How does the fiscal data operator (OFD) work? Fiscal drive: what is it for and how to choose the right one

The authorities set strict requirements for the equipment used to implement legal requirements. It is indicated that the fiscal accumulator and the fiscal registrar are an online cash desk that meets the new standards.

A fiscal registrar is a device connected from outside or built into a cash register. Its presence is a mandatory requirement for business entities that, by law, must use cash registers. It is used to print checks and automate the trading process.

One of the elements of the computer-cash system is the fiscal registrar. This is a kind of printer that not only prints checks, but also stores data on transactions performed in memory. This information is subsequently checked by the tax authorities and the business owner himself to improve the efficiency of the outlet.

The differences between a registrar and a cash register are as follows:

  • The registrar has a fiscal memory where information is recorded "once and for all". In the future, they cannot be erased or corrected.
  • The registrar does not have a display or keyboard that allows you to enter data. This means that the device can only be used in conjunction with a computer.
  • Convenience of visual control over transaction information. The check contains information about the product, VAT, prices and other data. They are displayed on the screen at the same time. KKM does not always provide such an opportunity.
  • The registrar can be used not only to print checks, but also to create invoices and other documents.
  • The registrar unlike KKM keeps in memory the information on all goods on regiments of shop and in a warehouse. It helps to control the turnover of the enterprise.

A fiscal registrar is necessary to automate a business and increase its efficiency. It helps to adjust the accounting of products and reduce the costs of the outlet.

Do I need a fiscal drive for online cash registers?

Federal Law 290 understands online cash registers as devices equipped with technological components that make it possible to exchange data with regulatory authorities in real time through a special cloud service - a fiscal data operator (OFD).

The presence of a well-functioning "communication" gives the tax authorities the opportunity not to waste time and effort on field checks outlets, and control processes remotely.

The fiscal drive for online cash desks is the very technological component that allows you to debug the exchange of information. It performs the following functions:

  • recording information;
  • preparation for sending and receiving information from OFD;
  • formation of fiscal signs of checks.

Fiscal drives have become a replacement for ECLZ. There is no tape in modern cash registers and registrars.

An online cash register without a fiscal drive cannot be registered starting from 02/01/2017. From July 1, 2017, its use will become illegal for organizations and individual entrepreneurs on the general and simplified taxation system. From 07/01/2018, traders on PSN and UTII will be required to switch to new equipment.

A business owner may not purchase new equipment, but save money by upgrading the old one. To do this, you need to replace the ECLZ with a fiscal drive. The operation is not available for all KKM models. The possibilities of its implementation should be specified in advance with the manufacturer of the device.

Online cash registers: fiscal data operator

Before launching a cash register that meets legal requirements, the business owner must select an OFD. This is a cloud service that will transfer information about sales and accrued VAT to the tax office and store the information for five years.

It is the OFD that gives the buyer the opportunity to see the electronic receipt and make sure that the sale is legal. The document is sent to e-mail or mobile number, while KKT does not have such an opportunity.

To connect to the OFD, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • get an EDS;
  • register on the OFD website and send the necessary documents;
  • sign an agreement with an electronic visa;
  • register the cash desk with the tax office;
  • enter into personal account OFD data from the first cash report;
  • agree with the application for connection and pay for the services of the operator.

The business owner needs to choose an OFD from a limited list of accredited companies presented on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

What is online cash register fiscalization?

Fiscalization of a CCP is an operation to put into operation a new cash register. Until February 1, 2017, it was held in tax office, now it needs to be done remotely.

To start legally using the purchased (modernized) cash register, the business owner goes through the registration procedure through his personal account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Based on the results of the consideration of the application, the tax authorities assign a unique number to the car.

This number must be entered into the fiscal drive along with other data: information about the location of the outlet, the selected OFD, etc. How to do this depends on the model of the device you are using. In some cases, the operation is easy to perform on your own, in others you can not do without the help of a specialist. Details are best checked with the manufacturer in advance.

When the code is entered, fiscal cash desks online must print the first report. The data from it is transferred to the registration form in your personal account. They are sent to the tax authorities and checked for failures and errors in the operation of the device. If no problems are found, the device is officially registered. His card is sent to the business owner. From this point on, you can use the technique legally.

