Short head line. The line of the mind in the palm of your hand - meaning, external, palmistry

If the line of the head and mind starts from the same point with the line of life and is even in shape, sloping and smoothly descending. This speaks of the positive qualities of a person. Intelligence, confidence, independence and insight, a sense of justice and tact, patience, etc. Such a line gives energy, composure, caution, and the more developed the hillock of Mars, the more pronounced these qualities. The sharply drawn line of the head testifies to the mind and imagination, logic, determination and zeal, but it allows cruelty in a person. Long and well-formed indicates a commitment to justice and idealism. Fuzzy and short about timidity and indecision, intermittent - a sign of many talents and opportunities. Very wide and long - a sign of irascibility and vindictiveness, wide and vague speaks of cowardice and indecision. And wide and pale - about excessive caution and lack of common sense. A sign of frivolity, narrow-mindedness and strong coquetry in women is the line of the head and mind, which reaches the ring finger. If the line of the head and mind is absent, and the line of the heart is in its proper place, then paralysis and violent are inevitable.

This line crosses, starting between the thumb and forefinger and ending at the hill of Mars or on the site of the Moon. The latter determines the bias of a person's mental activity - whether he will be distinguished by rigid logic or the ability to intuitively grasp the essence of things. If the line of the head begins at the hill of Jupiter, which indicates the great authority and wisdom of a person. But also for such negative trait like selfishness. Red dots on the line expose the killer (how many dots, so many victims) and portend a head wound. A branch that goes to the line of the heart means the ability to intuitively find the required solutions. The branch directed to the part of the Moon indicates the combination of the power of consciousness and subconsciousness in a person. A branch reaching the edge of the palm is a sign of the widest possibilities, and in the traditional interpretation - a sign of either glory or shame.

The line of the head, starting on the plain of Mars, is a sign of irritability and intolerance, especially in relations with people less gifted. If the line of the head and mind ends in the middle of the palm, then this indicates insufficient smart person, indecisive and weak-willed. It is also a harbinger of a short or full illness of life. When the line of the head connects with the line of the heart, this means agreement between the head and the heart, a person is attracted both by external success and personal. The longer the line of the head and mind, the longer the life of a person, and vice versa, the shorter the line, the shorter the life. An island on the line of the head and mind exposes the bloody intentions of a person and his possible murder, and also speaks of a tendency to mental overstrain, nervous diseases , diseases of the brain, eyes. A number of islands on the line portends nervous diseases. The line of the head, ending at the hill of Mercury, means a rare business acumen.

If the head and mind line is too long and straight, joins at the base with the life line and runs through the entire palm, then this indicates a person of action. Who has a weak imagination, is somewhat cruel, too economical and stingy and believes that the end justifies the means. A very thin and long line of the head and mind indicates a tendency to, infidelity and dishonesty. A very short line of the head and mind - a tendency to deceit and theft, and also indicates that one should be wary of head injury. If the line of the head and mind is divided into two parts, then this sometimes speaks of abnormality, threatens with madness. If the line of the head and mind is connected to the line of the heart by two or three branches between the thumb and forefinger. This indicates a tendency to gloomy thoughts and a capricious character, as well as an important revolution that has taken place in the mental activity of a person. If the line of the head and mind is straight and abruptly interrupted in the middle, with a considerable break interval. And at the same time with a star under the middle finger, this portends death on the scaffold.

If the line of the head and mind runs very close to the line of the heart, then this indicates a weak heart, which suffer from palpitations, seizures and fainting. It also indicates a sensual nature, unsure of itself. If the head and mind line is accompanied by a sister line, then this is a very happy omen. Fate will favor this person in everything, he will be lucky in everything and he will achieve great wealth. If the line of the head and mind is interrupted at the end, or if the torn piece goes above or below the line itself. This means that a person is very nervous if the line of the head and mind is broken, and there is a point at the end of the initial segment. And the ring finger has a star, this portends mental illness. The correct circle in the form of a ring on the line of the head and mind is a sign of loss of an eye, two circles - both. Blindness is also foreshadowed by a circle above the line of the head and mind.

