Amazing places in the world where tourists are strictly forbidden to enter. Es Vedra: an island that cannot be reached See places where nature does not allow

Man is increasingly interfering with the laws of nature, thereby destroying unique objects. There are places on Earth that are forbidden for various reasons for people to visit. Now you will learn about them.

Many people dream of visiting all corners of our planet, but here they will have to face an unpleasant disappointment - there are places that are not accessible for visiting, and they can only be seen in rare photographs.

1. Snake sanctuary

AT Atlantic Ocean near Brazil there is an island on which there are no people, and the only structure that exists on it is a lighthouse, but it works in automatic mode. It is better not to meddle here for a person, of course, if life is dear to him, since the island is literally teeming with poisonous snakes. Among them there is even the most dangerous reptile on Earth - bothrops. The Brazilian authorities decided to close the island and make it a nature reserve in order to protect people.

2. The secret vaults of the Vatican

On the territory of the Vatican there are vaults where important government documents, letters, securities and other historically important things that have been collected for more than one hundred years. These archives are considered one of the most inaccessible objects in the world. The last time was in 1881, the Pope allowed several researchers to study a number of documents for scientific purposes. All this procedure was strictly controlled.

3. Women don't belong here

In Greek Macedonia, Mount Athos is located, on which there are 20 Orthodox monasteries. Not all people can see these holy places, since this land is closed for women. It is worth noting that this applies not only to people, but also to female animals. If you break the law, you will have to serve up to a year in prison.

4. An island with a bad history

North Brother Island belongs to the territory of the famous New York, but today it is abandoned and no one lives there. Strange, of course, given the popularity of this metropolis. It's all about a gloomy history, because since 1885 a quarantine hospital has been located here. By the way, Typhoid Mary lived here - a woman who became the first carrier of typhoid fever in the history of America. In 1950, the building began to be used as a rehabilitation center for drug addicted youth. Today, people are prohibited from entering this island, most likely it is dangerous to health.

5. Prohibition for human safety

At an altitude of five kilometers there is a high-altitude highway connecting China and Pakistan - the Karakorum highway. Many people wanted to ride here to enjoy the incredible views that open up from such a height. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible as the road was recently permanently closed due to frequent landslides and avalanches.

6. Prohibition after death

One of the most famous sights is the ancient Mayan city - Chichen Itza, located in Mexico. It is very popular with tourists. So, according to statistics, up to 1.5 million people come here every year. For those who have not been here yet - sad news: since 2006 main object ancient city- Pyramid of Kukulkan - closed to the public. This is due to the fatal fall of a tourist during the descent from this object.

7. Isolated Hostile Tribes

As part of India, there is North Sentinel Island, which boasts the presence of pristine beaches and amazing nature. It’s a pity, but you won’t be able to see them with your own eyes, because a local tribe lives on the territory, which is hostile to strangers. They are so categorical in their attitudes that they even went to kill a few daredevils. For tourists, this wonderful island is closed to prevent such massacres.

8. Future capital of Russia?

The most inaccessible and mysterious city in Russia is Mezhgorye, which is "closed". Official sources indicate that it is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. There are no nuclear power plants, military bases and other important facilities, so the “closeness” is explained by rumors that an underground capital of the future is being built there. There is no exact version of what is happening in Mezhgorye yet.

9. Forbidden young island

During volcanic activity that lasted from 1963 to 1967, a volcanic island was formed, located off the southern coast of Iceland. Access to it is allowed only to a few scientists who conduct research. The ban is connected with the need to provide natural conditions for the formation of an ecosystem for the island.

10. Gates created by nature

On the territory of the Czech Republic there is a unique natural landmark - the Pravchitsky Gate. This is the largest rock arch in Europe, but since 1982 tourists have been forbidden to climb it. The explanation is quite clear - the extra load is detrimental to the structure, which is already slowly collapsing. Geologists have a disappointing forecast - soon the arch will completely collapse. By the way, a similar terrible tragedy happened in 2017, when the Azure Window, a popular attraction in Malta, collapsed.

11. The incredible beauty of the desert

Ethiopia has a unique place - the Danakil Desert, but tourists have not come here for a long time to enjoy the beauties, and all because of the constant regional wars. By the way, the remains of Lucy, the Afar Australopithecus, 3.2 million years old, were found in this place.

12. Ghostly abode

In one of the states of India, there is the Bhangar Fort, which is a ruin of the 17th century. People living in the area are afraid of this place, because they are sure that ghosts live there. No matter what the skeptics say, the authorities of the country have officially recognized this territory as the abode of ghosts and have introduced the strictest rules for visiting it. Tourists are strictly forbidden to visit here after sunset. Perhaps this was done to create excitement and attract people, or maybe ghosts really exist?