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What is a fiscal storage for? To whom and for how long to buy it? Where to buy FN and how to work with it? Why can it be blocked and how to re-register the fiscal drive? With the introduction of 54-FZ, entrepreneurs have many questions regarding working with this device. Look for answers and explanations to them in this article.

What is a fiscal storage?

The fiscal drive for the online cash register is an electronic chip installed in the new generation of cash desks. Also, the fiscal drive is a cryptographic device capable of protecting information from unauthorized persons using data encryption.

Replacing ECLZ with a fiscal drive

Functionally, the fiscal drive replaces the "black box" of old cash registers, called EKLZ (electronic control tape protected). The fiscal drive, like the ECLZ, accumulates and encrypts information, but the list of its functions is much wider than that of its predecessor.

First of all, devices differ in the amount of memory. If for ECLZ it was about 4 mb, then for the fiscal drive it is 64 times more and is already 256 mb.

Important! Since mid-2017, the fiscal drive has completely replaced the ECLZ and fiscal memory in cash registers.

Distinctive features of the fiscal drive:

  1. It has the function of signing checks with the electronic signature of the entrepreneur (the function is provided for the absence of the possibility of forging a check);
  2. Since the fiscal drive is a cryptographic tool, before transferring data, all information goes through the encryption process, which excludes the possibility of using information by unauthorized persons;
  3. The fiscal drive of the online cash register is able to decrypt messages from the fiscal data operator;
  4. Just like ECLZ, the fiscal drive stores all information about shifts, cashiers and checks, however, in addition, FN also collects information about the list of goods sold;
  5. The information collected by the fiscal drive is automatically transferred to the tax office after each transaction is completed.

Important! The fiscal accumulator must be changed once every 13, 15 or 36 months, depending on the taxation system.

The fiscal accumulator can be replaced by the store owner himself, although you can also use the help of a CTO employee.

Strict requirements are imposed on the fiscal drive:

  1. Mandatory sealing of the device case;
  2. Storage of the drive after the expiration of its life should not last less than five years;
  3. If the intermediary of data transfer to the tax office (OFD) within thirty days does not receive information about transactions performed through the online cash register, the fiscal drive will be automatically blocked.

Try the Business.Ru online checkout and get all the equipment you need for work: fiscal registrars with a fiscal drive, smart terminals, barcode scanners, CEP, JaCarta keys, etc. Our specialists will set up the online checkout and the cash program on a turnkey basis ".

In 2018, the period of the first replacement of fiscal drives in online cash registers, which were installed in 2017, begins. This procedure raises a number of questions from the owners of online cash registers. Read our article about how to replace FN, about possible causes and methods of replacement.

What is a fiscal storage for?

The fiscal accumulator is the third generation of devices designed to improve the process of state control of business and, first of all, control over its revenue.

The first two were fiscal memory and ECLZ. Both the first and second inventions were positioned by state authorities. control as a device that excludes external influence, which was supposed to preserve the originality of information about all transactions carried out at the cash desk.

However, the state did not take into account such a feature of Russians as the ability to think extremely creatively and creatively in emergency or critical situations (this is how any attempt by state bodies to strengthen control over the proceeds of entrepreneurs is perceived).

This feature is especially often manifested when there is a burning desire to circumvent the law.

Since the digital and IT sphere is also developing in the ranks of craftsmen, a program was written very soon, with the help of which the ECLZ is turned off, and the cashier at the end of the cash register calmly reduces the debit with credit by editing cash receipts.

Naturally this program was in great demand among entrepreneurs. However, not everything is as sunny as it might seem:

  1. Firstly, to install this program, it was necessary to make changes to the internal firmware of the cash register, which could not go unnoticed if checked by a competent specialist;
  2. Secondly, any generated check will in fact be a fake, which will become known if it is verified;
  3. Thirdly, over time, the operational authorities began to pay special attention to points with "black cash desks", as you might guess, for the merchant, the matter did not end with a warning in this case.

However, needless to say, the people in Russia are not shy, and the software created by the geniuses of the "black market" was wildly popular, which was one of the reasons for the transition to the new generation of cash desks.

In the fiscal drive, the data encryption algorithm is thought out very seriously. There is also no possibility of falsifying information for the reason that the data is transmitted online.

That is, the entrepreneur simply will not have time to make adjustments. The installation of “left” software is also excluded in the first place by the fact that the body of the fiscal drive of the online cash register must be sealed.

