancy in the early stages as follows:

  • enlarged belly;
  • by allocations;
  • with the addition of iodine or soda to the urine.

By the stomach

Of course, the stomach takes on a "pregnant" shape later. Nevertheless, the expectant mother notices that the jeans do not fasten. And here a problem arises, how to determine pregnancy by the stomach before a delay in the early stages, if it is not visible at all. This starts the processes that accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy.

During the first 4-6 weeks, the uterus changes slightly and it is completely imperceptible. Its parameters are comparable to chicken egg by the end of the first month. During gestation, blood flow throughout the body and the uterine area especially increases. There is a filling of the walls of the stomach with blood, as a result of a slight swelling of the mucous membrane. These processes lead to increased gas formation, constipation. Accordingly, the volume of the abdomen increases.

Many women will perceive these symptoms as indigestion, something wrong was eaten for dinner. But when the discomfort continues for more than one day, then it is worth considering whether pregnancy is possible.

According to basal temperature

Before the delay of menstruation, pregnancy is also determined by another scientifically based method. It is based on measuring basal temperature several days in a row before menstruation. Two or three days before menstruation, body degrees are slightly higher than normal, the indicator is overestimated by an average of one degree, this is due to a rush of blood, the release of an egg from the body.

You need to prepare in advance and find out all the nuances of how to determine pregnancy before a delay in basal temperature. It won't take a single day.

  1. Put a thermometer on the bedside table.
  2. Every morning, making minimal movements, the temperature is set.
  3. Basal is measured rectally (the most accurate data) or orally.
  4. You need to write down every day.
  5. It is necessary to measure after a delay.

If the temperature is the same, higher than usual, menstruation does not occur, then the woman will soon become a mother!

By selection

The following method for determining pregnancy in the early stages will bring the girl closer to the exact answer. The fertilized egg clings to the walls of the uterus, they are filled with blood. Like all processes, this one is connected with hemodynamics. Then, most likely, there will be discharges:

  • brownish;
  • pink.

Don't be afraid, this is normal. After, after about a week, there will be a yellowish and transparent appearance. This is also the norm for a period of 3-4 weeks and even until the very birth. If a woman is sure that fertilization has occurred, and the discharge is painful, brown or red, abundant, unlike menstruation, you should immediately consult a doctor or an ambulance.

A woman who wants to have children can read any signal that her body gives her. It is important to remember that for many, ovulation is accompanied by abundant, necessarily transparent discharge. This happens due to the hatching of the egg and its travel through the abdominal cavity. But if during auspicious days the conception of the discharge is white, curdled - this is an alarming and dangerous signal. So, there is a fungal disease, there are inflammatory processes. You should immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Nevertheless, doctors do not perceive this method of determining pregnancy before a delay in discharge as effective and informative. Just because the discharge means the following: the early onset of menstruation or fertilization.

With the help of iodine

With the use of this solution, more than one tool has been invented to answer the question: how to determine pregnancy in the early stages. The result will be true when all conditions are met. Let us consider in more detail how a girl can determine a long-awaited pregnancy in the early stages at home with iodine.

  1. You need to pee on a piece of paper, then drip a few drops of iodine solution.
  2. The check is carried out with the morning collection of liquid tests, on an empty stomach.
  3. If the girl is pregnant, then the leaf will turn pink, if not, it will turn brown or blue.

Successful fertilization can be determined using iodine by another method.

  1. Pee in any vessel, drip iodine solution there.
  2. If the droplet retained its shape, went down, then went up, it is highly likely that the fertilization of the egg has occurred.

But it is important to contrive so that it smoothly descends into the liquid, then it will definitely disintegrate. Women have learned to determine pregnancy with iodine at home for a very long time. Up to 2 months of pregnancy, this method will help determine the presence of pregnancy in the early stages.


A long-awaited pregnancy before a delay in menstruation can be determined with soda. Since time immemorial, women have known how to test pregnancy at home using baking soda, and have successfully used this method. But scientific justification practically does not carry under itself.

  1. You will need a clean, sterile container, morning urine, a spoonful of soda.
  2. Put a spoonful of baking soda into the beaker and observe the reaction.
  3. If she hissed, the result is negative.
  4. Nothing happens, soda just precipitates - the answer is yes.

How does urine with soda help determine pregnancy in the early stages at home, why does such an interaction occur? Urine from all over the body receives harmful waste. During the day, the acidity of the urine increases due to what is eaten. It is because of this that it is better to do it in the morning, when the acidity is at a minimum. However, other factors also influence this:

  • disease;
  • Lifestyle;
  • duration of the last sleep;
  • hygiene;
  • the volume of water consumed.