If the line of the head and mind starts from the same point with the line of the heart and branches at the end into two processes, one of which descends to the hillock of the Moon. This betrays a person whose heart desire dominates the mind and he is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his desires. If the line of the head and mind forks on the hillock of the Moon, this is a sign of amorousness, cunning and duplicity, as well as a harbinger of material success. And if one branch goes straight, and the other to the hillock of the Moon, then this is a sign of deceit. If the line of the head and mind is crossed at its beginning by any line, this indicates a disease of the legs due to a fall from a height. If the line of the head and mind is crossed in any place by many side lines, then this portends a vicious life and secret evil diseases. A cross on the line of the head and mind under the middle finger threatens with imminent death. A star in the middle of the line of the head and mind portends deprivation of reason, weakness of the body and shortness of breath. A star at the intersection of the line of the head and mind with the line of health - diseases due to a nervous breakdown, and for a woman - childlessness. the end is madness. The square at the junction of the line of the head and mind with the line of life speaks of the threat of an attempt on the life of this person, does not exclude violent death.

If under the middle finger the line of the head and mind makes a sharp turn to the line, this is considered a very bad sign. If the line of the head and mind originates from any hillock, except for Venus and Mars, then it has the properties of the corresponding hillock. The zigzag line of the head and mind indicates the evil character of a person, callousness, poor memory, imbalance, a tendency to nervous diseases, theft, inconstancy. And also speaks of a possible violent death and a bad future. The cross at the beginning of the line of the head and mind portends, in the middle - misfortune, serious illness and a dangerous injury. And in the end - a possible marriage with a clergyman. A square on the line of the head and mind indicates susceptibility to tantrums and the possibility of suffering a great loss of property. Sharply marked nodes on the line of the head and mind indicate a propensity to kill.

A sign of a predisposition to a stroke with a possible fatal outcome is a thick line of the head and mind, which ends at the Mount of Saturn. If the line of the head and mind at the end is connected to the line of the heart, then this portends death in youth. Sharply marked nodes on the line of the head and mind indicate a propensity to kill. The square at the end of the second (from the beginning) segment of the line of the head and mind torn in the middle portends wounds and bruises of the head from a fall. If the line of the head and mind is broken and there is a dot at the end of the first break, and a star at the ring finger, this indicates mental illness. If the line of the head and mind stretches in the form of a chain, then this indicates a lack of perseverance in beliefs, and also characterizes the incoherence of thoughts. If the line of the head and mind, starting at the Mount of Saturn, goes to the Mount of Mars. And if at the same time the line is short and not very noticeable, then this person makes big mistakes and mistakes in life. He makes decisions too quickly without thinking, and then often repents of his actions. A very sinuous line of the head and mind, the end of which is in contact with the line of the heart, indicates stupidity, rudeness, cruelty and a tendency to steal.

If the line of the head and mind bends to the hillock, then this indicates an impressionable person who loves poetry and art. And the more the line leans towards the hillock of the Moon, the more impressionable the person is. If the line of the head and mind is bent down and enters the hillock of the moon, then this indicates intelligent person with pure thoughts and a practical mindset. All these qualities are not eliminated by crosses, islands, dots, etc. If the line of the head and mind is made up entirely of separate small dashes, then this is a sign of headaches, poor memory. It is usually said about such a person that he does not have everything at home. If the line of the head and mind crosses the plain of Mars, descending to the mound of the Moon, then this indicates a romantic person with a strong imagination. Somewhat detached from reality, with great abilities. And if at the same time the Mount of the Moon is too strongly developed, then the person is very selfish, who tends to fall into error. A cross or a star on the line of the head and mind near the hillock of the Moon or on it - predict extreme poverty in old age. A large number of stars and crosses on the line of the head and mind is an indicator of a very calm life.

If a cross is formed on the hillock of the Moon from the line of the head and mind and some other line, this is a sign of possible religious insanity. Which threatens with danger in the event that crosses are on both hands. If the line of the head and mind begins at the Mount of Jupiter , much higher than the beginning of the life line, this indicates an arrogant person. Who tries in every possible way to impose his will on others, which often causes the hostility of others. The line and the mind, going down in a semicircle, portends poverty, speaks of dissatisfaction with relatives and friends, indicates a grumpy and difficult character. And if it ascends in the form of an arc, then for the coming misfortune. White dots in the middle of the line of the head and mind indicate a brilliant and inventive person who will make important discovery. This person is lucky in love, but these signs also warn of a head injury. White dots at the end of the line indicate a loss of reason, enmity with family and friends, up to a lawsuit that will be lost.