When and to whom to start using the fiscal accumulator?

The timing of the start of using the fiscal accumulator directly depends on the timing of the transition of businessmen to the use of new generation cash registers:

  1. From July 1, 2017, online cash registers with a fiscal drive should be used by businessmen working in trade, on the simplified tax system, and OSNO and previously using cash registers;
  2. From July 1, 2018, entrepreneurs who use special taxation systems in organizations - patent, UTII - switched to the cash registers of a new generation, and, accordingly, to the use of a fiscal drive. Also, enterprises issuing BSO will switch to online cash desks.

Try the simple and convenient Business.Ru online cash register and easily register sales in your store. All equipment and software of our online cash desk fully complies with the requirements of Law No. 54-FZ and EGAIS.

Do I need to change the FN version to switch to FFD 1.05?

To date, there are two versions of fiscal drives:

  • FN 1;
  • FN 1.1.

The versions differ from each other in what fiscal data formats (FFD) they work with.

Fiscal data format is a way to display fiscal data on a cash receipt. Fiscal data includes information about the point of sale, the details of the seller, the sign of the check, the location of the point of sale, etc.

According to the law, fiscal data must be in a strictly approved format and cannot be changed on someone's initiative.

The data format is important in the formation of any cash reporting:

  • creation of forms characterized by strict reporting;
  • creation of reports on the closing or opening of a cash register shift of an outlet;
  • reports generated during the registration or re-registration of cash registers;
  • reports that are generated at the time of closing the fiscal accumulator.

Based on the goals of the law “On the use of cash registers”, it can be seen that the state focuses on real-time data transfer from the seller to the tax service through an intermediary - OFD.

There is a huge amount of information being transferred, and with the onset of the deadline for the transition (currently July 1, 2019), its volumes will only increase.

In order to maximally unify the type of transmitted information and simplify the entire procedure, fiscal data formats are created.

There are currently two valid fiscal data formats:

  • version 1.0;
  • version 1.05.

Important! Another version of the 1.1 format is in development. Its launch is scheduled for January 2019.

The versions differ from each other by the details that are indicated in the strict reporting forms, and the structure, following which the information is entered into the document.

As usual, in the development of any devices and software for them - the higher the version, the higher the quality of the product.

If you are the owner of an online store, try the Business.Ru Online Checks web service, which fully complies with Federal Law 54-FZ, supports FFD versions 1.05 and 1.1, and is guaranteed to send electronic checks to your customers.

FFD version 1.0

He is the founder of a series of formats. It was developed based, for the most part, on theory. Accordingly, all the improvements made to the subsequent version appeared by trial and error.

A cash desk employee often could not perform an elementary operation, such as making an advance payment at the cash desk (such a need could arise if a deposit was supposed to be paid for a product or service).

Also in this version it is not possible to change the location of the outlet. The place indicated during the registration of the cash desk has always remained unchanged.

FFD version 1.05

During its development, the shortcomings of the previous version were taken into account. The possibility of putting down new signs of calculation was introduced, shortcomings were corrected.

Some sources say that FFD 1.05 is an intermediate version, but this does not prevent entrepreneurs from using it in online cash registers.

FFD version 1.1

This version is under development and has not been officially launched, but it is being actively discussed in the business sphere.

Version 1.1 will take into account all known errors, it will be optimized as much as possible for use by entrepreneurs. Commissioning is planned from January 2019. From the same moment, it is planned to decommission the version of FFD 1.0.

As for fiscal drives, the FN 1 version can work with such fiscal data formats as 1.0, 1.05. Fiscal drive version 1.1 can work with all formats of fiscal data, including format 1.1, which is under development.

Important! To switch from version 1.0 of the fiscal data format to version 1.05, it is not necessary to replace the fiscal drive, but it will require a flashing.

Where to buy a fiscal drive?

You can buy a fiscal drive in several ways:

Method number 1

An entrepreneur can purchase a device together with a set of cash equipment (or a kit for its modernization).

Method number 2

It is possible to purchase a fiscal drive through an official representative of the manufacturer.

Method number 3

Acquisition of the necessary device directly from an intermediary between the entrepreneur and the tax office. Simply put, the purchase of FN from the operator of fiscal data.

