How to unscrew a bolt with torn edges: proven methods. Useful instructions: how to unscrew a bolt with stripped edges How to unscrew a bolt with stripped internal

The problem of licked edges of a Phillips screwdriver has long been known to everyone. There are few solutions to how to get out of this situation and remove the broken screw. I will only offer you seven that I personally had to use.

How to unscrew the licked screw?

Unfortunately, there is no almost universal solution. And each presented method is good for its situation. Therefore, everything is known in comparison and applied to a specific individual situation and its screw.

First method: use a tourniquet

You will need a piece of thick rubber. It can be a piece of a medical tourniquet, a piece of a camera from a bicycle, or the like. The denser and stiffer the material, the more effort spins can be created.
Berm a screwdriver as close as possible to the groove of the screw.

We take a tourniquet.

We put the tourniquet under the screwdriver or bit and insert it all into the licked head. Further, with simultaneous pressure and rotational movement trying to get the screw out.

Properly applied force can unscrew the screw with a significantly screwed-in force.

The second way: how to unscrew the screw with an impact screwdriver

If you have an impact screwdriver (or ask your friend), you can use it.

Of course, the screw cannot be completely unscrewed, but the connection can be significantly loosened, and then we use a regular screwdriver.

The third way: we use a special bit for bolts with ground crosses

Since the problem of licked edges is not new, the market has long been sold turnkey solutions. For example - a special bit for unscrewing licked bolts.

We insert it into a screwdriver or screwdriver and unscrew it. Sharp edges at the right angle engage perfectly and the screw can be rotated.

Fourth way: extractor

An extractor is a special tool designed to repair broken screws, studs, bolts, and the like. It works exactly like the bit in the example above, but with a slight difference.
We insert the nozzle into the screwdriver and unscrew. You may first need to select the extractor according to the recess, since the diameters of the heads are different.

Fifth method: unscrew with the left drill

On sale, in addition to the usual drills for all of us, there are also drills with a left-hand helix. Such a drill can be used as a tool for unscrewing a broken screw.

Sixth method: use a core

This method is well suited for removing small screws. We take the core, rest it against the edge of the cap at an angle of about 45 degrees and gently hit it with a hammer in the direction of the cap rotation.

The core, due to its sharpness, has good engagement, which means that the screw is more likely to be unscrewable.

Seventh method: take a hammer and chisel

The method has become a classic, but it is problematic to use it for small screws. We take a chisel or chisel, remove the tip to the side of the cap and gently hitting turn the screw. Here the main thing is to move the hat from its place, and as it seems, unscrewing can be continued with pliers.

More detailed information see in the video.

Almost all equipment is assembled using fasteners, where bolts or other products are used. But when it becomes necessary to unscrew them, they can turn out to be rusted and already unusable.

These elements often turn out to have torn edges, threads, or their head breaks off. Buthow to unscrew a bolt with stripped edgesso as not to spoil the whole structure?

In contact with

Why fasteners are needed

Fasteners are the most important elements of mechanical engineering, which are used almost everywhere. The most common fasteners that are threaded are:

  • screws;
  • bolts;
  • nuts.

A bolt, like a screw, is a rod with a head that has one threaded end. Screws are usually classified into two types:

  1. Adjusting, which fix the parts mutually.
  2. Fasteners, which are used to connect a detachable character.

The screw heads can be cross recessed or single slotted.

As a rule, this element is necessary if you want to mount additional element. Often a machine screw with a countersunk head is used instead of bolts, since the protruding head interferes with some mechanisms.

Most often, screws are used when it becomes necessary to fix parts that have been mounted on shafts or axles.

As for the bolts, they form a connection with a threaded hole and a nut.Hex bolthas a head on one side and a screw thread on the other. They are intended for fastening such parts that have a small thickness, or if you want to often separate the elements. That's why it's so important to know how to unscrew the stuck bolt.

Nuts are a fastener with a threaded type hole designed to transmit torque. Nuts are available in various shapes, depending on the conditions of use.

Reasons for the failure of fasteners

As a rule, the reasons why a bolt becomes unusable can be the following:

  • sticking;
  • displacement of parts that are fastened with the participation of bolts;
  • excessive overtightening during installation;
  • use of inappropriate keys;
  • uneven forces during unscrewing.

Preparatory work

Depending on the reason why the bolt is not loosened, various preparatory measures may be required.

