How delirium tremens occurs. What is white fever? How to treat the disease

Every alcoholic is familiar with the state of getting out of a protracted binge. This painful period is accompanied by painful, unpleasant sensations. Body aches, strong headache, nausea, vomiting, nervousness and irritability are the main symptoms characteristic of withdrawal symptoms. But most often, chronic drunkards manifest alcoholic psychosis. Its most striking manifestation is delirium tremens, among the people - alcoholic squirrel, and in medicine - alcoholic delirium. This condition is accompanied by auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations, which is very dangerous for human health and life. What other symptoms are manifested in this condition, what are the reasons for its development, and how to stop it.

Delirium tremens accompanied by hallucinations

The root causes of the disease

It is not difficult to explain why this syndrome occurs after binge. Alcohol ceases to enter the body after a long drinking period, as a result of which serious disorders occur in the brain. Further, the process of inhibition in the work of the central nervous system slows down. The person becomes irritable, agitated.

Pouring large doses of alcohol into himself, the drunkard gets a strong intoxication of the whole organism. The decay products of ethanol adversely affect the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Such violations bring a lot of discomfort and discomfort to the patient.

Delirium tremens after drinking in a person occurs for several reasons:

  • single use of alcoholic beverages in large doses;
  • a sharp exit from a drunken state;
  • the use of non-certified alcoholic products;
  • prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, which leads to severe intoxication of the body;
  • intake of alcoholic beverages in large quantities after a long sober lifestyle;
  • the use of alcohol-containing products that are not intended for oral administration (cologne, hawthorn tincture, etc.).

Prolonged drinking leads to intoxication and delirium tremens

Risk group

Most often, a squirrel develops in chronic alcoholics in the second or third stage of alcoholism.

In men, the squirrel begins after 5-6 years of regular drinking in large doses. In women, this syndrome manifests itself much earlier - after 2-3 years of constant drinking. But the effects are the same for both men and women.

As statistics and clinical studies show, the older generation over the age of forty is more likely to suffer from this condition than the younger.

To get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon, a person should forever say goodbye to alcohol, otherwise it will not be possible to cure the alcohol syndrome.

The risk group includes several categories of people:

  • chronic drunkards with an experience of 5 years;
  • people who have had serious illnesses (brain injuries, inflammation of the central nervous system);
  • individuals who have already had a relapse;
  • patients who have chronic diseases.


Most often, this unpleasant phenomenon begins on the second day after giving up alcohol. At first, a person develops a strong aversion to alcohol. Then - sudden mood swings: a positive attitude can suddenly be replaced by aggression and irritability.

In most cases, the squirrel in both men and women is accompanied by insomnia, chills, trembling in the limbs, a feeling of fear, anxiety and panic. Also, delirium tremens has signs that indicate a complete disorientation of a person, impaired coordination of movements. In this condition, the patient's body temperature and blood pressure rise, the heart rhythm is disturbed, the skin turns red.

When a person has delirium tremens, there are also symptoms such as hallucinations, which are most characteristic of such a phenomenon. Let us consider in detail their types, and what is characteristic of them.


Auditory hallucinations are accompanied by unpleasant sensations. A sick person in delirium can hear anything: screams, curses, threats from loved ones, incomprehensible noises, sounds, rustles. Under such pressure, he wants to retire, hide from everyone. Such people constantly feel that they and their families are in danger. They begin to take measures for self-preservation and salvation.

Auditory hallucinations accompany an attack of the disease


Visual disturbances are accompanied by severe delirium. A person begins to imagine dangerous and nasty animals, insects: snakes, spiders, rats, etc. It seems to him that they are chasing him all the time and trying to sting or bite. The patient begins to panic. From hopelessness, he becomes aggressive and irritable.


In this case, the clinical manifestations are even worse. It seems to the patient that someone hurts him - beats, scratches, cuts. He constantly sees images from a horror movie, crawling snakes, toads and other unpleasant representatives of the fauna. If the drunkard is not helped, then he will experience such sensations for a long time.

facial expressions

Often the squirrel is accompanied by violations of facial expressions. Such a person can be immediately recognized by awkward facial expressions. He behaves bewildered, stutters, and on his face you can see grimaces of horror, fear.

In a panic state, he can run around the room, trying to escape from someone, to run away. Despite the fact that the signs of the disease are different, it is not difficult to distinguish between them.

A painful state can be recognized by awkward grimaces

Stages of the disease

This disease has different stages. Symptoms may vary for each. Consider the stages of this unpleasant phenomenon in a drunkard.

I stage

Threatening alcohol syndrome is very similar in its symptoms to withdrawal symptoms. The next morning, a person manifests serious physiological and psychological disorders.

Delirium tremens has the following symptoms in the first stage:

  • distortion of the normal perception of the environment;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39-40 degrees;
  • labored breathing;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • sharp and prolonged headaches;
  • indigestion (diarrhea, bloating);
  • speech disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • redness of the skin and inflammation of the eyes.

The manifestation of such symptoms is typical for the first half of the day. Toward evening, the person's condition may worsen. He begins to be tormented by insomnia, nightmares, fears, hallucinations and panic attacks, trembling limbs.

If the drunkard broke loose and drank another dose of alcohol in such a state, he returns to the usual way of life of an alcoholic.

II stage

In the second stage, the squirrel is accompanied by the rapid development of symptoms. Self-treatment of the characteristic syndrome is impossible.

