Corrugated paper flowers how to make. corrugated paper crafts

Hello everyone! Another master class on the ShkolaLa blog! Today we will make such large paper balls, well, the very ones that are used as a festive design at various parties.

Come with us! Join our creative fraternity! Yes, and making pompoms from corrugated paper with your own hands is not difficult and very interesting. For your convenience - step by step photos.

Application from corrugated paper— Dubrovskaya Natalia Vadimovna | Buy a book with delivery |

So, look what we got.

It all starts with preparation.

To make a pom pom we need:

  • a roll of corrugated paper, it is also called crepe paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Standard size paper. Its width is 50 cm, and its length is 2.5 meters.

We take a roll and with the help of a ruler we determine where its middle is. We draw a line in this place with a pencil.

Without unwinding the roll, cut it into two equal parts with scissors. There was one long roll, and now it's two short ones.

Then the rolls still need to be unrolled and cut into identical rectangles. You can make rectangles measuring 25cm X 50cm, then 5 rectangles will come out of each roll. We made 25 X 40, and we got 6 pieces each.

The larger the rectangles, the more voluminous the pompom will be.

Then the rectangles need to be folded in a neat pile, on top of each other.

Since our paper was always trying to curl back into tubes, we pressed it with scissors on one side and a ruler on the other to take a picture. And, if you noticed, a ball of thread appeared in the photo! It should have been said about him at the very beginning, during the preparation process. But we remembered that it is needed only now and we declare it right away. Instead of threads, you can take a beautiful ribbon. But we didn’t have it and we managed with threads.

Then we turn the stack of sheets of one of the short sides towards us and begin to fold the sheets into an accordion.

It should turn out something like this.

Using a ruler, we determine where our corrugated accordion has the middle and make a mark with a pencil.

We take a thread and tightly tie our accordion in the middle. One end of the thread should remain long.

Now let's start decorating the tips of our pom-pom. We will cut them a little, round them so that the pompom looks like a flower. The photo shows the trajectory along which we will cut.

Cut off one corner first.

Then another. Well, with one tip sorted out. We do the same with the other.

First, unfold one side in the form of a fan.

Very carefully, so as not to tear, grab the first layer of paper and lift it up.

Then the second.

Well, then the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, too. Already beautiful!

We turn our “fan” over to the other side and fluff the remaining six layers of paper. Only at the same time we try not to rumple those that have already been issued.

It turns out like this. Very similar to a bridal bouquet. If you make half a pom-pom out of white paper, and decorate the handle in green, then it will be one to one. But now we have a different task, we are not making a white bouquet, but a pink pompom. Therefore, according to the same principle, we fluff the other end of our accordion.

Corrugated paper flowers — Sherstyuk Yuliya Valerievna | Buy a book with delivery |

And we get this beauty! We tweaked it a bit with our hands so that the pom-pom took the shape of a ball. Then we decided to experiment and make another smaller pom-pom from the remains of yellow corrugated paper, which Tema found in a closet with all sorts of creative things. That's what we call it - a creative locker. We have paints there, plasticine, glue and colored paper too. Basically, it worked.

And now we know that it is possible to make a small pom-pom, but it is much more difficult than a big one. And in this yellow small ball, we didn’t get 12 layers of paper, as in a large one, but only 8, and that’s where the paper ended.

We hung these two pompoms on a chandelier in the children's room. And immediately somehow it became more fun there! Well, holidays are coming soon in our family. First it's my birthday, then our beloved grandmother's. And now we know exactly how to decorate the premises so that it is elegant and beautiful.

But if we had a lot more of this paper, then we would try to make the same beautiful flower as in the video below. Very beautiful! And the manufacturing principle is similar to pompoms.

Friends, you can leave your opinions about our master class in the comments. And we will be very grateful if you share the link to the article on social networks.

Thank you for your attention!

Happy creativity!