For example:

  1. Open the bolt joint using a penetrating fluid that is designed to reduce friction. You can use substances such as kerosene, brake fluid or WD-40 for this purpose. To do this, you will need to apply the substance to the connection and leave for about an hour. Only after this time has passed, you can start unscrewing.
  2. Some people use a hammer to knock on the bolt, but only so that the existing thread is not damaged.
  3. You can try to slightly heat the element that has boiled with a burner. This procedure causes the resulting dirt and rust to burn off, after which the bolt metal becomes more pliable.

Experts answering the questionhow to unscrew a screw with torn edges, they say that this is done in exactly the same way.

How to unscrew a bolt with torn edges

Once all the preparation procedures are completed, you can proceed with the extraction, buthow to unscrew a bolt with torn edges? First of all, for this you need to purchase all necessary tools. In order to carry out your plan, you can use the following methods:

  1. Take a gas key, but it's only good if space allows. It is possible to use a gas wrench not only on bolts that have a surface with edges, but also on cylindrical ones, when the thread is completely torn off.
  2. A damaged bolt can also be removed with ring wrenches, where there are different heads for torn edges. In this case, you will need to select the proper head size, otherwise it will not work.

Important! The longer the key, the easier it will be to unscrew the fastener.

If using the methods described above does not work, then you can resort to using other methods.

Prices for gas keys

gas key

How to unscrew a bolt under a screwdriver

Often the situation with bolts and screws confuses the owner, because not everyone knowshow to unscrew the bolt if it does not get out.

When there is practically no access, you can make a notch with a chisel or grinder. After the manipulation, unscrewing the bolt with a screwdriver will be quite simple.

Although in some cases this does not give the desired result, then you can take the same screwdriver, placing it at an angle, and tap it lightly. But this must be done so that the bolt begins to rotate.

To the question how to unscrew a hexagon with torn edges, experts say that this fastener can be removed by the following methods:

  1. Using a needle file, which will help to get the size for the hexagon.
  2. Using a TORX sprocket, but it is important that it is of the proper size.
  3. A screwdriver that can be used if you first make an even notch.
  4. Using an extractor that screws into the hex hole.

Bolt for internal sprocket or hex

It can be unscrewed by the following methods:

  1. A flat screwdriver, but in this case you will need to make a notch with a grinder or a hacksaw. This must be done in such a way that the cut is with clear vertical walls, otherwise the screwdriver will jump off.
  2. A TORX sprocket, which should not be slotted into the hole, but should not be larger given size. She must cut through the hat and fit tightly into it. Next, you should unscrew the bolt jerkily, because otherwise the slot may break.
  3. With a drill, drill and extractors. To carry out the unscrewing procedure, you will need to drill a hole in the center and hammer an extractor of the desired size there. After that, using pliers, unscrew the element. It is very simple to carry out the unscrewing procedure using an extractor, since it has a thread that is opposite to the thread.
  4. A drill with a left-hand or reverse drill bit that is smaller in diameter than the deformed bolt. To carry out this procedure, you will need to drill a small hole with a thin drill and only then insert a left-hand drill. Naturally, now the drill will need to be put on the intensive rotation mode.

Attention! You can not use an asterisk that has a hole in the center, so when clogging they break.

How to loosen a hex bolt

This fastener can be easily unscrewed in the following ways:

  1. With the above asterisk.
  2. Using a needle file that makes the proper size for a hexagon.
  3. A screwdriver, but before that, just like in the previous versions, you will need to make an even notch.
  4. Extractor, the method of use of which has already been described.

How to unscrew an asterisk bolt with broken edges

To accomplish what you want to do, you need to knowhow to unscrew the sprocket bolt. After all, unscrewing such a fastener is possible in the same ways as those indicated above:

  1. After making a cut, simply unscrew the bolt with a flat screwdriver.
  2. Using an adjustable wrench, which is used to compress the part.
  3. Using an extractor.

How to unscrew a bolt with special equipment

The bolts are unscrewed using a variety of devices, and this will allow drill out the bolt without damaging the thread, for example:

  • keys;
  • screwdriver;
  • pneumatic wrench;
  • ratchet.

But often it is not possible to solve the problem with the methods listed above, and then others will come to the for removing broken bolts:

  1. Thin open-end wrenches, but they are categorically not suitable in the case of rusty or stuck bolts, as this breaks the edges.
  2. Impact wrench.
  3. Ring wrenches, which are more applicable, as they cover the head of the product more tightly.
  4. Welding equipment.
  5. A hex wrench that is less likely to cause edge stripping.
  6. Impact wrench.
  7. A multiplier that allows you to apply more force to a stuck bolt.
  8. Screwdriver with a large handle.
  9. Clamping tool.
  10. Extractor set.
  11. A hairpin, which is perfect for products that have a high hat.