The baking soda method is extremely ambiguous to determine pregnancy in the early stages, but helps the impatient to find hope.

How to find out the gestational age at home?

Anyone who is actively planning her future pregnancy should study her body, the symptoms and signals of the body in great detail, and know which drugs are categorically contraindicated. Therefore, it is worth studying in detail the process of the appearance of the egg and its further movement through the body, and how long it takes to determine pregnancy after conception.

This process is repeated for each healthy woman monthly:

  1. It all starts with PMS.
  2. The old egg is released and the new one begins to mature.
  3. The process is completed, her next step is ovulation.
  4. The process is triggered by a special hormone - luteinizing. The highest content of it in the urine falls out a couple of days before the readiness for fertilization. It is he who enters the reagent with tests to identify favorable moments for conception.
  5. There is the peak: this is a specific day. Fertilization can occur a few days before and after day X.
  6. Further, the follicle becomes a corpus luteum, begins to secrete a hormone that prepares the uterus for the adoption of the fetus.
  7. When fertilization and implantation of the egg does not occur, the exfoliation of the endometrium of the uterus starts - menstruation.

Having learned all this, the girl understands how to determine the gestational age at home. Important: menstruation is considered to have ended when there is not a trace of discharge. A woman can also find out at home the almost exact gestational age.

Now we need to figure out how many days you can determine pregnancy after ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is 28 days, then the 14th day from the beginning of the last menstruation becomes favorable. From there you can start counting. Conception will occur at the peak. The peak lasts one day. Fertilization has occurred, now how to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception.

Joy comes sometimes in double and triple size. There are ways to determine multiple pregnancy in the early stages.

  1. You need to check with close relatives whether there is a genetic likelihood of twins. Often this is inherited.
  2. A sure sign of twins is nausea from the first day of conception. A monosyllabic pregnancy can bypass this ailment, twins and triplets - no. And it lasts up to 4 months.
  3. Plus a big weight gain, drowsiness and extreme irritability.

A pharmacy pregnancy test, even before the delay, can show two bright, clear stripes. After all the calculations and keeping these records, the girl knows exactly how many days pregnancy can be determined after conception.

Useful video

Determining pregnancy in the early stages is not so easy. This video is for those who want to know about the first signs of pregnancy at the earliest possible date:


  1. After reading the article and getting acquainted with all the nuances, the girl now knows exactly how to determine pregnancy before a delay in menstruation at home.
  2. Pregnancy can be tried to determine a few days after conception.
  3. The process of fertilization depends on the characteristics of the organism, it takes from two to seven days.
  4. The girl needs to be a little more patient. Of the above methods, the most accurate, scientifically based and practically error-free is the method of determining the basal body temperature. Since the girl will be based on exact numbers and medical reports.
  5. For a woman, pregnancy is a moment of self-discovery. It is important to take care of yourself and avoid big stresses!

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Tell me, please, is there any way to determine pregnancy without a test.

Of course, I already bought a test, but I want some more methods and ways to accurately determine pregnancy.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Of course, you are right that you bought a pregnancy test. This is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to determine an interesting position.

Only now, its sensitivity does not always allow you to determine pregnancy before a delay or in the first days, but I know how impatient you are and how you want to quickly either make sure of a happy event or gather hope and wait for a new cycle.

To determine pregnancy without a test before a delay, you can see what signs of pregnancy you have.

The more signs you notice, the more likely you are to be pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy

  1. Swollen and painful mammary glands;

Hypersensitivity of the nipples and their pigmentation, engorgement, breast enlargement, indicate the work of the hormonal system in a new mode.

  1. Heaviness in the lower abdomen;

In addition to discomfort, many feel as if “butterflies flutter” inside.

During this period, one can also observe spotting, accompanied by cramps and spasms, which, in turn, can also be attributed to the approaching "critical days", not to mention diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis;

Nausea, vomiting are characteristic of the first period of fertilization.

It seems that only this indicator can be the main one in determining pregnancy at home without a test, only in cases of poisoning these signs can also appear.

  1. Increased body temperature;

If subfebrile temperature is observed for several days, then this may be a signal of implantation of the fetal egg. But, we must not forget about the possible inflammatory process, which also gives such a clinical condition.

Indirect symptoms of pregnancy

  • Gastronomic fads;

There is a strong reaction to certain products. For example, there are often cases when a woman during pregnancy cannot stand the smell of raw meat at all. Or vice versa, ready to walk for hours along the counters with fish.