Always yours, Alexandra, Artem and Evgenia Klimkovich.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist

Mar 30 2016


Holidays challenge us to make the room beautiful. Do-it-yourself corrugated paper flowers can become a wonderful decoration of any front hall. In appearance, these crafts look difficult to perform, especially since from afar they are confused even with fresh flowers. How to make a flower using corrugations? In fact, the technology is simple, anyone can make a plant. The main thing is to understand the manufacturing sequence; have patience for a monotonous occupation, a supply of free time and the necessary material.

How to make DIY crepe paper flowers

There are many different techniques for making flowers with your own hands: quilling, origami, applications, volumetric modeling, although the most popular needlework due to its simplicity and accessibility is the creation of flowers using corrugations. DIY crafts and flowers made from corrugated paper are considered an exciting hobby, a promising occupation. Everyone can learn how to make original flower arrangements.

Large and voluminous

Unusual voluminous paper flowers are a great decoration for festive events. You can make corrugated flowers with your own hands in a few hours. Such products can be hung from the ceiling, attached to walls, placed on tables or placed along the edge of the carpet. The scheme for creating home-made large flowers is the same as for small flowers. The only difference is the size.

english rose

  • We cut the corrugated paper into several strips 6 cm wide. Divide each strip into 10 cm segments, then form the petals. We round off two corners of the segments.
  • The middle of the flower can be formed from foil or put candy inside. We fix the core with glue to the end of the stick.
  • Take a segment, stretch in the middle. It should completely envelop the foil ball - you get the first petal.
  • We wrap the stick under the ball with threads, while capturing the petal. It is necessary to wrap each petal tightly 3 times so that our flower does not crumble.
  • We form the next petal, fix it on the opposite side from the first leaflet. Fasten with thread again.
  • Next, we stretch the three petals in the middle and fasten them in turn to the bud at an equal distance from each other.
  • We stretch four more petals a little and attach them to the bud.
  • We form the last petals, like all the previous ones, while their edges must be wound onto a skewer.
  • Distribute six petals evenly. All our fluffy bud is ready. At the end we fix the thread with glue.
  • If desired, delicate corrugated roses can be supplemented with green leaves made of paper.

giant poppies

Flowers made of corrugated paper with your own hands are perfect for decorating any holiday. So, we take a whole roll of paper. We cut it into 6 parts. And then:

  • We put the parts one on top of the other, fold them with an accordion 10 cm wide.
  • We fix the bottom with thread or a stapler.
  • We make rounded cuts along the top of the entire accordion.
  • We unfold all the petals in a circle and, separating the layers from each other, we will add volume to the flower.
  • Next, take any scraps and wrap them in black paper to end up with a ball.
  • We wrap the base with tape - this is the middle of our poppy.
  • As a stem, take a thick wire or wooden lath, wrap them in green paper and make, if desired, leaves.
  • For a support for flowers, take large vases or special platforms.

On cardboard, draw a sketch of the template with a pencil: a wavy round shape resembling a cloud. Further actions:

  • Cut out the pattern along the outline.
  • We apply a template to the corrugated paper, carefully outline its outline with a pencil.
  • Cut out the resulting workpiece. We need at least 10 blanks for a flower.
  • We stack all the blanks on top of each other.
  • We make two holes in the center. Next, we draw a wire through one hole, bend its end and thread it through an adjacent puncture.
  • Fix the tip of the wire, the result is a blank for the stem.
  • Next, take the topmost workpiece and bend it to the center. We do the same action with other blanks.
  • The result is a lush peony bud.
  • Then we begin to decorate the stem. To do this, take a green strip of crepe paper. Carefully wrap it around the wire.
  • We fix the tip of the strip of marks.
  • Cut out some green leaves. They can be made in any way.
  • We apply glue to the lower edge of the stem and fasten the leaf. We fix other leaves.

Simple and small

Simple small flowers made of do-it-yourself corrugated paper are often used in the design of beauty salons. These flowers are loved by brides, so they can be seen in different wedding bouquets. The living room can also be decorated with artificial original paper flowers. The simplest solution is to use them as a substitute for natural plants in pots and vases.