Prices for wrenches


Working with a set of extractors

Initially, you will need to outline the center, for which you need a center punch and a hammer. A pilot hole is then drilled to be used by the extractor.

Attention!In this case, it is important that the axis is not displaced, and the depth of this hole should not exceed three diameters of the drill used.

The extractor will need to be inserted into the hole and slightly knocked out so that the fixation is more reliable. Only then can a tap be used to screw in the extractor. Working with it is quite simple, because after the extractor enters the product until it stops, the product will begin to turn out.

Working with welding equipment

If abroken bolt, how to unscrewit without damaging the equipment itself? Most fast way is to use welding.

To do this, take a nut of a suitable size and weld it to the broken part, but only with inside. After that, the product can simply unscrew the fastener with a wrench.

Welding equipment makes it possible to unscrew a screw or bolt that has a broken head or edges that have been torn off.

In a situation where the head is torn off, a small amount of metal must be deposited on the remaining part, after which a regular nut should be put on and welded.

Unscrewing with a wrench

Unfortunately, this tool cannot be used if the head of the fastener has been torn off.How to unscrew a licked bolt, described in another paragraph. To unscrew it with a wrench, you need to put a suitable nozzle on it. The twisting process itself occurs due to the impact mechanism of the wrench.

The wrench itself is a device that facilitates the process of assembling and disassembling bolt-nut connections. It is very convenient if the wrench cannot be used.

As soon as the wrench is started, power is supplied to the motor, which transfers energy to the gearbox, which leads to the functioning of the chuck. Almost all devices that are designed for loosening nuts have a special spring that allows the cartridge to rotate back. This fact allows the use of a wrench not only in mechanical engineering, but also in many other areas of activity.

Often the situation arises thatbolt won't loosen what to doin that case, if there are no special skills? There are several simple tips, which make it easier to unscrew the fastener:

  1. In order to carry out this procedure faster, you should preheat the element.
  2. How to remove a stripped bolt? In this case, you can use a hex wrench.
  3. During operation, you can use acetone or oil for lubrication.
  4. The use of a drill with a reverse thread can greatly facilitate the process.
  5. If there are no special tools at hand, then a core and a hammer can be used. To do this, the first one should be placed at an angle of forty-five degrees and beat on it with a hammer, but only counterclockwise.
  6. If it is not possible to unscrew the element, then you will need to drill a larger hole and cut the thread again.

How to unscrew a broken nut

In order to accomplish what you want to do, you need to knowhow to unscrew a nut with torn edges. Although it is not easy, you can use a few tips from experts:

  1. You will need a metal brush, which is used to clean the jammed connection. In this place, you should drop a small amount of kerosene or diesel fuel and wait twenty minutes. After that, using the spanner wrench, you should unscrew the nut.
  2. You can tap the nut, but don't use too much force.
  3. Using a gas wrench, as it has a stronger clamp and even round objects can be unscrewed with it.
  4. The grinder, which cuts new edges, will perfectly cope with this problem.
  5. At home, they often use a chisel and a hammer, with which they cut a non-working nut and then unscrew it.

All the methods described above for removing a rusted, deformed or stuck bolt will be within the power of any owner. And the listed tools and equipment can be purchased at any hardware store. It is important that too much effort is not applied during disassembly, it is better to deal with the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

When carrying out repair work, the question sometimes arises: how to unscrew a bolt or screw with torn edges. This problem has several solutions, knowing which you can unwind almost any hardware. Even in the case when you overdid it and tore off the head or broke the stud, there are ways and tools to unscrew the fragments of the fastener.

Any problem is better to prevent than to solve. Therefore, if you have applied enough force and the fastener does not budge, you do not need to continue until you damage it completely. Better do the following:

The above steps will not be superfluous in the case when you decide how to unscrew a bolt with torn edges.

Bolt removal methods

Below are the most effective ways loosening damaged bolts and screws.

With broken edges

When deciding how to unscrew a bolt with torn edges, you need to consider whether there is access to it, location, and also what tool you can use. Based on these factors, you can use one of the following methods:

In complex cases, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to combine several methods. Therefore, first assess the situation, decide how you can unscrew the bolt, and only then get to work.

With a broken head

Very often, when disassembling old threaded connections, you can not only damage the edges of the bolt, but also rip off the head. Then the question arises: how to unscrew the broken bolt. If you have separated the parts and the broken bolt protrudes from the body of the part, then you can use all of the above methods.