When the body reacts so violently to changes, determining pregnancy is easy.

  • A sharp set of extra pounds;

Someone is sick of one type of food, and someone wakes up a "brutal" appetite. In connection with plentiful meals and absorption of fluids, the expectant mother begins to rapidly gain weight, and swelling does not take long.

  • Mood swings are typical during pregnancy;
  • Drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue;

At the very beginning of the wonderful period of pregnancy, the body spends a huge amount of energy on reconfiguring all systems. Therefore, a sudden onset of fatigue helps to clarify the whole picture.

  • Frequent urination, as in cystitis;

It occurs due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. Although this phenomenon is typical for later periods, there are girls for whom this particular symptom answers the question of how pregnancy can be determined without a pregnancy test.

  • Metamorphoses associated with a sharp increase and decrease in sexual desire, due to the restructuring of the hormonal system during pregnancy.

Ways to determine pregnancy without a test

How was pregnancy determined without tests?

Our great-great-grandmothers had to get out and look for ways to determine pregnancy. But some of them you can do now.

  1. Determination of pregnancy with soda.
  • You will need: morning portion of urine, soda;
  • Having collected the required amount of urine in a transparent bowl, pour 1 tsp of soda;
  • Usually, the discharge is acidic, and in the case of pregnancy, the PH level shifts in favor of alkalinity;
  • Thus, in the first case, a reaction with bubbles will occur, and in the second, a precipitate will be obtained;
  • Also, read the article on this subject: Determination of pregnancy with baking soda >>>.
  1. It is necessary to collect morning urine and boil. Then, pour into a glass container. If whitish flakes are observed, then the answer is yes. Otherwise, pregnancy did not occur;
  2. Determining pregnancy with iodine.
  • You will need: morning urine and iodine;
  • In a container with liquid, you need to carefully drop an iodine solution from a pipette;
  • Did the drop immediately dissolve? The result of the study can be considered negative. But if a droplet floats on the surface for some time, then, most likely, the pregnancy is confirmed.

A drop of iodine can be dropped onto a paper strip soaked in morning urine. If the usual brown color of the reagent has changed to bluish-violet, then there is a sign of pregnancy.

  1. Another method of how pregnancy can be determined without tests, using urine, was used in even more ancient centuries:
  • Red wine was mixed with urine;
  • Then, the behavior of the mixture was observed;
  • While maintaining the transparency of the "cocktail", they issued a positive verdict.

Pregnancy and basal temperature

The easiest way to determine pregnancy without a test is to measure basal body temperature.

It is necessary to measure the temperature for 5 minutes in the rectum in the early morning, without getting out of bed. It is advisable to exclude any movements immediately after waking up.

  1. After ovulation has occurred, two or three days before menstruation, the temperature, which rises to 36.8 - 37.2 degrees during ovulation, should be sharply lowered;
  2. Ideally, if you have already plotted basal temperature charts for 2-3 months and you have something to compare temperature readings with (see article

Our ancestors believed that pregnancy natural state women. The ability to procreate was considered the main female task. Hence the requirements for female beauty- wide hips, large chest. Actually, these were the main standards when choosing a bride. Nowadays, everything is somewhat different, including the canons of beauty for the fair sex. But the natural desire of every girl to become a mother has not disappeared anywhere.

The body of each person is individual, but there are still general signs (symptoms) by which the expectant mother can recognize whether she is pregnant or not even at an early stage. Actually, all these signs can be called conditional, since any of them only signals some changes in your body. But they shouldn't be ignored at all. We will analyze all these symptoms in a little more detail.

Primary signs of pregnancy

Delayed menstruation

The most common sign of pregnancy. But it is possible to notice it only if your cycle is regular, without failures. With this manifestation, you should consult a specialist. However, there are times when a delay in menstruation is not observed in some cases even during the first trimester. So listen carefully to your body.

Nausea and vomiting (on a daily basis)

One of the first signs that you should pay special attention to. Such a reaction can be anything - appearance, smells, or even the mention of certain products, activities, etc. can cause a sharp attack of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Gynecologists call this reaction of the body toxicosis.

Sharpening of the sense of smell

In this position, a woman reacts very sharply to various smells. Sometimes it happens that smells that until recently delighted, for some unknown reason, begin to irritate and cause a negative reaction of the body. At the same time, even a weak train is acutely felt, which may not be noticeable to others.

Frequent mood swings, excessive irritability

Very often, women begin to conflict, it would seem completely unreasonable. But the explanation for this is simple - pregnancy tends to change character and is not always better side. This is due to the hormonal background, which changes during the gestation period. Listen to yourself, maybe it's time to visit a gynecologist.