  • From corrugated red paper, cut out a rectangle 32 cm long and 3 cm wide.
  • We fold the resulting segment in half, then again and do this until the width becomes 4 cm.
  • You should get a paper fan, thanks to which the petals of the same shape will come out.
  • From the folded accordion we cut out the petals - 8 pieces.
  • We squeeze the narrow edge of the petal and turn it several times. It will be more convenient to collect them in a bud.
  • We bend the wide edge of the petal, gently stretch the paper.
  • We put together all the petals of the tulip to form a bud.
  • We fasten the tip of the bud on a wire wrapped in a strip of corrugated green paper.
  • Randomly cut out the leaves for the tulip and bend them in half.
  • If desired, it is easy to make the middle of the flower with sweets, for example, with Raffaello.


  • Cut out stencils. It should be one pointed small petal; one in the form of a drop and a large rounded one.
  • Cut out 3 petals of each shape from purple, blue or blue paper, gently stretch their edges.
  • So that the petals do not lose their shape, we glue a thin wire to each of them, while leaving the tails at the base.
  • Apply glue to the center of the large three petals and pour fluff, finely chopped yellow thread on top.
  • We collect the flower: first we connect the small petals to each other, add medium ones between them, and fasten the large ones below.
  • We wrap the rod with green paper and connect it with the iris flower.

Bouquets and baskets

Do-it-yourself corrugated paper flowers will look great collected in a bouquet or flower panel. You can pleasantly surprise your relatives, loved ones, friends by presenting them with an original and beautiful basket of flowers and sweets. Their manufacturing technology is simple: the flowers are made of corrugated paper, and sweets are placed in the middle, everything else will depend only on your imagination. Paper bouquet, corrugated paper crafts - a gift for all occasions!

A basket with tulips is done like this:

  • We take any corrugated paper and cut it into strips of 15 x2.5 cm. For leaves 3 x10 cm.
  • We bend the strips in half and turn them over so that the front side looks in one direction.
  • We straighten the segments to give the shape of a petal.
  • Each flower has six petals.
  • We collect all the petals around the skewer. First one petal, then the second.
  • We shift 90 degrees and apply again one opposite the other.
  • We straighten the leaves of the resulting flower, twist the base tightly with wire.
  • Cut out the leaves in an oblong shape. They are screwed, stretched and straightened.
  • We wrap the base of the flower with colored tape.
  • We take a basket with filler (you can choose a special filler) and fill it with flowers in a circle. We put a package of truffles in the basket, you can even put a sweet cake or a decorative tree.

But a bouquet of roses is a little more complicated, to create a bouquet you need to take threads; red and white corrugated paper; beads, feathers, rhinestones, etc. So, we make roses from corrugated paper:

  • Cut a flat rectangle 15 by 40 cm.
  • We bend the edge of the long side of the segment so that we get a wave.
  • We turn the flower and fix the end with a thread.
  • We make such roses 9, 12 - your choice.
  • We glue the buds to skewers or to a wire wrapped in green paper.
  • We make a bouquet.
  • If desired, you can add pearls, a doll, beads or feathers to the handmade composition.

The easiest way to feel the approach of any holiday is to start making home decor for the celebration. This time I decided to figure out how to make crepe paper flowers - realistic and stylized. Let's figure out together how to make flowers from corrugated paper and what you need for this.

There are many handicraft techniques in the world that allow you to make beautiful flowers with your own hands - today flowers are made from beads and fabric, plain paper (quilling, origami, appliqué, and so on), they are knitted and felted, but still one of the most popular manufacturing methods remains assembly of flowers from corrugations. How good are these flowers?

  • they can be both photorealistic and fantasy;
  • they are easy to make in a few minutes (unlike felting or beading);
  • easily disposed of (relevant for those who want to decorate a large hall with flowers for the holiday);
  • very affordable materials - corrugated paper costs a penny, especially if you buy in rolls rather than sheets;
  • no special training required;
  • there is no need to use some complicated tool;
  • it is easy to get an acceptable result without experience (for example, paper flowers can be made with sweets - even small bouquets look very presentable);
  • products are bright and expressive (which is very important for children).