Take advantage of the offer of a comprehensive connection of the Business.Ru online cash desk and get all the equipment you need for work. We will deliver you fiscal registrars with a fiscal drive, smart terminals, barcode scanners, CEP, JaCarta keys, etc. for free within 3-5 days.

At the moment, there are seven companies producing fiscal drives:

  • LLC "RIK";
  • OOO NTC Izmeritel;
  • OOO "Pragmatik";
  • Dreamkas LLC.

The FN cost is:

  • from 5,500 to 7,000 rubles. on models with a validity period of 15 months;
  • from 10 000 rub. on the model, with a shelf life of 36 months.

Detailed information about FN models is indicated in the register of fiscal accumulators.

You can also familiarize yourself with it on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the section “New procedure for the use of cash registers”> “Registers”> “Register of fiscal drives”.

In addition to checking the manufacturers of FN, on the website of the tax service, you can check the existence of a fiscal accumulator with a specific number.

Using the service for checking manufactured copies of fiscal drives by the FN serial number, make sure that the purchased equipment is “clean”.

If you bought a FN without a number - contact the manufacturer, supplier or tax office, check if this copy was produced, if not, then you purchased a fake.

Let us clarify that without the availability of information about the copy of the FN, it will be impossible to register the cash desk with the Federal Tax Service.

Until 2021, entrepreneurs and business owners are switching to online cash registers - those that go online and transmit sales data to the tax office through a fiscal data operator (OFD). To do this, cash desks need a fiscal drive (FN) - it stores data on all transactions performed.

All drives are different - it is not clear to the entrepreneur which one is needed to work under 54-FZ. Let's figure out what a fiscal drive is, what types of FN are and how to choose the right one for your business.


What is a fiscal drive and why is it needed

Fiscal drive is a chip that is installed in the online cash register. The FN records data on all transactions at the checkout - fiscal data is also stored there: reports, cash receipts, forms of strict reporting. OFD processes this data and transfers it to the tax office, which thus receives information about the movement of money through a specific cash desk. Without the fiscal accumulator, the tax office would not be able to obtain this data.

What are the fiscal drives

Online cash registers can only use those fiscal drives that are in the register of the Federal Tax Service - now there are 18 models. When choosing a drive, consider its validity period and the scope of the organization. When the FN expires, you can replace it yourself.

Fiscal accumulators are divided by validity into 13, 15, 18 and 36 months

The maximum period of work is indicated in the product passport, sometimes on the packaging. But it may differ from how long the drive actually works - it depends directly on the activities of the entrepreneur. So, if the cash desk works offline and information is not transmitted to the OFD, then instead of the 36 declared months, the FN works only 18, 15 or 13 months, depending on the FN model.

The duration of the life of the fiscal drive depends on what is indicated in the technical passport of the FN and article 4.1 of the 54-FZ.

How to choose a fiscal drive

As a rule, an entrepreneur can choose which fiscal accumulator to use. So, entrepreneurs can choose fiscal accumulators for 36 months. But here you should be careful: such a purchase is not always profitable. For example, for a bar that sells strong alcohol, the validity of the fiscal accumulator in any case will be no more than 13 months.

It will be unprofitable to buy a fiscal drive for 36 months:

    when selling excisable goods: alcohol, cigarettes, technical motor oils (the life of the FN in such cases is 13 months),
    when operating the cash register in offline mode without sending checks to the tax office - this is allowed only for those who work in areas remote from communication networks (the term of the FN is up to 15 months).
    when breaking through from 200 checks daily: the fiscal drive has limited memory, up to about 250,000 fiscal documents (for such a number of sales, it is better to buy FN for 13/15 months)

Study carefully technical certificate FN before buying

For some activities, you cannot select any fiscal accumulator. Companies that provide services, organizations and individual entrepreneurs on UTII, UAT and USN, individual entrepreneurs on PSN are required to use FN for 36 months. However, you can use FN for 13/15 months in the following cases:

    with a seasonal nature of work,
    when working in areas remote from communication networks - that is, when the cash desk does not transmit OFD data,
    when combining its taxation regime and DOS,
    if the organization or entrepreneur is a paying agent.

Penalties for incorrect work with the fiscal drive

If the online cash desk works without taxpayers and sales information is not received by the tax service:

    for individuals: from 10,000 ₽ until the suspension of activities for 90 days,
    for legal entities: from 30,000 ₽ to disqualification for up to 2 years.