Chronic fatigue and drowsiness

This also includes dizziness. In this state, a woman can be, both the first trimester, and until the very birth. In addition, such a state of health haunts women, no matter how long the dream was.

Special and sudden (regardless of the time of day, standard wishes, etc.) gastronomic addictions

Because of the onset of pregnancy, a woman may change her tastes in relation to food. For example, there is an addiction to pickles or tomatoes, a sudden desire to taste sweets or vice versa spicy dishes, etc. Very often this is accompanied by an increased appetite. Thus, the body tries to replenish the vitamin balance. And for this reason alone, you should not deny yourself, but nevertheless, for reliability, consult a doctor, at the same time and discuss acceptable norms.

Pain in the lower abdomen and/or lower back

This symptom appears infrequently, but if it happens, you should consult a doctor, perhaps the body is signaling that you are at risk of miscarriage.


Strange as it may seem, it is also a sign of a miracle that has happened. This reaction of the body is possible due to an increase in the level of progesterone. As a result, the digestive tract slows down, which causes constipation.

Increased urge to urinate

This is due to the growth of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the bladder.

Minor bleeding

Such a symptom may appear as early as a couple of weeks after conception. It has a short duration - only a couple of hours.

Changes in the mammary glands (breasts)

This is manifested from the second week of an interesting situation. At the same time, these are not its only changes - an increase in sensitivity (sometimes even light contact with clothing causes pain), a slight increase, as well as changes in the color of the nipples (they become a little darker). One of the signs can also be called the appearance of colostrum. In order to check its presence is quite simple - lightly press the nipple and it should appear. In this case, spontaneous selection should not be. Otherwise, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

General malaise and snoring

Very often, during pregnancy, expectant mothers experience sensations very similar to the onset of a cold - nasal congestion, slight fever, etc. These are light "jokes" of hormones. Regarding snoring, it appears due to an increased level of progesterone. Under its action, the mucous membranes become more flexible and soft, which causes the diaphragm to fluctuate. Therefore, before taking cold medicines, check yourself for pregnancy, for example, with a test from a pharmacy.

Weight changes

This symptom is not too pronounced, but with a more careful attitude to one's own weight, a slight increase in it can be noted.

Change in sexual appetite

This may manifest itself in different ways. So, for example, in some cases, the representatives of the fair half have an unprecedented sexual appetite, in other situations the effect is exactly the opposite - complete apathy and even hostility. Therefore, be more attentive to your own feelings, perhaps this is a signal of a miracle that has happened.

The appearance of pigmentation

This symptom is also due to a change in hormonal levels. Spots of various shapes and sizes appear on the face or other parts of the body. They may resemble freckles or birthmarks. The appearance of such spots is a sure sign of hormonal changes in the body.

Diagnosis of pregnancy at home

If you have one of the described symptoms, this is a reason to seriously think about whether pregnancy is taking place. It is far from always possible to contact a gynecologist immediately (for example, on weekends). This is where home remedies can help.

Method number 1 - pregnancy test

The easiest and painless way to determine the onset of pregnancy is a test (there are a great many of them in pharmacy chains). But it is worth remembering that the vast majority of these rapid tests give the most accurate result during morning urination. Therefore, take care of such an acquisition in advance. To get a more accurate result, do two or more tests with a short break (two or three days is enough time). Such tests are relevant for a period of 4-5 weeks. There are also tests to determine pregnancy at an earlier date (3-4 weeks), but the price segment is unreasonably high.

Method number 2 - temperature measurement

This method can rightfully be called the most accessible, but at the same time unpleasant. Since in this case we are talking about measuring basal temperature (measured through the rectum, in the anal way). If the temperature is at the level of 37 degrees (in rare cases and higher) - there is a high probability of pregnancy. In this case, you need to know the characteristics of your body. Therefore, experts recommend in advance (2-3 months before the intended conception) to start a kind of calendar-schedule in which daily data must be recorded.

Both of the methods described above can help determine the onset of pregnancy at the earliest possible date, but errors also occur. In any case, if you have a suspicion, contact a specialized specialist.

Folk ways to determine pregnancy

Our grandmothers did not have the opportunity to diagnose pregnancy by laboratory methods. For this, we used available methods. We will introduce you to some of them. They are completely harmless, which is probably why they are popular today.

One of these methods is the definition of pregnancy by a drop of iodine. To do this, collect morning urine in a small vessel (in a jar, for example) and drip one drop of iodine. In a free position, the drop will immediately spread and dissolve. But in case of pregnancy, a drop of iodine will remain completely intact on the surface for a while.