Signs of the second stage include:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 39, sometimes 40 degrees;
  • enhanced hallucinations and delusions, in which a person hears strange sounds, sees absurd images;
  • the patient has an obsessive thought that someone wants to kill him or harm him;
  • increased irritability to light, sound and other factors;
  • increased aggressiveness, which develops into excitability;
  • rapid or irregular breathing;
  • insomnia, interrupted dreams with nightmares.

According to psychiatry, such a person needs emergency medical care, otherwise the second phase develops into the third - final. Its consequences are very dangerous for human health and life.

III stage

This is an extreme degree of the disease, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • aggression is replaced by deep apathy;
  • both mental and physical lethargy is manifested;
  • lethargy and fatigue;
  • the extreme degree of a delusional state is awkward speech and a quiet voice;
  • trembling all over the body;
  • epileptic seizures, convulsions;
  • shortness of breath, palpitations, excessive sweating;
  • pronounced hallucinations during sleep, insomnia.

During the onset of such symptoms, the patient needs urgent Care specialist. If it is not provided in a timely manner, a coma occurs in a person.

This is fraught with dangerous consequences for the life of the patient: disturbances in the brain, hemorrhage, cerebral edema and death.

What will be the degree of damage, no specialist can predict.

Alcoholic psychoses

The dangers of the phenomenon

Delirium tremens can provoke the development of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia - occurs in every third alcoholic after regular, prolonged drinking;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cerebral edema;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body - characteristic symptom, which manifests itself in almost everyone with chronic alcoholism;
  • destruction and atrophy of muscle tissue.

The disease, the consequences of which are listed above, can end in different ways. With proper treatment, a complete recovery of the patient is possible. Sometimes such a phenomenon ends with a partial recovery (some mental disorders persist). A fatal outcome is also possible. But if help comes on time, the patient is safe.

First aid

If the patient is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, he should be taken to the department of a psychiatric hospital as soon as possible, where specialists will provide him with competent medical care.

With a mild form, such a syndrome in alcoholics can be stopped at home. The main task of relatives is the speedy restoration of the normal condition of the patient. For this, the following actions are performed:

  • to reduce the likelihood of cerebral edema, manipulations are performed to lower blood pressure;
  • psychological disorders are eliminated (excitability, aggression, apathy or depression);
  • To eliminate the consequences of prolonged alcoholism, a person needs to normalize sleep.

From relatives moral and physical support of the patient is required. In such a situation, any pressure, pressure can aggravate his condition.


If a person has delirium tremens, treatment is carried out with the help of tranquilizers. The dosage is prescribed by a narcologist.

There are several drugs used to eliminate the disease:

  • "Relanium", "Diazepam" or "Seduxen";
  • "Elinium";
  • "Phenazepam";
  • psychoactive substances that are taken in combination with sleeping pills ("Diprazin", "Dimedrol", "Barbamil").

Tranquilizer "Elenium" is appointed by a narcologist

Detox drugs

For the speedy removal of toxic substances and maintaining the cardiovascular system in normal condition The patient is given multiple effective drugs that eliminate the disease:

  • glucose;
  • corglicon;
  • hemodez;
  • cordiamine.

At the initial stage of exacerbation, the drug "Prednisolone" is prescribed.


Treatment of this condition involves taking immunostimulating drugs that help recover from prolonged alcohol intoxication.

Most often, the patient is prescribed the intake of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and PP.

B vitamins help recover from alcohol intake

Methods of treatment

The indication for hospitalization of the patient is any psychosis caused by alcohol poisoning. Therefore, all treatments are carried out only in the hospital. Before starting, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes a course of therapy, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant diseases and the general condition of the patient.

The duration of treatment for fever is 4-5 days. In the presence of complications, the patient's stay in the hospital can be delayed for two or even three weeks.

Alcoholic delirium goes away after taking a number of medications:

  • detoxification;
  • psychotropic;
  • correcting electrolyte disturbances;
  • restoring metabolic processes in the body;
  • normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • enhancing immunity.

After complex treatment, doctors advise doing coding, since getting rid of the squirrel completely and preventing a relapse without this is possible only if you completely refuse alcohol. Few are ready to take such a step, especially in the case of a chronic form of alcoholism.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether alcoholic delirium passes. It depends on many factors:

  • timely treatment of the patient to the clinic;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies and diseases;
  • the quality of the selected treatment;
  • further behavior of the patient after the end of treatment.

Avoidance of alcohol is essential for appropriate treatment

Preventive measures

You can prevent a fever if you seek help in a drug treatment clinic in a timely manner. On early stage the development of such a phenomenon, a specialist will be able to prevent serious manifestations side effects. Such prevention will help to avoid not only serious complications, but also death.

For those who are especially brave, who want to overcome this condition on their own, experts recommend practicing a smooth removal of the body from a long binge.

In this way, a person can reduce the likelihood of developing epilepsy, heart problems and serious psychosis, which are characteristic of squirrels.

Consequences of drinking beer

According to statistics, beer alcoholism is gaining momentum every year. Previously, there was no such dependence. Now, this phenomenon is not uncommon among both the older and younger generations.

Many lovers of this low-alcohol drink are interested in the question, is there a squirrel from beer? Yes. With regular use in large doses, this phenomenon develops.

The treatment of squirrels from beer has an identical treatment regimen, as with alcoholism from vodka and other strong drinks.