13. It's only for Muslims

The unreal beauty of the eastern mosques of Mecca and Medina with their relics and artifacts is available only to people who believe in Allah. For other people, entry into the holy cities is under the strictest ban. Important information: according to Sharia law, violation of the ban is punishable by death.

14. A place for the best of this world

There is a closed private men's club, which is called "Bohemian". He owns 11 square kilometers of land in San Francisco in America. Bohemian Grove is considered a devilish place. Every year in July, since 1899, the most influential people in the world have come here: American presidents from the Republican Party, politicians, bankers, artists, and so on. Reporters and ordinary people the road is closed. Many believe that the Bohemian Club is the new world government.

15. Island of human remains

It sounds creepy, but the history of the island of Poveglia in Italy is similar to that of New York. Once on this territory there was a quarantine hospital for people infected with the plague. There is a version that up to 160 thousand patients lived here, many of whom died there, therefore, according to assumptions, 50% of the soil of this island consists of human remains. When the quarantine center was closed, a psychiatric clinic was organized, in which a huge number of people were tortured. The place, of course, is terrible, and only daredevils would want to get here, however, today visiting the island is prohibited.

16. Unique bank in the mountain

Few people know that inside the mountain on a remote island that belongs to Norway is the Global Seed Bank. Yes, you heard right, in this institution they store not money, but seeds different plants. The repository was set up to conserve existing plant diversity in the event of a regional or global food crisis. At the moment, about 1 million copies have been imported into it. There is also an opinion that the possible number is 4.5 million.

17. For the safety of the natives

In Brazil, in the Amazon jungle on the border of Peru, researchers came across a small tribe of Indians (about 150 people) Yavari, who are cut off from civilization and have no desire to somehow come into contact with it. The authorities of the country, in order to save the tribe and nature from tourists, closed their area of ​​​​residence.

18. Prohibition for the preservation of the unique nature

Off the coast of Australia is Heard Island, which is considered one of the most remote places on Earth. There are two active volcanoes on the territory, which create a unique nature. Since 1996, the island has been on the list of the country's national treasure, and you can only get to it with a special permit.

19. Cave suffering from people

In the south-east of France, there is a unique historical site - the Lascaux cave, which has preserved more than 900 examples of prehistoric art. They have survived to this day thanks to the unique climate created by nature in the cave. Until 1963, tourists were allowed here, but now this place is closed. This is explained by the fact that people brought a fungus into the cave, and an excess of carbon dioxide exhaled by people provoked the appearance of algae on the walls, which adversely affect the integrity of rock objects. Interestingly, every two weeks specialists in uniforms come to the cave and carry out manual cleaning of the walls from the fungus.

20. Paradise isolated place

Almost no contact with the world and 50 inhabitants of Pitcairn Island, who enjoy unity with nature. Many of the inhabitants are direct descendants of the crew members of the HMS Bounty, who landed on the island in 1789 and liked it so much that it was decided to burn the ship and stay here forever.

It would seem that since we live in a free world, then, having enough desire and money, we can go wherever we want. However, there are still places on Earth, access to which is completely closed for tourists.

Below we have compiled a list of the 10 most famous and mysterious places that are forbidden to tourists. Some of the places below are off-limits to everyone, while others are only open to government officials, royalty, the military, or others with pompous titles.


Reason for the ban: scientific experiments
In 1963, a local volcano erupted in Iceland, as a result of which a new island of 2.7 square kilometers was formed. This immediately aroused the interest of scientists from different countries, as it became an outstanding example of new education and the emergence of new life. Since then, the island of Surtsey (named after the mythological character Surt) can only be visited for scientific purposes, and for all tourists it is a restricted area.


Reason for ban: too many venomous snakes
The island of Queimada Grande, located 35 km from the coast of Brazil, looks like a real paradise. However, a trip to this island will cost you a lifetime, as it is simply teeming with poisonous snakes: there are approximately 4,000 snakes on an area of ​​​​0.43 square kilometers. One of the most dangerous snakes in the world lives here - island botrops (Bothrops insularis), from the bite of which there is a rapid necrosis of tissues, that is, death is almost instantaneous. Its venom is five times stronger than that of other vipers. For this reason, the Brazilian authorities have imposed a ban on visiting the island of Queimada Grande, which is also called the island of snakes.