If the line stops on the plain of Mars against the middle finger, then this is an omen of a near, fatal death. And if at the same time it is on the hill of Saturn, then death will be violent. If the line coming out of the middle finger crosses the Mount of Saturn and the line of the heart, ending at the line of the head and mind, then this indicates mental limitation and dullness. And if, in addition, the line of the head and mind is short, then this indicates a misanthrope who is doomed to an early death. This is also indicated by the line coming out of the Mount of Saturn and crossing the lines of the heart and head and mind. If the line of the head and mind is interrupted at the end, this portends poverty in the last years of life. If the line of the head and mind and the line of the heart are represented by one line that occupies the center of space. This speaks of a cruel person, of this they say that he is a person without a heart. This arrangement of lines portends serious illness, violent death. If the line of the head and mind turns to a large quadrilateral at, then this indicates an envious and deceitful character.

If the line of life is called the most important, then the line of mind is in the second place of honor.. Its second name is the line of the head. It is easy to find it in the palm of your hand: it starts between the index finger and thumb.

They always guess on the right hand, but you can also look at it on the left hand. The left hand is the hereditary qualities of a person, what was given to him from birth. Already developed qualities are determined by the right hand. The photo clearly shows where it goes.

Guessing usually on the right hand


The line of the head does not always indicate the mind of the one to whom you are guessing. Smart people are not born, but made. The long line of the mind in the palm of your hand only emphasizes that he is perfectly able to analyze, can delve into all the details. Also, the science of palmistry claims that the owners of a short one most often think conservatively, they follow stereotypes and traditions. Those whose head line extends across the palm have a more flexible and broad mindset.

A short one shows that a person is practical, tries to do his job faster, does not like to waste time. The middle line is the line that extends to the ring finger. The long line of the head practically runs along the entire palm. These are insightful people with the gift of foresight.

Width, depth, slope

  • The line of the mind is wide - the one who is guessing does not think very quickly. He needs time to think about the situation, analyze it, and only after that he will be able to do something. This is not a sign of stupidity, he just needs to think about solving serious problems for a while.
  • The line of mind is narrow - he will think easily and quickly. And this does not always mean that the right decision will be made.
  • The deep line of the head in the palm of your hand shows that this is a person with great mental potential, this is evidence of a good intellect.
  • If the line of the mind is barely visible, it is located superficially, then there is not much mental energy. His work is not connected with thinking, it is difficult for him to carry out intellectual activity, to think about something for a long time. Especially alarming narrow and superficial. Then a person is inclined to be mistaken and often make mistakes. You also need to pay attention to the slope.
  • If the line of the mind is located right in the palm of your hand, then you have a practical person, without imagination. But he stands firmly on his feet and lives only for today. Such a person likes to control the situation, makes decisions himself, will never blindly trust someone. The straight line of the head on the palm is a practical line.
  • The angle of inclination is also important: the larger it is, the richer the imagination of the owner of this hand. If the line of the mind is low, then he cannot accept reality as it is. A rich imagination will give you the opportunity to be creative. He loves everything beautiful.
  • The double line of the mind is very rare and speaks of a strong intellect, a genius. These people always have great power over others and can get rich. The double line of the head is wonderful.


Palmistry also pays attention to how the line of the head ends. This affects both character and behavior.

Writer's fork

If on the hand, the line forks at the end (two small ones), this is called a "writer's fork". This is a very good sign: in front of you is a person with a rich imagination. He has many original interesting ideas which he successfully implements. From the name it is clear that such people become good writers, but it is useful to both the artist and the entrepreneur.

She rounds to the fingers

If the line of the head ends towards the fingers, then you have a person who loves money and has huge material demands. This is the sign of a person obsessed with money: a girl who will only look for a rich husband, or an entrepreneur who wants to become a billionaire.

The line ends on the hill of the moon

Before you is an observant person, very sociable, with a lively mind. This is an artistic nature, a creative person

Straight line crossing the arm

This means that in front of you is a person with a cold mind. Such a person is very comfortable in any society, because he will be able to give weighty arguments in a dispute, win everyone in a debate, analyze well. This is an authoritarian and uncompromising personality.


palmistry pays great importance and its beginning, namely its position in relation to the line of life.

The lines of mind and life touch at the beginning

If they have a common beginning, then a person behaves rationally, he has rational thinking, he can respond balancedly to any situation, even a conflict one, and is distinguished by self-control. However, if the merger occupies a large gap (more than 2 cm), then the mind depends on the instincts. Such a person cannot act spontaneously, he is always cautious, hesitant, unsure of himself, indecisive and withdrawn. In life, such people depend on their parents, behave like children, become independent late.

