Presentation on theme: "how to avoid conflict." Presentation - the ability to resolve conflict situations Test "Are you a conflict person?"

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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“Those who cannot cook soup make porridge” Have you ever boiled porridge?

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Topic class hour“Conflicts. How to overcome them? Conflicts are the norm. If there are no conflicts in your life, check if you have a pulse? C. Lixon.

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Test to determine the conflict of PPP. They avoid conflicts, but still go for them. In conflicts, they are consistent, strive to bring them to resolution. Carefully correlate the end with the means. Not supporters of conflict resolution at any cost. Think first, then make decisions. They show a lack of flexibility. PPPL. Strive to avoid conflict. They prefer to resolve them by any means. Often they can abandon their previous position. Can make decisions quickly. Fairly flexible, but not always consistent. Very resourceful in repayment of the conflict. PPLP. They do not like to conflict, but they do not avoid conflicts. Enter them willingly. They behave freely, resourcefully. They resort to humor, find non-standard ways to resolve conflict situations. They don't always get things done.

5 slide

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Test to determine the conflict PPLL. Avoid conflicts. But when faced with them, they behave firmly. Decisions are made after serious deliberation or advice from intermediaries and loved ones. Touchy, to a certain extent vindictive. Never act as the initiators of collisions. Ready to make concessions. External softness is combined with internal hardness. PLPL. Very noticeable aversion to conflict. The constant desire to get out of it. Attempts to make amends, obscure the conflict. The way out of the conflict can be carried out by renouncing their own demands. Decisions are made by succumbing to emotional rather than rational states. It is better for them not to enter into conflict than to leave it. Most often they leave with the loss of their own interests, they do not find ways to justify their actions. Seek to make decisions after discussing the situation with experienced trusted friends or relatives.

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PLPP. Ready for conflict. They clearly understand their interests, find the most rational ways to protect them. They are good at estimating their abilities. In resolving a conflict, the means are not always considered. Refuse to compromise. Willingly enter into conflict. Often act as its initiator. Exaggerate subject to the dominance of their interests. In conflict, they feel confident, comfortable. Sometimes they themselves can provoke a conflict, but not so much because they cannot do without it, but for the purpose of self-affirmation. PLLP. They don't like conflict. Easy character. They tend to exaggerate their own and underestimate the capabilities of others. Quickly and well oriented in the situation. Many friends. They react emotionally to events, but make fairly well-considered decisions. They strive to bring them to the end, but do not rule out compromises, possibly due to the rejection of some requirements. Not always the goal is commensurate with the means of achievement. Find unexpected solutions. They act flexibly but consistently. They listen to advice.

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PLLL Willingly enter into conflict. Often act as its initiator. They exaggerate their own capabilities, but in case of failure they do not retreat. Not prone to compromise. Act in a conflict deliberately, consistently. The conflict is terminated only if their requirements are met. The means are not always commensurate with the ends. A favorite technique is the “psychological attack”. They act on their own initiative, do not really like to consult, listen to other people's advice. LPPP. Conflicts are avoided, they feel insecure in conflict situations. Show great flexibility in their resolution. Achievement of goals is correlated with real means. Inclined to compromise, ready to give up protecting part of their interests. The decision is made more emotionally than after serious deliberation. They tend to listen to advice, but do not always follow it. There is a tendency to exaggerate one's own abilities.

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LPPL. Avoid conflicts. But in those cases when they consider their interests affected, they go into conflict without much hesitation. Hold the position firmly, not very inclined to compromise, They can turn to the help of intermediaries, but the decision is made independently. Questions of self-assertion are in the background. First and foremost are the interests of the business. LPLP. They consider conflicts inevitable, boldly go to solve them. In conflicts, they firmly achieve their goals. When goals are achieved, the means are not considered. Sometimes great importance attach to minor, secondary parties to the conflict. They are not inclined to compromise if they do not solve all the tasks set. They can create the appearance of concessions, but the internal position remains unchanged. The rational side prevails. Secretive, not inclined to seek advice, although outside help is not ruled out.