There is another method for determining early pregnancy with the participation of iodine. It is necessary to lower a piece of cotton fabric into the morning urine, it must be clean and preferably white. Then, drop iodine onto a cloth / paper and look at the reaction - if it appears purple, it means that there is a high probability of pregnancy, if the color turns blue, then this probability is excluded.


This method is based on changing the acid-base balance in the body of a pregnant woman. As in the case of iodine, you will need a small container with morning urine. Pour 1 tsp. soda and watch the reaction. If pregnancy takes place, soda will freely fall as a sediment to the bottom of the vessel. In the normal state, it reacts, hisses strongly and forms bubbles.


In this method, urine is also manipulated, but in this case it should be boiled. Fallen white flakes indicate the onset of pregnancy.


Mix equal proportions of wine and urine, and look at the result. If the mixture remains clear, there is a high probability that you are pregnant, otherwise the liquid will quickly become cloudy and a curdled effect will occur. The only condition is that the wine must be natural.


In this case, the pulse is measured not on the wrist, as is customary, but in the lower abdomen. Attach the fingers of your right hand (with pads to your stomach) in the navel (2-3 cm below it) and listen. In the normal state, you will not hear any beating. But in a pregnant woman, blood circulation in this zone is activated and a slight pulsation appears.

Why going to the doctor is so necessary for the expectant mother

All of the above are the primary signs of pregnancy. Some of them appear already 4-7 days after the completed conception. But in fairness, it is worth noting that any of the signs may be a symptom of completely different changes, for example, a serious illness (this applies not only to the gynecological direction). Therefore, we kindly ask you to immediately consult a doctor for any symptom. This will help you avoid a lot of trouble. Including timely preparation for future motherhood.

Medical diagnostics

Specialists diagnose pregnancy in three main ways. Each of them determines the presence of pregnancy, starting from 4-5 weeks (in some cases even earlier). To recreate the full picture, the use of all three methods is recommended.

Examination at the gynecologist

A gynecologist is able to determine pregnancy at an early stage with a standard examination, but it is very difficult to do this at the very terms, since the increase in the uterus is insignificant. This method will help if your pregnancy is at least four weeks. If in doubt, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination.

Ultrasound (ultrasound)

Perhaps the most reliable and accurate method. In addition, it helps not only to determine the pregnancy itself, to establish more accurate terms, but also the condition of the fetus (embryo). But it is advisable to start such a diagnosis no earlier than 4 weeks. Since pregnancy can be determined at an earlier date only by the vaginal method (sensor), which can provoke a miscarriage.

At 4-6 weeks, you can see heart contractions and diagnose diseases (if any) in this direction. At 7-9 weeks, the motor activity of the fetus is determined. Further (10-12 weeks) clarification of the term, check of the placenta, etc. for the diagnosis of genetic diseases, etc. Despite the assurances of skeptics, the ultrasound procedure is completely harmless to both the fetus and the expectant mother and has nothing to do with x-rays.

HCG (Chronic Human Gonadropin) Analysis

This is a blood test that shows the presence of this hormone in the blood. Approximately the same, only in the urine is determined by the pharmacy test. But unlike the test, the hCG analysis is more accurate and able to determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date. Of course, there are exceptions (mistakes), but often this is due to the intake of certain drugs at the time of diagnosis or certain diseases. For the reliability of the analysis, experts recommend doing it again in a couple of days.

Why is it important to diagnose early pregnancy in medical institutions

If you are interested in the birth of a healthy baby, medical supervision is simply necessary throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Skeptics may notice that our mothers and grandmothers did not conduct medical supervision at all and gave birth healthy babies. But was it really like that? How many deaths among women in childbirth are not made public? How many children were born with birth defects and how many of them did not survive? Not to mention such dangers as an ectopic or missed pregnancy. All this makes you think about whether it is worth letting everything take its course and trusting Mother Nature.

Regarding home diagnostics, it does not bring harm, but at the same time it is not a 100% guarantee of veracity. In any case, we strongly recommend visiting a specialist at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, and then throughout the entire period, be sure to conduct regular examinations so as not to have disastrous consequences. Remember the health of your baby, as well as your own, is in your hands and the responsibility for it lies entirely on your shoulders.

All women at least once wondered: how to determine pregnancy? If you focus only on the state of health, then there are 6 earliest noticed signs indicating the presence of pregnancy:

  • chest pain;
  • backache;
  • increased sense of smell;
  • Nausea (this symptom cannot be called very early, since it manifests itself mainly at week 6).