If the line of the head comes out of the line of life, then you have a dependent person with an aggressive character. He is often irritable and grumpy.

Lines of mind and life begin separately

If the line of mind and the line of life begin separately, then we have a self-confident person with independent thinking, in order to convince him in a dispute, you need to bring facts and arguments. These are very stubborn people, ready to strive for the goal, no matter what it costs them. Flexible thinking, independence, freedom, openness, enterprise, optimism - all positive qualities are concentrated in one person.

If the line of mind and life begins and ends at a considerable distance, this means that a person craves independence, he is very courageous and ready to make decisions quickly. His rational arguments are often not taken into account, emotions and desires come first. In addition, he is irritable, temperamental, ready to get into a showdown for any reason.

Signs on the line

Palmistry pays attention to signs. Pay attention to them on the right palm.

If branches to the index finger are clearly visible in the palm, this means that the person is confident, can count on significant material and social achievements. If the branch is to the little finger, then he is prone to risky commercial transactions. However, if the line is clear, it indicates entrepreneurial talent and success.

If a gap is clearly visible on it, then this indicates a change in the person's worldview. Sometimes it is a sign of a head injury. Also on physical damage head indicates a cross or dot. The star also speaks of a possible head injury. A clear sign, a deep star - a wound can be fatal.

The cross (on the line of the mind), as already mentioned, is an unfavorable sign, meaning injury. But it is necessary to study where this cross is located. So, if the cross is located at the beginning, then this promises happiness. If the cross can be seen in the middle - this is an indicator of misfortune and serious illness, injury. If the cross is under the ring finger, this is evidence of imminent death. However, the cross must be considered together with other signs of the hand.

An island (a sign on the line of the mind) means that this person is waiting for a period of search and doubt, during this period there may be problems at work or in life. The island also affects health: it is difficult for such a person to concentrate, he suffers from headaches.

If the island is located at the beginning, then it will be operated on by the throat or ears. Sometimes the island speaks of possible depressions, mental problems. If the island is not one, but several of them, then a person is waiting for nervous illnesses. Sometimes an island is a sign of mental overwork. The island is not a good sign.

The triangle on the line of the head is a sign of success in science. This is a very good sign.

The line of the head runs along the palm below the line of the heart. In palmistry, it can also be called the line of the mind or intellect. A large number of experiments suggests that it determines a complex of intellectual qualities of a person, such as mentality, the amount of concentration of the mind, the possibility of self-control.

The importance of the line of the head is as great as the importance of the mind in the life of mankind. A person can be well developed in other areas, but the correctness of his actions will always depend on the mentality. Intelligence is the very power that allows you to make changes in the natural course of life, nourishes a person with the strength to change qualities and is able to influence the people around him.

Before you start opening the values ​​of the head line, you need to establish its location, since there are situations in which it is completely absent. But the intellect has a power that directly affects the rest of the features on the hand, so complete absence is a very rare case.

  • In palmistry, the line of the head divides the palm into two halves, passes between the lines of the heart and life.
  • Sometimes it originates at one point with the line of life, that is, it connects at the very beginning on the edge of the palm. In some cases, it starts at some distance from it.
  • It can break off, large gaps speak of some event or accident that affected a person’s mind or his mental health.
  • Small cliffs indicate the impossibility or unwillingness of a person to develop his intellectual level.

long dash

Straight and clear line of the head (under No. 2 in the figure)

The person has a sound mind, he is quite prudent and purposeful. This individual does not like to rush and makes final decisions after much deliberation.

Slow, measured decision-making and excessive accuracy interfere with a fulfilling life. The presence of a straight and clear line of intellect in women speaks of remarkable abilities in the household, but it happens that such enthusiasm takes on hypertrophied forms.

Long head line

The owner of such a hand has discretion and a sober mind. He is busy looking for the most effective and swift ways to achieve his goals. Strength of character, love for work, fast working pace help a person achieve the desired results, but constant control over the situation weakens friendly relations.

Very long, reaches the edges of the palm

Such a sign often occurs in people with an unusual mind and analytical abilities. The owner of the line of the mind, passing from one edge of the palm to the other, can successfully conduct business, engage in industry or finance.