Beer can cause delirium tremens


As you can see, delirium tremens develops for various reasons. Often the consequences are dire. Every person suffering from such a condition has the opportunity to avoid it if you seek professional help in a timely manner.

Alcohol is a type of psychoactive drug. According to statistics, only 5% of the world's population has never consumed alcohol.

Few people fully realize the perniciousness of the habit, absorbing alcohol-containing drinks in unlimited quantities.

The consequences of such actions can be severe, up to the threat of human life.

In contact with


Delirium tremens is an acute mental disorder and toxic damage to all parts of the brain caused by prolonged alcohol use. . Scientifically, psychosis is called alcoholic delirium.

It usually occurs at stages 2 and 3 of alcoholism, after 5 years of alcohol abuse.

There are patients who have never drunk alcohol in their lives, but due to grief or severe emotional stress, they went on a drinking binge for several weeks. Also, delirium can develop as a result of the use of counterfeit alcoholic products.

The disease is accompanied by frightening hallucinations, delirium and high fever. During this period, a person loses touch with reality, becomes inadequate and dangerous for himself and those around him. The patient sees various monsters that constantly attack him.

It is important to know: the state of delirium tremens requires immediate hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital, otherwise there is a risk of spasm of the heart muscle and respiratory system, which will lead to death.

In men and women, psychosis has the same form of flow. However, in women, delirium tremens is much less common. This is due to the fact that the female sex does not fall into a drunken state, typical of many male alcoholics.

It is generally accepted that delirium tremens comes at the peak of binge drinking. This statement is not true. The first signs of "squirrels" begin to appear on the 2-4th day after the end of the binge. The fever lasts about 5 days, but cases are often recorded when it torments a person for more than 1 week.

In fact, delirium is a kind of reaction of the body to a sharp reduction in blood alcohol after a long binge. Fever resembles withdrawal, which is characteristic of drug addicts who have not taken a dose of a narcotic substance on time.


There are several forms of delirium tremens:

  1. Mussiting. The main signs of a mumbling (mumbling) fever include movements without a certain coordination. A person is constantly shaking off something from his clothes or trying to grab an illusory vision. His speech is impossible to understand, he constantly mutters something under his breath. This type of delirium can lead to vascular insufficiency and cerebral edema.
  2. Professional. This form of fever is based on the professional activities of the patient. So, if he works as a builder, then it will seem to him that he is laying a brick. These visions are quite real for him, although they exist only in his inflamed consciousness.

Reasons for the appearance

Alcoholic delirium provokes the use of alcohol and its derivatives .

In the vast majority of cases, drinking alcohol is accompanied by poor nutrition or prolonged fasting. Often, repeated attacks of acute delirium develop due to lack of treatment.

In addition, in some cases, delirium tremens is the result of various traumatic brain injuries, diseases of the central nervous system, past infections or exacerbations of chronic diseases.

The disease depletes a person, reduces the protective functions of the body, so a prolonged binge leads to the fact that an alcoholic can catch a "squirrel".

There are also separate categories people who are at risk:

  1. hereditary predisposition. If one of the relatives of a person was ill with alcoholic delirium, then the likelihood of developing the disease in family members increases.
  2. The use of surrogate alcohol affects not only the development of delirium tremens, but also causes serious consequences.
  3. If a person has suffered delirium once, then the risk of its recurrence increases.

Provoking factors

Alcoholic delirium is exacerbated by the following factors:

  • tense situation in the family;
  • constant stress at work;
  • frequent travel by public transport, by plane or train;
  • dehydration, skull trauma, high fever.

The likelihood of hallucinations in delirium tremens is sharply reduced in a state of rest and silence. Subdued lighting in the room also has a beneficial effect. However, the symptoms of delirium can be completely eliminated only under the supervision of doctors in a hospital setting.

Note: fight folk remedies with this condition is impossible, otherwise there is a risk of life-threatening complications.

Symptoms of the disease

Delirium tremens comes suddenly. The patient abruptly loses spatial orientation and sense of reality.

He does not realize where he is, he has a feeling of aggression, indifference, fear gradually grows, transforming into delirium.

At the same time, a person is well versed in his own experiences and sensations. He can tell his name when he was born.

However, the first signs of the disease can be determined a few days before its onset:

  1. Manifested depression and lability of emotional mood in the evening.
  2. Euphoria is abruptly replaced by unreasonable sadness, a person experiences anxiety and excitement. Periodically, he is haunted by fragments of memories from the past.
  3. The desire to drink disappears, sometimes to the point of complete disgust. Usually such a symptom is fixed 1-2 days before the exacerbation.
  4. Exhausting nervous trembling of the limbs, to the point that a person cannot take a glass of water.
  5. Sleep worsens, the patient complains of terrible visions that make him wake up.
  6. There is a violation of coordination of movements, while motor activity increases.

A little later, visual hallucinations (delirium) appear. A person sees otherworldly forces, various animals and birds. It often happens that patients begin to hear angry or irritated voices that are heard from all sides. For the most part, these voices swear among themselves, threaten a person, argue. In some cases, auditory hallucinations develop into orders, forcing the patient to strictly follow them.

Tactile hallucinations are accompanied by unpleasant sensations. It seems to the alcoholic that many small insects are crawling over him, which sting and bite painfully.

In addition, there is a feeling that the mouth is full of threads, hair or foreign objects. Mixed hallucinations are characterized by a certain storyline, the hero of which becomes a patient with delirium tremens.