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LPLL. internally aggressive. Constantly looking for a reason for conflict. They are not always guided by essential points. Conflict is covered by external softness. Consistent in achieving goals. The line of conduct is skillfully carefully calculated. They are not inclined to compromise, regardless of the satisfaction of their own interests. They show great flexibility and ingenuity in resolving the conflict from their own positions. Often the interests of the cause cannot be separated from the internal psychological position. LLPP. Avoid conflicts. They prefer to resolve disputes peacefully. Ready to give up protecting their own interests, but consistently protect the interests of others. The goal is always sought to be combined with the corresponding means. Their strongest side is the desire to prevent conflicts or nip them in the bud.

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LLPL. They strive to avoid conflict, although they do not know how to warn. Very prone to compromise. They yield to the demands of the conflicting parties if the enemy is strong. However, in relation to the weaker, they show intransigence. They cannot correctly calculate their strength, they tend to exaggerate the strength of the enemy. Unable to weave a thread of intrigue. Willingly listen to the advice of others, follow their recommendations. They tend to hide the presence of a conflict situation, sincerely believing in its absence. Not principled enough. LLLP. Conflicts are not avoided, although they rarely initiate them. Weakly think over the line of behavior in resolving conflicts, they are more guided by emotions. In conflicts, they act boldly, decisively, but make rash decisions. Tend to compromise. They clearly think over the possible consequences of the conflict, strive to prevent them. They often act as the initiators of a compromise. They deeply experience the undesirable consequences of conflicts.

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LLL. Conflict is avoided. They have a great ability to warn them. However, taking part in conflicts, they are able to impress the enemy, using the technique of demonstrating non-existent capabilities. They know how to exploit the weaknesses of the other side. They well calculate the possible consequences of the conflict and are able to correct their behavior in time. Stubborn, secretive.

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What is conflict? Conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people.

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Conflicts are the fear of at least one side that its interests are violated, ignored, or infringed on by the other side. William Lincoln

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For a conflict to arise, it is enough: Two people Two points of view The subject of the dispute

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Conflicts can be: Within a person (associated with contradictions between “I want”, “can” and “should” in a person) Between individuals Within a group Between groups Within an organization

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There are types of conflicts: Conflict of goals - the situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it differently see the desired state of the object in the future. Conflict caused by the fact that the parties involved disagree in their views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. A sensory conflict that occurs when participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship with each other as individuals.

17 slide

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What would you do? Situation 1. You want to walk longer today, but your parents do not allow you, a conflict situation has arisen between you. Situation 2. At one of the breaks, a high school student approached you, asked you to look at your mobile phone and started calling from it without permission, which is why a conflict arose. Situation 3. You like to watch loud music, and your parents prefer silence in the house, and you often have conflicts with them about this. Situation 4. Before going to bed, you often look through your favorite magazines. This occupation captures you so much that you cannot tear yourself away and finally lie down to sleep. Because of this, you have conflicts with your parents.

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A - a hard type of conflict resolution and disputes. You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. You want to win. This is the type of person who always thinks he is right.

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B - democratic style of behavior. You are always trying to reach an agreement. During a dispute, you are trying to offer an alternative, looking for solutions that would satisfy both parties.

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G - soft style. You will “destroy” your opponent with kindness. Readily accept the enemy's point of view, abandoning your own.

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D - outgoing style. Your motto is "leave on time". You try not to aggravate the situation, not to lead to an open clash.

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What should be done to avoid conflict? Adaptation Avoidance Competition Collaboration (compromise) Sacrificing one's own interests for the interests of the other Decision avoidance Seeking to get one's own at the expense of the other Finding a solution that suits both sides Peaceful, compliant people People who are insecure Self-confident, aggressive, ambitious people Strong, mature, self-confident people

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What is the harm of conflicts? First, human dignity suffers from conflict. Secondly, for every minute of the conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, then the work does not go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand. Third, suffering physical health- Nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prevent such conflicts.