Getting ready for work

What you will need in order to make do-it-yourself crepe paper flowers:

  • several rolls of paper (it is better to choose matching colors and green for leaves and stems);
  • wire, floral sleeve or any other devices for stems;
  • cardboard for blanks;
  • glue;
  • sharp scissors;
  • mock knife;
  • threads and fishing line.

It is most convenient to work at the table with good lighting. If you plan to make large flowers (more than 15 centimeters in diameter), then you can sit on the floor (of course, after sending your children, husbands, cats and your beloved dog for a walk).

Making flowers

The easiest option:

So, the manufacture of flowers from corrugated paper of more complex options almost always follows the same scenario. I will describe it so as not to rewrite one by one:

  • first you need to make a petal template;
  • cut out 15-20 petals for each flower (if you want to make a realistic flower, then make petals different sizes- for example, five small, five medium, five large);
  • cut the petals (when cutting, follow the direction of the corrugation);
  • collect the central part of the bud (5-7 petals are twisted together, tying at the bottom and gluing);
  • then the petals need to be slightly stretched and bent so that they take the most natural form for the plant;
  • glue the prepared petals to the bud;
  • fix the flower head on the prepared stem.

How to make a stem:

  • we take a piece of wire, a floristic sleeve, an ordinary branch - at our discretion, measure the desired length;
  • cut off;
  • decorate with green corrugation, or cloth, or paper;
  • we imitate leaves, processes and thorns;
  • cut again on both sides.

Making realistic roses

After we have made the blank, we need to stretch the petals - this will give the desired volume and we will be able to imitate the natural bend of the rose petal:

Let's start assembling. We need wire and thread. First, bend the wire as shown in the photo and wind our blank around the wire, forming a bud:

The outer petals need not only to be stretched, but also to slightly smooth out the corrugation - this will give the effect of a wavy edge, and the flower will look lush.

From green paper, make a sepal according to the photo instructions:

Build some leaves for the stem and fix them.

Spray the finished flower with hairspray - this will give it a little shine.

And this is the easiest way to create a rose:

A similar version of twisting a rose flower, but with explanations from the author:

Realistic peonies

A peony is a big flower in itself, so it's best not to try to make small flowers, but to collect some really big and beautiful peonies. To make a large corrugated paper flower, you will need about twenty minutes.

By the way, if you want to achieve a more natural color, then you can take white paper and tint it with food coloring - delicate pink and orange flowers will look like the real thing.

The paper needs to be cut into rectangles, each rectangle rounded.

  • Peony is a rather disheveled flower, so the petals can be cut in some places and even gently torn.
  • You will need a lot of petals - more than 25.
  • For sepals, use green paper, cut out 8-10 green leaves from it.
  • To get voluminous flowers, you can put a candy in the center or form a ball of foil.
  • Trim a few petals at random - the less neatness, the more natural your flowers will be.

Or a more difficult option:

Decorative and stylized flowers

And how to make simple flowers from corrugated paper? Step-by-step instruction for manufacturing different colors and different ways.

Realistic lilies. Photo creation step by step:

We make large flowers from corrugated paper - roses.

Such graceful and simple flowers made of corrugated paper can be useful for photo shoots or interior decoration, and they can also be used to create various decorative compositions on the street (just keep in mind that the flowers are quite light and can be blown away by a gust of wind). In general, growth flowers are often used for decoration, but making them according to the same principle as small flowers is not too laborious.

Huge poppies:

Step by step photo: stylized poppies, but already in miniature.

In order to make lush artificial poppies, you will need three colors of paper (black, red, green), wire, thread, glue or a stapler, and of course scissors.

