Hoya carnosa (Hoya carnosa, fleshy hoya): varieties, home care. Hoya: types and varieties, tips for growing at home

Amazing kind evergreens hoya (Hoya), a member of the vast Lastovnevye family, combines many types of spectacular vines and shrubs. Its representatives have become popular with florists for a long time.

Under natural conditions, varieties of hoya (wax ivy) grow in Polynesia, South, South-East Asia, West Coast of Australia. Such plants like woodlands. Here, not only trees, but also slopes of rocks serve as supports for them.

The flower got its name in honor of Thomas Hoy, a gardener who for many years specialized in growing tropical crops in greenhouses owned by the English Duke of Northumberland.

An adult hoya or wax ivy can reach a length of about 10 m. The color of young shoots is brown-purple. The stems will turn green after leaves begin to appear on them, aerial roots form. Over time, lignification of the shoots occurs.

Hoya leaves pointed at the ends have an oval shape, a shiny surface (in young specimens), later changing to a matte one. In most varieties of the plant, the dimensions of the leaves are as follows: length is about 5 - 8 cm, width is about 3 - 5 cm.
There are also certain species whose stems are covered with very small leaves. Some members of the Hoya genus have fleshy foliage.

The magnificent flowering of hoya evokes vivid emotions in literally all people. Contemplation of bisexual, star-shaped, five-membered flowers of the most different colors (white, yellow, orange, red, purple, etc.), collected in an umbellate inflorescence, delivers aesthetic pleasure. As a rule, their diameter is 1 - 2 cm (the exception is the Imperial hoya, the diameter of the flowers of which is very impressive - up to 8 cm).

The structure of the petals is fleshy, elastic. Inside each flower, the presence of a prominent five-membered crown of a contrasting shade is noted. The aroma of the flowering plant is quite strong. In addition, its flowers have the property of secreting translucent droplets of nectar, which is extremely attractive to insects.

Types of hoya for indoor cultivation

Hoya carnosa (Hoya carnosa)

As practice shows, caring for the Karnoz hoya, also called the fleshy hoya, will certainly be the easiest in comparison with the cultivation of other representatives of this genus. The length of this evergreen vine can reach 6 m, so it needs to be supported.

The leaves of the plant are small and oval in shape. Their hard, thick surface has a dark green color with characteristic silvery strokes. The flower petals are white and the crown inside the calyx is pink. Unpretentious hoya fleshy at home feels great. For this reason, it is most often chosen by florists for breeding.

Today, scientists have studied several forms of the Hoyacarnosa plant. In particular, variegated hoya (Hoyacarnosa Variegata) looks simply delicious. This flower is not only beautiful, but also hardy. When caring for Hoya Tricolor (Variegata Tricolor), you need to pay attention to its slow growth. But such a plant is capable of forming new flower umbrellas throughout the year.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on whether the Hoya Compacta (Hoyacompacta) is a subspecies of the Hoyacarnosa plant or should it be considered. independent view. This form is in great demand among flower growers because of its remarkable endurance, high decorative qualities.

Hoya the Beautiful (Hoya bella)

This ampelous plant - Hoya Bella at home is dreamed of by many florists. In nature, it is found in Myanmar, Indonesia. This variety of wax ivy is characterized by the presence of small leaf blades.

Corollas, crowns of flowers are white, the range of colors of the petals can include both pink and dark red tones. Luxurious hoya beautiful at home can be grown without problems with a competent approach to flower care.

Hoya Kerry (Hoya kerrii)

This creeper will surely be a great gift for a loved one, as its fleshy leaves are heart-shaped. When caring for Hoya Kerry at home, you need to remember that her long lashes need a garter.

In a spherical umbrella inflorescence, there can be 15 - 25 flowers. Their paint (yellowish, lemon, pale pink) directly depends on the degree of illumination.

Hoya Multiflora (Hoya multiflora)

Caring for Hoya Multiflora, it is necessary to take into account that for her good development you need to build a solid foundation. Flowers, leaves of this plant, also called Hoya Multiflora, are very beautiful.