In addition, such a person is attracted to transactions associated with risks. From time to time, thanks to his talents, a person imagines himself "above" the rest, this can turn society against him, so he needs to be more careful and not enter into conflicts.

Second line running parallel

To meet such a mutual arrangement of the two bands is a rarity and good luck. The double line of the mind in the palm of your hand indicates the owner of dual thinking. Such a person is cautious and at the same time power-hungry. In difficult times, the inheritance received will help him.

short or intermittent

Short head line

The owner of the head line, which ends early, approximately in the middle of the palm or earlier, prefers the established order of life. For this person, everything that is tangible and real matters.

Dreams are in the past, only the present is important, he reminds himself of this every day. A measured life suits him in all respects and allows him to be less afraid of the future.

broken head line

Such a sign speaks of a passionate nature that takes care of the sick and our smaller brothers, but this is more likely not due to warmth of the heart, but to the search for new hobbies. In any case, curiosity is inherent in man.

high location

A highly located line of the mind, reaching the line of the heart, means indifference to the opinion of society in palmistry. The owner of such a hand will never agree with his wrong, even when his guilt is obvious. He will not beg for forgiveness and will not plead guilty.

The surest solution for relatives and people who surround him is to forever forget about the conflict and the rude behavior of the narcissist. Thinking and worrying about it is pointless.

Wavy head line

Gives out a person who respects family values who values ​​marriage and children. Quite often, the owner of a wavy line in the palm of his hand gives all his strength to building successful family relationships.

Rapid descent

A person with such a hand has an excellent memory and intuition and constantly improves his spiritual qualities. In addition, the owner of such a slope on his hand respects and appreciates the mind in the people around him.

He actively behaves in life, instantly reacts to life changes, owns a creative approach. This person is a little proud, he likes praise from the outside, because of this he is dependent on the opinions of others.


Chain instead of straight

The line of the head in the form of a chain is found in dreamers and people who tend to indulge in a serene pastime. Laziness can bring the owner of such a sign to the very bottom of society. Sometimes a push and persuasion helps such a person. At the same time, the chain in palmistry indicates the ability to be generous and, as a result, speaks of a high spiritual level.

Rising to the Mount of Mercury

Contradictory feelings struggle in the soul of a person with a head line ascending to (a hill under the little finger), he can be called a stubborn person who loves to grumble and at the same time stubbornly defend his opinion. The owner of the line of the mind bent up has a talent for ironically teasing the interlocutor and showing his dislike. Mocking people is a kind of self-defense. He wants constant attention and therefore difficult to communicate.

Triangle around Mercury

This combination is found in people who are diversified, talented, actively going through life. The owner of such a sign pays a lot of time to details and likes to understand everything to the end, he is in constant search of a new one in order to make the world a better place. This is accompanied by excellent intuition and spiritual qualities. Such a person can try himself in the scientific field.

Island on the head line

The life of a person with an island on the line of the head is filled with work, he works tirelessly, is active, and improves himself. At first, fatigue is not felt, but then it always makes itself felt. In all matters, the owner of such a hand is successful. There is a risk of alcoholism.

The head line bifurcates at the end or ends with a fork

The bearer of such a sign in the palm of his hand is simultaneously able to see both sides of one phenomenon, without making any special efforts. This ability is manifested due to the combination of a practical mind with the power of imagination. This person does not like a simple, one-sided view of things.

Possible vocation - work on stage as an actor. A similar pattern was seen on the palms of comedy artists. Author: Tatyana Ivanova

The line of the mind, which is also known as the line of the head or Head Line, does not determine the level of intelligence, but the way of thinking. Indicates how receptive a person is to the world around him.

It is located in the middle of the palm, between the line of the heart and the line of life. Begins under the hill of Jupiter. The length of the mind line can be different, which affects its end point. Traditionally, it is drawn to the ring finger.

What will the view of the line of the mind tell about a person:

  1. long mind line- will be found in the palm of a person prone to ambitious decisions. Career growth is all that matters to him.
  2. short mind line- distinguishes a person with high intelligence and well-developed intuition.
  3. clear line mind line- an indicator of good memory ability.
  4. Fuzzy mind line- speaks of low memorization abilities.
  5. broken line mind line- owners of the line of mind of this configuration will be disappointed in unfulfilled plans.
  6. The line of the mind bifurcates and forms a fork- the field of activity will be changed.
  7. Double mind line- such a line highlights talented people whose work is connected with inspiration.
  8. Rounded, target-like- reflects the confusion of thoughts, uncertainty. Such people often change jobs, not having time to achieve results in the same place.
  9. Mind line missing mind line- on this basis, you can recognize people who are in a mental imbalance.