  1. From a roll of black paper, you need to cut a cylinder about ten centimeters long.
  2. Tie tightly with a thread and cut into a fringe along one edge - this will be the middle of our flower.
  3. You can also make a box in the middle - for this you need to take the scraps and wrap them in black paper to make a ball. The ball is fixed with a thread or a stapler staple, and attached to the center of the fringe.
  4. A roll of red paper must be unfolded and cut into six parts, each part folded into an accordion.
  5. Lay all the accordions one on top of the other and fasten them well with a thread.
  6. The corners of the accordions need to be rounded with scissors.
  7. All petals need to be well deployed (we straighten each accordion, and we get a petal).
  8. Use dense wire or wooden slats as stems - they need to be wrapped with green corrugation, cut out large leaves and attached to the stems.
  9. Attach the poppy heads to the stems and spread the petals.

Or a slightly different option on how to make a poppy flower step by step From and To:

Now you know how to make more crepe paper flowers. If you want to make giant flowers, then for beginners it will not be very difficult, however, it is worth considering some points:

  • use high-quality paper - of course, even a master can make something beautiful from junk paper, but for beginners it is better to rely on good materials;
  • huge flowers must have weights, otherwise they will simply fall (or fix them with fishing line on the wall);
  • do not smooth the petals completely, leave a light corrugation;
  • many petals are better than few (large rosettes of four petals look very pathetic);
  • for a field composition, use several shades of green paper - then ordinary herbs and plants will look natural;
  • if a child is engaged in the manufacture of three-dimensional flowers with you, make sure that he does not cut himself with paper, scissors, fishing line or thread;
  • for decoration, use the made flowers of two or three shades - more colors may look awkward.

More ideas and inspiration

Have you already wanted to make beautiful flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands? Great, so you liked the ideas I proposed and mk. I'll tell you a little more about what you can do with your own hands from corrugated paper.

Cute Daisies:

See how crepe paper crafts are made - gorgeous roses that look better than real ones!

And in this master class you can learn how to do sweet crepe paper flowers with your own hands. And so, corrugated paper flowers with sweets, decorated in the shape of a heart:

By the way, sweet bouquets with corrugated paper flowers are a great find for any holiday. Such bouquets usually attract more attention than a traditional flower basket and are remembered for a long time.

And this is how you can make a Christmas flower - Poinsettia from corrugated paper:

Make paper flowers with your own hands from corrugated colored paper, or make a bouquet of flowers for holiday decoration, or maybe you want to make paper flower garlands to decorate the hall? There is nothing easier - learn how to make crepe paper roses step by step, and you can give a master class on any kind of flowers.

Try to make ruffled flowers at least once, and then it will not be difficult for you to make a new product - watch different step-by-step videos and make chic bouquets with your own hands!

How to make a rosebud from crepe paper. Master class from Alla-Alushka

No matter how much I resisted doing MK, I nevertheless did it, although if I hadn’t taken on one project, I would hardly have mastered it (MK) in the near future. Very often I am asked how I make such flowers. But I don't even know what to say. I came to this "recipe" through long attempts and training, although I will show the features that I came to today. I will show the example of the "autumn waltz" candy, although, of course, you can take any other candy. I indicate the sizes here according to the ruler, but I don’t use it, I do everything by eye. So, I cut off 2 strips of corrugation 10 cm and 5 cm wide, respectively, and divide them into blanks about 8.5 cm high. From each strip, 5 rectangles + leftovers should be obtained (we will not need them).

We take 1 wide blank, fold it in three and cut it. We also act with another wide blank, but we take only one rectangle, put the rest aside, we will not need them. These are our future narrow petals. Two more wide blanks are also folded in half and cut. As a result, we get one large rectangle, 4 narrow and nine wide blanks for the petals.

Let's start cutting out the petals. First, take the largest piece, fold it in half and round the top. It turns out almost a semicircle. Then we take the blank of the petal, fold it in half, round off the corners from above, and vice versa from below, we cut these corners. We do this with all the petals, both narrow and wide.

We begin to form the petals. First, with the thumbs of both hands, we make a recess for the candy, but only in the center of the petal, do not stretch the edges. Then we take a skewer and begin to wind the petal on it. This is where the “trick” of my recipe for roses lies - you need to wind it strongly, almost 1.5-2 turns of the skewer. Then I just pull out the skewer. Thus, we are left with a STRONGLY twisted half of the petal. We do the same on the other side. The photo shows how strongly the edges of the petal are bent. We do this sequence of actions with all the petals, both narrow and wide.