Alcoholic delirium causes illusions. A person sees fantastic visions, pictures flash before his eyes, which are superimposed in the imagination on real objects. For example, scattered cereals turn into evil insects that begin to haunt the patient.

In addition, delirium tremens is often accompanied by delusions, reflecting ideas that have appeared after hallucinations. In this state, a person can inflict a fatal wound on himself, throw himself under the wheels of a car, or cut his veins.

Stages of delirium

"Squirrel" is classified by experts in three stages:

  1. Korsakov psychosis. It is characterized by frequent mood swings, memory lapses, insomnia. At the same time, brain activity is noticeably reduced.
  2. Psychosis. The patient has no hallucinations, however, groundless suspicions and manic jealousy are traced. Psychosis is a borderline condition fraught with suicidal actions.
  3. Difficult stage. There are convulsions, migraine attacks, neurotic disorders, speech pathology. This is the most serious stage of delirium tremens, often leading to death.

What to do at the first symptoms

When a person has signs of alcoholic delirium, it is necessary to help him even before the ambulance arrives. .

First of all, specialists are called, after which the patient is put to bed, given water with a sleeping pill or sedative. Put an ice pack on your forehead.

If the alcoholic starts to run amok, then he will have to be tied tightly to the bed, because in an inadequate state he can harm the people around him.

Good to know: the patient should not be left alone. It is extremely important to constantly be near a person and keep his condition under control.


Treatment of delirium tremens is carried out in a psychiatric hospital . The therapy includes several successive stages.

Pharmacological treatment is based on the patient's condition and disorders in his body.

First of all, doctors carry out therapy with antidepressants and sedatives that restore healthy sleep.

Further, detoxification measures begin, aimed at removing the remnants of alcohol and its decay products from the body. The intake of minerals, vitamins and useful substances. Then apply tranquilizers and sedative antipsychotics. Rehabilitation of the patient includes sessions of psychotherapy.


Alcohol addiction is dangerous to health, as it causes significant damage normal operation internal organs.

Further prognosis depends on the health of the person and the degree of intoxication.

This means that timely access to doctors and the understanding that delirium is treated with the use of intensive care is of no small importance.

It should be borne in mind that an attack of fever does not pass without a trace. As a result of delirium, the patient develops heart disease, from which it can stop, signs of chronic psychosis appear, and partial amnesia occurs. Often, patients have a variety of pathologies of the liver and kidneys, cases of gastric bleeding are recorded, from which patients die.

Severe consequences can be avoided by avoiding alcohol. After all, there is always a risk of death, which is 10% of all registered cases of delirium tremens.

Watch the video in which the specialist explains the causes of delirium tremens and the features of qualified assistance:

Among those who are susceptible to this disease, there may be not only drunkards, but also healthy people who have taken some kind of alcoholic surrogate, patients with severe central nervous system disease or who have received a head injury. If a person has already suffered psychosis, then in the future the repetition of the situation may be even after taking a small dose of alcohol.

Delirium tremens - 3 stages of the disease!

Unfortunately, there are many myths about alcoholic delirium that are not scientifically substantiated. It is erroneously believed that “catching devils”, as the people say, is possible after drinking large quantities of drinks and overdosing. Do not rush to draw conclusions, deciding that inappropriate human behavior is already psychosis.

In fact, delirium tremens occurs only in chronic patients and only when they are in a sober state. If the disease manifests itself for the first time, then most often doctors put a person in the second stage of alcohol dependence. This means that the patient cannot do either physically or psychologically without alcohol.

There are 3 stages of alcoholic delirium, namely:

  • Korsakov psychosis. The disease does not fully manifest itself. Something begins to oppress the alcoholic, the mood jumps, the dream is upset. The main thing is that memory lapses occur, although a person does not lose his habits and can describe, for example, any events that happened a couple of months or years ago. Only the last few hours or days fall out of memory.
  • Rave. This mild form of psychosis affects many drunkards. True, this is not yet delirium tremens, because. hallucinations are absent. In most cases, an alcoholic falls into a terrible jealousy, begins to suspect everyone of something, comes to the persecution of other people. In some cases, the disorder ends with suicide attempts or aggression.
  • Severe alcoholic delirium. The third stage of psychosis. Almost always, an aggravation occurs 1-4 days after the alcoholic has stopped taking alcohol. It happens that the following signs speak of an approaching delirium tremens: problems with speech, headache attacks, vomiting, convulsions and other “signals” of a neurological disorder.

The most common symptoms of delirium tremens

In most cases, an alcoholic begins to be haunted by an inexplicable fear, a premonition of some kind of misfortune does not leave. Sleep worsens or disappears. Hands may tremble, sweating may increase. Often the pressure, temperature rises, the heartbeat quickens. The face and eyes become red. If a person falls asleep, he sees nightmares, and before falling asleep, he also has hallucinations.

When an alcoholic is awake, reality becomes not much better than terrible dreams: before the onset of delirium tremens, it seems to the patient that someone is ringing the doorbell, calling him, walking, slamming the door ... Every now and then there are visual hallucinations that are noticeable with peripheral vision: a cat or another animal that the alcoholic is usually afraid of.

Further, delirium tremens, the symptoms of which I have described almost completely, attacks the consciousness of the alcoholic even more strongly. A terrible series of vivid hallucinations sets in, so colorful and "real" that a person cannot believe that this is not true. Usually people begin to "see" small insects, animals, fabulous creatures (gnomes, devils, elves) and try to drive them away or shake them off.