What does the length of the line of the mind show

The line of the mind can be large, medium and short in length.

The long line of the mind does not end under the ring finger. Its ending is far below the little finger. This arrangement indicates that the owner of the line has an unconventional way of thinking:

  • sees everything that happens around in perspective;
  • takes into account possible trends in further actions;
  • analyzes;
  • has a predisposition to intelligent reasoning.

The middle line of the mind, ending under the ring finger, speaks of the ability to concentrate, analyze the situation at the moment, quickly comprehend what is happening and implement it in a certain direction.

The short one only reaches the middle finger. It speaks of the practicality of thinking, but in a certain narrow direction. The owner of such a line is able to concentrate and draw the right conclusion.

What determines the bend of the line of the mind

The line of the mind is straight or curved to varying degrees. The straight line speaks of a person’s unemotionality, his ability to think logically and the lack of desire to look for detours to the goal. He prefers to move straight.

A slightly curved line of the mind shows that a person has his own subjective opinion, perceives the world through a personality, is subject to emotions, has artistic and intuitive abilities.

A strongly bent down line of the mind shows that a person has a rich inner world that replaces reality for him. Likes to immerse himself. He is often not understood by others, as he perceives everything in his own way.

How does the beginning of the mind line affect

Another fact that affects the character of a person is the point of origin of the line of the mind and its coincidence with other lines.

Its coincidence at the beginning with the line of life indicates the presence of high moral principles. A person with such an arrangement of lines is devoted to the family, stable, self-confident, but careful when making decisions.

If the lines of the mind and life join not only at the beginning, but on a long stretch, then we can say that the person is not very confident in himself. He is easily suggestible, can get into an unpleasant situation, a sect or under bad influence. Usually it is dependent on others with a stronger character.

The lines of the mind and life are drawn at a distance - in front of you is a person with ambition, independent, self-confident. He is bold and determined. His charisma is hard to resist.

The lines of the mind and life merge into one and form the so-called "monkey line". This arrangement says that there is a subordination of one sphere to another. Or thoughts control feelings, or vice versa, but at the same time they are in unity. Such people are distinguished by purposefulness, concentration, which can often turn off the full perception of the world around them.

The lines have the opposite location on the two palms of people who managed to gain inner freedom, stop obeying conventions, and get rid of children's fears. Most of the prohibitions up to now have made life very difficult.

What do the signs on the line of the mind mean

If the line of the mind is intermittent, small islands or dashes are visible on it - this indicates that you have a doubting person, a little cowardly, distinguished by an inconsistent and fuzzy manner of reasoning.

On the solid line there are marks in the form of islands- such a picture is typical for people prone to exaggeration. A pattern can be traced: problems arise in the area for which the island is responsible, located under a certain finger and associated with it with energy.

The end of the line of the mind, forked in the form of a fork, speaks of inconstancy, instability. At the same time, people with such a pattern are distinguished by an active position, they are always in motion.

The line of the mind consists of two thin strips- in front of you is a person with a fickle character. The liveliness of his mind makes it impossible to focus on the problem in order to make the right decision.

From the line of the mind towards the fingers there are marks in the form of dots - which means that their owner is subject to extraneous influence.

What signs can be on the line of the mind:

trait- warns of difficulties in the business sphere.

breaks- changes in personal relationships, a change in the perception of the world and the whole way of life in the family. May warn of stress and head injuries.

Chain- speaks of a person’s inattention, his inability to concentrate when solving problems.

Cross- says that you misestimate your capabilities, engage in self-deception.

Lattice- warns that in front of you is a smart person, but not able to adhere to his convictions, often changing his mind. It is stubborn, and this is its big minus.

sister line- the person is different mind. Often he is hindered by the gullibility with which he treats people.

Square- a risky person who does not always think about his actions.

Not in all cases, the line of the head is able to absolutely correctly show that the person who is guessing is really smart. People acquire wisdom not from the moment of birth, but throughout life. If the line of the mind in the palm of your hand differs in its length, then this only signals that its owner has been given good abilities for analysis and special attention to small details.