1 week of pregnancy. How to know that you are pregnant?

There is no baby yet, but your body is gearing up in preparation for ovulation. Approximately 5 days after your menstrual cycle- an egg (ovum) begins to mature inside a fluid-filled sac in one of your ovaries. The lining of your uterus will also begin to thicken in preparation for implantation of the egg.

This is how the maturation of the egg occurs and its fertilization with movement into the uterine cavity

The date of the first day of your period is important because your pregnancy will be counted from that date, although conception usually does not occur until two weeks later. This means that although the pregnancy is described as 40 weeks, you didn't actually think about your pregnancy until the end of the second week.

Things to Consider During the 1st Week of Pregnancy

Smoking and alcohol are bad for you and your baby, so if you haven't stopped using them yet, you need to do it now! Passive smoking is also bad for your child, so ask your partner to stop smoking.
Medicines and herbal remedies can harm your unborn baby, so talk to your pharmacist about the best thing to do during pregnancy.

If you are on prescription drugs for a specific condition, such as asthma, your doctor will be able to advise you if your drug is appropriate during pregnancy. It is important not to stop treatment without consulting your doctor.

What will be the first sensations of motherhood?

Many women wonder how soon and how early you will feel pregnancy symptoms, what are the earliest pregnancy signs and symptoms, and whether you might experience implantation, conception, or loss of appetite. The simple answer is that you can feel pregnant even before your period is missed.

How soon will you feel the symptoms of pregnancy? Early pregnancy symptoms such as implantation bleeding, loss of appetite, breast tenderness are often the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. If you think you may be pregnant, you should monitor these symptoms closely early on as they may be present even before a positive pregnancy test. Earliest pregnancy symptoms in order of appearance:

  1. implantation bleeding;
  2. convulsions;
  3. Nausea and vomiting;
  4. Fatigue;
  5. Blood test;
  6. Pregnancy test;
  7. Increased basal body temperature body;
  8. Missed menstrual cycle;
  9. Soreness of the mammary glands;
  10. Frequent urination;
  11. bad dream(often insomnia).

Many women experience extreme fatigue and drowsiness early in pregnancy.

Nausea and fatigue are among the first typical symptoms of pregnancy, although for most women the absence of a period is usually the very first sign that they are pregnant. Typical pregnancy symptoms are related to hCG pregnancy hormones. They usually don't appear until late in pregnancy, often several weeks after implantation, when hCG is high enough to cause these symptoms.

How early do pregnancy symptoms start?

The first appearance of the pregnancy hormone depends on implantation, the attachment of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Implantation occurs on average 8-10 days after ovulation (range 6-12 days). The egg is fertilized by sperm inside the fallopian tube, usually within 12 hours of ovulation. The embryo then moves down to the uterus, growing in size and cells. Immediately after fertilization, when there is only one cell, it is called a "zygote".

Only after implantation, the pregnancy hormone is released into the blood, and symptoms may appear. HCG first appears in the blood 3-4 days after implantation or in the first 9-10 days after ovulation.
Before you discover a missed period and before a positive pregnancy test, it's hard to assume that certain physical symptoms are related to pregnancy.

If a woman is not trying to conceive and is keeping a close eye on the physical changes in her body, a missed period may be the first telltale sign of pregnancy. Sometimes there are absurd cases when women first discover that their body has changed, and only after that they pay attention to menstruation. These signs should, first of all, pay attention to those who have extremely irregular and not established periods.

If you have a delay and you are in doubt about pregnancy, then it is better not to waste time and get checked quickly.

Why does the tummy appear early?

Some notice that their tummy swells up during the first 10 weeks and it looks like a 4 or 5 month pregnant mom might think she's having twins or triplets.

A large belly during pregnancy happens for completely different reasons.

Muscles in the abdomen

One of the most common reasons why the tummy grows faster is the lack of muscle tone in the abdomen. After the birth of one or more babies, muscle strength does not return to what it was when the first pregnancy occurred. Also taken into account age factor. The older the pregnant mother, the less muscle tone she may have in her abdomen.


If the abdominal muscles are not strong enough, the bloat caused by progesterone will simply look bigger than it would otherwise. The stronger the abdominal muscles, the more appropriate they are to be held in the inflated pregnancy.

The power of time

Many women do not know that belly enlargement starts from the 12th or 13th week of pregnancy. At first it will seem like just a tiny bump, but over time it will grow. If the pants are a little tight during the 3rd month of pregnancy, the expectant mother can be sure that this is normal and she is not alone.