If the FN term is lower than required for the type of activity:

    for individuals and legal entities: from a warning to a fine of 10,000 ₽.

The Kassa 77 company sells cash registers: online cash registers, cash registers, cash registers, fiscal registrars, software and hardware complexes (PTK), POS-systems, equipment for trade automation, Scales, Barcode scanners. We provide services for the maintenance, warranty and post-warranty repair of any cash register equipment, as well as services for registering cash registers with the tax office. connects to the Fiscal Data Operator. We will produce, install and configure an electronic digital signature

Cash registers for office work, shop, mini-mag or boutique

Choice online cash registers depends not only and not so much on the financial capabilities of a particular organization or individual entrepreneur, how much on the specifics of their activities and compliance with the requirements of the Legislation. What is it, a supermarket, a small pavilion or a kiosk, a hairdresser or a fashion boutique? What is the flow of customers, the mode of operation and how wide is the range of products or services provided - all this affects which online cash registers would be the best buy. What are their parameters to pay attention to, first of all?

Let's try to systematize the requirements for cash registers and the compliance of the most common models of online cash registers with these requirements in the form of a table:

KKM model AMS-100K Kasbi-02K Elwes-Micro-K Elwes-MK Stroke-Mini-K Orion-100K Orion-105K Mercury-115K Mercury-180K
Ability to work with a large flow of customers ***** *** * ** ** ** * * *
Availability of a cash drawer + + - - - - - - -
Built-in battery (battery life) - ***** ***** ***** *** *** *** ***** **
Ease of refilling check tape **** * *** *** *** ***** ***** ** **
Ease of use for the cashier ***** *** ** ** ** *** *** ***** *****
Possibility of non-cash transactions + + - - + - + - -
Number of departments 16 16 8 8 30 4 16 4 16
Number of cashiers 4 4 8 8 8 2 8 4 8
Tax programming + + + + + + + - -
Discount programming + + - - + + * + - -
Weight, kg 8,8 2,3/8,5 0,9 0,9 1,7 1,5 1,2 1,2 0,39
Overall dimensions, mm 455 x 370 x 250 222 x 264 x 196 232 x 116 x 75 249 x 121 x 75 249 x 121 x 84 320 x 226 x 92 222 x 121 x 76 230 x 116 x 65 191 x 96 x 61

Below is a comparison photo appearance and overall dimensions of the most common models of online cash registers.

Small-sized models with pleasant to the touch rubber buttons and without a cash drawer - perfect solution for a mobile point of sale or miniature boutique. They are also suitable for those who seek to buy a cash register cheaply, because the price for them is quite democratic. However, such models are convenient only for use in retail outlets with a small volume of customer flow. For supermarkets, canteens and actively visited stores, it is better to purchase solid models with durable plastic buttons and convenient cash drawers.

In our store you can buy a cash register of a new sample 2017

A separate topic is the presence and volume of the battery, which also affects how much the online cash register costs. If you work in the market or on the street, choose models with the ability and maximum long term work without recharging.

In addition, planning buy online cash desk in Moscow and St. Petersburg, note on such equipment parameters as: convenience of refilling the cash tape, the number of departments and cashiers available for work, the availability of the function of programming taxes and discounts. Remember that the cost of an online cash register directly depends on its capabilities. However, even inexpensive models in our store are reliable and durable examples of commercial equipment, many of which have already proven their worth on the shelves.

In our catalog you will find prices for online cash registers from 5500 rubles. And all of them are reliable assistants for modern entrepreneurs. The main thing is to use them in accordance with their capabilities.

Since our company has many years of experience, not only sales, but also Maintenance various models of online cash registers, here are our recommendations on which online cash register to buy in terms of price / quality.

1) The most common, simplest, very reliable and cheap online cash register is ATOL-90F. The best choice for pavilions, small shops, stalls, hairdressers and other small points of sale and services.

2) The most reliable, cheap and quite elegant online cash desk is Elves MF. An excellent choice for places where appearance requirements are placed.

3) The optimal choice of an online cash register for any occasion, except for large stores with high traffic - EVOTOR. Only on this online checkout you can easily punch a check both at a free price and with a print of the name of the product or service being sold.