Reason for ban: unfriendly natives
North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Although officially administered by India, the island is home to the dangerous natives of the Sentinelese, who shun all contact with civilization and fiercely resist any invasion. According to scientists, these natives spent 60,000 years in isolation from the rest of human civilization. These people actively defend their territory. For example, in 2004, after Indian Ocean the Tsunami passed, the Indian government sent a helicopter to find out if the locals needed help, but the flying helicopter was met with arrows from the locals, who clearly wanted to drive it away. Their latest victims were lost fishermen. After their murder, the Indian authorities urged citizens to stay away from the Sentinelese and their land.


Reason for ban: only for the elite
The most important shrine in Japan is the Ise Jingu Shrine. The main temple is surrounded by high wooden fence. Only high-ranking priests and members of the imperial family are allowed inside. Until 1945, Ise Shrine was even more difficult to enter, separated from the outside world by the Miyagawa River, which symbolized the boundary between ordinary and sacred land. Monks were strictly forbidden to cross this river: it was believed that this would violate the sanctity of the sanctuary and cause problems for all of Japan.


Reason for ban: biological weapons testing
In 1942, the British government bought this Scottish island of Gruinard for testing biological weapons, in particular for testing anthrax. During the experiment, it was found that anthrax contaminated the territory, causing death in 95% of cases. Until the 1980s, the island was one of the most dangerous places on the planet. It wasn't until 1986 that scientists finally began "cleansing" the sinister island, and it was declared safe to visit in 1990. However, no one has settled there. Experts warn that anthrax spores are still in the island's soil, meaning it won't be habitable for hundreds of years.

6. Lascaux Caves, Southwest France

Reason for the ban: carbon dioxide exhaled by people destroys primitive painting
For history buffs, this place is an absolute dream, as here you can see the way of life of people living thousands of years ago. However, unfortunately, the Lascaux caves are on the list of prohibited places. This cave contains the most picturesque primitive works of art, the origin of which is attributed to the 18th-15th millennium BC. e. This cave used to be open to tourists, but a few years later it was closed, as it was discovered that the carbon dioxide exhaled by people destroyed some of the images. Today, only a few scientists have access to this cave.


Reason for ban: closed military base
This list wouldn't be complete without mentioning the infamous Area 51, northwest of Les Vegas. This military base has been serving mysterious US government purposes since 1950, and to this day, no one knows exactly what it is used for. However, there are various rumors. Some believe that it is used to develop and test nuclear weapons. Others claim that there are UFOs that landed decades ago on it. According to official data, experimental aircraft and weapons systems are being developed in Area 51. Access to the base, as well as the airspace around it, is limited.


Reason for ban: Closed seed storage
Ever wondered what would happen if, as a result of a natural disaster or war, everything in the world ended Natural resources and there will be famine? The solution will be a global seed vault in Svalbard. The vault allegedly contains numerous thousands of seeds of every plant species from all over the world. These seeds can be used to grow new plants and provide the entire population (or its remnant after a disaster) with decent food.


Reason for ban: secret military base
Pine Gap is located about 18 km southwest of the city of Alice Springs, which is located in the heart of Australia. Gap is operated by the US and Australia and is a very important facility for the country's economy. The airspace around and above it (up to 5500 meters) is limited.


This city in Bashkortostan has the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity. It is located about 200 kilometers from Ufa, the capital of the republic. The city is located next to the highest mountain in the Urals - Yamantau, which is constantly patrolled. There are rumors that an underground city is being built there - a spare capital of the Russian Federation.

Ordinary people most often choose popular tourist routes and destinations for recreation, such as Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, the Caribbean, the Alps, etc. More "advanced" tourists do not follow the beaten path and try to choose something unique, say, tours to Antarctica or the Arctic. But no matter how much money you have, no matter how much you want, you will never and never get into these places where tourists are strictly forbidden to enter.


Reason for the ban: scientific experiments

In 1963, a local volcano erupted in Iceland, as a result of which a new island of 2.7 square kilometers was formed. This immediately aroused the interest of scientists from different countries, as it became an outstanding example of a new formation and the emergence of a new life. Since then, the island of Surtsey (named after the mythological character Surt) can only be visited for scientific purposes, and for all tourists it is a restricted area.


Reason for the ban: too many poisonous snakes

The island of Queimada Grande, located 35 km from the coast of Brazil, looks like a real paradise. However, a trip to this island will cost you a lifetime, as it is simply teeming with poisonous snakes: there are approximately 4,000 snakes on an area of ​​​​0.43 square kilometers. One of the most dangerous snakes in the world lives here - island botrops (Bothrops insularis), from the bite of which there is a rapid necrosis of tissues, that is, death is almost instantaneous. Its venom is five times stronger than that of other vipers. For this reason, the Brazilian authorities have imposed a ban on visiting the island of Queimada Grande, which is also called the island of snakes.