If a mother was overweight in a previous pregnancy and she was not overweight with this pregnancy, she will notice changes in her belly much sooner.

Multiple pregnancy

Usually, the size of the abdomen does not indicate multiple pregnancy until the second trimester. For a woman pregnant with twins, changes in the body may be more profound, but many of these changes are noticeable only to the mother. However, once the baby's belly begins to show, growth rates will be faster with multiples than with a single pregnancy.

Plain, old-fashioned weight gain

When a woman is told that she is pregnant, there is some liberation that occurs in relation to her diet and exercise. This may be because she is a little afraid to continue exercising at the start of her pregnancy, or feels that she needs to eat more to feed her baby. This can lead to regular, old-fashioned weight gain. The belly may grow because of these life changes, not for the baby.

Pregnancy Symptoms You May Feel

Just a few days after the conception of the fetus, it is introduced into the uterus. This is when the first physical signs of pregnancy begin. At this early stage, women may feel cramps. If spotting occurs, it may not appear until one to two weeks after implantation of a fertilized egg. Spotting is called bleeding implantation and can be mistaken for your period.

This is how implantation occurs, during which small bleeding is possible.

Around the same time implantation bleeding occurs, women may feel changes in their breasts, including swelling, tenderness, and tingling. Some women report that their breasts feel heavier or fuller.

One of the most common physical changes that women often experience during early pregnancy is fatigue. When conception occurs, progesterone levels rise. Progesterone can cause pregnancy fatigue.
Estrogen levels also rise during early pregnancy. Estrogen can cause the stomach to function more slowly, causing nausea and loss of appetite. Nausea during pregnancy is often referred to as morning sickness.

Find out in a short time

Changes occur in a woman's body as soon as conception occurs, but these changes do not result in physical changes until about one week after pregnancy. From this point until the end of the pregnancy, physical changes can be felt throughout the pregnancy.

6-12 days after sexual contact: Implantation of a fertilized egg may cause spasms.

After 7-14 days: Breasts may be swollen and painful.

After 7-14 days: Fatigue due to elevated progesterone, low blood sugar, and low blood pressure.

After 7-14 days: An increase in estrogen and a slowdown in gastric emptying can lead to nausea, known as morning sickness.

The time frame in which women report feeling the first signs of pregnancy varies widely as different organs change at different rates. As a general rule, the first signs of pregnancy are not recognized as pregnancy-related until a positive pregnancy test is performed or a menstrual cycle is missed.

When do symptoms appear?

A small amount of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, enters the blood a few days after implantation, about 8-10 days after ovulation and before a missed period. Thus, most signs and symptoms usually don't appear until hCG reaches sufficient levels, about 1-2 weeks after you miss your period (3-4 weeks after ovulation or 2-3 weeks after implantation). Although they may suggest that a woman is pregnant, a positive pregnancy test is needed to confirm pregnancy.

How many women have typical signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Not all women have typical pregnancy symptoms. In fact, only about 1 in 2 pregnant women have these symptoms, and there's nothing wrong with being pregnant and not even having one of these. They are not the same for all women, and differ from one pregnancy to the next, and every woman is as different as her pregnancy experience. Typical symptoms often go undiagnosed because they can overlap with menstrual problems.

It cannot be argued that you will definitely have any of the listed symptoms, since each expectant mother has her own or is completely absent, but this is very rare.

The very early symptoms differ in all women. Some of them experience them within a week after ovulation, fertilization and conception. Other women may develop them much later, after a delay and/or a positive pregnancy test. Other women may not have any symptoms at all.

The most proven and ideal way to determine pregnancy is a test.

Pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone in a woman's blood or urine: HCG, which is produced when an egg is implanted in the uterus.

There are two types of pregnancy tests, one uses blood and the other uses urine. Quantitative blood test detects hCG earlier than qualitative analysis blood or urine.

Pregnancy test detects hCG levels in urine

Most home pregnancy tests detect hCG in the urine stream when a line or symbol appears after a few minutes if the test is positive (indicating pregnancy). Most instructions for urine pregnancy testing require a second test a few days later, regardless of what the first results were. Follow the instructions in the package - if the indicator does not appear on the strip, the results of the test should not be trusted. Home tests are accurate, some better than others.

Home pregnancy tests may be positive on the first day after a missed period.
Most drugs and other compounds (alcohol, drugs) do not affect the results of pregnancy tests. However, any drug containing hCG (some fertility drugs) can be the culprit in a false result.

Any questions or concerns about pregnancy tests should be discussed with your doctor.