It should be noted that the choice online cash registers ultimately depends on you. We have only tried to make our recommendations based on personal experience online cash register service, but this does not mean that other models cannot be considered by you as contenders for purchase. Of course not!. We do not sell things that can cause problems for you, things that can spoil our image as a seller of quality cash register equipment. Selling online cash registers- this is our element, we know a lot about them. We have chosen the best for you!

Do you want to choose and buy online cash register but having trouble choosing? Call us, or better yet, come to our office and you can finally choose the best cash register!

Moreover, when purchasing online cash registers from us, you can not worry about their registration. Our specialists service center help solve all problems and answer any questions.

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The fiscal drive is a chip inside the cash register. It records information about each sale and transmits it to the fiscal data operator (FDO). The operator processes and transmits the data to the tax office - this is how the tax office finds out how much money has passed through the cash register.

At the old cash desks, EKLZ was responsible for information - a secure electronic control tape. She wrote down the amount of each sale, and once a year she was taken out of the cash register and taken to the tax office for a check. Inside the new cash desks is FN. It records more information: not only the amounts, but also the list of goods. This data is transmitted via the internet. The tax office receives all the information online, so there is no need to carry the FN anywhere.

Both the ECLZ and the FN have a limited service life, but only the employees of the maintenance center could replace the ECLZ, and the FN can be changed independently.

ECLZ memory was only 4MB - it's like four photos on a phone or half a song in MP3 format. In high-traffic stores, the electronic tape quickly became full and sometimes had to be replaced. ahead of schedule. The memory of the fiscal drive is 64 times larger. The FN passport does not say how many checks it can hold, but craftsmen dismantled one of the first FN and found a 256 MB memory module inside.

Although the memory has increased many times, the check size has also increased. When you buy FN, expect that it will be enough for about 230-250 thousand fiscal documents: if you print less than 700 receipts per day, FN should be enough for a year.

The old ECLZ models had 4 MB of memory, the FN - 256 MB, 64 times more. Photo ECLZ -, photo FN -

Which FN to choose

Order FN from Evotor and OFD Platform

Fiscal drives differ in expiration date and model.

FN validity period

The duration of the drives can be 13, 13/15 or 36 months. The choice of FN depends on the taxation system and the characteristics of the work. The number of months on the box is the maximum life of the drive. The actual time depends on the specifics of your work.

If you trade on the general taxation system

Entrepreneurs who trade common system(DOS) must use a drive that has a validity period of 13 or 13/15 months. The drive will serve them all the declared months.

In general, the law says that entrepreneurs on the OSN can use the drive for a period of “at least 13 months”, that is, any: for 13, 13/15 or 36 months. But the FN passport for 36 months does not mention the DOS for trade: the manufacturer does not explain how long such a drive will work and whether it will work at all. Therefore, it is better not to buy such drives.

If you trade on special modes or provide services

Entrepreneurs on simplified taxation, imputation, patent, ESHN and those who provide services should use only FN for a period of 36 months: it will also work, as it is written, for 36 months. The exception is the trade in excisable goods and the temporary (seasonal) nature of the work, about them below.

If you trade in excisable goods, work seasonally or autonomously

Everyone who works on a special regime and trades in excisable goods can use the FN for 13, 13/15 or 36 months, but they will all last 410 days (a little more than 13 months).

Entrepreneurs in a special regime with a seasonal nature of work can use the FN for 13, 13/15 or 36 months. Drives will last the maximum stated period.

Entrepreneurs who work autonomously, that is, their cash desk does not transfer data to the OFD, can use FN for 13, 13/15 or 36 months. FN for 13/15 months will last 13 months, FN for 36 months - 560 days (slightly more than 18 months).

Entrepreneurs who trade in excisable goods, but do not transfer data to the OFD, can use the FN for 13, 13/15 or 36 months. All models will last 410 days.

FN model

The FN model is the numbers in the name of the drive: FN-1 and FN-1.1. Different FN models support different formats of fiscal documents. Fiscal Document Format (FFD) is a special type of documents that are generated by the cash desk and accepted by the Federal Tax Service. Now there are three formats: 1.0, 1.05 and 1.1, but over time, the tax office plans to completely switch to FFD version 1.1.

The fiscal drive model FN-1 works only with formats 1.0 and 1.05, and FN-1.1 - with all existing ones. The format in which the cash desk sends documents depends on the model of the fiscal drive and the firmware version of the cash register.