The shape of the leaves is linear-lanceolate, they have well-defined veins, on the surface of the plates there are smears of contrasting color. The flowers have a light or straw-yellow color, long petals, bright edges. The outwardly curved crown has arcuate spurs. Up to 40 buds can be present in an inflorescence.

Hoya Imperialis (Hoya imperialis)

The imperial variety of hoya, also called Royal, Majestic, is a climbing vine with well-pubescent shoots. The shape of the leathery, smooth leaves of the plant (up to 20 cm long) is oval in the petiole, pointed towards the top.

The flowers are very large, they have a dark red color, becoming somewhat greenish on the outside. Their aroma is extremely pleasant, sweet. In nature, Imperial hoya grows in Borneo.

Hoya Concave (Hoya lacunosa)

Wonderful hoya Lakunosa (Pitted, Concave), grown as home flower, has a cascade form. The densely growing lashes of the plant are covered with diamond-shaped leaves with curled edges. Shoots, about 6 m long, have a red-brown color. For flowers collected in an umbrella, the presence of light, fleecy petals, a yellowish center is characteristic.

Hoya Linear (Hoya linearis)

Linear hoya, also called hoya Linearis, looks very unusual. Its foliage is very light. The length of the hanging lashes can reach about 6 m. The leaves of the plant are quite narrow (5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide). The color of young specimens is almost white, as they age they darken slightly. In nature, the flower grows in the Himalayas.

Hoya Graceful (Hoya gracilis)

Spectacular hoya Gracilis (Graceful) in its natural environment is found in Sulawesi, Philippines. It is a powerful vine strewn with oblong-oval leaves (pointed towards the ends) with a light green, somewhat spotted color. With sufficient lighting, their hue becomes pinkish, and the divorces acquire greater contrast. About 20 flowers with long pedicels are formed in inflorescences.

Wax ivy care

In order for the care of hoya at home to be guaranteed to be successful, you will need to follow the recommendations of experienced florists. A thorough approach to growing this beautiful plant will be the key to its long flowering.

Lighting for culture

Hoya grows well in good light conditions. At the same time, wax ivy is contraindicated in direct sunlight (especially in summer) due to the possible occurrence of burns on the leaves. Best of all, the flower will feel on the windowsill of the east or west window. Lack of light will adversely affect flowering.

Optimal temperature

AT summer time the normal development of the plant occurs while maintaining a temperature not lower than + 18 ... + 19 ° C. In the cold season, the flower tolerates values ​​​​of + 10 ... + 15 ° C well. The only exception is the heat-loving hoya Bella, which is capable of excessive low temperatures shed leaves.

Rules for watering a flower

The plant is recommended abundant, but rare watering. Such a procedure should be carried out after the clod of earth in the flowerpot is completely dry. It is very important to timely pour out excess moisture from the pan.

In the cold season, irrigation of the soil in a pot is carried out even less often: after 3-4 days after the soil becomes dry. The priority is the use of settled or boiled water at room temperature.

Hoya bathing, produced in spring and autumn, has proven itself well. But in the summer, the implementation of such a procedure is considered inappropriate. It is necessary to pour warm water (+ 40 ° C) into the prepared basin, immerse the flowerpot with the flower in it for 30-40 minutes. Such an event stimulates flowering, will have a hardening effect on the plant. In the heat, it is advisable to spray the flower.

Feeding the plant

During the vegetative period (spring - autumn), wax ivy should be fed every 14 days, using mineral complexes that include components such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It is also allowed to use compositions suitable for flowering succulents.

Overfeeding hoya, which negatively affects flowering, is not welcome.

Hoya transplant to another pot

A young flower needs an annual spring transplant. An adult copy is determined in a new flowerpot no more than once every 3 years. To achieve abundant long flowering, you should provide the plant with a cramped flowerpot. If there is a need to obtain wax ivy with many powerful shoots, it is advisable to define it in a spacious container. It is obligatory to arrange a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay, broken bricks at the bottom of the pot.