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The Golden Rule of Communication Always treat others the way you would like others to treat you.

27 slide

Technological map of the open class hour.

Class - 7.

The class teacher is Mozhaeva Tatyana Gennadievna.

The topic of the class hour is “What are conflicts. How to avoid them?

Class hour is devoted to ways of effective communication. Conflicts at school....

Daily school life is replete with conflicts, quarrels, petty skirmishes and mutual insults. Conflicts are connected indirectly or directly with education, upbringing of children, with the impact on the psychological climate of the educational institution.

Relevance of the topic due to the fact that many children at the age of 13-14 are not taught to peacefully resolve conflicts. The causes of conflicts between adolescents are their nervousness, inability to withstand stress for a long time, and the habit of aggression.

Clarification of the concept of "conflict", "conflict situation", understanding the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the content of the class hour.


    to clarify the concept of students about the conflict;

    expand children's understanding of the main types and causes of conflicts;

    introduce different ways way out of conflict situations;

    continue the formation of such moral qualities as endurance, composure, politeness, respect for people;

    develop the skills of analyzing one's own behavior in situations of choice, resolving intra-personal contradictions;

    encourage self-knowledge, self-development, self-education.


By the end of class, students should

    know what conflict is, causes and types of conflicts;

    be able to choose constructive ways out of the proposed conflict situations.

Conduct form: hour of communication.

TCO: presentation, situation cards, leaflets-clouds, dictionaries, cartoon conflict.

Lesson progress:

    Updating knowledge and setting tasks.

Reception "Surprise!"(aimed at activating mental activity and attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. Forms the ability to analyze.)

Hello everyone! Today we will start our working day with an hour of communication. In my opinion, everyone will agree that communication is important for a person. It is also important to be able to communicate, to know the rules of relationships. In order to determine what we will talk about today, let's clap our hands, play patty, but unusual, but with a task. (slide 1) Imagine that two palms are two people who are diligently sorting things out. Clap so that your clap illustrates slight disagreements between partners. Now let your clap illustrate the sharper differences. Now clap, showing hostility. Who can determine the name of such a clash of people? (slide 2)

Conflict - topic our conversation. (slide 3) Is this topic important to you? Why? Students' statements.

Let's try to define tasks our communication. (slide 4)

    Main part.

1 group. Reception "Associative series".

What associations does the word “conflict” evoke in you? (Swearing, tears, fights, bruises, fists, quarrels, insults, murders, family destruction, job loss, prison, etc.)

2 group. Situational practice.

You have leaves in the form of clouds on the tables. On the cloud, write one conflict you were involved in. (The guys write the words, .... I attach the sun to the board. After writing the words, they hand over the leaves-clouds)

It's sunny now, it's clear. But here comes the clouds.

What will happen now? (a thunderstorm came: lightning, thunder ..)

And what the conflicting people feel, the 1st group - associations will tell.

What is the character of all these words?

Associations, as you can see, are of a negative nature of relationships, cause negative emotions, so it is very important to solve the tasks we have set.

So, the topic is defined, the tasks are set. What's the next step? Study theoretical material.

The behavior of people in conflict situations is studied by a special science - conflictology.(slide 5)I suggest working in groups. Let's remember the rules of working in a group.

(slide 6)

your vision of the conflict.




Corporate culture:

So, conflict is a confrontation, a contradiction due to lack of agreement, which leads to the transformation of relations. (slide 7)

2 group.



But everyone would like to add to the people around them: - kindness, humanity - 50% - honesty, decency - 30% - mutual understanding, sympathy - 22% - tolerance - 16% - generosity - 12%. Find out if there is a contradiction in the desires of people. If there is, what is it? (slide 8.9)

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others


So, people want more firmness for themselves, and more softness for those around them. But after all, those around us expect mutual understanding, kindness, decency from us, and we are moving firmly in a different direction. As a result, mutual dissatisfaction, tension, conflict arise. As we can see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons everyone has the same: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate. (slide 10)

3rd group. Tell about types conflicts.