But how to unscrew a bolt with a stripped head if the bolt body does not protrude from the part? There are several options for solving this problem.

Precisely drilling a hole is quite difficult. And if you damaged the threaded connection, then you can correct the situation only by reaming the hole and threading a larger diameter.

A sheared stud is no different from a bolt with a stripped head, and therefore the methods for unscrewing it are the same.

Thread damage

There are times when the fastener thread is damaged. In this case, the hardware scrolls freely, but it cannot be removed from the threaded connection. To solve this problem, you need to lift the bolt. This can be done with a screwdriver or other similar tool that is pushed under the head and lifts it with effort. When the bolt rests, it begins to rotate in the direction of unscrewing. This is done until the hardware is completely removed. If the threaded connection hole is through, then it can be pushed from the back using any tool suitable for this.

If you have a similar problem with the nut, then proceed in the same way. Hardware with damaged threads must be replaced, therefore, if there is access, the nut can be cut off with a grinder or knocked down with a chisel.

Under an asterisk and a hexagon

Recently, fasteners with asterisk heads, hexagons and more exotic forms are increasingly used. If the edges on such fasteners are damaged, and you need to unscrew it, then you can act by analogy with ordinary bolts, with the only difference being that you need to use a tool with the appropriate shape of the edges to unscrew it.

Removing the screw

A lot of trouble is delivered by screws with torn edges. Unscrewing such screws is not easy, but there are several ways to solve this problem. In order to make it easier to unscrew them, you need to do the same preparatory measures as for the bolts.

In the simplest case, when the screw protrudes above the surface, you can try to grab it with pliers, wire cutters, or another similar tool and unscrew it in this way. But most of the time there's nothing to grab on to. Then you can try the following methods:

  1. Sometimes it helps to use thin rubber, for example, from a balloon. A piece of such rubber is placed on top of the screw and unscrewed by pressing a screwdriver through it. This allows you to increase friction and avoid slipping of the screwdriver.
  2. A screw with a figured head can be converted into a flat screwdriver by sawing a groove with a hacksaw.
  3. In order to solve the problem of screwdriver slippage, you can use cyanoacrylic adhesive, this adhesive dries quickly and fastens well metal surfaces. The procedure is simple: the screw and screwdriver are degreased, glue is applied to the screw head and the screwdriver is pressed against it, observing alignment. To speed up the setting of the glue, you can sprinkle it with soda. Wait for the glue to harden completely and try to unscrew the screw.

In order to avoid such problems in the future, renew all threaded connections with lerks or taps before assembly. Replace all damaged fasteners. Be sure to lubricate the threads and fasteners as a whole. It is best to use graphite grease for these purposes.

Of course, you will agree that any equipment has a mount and with prolonged use it may become unusable. There are situations when you need to know how to unscrew a bolt with torn edges, or remove it if it is also rusted or unusable. Most often this happens with nuts and bolts. How to solve the issue and how to unscrew a bolt with torn edges, we will consider in this article.

How to unscrew a bolt with torn edges

If there is no necessary equipment at hand, then you can unscrew the bolt without edges with what is in the house.

  1. Take a chisel and a hammer. Set the chisel at an angle, strike in the direction of unscrewing. If your bolts are small, then this technique is not suitable.
  2. Clean the joint surface with a brush, treat with diesel fuel or kerosene. Now try to unscrew the bolt with broken edges with a spanner wrench. This method does not give a 100% result and therefore a gas key can come to the rescue. It has a powerful clip and helps to grab round objects. But the tool also has its drawbacks, it cannot be used in a hard-to-reach place in the structure.

To avoid problems with broken heads and edges, buy high-quality fasteners:

How to remove a broken head bolt

The situation can become more complicated if the head of the bolt falls off. How to open it in this case? There are several options for those who do not know how to remove a bolt with stripped edges.

  1. A slot is made in the protruding part of the bolt for a screwdriver and now you can remove the bolt
  2. You can drill a hole that is 2-3 cm smaller than the bolt and screw in the tap. Screw it in until the part that broke begins to scroll.
  3. Use a punch and a hammer. The method is the same as described above, how to unscrew a wheel bolt with broken edges.

Use of specialized equipment

To solve the problem and find out how to unscrew a hex bolt with torn edges, you can use car repair tools. Consider the most popular devices:

  1. We drill a hole and drive the extractor with a hammer of the desired diameter. We screw the sleeve with the ring wrench and pull out the broken bolt.
  2. Impact wrench. This tool can be used if the bolt head is not stripped. How to unscrew a bolt with licked edges? It is necessary to put a nozzle on the wrench and unscrew the bolt using the impact mechanism.
  3. Welding. It can help with this problem if you weld a little metal, put on a nut and weld it to the bolt.