Reason for the ban: unfriendly natives

North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Although officially administered by India, the island is home to the dangerous natives of the Sentinelese, who shun all contact with civilization and fiercely resist any invasion. According to scientists, these natives spent 60,000 years in isolation from the rest of human civilization. These people actively defend their territory. For example, in 2004, after the Indian Ocean Tsunami hit, the Indian government sent a helicopter to find out if the locals needed help, but the flying helicopter was met with arrows from the locals, who clearly wanted to drive it away. Their latest victims were lost fishermen. After their murder, the Indian authorities urged citizens to stay away from the Sentinelese and their land.


Reason for the ban: only for the chosen ones

The most important shrine in Japan is the Ise Jingu Shrine. The main temple is surrounded by a high wooden fence. Only high-ranking priests and members of the imperial family are allowed inside. Until 1945, Ise Shrine was even more difficult to enter, separated from the outside world by the Miyagawa River, which symbolized the boundary between ordinary and sacred land. Monks were strictly forbidden to cross this river: it was believed that this would violate the sanctity of the sanctuary and cause problems for all of Japan.

Are you planning a vacation? I present a list of places that are prohibited to visit. Moreover, you yourself do not go there to go after you read this post.

Surtsey is a volcanic island off the south coast of Iceland. It was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption that began in 1963 and ended in 1967. People are not allowed to visit this island, even scientists, to ensure natural ecological development without outside interference. However, this prohibition was violated. So, a rooted tomato plant was found on the island, which was brought by scientists. Oh, and those naughty scientists!

Weather Mountain is the center for emergency operations. This property is located in Virginia, USA. It is one of the main places for the relocation of high-ranking civilian and military officials in the event of a national disaster.

Mezhgorye is a closed city in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. People who live in the city are said to be doing top-secret work on Mount Yamantau, which supposedly serves as a location for nuclear weapons, Russian treasures, and bunkers in case of war with a huge warehouse of coal. But really, who knows?

Metro-2 is a secret underground metro that runs parallel to the public Moscow metro. It was built by Joseph Stalin under the code name D-6 by the KGB. Presumably it is still used by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Metro-2 is rumored to be longer than the public metro. It is said to connect the Kremlin to the headquarters of the FSB and other places of national importance. The FSB or the administration of the Moscow Metro refuse to confirm or deny its existence to this day.

This is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal, where an indigenous group lives - the Sentinelians. Their population is estimated to be between 50 and 400 people. The islanders reject any contact with other people and are among the last people on earth who are practically not touched by modern civilization.

Recent attempts to contact the tribe were met with arrows and stones. And on January 26, 2006, two fishermen tragically died when their boat drifted off the island.

The Vatican Secret Archive is not really classified anymore. It remained completely closed to outsiders until 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened it to a select few only. These days, thousands of researchers are studying these documents, but given that the archives contain 52 miles of shelves, some dark secrets from the past may still be discovered.

About 90 km from the city of Sao Paulo is the “Snake Island”. This place is so heavily inhabited by poisonous snakes that it has been called one of the most dangerous islands in the world. Scientists have calculated that about 4,000 snakes live on 110 acres of the island, which is one snake for every six square meters.

And it's not just some snakes. Snake Island is the only known home of the venomous lancehead snake, one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The snake's venom is said to be three to five times stronger than that of any continental snake. And he is able to simply melt human flesh. Currently, the Brazilian Navy forbids visiting the island for residents of the country, although sometimes even scientists are refused.

It's hard enough to get into North Korea. Now imagine how difficult it is to get into Room 39, a secret facility of the North Korean government. This facility is used for illegal operations, including counterfeiting $100 bills, drug production (including methamphetamine and heroin), and international insurance fraud. Many argue that number 39 is critical to Kim Jong's continued power, allowing him to buy political support and fund North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.

RAF Menwith Hill is an RAF station in North Yorkshire, England. This place provides communication and support for the intelligence services of the UK and the US military. Some of the satellites are operated directly by the US National Security Agency. It is believed to be the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, originally set up to intercept communications between the Soviet Union and the Allied Eastern Bloc. Many now believe that at the moment its original scale has increased ...

The United States is famous for its high degree of secrecy. But their efforts around Area 51, located in Nevada, are on a different level. So the main purpose of the base is unknown, but it is generally believed that it is used to develop and test experimental aircraft and weapons systems. Many theorists believe that aliens and UFOs are being studied here. But civilians are not allowed to enter there, so we will never know the truth.