In most cases, transplanting or planting hoya at home turns out to be quite successful when choosing soil with any composition. However, experienced florists prefer to use the following substrate: 2 shares of soil for plants, 1 part of fine expanded clay, 1 peat or sphagnum, 1 share of vermiculite or perlite. The choice of soil mixture for orchids is allowed.

Reproduction of wax ivy

Studying information on the topic - hoya: care and reproduction, you need to know that layering, cuttings or seeds are used to breed a plant. In the first case, you can count on the flowering of young specimens in the year of planting. At the same time, the cutting method is considered the easiest and most reliable.

The use of the seed method will be justified if it is necessary to perform breeding work.

Cutting room hoya

Stems of mature plants are used for harvesting planting material. Short cuttings should have at least 2 nodes, 1 - 2 pairs of leaves. In order for the roots to quickly appear in specimens placed in water, it is advisable to wrap the container with foil.

Rooting occurs at a temperature of at least + 22 ° C, high humidity. After 2 weeks, cuttings with roots that have appeared will be ready for transplantation. Also, rooting cuttings can be placed in a moist substrate or sphagnum moss.

Propagation of culture by layering

The branch of an adult hoya is slightly incised, wrapped in moistened moss, closed polyethylene film. When roots appear at such a shoot, it is separated from the mother wax ivy, determined in a personal flowerpot.

Sowing hoya seeds

This method is considered the most time consuming. It will take about 90 days for the germination of sown seeds, the formation of the first leaves in young plants. It is worth taking into account that seed material is extremely rare on sale. Obtaining seeds from available plants is incredibly difficult. This method is practiced only by extremely experienced specialists - professional florists.

Hoya at home

Not all flower growers agree to grow wax ivy in houses, apartments, considering it a purely office plant. This is explained by the fact that many superstitions are associated with this flower. For example, there is an opinion that a hoya is able to survive a husband from a family, to expel grown-up sons.

At the same time, many people are sure that wax ivy growing in the bedroom can bring happiness to the house, get rid of resentment, envy. In addition, the contemplation of a well-groomed, abundantly blooming hoya gives aesthetic pleasure, improves the mood of all households without exception. A lot of useful information in the article: .


Curly, with numerous shoots. Its length can reach 10 meters.


Meaty, tough, pointed. Dark green, up to 8 cm long.

Flowers and bloom

Hoya blooms in early June and blooms profusely until the end of July, then resumes flowering in autumn, in September. The flowers are star-shaped and have five petals. They are waxy, collected in dense umbrellas. The color is different: white, pink, red. They are up to 2 cm in diameter.


The flowers emit a strong peculiar honey smell.

growth rate

grows up up to 45 cm per year.


it perennial, in the room lives for a long time, up to 10-15 years.

Home care

Hoya is an easy plant to care for.


Planted in small pots with good drainage and a mandatory drainage hole. Since this is a liana, which in room conditions often grown as an ampelous plant, then it is better to use a hanging planter.

Change after purchase

After the purchase, the plant remains in the technological pot for some time, then it is transplanted into a flower pot, but it should not be much larger than the transport pot, hoya blooms more abundantly in cramped containers.

Subsequently transplanted every 2-3 years in April. This plant should not be transplanted often, because even with the most careful transplant, it begins to hurt.


The basis of the mixture for hoya is leafy ground, to which add turf and humus in a ratio of 3:2:2, and mixed with a small amount of coarse sand. It is useful to add soil for orchids or sphagnum moss and crushed tree bark. Of the purchased soil for palm trees is best suited.


In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, but only after the topsoil dries.

If there is water in the pan, then it must be drained, otherwise the roots will rot.

In winter, watering is significantly reduced. Hoya tolerates underfilling more easily than excess moisture.

Air humidity

Since the plant comes from countries with a humid climate, it also requires high humidity at home.

Hoya should be sprayed regularly, but do not get on the buds and inflorescences.


At home, hoya grows in well-lit low forests, therefore, at home, it is placed on the southern windowsill, but it still needs to be shaded from direct rays. The lack of color affects flowering, hoya can drop buds, or even not pick them up at all.