Most palmists agree in their opinion that if a person has a short mental line, then he is more prone to stereotyping and conservative thinking:

  1. Depth, flexibility and breadth of thought processes are a trait of those individuals who have this trait stretching across the palm of their hand.
  2. If the line of the head is short, then this is a sign that the person is practical, appreciates his time and loves when his work is done quickly and efficiently.

  1. The line that stretches all the way to the ring finger is called the middle line in palmistry.

Note. People who are highly perceptive and have the rudimentary gift of foresight usually boast a very long head line that runs across the palm of their hand.

Mind line is straight and short

A short, straight line of mind gives the owner cunning, ingenuity and the ability to make important decisions quickly, without much thought. This is the main disadvantage of such people - they do not get to know the problem deeply, but only superficially, omitting the nuances.

With the owner of a short and straight line of a medium on his hand, it is good to do business, with the help of his charm, they easily gain the trust of others. On the other hand, if circumstances change dramatically, especially in a negative direction, they can meanly deceive and disappear.

The mental road goes down

If a clear bend is visible at the end of the line, then you should know that such a person has a powerful imagination and a vivid fantasy.

People with such a pattern of the line of the mind love to tell fortunes on wax and lay out cards.

What does a fork in the line of the mind mean

The presence of creative potential in a person will be prompted by a divergent one.

People with such a characteristic "slingshot" are great inventors, they make good writers.

wavy line

The waviness of the line in the palm of your hand is a clear indicator that the thinking of its owner is variable. People say about such people "seven Fridays in a week." In 10 minutes, such a person is able to flare up, apologize, and flare up again.

Palmists do not often encounter those who have such a pattern. If your friend has this "waviness" in the palm of your hand, then know that he thinks outside the box. Such a person is able to take risks, start a new business and make it very successful.

It also happens that the line of the mind crosses the entire palm, long wavy:

  • This is a clear sign that a person loves his work, and values ​​the material above beautiful illusions.
  • The owners of this pattern do not tolerate guile and meanness, and they themselves will not go for them.
  • They are distinguished by emotionality, but they try not to show it. Able to find an unexpected way out of the most hopeless situation.
  • AT family life owners of a long wavy line can flare up over a trifle, although they respect their chosen one.

A short and wavy line of reason, on the contrary, betrays a lover to cheat and go to all sorts of meanness for his goal:

  1. Such a person hardly admits his mistakes. Easily rubbed into trust.
  2. In married life, they are often closed, often showing with their whole appearance how irreplaceable they are.

Note. If there is a double line of life and a wavy line of the mind in the palm of your hand, then you should suspect its owner of hypocrisy and hidden selfishness. They say about such people that they live a "double life", "wear a mask."

The line of the mind connects with the line of life or begins in one place

It also happens that the head line originates in the immediate vicinity of the life line, but the lines themselves do not touch each other. You should know that people with such a pattern have great faith in themselves and in their abilities. It is almost impossible to convince them of anything until you provide weighty arguments.

The owners of this pattern, as they grow older, become more and more selfish personalities, but they are distinguished by a strong will and the desire to realize their dreams. For this, they are ready to sacrifice the closest people - family and friends.

Intertwining the lines of life and mind

The interweaving of the lines of life and mind, which gradually diverge from each other, will tell the palmist that their owner is firmly attached to the family. Moreover, the closer the crossing of lines is to the middle of the palm or starts from the middle of the palm, the more important family values ​​are for the owner of such a pattern. Under the family, it is necessary to understand the attachment of a father or mother to his child.

If the line of the head (mind) branches off from the line of vital energy at the very beginning, then this may mean that a person tends not to worry too much about the fate of his close relatives.

However, they do not have a strong influence on him. The owner of such a drawing will not be very worried about his children, who will try to leave their parental home faster.

If the lines are arranged as shown in the picture, then this is a clear sign that a person is destined to depend on his parents for a long time. However, you should not assume that the father or mother has negative feelings for him.

They may well support him financially or provide moral support. The owners of such a pattern start their own family late, but on the basis of a strong "foundation" of mutual affection.

Intersection of the line of head and line of fate

If the line of reason clearly crosses the line of fate, while creating a short parallel line, then it should be understood that such a person is guided by logic in his actions.

However, well-developed logical thinking is not the only plus for the owner of such a pattern. He is also able to anticipate dangers ahead of time and solve even the most difficult problems.