Unscrew the broken nut

  1. We pre-wet the connection with kerosene and clean it with a brush. Then we stand for 10 minutes, and proceed to unscrew the nut. We take an open-end or box wrench to help. Tap the connection with a hammer before unscrewing, but not with strong blows.
  2. If the connection is in the accessible area, you can unscrew the bolt with torn edges with an adjustable wrench or vice. It is clamped and rotated in two directions.
  3. When you can’t move the nut and don’t know how to unscrew the bolt without edges, go straight to extreme measures. Make notches with a hammer and disassemble the fasteners. Only now the use of such a nut in the future is no longer possible.

Flame use

If the material used is fire-resistant, tolerates heat well, then it can be removed with a lighter or a match. When heated, it will slightly increase in size, respectively, the material into which the bolt is screwed will open. When the bolt cools, the material will return to its original dimensions, there will be a small gap between the main surface and it. Then with pliers, it will not be difficult for you to remove the bolt.

A lubricant will also help, which is indispensable when it is necessary to unscrew a bolt with torn edges. The liquid must be sprayed into the microscopic gap between the material and the screw. This lubricant will be able to reduce the friction force, it will be easier to get it.

If the methods did not help you, then it remains to drill the screw. You can do this completely or halfway, then screw in the extractor, remove the bolt.

Removing the fixing connection

To begin with, pry the product with a nail puller, pull it to a height. Leave the connection tight and loosen the bolt gradually. For those who do not have a nail puller, you can create a lever with a screwdriver. Before unscrewing a small bolt with torn edges, take wire cutters. Squeeze the head firmly and pull up. Doesn't come out right away? Start the rotation without releasing your efforts counterclockwise.

Any master will agree that the edges of the screw always break at the most inopportune moment. It seems to beginners that it is impossible to get it, but it is not. To feel confident, the builder must know how to unscrew a bolt with stripped edges.

This situation may occur due to the fact that the screw or tool that is being used has already worn out. When the contact of the screwdriver with the screw is not tight enough, the ribs begin to “lick off”.

If the craftsman applies a small amount of force to the tool during operation, this can cause the edges to break.

What needs to be done?

In order not to aggravate the problem, you need to stop all actions immediately after the tip of the screwdriver began to jump off or scroll. You should not persistently continue to move, as this will not lead to anything good. Now the main thing is to get the bolt without damaging the material in which it is located.

Screwdriver change

The next step is to replace the old screwdriver with a new one, in which the tip is not worn out. With this tool, you can try to remove the screw. Before starting work, make sure that the tip of the screwdriver fits snugly into the grooves.

If the screwdriver still slips, you need to find other ways to unscrew the bolt with broken edges.

If the screw won't come out...

In the event that the bolt has not fully entered the material, you can try to pull it out with pliers. To do this, grab the head from the sides. It is necessary to turn slowly and in the opposite direction from the clockwise direction. As a rule, after several careful manipulations, the screw is removed from the surface.

A hacksaw can be used when the screw is not fully tightened. You should make a small cut, approximately 1-2 mm, and then try to unscrew the stuck screw with a screwdriver. The sting must be sharp, otherwise you can “lick off” the edges of the hat even more.

Flame use

If the material is fire resistant and tolerates high temperatures well, you can try to remove it with a match or lighter. When heated, the screw will increase slightly in size, respectively, will compress the material.

When it cools down and will have its original dimensions, a tiny gap should appear between it and the main surface. Then, using pliers, it will not be difficult to remove the screw.


This lubricating fluid is simply indispensable in situations where you need to unscrew a bolt with torn edges. It must be sprayed into the microscopic gap that exists between the screw and the material. The lubricant will reduce friction and be easier to get.

When no method helps, it remains to drill the screw. This can be done either fully or halfway, and then screw in the extractor and remove the bolt.

Helper Methods

Experienced craftsmen recommend cutting off the screw head with a grinder or cutting it with a chisel. Next, you should choose a smaller drill and drill out the bolt. If necessary, the steps should be repeated, slightly increasing the size of the drill.

If the screw is small, you should beat it in the direction of unscrewing. Left hand drills can also be used. The speed should be low.

Stud driver

Craftsmen who often face the problem of how to unscrew a bolt with torn edges should consider purchasing a special tool. A stud driver helps to unscrew a screw with a completely torn off head. But from its use there will be a positive result only when it was possible to make several turns.