Thermal regime

In summer, hoyu is quite satisfied with the typical room temperature for this time. In winter, it is useful to reduce the temperature to 15 degrees.


Hoya doesn't like too much a lot of nutrients . They feed the vine only during the flowering period, once every three weeks with mineral fertilizers and a couple of times during the period with organic fertilizers.


Most often, hoya is propagated apical cuttings, which are cut into 10-15 cm in length, while it is necessary to ensure that there are several kidneys on them. Then they are rooted in wet peat mixed with sand. The higher the temperature, the faster rooting occurs. You can also apply preplant treatment with root.

Hoya propagates by air layering and leaves with axillary buds, which are also planted in peat soil mixture and placed in a warm place.


Hoya does not tolerate pruning, even old peduncles are better not to be removed, because flowers will reappear on them. Therefore, only damaged leaves are discarded.

Diseases and pests. Methods of struggle and treatment

Liana leaves may be affected various fungi. In this case, the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth and treated with Bordeaux liquid. To prevent such diseases, hoya should be washed in the shower as often as possible.

With excessive watering, the leaves may turn yellow, and the surface of the soil may become covered with mold, while the roots most often begin to rot. Dark spots on the leaves can be a consequence of a sunburn.

Of the pests for hoya, thrips and scale insects are of particular danger. They rarely infect a plant that is washed regularly in the shower. But if this happens, then the vine must be treated with an insecticide.

    Here are some tips for caring for your hoya:

  • after the appearance of buds, the flower cannot be turned over, it can throw off the buds and not bloom;
  • hoya does not tolerate drafts;
  • the flower can be grown both as an ampelous one, and fixed in a pot on an arch-shaped support;
  • in spring, it is useful to place hoya right in a pot in a basin of warm water and leave for several hours so that the whole lump is saturated with moisture through the drainage hole;
  • in winter, the hoya should be placed as far as possible from the batteries and provide the brightest possible lighting.

A photo

Next, you can see a photo of home care for Hoya Karnoza fleshy tricolor:

Hoya carnosa - Hoya carnosa

One of the first hoi, collected and distributed due to its decorativeness. She has beautiful oblong-oval glossy leaves, good growth, generous flowering and most importantly: she is very hardy.

A large vine with curly lashes and a length of more than 5 m. The leaves are fleshy, acuminate pointed, pale green on the underside, dark green above, without visible veins, with the exception of young leaves, where they can sometimes appear on the upper surface dark color; all leaves are randomly covered with silver spots. The leaf is about 10 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Flower petals are pubescent, from white to pinkish. White corolla with a red center. Flowering is plentiful. Umbrellas in the form of a hemisphere. Usually about 24 flowers per inflorescence. The flowers are extremely beautiful 15 - 18 mm in diameter, the petals are pubescent with stiff hairs. Flowers last approximately 7-10 days. Possesses strong aroma, plentifully allocates nectar.

Flowers develop many times on the same peduncles, so they are not removed.

It can be decorated using any decorative supports (lattice, ring, three-dimensional figures) or in the form of an ampelous plant.

Easily adapts to cool rooms, unlike most types of hoi. In addition to hardiness, it is one of the few varieties with a clear juice rather than the milky one of most species.

Hoya carnosa has several synonyms: Hoya chinensis Traill., Hoya crassifolia Haw., Hoya laurifolia Miq., Hoya picta Hort., Hoya rotundifolia Sieb. and Hoya motoskei Teijsm. & Binn. Of all these synonyms, Hoya motoskei is the only one that continues to persist, and a separation from Hoya carnosa seems justified. There are many Hoya carnosa cultivars.

Here are a few of them with registered patents:
Hoya carnosa var. variegata. cv. Tricolor (Brand = Krimson Queen). She has creamy white leaf borders, with green in the center.
Hoya carnosa var. picta cv. Rubra (Brand = Krimson Princess). She has green leaf borders and a creamy yellow center. "var". means varietas (lat.): "variety", in our case - variety, variety.
Hoya carnosa var. variegata cv. Argentia Picta (Brand = Silver Princess). It has creamy white leaf borders with green in the center, but differs from the above in that the leaves are covered with a whitish "bloom", as if someone had painted the leaves in White color and then wiped off the paint.