All this is important for those entrepreneurs whose cash registers have an old firmware that transmits fiscal documents in format 1.0, and a drive of the FN-1 model: before January 1, 2019, they will have to update the cash register firmware and change the data format to 1.05. According to the order, when changing the format, it is necessary to replace the FN with a new one, but the government wants to amend the order - entrepreneurs will not have to buy a new FN when switching from format 1.0 to format 1.05.

If the cash desk is already working with FFD version 1.05, you do not have to do anything.

When you look for a fiscal drive on the Internet, you will also find MGM-FN-1. This is a reusable test fiscal drive. It is needed by cash register and software developers to test and configure equipment on the OFD test site. Test FN does not form a fiscal sign: checks have no legal force. Such a FN will not suit you.

Why buy FN for 15 months, if you can for 36

The main questions about the FZ-54

The law allows many businesses to use FN with a validity period of “at least 13 months”. It seems logical to buy a drive for 36 months, save money and forget about servicing the cash register for three years. In fact, saving is unlikely to succeed.

Firstly, as mentioned above, the period indicated on the box does not always coincide with real term drive operation. For example, if the cash register does not transfer data to the OFD, the fiscal drive for 36 months will work only 18.

Secondly, the memory drives for 13/15 months and 36 months are the same. It is large, but not infinite: if you break through more than 200 checks a day, one fiscal accumulator for three years may not be enough for you. It is easier and more reliable to buy FN for 13 or 13/15 months.

What happens if you use the wrong FN

Responsibility for violations of the rules for working with the cash register is determined by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation,

If you are on a special regime or provide services, you are required to use the FN for 36 months. However, if you bought a FN for 13 months, you can use it until the expiration date. In general, warnings and fines are expected for this, but in May 2017 the tax authorities published a letter in which they pointed out a loophole in the law: organizations with a seasonal nature of work are not required to use a drive for 36 months. What is "seasonal", the law does not tell and leaves the interpretation of the term to the discretion of the entrepreneur. This means that in order to avoid a fine for the wrong drive, it is enough for special regime officers to approve the seasonal nature of the work within the organization.

Where to buy FN

with fiscal accumulators for 13 or 36 months

Fiscal accumulators are sold by manufacturers of cash registers, service centers, OFD and manufacturers of FN. The price depends on the model, validity period, number of drives - often it is not even written on the site.

Do not forget that the law allows only certified manufacturers to produce fiscal drives, and the drives themselves are entered in the tax register. Please check the listing before purchasing.

If you are buying new cash register, most likely the fiscal drive will be included.

1. Choose the FN model based on your taxation system and work features:

Entrepreneurs on the general taxation system, if they trade: must use FN for 13/15 months. It will last 15 months.

Entrepreneurs on special regimes (USN, UTII, PSN) and those who provide services: must use FN for 36 months. It will last 36 months.

Entrepreneurs who work seasonally on special regimes: may use FN for 13/15 months or 36 months. Both models will last as long as possible.

Entrepreneurs who work on a special regime and trade in excisable goods: may use FN for 13/15 or 36 months. Both models will last 410 days (just over 13 months).

Entrepreneurs who work autonomously (the cash desk does not transfer data to the OFD): may use FN for 13/15 or 36 months. FN for 13/15 months will last 13 months, FN for 36 months - 560 days (slightly more than 18 months).

Entrepreneurs who trade in excisable goods, but do not transfer data to the OFD: may use FN for 13/15 or 36 months. Both models will last 410 days.

2. FN for 36 months will work all 36 only at the box office of special regimes and those who provide services. If the cash register is autonomous, the drive will last only 18 months.

3. All FN models are suitable for all cash register models - buy any one that suits your taxation system and the specifics of your work.

4. If you are submitting documents in the FFD 1.0 format to the tax office, before January 1, 2019, switch to FFD 1.05. To do this, update the firmware of the cash register. Even according to the law, it is necessary to replace the FN with a new one, but do not rush to do this: the government is discussing the transition to FFD without replacing the drive.

5. If you are buying a new cash register, check with the seller if the fiscal drive is included in the kit. If yes, which one: model and period of work.

6. If you are a special regime, but use the FN for 13 months, decide within the company that you work seasonally - this will help you avoid a fine for the wrong FN model. After 13 months, buy FN for 36 months, as required by law.