Let's start assembling the flower. We take our large blank and put candy on it. As you can see, in this blank, I DO NOT make recesses for the candy, but start wrapping it very tightly, stretching the corrugation as I work. First I wrap it on one side, then on the other, I tie it with a thread at the bottom. After that, you can give a finished look to the bud by slightly bending the edges with your fingers.

Further, everything is simple: we work first with narrow petals. We drop a drop of glue on the very tip and glue it to the bud (all four petals). Next, we glue four wide petals, trying to place them in a checkerboard pattern with respect to narrow petals. Distribute the last five petals with the last row. However, you can not make a row of four wide petals, but immediately after the narrow ones, distribute five wide ones. ALWAYS make sepals, don't be lazy! After the sepals are glued, you can run a skewer over each, placing the skewer between the sepals and the flower. In this case, the sepals will, as it were, cling to the flower and will flow around it, and not stick out in different directions.

In general, we made a flower, now you can carefully paste a toothpick, skewer, wire into it and use it at your discretion. But we will continue to work and make a souvenir single rose. My problem with assembling these flowers has always been that they have a fairly wide base, and it was almost impossible to beautifully tap the stem of the flower with a druid. And since you can’t hide an “ugly” transition in this rose, I do this: I take an extension cord for flowers. These are used when it is necessary, for example, to place an orchid in a bouquet. They have a rather long water tank, which I cut off, leaving just a little bit. I cut the base of the rose obliquely, and pour plenty of hot glue into the remaining tank and practically “screw” the flower there. And I leave it until it cools down and sets.

We tape the extension cord, add leaves, beads, any decor you like and admire our rose. You can add a bud (as in the first photo) or several buds.

Since we started talking about roses, I’ll show you how I make a bud, but there are a lot of such MKs in SM. We take two small rectangles, literally one turn of the candy. We put them together and in half. Cut out a semicircle. The outer petal is slightly shifted down and to the side, literally by 2-3 mm.

We take the candy, we tighten the tails (so that the candy is not “tightly attached”) and wrap the candy, first on the right, then on the left (or vice versa, whichever is more convenient for you, it only depends on which direction to move the outer petal, to the right or left, so that along of the whole bud, two petals were visible - see in the photo) and we tie it with a thread. We glue the sepals and twist them with a skewer. Our bud is ready. Now, depending on what it is intended for, we glue a toothpick, skewer, wire, etc.

Now some more "boring" theory. The formation of any rose comes down to the fact that we must form a bud, and then glue the petals. In any MK there are exactly these steps. In addition, even the petals in any MK are the same - semicircular. And then each master decides for himself what and how he will do with these petals - stretch, twist, twist, cut, or do nothing else at all. And you can also make a rose from petals of only one width. Depending on these steps, a very different result will be obtained. Do not be afraid to experiment and do not strive to make an "exact copy" of your Wishlist. This is unlikely to succeed, since making a copy is a boring task. Bring something of your own, good, unique, and then you will succeed. I wish you good luck in your work!!!


Any vegetation instantly transforms the space, making it more alive and natural. Alas, real flowers do not retain an attractive image for as long as we would like. Recently, crepe paper flowers have become popular. From them you can create wonderful bouquets or something more original. In our article we will talk about working with this material. We invite you to dive into the world of needlework with us!

Paper flowers: application ideas

These non-trivial crafts decorate both special occasions and living spaces in any style. Let's take a closer look at exactly how they can be used:

— Flowers have gained incredible popularity as decor for weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other themed celebrations. Of these, they make garlands, arches, bouquets for marriage, use for photo studios.
— Floral arrangements are also used to decorate exhibition centers, needlework stores, beauty salons and showrooms.
- Flowers in vases, pots, on ceilings, in the form of wreaths, topiaries are suitable for the interior of a living space.
- For the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree with small rose inflorescences, creating the illusion of flowering.
- On the wall or ceiling of the children's room, you can hang colorful options for peonies.
- Before Christmas, hang a wreath on the door, made up of spruce branches and flowers.
- On Valentine's Day or for the wedding, design a red, pink or white heart.
- Another trend is to create giant flowers in human height. Put them against the wall or form a whole forest in the room.