1) Intrapersonal conflict
2) Conflict between individual and group
interpersonal conflict.
4) Intergroup conflict

The most common type isinterpersonal conflict. (slide 11)

Why are conflicts harmful? Students' statements.

First, human dignity suffers from conflict. Secondly, for every minute of the conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when the work does not go well, and in general everything falls out of hand. Thirdly, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prevent such conflicts. Correct behavior during conflict will keep you healthy, make you calmer and happier not only for you, but also for others. (slide 12)

Test "Assessment of one's own behavior in a conflict situation"

(slide 13)

Processing test results (slide 14)

How can you allow conflict situations?

To do this, we stage the situation.

Reception "Theatricalization". From the point of view of this science, there are 4 strategies of behavior in conflicts: adaptation, avoidance, cooperation, rivalry. (slide 15) Their characteristics are listed in the table (I show on the screen) (Appendix 15, slide 10). Based on the data in the table, stage the same situation with different strategies of behavior. (Work in pairs).









of people

People who are insecure






Strategy performance

Vika does homework for a long time and in detail. Natasha is not preparing for lessons. Natasha asks Vika to write off. Vika is offended, she prepared for a long time, put a lot of effort into studying well.

Resolve their conflict using different behavioral strategies.

Conclusion. What is the effectiveness of these strategies? What strategy will lead to a constructive solution to the conflict? And which one will only complicate it or lead to a dead end?

Thus, when avoiding, neither side succeeds. In competition and accommodation, one side wins and the other loses. And only with cooperation, both parties win.

Cooperation is an activity based on solving problems according to the principle: "Not against you, but we are together against problems."(slide 16)

Compromise- an agreement reached through mutual concessions.

Watching the cartoon "Conflict". Analyze the situation using the information you learned in today's lesson.

stage of reflection. Drafting memos to students (Annex 17)

"The Formula for Successful Conflict Resolution"

1. Goodwill.

2. Determine the cause of the conflict, trying to hear each other, and correctly understand each other.

3. Tact.

4. Conversation on the merits.

5. Search for a compromise

6. The ability to admit one's mistake; Remember: only fools and the dead don't change their minds

7. Respect for someone else's personal space

8. Right choice roles

9. Ability to listen and hear each other

10. Justice.

Wishes(slide 17)

Conflict prevention rules:

Don't speak directly to a fidgety, agitated person,

Before talking about something unpleasant, try to create a friendly atmosphere, mark the merits of a person, his good deeds.

Try to look at the problem through the eyes of your opponent, try to "stand" in his place.

Do not hide a good attitude towards people, express approval to your comrades more often, do not skimp on praise.

Know how to force yourself to shut up when you are hurt in a petty quarrel, be above petty showdowns!

Developed by practical psychologists "Commandments of behavior in a conflict situation"(appendix 15, slide 12) very easy to remember with a keyword CONFLICT. In this word, the number of letters corresponds to the number of commandments:

To Eliminate criticism as much as possible!

It is undesirable, because it acts as a psychological ax or a mirror in which a person looks like a freak. In case of inevitability, criticism should be constructive, correct-sparing and presented in a form appropriate to the circumstances.

O- Take 100% responsibility!

As I. Goethe said, "The one who is smarter is to blame for the dispute."

H- Misunderstanding of the subject of disputes, the interests of the parties and their positions should be eliminated!

If we liken the conflict to a weed, then the incident is the tops, and the conflict situation is the root, and attention should be focused on it.

F– do not expand the background of the conflict!

A step to the left, a step to the right (past sins, the transition "to personalities", etc.) - this is the execution of oneself!

L- “lady / gentleman” (do not leave this image!).

In the words of B. Russell, "a gentleman is a person in communication with whom you feel like a gentleman." Only the performance of this role helps to extinguish the conflict.

And– look for common interests!