And with unregistered titles:
"Alba"- our good old Hoya carnosa with pink flowers!
"Bold One"
"Convovulaceae"- cultivar cv. Hoya carnosa variegata with smaller, slightly curved leaves.
"Cream One"- cultivar Genevieve McDonald, also called "Lime Cream" and "Lime Green".
"Darling One"- cultivar Genevieve McDonald.
"Dimples" = cv. Krinkle-8.
"Divan"- dwarf Hoya carnosa var. variegata.
"Green Exotica"- When cv. Rubra has lost its variability, the owner of the Loyce plant has cut off the green parts; rooted them and sold them as cv."Green Exotica".
"Hollyana"- dwarf form Hoya carnosa var. variegata. There is no visible difference between it and cv. divan.

Temperature: during the period of active growth, the optimum temperature is 17-25°C. Can withstand long periods of temperatures just below 10°C.

Lighting: prefers bright lighting, but does not like the direct rays of the sun, especially midday, which can cause burns on the leaves.

Watering: plentiful from spring to autumn, winter time moderate.

Pests: in dry air, it can be affected by a tick. Also scale insects and mealybugs.

Peculiarities: after the appearance of the first flower buds and during flowering, the plant is not recommended to be touched or rearranged from place to place, otherwise the buds and already blossoming flowers will begin to fall off.
Propagated by cuttings, which take root quite easily and quickly, both in water and in the ground, in moss.

Video: Hoya carnosa flowering (lat. Hoya carnosa)

Hoyas need bright lighting, plants tolerate direct sunlight. However, when kept in the sun during the hottest hours of summer, plants may develop burns.
The optimal place for growing - windows with a western or eastern orientation. When growing on southern windows, in the summer at noon, it is desirable to create diffused lighting using a translucent fabric or paper (tulle, gauze, tracing paper). On the north window, due to lack of light, the plant does not bloom.
In the autumn-winter period, the plant is also kept with good lighting, shading is not required. In the spring, with an increase in the level of illumination, they are accustomed to more light gradually, in order to avoid burns.
The optimum temperature for the growth and development of plants in the summer is 22-25°C. The temperature of the content in the autumn-winter period should not be lower than 16 ° C. The plant is able to overwinter at 20-22°C, however, in this case, less abundant flowering can be expected. Hoya does not like stagnation of air - the room with it must be regularly ventilated, in winter this is done carefully to avoid drafts.

From March to October, hoyas are watered abundantly with soft, settled water, as the top layer of the substrate dries up. Since autumn, watering is reduced, it is carried out two to three days after the top layer of the substrate dries up (the earthen ball is not brought to complete drying). Watering can be done with slightly warm water.
Twice a year (in spring and autumn), the whole plant is immersed in water heated to 30-40 ° C for 30-40 minutes, and an earthen ball - for 2 hours. This promotes better growth and faster flowering.

Video: My hoya compact again for its own) Blooms again!

Air humidity does not play a significant role for hoya, however, it is recommended to spray it in the spring and summer. Spray carefully, it is advisable not to get drops on the flowers.
In the spring-summer (vegetation) period, plants respond well to top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants(1 time in 2-3 weeks).
High light intensity (bright windows in the rooms) activates the formation of flower buds. Flowering continues until autumn.
After the appearance of buds, the hoyu cannot be moved from its place so as not to cause the flowers to shed. You can put props under the flower brushes. After the plant has faded, it is necessary to cut off all the longest shoots, leaving short branches on which flowering occurs. Peduncles should also not be removed, since next year buds appear on them - flowers.
Young plants are transplanted annually, as they develop more intensively in a more voluminous dish; adult plants are transplanted once every 3 years. The soil is suitable nutritious and easily permeable, slightly acidic and neutral (pH 5.5-7). Hoya grows well in almost any soil, for example, in a garden mixed with sand. Good drainage is required.
Lot - a rooted cutting 12 cm high, 14 cm in diameter. The first three photos are the Internet, the rest are a lot.