Thus, crepe paper flowers really have the power to make any space unique and dressy. Moreover, the very process of creating a rainbow decor is very exciting and can attract even a child. Try to make a flower yourself and connect your child, having previously selected a simple task for him.


Rose flowers are one of the most popular and desired by millions of girls. And this is not surprising, because a beautiful bouquet is distinguished by nobility and sophistication. However, before appearing before our eyes in the form familiar to us, the plant went through a long path of selection from wild rose. We are unlikely to have time to talk about the intricacies of crossing and selection, but read on about how to create a man-made miracle on your own.

For this flower, it is best to choose several similar shades so that it appearance was close to natural. As for the number of petals, it can be arbitrary. Consider drawing up a rose from white and crepe paper. Work plan:

1. Cut out 8 small, 10 large and medium, and 8 largest petals. Half of the total - from crepe, and the same amount from white paper.

2. Make a long strip of green base for the stem, as well as 4 narrow and oblong green leaves that are attached at the bottom of the bud.

3. Round the petals with your fingers, straighten one edge, slightly wrapping it in the opposite direction, and twist the other.

4. Take the wire for the stalk and wrap it with the ribbon that we have already prepared.

5. We compose the bud itself. Twist the lower edge of the smallest petal onto the wire, completely wrapping it. Apply glue to the base and place the next medium-sized petal on it. Press half of it firmly against the first, the subsequent parts are compacted in the same way.

6. The remaining petals are attached as their size increases.

7. At the end, glue the leaves.

Thus, we got a delightful rose that looks like a real one. There are also simplified techniques, but their result is not so realistic.


Delicate peonies, created by hand, will harmoniously complement the interior of a bedroom, nursery, kitchen or hall, and will also act as an excellent decor for a party.

What we need: corrugated paper in several shades; plain paper or cardboard for stencils; floral tape in green; PVA glue; wire; scissors; pencil.

On the prepared materials, outline the patterns of leaves and petals, cut them out. Cut the corrugated paper on the line, the width of each of them should correspond to the length of the blanks. Fold the strips into an accordion, and place a stencil at the top and cut out the future parts of the bud along it.

Make frequent and long cuts on the stamen templates, apply glue to the base and wrap the blank on the wire. Secure the stamen with floral tape. Lubricate the lower part of large leaves with glue, stick the stem inside and press the base of the sheets.

Add bulges to the smallest petals: grab the edges and gently pull to the sides, and press the top edge to get a slight wave. Next, fix the petals at the bottom of the stamen. Do the same with the heart-shaped parts. At the end, the 3 largest petals are added to the bud.

Glue the sepals to the bottom of the flower, and wrap the stem with floral tape. A cute and romantic flower is ready!

sakura branch

The most revered flower of the Land of the Rising Sun delights with its beauty. Every spring, the Japanese tend to spend the festivities under the cherry blossoms, enjoying the first warm rays of the sun.

We offer a simple master class that will help bring gentle spring decor to your home. To create a flowering branch, you will need: a dry branch, corrugated paper in muted colors, PVA or silicone glue, scissors, cardboard or blank paper, a pencil.

1. On the materials for blanks, outline the stencils of stamens, petals and leaves and cut them out.
2. Cut corrugated paper into rectangular parts for leaves and petals, as well as squares that will become stamens.
3. Align the details for the petals in the center with a pencil or scissors.
4. Create a stack of all the rectangles and cut according to the templates. Cut the squares from one edge into strips.
5. Slightly flatten and twist all the elements in the middle into a tourniquet. Lubricate the lower part of the stamen with glue and twist.
6. Fasten together the lower parts of the three petals. Give volume to the leaves.
7. Glue the stamen and leaves to the bottom of the bud.
8. Dry the glue, and then glue the flowers to the branch.