What are the signs of alcoholic delirium?

Very often, tactile hallucinations appear when the patient not only sees insects, for example, but also “feels” how they run around the body. Even worse, if an alcoholic begins to hear different voices, which either tease him and call him a drunkard, or call him somewhere, or scare him. At this stage of alcoholic delirium, a person becomes completely inadequate. Hallucinations are individual, although, according to the descriptions of patients, most of the visions coincide.

A person experiencing hallucinations may:

  • run away from monsters or bandits,
  • see corpses everywhere
  • get tangled up in a web
  • crush insects,
  • talk with voices
  • run somewhere
  • scream, etc.

Alcoholics prone to delirium tremens may become overly voluble, recalling events of long ago with such precision that those present are astonished. But now, half an hour passes, and the speech becomes incoherent. Disorders such as persecution mania or unreasonable extreme jealousy are often manifested.

It happens that a person feels like a hero and tries to do strange things that supposedly prove his courage. The patient's condition is not stable. Aggression is easily replaced by good nature, anger - by joy, excitement - by appeasement. During periods of calm, a healthy appetite may even return.

physical torment

During the hours of seizures, the drunkard is overcome by insane physical weakness, sometimes he can barely move around the apartment. Almost always, such a person has to help those who are nearby. The face becomes puffy, turns yellow, the tongue is covered with a white coating (sometimes brown). Pupils are usually very dilated, almost do not show reactions to light.

The facial expressions of the patient evoke compassion, as this creature is going through severe torment. In some cases, the victim understands that something is wrong with him, begins to ask for help, but cannot understand what is the matter, since the line between the abundance of illusions and reality is blurred.

Quite often, relatives of alcoholics say that during the day the disease subsides a bit: a person temporarily behaves as before, and even remembers what he experienced, but the periods of enlightenment do not drag out for a long time. As soon as the night falls, the alcoholic delirium haunts again. Moreover, the one who has been overcome by psychosis is in torment around the clock, as sleep leaves, but hallucinations do not. On average, delirium tremens lasts 3-5 days.

Consequences of delirium tremens

If we talk about severe forms of alcoholic delirium, then the consequences of the disease can be very different: from complete recovery or recovery with the appearance of defects and to death. According to medical statistics, about 10% of alcoholics die every year without treatment, but the worst lies not only in this.

There is also criminal statistics, where we learn that hundreds of domestic murders occur precisely because of delirium tremens. The attacker, being in extreme aggression, is not even able to recognize relatives. Anyone can get under the arm of the patient, and when the alcoholic delirium subsides, the drunkard will not be able to remember what happened.

Almost always, a person who is credited with the third stage of alcohol dependence dies sooner or later. The more often this psychosis occurs, the more likely it is that the next time the patient will not survive. The reason for this is cerebral edema, decomposed liver, disorders of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Treatment of delirium tremens

There is a lot of controversy among medical professionals about whether delirium tremens is treatable or not. Some believe that the disease is curable, others do not believe in a successful outcome for people who drink. Speaking with the utmost honesty, it is rather about alleviating the fate of the patient and about preventing a recurrence of the situation in the future. Delirium tremens is not a disease, but a consequence of years of alcoholism.

Withdrawal from alcoholic delirium should occur gradually and gently. Doctors prescribe complex treatment depending on the patient's condition. First, doctors try to relieve psychomotor agitation and achieve sleep stability, because it is healing. Then comes the turn of detoxification - removing the remains of alcohol and decay products from the body. Hypovitaminosis and hypoxia are also eliminated. Often carried out infusion therapy and restoration of the water-salt balance of the body.

In order for delirium tremens to recede, the patient is prescribed medications such as barbamil with ethyl alcohol, some tranquilizers (phenazepam, elenium, relanium, etc.). You should be very careful when taking sedative antipsychotics, because. they lower blood pressure. Among the popular drugs that can overcome alcoholic delirium, there were also piracetam and diphenhydramine.

Surroundings suffering from alcoholic delirium!

Almost always, delirium tremens, the consequences of which can be the most unpredictable, becomes a disaster not only for the alcoholic, but also for his family, because it is these people who begin to pull a person out of the other world. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then remember this: no matter what emotions you experience in relation to the drinker, someone else's life depends only on your responsibility and compassion.

Approach very seriously to the choice of the attending physician and the dispensary, if possible. It is very important that the specialist competently prescribes a course of treatment, because the patient's body is completely exhausted, there is simply no strength left to restore its own resources. Particular attention at the stage of treatment requires the cardiovascular system, kidneys, esophagus, central nervous system. That is why it is so important to find the right medicines, and not just bring the alcoholic to consciousness.

The first time after a person has had delirium tremens, he must constantly be under the supervision of medical staff. Then, when consciousness returns to normal, the patient will need psychological help and support from relatives. There are even jokes about alcoholic delirium, but there is nothing funny about this terrible disease.

Be vigilant: beware yourself and fight for your loved ones if they are captured by alcohol! may be different, but the symptoms are almost always the same.

In most cases, delirium tremens is very easy to identify. But the patient cannot diagnose himself. He believes that his inadequate behavior is quite normal. The sick person may react aggressively if told that he is sick.