The Vatican archives are classified only from the point of penetration into the vaults themselves. At the same time, anyone can get any document from the archives of the Vatican and read it. Despite the scandalous description of the Vatican archives in Dan Brown's novel Angels and Demons, the real situation with the documents stored in the archive is completely contrary to literary fabrications: all documents are absolutely accessible. For those wishing to gain access to information stored in the archives of the Vatican, there is a special catalog of all documents. It is believed that there are almost 35,000 documents in the archive building. And for their storage, racks with a total length of more than 80 km are used.

Area 51 is an alias for a military base located in southern Nevada in the western United States, 133 miles from the city of Las Vegas. Located on the south shore of Groom Lake, there is a hidden large military airfield. The main purpose is to support the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. The strict secrecy around the base, whose very existence the US government hardly acknowledges, has made it a frequent talking point for conspiracy theories and a central base for UFO research.

RAF Menwith Hill is a British military base that has links to the Echelon global spy network. It contains an extensive satellite ground station, intercept communications, a missile attack warning system and is called the largest electronic monitoring station in the world. The Echelon network was created to monitor the military and diplomatic activities of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc with allies during the Cold War, in the early 1960s, but after its end, it still operates today, is engaged in monitoring for hints of terrorist plots, political and diplomatic intelligence. She has also been involved in reports on commercial espionage and is believed to filter everything. telephone calls and radio communication in many countries of the world.

At normal person there should be no desire to penetrate the secret corridors of the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center in the United States: founded during the Cold War era in the fifties, it continues to function today as a center for emergency response to disasters and natural disasters. Today, the Center is managed by the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, and in the event of any, even a local disaster, most telecommunications are carried out through the Center. In the event of a global catastrophe, the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center will be the place to evacuate Washington politicians.

White's is the UK's most exclusive men's club, founded in 1693 by Italian Francesco Bianco. The surname of the founder is translated as "White" (White), in honor of which the closed club got its name. White's is best known for its "betting book" in which club members place the most bizarre bets, such as a £3,000 bet on which of two raindrops will reach the edge of a windowpane first. Becoming a member of the White's Club is extremely difficult. First, no woman will ever break into White's. Secondly, a man can get into the club only at the invitation of a respected member of White's, which will be supported by two more. By and large, only a member of the royal family or a highly respected representative of politics or the arts can receive an invitation to the club.

Mezhgorye is a closed city in the Republic of Bashkortostan, located at the foot of Mount Yamantau and founded in 1979. The highest mountain in the Southern Urals, Yamantau reaches 1640 meters and, along with Kosvinsky Kamen, a mountain range in the Northern Urals, is considered the place where secret underground bunkers and nuclear laboratories are located. In the late nineties, after the collapse Soviet Union and during the pro-Western policy of Boris Yeltsin, large-scale excavations in the Yamantau region were filmed by an American satellite. Later, two closed settlements, Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16, were built on this site, later forming Mezhgorye. Rumors about what Mezhhirya really is are very different - from a bunker for political leaders in case of a nuclear war to a repository of treasures of the Russian Empire.

Moscow Metro-2
The system was supposedly built during Stalin's time and codenamed D-6 by the KGB. The FSB of Russia, as well as the administration of the Moscow Metro, neither confirms nor denies the existence of Metro-2. According to rumors, the length of Metro-2 even exceeds the public metro. The line connects the Kremlin, the headquarters of the FSB, the Vnukovo-2 airport, the underground city in Ramenki, as well as other places of national importance.
Ise Grand Shrine -
The Great Temple in Japan (which is actually a series of over 100 shrines) is the largest shrine in Japan. It is dedicated to Amaterasu (Goddess of the Sun). The temple is destroyed and rebuilt every 20 years in accordance with Shinto's idea of ​​death and rebirth (the next restoration will be in 2013). It occupies a very high place on the list of places you will never go to, because the only person who can go there is a priest or priest, and he must be a member of the Japanese imperial family. So, if you are not a Japanese prince or princess, then no one will ever see anything but the thatched roof of this shrine.
Mountains Emergency Operations Center
This is a place that is not only closed to the public, but it is a place that the public will not want to go to at all unless there is a worldwide catastrophe. A highly classified and closed facility is the center of coordination of the actions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the government in case of any disasters of a national or even global nature. Included in the control system of the US strategic nuclear forces. Has very serious closed systems communications, including closed channels of direct communication with the White House. The facility is located in the mountains at a depth of about 2000 feet and is manned by more than 200 employees, mostly military personnel.