If you have a desire to fill your interior with summer joy and the warmth of the sun, then you will not be able to ignore the delicate field daisies. They are perfectly combined with any wildflowers, allowing you to create a multi-faceted summer bouquet. Such a bouquet made of paper will delight you for a long time and in any season.

Before you start making, arm yourself with the following tools and materials: corrugated paper in yellow, green and white flowers; ruler, pencil and scissors; glue or glue gun; wire, about 10-20 cm.

1. First make white chamomile petals. Get crepe paper white color and cut a strip 5 cm wide.

2. Cut the finished tapes into thinner strips so that the width of each is 1.5–2 cm.

3. After the first two steps, cut out the petals from the strips.

4. To make the petals more natural and convex, we need to stretch the blanks in the middle.

5. To make the stem of our future chamomile, we tightly wrap the wire with green corrugated paper. We attach the ends of the paper using glue.

6. From a yellow roll, you need to make a strip 1 cm wide. After that, make shallow cuts along the entire length of the workpiece. Next, wind the workpiece on the tip of the stem and form a chamomile stamen.

7. Glue each element in turn onto the base of the flower. When the whole bud is ready, we make sepals from green paper and stretch the petals to the sides. Our chamomile is ready!


Graceful and gentle carnations will become a charming decoration of your interior. Carnation arrangements are wonderfully combined with wildflowers such as yarrow or gypsophila. This decor fits perfectly into the rustic style - the so-called "country".

stock up necessary tools and materials: wire for the manufacture of the stem; scissors, adhesive tape, glue; corrugated paper in green and white or pink; pastel crayons.

1. The first step is to create the petals of our carnations. To do this, we need to make two pieces of white paper: one is 5 cm, the other is 3 cm.
2. Using lilac chalk, paint over the edges of a small strip so that one tip is more saturated. We do this from both sides.
3. Next, we will cut out small teeth along the entire painted edge of the strip, after which we will fold it 4 times and make 4-6 shallow cuts.
4. We twist the strip into a bud. When about 10 cm remains to the end, stretch the rest and get a wavy bend along the entire length. Fix with glue or tape.
5. In the same way we create large petals, but so that they are a little wider.
6. Using wire and corrugated paper, make a stem and glue the finished bud to it.
7. We make a sepal and a couple of leaves from green paper. To make them look more natural, they should be stretched in order to give volume.

Mysterious wreath for Halloween

Despite the fact that Halloween is an unconventional holiday for our region, it has already managed to organically intertwine in our holiday calendar. This decoration is suitable for a themed entourage for All Saints Day, as well as for a contrasting interior in a modern style.

To make this unusual wreath, you need to have the following: a blank for a wreath made of foam or polystyrene foam; corrugated paper in your chosen colors (for example, black and purple); large sequins or decorative beads; spray paint can; glue or glue gun; paper for templates of our future petals; scissors and thin string.

1. We make a blank. If necessary, paint it in the desired color, and then prepare the templates for the petals. different forms and cut them out.
2. Cut the crepe paper into long strips so that the width equals the length of the templates. We fold our strips with an accordion, placing a template on top, and cut it out.
3. To make our petals look natural, let's give them a convex shape. This can be achieved by stretching them in the center. When all the details are ready, we form a flower out of them. We apply glue to the base and collect a flower from about 5-7 petals.
4. Make similar flowers from paper of a different color. Then randomly glue all the flowers on the base of the wreath.

At the end of all the work, you can lightly sprinkle the finished wreath with paint and glue beads on it in a chaotic manner to give it a finished look. On this, our wonderful wreath is ready!

DIY paper flowers - photo

Our article would not be complete without a photo gallery. There are many more colors that can be made from crepe paper than we could possibly cover. We have selected visual photos of ready-made compositions of irises, tulips, blueberries, orchids, lilies and many other flowers, as well as ideas for their use in the interior. Happy viewing!