In medicine, delirium tremens is called alcoholic delirium. In the people it can be called a squirrel. Very often about a person who has developed delirium tremens, they say that he "caught a squirrel"

The disease most often manifests itself against the background of alcoholism as a result of prolonged binges. It is less common in people who once drank a large amount of alcoholic beverages. In exceptional cases - with a single dose of a small amount of alcoholic beverages.

The most common first symptom of delirium tremens is the patient's complaints of insects crawling around him and over his body. At the same time, when examining a person, no beetles and spiders are found.

If at the first stage no measures are taken, then the patient begins to hear voices that in every possible way mock him and insult him.

If relatives do not call specialists, then the situation is aggravated. The alcoholic begins to see various creatures, bandits, corpses, animals that pursue him and try to harm him.

A person can see anything, but with delirium tremens, the presence of hallucinations is a mandatory symptom.

In addition to hallucinations, a person who has gone on a drinking binge can become very talkative. His behavior changes quite drastically. To his loved ones, he can sharply recall a situation that happened many years ago. In this case, the accuracy of memories will be very high. If you recognize delirium tremens at this stage, you can avoid many negative consequences.

Another symptom may be a sharp manifestation of feelings of jealousy towards those people on whom the patient was previously indifferent. As a result, an alcoholic can commit rash and dangerous acts. In his opinion, this will speak of masculinity and heroism. In fact, it can cause the danger of harm to yourself and others.

For a person suffering from delirium tremens, sharp mood swings are characteristic: good nature, joy and peace can at one moment be replaced by aggression, anger and hatred.

If the patient is not provided with qualified medical care, then the result of delirium tremens may be a heart attack, stroke, cirrhosis of the liver, coma. A patient with alcoholic delirium can inflict fatal injuries due to hallucinations to himself and others.

Every third person who had delirium tremens suffers from pneumonia.

The most common outcome of delirium tremens is death. But the transition of the disease to a chronic form is also possible. The patient may become permanently demented. A person cannot remember elementary things. For example, the name of the doctor who treats the patient, the season, the day of the week, and even the year. The most terrifying thing about all this is that this process is irreversible.

A patient with delirium tremens has the following symptoms:

  1. The skin becomes pale. That is why the disease acquired such a name.
  2. A person's temperature can rise up to 40°C.
  3. The patient has hand tremor.
  4. The feeling of chills may be replaced by excessive sweating. At the same time, people around you can smell a specific smell.
  5. The patient's heartbeat is fast. The pressure is rising.
  6. Having made an ultrasound, you can see that the liver is enlarged.

Also in the patient's blood tests, the following changes will be visible:

  1. Increasing the concentration of nitrogen in the blood.
  2. The acid-base balance in the body of a patient with delirium tremens is shifted towards acidity.
  3. Marked increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
  4. Typical formation of leukocytosis.

White fever has several types. Each has its own course of symptoms.

  1. Classic white fever. Symptoms appear gradually, smoothly moving from one stage to another.
  2. Atypical delirium tremens is a recurrence of delirium. Externally, the disease is very much like schizophrenia.
  3. Lucid delirium. The disease differs from others in that its onset is very acute. Instead of auditory and visual hallucinations, the patient has increased anxiety, coordination disorder and tremor of the limbs. The patient is characterized by unreasonable fear.
  4. Abortive delirium tremens manifests itself in the form of fragmentary hallucinations. The patient may suddenly have crazy ideas, the essence of which is clear to him alone.
  5. Occupational delirium is initially very similar to the classical form. But when the stage of hallucinations comes, the patient is dominated by repetitive actions and movements. Often they resemble the professional duties of the sick person.
  6. Muttering delirium most often develops after other forms of the disease. The patient's condition is close to lethal. He practically cannot walk. And lying on the bed, he mumbles something, rubs himself with his hands or tries to drive non-existent insects from the body. If emergency services are not called urgently, the patient is likely to die.

What are the signs of delirium tremens in men

It is men who are more prone to delirium tremens on the background of alcohol intake. This is due to several factors:

  1. Alcoholism is more common in men than in women.
  2. The male psyche is more susceptible to change.
  3. Contribute to the emergence of acute alcoholic psychosis may be the presence of traumatic brain injury, which is also more typical for the stronger sex.

In addition to all the standard signs, men may experience a sharp loss of interest in alcohol. In some cases, even a feeling of complete disgust for alcoholic beverages is possible. Against the background of the development of delirium tremens, the patient may develop insomnia, followed by nightmares. Also, a man with delirium tremens is very prone to mood swings. There may be a sharp increase in arousal.

What are the signs of delirium tremens in women

If a woman has delirium tremens, it will be somewhat more difficult to treat her. This is due to the form of alcohol dependence in women. Unlike men, in women addiction is formed very quickly and has not only a physical but also a psychological character.

In addition to all the above symptoms, women may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Noise in ears.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Dehydration of the body.
  5. Cramps in the limbs at night.

If the native and loved one this disease has arisen, it is immediately necessary to call an ambulance team and place the patient in a medical facility. There he will be offered qualified medical assistance. At home, treatment can only worsen the situation and lead to terrible consequences.

Treatments for delirium tremens

If after a long drinking, against the background of withdrawal syndrome, a person has hallucinations, then relatives should urgently call an ambulance. This will be the first step towards recovery.

The patient will have to be assigned to a psychiatric hospital. Treatment will be comprehensive. First, the patient is relieved of the symptoms of insomnia, tremors, irritability, and alcohol intoxication is reduced.