Common signs of pregnancy in women


Cramps in the lower abdomen may resemble menstrual cramps, and bleeding and spotting may initially be similar to menstrual bleeding, so it is not unusual for some women to mistake them for the onset of a menstrual cycle.


They accompany a woman immediately after the first menstruation appears, as well as during pregnancy. In this case, they are curd consistency and white color. If under normal conditions this would indicate a disease (for example, thrush), then during pregnancy this is a completely normal phenomenon.

Breast changes

This sign refers to those that can confuse a woman. Since small changes in the breast, as well as soreness, also occur during menstruation.

Nausea, and not only in the morning

Morning sickness is probably the most well-known of the early pregnancy symptoms, but many people don't realize that the term is inaccurate. Nausea may be more common in the morning because stomach acids build up during the night. But most women who experience morning sickness also feel sick at other times of the day.

Bad smells

Even before nausea has hit some women, an "extremely heightened sense of smell" develops. The odors will be so overpowering that cooking should be avoided for several weeks, relying instead on softening the condition.

You will be worn out

Fatigue tends to be most common in the first trimester but often occurs later and during pregnancy. Holding it all excess weight can make it easier for you to get through the third trimester. Also, you may have trouble sleeping if your growing belly makes it difficult to be comfortable. We recommend that moms-to-be with severe fatigue be screened for anemia and depression.

Frequent trips to the toilet

Frequent urination is another pregnancy symptom that most moms who survive are well aware of. The culprit is often a hormonal imbalance in the earlier stages. During pregnancy, frequent adventures are associated with an enlargement of the uterus (and the rapidly growing baby inside), which puts pressure on the bladder.

Atypical pregnancy symptoms

You expect morning sickness when you're pregnant, but there are many other symptoms that no one has told you about.

Enlarged, tender, painful breasts

Many women find they get a new bra size, sometimes it doubles during pregnancy. (For better or worse, the change is usually not permanent.) Swelling, which signals an increase in fat stores and breast size, may be accompanied by tenderness.

Itchy sensations

Itching is a very common complaint and can occur throughout pregnancy. Common areas are the chest and abdomen where the skin stretches to accommodate your growing shape.

Itching from stretch marks accompanies many pregnant women.


Here's one pregnancy symptom your mom didn't warn you about - you're likely to experience constipation, especially at the end of the second and third trimesters. Constipation can be due to a number of factors:

  • Changes in digestion;
  • It is also caused by the progesterone hormone;
  • Increased water absorption in the large intestine;
  • iron supplements.


Heartburn, a burning sensation between the chest and throat, is also common in the second and third trimesters. Progesterone is again to blame. The hormone relaxes the sphincter at the bottom of the esophagus, allowing stomach acid to rise.

Heartburn Relief Tips:

  • Do not eat spicy food;
  • Don't eat right before going to bed, even if it's daytime;
  • Take antacids (check with your doctor or midwife first).

Unpredictable Allergies

Seasonal allergies and asthma can become unpredictable during pregnancy. Some women see their symptoms improve while others see the opposite. Moms-to-be with asthma should usually continue to use their inhalers. If you don't breathe, your baby won't either.

Balance Changes

During the third trimester, many women find they are constantly out of balance. This change occurs later in pregnancy, but very few women expect it. While a growing belly tends to shift your center of gravity, there's more to it than that. A hormone called relaxin begins to appear towards the end of pregnancy, and its main purpose is to loosen the pelvic joints so that they are more flexible during childbirth. But this hormone also works on the hips, knees, and ankles.

Abnormal Symptoms

With so many changes going on in your body, you might be tempted to let go of any new discomfort, as is usually the case during pregnancy. But some symptoms may signal a serious problem:

  1. Bleeding or spotting - Bleeding or spotting is rarely ever normal during pregnancy. Spotting is more common in the 1st trimester and is probably not a cause for concern. However, bleeding in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters could prevent serious complications such as preterm labor or problems with the placenta. Always report any bleeding or stains on underwear to your doctor or midwife.
  2. Severe itching: In the late second and third trimester, severe itching can signal a rare liver problem that sometimes develops during pregnancy, known as intrahepatic cholestatin.

A rash on the body of a pregnant woman may signal a malfunction in the liver

  1. Blurred vision, severe headaches and pain in the right side of the abdomen. These symptoms, whether they occur alone or in combination, may indicate severe preeclampsia, the medical term for dangerously high blood pressure during pregnancy. Women who experience any of these symptoms should contact their doctor immediately and may need immediate hospitalization to avoid life-threatening maternal and fetal complications.