It is necessary to ask not only "What do you want?", but also "Why do you want this?" The answer to the first question will reveal the position of the opponent, to the second - the interests. As a result, there will be a real opportunity to “get out of the trenches of the war to a common foothold” and start a joint search for a solution acceptable to both sides.

Toconstructive solution search together!

All objections and attacks should be translated into a constructive form, asking the question: “What do you propose to do?”.

T– to maintain tolerance in all situations!

In conclusion, I offer you 12 rules, the observance of which allows you to persuade people to your point of view. These are the Carnegie Rules (Reminder is distributed to students.)

one . The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.

2. Show respect for the opinion of the interlocutor.

3 . Never tell a person that he is wrong; if you're right, admit it.

four . Keep a friendly tone from the start.

5. Make the interlocutor immediately answer you "yes."

6. Let your interlocutor do most of the talking.

7. Let the interlocutor believe that this idea belongs to him.

eight . Sincerely try to look at things from the point of view of your interlocutor.

9 . Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.

ten . Appeal to nobler motives.

eleven . Dramatize your ideas.

12 . Throw down a challenge, touch a nerve.

Classroom teacher. I would like to end our lesson with the following words (written on the board):“A person who does not do a very good deed runs the risk of being alone and causing condemnation of others. And vice versa, there are actions that elevate people in the eyes of others. In both, being faced with a choice, before doing something, think about the consequences. And let the decision be right.

(slide 18)

If our society lived according to the law "an eye for an eye",
the whole world would be blind.(slide 19)

Optional: work in groups.

In order to learn how to resolve a conflict situation, you need to learn to recognize the extent of disagreements and openly discuss them. Now we will try to give a solution to everyday conflict situations.

Let's split into four groups. Each group receives a description of the conflict and the task of finding a solution that would take into account the interests of the parties as much as possible.

    Before going to bed, you often look through your favorite magazines. This occupation captures you so much that you cannot tear yourself away and finally lie down to sleep. Because of this, you have conflicts with your parents.

After 5-7 minutes, the groups present their options for resolving conflicts.

1 group. Definition construction. Define the word conflict. The concept of "conflict" can be found in different spheres of human activity. Consider how conflict is spoken of in terms of literature, psychology, corporate culture, using dictionaries.

Make up your own, reflecting your vision of the conflict.



Conflict is a confrontation, a contradiction between the forces depicted in the work: characters, characters and circumstances, various sides of character.


Conflict (from Latin conflictus) is defined in psychology as the lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups

Corporate culture:

The conflict brings about the transformation of all relations in the team.

2 group. Study the research of scientists and draw a conclusion: what is the cause of conflicts?


Scientists also conducted a similar psychological experiment, which made it possible to identify WHAT people want to educate in themselves and see in others. And here is the data that was received.

People wanted to develop the following qualities: - confidence, determination - 46%, endurance, poise - 30% - purposefulness, willpower - 30% - tolerance - 12% - benevolence - 10%

But everyone would like to add to the people around them: - kindness, humanity - 50% - honesty, decency - 30% - mutual understanding, sympathy - 22% - tolerance - 16% - generosity - 12%. Find out if there is a contradiction in the desires of people. If there is, what is it?

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

3rd group. Tell about types conflicts.

1) Intrapersonal conflict expressed in doubts of a person, dissatisfaction with himself and his life.
2) Conflict between individual and group can arise when a person takes a position that is different from the position of the group: for example, one of the students, to improve their grades, offered to conduct additional consultations. The class team regarded such a proposal as “excessive” zeal in front of the teacher and was indignant.
3) The most common type is interpersonal conflict. It manifests itself as a clash of personalities with different views, values, character traits.
4) Intergroup conflict . A class can consist of many groups, between which conflicts can arise.

The most common type is interpersonal conflict. It manifests itself as a clash of personalities with different views, values, character traits.

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others

For teachers:

Spend psychological experience.