Doctors will act in two directions at once: somatic treatment and restoration of the patient's psyche. Doctors need to normalize the water-salt balance in the patient's body.

Delirium tremens can affect the patient's liver, kidneys, heart and respiratory organs. Therefore, doctors prescribe drugs to restore these organs. To prevent myocardial infarction, doctors prescribe Korglikon and Niketamide. To prevent the formation of cerebral edema, as a rule, the diuretic Lasix is ​​prescribed.

The patient is injected with vitamin C and B in large doses. Sedatives, including benzodiazepines, are also used. If the patient has a history of convulsions, then the patient must additionally use antiepileptic drugs. In some cases, in order to better eliminate psychosis in a patient, Carbamazepine is used. But if alcoholic delirium is present in the patient in severe form, then this drug is contraindicated.

What to do if a loved one has delirium tremens?

Initially, you need to call an ambulance and call the brigade. But when emergency care is on the way, you should try to calm the patient as much as possible. It would be ideal if he could be put to bed.

If a person shows aggression, attacks others or tries to injure himself, then he must be tied up. It is imperative to remove away all objects with which a person can harm himself or others.

As a rule, during delirium tremens, the patient is diagnosed with dehydration. Therefore, it is important not to forget to give the patient clean water to drink. It must be kept cool. To do this, you can put a damp towel on his forehead.

The patient needs to calm down. You can also do this with herbs. For example, with the help of infusion of mint, lemon balm or chamomile decoction. It is important that the patient does not have an allergy to these drugs.

The abuse of alcoholic products causes the appearance of many diseases that pose a danger to human life. One of them is delirium tremens, which in the "medical language" is called alcoholic delirium. Many people know about this disease from comedy films, anecdotes and humorous stories, but the real manifestation of this disease is much more terrible than it is described by comedians. The advanced form of the disease and the lack of timely assistance can lead to the development of edema in the brain area and death. In this article, we will analyze how delirium tremens manifests itself, the symptoms and consequences, how long people with this diagnosis live.

Delirium tremens (alcoholic delirium) is the most common type of alcoholic psychosis

How does the "squirrel" appear

Many people mistakenly assume that this disease develops while drinking alcohol. In reality, the symptoms characteristic of this disease appear in people during an abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption, when leaving a state of binge. The name "delirium" is translated from Latin as "shaking cloudiness". With the help of this term, the clinical picture characteristic of the disease is most accurately characterized. The main symptoms of delirium tremens are tremor and clouding of consciousness.

When analyzing the question of what delirium tremens is, one should pay attention to the fact that the risk group includes people who have a significant experience in drinking strong drinks. In just five percent of cases, the symptoms of the disease are observed in people who have previously consumed alcohol in moderate doses. In the situation under consideration, the symptoms characteristic of the "squirrel" develop due to severe poisoning of the internal organs, the decay products of alcohol.

This disease can manifest itself regardless of gender or age of the alcoholic. However, women are much less likely to suffer from delirium than men. Experts explain this fact by the fact that men are much more likely than women to go into alcoholic binges.

Who is at risk

The risk group prone to the development of the syndrome of psychosis in an acute form against the background of alcohol use includes alcoholics with a long history. Most often, this pathology is observed in people who have the second or third stage of alcoholism. According to experts, delirium develops in people who abuse alcohol for more than ten years. Symptoms of "squirrels" appear against the background of a complete rejection of alcohol after a binge that lasts several weeks. Much less often, this disease manifests itself in people who do not suffer from alcohol dependence.

The appearance of delirium tremens can be caused by the influence of factors such as:

  1. Vivid emotional shock and being in constant stress.
  2. Poisoning with low-quality alcoholic beverages.

In addition, there are certain factors that increase the risk of developing this disease. These factors include the presence of traumatic brain injuries and diseases affecting the central nervous system. In addition, there is a risk of relapse in people who have previously experienced an episode of alcoholic delirium.

In the vast majority of cases, delirium tremens occurs in the first 3 days of stopping alcohol abuse.

Why does delirium tremens appear

Before talking about what to do with delirium tremens at home, let's find out the reasons for the formation of this disease. Most often, the "squirrel" manifests itself in sober people who have abruptly come out of a long binge. The pathology under consideration is a kind of reaction human body to the exclusion of ethanol from metabolic processes. As a result of prolonged use of alcohol, the products of the breakdown of alcohol are built into metabolic processes, against which there is an increased resistance to intoxication. Drawing an analogy, this state can be equated with the withdrawal of drug addicts in the absence of narcotic drugs.

Prolonged use of alcohol without a break leads to a glut of the body with the decay products of alcohol.

Against the background of severe poisoning with toxins, abstinence is observed, accompanied by bouts of vomiting. The appearance of these symptoms forces a person to stop drinking alcohol. A few days after the abrupt exit from the binge, the appearance of symptoms characteristic of delirium is observed. Drunk frenzy and a constant increase in toxins in the body, leads to damage to internal organs and certain parts of the brain. The lack of ethanol in the blood leads to the development of acute psychosis. The probability of developing a "squirrel" after a sharp exit from binge is about fifty percent. Most often, delirium manifests itself under the influence of factors such as the presence of problems with mental and physical health.