If the fortuneteller sees that the line of life crosses, as if cutting, the line of reason, then let him be sure that this is a person with suicidal tendencies. His mind wins over the craving for existence.

The head line goes up

The line of reason that cuts into the line of the soul (heart) symbolizes that in this person thinking is higher than spiritual qualities.

These people are distinguished by insensitivity, they can love to steal and are capable of the most terrible atrocity - murder.

You can learn more about the line of mind from the video review:

The main signs on the line of the head and their description

Cross on the line of the mind and its meaning. The cross-shaped mark is an unfavorable symbol for a person:

  • Most often, under it lies the fact that its owner suffered a severe head injury in the past.

  • At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the specific position on the line of the mind of the cross, which is able to suggest what was the reason for the events that occurred.
  • The cruciform symbol lying at the very beginning of the Mind line is a harbinger of a happy fate.
  • If he is in its middle - a sign of a complex illness or serious wound.
  • When the symbol is directly under the middle finger on the line of the Head, this portends the death of its owner.
  • A cross at the end of the mind line can mean an accident.

What does island mean

This symbol serves as a clear sign of the period of throwing and doubts about the fate of the owner, difficulties on the path of life and work go hand in hand with this period.

What does a star on the line of the mind mean

In most cases, this means that the person was hit in the head. But such symbols should not be interpreted separately from others. Therefore, explore other parts of the palm. The star is usually located in the very center of the hand.

If the sign is well drawn, then it is either death in battle or a mortal wound. Much depends on the strength of this sign and its accompanying signs.

In our time, under the place of the fight, you can understand anything:

  • work office;
  • entrance;
  • Cafe.

Often, stars can appear even in those people who received minor injuries in an ordinary fight. If the sign is poorly visible, and small lines surround it on all sides, then you should know that it is weakening, but still valid.


A clear sign of success in the scientific field. In palmistry, it is defined as an auspicious symbol, the carrier is provided with a large amount of honor and recognition.

One of the most complex and multi-valued symbols is the triangle. In general, the figure is positive. He prophesies the owner of development in the intellectual sphere. A person can achieve significant success in the exact sciences, in politics or medicine, thanks to his talents. The triangle on the line of the Mind or Head is especially interesting for interpretation. ….


In palmistry, such a sign is revered as protecting from unwanted, harmful influence symbols such as a dot or a cross.

If they are inside the square, then their owner does not have any difficulties in the future.

A circle

A bad symbol, meaning that its owner has an eye disease.

Palmistry has been an interesting method of divination since the Middle Ages. It allows you to learn about future events in a person’s life, about his successes and failures, diseases and a measured period of life. This magical science is based on the lines in the palm of each of us: life, heart, head and destiny. …

A few combinations to know

If the Mind line rises extremely high to one of the northern hills in the palm of the subject, then this is a sure sign of insanity. In many ways, the reason for this is precisely the properties of the hill to which the line of Reason moves.

In the case of the Mount of Mercury, madness can be expressed in excessive religious fanaticism. If we are talking about the hill of Apollo, then this is ecstasy caused by the desire to create and create. The hill of Saturn is a great loss of vitality, leading to excessive fatigue.

Lines from the line of the mind, which is directed to one of the northern hills, in addition to the above signs, can also mean that a person has pronounced abilities for commerce (if it is the hill of Mercury) or wants to gain fame and fortune (hill of Apollo).

Connecting the lines of Heart and Mind

It characterizes that the person has no instincts for self-preservation. At the same time, it is clearly visible in the palm that the line of the Mind does not tend to the edge of the palm, but rises up, merging with the line of the Heart:

  • Such a sign often signals that the owner will face rather serious body injuries in the future.
  • The pattern, however, cannot be perceived as exclusively harmful. This is due to the fact that the Mind line is fundamental in nature, which means that it has many different functional features.

  • Therefore, its final interpretation can never be completely unambiguous.
  • It is not difficult to prove this, it is enough to remember that this line physiologically expresses the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system and the brain.
  • If you take more high levels, then there she can tell about the volitional abilities of a person and salient features inherent in his thinking.
  • And also about what type of work he is predisposed to, what social status he belongs to.

Note. Do not forget that the line of the mind is directly correlated with the line of the owner's parent, which means that some of the identified signs have no direct relation to him at all.

Therefore, without covering other areas, symbolizing that the owner of the pattern is bad with self-preservation, such a conclusion is extremely unreasonable.

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