Fill the table:

What qualities of character you want to educate yourself

What qualities of character you want to see in others








Sacrificing one's own interests for the interests of others

Decision avoidance

The desire to achieve one's own at the expense of another

Finding a solution that suits both parties


of people

People who are insecure

Meek, weak, yielding people

People who are confident, aggressive, ambitious

Strong, mature, self-confident people


Sparrow- afraid of losing the relationship, yields silently.

Ostrich- hides his head in the sand, moves away from the conflict.

Hawk– he incites conflicts and decides in his favor

Pigeon- enters into a conflict, but tries to resolve it peacefully, without harming anyone.

Strategy performance

This strategy is appropriate when a person is ready to sacrifice his own benefit for the sake of maintaining a relationship. In this case, the side making concessions loses to the other side. Maintaining true partnerships in this case is problematic.

This strategy is used when the price of the issue is low or a pause is needed to make a decision. With this type of behavior, relationships are preserved in the conflict, neither side receives an advantage, the conflict is not resolved, but only muted.

This strategy is justified in critical situations when vital issues are being resolved, as well as in the event that you are used in their own interests. The one who is stronger wins. The price of victory is a break in relations, the suffering of the loser.

This strategy is the most effective because both sides benefit from it. The strategy strengthens relationships and provides mutual benefits

    You want to walk longer today, but your parents do not allow it, a conflict situation has arisen between you.

    At one of the breaks, a high school student approached you, asked you to look at your mobile phone and started calling from it without permission, which is why a conflict arose.

    You like to watch loud music, and your parents prefer silence in the house, and you often have conflicts with them about this.

Test "Assessment of one's own behavior in a conflict situation"

Try to sincerely answer the question: “How do you usually behave in a conflict situation or dispute?”. If you are characterized by this or that behavior, put the appropriate number of points after each answer number.

Often - 3 points

Occasionally - 2

Rarely 1


1. I threaten or fight.

2. I try to accept the point of view of the enemy, I consider it as my own.

3. Looking for compromises.

4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.

5. Avoid the enemy.

6. I wish you to achieve your goals by all means.

7. Trying to figure out what I agree with and what I absolutely disagree with.

8. I compromise.

9. I give up.

10. Changing the subject...

11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

12. Trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.

13. I will give in a little and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

14. I offer peace.

15. I try to turn everything into a joke.

Processing test results.

Count the number of points under the numbers 1,6,1 - this is the type of behavior "A", etc.

Type "A" -1,6,11

type "B" - 2,7,12

type "B" - 3,8,13

type "G" - 4,9,14

type "D" - 5,10,15

If you scored the most under the letters:

"A" is a "hard" type of conflict and dispute resolution. You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means strive to win. This is the type of person who is always right.

"B" is "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you are trying to offer an alternative, look for solutions that would satisfy both parties.

"B" - "compromise" style. From the very beginning, you agree to a compromise.

"G" - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with kindness. You willingly take the opponent's point of view, giving up your own.

"D" - "leaving" style. Your credo is "leave on time." You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

slide 2

Tower game

  • Task: to build a tower from the proposed material.
  • The main condition: the tower must be stable.
  • Time for the whole game: 10 min. The group first discusses how to build the tower and then silently builds. 1-3 minutes - project defense.
  • slide 3

    The emergence of conflict

  • slide 4

    Components of a conflict situation:

    • participants in the conflict (opponents);
    • the subject of the conflict.
  • slide 5

    Types of conflict

    • intrapersonal;
    • interpersonal;
    • between group and individual;
    • intergroup conflict.
  • slide 6

    Test "Are you a conflict person?"

    • If you behave exactly as stated in the proposal, often in a conflict situation, then put 3 points; from case to case - 2 points; rarely - 1 point.
  • Slide 7

    1. I threaten or fight.
    2. I try to understand the point of view of the enemy, I reckon with it.
    3. Looking for compromises.
    4. I admit that I'm wrong, even if I can't believe it completely.
    5. I avoid the enemy.
    6. I want to achieve my goals no matter what.
  • Slide 8

    7. Trying to figure out what I agree with and what I strongly disagree with.
    8. I compromise.
    9. I give up.
    10. Change the subject.
    11. I persistently repeat one phrase until I achieve my goal.