Possible Complications

After we have dealt with the question of what alcoholic delirium is, let's move on to the possible complications of this pathology. The danger of delirium tremens lies in the fact that after the removal of the attack, the patient manifests various mental disorders. Despite the fact that quite often there is a complete recovery, there is a high probability of disability and death. Some patients have various mental abnormalities in the presence of physical problems during the development of the syndrome. The severity of possible complications depends not only on physical health person, but also from the methods that were used to get out of the binge. In addition, hereditary predisposition and the presence of mental disorders should be taken into account.

severe forms delirium tremens can have dangerous consequences for the patient's body

The consequences of the "squirrel" can manifest itself in the form of violations of the internal organs and the vascular system. In addition, there is a high probability of cerebral edema and a violation of the alkaline, acid and water-salt balances in the body. There is also a risk of developing diseases such as:

  • pneumonia;
  • anemia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • psychosis, which has a chronic form.

In order to reduce the risk of negative consequences, delirium therapy should be started as early as possible. Timely treatment can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of alcoholic delirium after binge are expressed in different ways and depend on the duration of the binge. At a certain point, the alcoholic's drinking ends with the fact that a person develops an acute aversion to alcohol. Not only the desire disappears, but also the physical need to drink. Along with this, the patient has sharp changes in mood. Joy and carelessness are replaced by anxiety and causeless fear. Developing depression and apathy can lead to suicide attempts.

The patient has the appearance of tremors, sleep disturbances and unreasonable anxiety. Constant nightmares, one of the causes of insomnia and a feeling of constant fear for one's own life. At a certain stage in the development of the disease, attacks of sound and visual hallucinations are observed. Lack of medical attention at this stage can lead to more spectacular and realistic attacks. How many days delirium tremens lasts depends on both the physical and mental state of the patient. Some people have hallucinatory attacks that last for several days.

The constant progress of these symptoms leads to the fact that the patient has a fear of leaving the house. In this state, the alcoholic is dangerous not only for himself, but also for his immediate environment. In order to help the patient, you should call as soon as possible ambulance, and put the alcoholic in a specialized clinic for treatment. The development of delirium tremens is accompanied by such symptoms as: attacks of hallucination, disorientation, attacks of insanity, a rapid increase in blood pressure and body temperature. To these symptoms should be added a feeling of anxiety, sleep problems, panic attacks and tremors of the limbs.

According to medical statistics, without treatment, about 10% of alcoholics die from "squirrels" every year.

Varieties of manifestation of alcoholic delirium

Before talking about treatment methods, let's look at how delirium manifests itself in various forms. The typical syndrome is characterized by a gradual onset and progressive development of symptoms. The lucid type of fever has an acute onset and differs from other forms of the disease in the absence of attacks of hallucinations. Most often, patients with this type of disease experience panic attacks, an unreasonable feeling of fear, and problems with coordination.

Signs of delirium tremens in male alcoholics can be expressed by fragmentary delirium and fragmentary attacks of hallucination. These symptoms are characteristic of the abortive form of the disease. Key Features This type of illness lies in the fact that the patient has a chance for a full recovery, without catastrophic consequences for the psyche. But here it should be mentioned that delay in providing medical care can lead to the transition of the disease to more complex stages.

The professional form of the disease is characterized by the fact that the patient is dominated by repetitive movements, which often completely copy the performance of professional duties. This type of illness has a calm course, with no attacks of delirium and hallucinations.

The muttering form of the disease is one of the complications of other types of the pathology under consideration. During bouts of clouding of consciousness, problems with orientation in space and somatovegetative disorders are observed. The patient is constantly talking to himself and repeating the same sequence of actions. This form of the disease is one of the signs of cerebral edema and possible death. With an atypical type of pathology, symptoms similar to schizophrenia are observed. This form of "squirrel" is most often a recurrence of a previously transferred syndrome.

Stages of disease development

The effectiveness and result of the therapy performed directly depend on the stage of the disease development. Experts distinguish three main stages in the development of the disease. With a threatening fever, the symptoms of the disease are more characteristic of the withdrawal syndrome. The clinical picture characteristic of delirium itself at this stage is mild. The alcoholic is still aware of his personality, and all the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves only as a form of disorientation in time and space. Body temperature rarely exceeds normal values. This stage of the disease is completely reversible. It should also be noted that the disease can disappear on its own, without the intervention of specialists.

Alcoholic delirium occurs during prolonged drinking

The completed stage of the disease has its own distinctive features. All the symptoms characteristic of the "squirrel" has a strong severity. The patient is observed: an increase in blood pressure, rapid breathing, attacks of shortness of breath, delirium and hallucinations. At this stage of the disease, the patient needs emergency medical care, as there is a high probability of developing a more dangerous form of the disease. The life-threatening stage of the patient is characterized by an increase in the severity of somatic symptoms.

Lethargy, reduced response to external stimuli and a sharp drop in blood pressure only worsen the situation. Depression of consciousness can lead to coma and subsequent death. Quite often, patients at this stage experience irreversible damage to internal organs. Decompensation most often ends in the death of the patient.

Treatment Methods

If you are interested in how to treat delirium tremens at home, then you should say in advance that self-treatment of this disease is impossible. Attempts to help the patient on their own can cause an unforeseen reaction of the body and end in death.

That is why the treatment of alcoholic delirium should be carried out in a clinical setting by an experienced specialist. In order to relieve the syndrome, doctors detoxify the body and normalize the functioning of internal organs. Comprehensive treatment of delirium tremens includes the use of nootropics, intravenous glucose injections, saline solutions and others. medicines. In addition, the method of formed diuresis, plasmapheresis and vitamin therapy is used.