    Slide 9

    12. Trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all started.
    13. I will give in a little and thereby push the other side to make concessions.
    14. I offer peace.
    15. I try to turn everything into a joke.

    Slide 10

    Processing test results:

    • Sum the responses by group:

    "A": under the numbers 1, 6, 11.
    "B": under the numbers 2, 7, 12.
    "B": numbered 3, 8, 13.
    "G": under the numbers 4, 9, 14.
    "D": under the numbers 5, 10, 15.

  • slide 11


    • "A" is a tough style of resolving conflicts and disputes. These people stand their ground to the last, defending their position. This is the type of person who considers himself always right.
  • slide 12

    • "B" is a democratic style. These people believe that it is always possible to agree, during a dispute they offer an alternative, they are looking for a solution that satisfies both parties.
  • slide 13

    • "B" is a compromise style. From the very beginning, a person is ready to compromise.
  • Slide 14

    • "G" is a soft style. A person destroys his opponent with kindness, readily takes the opponent’s point of view, abandoning his own.
  • slide 15

    • "D" is the outgoing style. The credo of a person is to leave in a timely manner, before a decision is made. Strives not to lead to conflict and open clashes.
  • slide 16

    heuristic game

    • "The Art of Conflict Resolution". The purpose of the game is to develop the ability to get out of a conflict situation based on the correct resolution of the conflict.
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    Slides captions:

    Teacher-psychologist Baichorova M.B. How to avoid conflict?

    Tasks of the class hour 1 2 3 Clarify the concept of conflict Expand understanding of the main types and causes of conflicts Get acquainted with various ways to resolve conflict situations

    Count to ten before you speak, Count to a hundred before you hurt, Count to a thousand before you hit. old folk wisdom

    Individual work 1 2 Choose association words for the word " conflict" On the cloud-sheet, write one conflict in which you were a participant Associative series Situational workshop

    Psychological test Sociological survey Develop in yourself Text See in others decisiveness - 46%, endurance - 30% willpower - 30% tolerance - 12%, goodwill - 10% kindness - 50% honesty - 30% sympathy - 22% tolerance - 16 % generosity - 12%

    On the definition of the word "conflict" Conflict (according to explanatory dictionary) is an intractable contradiction associated with confrontation and emotional experiences. Conflict (in literature) - a contradiction between characters, characters and circumstances, different sides character. Conflict (in psychology) is the lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups. Conflict (in corporate ethics) is a contradiction due to lack of agreement, which leads to the transformation of relations

    Clash of personalities with different views, values, character traits Personal doubts of a person, dissatisfaction with himself and his life Many groups between which conflicts can arise Types of conflicts Intrapersonal Interpersonal Intergroup

    Growing conflict Respect for each other decreases, the measure of tension increases Aggression Counteraction Disagreement Gap Discontent Humiliation

    The harm of conflicts Human dignity suffers For 1 minute of conflict 20 minutes of subsequent experiences Physical health suffers Mood deteriorates, everything falls out of hand

    Mini-quiz You've been called. What is your reaction? a) I’ll get away with a joke (I defiantly bow and thank you for the “good” words) b) I’ll thank you in kind (I’ll call you back) c) I’ll complain to the elders

    Ways to resolve the conflict Hard Neutral Soft Destructive threat, violence, rudeness, humiliation, becoming personal, breaking off relations Ignoring avoiding solving the problem Constructive humor, concessions, compromise, cooperation, awareness of the position of the parties

    Ways to resolve the conflict of adaptation Strategy of avoidance Strategy with rivalry Strategy of cooperation Strategy

    Outcomes of the conflict Win-lose Win-win One side is satisfied, but the other is not Defeat-lose Both sides are not satisfied with the result Both sides come to an agreement

    Conflict Management Rules B E C D A Don't interrupt. Listen Don't make assumptions Don't get personal or insulting Offer multiple solutions to the conflict End on a positive note